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Culture and Power: The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu

University of Chicago Press (1998)

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  1. Pierre Bourdieu on social transformation, with particular reference to political and symbolic revolutions.Bridget Fowler - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (3):439-463.
    This article challenges what is now the orthodoxy concerning the heritage of Bourdieu (1930–2002): namely, the judgement that his distinctive sociological innovation has been his theory of social reproduction, and that he has failed to provide a necessary theory of social change. Yet Bourdieu consistently claimed to offer a theory of social transformation as well as accounting for continuities of power. Indeed, he provides two substantive keys for an understanding of historical transformation—first, a theory of prophets (religious or secular) as (...)
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  • Bourdieusian Reflections on Language: Unavoidable Conditions of the Real Speech Situation.Simon Susen - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (3-4):199-246.
    The main purpose of this paper is to shed light on Pierre Bourdieu’s conception of language. Although he has dedicated a significant part of his work to the study of language and even though his analysis of language has been extensively discussed in the literature, almost no attention has been paid to the fact that Bourdieu’s account of language is based on a number of ontological presuppositions, that is, on a set of universal assumptions about the very nature of language. (...)
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  • Why are professors liberal?Neil Gross & Ethan Fosse - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (2):127-168.
    The political liberalism of professors—an important occupational group and anomaly according to traditional theories of class politics—has long puzzled sociologists. This article sheds new light on the subject by employing a two-step analytic procedure. In the first step, we assess the explanatory power of the main hypotheses proposed over the last half century to account for professors’ liberal views. To do so, we examine hypothesized predictors of the political gap between professors and other Americans using General Social Survey data pooled (...)
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  • Normative Violence in Domestic Service: A Study of Exploitation, Status, and Grievability.Rohit Varman, Per Skålén, Russell W. Belk & Himadri Roy Chaudhuri - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):645-665.
    This paper contributes to business ethics by focusing on consumption that is characterized by normative violence. By drawing on the work of Judith Butler this study of kajer lok—a female subaltern group of Indian domestic service providers—and their higher status clients shows how codes of status-based consumption shaped by markets, class, caste, and patriarchy create a social order that reduces kajer lok to “ungreivable” lives. Our study contributes to business ethics by focusing on exploitation and coercion in consumption rather than (...)
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  • Re‐thinking the complexities of ‘culture’: what might we learn from Bourdieu?M. Judith Lynam, A. J. Browne, S. Reimer Kirkham & J. M. Anderson - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (1):23-34.
    In this paper we continue an ongoing dialogue that has as its goal the critical appraisal of theoretical perspectives on culture and health, in an effort to move forward scholarship on culture and health. We draw upon a programme of scholarship to explicate theoretical tensions and challenges that are manifest in the discourses on culture and health and to explore the possibilities Bourdieu's theoretical perspective offers for reconciling them. That is, we hope to demonstrate the need to move beyond descriptions (...)
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  • A Reply to My Critics: The Critical Spirit of Bourdieusian Language.Simon Susen - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (3-4):323-393.
    Drawing on my article “Bourdieusian reflections on language: Unavoidable conditions of the real speech situation”, this paper provides a detailed response to the above commentaries by Lisa Adkins, Bridget Fowler, Michael Grenfell, David Inglis, Hans-Herbert Kögler, Steph Lawler, William Outhwaite, Derek Robbins and Bryan S. Turner. The main purpose of this “Reply to my critics” is to reflect upon the most important issues raised by these commentators and thereby contribute to a more nuanced understanding of key questions arising from Bourdieu’s (...)
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  • The Social as Heaven and Hell: Pierre Bourdieu's Philosophical Anthropology.Gabriel Peters - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (1):63-86.
    Many authors have argued that all studies of socially specific modalities of human action and experience depend on some form of “philosophical anthropology”, i.e. on a set of general assumptions about what human beings are like, assumptions without which the very diagnoses of the cultural and historical variability of concrete agents' practices would become impossible. Bourdieu was sensitive to that argument and, especially in the later phase of his career, attempted to make explicit how his historical-sociological investigations presupposed and, at (...)
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  • Can organic farmers be 'good farmers'? Adding the 'taste of necessity' to the conventionalization debate.Lee-Ann Sutherland - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (3):429-441.
    Recent decades have seen a rapid increase in the rate of conversion from conventional to organic farming, as organic farming shifted from an alternative production approach practiced by a small number of idealists, to the de facto alternative to mainstream conventional production. Although there has been considerable academic debate as to the role of agri-business penetration into the production and marketing chains of organic farming (‘conventionalization’), less is known about how the economic drivers of conventionalization are negotiated into practices at (...)
