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  1. O que são silogismos perfeitos?Mateus Ricardo Fernandes Ferreira - 2013 - Dois Pontos 10 (2).
    Neste artigo é defendida a tese de que a noção aristotélica de perfeição silogística não é completamente arbitrária e reflete características lógicas, apesar de alguns aspectos não lógicos. Em consonância com a sugestão de alguns intérpretes de que a validade dos silogismos em primeira figura se fundamenta no dictum de omni et nullo, será apontado como essa fundamentação se desdobra em procedimentos dedutivos encontrados nos textos de Aristóteles. Tomando definições ou explicitações das proposições categóricas como parâmetro, a perfeição ou imperfeição (...)
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  • ASPECTOS FORMAIS E ONTOLÓGICOS DA FILOSOFIA DA CIÊNCIA DE ARISTÓTELES.Breno Andrade Zuppolini - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Campinas
    Aristotle's theory of demonstration, developed in the Posterior Analytics, is not restricted to determining the formal requirements for formulating probative arguments that establish properly the results of scientific investigation. To the probative aspect of demonstration it shall be added its primarily explanatory character, orientated by theses of strong ontological and metaphysical content and involving notions like substance, essence and causation. We shall analyze the relation between those two ranges of Aristotle's philosophy of science and investigate how the formal features of (...)
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  • The importance of being Ernesto: Reference, truth and logical form.A. Bianchi, V. Morato & G. Spolaore (eds.) - 2016 - Padova: Padova University Press.
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  • Um panorama da teoria aristotélica do silogismo categórico.Evandro Luís Gomes & Itala Maria L. D'Ottaviano - 2010 - CLE E-Prints 10 (4):1-22.
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  • Fundacionalismo e silogística.Breno A. Zuppolini - 2014 - In Lucas Angioni (ed.), Lógica e Ciência em Aristóteles. Phi. pp. 161-202.
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  • Nelson's Negation on the Base of Weaker Versions of Intuitionistic Negation.Dimiter Vakarelov - 2005 - Studia Logica 80 (2):393-430.
    Constructive logic with Nelson negation is an extension of the intuitionistic logic with a special type of negation expressing some features of constructive falsity and refutation by counterexample. In this paper we generalize this logic weakening maximally the underlying intuitionistic negation. The resulting system, called subminimal logic with Nelson negation, is studied by means of a kind of algebras called generalized N-lattices. We show that generalized N-lattices admit representation formalizing the intuitive idea of refutation by means of counterexamples giving in (...)
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  • Aristotle: an ancient mathematical logician.George Boger - unknown
    We can now recognize Aristotle's many accomplishments in logical theory, not the least of which is treating the deduction process itself as a subject matter and thus establishing the science of logic. Aristotle took logic to be that part of epistemolo gy used to establish knowledge of logical consequence. Prior Analytics is a metalogical treatise on his syllogistic system in which Aristotle modelled his deduction system to demonstrate certain logical relationships among its rules. Aristotle's n otion of substitution distinguishes logical (...)
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  • Defining topics in aristotle’s topics VI.Lucas Angioni - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):151-193.
    I argue that Topics VI does not contain any serious theory about definitions, but only a collection of advices for formulating definitions in a dialectical context, namely, definitions aiming to catch what the opponent means. Topics VI is full of inconsistencies that can be explained away by this approach: the inconsistencies reflect "acceptable opinions about definitions" that distinct groups of interlocutors accept. I also argue that the "topoi" need not be pieces of serious theory Aristotle is commited to. The "topoi" (...)
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  • Aristotle’s assertoric syllogistic and modern relevance logic.Philipp Steinkrüger - 2015 - Synthese 192 (5):1413-1444.
