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Modern Man in Search of a Soul

Philosophy 14 (54):241-241 (1939)

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  1. The relational self: An interpersonal social-cognitive theory.Susan M. Andersen & Serena Chen - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (4):619-645.
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  • Cognitive Conflict and Well-Being Among Muslim Clergy.Üzeyir Ok - 2009 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 31 (2):151-176.
    This paper surveys the relationship between Clergy Vocational Conflict, cognitive conflict and psychological well-being in a sample of 178 Muslim clergy in Turkey. It was found that Clergy Vocational Conflict is accompanied by religious conflict and Quest. Those who experienced Clergy Vocational Conflict and religious conflict suffered from poor psychological well-being. Quest, which does not affect psychological well-being, and religious conflict, which adversely affects it, are more common among the younger stratum of the sample. However, well-being prevails among the older (...)
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  • From a Phenomenology of the Subject to a Phenomenology of the Event: Reconstructing the Ontological Basis for a Phenomenological Psychology.Rune L. Mølbak - 2012 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 43 (2):185-215.
    In this paper I make the argument that being phenomenologically faithful to human experience means broadening the scope of the phenomenological method to not only include subjective experiences. Instead of reducing the psychological study of phenomena to the subject who ‘has’ an experience and who makes sense of this experience according to his or her own goal-directed plans, I will introduce the idea of starting our research from an understanding of an experience that is more original than the subject who (...)
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  • Dimensions in the Problem of Loneliness: a Phenomenological Approach in Social Psychology.William A. Sadler - 1978 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 9 (1):157-187.
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  • Uncertainty in clinical practice — Lessons from waiting for Godot.R. L. Logan - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):309-313.
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  • The reinterpretation of dreams: An evolutionary hypothesis of the function of dreaming.Antti Revonsuo - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):877-901.
    Several theories claim that dreaming is a random by-product of REM sleep physiology and that it does not serve any natural function. Phenomenal dream content, however, is not as disorganized as such views imply. The form and content of dreams is not random but organized and selective: during dreaming, the brain constructs a complex model of the world in which certain types of elements, when compared to waking life, are underrepresented whereas others are over represented. Furthermore, dream content is consistently (...)
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  • Arquetipos Morales: ética prehistoria-pe.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2024 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    Pe tradición filosófica umi enfoque moral rehegua oñemopyenda predominantemente umi concepto ha teoría metafísica ha teológica-pe. Umi concepto tradicional ética rehegua apytépe, ojehecharamovéva ha’e Teoría de Comando Divino (TCD). TCD he’iháicha, Ñandejára ome’ẽ pyenda moral yvypórape ojejapo guive ha umi revelación rupive. Péicha, pe moralidad ha divinidad ndojeseparái va’erãmo’ã pe civilización mombyryvéva guive. Ko'ã concepto oime sumergido peteî estructura teológica ha oasepta principalmente mayoría umi omoirûva mbohapy tradición abrahámica: judaísmo, cristianismo ha islam, oimehápe parte considerable población humana. Oñongatúvo jerovia ha (...)
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  • Entheogens and Sacred Psychology.Samuel Bendeck Sotillos - 2024 - Spirituality Studies 10 (1):41-68.
    The psychedelic renaissance did not emerge from a void. While a tremendous upswell of interest in psychedelics can be observed today, there is scant acknowledgment of the current spiritual crisis that has led to this burgeoning enthusiasm. Having lost our sense of the sacred, we have—with disastrous consequences—become alienated from ourselves, others, and the natural environment. Secular psychotherapy and psychiatry have failed to address the myriad mental health problems that are prevalent right now, which has compelled people to desperately look (...)
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  • Archetipi morali: etica nella preistoria.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2024 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    Gli approcci della tradizione filosofica alla morale si fondano prevalentemente su concetti e teorie metafisiche e teologiche. Tra i concetti etici tradizionali, il più importante è la Teoria del Comando Divino (DCT). Secondo la DCT, Dio dà fondamenti morali all’umanità attraverso la sua creazione e attraverso la Rivelazione. Moralità e Divinità sono inseparabili fin dalle civiltà più remote. Questi concetti si inseriscono in un quadro teologico e sono accettati principalmente dalla maggior parte dei seguaci delle tre tradizioni abramitiche: ebraismo, cristianesimo (...)
