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The Evolution of the Euclidean Elements

Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company (1975)

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  1. Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures.Patrick Suppes - 2002 - CSLI Publications (distributed by Chicago University Press).
    An early, very preliminary edition of this book was circulated in 1962 under the title Set-theoretical Structures in Science. There are many reasons for maintaining that such structures play a role in the philosophy of science. Perhaps the best is that they provide the right setting for investigating problems of representation and invariance in any systematic part of science, past or present. Examples are easy to cite. Sophisticated analysis of the nature of representation in perception is to be found already (...)
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  • Events as Property Exemplifications.Jaegwon Kim - 1976 - In M. Brand & Douglas Walton (eds.), Action Theory. Reidel. pp. 310-326.
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  • A Critique of a Formalist-Mechanist Version of the Justification of Arguments in Mathematicians' Proof Practices.Yehuda Rav - 2007 - Philosophia Mathematica 15 (3):291-320.
    In a recent article, Azzouni has argued in favor of a version of formalism according to which ordinary mathematical proofs indicate mechanically checkable derivations. This is taken to account for the quasi-universal agreement among mathematicians on the validity of their proofs. Here, the author subjects these claims to a critical examination, recalls the technical details about formalization and mechanical checking of proofs, and illustrates the main argument with aanalysis of examples. In the author's view, much of mathematical reasoning presents genuine (...)
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  • International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching.Michael R. Matthews (ed.) - 2014 - Springer.
    This inaugural handbook documents the distinctive research field that utilizes history and philosophy in investigation of theoretical, curricular and pedagogical issues in the teaching of science and mathematics. It is contributed to by 130 researchers from 30 countries; it provides a logically structured, fully referenced guide to the ways in which science and mathematics education is, informed by the history and philosophy of these disciplines, as well as by the philosophy of education more generally. The first handbook to cover the (...)
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  • The Founding of Logic: Modern Interpretations of Aristotle’s Logic.John Corcoran - 1994 - Ancient Philosophy 14 (S1):9-24.
    Since the time of Aristotle's students, interpreters have considered Prior Analytics to be a treatise about deductive reasoning, more generally, about methods of determining the validity and invalidity of premise-conclusion arguments. People studied Prior Analytics in order to learn more about deductive reasoning and to improve their own reasoning skills. These interpreters understood Aristotle to be focusing on two epistemic processes: first, the process of establishing knowledge that a conclusion follows necessarily from a set of premises (that is, on the (...)
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  • Why do mathematicians re-prove theorems?John W. Dawson Jr - 2006 - Philosophia Mathematica 14 (3):269-286.
    From ancient times to the present, the discovery and presentation of new proofs of previously established theorems has been a salient feature of mathematical practice. Why? What purposes are served by such endeavors? And how do mathematicians judge whether two proofs of the same theorem are essentially different? Consideration of such questions illuminates the roles that proofs play in the validation and communication of mathematical knowledge and raises issues that have yet to be resolved by mathematical logicians. The Appendix, in (...)
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  • The role of diagrams in mathematical arguments.David Sherry - 2008 - Foundations of Science 14 (1-2):59-74.
    Recent accounts of the role of diagrams in mathematical reasoning take a Platonic line, according to which the proof depends on the similarity between the perceived shape of the diagram and the shape of the abstract object. This approach is unable to explain proofs which share the same diagram in spite of drawing conclusions about different figures. Saccheri’s use of the bi-rectangular isosceles quadrilateral in Euclides Vindicatus provides three such proofs. By forsaking abstract objects it is possible to give a (...)
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  • Aristotle and mathematics.Henry Mendell - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Sources of Delusion in Analytica Posteriora 1.5.Pieter Sjoerd Hasper - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (3):252 - 284.
    Aristotle's philosophically most explicit and sophisticated account of the concept of a (primary-)universal proof is found, not in "Analytica Posteriora" 1.4, where he introduces the notion, but in 1.5. In 1.4 Aristotle merely says that a universal proof must be of something arbitrary as well as of something primary and seems to explain primacy in extensional terms, as concerning the largest possible domain. In 1.5 Aristotle improves upon this account after considering three ways in which we may delude ourselves into (...)
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  • Euclid’s Common Notions and the Theory of Equivalence.Vincenzo De Risi - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (2):301-324.
