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Many-valued logic

New York,: McGraw-Hill (1969)

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  1. The deflationary theory of truth.Daniel Stoljar - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    According to the deflationary theory of truth, to assert that a statement is true is just to assert the statement itself. For example, to say that ‘snow is white’ is true, or that it is true that snow is white, is equivalent to saying simply that snow is white, and this, according to the deflationary theory, is all that can be said significantly about the truth of ‘snow is white’.
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  • Vagueness, truth and logic.Kit Fine - 1975 - Synthese 30 (3-4):265-300.
    This paper deals with the truth-Conditions and the logic for vague languages. The use of supervaluations and of classical logic is defended; and other approaches are criticized. The truth-Conditions are extended to a language that contains a definitely-Operator and that is subject to higher order vagueness.
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  • Paradoxes and many-valued set theory.Robert E. Maydole - 1975 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 4 (3):269 - 291.
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  • Logic and limits of knowledge and truth.Patrick Grim - 1988 - Noûs 22 (3):341-367.
    Though my ultimate concern is with issues in epistemology and metaphysics, let me phrase the central question I will pursue in terms evocative of philosophy of religion: What are the implications of our logic-in particular, of Cantor and G6del-for the possibility of omniscience?
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  • Vagueness, semantics, and the language of thought.Richard DeWitt - 1994 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 1.
    In recent years, a number of well-known intentional realists have focused their energy on attempts to provide a naturalized theory of mental representation. What tends to be overlooked, however, is that a naturalized theory of mental representation will not, by itself, salvage intentional realism. Since most naturalistic properties play no interesting causal role, intentional realists must also solve the problem of showing how intentional properties , even if naturalized, could be causally efficacious. Because of certain commitments, this problem is especially (...)
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  • Many-valued logic and sequence arguments in value theory.Simon Knutsson - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):10793-10825.
    Some find it plausible that a sufficiently long duration of torture is worse than any duration of mild headaches. Similarly, it has been claimed that a million humans living great lives is better than any number of worm-like creatures feeling a few seconds of pleasure each. Some have related bad things to good things along the same lines. For example, one may hold that a future in which a sufficient number of beings experience a lifetime of torture is bad, regardless (...)
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  • CRITIQUE OF IMPURE REASON: Horizons of Possibility and Meaning.Steven James Bartlett - 2021 - Salem, USA: Studies in Theory and Behavior.
    PLEASE NOTE: This is the corrected 2nd eBook edition, 2021. ●●●●● _Critique of Impure Reason_ has now also been published in a printed edition. To reduce the otherwise high price of this scholarly, technical book of nearly 900 pages and make it more widely available beyond university libraries to individual readers, the non-profit publisher and the author have agreed to issue the printed edition at cost. ●●●●● The printed edition was released on September 1, 2021 and is now available through (...)
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  • Apontamentos em Filosofia da Lógica.Gilson Maicá de Oliveira - 2019 - Basilíade - Revista de Filosofia 1 (1):101-120.
    Neste artigo discutimos alguns aspectos da lógica nos dias atuais. O propósito central é mostrar a evolução dessa disciplina. Começamos com uma breve introdução onde especificamos o que queremos dizer com o termo “lógica”. A seguir, exporemos e discutiremos o que consideramos ser algumas das principais áreas de investigação da lógica atual. Concluímos o artigo com algumas observações sobre lógicas não clássicas e seus impactos sobre a filosofia. Ao final do texto se encontram mais detalhes que apontam para um aprofundamento (...)
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  • (1 other version)Irresolvable Disagreement, Objectivist Antirealism and Logical Revision.Manfred Harth - 2020 - Erkenntnis:1-20.
    Meta-ethical realism faces the serious epistemological problem of how to explain our epistemic access to moral reality. In the face of this challenge many are sceptical about non-naturalist realism. Nonetheless, there is good reason to acknowledge moral objectivity: morality shows all the signs of a truth-apt discourse but doesn’t exhibit the typical relativity inducing features. This suggests a middle-ground position, a theory that embraces the virtues of realism but does avoid its vices: objectivist antirealism. In this paper, I’ll discuss, mainly (...)
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  • Rivalry, normativity, and the collapse of logical pluralism.Erik Stei - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (3-4):411-432.
    Logical pluralism is the view that there is more than one correct logic. This very general characterization gives rise to a whole family of positions. I argue that not all of them are stable. The main argument in the paper is inspired by considerations known as the “collapse problem”, and it aims at the most popular form of logical pluralism advocated by JC Beall and Greg Restall. I argue that there is a more general argument available that challenges all variants (...)