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  • Моральные архетипы: этика в доистории.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2023 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    Философские, традиционные подходы к морали в основном основаны на метафизических и теологических концепциях и теориях. Среди традиционных концепций этики наиболее заметной является теория божественного повеления (DCT). Согласно DCT, Бог дает человечеству моральные основы через его творение и откровение. Мораль и божественность были неразделимы со времен самой далекой цивилизации. Эти концепции укладываются в теологические рамки и в основном принимаются большинством последователей трех авраамических традиций: иудаизма, христианства и ислама: наиболее значительной части человеческого населения. Теории Божественного повеления основываются на вере и откровении и (...)
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  • Moralische Archetypen: Ethik in der Vorgeschichte.Roberto Arruda Thomas - 2023 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    Die philosophischen, traditionellen Ansätze zur Moral beruhen hauptsächlich auf metaphysischen und theologischen Konzepten und Theorien. Unter den traditionellen Ethikkonzepten ist die göttliche Befehlstheorie die prominenteste (DCT). Gemäß der DCT gibt Gott der Menschheit moralische Grundlagen durch ihre Schöpfung und durch Offenbarung. Moral und Göttlichkeit sind seit der fernsten Zivilisation untrennbar. Diese Konzepte tauchen in einen theologischen Rahmen ein und werden hauptsächlich von den meisten Anhängern der drei abrahamitischen Traditionen angenommen: Judentum, Christentum und Islam: dem bedeutendsten Teil der menschlichen Bevölkerung. Die (...)
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  • The Adinkra Game: An Intercultural Communicative and Philosophical Praxis.Kofi Dorvlo & A. S. C. A. Muijen - 2021 - In Kofi Dorvlo & A. S. C. A. Muijen (eds.), Cultures at School and at Home. Rauma, Finland: pp. 32.
    In 2020, an international team of intercultural philosophers and African linguists created a multilinguistic game named Adinkra. This name refers to a medieval rooted symbolic language in Ghana that is actively used by the Akan and especially the Asante among them to communicate indirectly. The Akan is both the meta-ethnic name of the largest Ghanaian cultural-linguistic group of which the Asante is an Akan cultural subgroup and of a Central Tano language of which Asante-Twi is a dialect. The Adinkra symbols, (...)
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  • Homo Philosophicus: Reflections on the Nature and Function of Philosophical Thought.Said Mikki - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (3):77.
    The philosopher is a fundamental mode of existence of the human being, yet it is experienced only by a minority, an elite. Those constitute, among themselves, a subspecies of Homo sapiens that is sometimes dubbed Homo philosophicus. Our goal here is to investigate, in depth, the philosophical foundations of this ontological-anthropological concept. We analyze the concept of the philosopher into three basic components: the thinker, the artist, and the mathematician, arguing that the three fundamentally participate in maintaining the operation of (...)
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  • Viewing Meaningful Work Through the Lens of Time.Francesco Tommasi, Andrea Ceschi & Riccardo Sartori - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:585274.
    Authors have paid considerable attention to how to define the meaningful work construct. This has led to providing comprehensive definitions in the light of different theoretical frameworks that reflect a degree of contestation within the field. Several of them have proposed definitions linked to the individuals’ pervasive sense of the value of their work. Others have offered descriptions centred on their temporal, episodic nature and emphasising the individual’s occasional work experience. These definitions reflected a potential temporal condition as well as (...)
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  • Moral Archetypes - Ethics in Prehistory.Roberto Arruda - 2019 - Terra à Vista - ISBN-10: 1698168292 ISBN-13: 978-1698168296.
    ABSTRACT The philosophical tradition approaches to morals have their grounds predominantly on metaphysical and theological concepts and theories. Among the traditional ethics concepts, the most prominent is the Divine Command Theory (DCT). As per the DCT, God gives moral foundations to the humankind by its creation and through Revelation. Morality and Divinity are inseparable since the most remote civilization. These concepts submerge in a theological framework and are largely accepted by most followers of the three Abrahamic traditions: Judaism, Christianity, and (...)
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  • Psychology of Mystical Experience: Muḥammad and Siddhārtha.Abdulla Galadari - 2019 - Anthropology of Consciousness 30 (2):152-178.