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  • Luc Boltanski’s pragmatic sociology: A Bourdieusian critique.Will Atkinson - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (3):310-327.
    Luc Boltanski’s programme of pragmatic sociology, now gaining substantial attention among English-speaking sociologists, was forged in opposition to the supposed excesses and blind spots of Pierre Bourdieu’s ‘critical sociology’. After outlining the main lines of development of Boltanski’s project and emphasizing the major points of difference with Bourdieu, the article offers a critical Bourdieusian response to pragmatic sociology. It highlights a number of ways in which Boltanski’s position is based on a misreading or distortion of Bourdieu’s ideas, is less unlike (...)
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  • The genesis and structure of moral universalism: social justice in Victorian Britain, 1834–1901.Michael Strand - 2015 - Theory and Society 44 (6):537-573.
    Sociologists generally agree that history affects or conditions moral belief, but the relationship is still only vaguely understood. Using a case study of the appearance of social justice beliefs in Victorian-era Britain, this article develops an explanation of the link between history and morality by applying field theory to capture the historical genesis of a field. A moral way of evaluating poverty and inequality developed slowly over the course of the nineteenth century in Britain, with a trajectory extending back to (...)
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  • The paradox of victory: social movement fields, adverse outcomes, and social movement success.Bert Useem & Jack A. Goldstone - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (1):31-60.
    Recent work on social movement fields has expanded our view of the dynamics of social movements; it should also expand our thinking about social movement success. Such a broader view reveals a paradox: social movements often snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by narrowly targeting authorities with their actions instead of targeting the broader social movement field. Negative impacts from the wider social movement field can then reverse or overshadow initial victories. We distinguish between a social movement’s victory over (...)
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  • Bourdieu and Adorno: Converging theories of culture and inequality.David Gartman - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (1):41-72.
    The theories of Pierre Bourdieu and Theodor Adorno both conceive culture as legitimating the inequalities of modern societies. But they postulate different mechanisms of legitimation. For Bourdieu, modern culture is a class culture, characterized by socially ranked symbolic differences among classes that make some seem superior to others. For Adorno, modern culture is a mass culture, characterized by a socially imposed symbolic unity that obscures class differences behind a facade of leveled democracy. In his later writings, however, Bourdieu’s theory converges (...)
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  • Rethinking practices and structures.T. J. Berard - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (2):196-230.
    Social theory remains puzzled by the relation between practices and structures, or the link between ‘micro’ and ‘macro’. Grand theorists including Giddens and Bourdieu have gained distinction for their writings on these questions, trying to marry insights and concerns of a ‘micro’ sociological nature with traditional ‘macro’ structural questions including inequality, power relations, and social reproduction. These theorists arguably fail, however, in their attempts to move social theory beyond traditional dualisms. Relevant but neglected contributions from ethnomethodology are introduced and compared (...)
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  • Homonormative dynamics and the subversion of culture.Mariano Croce - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (1):3-20.
    Queer critics talk more and more about a normalization process whereby early lesbian and gay struggles against traditional values and institutions are being replaced by the pursuit of inclusion within mainstream society. The ‘assimilation’ of same-sex practices, critics contend, lowers the critical potential of homosexuals’ claims and marginalizes other less acceptable forms of sexualities. The present article contributes to this literature by tracing the roots and dynamics of normalization. It makes the claim that heteronormative categories infiltrated homosexual culture well before (...)
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  • Bourdieu’s Cleft Sociology of Science.Charles Camic - 2011 - Minerva 49 (3):275-293.
    The paper examines Pierre Bourdieu’s extensive writings on the production of scientific knowledge. The study shows that Bourdieu offered not one but two - significantly different - approaches to scientific knowledge production, one formulated in his theoretical, or programmatic, writings on the subject, the other developed in his empirical writings. Addressing the question as to the relevance of Bourdieu’s work for science studies, the analysis argues that the former of these two approaches is at once very visible in Bourdieu’s work (...)
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  • Bourdieu, International Relations, and European security.Trine Villumsen Berling - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (5):451-478.
    This article takes the failure to grasp fully the paradigmatic case of European security after the Cold War as an example of how International Relations (IR) would benefit from reformulating not only its empirical research questions but also several of its central conceptual building blocks with the aid of Bourdieusian sociology. The separation between theory and practice and the overemphasis on military power and state actors blind IR from seeing the power struggles that reshaped European security. Instead, a Bourdieusian reformulation (...)