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  • The Psychology of Uncertainty and Three-Valued Truth Tables.Jean Baratgin, Guy Politzer, David E. Over & Tatsuji Takahashi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:394374.
    Psychological research on people’s understanding of natural language connectives has traditionally used truth table tasks, in which participants evaluate the truth or falsity of a compound sentence given the truth or falsity of its components in the framework of propositional logic. One perplexing result concerned the indicative conditional if A then C which was often evaluated as true when A and C are true, false when A is true and C is false but irrelevant“ (devoid of value) when A is (...)
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  • Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos.João Miguel Biscaia Branquinho, Desidério Murcho & Nelson Gonçalves Gomes (eds.) - 2006 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Martins Fontes.
    Esta enciclopédia abrange, de uma forma introdutória mas desejavelmente rigorosa, uma diversidade de conceitos, temas, problemas, argumentos e teorias localizados numa área relativamente recente de estudos, os quais tem sido habitual qualificar como «estudos lógico-filosóficos». De uma forma apropriadamente genérica, e apesar de o território teórico abrangido ser extenso e de contornos por vezes difusos, podemos dizer que na área se investiga um conjunto de questões fundamentais acerca da natureza da linguagem, da mente, da cognição e do raciocínio humanos, bem (...)
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  • Proof Theory of Finite-valued Logics.Richard Zach - 1993 - Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien
    The proof theory of many-valued systems has not been investigated to an extent comparable to the work done on axiomatizatbility of many-valued logics. Proof theory requires appropriate formalisms, such as sequent calculus, natural deduction, and tableaux for classical (and intuitionistic) logic. One particular method for systematically obtaining calculi for all finite-valued logics was invented independently by several researchers, with slight variations in design and presentation. The main aim of this report is to develop the proof theory of finite-valued first order (...)
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  • Propriedades Naturais e Mundos Possíveis.Renato Mendes Rocha - 2015 - Coleção XVI Encontro ANPOF.
    O objetivo geral da pesquisa da qual esse artigo faz parte é investigar o sistema metafísico que emerge dos trabalhos de David Lewis. Esse sistema pode ser decomposto em pelo menos duas teorias. A primeira nomeada como realismo modal genuíno (RMG) e a segunda como mosaico neo-humeano. O RMG é, sem dúvida, mais popular e defende a hipótese metafísica da existência de uma pluralidade de mundos possíveis. A principal razão em favor dessa hipótese é a sua aplicabilidade na discussão de (...)
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  • Free choice reasons.Daniel Bonevac - 2019 - Synthese 196 (2):735-760.
    I extend theories of nonmonotonic reasoning to account for reasons allowing free choice. My approach works with a wide variety of approaches to nonmonotonic reasoning and explains the connection between reasons for kinds of action and reasons for actions or subkinds falling under them. I use an Anderson–Kanger reduction of reason statements, identifying key principles in the logic of reasons.
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  • (1 other version)On The Imaginary Logic of N. A. VASILIEV.Leila Z. Puga & Newton C. A. Da Costa - 1988 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 34 (3):205-211.
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  • Vagueness: Why Do We Believe in Tolerance?Paul Égré - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (6):663-679.
    The tolerance principle, the idea that vague predicates are insensitive to sufficiently small changes, remains the main bone of contention between theories of vagueness. In this paper I examine three sources behind our ordinary belief in the tolerance principle, to establish whether any of them might give us a good reason to revise classical logic. First, I compare our understanding of tolerance in the case of precise predicates and in the case of vague predicates. While tolerance in the case of (...)
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  • A remark on a certain consequence of connexive logic for Zermelo's set theory.L. E. Wiredu - 1974 - Studia Logica 33:127.
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  • Evaluating dialectical structures with Bayesian methods.Gregor Betz - 2008 - Synthese 163 (1):25-44.
    This paper shows how complex argumentation, analyzed as dialectical structures, can be evaluated within a Bayesian framework by interpreting them as coherence constraints on subjective degrees of belief. A dialectical structure is a set of arguments (premiss-conclusion structure) among which support- and attack-relations hold. This approach addresses the observation that some theses in a debate can be better justified than others and thus fixes a shortcoming of a theory of defeasible reasoning which applies the bivalence principle to argument evaluations by (...)
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  • Exactly true and non-falsity logics meeting infectious ones.Alex Belikov & Yaroslav Petrukhin - 2020 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (2):93-122.