    This paper sets out to evaluate the claim that Aristotle’s Assertoric Syllogistic is a relevance logic or shows significant similarities with it. I prepare the grounds for a meaningful comparison by extracting the notion of relevance employed in the most influential work on modern relevance logic, Anderson and Belnap’s Entailment. This notion is characterized by two conditions imposed on the concept of validity: first, that some meaning content is shared between the premises and the conclusion, and second, that the premises (...)
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  • Aristotle on Non-Contradiction: Philosophers vs. Non-Philosophers.Jean-Louis Hudry - 2013 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 7 (2):51.
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  • Arithmetizations of Syllogistic à la Leibniz.Vladimir Sotirov - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (2-3):387-405.
    ABSTRACT Two models of the Aristotelian syllogistic in arithmetic of natural numbers are built as realizations of an old Leibniz idea. In the interpretation, called Scholastic, terms are replaced by integers greater than 1, and s.Ap is translated as “s is a divisor of p”, sIp as “g.c.d. > 1”. In the interpretation, called Leibnizian, terms are replaced by proper divisors of a special “Universe number” u < 1, and sAp is translated as “s is divisible by p”, sIp as (...)
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  • Search for syllogistic structure of semantic information.Marcin J. Schroeder - 2012 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 22 (1-2):83-103.
    The study of information based on the approach of Shannon was detached from problems of meaning. Also, it did not allow analysis of the structural characteristics of information, nor describe the way structures carry information. An outline of a different theory of information, including its semantics, was earlier proposed by the author. This theory was using closure spaces to model information. In the present paper, structures (called syllogistics) underlying syllogistic reasoning as well as ethnoscientific classifications are identified together with the (...)
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  • What Hamblin’s Book Fallacies was About.Jim Mackenzie - 2011 - Informal Logic 31 (4):262-278.
    I finished my undergraduate degree at Monash University and joined Charles Hamblin’s seminar at the University of NSW in March, 1968. Phil Staines from the University of Newcastle joined at the same time, and Vic Dudman was an established member. Hamblin’s book Fallacies would be published in 1970, but the seminar discussions rarely concerned fallacies. This may have been because Hamblin had been working for so long and so closely with those ideas that he was now ready to turn elsewhere. (...)
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  • One reason, several logics.Evandro Agazzi - 2011 - Manuscrito 34 (1):51-88.
    Humans have used arguments for defending or refuting statements long before the creation of logic as a specialized discipline. This can be interpreted as the fact that an intuitive notion of “logical consequence” or a psychic disposition to articulate reasoning according to this pattern is present in common sense, and logic simply aims at describing and codifying the features of this spontaneous capacity of human reason. It is well known, however, that several arguments easily accepted by common sense are actually (...)
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  • Arthur Prior and Medieval Logic.Sara L. Uckelman - 2012 - Synthese 188 (3):349-366.
    Though Arthur Prior is now best known for his founding of modern temporal logic and hybrid logic, much of his early philosophical career was devoted to history of logic and historical logic. This interest laid the foundations for both of his ground-breaking innovations in the 1950s and 1960s. Because of the important rôle played by Prior's research in ancient and medieval logic in his development of temporal and hybrid logic, any student of Prior, temporal logic, or hybrid logic should be (...)
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  • Logics of rejection: two systems of natural deduction.Allard Tamminga - 1994 - Logique Et Analyse 146:169-208.
    This paper presents two systems of natural deduction for the rejection of non-tautologies of classical propositional logic. The first system is sound and complete with respect to the body of all non-tautologies, the second system is sound and complete with respect to the body of all contradictions. The second system is a subsystem of the first. Starting with Jan Łukasiewicz's work, we describe the historical development of theories of rejection for classical propositional logic. Subsequently, we present the two systems of (...)
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  • The concept of paksa in indian logic.J. F. Staal - 1972 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 2 (2):156-166.
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  • A Logic for Aristotle's Modal Syllogistic.Clarence Lewis Protin - 2022 - History and Philosophy of Logic (3).
