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Shifty characters.Eliot Michaelson - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (3):519-540.details
How Not to Criticise Scientism.Johan Hietanen, Petri Turunen, Ilmari Hirvonen, Janne Karisto, Ilkka Pättiniemi & Henrik Saarinen - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (4):522-547.details
Unrestricted Quantification.Salvatore Florio - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (7):441-454.details
Seeing and Visual Reference.Kevin J. Lande - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2):402-433.details
Who’s Your Ideal Listener?Ethan Nowak & Eliot Michaelson - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (2):257-270.details
Truthmaking, Second‐Order Quantification, and Ontological Commitment.Ross P. Cameron - 2019 - Analytic Philosophy 60 (4):336-360.details
Meta-Metasemantics, or the Quest for the One True Metasemantics.Ethan Nowak & Eliot Michaelson - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (1):135-154.details
Ontological disputes and the phenomenon of metalinguistic negotiation: Charting the territory.Delia Belleri - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (7):e12684.details
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Interpreting the Infinitesimal Mathematics of Leibniz and Euler.Jacques Bair, Piotr Błaszczyk, Robert Ely, Valérie Henry, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze, Thomas McGaffey, Patrick Reeder, David M. Schaps, David Sherry & Steven Shnider - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (2):195-238.details
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Intentions, gestures, and salience in ordinary and deferred demonstrative reference.Allyson Mount - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (2):145–164.details
Leibniz versus Ishiguro: Closing a Quarter Century of Syncategoremania.Tiziana Bascelli, Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, David M. Schaps & David Sherry - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (1):117-147.details
Strong logics of first and second order.Peter Koellner - 2010 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):1-36.details
Inscrutability and ontological commitment.Berit Brogaard - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (1):21 - 42.details
Semantic externalism, language variation, and sociolinguistic accommodation.Daniel Lassiter - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (5):607-633.details
Metasemantics and Singular Reference.Ori Simchen - 2017 - Noûs 51 (2):175-195.details
Descriptive Indexicals, Deferred Reference, and Anaphora.Katarzyna Kijania-Placek - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 62 (1):25-52.details
Thought, thoughts, and deflationism.Vann McGee - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (12):3153-3168.details
Deflationism and Referential Indeterminacy.David E. Taylor - 2016 - Philosophical Review 126 (1):43-79.details
The structuralist approach to underdetermination.Chanwoo Lee - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-25.details
The difference between indexicals and demonstratives.Alexandru Radulescu - 2018 - Synthese 195 (7):3173-3196.details
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Existence Is Not Relativistically Invariant—Part 1: Meta-ontology.Florian Marion - 2024 - Acta Analytica 39 (3):479-503.details
Toward a History of Mathematics Focused on Procedures.Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):763-783.details
The Political Import of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations.Dimitris Gakis - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (3):229-252.details
Can minimalism about truth embrace polysemy?Katarzyna Kijania-Placek - 2018 - Synthese 195 (3):955-985.details
The Long Shadow of Semantic Platonism: Part I: General Considerations.Gustavo Picazo - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1427-1453.details
How the Modalities Come into the World.Wolfgang Spohn - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (1):89-112.details
Mathematical representation: playing a role.Kate Hodesdon - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (3):769-782.details
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Can Semantics Guide Ontology?Katherine Ritchie - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):24-41.details
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Associative Substitutional Semantics and Quantified Modal Logic.Bartosz Więckowski - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (1):105-138.details
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The realpolitik of reference.Brian Epstein - 2008 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89 (1):1–20.details
Facing inconsistency: Theories and our relations to them.Michaelis Michael - 2013 - Episteme 10 (4):351-367.details
Is Leibnizian calculus embeddable in first order logic?Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Taras Kudryk, Thomas Mormann & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):73 - 88.details
In Favor of the Classical Quine on Ontology.Gary Kemp - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):223-237.details
Referring Phrases with Deictic Indication and the Issue of Comprehensibility of Texts of Normative Acts: The Case of Polish Codes.Maciej Kłodawski - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (2):497-524.details
Contextual definition and ontological commitment.Dirk Greimann - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (3):357 – 373.details
The Putnam-Goodman-Kripke Paradox.Robert Kowalenko - 2022 - Acta Analytica 37 (4):575-594.details
Cauchy’s Infinitesimals, His Sum Theorem, and Foundational Paradigms.Tiziana Bascelli, Piotr Błaszczyk, Alexandre Borovik, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze, Thomas McGaffey, David M. Schaps & David Sherry - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (2):267-296.details
The problem of the variable in Quine 's perspicuous lingua franca of the sciences.Ivory Day - 2024 - Theoria 90 (4):361-376.details
Why would the discovery of gestures produced by signers jeopardize the experimental finding of gesture-speech mismatch?Timothy Koschmann - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.details