    In this paper, we study logical systems which represent entailment relations of two kinds. We extend the approach of finding ‘exactly true’ and ‘non-falsity’ versions of four-valued logics that emerged in series of recent works [Pietz & Rivieccio (2013). Nothing but the truth. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 42(1), 125–135; Shramko (2019). Dual-Belnap logic and anything but falsehood. Journal of Logics and their Applications, 6, 413–433; Shramko et al. (2017). First-degree entailment and its relatives. Studia Logica, 105(6), 1291–1317] to the case (...)
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  • On mixed inferences and pluralism about truth predicates.J. C. Beall - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (200):380-382.
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  • Uncertainty and the de Finetti tables.Jean Baratgin, David E. Over & Guy Politzer - 2013 - Thinking and Reasoning 19 (3-4):308-328.
    The new paradigm in the psychology of reasoning adopts a Bayesian, or prob- abilistic, model for studying human reasoning. Contrary to the traditional binary approach based on truth functional logic, with its binary values of truth and falsity, a third value that represents uncertainty can be introduced in the new paradigm. A variety of three-valued truth table systems are available in the formal literature, including one proposed by de Finetti. We examine the descriptive adequacy of these systems for natural language (...)
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  • Globalising the History of Capital: Ways Forward.Jairus Banaji - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (3):143-166.
    Anievas and Nişancıoğlu’s attempt to shift the terms of the debate about early modern capitalism by a major widening of its perspectives is a welcome move. Accepting this, the paper suggests that their argument can be more forcefully made if the theoretical residues of earlier traditions of Marxist historical explanation are purged from the way they expound that argument. The most ambivalent of these relates to their continued use of the idea of a ‘coexistence of modes of production’. This permeates (...)
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  • The resolution of two paradoxes by approximate reasoning using a fuzzy logic.J. F. Baldwin & N. C. F. Guild - 1980 - Synthese 44 (3):397 - 420.
    The method of approximate reasoning using a fuzzy logic introduced by Baldwin (1978 a,b,c), is used to model human reasoning in the resolution of two well known paradoxes. It is shown how classical propositional logic fails to resolve the paradoxes, how multiple valued logic partially succeeds and that a satisfactory resolution is obtained with fuzzy logic. The problem of precise representation of vague concepts is considered in the light of the results obtained.
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  • Leonard Bolc and Piotr Borowik: Many-valued logics: 1. Theoretical foundations, Berlin: Springer, 1991. [REVIEW]Petr Hajek & Richard Zach - 1994 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 4 (2):215-220.
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  • Russell and his sources for non-classical logics.Irving H. Anellis - 2009 - Logica Universalis 3 (2):153-218.
    My purpose here is purely historical. It is not an attempt to resolve the question as to whether Russell did or did not countenance nonclassical logics, and if so, which nonclassical logics, and still less to demonstrate whether he himself contributed, in any manner, to the development of nonclassical logic. Rather, I want merely to explore and insofar as possible document, whether, and to what extent, if any, Russell interacted with the various, either the various candidates or their, ideas that (...)
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  • Numerical evaluation of the validity of experimental proofs in biology.G. Albrecht-Buehler - 1976 - Synthese 33 (1):283 - 312.
    This paper suggests a method to calculate a degree of validity for the proof of a statement which is derived from empirical statements by means of logic conclusions. The empirical statements are assumed not to be completely valid or their validity to be doubtful. The suggested rules are consistent with two-valued logic, yield decreasing validities with increasing number of applications of modus ponens and obey the law of the excluded middle. The actual calculation of validity values, the relation of the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Une classe de concepts.Paul Franceschi - 2002 - Semiotica 139 (139):211-226.
    Je m'attache dans le présent article à élaborer la construction d'une classe générale de concepts, qui intègre notamment un certain nombre de contraires polarisés d'usage courant. Le point de départ de cette construction ne réside pas dans des concepts usuels, lexicalisés, c'est-à-dire pour lesquels il existe un mot correspondant dans le langage courant propre à une langue donnée. A l'inverse, la démarche qui préside à la construction de la présente classe de concepts consiste dans une définition abstraite de cette dernière, (...)
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  • Fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning.L. A. Zadeh - 1975 - Synthese 30 (3-4):407-428.
    The term fuzzy logic is used in this paper to describe an imprecise logical system, FL, in which the truth-values are fuzzy subsets of the unit interval with linguistic labels such as true, false, not true, very true, quite true, not very true and not very false, etc. The truth-value set, , of FL is assumed to be generated by a context-free grammar, with a semantic rule providing a means of computing the meaning of each linguistic truth-value in as a (...)