    The “common notions” prefacing the Elements of Euclid are a very peculiar set of axioms, and their authenticity, as well as their actual role in the demonstrations, have been object of debate. In the first part of this essay, I offer a survey of the evidence for the authenticity of the common notions, and conclude that only three of them are likely to have been in place at the times of Euclid, whereas others were added in Late Antiquity. In the (...)
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  • Beginning the 'Longer Way'.Mitchell Miller - 2007 - In G. R. F. Ferrari (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Plato’s R Epublic. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 310--344.
    At 435c-d and 504b ff., Socrates indicates that there is a "longer and fuller way" that one must take in order to get "the best possible view" of the soul and its virtues. But Plato does not have him take this "longer way." Instead Socrates restricts himself to an indirect indication of its goals by his images of sun, line, and cave and to a programmatic outline of its first phase, the five mathematical studies. Doesn't this pointed restraint function as (...)
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  • Zeno Beach.Jacob Rosen - 2020 - Phronesis 65 (4):467-500.
    On Zeno Beach there are infinitely many grains of sand, each half the size of the last. Supposing Aristotle denied the possibility of Zeno Beach, did he have a good argument for the denial? Three arguments, each of ancient origin, are examined: the beach would be infinitely large; the beach would be impossible to walk across; the beach would contain a part equal to the whole, whereas parts must be lesser. It is attempted to show that none of these arguments (...)
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  • On the Shoulders of Hipparchus.F. Acerbi - 2003 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 57 (6):465-502.
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  • Euclid’s Kinds and (Their) Attributes.Benjamin Wilck - 2020 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 23 (2):362-397.
    Relying upon a very close reading of all of the definitions given in Euclid’s Elements, I argue that this mathematical treatise contains a philosophical treatment of mathematical objects. Specifically, I show that Euclid draws elaborate metaphysical distinctions between substances and non-substantial attributes of substances, different kinds of substance, and different kinds of non-substance. While the general metaphysical theory adopted in the Elements resembles that of Aristotle in many respects, Euclid does not employ Aristotle’s terminology, or indeed, any philosophical terminology at (...)
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  • Euclid’s Pseudaria.Fabio Acerbi - 2008 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 62 (5):511-551.
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  • Two Traces of Two-Step Eudoxan Proportion Theory in Aristotle: a Tale of Definitions in Aristotle, with a Moral.Henry Mendell - 2007 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 61 (1):3-37.
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  • Incommensurability, Music and Continuum: A Cognitive Approach.Luigi Borzacchini - 2007 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 61 (3):273-302.
    The discovery of incommensurability by the Pythagoreans is usually ascribed to geometric or arithmetic questions, but already Tannery stressed the hypothesis that it had a music-theoretical origin. In this paper, I try to show that such hypothesis is correct, and, in addition, I try to understand why it was almost completely ignored so far.
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  • VI—Paradoxes as Philosophical Method and Their Zenonian Origins.Barbara M. Sattler - 2021 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 121 (2):153-181.
    In this paper I show that one of the most fruitful ways of employing paradoxes has been as a philosophical method that forces us to reconsider basic assumptions. After a brief discussion of recent understandings of the notion of paradoxes, I show that Zeno of Elea was the inventor of paradoxes in this sense, against the background of Heraclitus’ and Parmenides’ way of argumentation: in contrast to Heraclitus, Zeno’s paradoxes do not ask us to embrace a paradoxical reality; and in (...)
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  • Archytas.Carl Huffman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Caos e ordine: genesi e sviluppo dello stile deduttivo nell’Antica Grecia.Luca Sciortino - 2021 - Informazione Filosofica 3 (2):6-24.
    ABSTRACT (ENG) One of the concerns of Greek philosophy centred on the question of how a manifold and ordered universe arose out of the primitive state of things. From the mythical accounts dating around the seventh century B.C. to the cosmologies of the Classical period in Ancient Greece, many theories have been proposed in order to answer to this question. How these theories differ in positing a “something” that pre-existed the ordered cosmos has been widely discussed. However, scholars have rarely (...)
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  • Plato on utopia.Chris Bobonich - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • The Arithmetical dictum.Paolo Maffezioli & Riccardo Zanichelli - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (4):373-394.
    Building on previous scholarly work on the mathematical roots of assertoric syllogistic we submit that for Aristotle, the semantic value of the copula in universal affirmative propositions is the relation of divisibility on positive integers. The adequacy of this interpretation, labeled here ‘arithmetical dictum’, is assessed both theoretically and textually with respect to the existing interpretations, especially the so-called ‘mereological dictum’.