    We propose a new modal logic endowed with a simple deductive system to interpret Aristotle's theory of the modal syllogism. While being inspired by standard propositional modal logic, it is also a logic of terms that admits a (sound) extensional semantics involving possible states-of-affairs in a given world. Applied to the analysis of Aristotle's modal syllogistic as found in the Prior Analytics A8-22, it sheds light on various fine-grained distinctions which when made allow us to clarify some ambiguities and obtain (...)
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  • Psychologism and metalogic.Jan Woleński - 2003 - Synthese 137 (1-2):179 - 193.
    This paper examines two arguments againstpsychologism advanced by Frege andHusserl. The first argument says that thelaws of logic cannot be justified by thelaws of psychology, because the formerand a priori and certain, but the latterare probable only. The second argumentpoints out that the status of logicallaws as universal principles of thinking isnot intelligible on the psychologisticinterpretation of logic. The author tries toshow how to examine both arguments bymetalogical devices.
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  • On the Difference between the Two Barbaras.Živilė Pabijutaitė - 2018 - Problemos 93.
    [full article, abstract in English; only abstract in Lithuanian] The paper deals with the problem of the “two Barbaras” in the Aristotelian modal syllogistic. The problem consists in Aristotle’s differing views on two at a first sight similar in nature syllogisms of mixed assertoric and necessary premises: Barbara LXL and Barbara XLL. The fact that Aristotle believed the first syllogism to be valid and the second one – not, has been received either 1) negatively, because both Barbaras have been held (...)
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  • Hegel and Peircean abduction.Paul Redding - 2003 - European Journal of Philosophy 11 (3):295–313.
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  • The theory of rejected propositions. II.Jerzy Słupecki, Grzegorz Bryll & Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 1972 - Studia Logica 30 (1):97 - 145.
    This paper is a continuation of Part I under the same title. Its Chapter III contains results given in the following publications: U. Wybraniec-Skardowska, Teoria zdań odrzuconych (Theory of Rejected Sentences), (doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Jerzy Słupecki, published as a monograph), Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Opolu, Studia i Monografie, Nr 22 (1969), 5-131. G. Bryll, Związki logiczne pomiędzy zdaniami nauk empirycznych (Logical relations between sentences of empirical sciences). Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Opolu, Studia i (...)
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  • A łukasiewicz-style refutation system for the modal logic S.Tomasz Skura - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (6):573 - 582.
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  • Refutations and Proofs in the Paraconsistent Modal Logics: KN4 and KN4.D.Tomasz Skura - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-24.
    Axiomatic proof/refutation systems for the paraconsistent modal logics: KN4 and KN4.D are presented. The completeness proofs boil down to showing that every sequent is either provable or refutable. By constructing finite tree-type countermodels from refutations, the refined characterizations of these logics by classes of finite tree-type frames are established. The axiom systems also provide decision procedures for these logics.
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  • The Pioneering Proving Methods as Applied in the Warsaw School of Logic – Their Historical and Contemporary Significance.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (2):124-141.
    Justification of theorems plays a vital role in any rational human activity. It is indispensable in science. The deductive method of justifying theorems is used in all sciences and it is the only method of justifying theorems in deductive disciplines. It is based on the notion of proof, thus it is a method of proving theorems. In the Warsaw School of Logic (WSL) – the famous branch of the Lvov-Warsaw School (LWS) – two types of the method: axiomatic deduction method (...)
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  • Aristotle's definition of syllogism in Prior Analytics 24b18-20.Lucas Angioni - manuscript
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  • Remarks on the origin and foundations of formalisation.Srećko Kovač - 2020 - In Marcin Będkowski, Anna Brożek, Alicja Chybińska, Stepan Ivanyk & Dominik Traczykowski (eds.), Formal and Informal Methods in Philosophy. Boston: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 163-179..
