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  1. A survey of abstract algebraic logic.J. M. Font, R. Jansana & D. Pigozzi - 2003 - Studia Logica 74 (1-2):13 - 97.
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  • Protoalgebraic logics.W. J. Blok & Don Pigozzi - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (4):337 - 369.
    There exist important deductive systems, such as the non-normal modal logics, that are not proper subjects of classical algebraic logic in the sense that their metatheory cannot be reduced to the equational metatheory of any particular class of algebras. Nevertheless, most of these systems are amenable to the methods of universal algebra when applied to the matrix models of the system. In the present paper we consider a wide class of deductive systems of this kind called protoalgebraic logics. These include (...)
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  • (3 other versions)Equivalential logics.Janusz Czelakowski - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (3):227-236.
    The class of equivalential logics comprises all implicative logics in the sense of Rasiowa [9], Suszko's logic SCI and many others. Roughly speaking, a logic is equivalential iff the greatest strict congruences in its matrices are determined by polynomials. The present paper is the first part of the survey in which systematic investigations into this class of logics are undertaken. Using results given in [3] and general theorems from the theory of quasi-varieties of models [5] we give a characterization of (...)
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  • Suszko’s problem: Mixed consequence and compositionality.Emmanuel Chemla & Paul Égré - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (4):736-767.
    Suszko’s problem is the problem of finding the minimal number of truth values needed to semantically characterize a syntactic consequence relation. Suszko proved that every Tarskian consequence relation can be characterized using only two truth values. Malinowski showed that this number can equal three if some of Tarski’s structural constraints are relaxed. By so doing, Malinowski introduced a case of so-called mixed consequence, allowing the notion of a designated value to vary between the premises and the conclusions of an argument. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Algebraic aspects of deduction theorems.Janusz Czelakowski - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (4):369 - 387.
    The first known statements of the deduction theorems for the first-order predicate calculus and the classical sentential logic are due to Herbrand [8] and Tarski [14], respectively. The present paper contains an analysis of closure spaces associated with those sentential logics which admit various deduction theorems. For purely algebraic reasons it is convenient to view deduction theorems in a more general form: given a sentential logic C (identified with a structural consequence operation) in a sentential language I, a quite arbitrary (...)
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  • Reduced products of logical matrices.Janusz Czelakowski - 1980 - Studia Logica 39 (1):19 - 43.
    The class Matr(C) of all matrices for a prepositional logic (, C) is investigated. The paper contains general results with no special reference to particular logics. The main theorem (Th. (5.1)) which gives the algebraic characterization of the class Matr(C) states the following. Assume C to be the consequence operation on a prepositional language induced by a class K of matrices. Let m be a regular cardinal not less than the cardinality of C. Then Matr (C) is the least class (...)
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  • The logic of distributive bilattices.Félix Bou & Umberto Rivieccio - 2011 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 19 (1):183-216.
    Bilattices, introduced by Ginsberg as a uniform framework for inference in artificial intelligence, are algebraic structures that proved useful in many fields. In recent years, Arieli and Avron developed a logical system based on a class of bilattice-based matrices, called logical bilattices, and provided a Gentzen-style calculus for it. This logic is essentially an expansion of the well-known Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic to the standard language of bilattices. Our aim is to study Arieli and Avron’s logic from the perspective of abstract (...)
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  • 2-element matrices.Wolfgang Rautenberg - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (4):315 - 353.
    Sections 1, 2 and 3 contain the main result, the strong finite axiomatizability of all 2-valued matrices. Since non-strongly finitely axiomatizable 3-element matrices are easily constructed the result reveals once again the gap between 2-valued and multiple-valued logic. Sec. 2 deals with the basic cases which include the important F i from Post's classification. The procedure in Sec. 3 reduces the general problem to these cases. Sec. 4 is a study of basic algebraic properties of 2-element algebras. In particular, we (...)
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  • Characterizing Belnap's Logic via De Morgan's Laws.Alexej P. Pynko - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (4):442-454.