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  • Reflexivity and habitus: opportunities and constraints on transformative learning.Stuart Nairn, Derek Chambers, Susan Thompson, Julie McGarry & Kristian Chambers - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (3):189-201.
    This paper will explore the relationship between Mezirow's concept of reflexivity and Bourdieu's theory of habitus in order to develop a more robust framework within which critical reflection can take place. Nurse educators have sought to close the theory practice gap through the use of critical reflection. However, we are not convinced that this has produced the depth and quality of reflection required. Furthermore, the contexts in which critical reflection takes place is often sidelined or erased so that the whole (...)
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  • Dissociation, reflexivity and habitus.Howard Davis & Shahram Rafieian - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (4):556-573.
    Many theorists, in their search for a better explanation of the dynamics of structure and agency, have expressed the need for a theory in which reflexivity and habitus are reconciled. In this article, we argue that a dissociative theory of mind can provide the essential framework in which habitual routines and reflexivity function in parallel. This is explored using the examples of athletic training and hypnosis, where the interplay between conscious and unconscious mechanisms is displayed. In both settings, there is (...)
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  • Engaging Bourdieu’s habitus with Chinese understandings of embodiment: Knowledge flows in Health and Physical Education in higher education in Hong Kong.Bonnie Pang - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (12):1256-1265.
    This paper begins with a question: can concepts generated in the Chinese context in the sociocultural relations of the periphery contribute to the development of the social sciences in the field of Health and Physical Education (HPE) that have their roots in the metropole? Setting the scene in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), a postcolonial city reverted to the rule of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1997, this paper aims to develop a critical sociology of HPE (...)
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  • The institutional logics of love: measuring intimate life.Roger Friedland, John W. Mohr, Henk Roose & Paolo Gardinali - 2014 - Theory and Society 43 (3):333-370.
    Building on a long tradition of measuring cultural logics from a relational perspective, we analyze a recent survey of American university students to assess whether institutional logics operate in the lived experience of individuals. An institutional logic is an analytic troika of object, practice, and subject linked together through dually ordered systems of articulations. Using the formal method of correspondence analysis (MCA) we identify two latent dimensions that order physical, verbal, emotional, categorical, and moral practices of and investments in love. (...)
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  • Corruption, Re-corruption and What Transpires in Between: The Case of a Government Officer in India.Ranjan Vaidya - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (3):605-620.
    Empirical studies suggest that re-corruption is a common occurrence in developing countries, and we know little about what transpires between corruption and re-corruption. The objective of this empirical study is to discuss the practices of government officers in between phase of corruption and re-corruption. It does so by considering the case of a government officer working in an agricultural marketing yard of India. The findings from the case suggest that officers choose to mimic honest dispositions after their transfers to new (...)
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  • Phenomenological Additions to the Bourdieusian Toolbox: Two Problems for Bourdieu, Two Solutions from Schutz.Will Atkinson - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (1):1-19.
    In constructing his renowned theory of practice, Pierre Bourdieu claimed to have integrated the key insights from phenomenology and successfully melded them with objectivist analysis. The contention here, however, is that while his vision of the social world may indeed be generally laudable, he did not take enough from phenomenology. More specifically, there are two concepts in Alfred Schutz 's body of work, which, if properly defined, disentangled from phenomenology, and appropriated, allow two frequently forwarded criticisms of Bourdieu's perspective to (...)
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  • Conceptualizing “unrecognized cultural currency”: Bourdieu and everyday resistance among the dominated.Ming-Cheng Miriam Lo - 2015 - Theory and Society 44 (2):125-152.
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  • For a probabilistic sociology: A history of concept formation with Pierre Bourdieu.Michael Strand & Omar Lizardo - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (3):399-434.
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  • A realist framework for the sociology of education: Thinking with Bourdieu.Roy Nash - 2002 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 34 (3):273–288.
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  • Unofficial Media, Government Trust, and System Confidence Evidence From China: An Empirical Exploration of the Attitudes of Netizens Based on the Dual Moderating Effect.Caijuan Chen, Li Li & Jie Ye - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mass media has a significant impact on public support for the government. This manuscript constructs a mixed model with official media use as the moderating variable and government trust as the intermediary variable to explore the mechanism of how unofficial media use affects system confidence, using data from a survey of the political and social attitudes of netizens. The study finds that official media use weakens the negative role of unofficial media use in building system confidence, with the intermediary variable (...)