    The Aristotelian origins of formal systems are outlined, together with Aristotle's use of causal terms in describing syllogisms. The precision and exactness of a formalism, based on the projection of logical forms into perceptive signs, is contrasted with foundational, abstract concepts, independent of any formalism, which are presupposed for the understanding of a formal language. The definition of a formal system by means of a Turing machine is put in the context of Wittgenstein's general considerations of a machine understood as (...)
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  • Essays on the Logical.Nijaz Ibrulj - 2022 - Sarajevo: Academia Analitica.
    Already in ancient philosophy, there was a transition from the implicit and hidden action of the Logical ( lógos) in nature ( phýsis) to the scientific and explicit expression of the logical structures of thought, action, the world and language. Heraclitus' heno-logic with Logos as hidden implicit principle of homologization of opposites ( tà enantía) in nature differs from Parmenides' paraconsistent logic developed in a hypothetical hemidyalectics given in the formula ''All is One'' ( hén pánta eînai). Plato's concept of (...)
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  • Peirce and Łukasiewicz on modal and multi-valued logics.Jon Alan Schmidt - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-18.
    Charles Peirce incorporates modality into his Existential Graphs by introducing the broken cut for possible falsity. Although it can be adapted to various modern modal logics, Zeman demonstrates that making no other changes results in a version that he calls Gamma-MR, an implementation of Jan Łukasiewicz's four-valued Ł-modal system. It disallows the assertion of necessity, reflecting a denial of determinism, and has theorems involving possibility that seem counterintuitive at first glance. However, the latter is a misconception that arises from overlooking (...)
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  • Łukasiewicz’s concept of logic and anti-psychologism.Zuzana Rybaříková - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-14.
    In the nineteenth century, philosophy was at a crossroads. While the natural and technical sciences were developing in an unprecedented fashion, philosophy seemed to be stalled. Inspired by the progress of the natural sciences, many philosophers attempted to make such progress in philosophy and make philosophy a truly scientific discipline. This effort was also reflected in the philosophy of the Lvov-Warsaw school. While its founder, Kazimierz Twardowski, following his teacher Franz Brentano, promoted psychology as a method of scientific philosophy, one (...)
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  • Some Characteristics of the Referential and Inferential Predication in Classical Logic.Nijaz Ibrulj - 2021 - The Logical Foresight 1 (1):1-27.
    In the article we consider the relationship of traditional provisions of basic logical concepts and confront them with new and modern approaches to the same concepts. Logic is characterized in different ways when it is associated with syllogistics (referential – semantical model of logic) or with symbolic logic (inferential – syntactical model of logic). This is not only a difference in the logical calculation of (1) concepts, (2) statements, and (3) predicates, but this difference also appears in the treatment of (...)
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  • Natural Deduction, Hybrid Systems and Modal Logics.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book provides a detailed exposition of one of the most practical and popular methods of proving theorems in logic, called Natural Deduction. It is presented both historically and systematically. Also some combinations with other known proof methods are explored. The initial part of the book deals with Classical Logic, whereas the rest is concerned with systems for several forms of Modal Logics, one of the most important branches of modern logic, which has wide applicability.
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  • Does Success Entail Ability?David Boylan - 2021 - Noûs 56 (3):570-601.
    This paper is about the principle that success entails ability, which I call Success. I argue the status of Success is highly puzzling: when we focus on past instances of actually successful action, Success is very compelling; but it is in tension with the idea that true ability claims require an action be in the agent's control. I make the above tension precise by considering the logic of ability. I argue Success is appealing because it is classically equivalent to two (...)
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  • ¿Se puede considerar formal la lógica de Aristóteles?José María Llovet Abascal - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 82:99-113.
    En este trabajo planteo la pregunta de si la lógica de Aristóteles es o no una lógica formal. Respondo que, aunque las doctrinas contenidas en el Organon inauguren, efectivamente, la lógica formal, hay también buenas razones para pensar que Aristóteles no creía que la lógica fuese una disciplina que pudiera prescindir por completo del contenido. In this paper I discuss the question of whether Aristotle’s logic is a formal logic or not. I answer that, although the doctrines contained in the (...)