    The aim of this paper is technically to study Belnap's four-valued sentential logic . First, we obtain a Gentzen-style axiomatization of this logic that contains no structural rules while all they are still admissible in the Gentzen system what is proved with using some algebraic tools. Further, the mentioned logic is proved to be the least closure operator on the set of {Λ, V, ⌝}-formulas satisfying Tarski's conditions for classical conjunction and disjunction together with De Morgan's laws for negation. It (...)
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  • Logical matrices and the amalgamation property.Janusz Czelakowski - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (4):329 - 341.
    The main result of the present paper — Theorem 3 — establishes the equivalence of the interpolation and amalgamation properties for a large family of logics and their associated classes of matrices.
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  • Almost structural completeness; an algebraic approach.Wojciech Dzik & Michał M. Stronkowski - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (7):525-556.
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  • Admissible Rules and the Leibniz Hierarchy.James G. Raftery - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (4):569-606.
    This paper provides a semantic analysis of admissible rules and associated completeness conditions for arbitrary deductive systems, using the framework of abstract algebraic logic. Algebraizability is not assumed, so the meaning and significance of the principal notions vary with the level of the Leibniz hierarchy at which they are presented. As a case study of the resulting theory, the nonalgebraizable fragments of relevance logic are considered.
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  • Knowledge, Uncertainty and Ignorance in Logic: Bilattices and beyond.George Gargov - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (2-3):195-283.
    ABSTRACT In the paper we present a survey of some approaches to the semantics of many-valued propositional systems. These approaches are inspired on one hand by classical problems in the investigations of logical aspects of epistemic activity: knowledge and truth, contradictions, beliefs, reliability of data, etc. On the other hand they reflect contemporary concerns of researchers in Artificial Intelligence (and Cognitive Science in general) with inferences drawn from imperfect information, even from total ignorance. We treat the mathematical apparatus that has (...)
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  • The logics stronger than Łukasiewicz's three valued sentential calculus-the notion of degree of maximality versus the notion of degree of completeness.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1974 - Studia Logica 33 (2):201-214.
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  • Order algebraizable logics.James G. Raftery - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (3):251-283.
    This paper develops an order-theoretic generalization of Blok and Pigozziʼs notion of an algebraizable logic. Unavoidably, the ordered model class of a logic, when it exists, is not unique. For uniqueness, the definition must be relativized, either syntactically or semantically. In sentential systems, for instance, the order algebraization process may be required to respect a given but arbitrary polarity on the signature. With every deductive filter of an algebra of the pertinent type, the polarity associates a reflexive and transitive relation (...)
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  • On Priest's logic of paradox.Alexej P. Pynko - 1995 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 5 (2):219-225.
    The present paper concerns a technical study of PRIEST'S logic of paradox [Pri 79], We prove that this logic has no proper paraconsistent strengthening. It is also proved that the mentioned logic is the largest paraconsistent one satisfaying TARSKI'S conditions for the classical conjunction and disjunction together with DE MORGAN'S laws for negation. Finally, we obtain for the logic of paradox an algebraic completeness result related to Kleene lattices.
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  • On two problems of Harvey Friedman.Tadeusz Prucnal - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (3):247 - 262.
    The paper considers certain properties of intermediate and moda propositional logics.The first part contains a proof of the theorem stating that each intermediate logic is closed under the Kreisel-Putnam rule xyz/(xy)(xz).
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  • Filter distributive logics.Janusz Czelakowski - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (4):353 - 377.
    The present paper is thought as a formal study of distributive closure systems which arise in the domain of sentential logics. Special stress is laid on the notion of a C-filter, playing the role analogous to that of a congruence in universal algebra. A sentential logic C is called filter distributive if the lattice of C-filters in every algebra similar to the language of C is distributive. Theorem IV.2 in Section IV gives a method of axiomatization of those filter distributive (...)
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  • An abstract algebraic logic approach to tetravalent modal logics.Josep Font & Miquel Rius - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):481-518.
    This paper contains a joint study of two sentential logics that combine a many-valued character, namely tetravalence, with a modal character; one of them is normal and the other one quasinormal. The method is to study their algebraic counterparts and their abstract models with the tools of Abstract Algebraic Logic, and particularly with those of Brown and Suszko's theory of abstract logics as recently developed by Font and Jansana in their "A General Algebraic Semantics for Sentential Logics". The logics studied (...)