    A comparison between Muḥammad and Siddhārtha’s psychological states is made to identify how they had their mystical experiences and how their presuppositions and personalities shaped their interpretation of these experiences. Muḥammad’s mystical experience appeared to be based on an altered state of consciousness. Siddhārtha’s teachings include that one must not have blind faith and remain open to various truths. These teachings may reflect that he was high in openness to experience, which may have fortified him from becoming delusional. While mystical (...)
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  • Analytic Idealism: A consciousness-only ontology.Bernardo Kastrup - 2019 - Dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen
    This thesis articulates an analytic version of the ontology of idealism, according to which universal phenomenal consciousness is all there ultimately is, everything else in nature being reducible to patterns of excitation of this consciousness. The thesis’ key challenge is to explain how the seemingly distinct conscious inner lives of different subjects—such as you and me—can arise within this fundamentally unitary phenomenal field. Along the way, a variety of other challenges are addressed, such as: how we can reconcile idealism with (...)
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  • There Is an ‘Unconscious,’ but It May Well Be Conscious.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Europe's Journal of Psychology 13 (3):559-572.
    Depth psychology finds empirical validation today in a variety of observations that suggest the presence of causally effective mental processes outside conscious experience. I submit that this is due to misinterpretation of the observations: the subset of consciousness called “meta-consciousness” in the literature is often mistaken for consciousness proper, thereby artificially creating space for an “unconscious.” The implied hypothesis is that all mental processes may in fact be conscious, the appearance of unconsciousness arising from our dependence on self-reflective introspection for (...)
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  • The poetics, politics and writing of memory.Robert Keith Percival - unknown
    The overall aim of the composite thesis is the critical examination of the poetics and politics of memory, particularly in the extended role of the ekphrasis in literature. The creative work A Strange Chinese Tale draws on theoretical elements from Debord, Deleuze, Lefebvre, and Baudrillard, and provides a narrative for the post-modern political and cultural landscape of contemporary China, in relation to the individual’s search for a sense of belonging. The exegesis The Poetics, Politics and Writing of Memory argues for (...)
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  • Making sense of soul and sabbath brain processes and making of meaning.James B. Ashbrook - 1992 - Zygon 27 (1):31-49.
    Making sense of soul and Sabbath necessitates understanding these phenomena experientially and then suggesting “biochemical” or empirical analogues. Soul, which is defined as the core or essence of a person (or group), includes a working memory of personally purposeful behavior. The states of the soul are reflected in the states of the mind and their physiological correlates-the states of the brain. Such uniqueness appears similar to the biblical cycle of creation-Sabbath-consciousness and its analogue in the biorhythm of brain-mind-that is, waking (...)
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  • A theologian's typology for science and religion.David J. Zehnder - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):84-104.
    Abstract: A 1991 article by psychologist John D. Carter offers an underdeveloped insight that typologies for relating science and religion might be fruitfully formulated in discipline-specific perspectives. This essay thus covers a specifically theological perspective only briefly outlined in Carter, and it expands four models that theologians have used to relate religion and science. This essay renames these models and expands their implications, especially for addressing the behavioral sciences. (1) The contrarian model generally opposes science, (2) the apologetic makes theology (...)
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  • Editorial: COVID-19 and Existential Positive Psychology (PP2.0): The New Science of Self-Transcendence.Paul T. P. Wong, Claude-Hélène Mayer & Gökmen Arslan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  • Matter and psyche: Lewis Mumford's appropriation of Marx and Jung in his appraisal of the condition of man in technological civilization.Adam Green - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (3):33-64.
    The aim of this article is to draw attention to the breadth and importance of Mumford's philosophical outlook by exploring his critical appropriation of the theories of Marx and Jung which he employed to create a penetrating, visionary collection of works that offer us a powerful and timely insight into the ills besetting our current technological civilization. Mumford partially accepted Marx's matter–psyche dynamic but expanded it to include architecture, technology and urban planning. He surpassed the one-way process of Marxist historical-economic (...)
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  • Conjectures on the dynamics of secrecy and the secrets business.Mark N. Wexler - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (6):469 - 480.