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  • The Mythical Foundation of Logic and Its Impact on Metaphysics of Exclusion.Mohamed Almisbkawy - 2020 - Philosophy Study 10 (10): 654-662..
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  • CRITIQUE OF IMPURE REASON: Horizons of Possibility and Meaning.Steven James Bartlett - 2021 - Salem, USA: Studies in Theory and Behavior.
    PLEASE NOTE: This is the corrected 2nd eBook edition, 2021. ●●●●● _Critique of Impure Reason_ has now also been published in a printed edition. To reduce the otherwise high price of this scholarly, technical book of nearly 900 pages and make it more widely available beyond university libraries to individual readers, the non-profit publisher and the author have agreed to issue the printed edition at cost. ●●●●● The printed edition was released on September 1, 2021 and is now available through (...)
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  • A Teoria Aristotélica da Demonstração Científica.Charles Andrade Santana - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Campinas, Brazil
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  • Existential Import, Aristotelian Logic, and its Generalizations.Corina Strößner - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (1):69-102.
    The paper uses the theory of generalized quantifiers to discuss existential import and its implications for Aristotelian logic, namely the square of opposition, conversions and the assertoric syllogistic, as well as for more recent generalizations to intermediate quantifiers like “most”. While this is a systematic discussion of the semantic background one should assume in order to obtain the inferences and oppositions Aristotle proposed, it also sheds some light on the interpretation of his writings. Moreover by applying tools from modern formal (...)
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  • ΑΝΑΛΥΣΙΣ ΠΕΡΙ ΤΑ ΣΧΗΜΑΤΑ Restoring Aristotle’s Lost Diagrams of the Syllogistic Figures.Marian Wesoły - 2012 - Peitho 3 (1):83-114.
    The article examines the relevance of Aristotle’s analysis that concerns the syllogistic figures. On the assumption that Aristotle’s analytics was inspired by the method of geometric analysis, we show how Aristotle used the three terms, when he formulated the three syllogistic figures. So far it has not been appropriately recognized that the three terms — the major, the middle and the minor one — were viewed by Aristotle syntactically and predicatively in the form of diagrams. Many scholars have misunderstood Aristotle (...)
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  • Paraconsistência, modalidades e cognoscibilidade.Alexandre Costa-Leite - manuscript
    De modo geral, este texto é uma incursão em lógica filosófica e filosofia da lógica. Ele contém reflexões originais acerca dos conceitos de paraconsistência, modalidades e cognoscibilidade e suas possíveis relações. De modo específico, o texto avança em quatro direções principais: inicialmente, uma definição genérica de lógicas não clássicas utilizando a ideia de lógica abstrata é sugerida. Em seguida, é mostrado como técnicas manuais de paraconsistentização de lógicas são usadas para gerar sistemas particulares de lógicas paraconsistentes. Depois, uma definição de (...)
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  • Affirmation and Denial in Aristotle’s De interpretatione.Mika Perälä - 2020 - Topoi 39 (3):645-656.
    Modern logicians have complained that Aristotelian logic lacks a distinction between predication and assertion, and that predication, according to the Aristotelians, implies assertion. The present paper addresses the question of whether this criticism can be levelled against Aristotle’s logic. Based on a careful study of the De interpretatione, the paper shows that even if Aristotle defines what he calls simple assertion in terms of predication, he does not confound predication and assertion. That is because, first, he does not understand compound (...)
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  • Recognizing Argument Types and Adding Missing Reasons.Christoph Lumer - 2019 - In Bart J. Garssen, David Godden, Gordon Mitchell & Jean Wagemans (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA). [Amsterdam, July 3-6, 2018.]. Sic Sat. pp. 769-777.