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  • Anatomy Education and the Observational-Embodied Look.T. Kenny Fountain - 2010 - Medicine Studies 2 (1):49-69.
    Based on observations and interviews collected during a yearlong ethnography of two anatomy laboratory courses at a large Midwestern university, this article argues that students learn anatomy through the formation of an observational-embodied look. All of the visual texts and material objects of the lab—from atlas illustrations, to photographs, to 3D models, to human bodies—are involved in this look that takes the form of anatomical demonstration and dissection. The student of anatomy, then, brings together observation, visual evidence, haptic experience, and (...)
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  • Racial capitalism, ruling elite business entanglement and the impasse of black economic empowerment policy in South Africa.Alexis Habiyaremye - 2022 - African Journal of Business Ethics 16 (1):25-41.
    The high rate of inequality in South Africa is rooted in colonial dispossession and racial exploitation, and still runs primarily along the racial divide. Policy initiatives taken to redress past economic injustices through the black economic empowerment (BEE) have failed to bring economic transformation. Using the twin lenses of epistemic violence and racial capitalism, this study analyses how entangled interests aimed to co-opt the ruling party elite by the apartheid-era business elite led to the BEE impasse. The pervasiveness of cultural (...)
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  • Unsettling Humanity: A Critique of Archer's Being Human.Thembi Luckett - 2008 - Journal of Critical Realism 7 (2):297-313.
    What does it mean to be human? This question has plagued the thoughts of people over centuries and will continue to do so. Margaret Archer attempts to grapple with the nature of our humanity in Being Human, the third volume in her ambitious five volume series theorising agency, culture and structure within a realist framework. I choose to focus on this book because it lays the foundations of agency and what it means to be human, which allows Archer's subsequent empirical (...)
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  • The Complicated Conversation of Class and Race in Social and Curricular Analysis: An examination of Pierre Bourdieu's interpretative framework in relation to race.Douglas Mcknight & Prentice Chandler - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (s1):74-97.
    As a means to challenge and diminish the hold of mainstream curriculum's claim of being a colorblind, politically neutral text, we will address two particular features that partially, though significantly, constitute the hidden curriculum in the United States—race and class—historically studied as separate social issues. Race and class have been embedded within the institutional curriculum from the beginning in the US; though rarely acknowledged as intertwined issues. We illustrate how the theoretical and interpretive structure of French philosopher and sociologist Pierre (...)
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  • Professors and politics: Noam Chomsky’s contested reputation in the United States and Canada.Neil McLaughlin & James Lannigan - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (3):177-199.
    There is an extensive literature comparing the politics, sociology and economics of the United States and Canada, but very little work comparing the role that public intellectuals play in the space of public opinion and how their ideas are received in both nations simultaneously. Noam Chomsky provides a theoretically useful example of an established academic and public intellectual whose reputation is deeply contested in both countries. Our comparative case study offers leverage to contribute to debates on the sociology of knowledge, (...)
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  • “Bringing the migrant back in”: mobility, conflict, and social change in contemporary society.John Stone & Xiaoping Luo - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (3):249-259.
    Dominant social theories have rarely placed migration at the center of our understanding of society and social change. Classical theories in the Western tradition have been more preoccupied with the impact of economic and political revolutions on social change, stratification and class conflict, and have paid far less attention to other important aspects of society. Contemporary theories have expanded the theoretical gaze to include a much wider set of issues, from racial and gender divisions to warfare and the environment. In (...)
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  • Knock, Knock: The Taxman’s at Your Door! Practice Sense, Empathy Games, and Dilemmas in Tax Enforcement.Carlene Beth Wynter & Lynne Oats - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2):279-292.
    Tax administrators are empowered by the state to secure compliance with tax obligations. Enforcing compliance on the ground is complex, and street-level administrators often engage in the “art of the possible,” leading to dilemmas in the field. This paper examines tax administrators’ practices with regard to Jamaican property tax defaulters with outstanding tax liabilities in excess of 3 years. Drawing on interviews with tax administrators and other key agents, we find that tax administrators reposition themselves from objective enforcers to empathizing (...)
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  • Hysteresis, academic biography, and political field in the People’s Republic of Poland.Agata Zysiak - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (3):483-508.