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  • The deduction theorem for quantum logic—some negative results.Jacek Malinowski - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):615-625.
    We prove that no logic (i.e. consequence operation) determined by any class of orthomodular lattices admits the deduction theorem (Theorem 2.7). We extend those results to some broader class of logics determined by ortholattices (Corollary 2.6).
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  • The Beth Property in Algebraic Logic.W. J. Blok & Eva Hoogland - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):49-90.
    The present paper is a study in abstract algebraic logic. We investigate the correspondence between the metalogical Beth property and the algebraic property of surjectivity of epimorphisms. It will be shown that this correspondence holds for the large class of equivalential logics. We apply our characterization theorem to relevance logics and many-valued logics.
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  • Algebraic study of Sette's maximal paraconsistent logic.Alexej P. Pynko - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (1):89 - 128.
    The aim of this paper is to study the paraconsistent deductive systemP 1 within the context of Algebraic Logic. It is well known due to Lewin, Mikenberg and Schwarse thatP 1 is algebraizable in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi, the quasivariety generated by Sette's three-element algebraS being the unique quasivariety semantics forP 1. In the present paper we prove that the mentioned quasivariety is not a variety by showing that the variety generated byS is not equivalent to any algebraizable (...)
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  • Matrices, primitive satisfaction and finitely based logics.Janusz Czelakowski - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (1):89 - 104.
    We examine the notion of primitive satisfaction in logical matrices. Theorem II. 1, being the matrix counterpart of Baker's well-known result for congruently distributive varieties of algebras (cf [1], Thm. 1.5), links the notions of primitive and standard satisfaction. As a corollary we give the matrix version of Jónsson's Lemma, proved earlier in [4]. Then we investigate propositional logics with disjunction. The main result, Theorem III. 2, states a necessary and sufficient condition for such logics to be finitely based.
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  • On the Closure Properties of the Class of Full G-models of a Deductive System.Josep Maria Font, Ramon Jansana & Don Pigozzi - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):215-278.
    In this paper we consider the structure of the class FGModS of full generalized models of a deductive system S from a universal-algebraic point of view, and the structure of the set of all the full generalized models of S on a fixed algebra A from the lattice-theoretical point of view; this set is represented by the lattice FACSs A of all algebraic closed-set systems C on A such that (A, C) ε FGModS. We relate some properties of these structures (...)
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  • Logics preserving degrees of truth.Marek Nowak - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (4):483 - 499.
    The paper introduces a concept of logic applied to a formalization of the so-called inferences preserving degrees of truth. Semantical and syntactical characterizations of three kinds of logics preserving degrees of truth are provided. The other approach than in [3] and [9] to the problem of expressing that a sentence is less true than a sentence is presented.
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  • (1 other version)Matrix representations for structural strengthenings of a propositional logic.Piotr Wojtylak - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (3):263 - 266.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the operations of forming direct products and submatrices suffice to construct exhaustive semantics for all structural strengthenings of the consequence determined by a given class of logical matrices.
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  • An Intriguing Logic with Two Implicational Connectives.Lloyd Humberstone - 2000 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 41 (1):1-40.
    Matthew Spinks [35] introduces implicative BCSK-algebras, expanding implicative BCK-algebras with an additional binary operation. Subdirectly irreducible implicative BCSK-algebras can be viewed as flat posets with two operations coinciding only in the 1- and 2-element cases, each, in the latter case, giving the two-valued implication truth-function. We introduce the resulting logic (for the general case) in terms of matrix methodology in §1, showing how to reformulate the matrix semantics as a Kripke-style possible worlds semantics, thereby displaying the distinction between the two (...)
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  • Some theorems on structural entailment relations.Janusz Czelakowski - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (4):417 - 429.
    The classesMatr( ) of all matrices (models) for structural finitistic entailments are investigated. The purpose of the paper is to prove three theorems: Theorem I.7, being the counterpart of the main theorem from Czelakowski [3], and Theorems II.2 and III.2 being the entailment counterparts of Bloom's results [1]. Theorem I.7 states that if a classK of matrices is adequate for , thenMatr( ) is the least class of matrices containingK and closed under the formation of ultraproducts, submatrices, strict homomorphisms and (...)