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  • Modalité et changement: δύναμις et cinétique aristotélicienne.Marion Florian - 2023 - Dissertation, Université Catholique de Louvain
    The present PhD dissertation aims to examine the relation between modality and change in Aristotle’s metaphysics. -/- On the one hand, Aristotle supports his modal realism (i.e., worldly objects have modal properties - potentialities and essences - that ground the ascriptions of possibility and necessity) by arguing that the rejection of modal realism makes change inexplicable, or, worse, banishes it from the realm of reality. On the other hand, the Stagirite analyses processes by means of modal notions (‘change is the (...)
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  • A Reference to Perfect Numbers in Plato’s Theaetetus.F. Acerbi - 2005 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 59 (4):319-348.
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  • Über voreuklidische ‚Elemente der Raumgeometrie’ aus der Schule des Eudoxos.Benno Artmann - 1988 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 39 (2):121-135.
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  • The Parthenon and liberal education.Geoff Lehman - 2018 - Albany: SUNY Press. Edited by Michael Weinman.
    Discusses the importance of the early history of Greek mathematics to education and civic life through a study of the Parthenon and dialogues of Plato.
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  • L’histoire des mathématiques de l’Antiquité.Maurice Caveing - 1998 - Revue de Synthèse 119 (4):485-510.
    La recherche historique dans le cours du dernier demi-siècle a amélioré notre connaissance des mathématiques de I 'Antiquité. Les textes en provenance d'Égypte et de Mésopotamie ont été mieux compris et leur interprétation a dépassé l'alternative sommaire entre empirisme et rationalisme. Le panorama offert par la science grecque s'est enrichi et diversifié: il n'est plus possible de le réduire à la seule théorie géométrique. Les principaux problèmes que posait son histoire ont été l'objet de discussions approfondies. À partir de là (...)
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  • The Role of Mathematics in Liberal Arts Education.Judith V. Grabiner - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 793-836.
    The history of the continuous inclusion of mathematics in liberal education in the West, from ancient times through the modern period, is sketched in the first two sections of this chapter. Next, the heart of this essay (Sects. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) delineates the central role mathematics has played throughout the history of Western civilization: not just a tool for science and technology, mathematics continually illuminates, interacts with, and sometimes challenges fields like art, music, literature, and philosophy – (...)
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  • Creating new concepts in mathematics: freedom and limitations. The case of Category Theory.Zbigniew Semadeni - 2020 - Philosophical Problems in Science 69:33-65.
    In the paper we discuss the problem of limitations of freedom in mathematics and search for criteria which would differentiate the new concepts stemming from the historical ones from the new concepts that have opened unexpected ways of thinking and reasoning. We also investigate the emergence of category theory and its origins. In particular we explore the origins of the term functor and present the strong evidence that Eilenberg and Carnap could have learned the term from Kotarbiński and Tarski.
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  • A Concepção Aristotélica de Demonstração Geométrica a partir dos Segundos Analíticos.Rafael Cavalcanti de Souza - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Campinas
    Nos Segundos Analíticos I. 14, 79a16-21 Aristóteles afirma que as demonstrações matemáticas são expressas em silogismos de primeira figura. Apresento uma leitura da teoria da demonstração científica exposta nos Segundos Analíticos I (com maior ênfase nos capítulo 2-6) que seja consistente com o texto aristotélico e explique exemplos de demonstrações geométricas presentes no Corpus. Em termos gerais, defendo que a demonstração aristotélica é um procedimento de análise que explica um dado explanandum por meio da conversão de uma proposição previamente estabelecida. (...)
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  • Amiguïté, infini, transcendance. Réflexions sur l'Évolution de la notion de nombre, après une lecture de Gilles Ch'telet.Yves André - 2017 - Revue de Synthèse 138 (1-4):261-278.
    Pour Gilles Châtelet, « deux rythmes scandent l’“histoire des idées” : celui tout à fait discontinu des “coupures”, des paradigmes et de leurs réfutations, et celui des latences problématiques toujours disponibles à la réactivation et pleine de trésor » – en vue de laquelle il mobilise les notions cardinales de geste de pensée, stratagème allusif et virtualité.Nous inspirant de ce point de vue, nous méditons sur l’évolution de la notion de nombre avec pour horizon la réactivation de la théorie des (...)
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  • Reviews. [REVIEW]A. G. Molland - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (3):306-309.
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  • Reviews. [REVIEW]Michael Redhead - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (3):309-311.
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