    This paper provides an analysis of the dynamics of secrecy and the secrets business. Secrets are defined as bits of information that, for one reason or another, are kept hidden or controlled so as to elude attention, observation or comprehension. Three conceptual lenses — the micro-analytic focusing on self-deception, the social-psychological focusing on self-disclosure, and the macro-analytic focusing on public secrets — are probed. Secrecy at each of the three levels is revealed to be a janusfaced issue providing undeniable benefits (...)
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  • Sociological theory and Jungian psychology.Gavin Walker - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (1):52-74.
    In this article I seek to relate the psychology of Carl Jung to sociological theory, specifically Weber. I first present an outline of Jungian psychology. I then seek to relate this as psychology to Weber’s interpretivism. I point to basic methodological compatibilities within a Kantian frame, from which emerge central concerns with the factors limiting rationality. These generate the conceptual frameworks for parallel enquiries into the development and fate of rationality in cultural history. Religion is a major theme here: contrasts (...)
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  • Auricular Confession: the Celtic Gift to the Church.Peter Tyler - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (3):67-79.
    This article traces the evolution of auricular confession from its origins in the spiritual diakresis in the early desert tradition and argues that through the Celtic churches of Northern Europe the practice is introduced into the Western Church culminating in the decrees of the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. By developing the desert tradition of diakresis it will be argued that the Celtic system triumphed because of its stronger psychological verisimilitude compared to the Southern Mediterranean traditions of public one-off penance.
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  • Thoughts on the psychobiology of religion and the neurobiology of archetypal experience.Anthony Stevens - 1986 - Zygon 21 (1):9-29.
    There is good reason to suppose that religious belief and ritual are manifestations of the archetypal blueprint for human existence encoded in the genetic structure of our species. As a consequence, religion has become a focus of study for psychobiologists and neuroscientists. However, scientific explanations of religious experience do not “explain away” such experience nor are they substitutes for the experience itself. On the contrary, scientific discoveries may be seen as corroboration of religious insights into the unus mundus, the essential (...)
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  • The Big Five and Organizational Virtue.Dennis J. Moberg - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2):245-272.
    Abstract:Recent developments in personality research point to an alchemy of character composed of five elements: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. This paper surveys this research for its implications to the study of the virtues in organizational ethics. After subjecting each of these five character traits to several tests as to what constitutes a virtue, the empirical evidence supports an organizational virtue of agreeableness and an organizational virtue of conscientiousness. Although the empirical evidence falls short, an argument is (...)
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  • Romanticizing the Tribe: Stereotypes in Literary Portraits of Tribal Cultures.Sura P. Rath - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (148):61-77.
    Every civilized society treasures through its folk tales and folk myths the elements of its native tribal life as points of cultural reference. The tribe not only acts as a foil to our culture, but also sustains its very being and gauges the degree of progress and change in the civilization that we uphold. This interdependence has a vital force: insofar as civilized societies define themselves by the distance they have built up between themselves and their respective primitive societies, a (...)
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  • Shaman/Scientist: Jungian Insights for the Anthropological Study of Religion.Karen A. Smyers - 2001 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 29 (4):475-490.
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  • Some consequences of current scientific treatments of consciousness and selfhood.Se�N. � Nuall�in - 1994 - AI and Society 8 (4):305-314.
    For a variety of reasons, consciousness and selfhood are beginning once again to be intensively studied in a scientific frame of reference. The notions of each which are emerging are extremely varied: in the case of selfhood, the lack of an adequate vocabulary to capture various aspects of subjectivity has led to deep confusion. The task of the first part of this article is to clear up this terminological confusion, while salvaging whatever is valuable from the contemporary discussion. The more (...)
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  • Responsibility, ethics, and leadership: an Indian study.Sunita Singh Sengupta & Damini Saini - 2016 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 5 (1 - 2):97-109.
    This paper signifies the inevitability of the responsible practices of leadership into the relation with the subordinates in the Indian organizations. The theme of this study revolves around the responsibility and ethical approach of the top management which directly or indirectly influence the job-related attitudinal behavior of employees. To analyze it empirically, a questionnaire is designed and 138 middle-level managers from four private sector telecom companies in India rated their superiors on 11 items of leadership scale. This study used internal (...)