    I enter a debate about state-socialism elite’s reproduction and higher education to propose an implementation of Bourdieu’s hysteresis effect. I argue that the intelligentsia and the interwar university shaped biographical paths of academics stronger than the political factors, which are usually brought to the forefront by contemporary researchers. I analyse academic biographies shaped by the socialist university and reconstruct a model academic biography in the post-WWII period, in particular, in Poland. I compare it with biographies of professors from working-class and (...)
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  • The Moral Difference or Equivalence Between Continuous Sedation Until Death and Physician-Assisted Death: Word Games or War Games?: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Opinion Pieces in the Indexed Medical and Nursing Literature. [REVIEW]Sam Rys, Reginald Deschepper, Freddy Mortier, Luc Deliens, Douglas Atkinson & Johan Bilsen - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (2):171-183.
    Continuous sedation until death (CSD), the act of reducing or removing the consciousness of an incurably ill patient until death, often provokes medical–ethical discussions in the opinion sections of medical and nursing journals. Some argue that CSD is morally equivalent to physician-assisted death (PAD), that it is a form of “slow euthanasia.” A qualitative thematic content analysis of opinion pieces was conducted to describe and classify arguments that support or reject a moral difference between CSD and PAD. Arguments pro and (...)
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  • The strength of weak programs in cultural sociology: A critique of Alexander’s critique of Bourdieu. [REVIEW]David Gartman - 2007 - Theory and Society 36 (5):381-413.
    Jeffrey Alexander’s recent book on cultural sociology argues that sociologists must grant the realm of ideas autonomy to determine behavior, unencumbered by interference from instrumental or material factors. He criticizes the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu as “weak” for failing to give autonomy to culture by reducing it to self-interested behavior that immediately reflects class position. However, Alexander’s arguments seriously distort and misstate Bourdieu’s theory, which provides for the relative autonomy of culture through the concepts of habitus and field. Because habitus (...)
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  • Bourdieu, Practice and Change: Beyond the criticism of determinism. [REVIEW]Yang Yang - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (14):1522-1540.
    This article sets out to go beyond those criticisms that claim Bourdieu’s theory is structuralist determinism and identifies how change can be realized within a Bourdieusian framework. Starting with Bourdieu’s theory of practice, the first part of this article aims to develop an understanding of the interlocking relationship between capital, habitus and field. The review shows that the inability to anticipate change is arguably the most crucial weakness of the Bourdieusian framework. The second part examines Bourdieu’s attempts that seemingly challenge (...)
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  • Bourdieu, Flaubert, and the Sociology of Literature.Jonathan Eastwood - 2007 - Sociological Theory 25 (2):149 - 169.
    In The Field of Cultural Production and The Rules of Art, Pierre Bourdieu offered a highly suggestive reading and analysis of Gustave Flaubert's Sentimental Education. Bourdieu's approach has been extraordinarily influential in recent years in both the sociology of culture and, increasingly, literary criticism. Yet, his treatment of Flaubert's work, this article argues, despite its indisputable insight is problematic in several ways. This article has two objectives in this connection: to show how the weaknesses in Bourdieu's treatment of the novel (...)
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  • Everyday morality in families and a critique of social capital: an investigation into moral judgements, responsibilities, and sentiments in Kyrgyzstani households. [REVIEW]Balihar Sanghera, Mehrigiul Ablezova & Aisalkyn Botoeva - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (2):167-190.
    This article examines individuals’ lay understandings of moral responsibilities between adult kin members. Moral sentiments and practical judgments are important in shaping kinship responsibilities. The article discusses how judgments on requests of support can be reflexive and critical, taking into account many factors, including merit, social proximity, a history of personal encounters, overlapping commitments, and moral identity in the family. In so doing, we argue that moral responsibilities are contextual and relational. We also analyze how class, gender, and capabilities affect (...)
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  • John Searle and Pierre Bourdieu: Divergent perspectives on intentionality and social ontology. [REVIEW]Iordanis Marcoulatos - 2003 - Human Studies 26 (1):67-96.
    Despite Searle''s claim of theoretical proximity between his concept of the Background and Bourdieu''s concept of the habitus, there is at least one substantial difference in the respective ways in which these concepts have been elaborated: the Background is conceived as a nonintentional neurophysiological reality whereas the habitus is fully intentional, or rather constitutes a nonrepresentational level of intentionality completely overlooked from Searle''s standpoint. Moreover, each concept implicates a distinct perspective on social reality: the former suggests that significance is superimposed (...)
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  • Becoming citizens of empire: Albanian nationalism and fascist empire, 1939–1943. [REVIEW]Besnik Pula - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (6):567-596.
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