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  • Key notions of Tarski's methodology of deductive systems.Janusz Czelakowski & Grzegorz Malinowski - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (4):321 - 351.
    The aim of the article is to outline the historical background and the present state of the methodology of deductive systems invented by Alfred Tarski in the thirties. Key notions of Tarski's methodology are presented and discussed through, the recent development of the original concepts and ideas.
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  • Conserving involution in residuated structures.Ai-ni Hsieh & James G. Raftery - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):583-609.
    This paper establishes several algebraic embedding theorems, each of which asserts that a certain kind of residuated structure can be embedded into a richer one. In almost all cases, the original structure has a compatible involution, which must be preserved by the embedding. The results, in conjunction with previous findings, yield separative axiomatizations of the deducibility relations of various substructural formal systems having double negation and contraposition axioms. The separation theorems go somewhat further than earlier ones in the literature, which (...)
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  • On structural completeness of many-valued logics.Piotr Wojtylak - 1978 - Studia Logica 37 (2):139 - 147.
    In the paper some consequence operations generated by ukasiewicz's matrices are examined.
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  • The lattice of strengthenings of a strongly finite consequence operation.Wiesław Dziobiak - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (2):177 - 193.
    First, we prove that the lattice of all structural strengthenings of a given strongly finite consequence operation is both atomic and coatomic, it has finitely many atoms and coatoms, each coatom is strongly finite but atoms are not of this kind — we settle this by constructing a suitable counterexample. Second, we deal with the notions of hereditary: algebraicness, strong finitisticity and finite approximability of a strongly finite consequence operation. Third, we formulate some conditions which tell us when the lattice (...)
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  • (1 other version)The existence of matrices strongly adequate for e, R and their fragments.Marek Tokarz - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (1):75 - 85.
    A logic is a pair (P,Q) where P is a set of formulas of a fixed propositional language and Q is a set of rules. A formula is deducible from X in the logic (P, Q) if it is deducible from XP via Q. A matrix is strongly adequate to (P, Q) if for any , X, is deducible from X iff for every valuation in , is designated whenever all the formulas in X are. It is proved in the (...)
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  • Beyond Rasiowa's Algebraic Approach to Non-classical Logics.Josep Maria Font - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (2):179-209.
    This paper reviews the impact of Rasiowa's well-known book on the evolution of algebraic logic during the last thirty or forty years. It starts with some comments on the importance and influence of this book, highlighting some of the reasons for this influence, and some of its key points, mathematically speaking, concerning the general theory of algebraic logic, a theory nowadays called Abstract Algebraic Logic. Then, a consideration of the diverse ways in which these key points can be generalized allows (...)
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  • (1 other version)Degrees of maximality of Klukasiewicz-like sentential calculi.Grzegorz Malinowski - 1977 - Studia Logica 36 (3):213-228.
    The paper is concerned with the problem of characterization of strengthenings of the so-called Łukasiewicz-like sentential calculi. The calculi under consideration are determined by n-valued Łukasiewicz matrices with superdesignated logical values. In general, Łukasiewicz-like sentential calculi are not implicative in the sense of [7]. Despite of this fact, in our considerations we use matrices analogous to S-algebras of Rasiowa. The main result of the paper says that the degree of maximality of any n-valued Łukasiewicz-like sentential calculus is finite and equal (...)
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  • Note on deducibility and many-valuedness.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (3):563-566.
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  • Contextual Deduction Theorems.J. G. Raftery - 2011 - Studia Logica 99 (1-3):279-319.
    Logics that do not have a deduction-detachment theorem (briefly, a DDT) may still possess a contextual DDT —a syntactic notion introduced here for arbitrary deductive systems, along with a local variant. Substructural logics without sentential constants are natural witnesses to these phenomena. In the presence of a contextual DDT, we can still upgrade many weak completeness results to strong ones, e.g., the finite model property implies the strong finite model property. It turns out that a finitary system has a contextual (...)
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  • Willem Blok's Contribution to Abstract Algebraic Logic.Ramon Jansana - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):31-48.
    Willem Blok was one of the founders of the field Abstract Algebraic Logic. The paper describes his research in this field.
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  • Semantic alternatives in partial Boolean quantum logic.R. I. G. Hughes - 1985 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 14 (4):411 - 446.