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  • The Man Who Mistook his Handlung for a Tat: Hegel on Oedipus and Other Tragic Thebans.Constantine Sandis - 2010 - Hegel Bulletin 31 (2):35-60.
    Throughout his work Hegel distinguishes between the notion of an act from the standpoint of the agent and that of all other standpoints. He terms the formerHandlung and the latterTat. This distinction should not be confused with the contemporary one between action andmerebodily movement. For one, bothHandlungandTatare aspects of conduct that results from the will,viz. Tun. Moreover, Hegel's taxonomy is motivated purely by concerns relating to modes of perception. So whereas theorists such as Donald Davidson assert thatallactions are events that (...)
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  • Positive Psychology: Looking Back and Looking Forward.Carol D. Ryff - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Envisioning the future of positive psychology requires looking at its past. To that end, I first review prior critiques of PP to underscore that certain early problems have persisted over time. I then selectively examine recent research to illustrate progress in certain areas as well as draw attention to recurrent problems. Key among them is promulgation of poorly constructed measures of well-being and reliance on homogeneous, privileged research samples. Another concern is the commercialization of PP, which points to the need (...)
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  • (1 other version)Jung and the Soul Of Education (at the ‘Crunch’).Susan Rowland - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (1):6-17.
    C. G. Jung offers education a unique perspective of the dilemma of collective social demands versus individual needs. Indeed, so radical and profound is his vision of the learning psyche as collectively embedded, that it addresses the current crisis over the demand for utilitarian higher education. Hence post‐Jungian educationalists can develop creative classroom strategies, for example in the United States, Canada and Brazil. The article revises two Jungian ideas in order to teach literature by promoting personal and social growth. By (...)
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  • (1 other version)Jung and the Soul of Education (at the ‘Crunch’).Susan Rowland - 2012 - In Inna Semetsky (ed.), Jung and Educational Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–11.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction: Education and Controversy Jung on Education and Bloodsucking Ghosts The Educated Soul and Nature: Robert Romanyshyn and Jerome Bernstein Post‐Jungians in the Classroom Jungian Educational Practice in the University Jungian Education in Schools Healing Fiction as Classroom Practice: Visionary and Psychological Reading of Mansfield Park by Jane Austen References.
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  • Psychology and the Churches in Britain 1919-39: symptoms of conversion.Graham Richards - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (2):57-84.
    The encounter between the Christian Churches and Psychology has, for all its evident cultural importance, received little attention from disciplinary historians. During the period between the two world wars in Britain this encounter was particularly visible and, as it turned out, for the most part relatively amicable. Given their ostensive rivalry this is, on the face of it, somewhat surprising. Closer examination, however, reveals a substantial convergence and congruence of interests between them within the prevailing cultural climate, and considerable overlapping (...)
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  • Preventing mental disorder and promoting mental health: some implications for understanding wellbeing.David Pilgrim - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (5):557-573.
    In this paper, I consider the debates surrounding the prevention of mental disorder and the promotion of mental health. In so doing, I offer some provisional insights into the wider notion of wellb...
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  • Measuring Counterintuitiveness in Supernatural Agent Dream Imagery.Andreas Nordin & Pär Bjälkebring - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:465201.
    The present article tests counterintuitiveness theory and methodology in relation to religious dream imagery using data on religious dream content. The endeavor adopts a “fractionated” or “piecemeal” approach where supernatural agent (SA) cognition is held to be a pivotal building block of purportedly religious dreaming. Such supernaturalistic conceptualizations manifests in a cognitive environment of dream simulation processes, threat detection and violation of basic conceptual categorization characterized by counterintuitiveness. By addressing SA cognitions as constituents of allegedly religious dream imagery, additional theorizing (...)
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  • (1 other version)Aesthetic Theory and the Philosophy of Nature.Said Mikki - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (3):56.
    We investigate the fundamental relationship between philosophical aesthetics and the philosophy of nature, arguing for a position in which the latter encompasses the former. Two traditions are set against each other, one is natural aesthetics, whose covering philosophy is Idealism, and the other is the aesthetics of nature, the position defended in this article, with the general program of a comprehensive philosophy of nature as its covering theory. Our approach is philosophical, operating within the framework of the ontology of the (...)