    The article develops and justifies, on the basis of the epistemological argumentation theory, two central pieces of the theory of evaluative argumentation interpretation: 1. criteria for recognizing argument types and 2. rules for adding reasons to create ideal arguments. Ad 1: The criteria for identifying argument types are a selection of essential elements from the definitions of the respective argument types. Ad 2: After presenting the general principles for adding reasons (benevolence, authenticity, immanence, optimization), heuristics are proposed for finding missing (...)
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  • Dialectic, the Dictum de Omni and Ecthesis.Michel Crubellier, Mathieu Marion, Zoe Mcconaughey & Shahid Rahman - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 40 (3):207-233.
    In this paper, we provide a detailed critical review of current approaches to ecthesis in Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, with a view to motivate a new approach, which builds upon previous work by Marion & Rückert (2016) on the dictum de omni. This approach sets Aristotle’s work within the context of dialectic and uses Lorenzen’s dialogical logic, hereby reframed with use of Martin-Löf's constructive type theory as ‘immanent reasoning’. We then provide rules of syllogistic for the latter, and provide proofs of (...)
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  • A 4-valued logic of strong conditional.Fabien Schang - 2018 - South American Journal of Logic 3 (1):59-86.
    How to say no less, no more about conditional than what is needed? From a logical analysis of necessary and sufficient conditions (Section 1), we argue that a stronger account of conditional can be obtained in two steps: firstly, by reminding its historical roots inside modal logic and set-theory (Section 2); secondly, by revising the meaning of logical values, thereby getting rid of the paradoxes of material implication whilst showing the bivalent roots of conditional as a speech-act based on affirmations (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Rejection in Łukasiewicz's and Słupecki's Sense.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 2018 - In Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Ángel Garrido (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present. Cham, Switzerland: Springer- Birkhauser,. pp. 575-597.
    The idea of rejection originated by Aristotle. The notion of rejection was introduced into formal logic by Łukasiewicz [20]. He applied it to complete syntactic characterization of deductive systems using an axiomatic method of rejection of propositions [22, 23]. The paper gives not only genesis, but also development and generalization of the notion of rejection. It also emphasizes the methodological approach to biaspectual axiomatic method of characterization of deductive systems as acceptance (asserted) systems and rejection (refutation) systems, introduced by Łukasiewicz (...)
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  • Conditions of Rationality for Scientific Research.Paul Weingartner - 2019 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 33 (2):67-118.
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss conditions of rationality for scientific research (SR) where "conditions" are understood as "necessary conditions". This will be done in the following way: First, I shall deal with the aim of SR since conditions of rationality (for SR) are to be understood as necessary means for reaching the aim (goal) of SR. Subsequently, the following necessary conditions will be discussed: Rational Communication, Methodological Rules, Ideals of Rationality and its Realistic Aspects, Methodological and Ontological (...)
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  • O expressivismo lógico de Aristóteles segundo Lucas Angioni: um breve e introdutório quadro teórico.Aislan Fernandes Pereira - 2017 - Books of Abstracts (3rd FILOMENA Workshop).
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  • The Interpretation of Early Modern Philosophy.Paul Taborsky - 2018 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    What is early modern philosophy? Two interpretative trends have predominated in the related literature. One, with roots in the work of Hegel and Heidegger, sees early modern thinking either as the outcome of a process of gradual rationalization (leading to the principle of sufficient reason, and to "ontology" as distinct from metaphysics), or as a reflection of an inherent subjectivity or representational semantics. The other sees it as reformulations of medieval versions of substance and cause, suggested by, or leading to, (...)
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  • Kant’s Dynamic Hylomorphism in Logic.Elena Dragalina Chernaya - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 4: 127-137.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a dynamic interpretation of Kant’s logical hylomorphism. Firstly, various types of the logical hylomorphism will be illustrated. Secondly, I propose to reevaluate Kant’s constitutivity thesis about logic. Finally, I focus on the design of logical norms as specific kinds of artefacts.
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