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  • Semantics and Truth.Jan Woleński - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    The book provides a historical and systematic exposition of the semantic theory of truth formulated by Alfred Tarski in the 1930s. This theory became famous very soon and inspired logicians and philosophers. It has two different, but interconnected aspects: formal-logical and philosophical. The book deals with both, but it is intended mostly as a philosophical monograph. It explains Tarski’s motivation and presents discussions about his ideas as well as points out various applications of the semantic theory of truth to philosophical (...)
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  • An abstract approach to bivalence.Jan Woleński - 2014 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 23 (1):3-14.
    This paper outlines an approach to the principle of bivalence based on very general, but still elementary, semantic considerations. The principle of bivalence states that “every sentence is either true or false”. Clearly, some logics are bivalent while others are not. A more general formulation of uses the concept of designated and non-designated logical values and is captured by “every sentence is either designated or non-designated”. Yet this formulation seems trivial, because the concept of non-designated value is negative. In order (...)
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  • A remark on a certain consequence of connexive logic for zermelo's set theory.J. E. Wiredu - 1974 - Studia Logica 33 (2):127 - 130.
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  • Surmounting the Cartesian Cut Through Philosophy, Physics, Logic, Cybernetics, and Geometry: Self-reference, Torsion, the Klein Bottle, the Time Operator, Multivalued Logics and Quantum Mechanics. [REVIEW]Diego L. Rapoport - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (1):33-76.
    In this transdisciplinary article which stems from philosophical considerations (that depart from phenomenology—after Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger and Rosen—and Hegelian dialectics), we develop a conception based on topological (the Moebius surface and the Klein bottle) and geometrical considerations (based on torsion and non-orientability of manifolds), and multivalued logics which we develop into a unified world conception that surmounts the Cartesian cut and Aristotelian logic. The role of torsion appears in a self-referential construction of space and time, which will be further related to (...)
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  • Commentary/Elqayam & Evans: Subtracting “ought” from “is”.Natalie Gold, Andrew M. Colman & Briony D. Pulford - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (5).
    Normative theories can be useful in developing descriptive theories, as when normative subjective expected utility theory is used to develop descriptive rational choice theory and behavioral game theory. “Ought” questions are also the essence of theories of moral reasoning, a domain of higher mental processing that could not survive without normative considerations.
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  • An Alternative Propositional Calculus for Application to Empirical Sciences.Paul Weingartner - 2010 - Studia Logica 95 (1-2):233 - 257.
    The purpose of the paper is to show that by cleaning Classical Logic (CL) from redundancies (irrelevances) and uninformative complexities in the consequence class and from too strong assumptions (of CL) one can avoid most of the paradoxes coming up when CL is applied to empirical sciences including physics. This kind of cleaning of CL has been done successfully by distinguishing two types of theorems of CL by two criteria. One criterion (RC) forbids such theorems in which parts of the (...)
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  • Suszko’s Thesis, Inferential Many-valuedness, and the Notion of a Logical System.Heinrich Wansing & Yaroslav Shramko - 2008 - Studia Logica 88 (3):405-429.
    According to Suszko’s Thesis, there are but two logical values, true and false. In this paper, R. Suszko’s, G. Malinowski’s, and M. Tsuji’s analyses of logical twovaluedness are critically discussed. Another analysis is presented, which favors a notion of a logical system as encompassing possibly more than one consequence relation. [A] fundamental problem concerning many-valuedness is to know what it really is. [13, p. 281].
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  • New foundations for imperative logic I: Logical connectives, consistency, and quantifiers.Peter B. M. Vranas - 2008 - Noûs 42 (4):529-572.
    Imperatives cannot be true or false, so they are shunned by logicians. And yet imperatives can be combined by logical connectives: "kiss me and hug me" is the conjunction of "kiss me" with "hug me". This example may suggest that declarative and imperative logic are isomorphic: just as the conjunction of two declaratives is true exactly if both conjuncts are true, the conjunction of two imperatives is satisfied exactly if both conjuncts are satisfied—what more is there to say? Much more, (...)
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  • The Geometry of Negation.Massimo Warglien & Achille C. Varzi - 2003 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (1):9-19.
    There are two natural ways of thinking about negation: (i) as a form of complementation and (ii) as an operation of reversal, or inversion (to deny that p is to say that things are “the other way around”). A variety of techniques exist to model conception (i), from Euler and Venn diagrams to Boolean algebras. Conception (ii), by contrast, has not been given comparable attention. In this note we outline a twofold geometric proposal, where the inversion metaphor is understoood as (...)