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  • Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a Revised Death Transcendence Scale.Nore Gjolaj & Douglas A. MacDonald - 2011 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (1):79-91.
    Using a sample of 296 university students, this study examined the reliability and factorial validity of the Death Transcendence Scale using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Reliability analyses found that with the exclusion of one item from the Nature subscale, all five DTS subscales showed satisfactory reliability. A CFA completed to test the goodness of fit of a correlated five-factor model produced mostly positive support for the test, though there were some indications of poor fit. Initial revisions to the model did not (...)
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  • Psycho-discursive constructions of narrative in archetypal storytelling: a discourse-mythological approach.Darren Kelsey - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (3):332-348.
    Narrative construction is a discursive practice: storytellers draw on the language, signs and symbols of their culture to provide meaning through stories. Stories that reflect the values, ideals an...
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  • The psychology of religion, ideology and state power.Laurie M. Johnson - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):511-516.
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  • Sándor Ferenczi and the problem of telepathy.Júlia Gyimesi - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):131-148.
    Sándor Ferenczi, the great representative of the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis, had a lifelong interest in psychical phenomena. Although his ideas on the psychoanalytical understanding of spiritualistic phenomena and telepathy were not developed theories, they had a strong influence on some representatives of psychoanalysis, and thus underlay the psychoanalytic interpretation of telepathy. Ferenczi’s ideas on telepathy were interwoven with his most important technical and theoretical innovations. Thus Ferenczi’s thoughts on telepathy say a lot about his psychoanalytical thinking and attitudes, and (...)
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  • Epilepsy and religiosity: A historical overview.Júlia Gyimesi - 2023 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 45 (1):3-22.
    This article aims to provide a historical overview of the relationship between epilepsy and religiosity. Although the link between epilepsy and religiosity has been observed since ancient times, empirical research has not supported the direct relationship between epilepsy and religiosity in any unequivocal way. The rich reference to the historical relationship between epilepsy and religiosity often served as a kind of evidence in itself, even though observations of epileptic religiosity were far less detailed as modern scholars referred to them. A (...)
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  • The invisible other: Rituals and Egyptian perception of the unknowable.el-Sayed el-Aswad - 2023 - Anthropology of Consciousness 34 (2):434-453.
    This paper is positioned within broader scholarly debates about ritual‐religious and psychological elements underlying the phenomenon of altered states of mind in Egyptian Muslim contexts. This research examines the intricate relationships between ritual, consciousness, and the unseen/unknowable world reflected in the imagination and practices of urban and rural communities belonging administratively to the city of Tanta in Egypt. This comparative study proposes that the image of the embodied invisible Other, in both benevolent and malevolent forms, impacts the state of consciousness (...)
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  • From disabled to differently abled: A psychofortological perspective on first-year students living with disability.Annemarike de Beer, Luzelle Naudé & Lindi Nel - 2023 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 23 (1).
    The aim of this study was to conduct an interpretative phenomenological analysis exploring the experiences of differently abled first-year students from a psychofortological perspective. Ryff’s psychological well-being model was used as a theoretical underpinning. Through the course of an academic year, three male participants completed semi-structured interviews and reflective writing exercises. Data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. A cross-case analysis yielded themes related to participants’ dynamic processes of finding purpose, direction and independence, as well as belonging, positive relations, self-acceptance (...)
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  • Variability in the Emergence Point of Transpersonal Experience in the Life Cycle.Edward James Dale - 2014 - Anthropology of Consciousness 25 (2):143-164.
    It is shown in this article that many positions that are usually considered incompatible or antagonistic can be synthesized into a unified framework, creating a model of transpersonal development based around plurality and complexity. The model focuses on evolutionary developmental biology as well as around psychological theories. A large degree of variability in the nature of transpersonal experience in the life cycle is to be expected, due to differences in both the “timing of onset” of transpersonal characteristics and the “length (...)
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  • The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states informed by neuroimaging research with psychedelic drugs.Robin L. Carhart-Harris, Robert Leech, Peter J. Hellyer, Murray Shanahan, Amanda Feilding, Enzo Tagliazucchi, Dante R. Chialvo & David Nutt - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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  • Psychophysiological and subjective indices of emotion as a function of age and gender.Louisa Burriss, D. A. Powell & Jeffrey White - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (1):182-210.
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