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  • Matrix representation for the dual counterparts of Lukasiewicz n-valued sentential calculi and the problem of their degrees of maximality.Grzegorz Malinowski - 1975 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 4 (1):26-31.
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  • Alfred Tarski's work on general metamathematics.W. J. Blok & Don Pigozzi - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):36-50.
    In this essay we discuss Tarski's work on what he calledthe methodology of the deductive sciences, or more briefly, borrowing the terminology of Hilbert,metamathematics, The clearest statement of Tarski's views on this subject can be found in his textbookIntroduction to logic[41m].1Here he describes the tasks of metamathematics as “the detailed analysis and critical evaluation of the fundamental principles that are applied in the construction of logic and mathematics”. He goes on to describe what these fundamental principles are: All the expressions (...)
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  • Equationally definable implication algebras for orthomodular lattices.G. N. Georgacarakos - 1980 - Studia Logica 39 (1):5 - 18.
    The fact that it is possible to define three different material conditionals in orthomodular lattices suggests that there exist three different orthomodular logics whose conditionals are material conditionals and whose models are orthomodular lattices. The purpose of this paper is to provide equationally definable implication algebras for each of these material conditionals.
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  • Strong versus weak quantum consequence operations.Jacek Malinowski - 1992 - Studia Logica 51 (1):113 - 123.
    This paper is a study of similarities and differences between strong and weak quantum consequence operations determined by a given class of ortholattices. We prove that the only strong orthologics which admits the deduction theorem (the only strong orthologics with algebraic semantics, the only equivalential strong orthologics, respectively) is the classical logic.
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  • Logical matrices and non-structural consequence operators.Brunetto Piochi - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (1):33 - 42.
    In the present paper, we study some properties of matrices for non-structural consequence operators. These matrices were introduced in a former work (see [3]). In sections 1. and 2., general definitions and theorems are recalled; in section 3. a correspondence is studied, among our matrices and Wójcicki's ones for structural operators. In section 4. a theorem is given about operators, induced by submatrices or epimorphic images, or quotient matrices of a given one.Such matrices are used to characterize lattices of non-structural (...)
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  • Locally Tabular $$ne $$ Locally Finite.Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (3):383-400.
    We show that for an arbitrary logic being locally tabular is a strictly weaker property than being locally finite. We describe our hunt for a logic that allows us to separate the two properties, revealing weaker and weaker conditions under which they must coincide, and showing how they are intertwined. We single out several classes of logics where the two notions coincide, including logics that are determined by a finite set of finite matrices, selfextensional logics, algebraizable and equivalential logics. Furthermore, (...)
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  • A representation theorem for the lattice of standard consequence operations.Stephen L. Bloom - 1975 - Studia Logica 34 (3):235 - 237.
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  • A proof of Ryszard Wójcicki's conjecture.Grzegorz Malinowski - 1978 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 7 (1):20-23.
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  • Concerning axiomatizability of the quasivariety generated by a finite Heyting or topological Boolean algebra.Wles?aw Dziobiak - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (4):415 - 428.
    In classes of algebras such as lattices, groups, and rings, there are finite algebras which individually generate quasivarieties which are not finitely axiomatizable (see [2], [3], [8]). We show here that this kind of algebras also exist in Heyting algebras as well as in topological Boolean algebras. Moreover, we show that the lattice join of two finitely axiomatizable quasivarieties, each generated by a finite Heyting or topological Boolean algebra, respectively, need not be finitely axiomatizable. Finally, we solve problem 4 asked (...)
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  • On two properties of structurally complete logics.Andrzej Biela & Wies law Dziobiak - 1982 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 11 (3/4):154-158.
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  • Compositional Meaning in Logic.Carlos Caleiro & Luca Viganò - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (3):283-295.
    The Fregean-inspired Principle of Compositionality of Meaning for formal languages asserts that the meaning of a compound expression is analysable in terms of the meaning of its constituents, taking into account the mode in which these constituents are combined so as to form the compound expression. From a logical point of view, this amounts to prescribing a constraint—that may or may not be respected—on the internal mechanisms that build and give meaning to a given formal system. Within the domain of (...)
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