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  • (1 other version)A Descending Chain of Incomplete Extensions of Implicational S 5.Dolph Ulrich - 1985 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 31 (13):201-208.
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  • (1 other version)A Descending Chain of Incomplete Extensions of Implicational S 5.Dolph Ulrich - 1985 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 31 (13):201-208.
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  • The logic of the future in quantum theory.Anthony Sudbery - 2017 - Synthese 194 (11):4429-4453.
    According to quantum mechanics, statements about the future made by sentient beings like us are, in general, neither true nor false; they must satisfy a many-valued logic. I propose that the truth value of such a statement should be identified with the probability that the event it describes will occur. After reviewing the history of related ideas in logic, I argue that it gives an understanding of probability which is particularly satisfactory for use in quantum mechanics. I construct a lattice (...)
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  • Ontological Insecurity and Reflective Processes.Stephan P. Spitzer - 1977 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 8 (2):203-217.
    Strong support was found for the ontological model as it was interpreted and according to the procedures used. Reflective subjects are more likely to show anxiety than non-reflective subjects, and anxiety is less likely to be located at those points upon which reflection is deployed than at those points devoid of reflection. Reflective subjects are also more likely to show indications of dissatisfaction than non-reflective subjects; anxious subjects are also more likely to show signs of dissatisfaction than those who are (...)
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  • Evidential bilattice logic and lexical inference.Andreas Schöter - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (1):65-105.
    This paper presents an information-based logic that is applied to the analysis of entailment, implicature and presupposition in natural language. The logic is very fine-grained and is able to make distinctions that are outside the scope of classical logic. It is independently motivated by certain properties of natural human reasoning, namely partiality, paraconsistency, relevance, and defeasibility: once these are accounted for, the data on implicature and presupposition comes quite naturally.The logic is based on the family of semantic spaces known as (...)
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  • On Logic in the Law: "Something, but not All".Susan Haack - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (1):1-31.
    In 1880, when Oliver Wendell Holmes (later to be a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court) criticized the logical theology of law articulated by Christopher Columbus Langdell (the first Dean of Harvard Law School), neither Holmes nor Langdell was aware of the revolution in logic that had begun, the year before, with Frege's Begriffsschrift. But there is an important element of truth in Holmes's insistence that a legal system cannot be adequately understood as a system of axioms and corollaries; and (...)
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  • (1 other version)On a Class of Concepts.Paul Franceschi - 2002 - Semiotica 139:211-226.
    This article describes the philosophical construction of a class of concepts whose structure and properties are of interest in various fields. The focus here is on applications in the area of paradigmatic analysis of the current taxonomy and proposes it as an alternative to the classification proposed by Greimas.
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  • Natural implicative expansions of variants of Kleene's strong 3-valued logic with Gödel-type and dual Gödel-type negation.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - 2021 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 31 (2):130-153.
    Let MK3 I and MK3 II be Kleene's strong 3-valued matrix with only one and two designated values, respectively. Next, let MK3 G be defined exactly as MK3 I, except th...
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  • Some notes concerning fuzzy logics.Charles Grady Morgan & Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 1977 - Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (1):79 - 97.
    Fuzzy logics are systems of logic with infinitely many truth values. Such logics have been claimed to have an extremely wide range of applications in linguistics, computer technology, psychology, etc. In this note, we canvass the known results concerning infinitely many valued logics; make some suggestions for alterations of the known systems in order to accommodate what modern devotees of fuzzy logic claim to desire; and we prove some theorems to the effect that there can be no fuzzy logic which (...)
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  • Thinking About Contradictions: The Imaginary Logic of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Vasil’Ev.Venanzio Raspa - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This volume examines the entire logical and philosophical production of Nikolai A. Vasil’ev, studying his life and activities as a historian and man of letters. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of this influential Russian logician, philosopher, psychologist, and poet. The author frames Vasil’ev’s work within its historical and cultural context. He takes into consideration both the situation of logic in Russia and the state of logic in Western Europe, from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of (...)
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  • Axiomatization and completeness of uncountably valued approximation logic.Helena Rasiowa - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (1):137 - 160.
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  • On Axiom Systems of Słupecki for the Functionally Complete Three-Valued Logic.Mateusz M. Radzki - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (4):403-415.
    The article concerns two axiom systems of Słupecki for the functionally complete three-valued propositional logic: W1–W6 and A1–A9. The article proves that both of them are inadequate—W1–W6 is semantically incomplete, on the other hand, A1–A9 governs a functionally incomplete calculus, and thus, it cannot be a semantically complete axiom system for the functionally complete three-valued logic.
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