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  1. The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information.Luciano Floridi (ed.) - 2003 - Blackwell.
    This Guide provides an ambitious state-of-the-art survey of the fundamental themes, problems, arguments and theories constituting the philosophy of computing.
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  • The right to privacy.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1975 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 4 (4):295-314.
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  • Thomson on privacy.Thomas Scanlon - 1975 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 4 (4):315-322.
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  • Why privacy is important.James Rachels - 1975 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 4 (4):323-333.
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  • On the morality of artificial agents.Luciano Floridi & J. W. Sanders - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (3):349-379.
    Artificial agents (AAs), particularly but not only those in Cyberspace, extend the class of entities that can be involved in moral situations. For they can be conceived of as moral patients (as entities that can be acted upon for good or evil) and also as moral agents (as entities that can perform actions, again for good or evil). In this paper, we clarify the concept of agent and go on to separate the concerns of morality and responsibility of agents (most (...)
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  • (1 other version)Information.Luciano Floridi - 2005 - In Carl Mitcham (ed.), Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics (ESTE).
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  • Internet ethics: the constructionist values of homo poieticus.Luciano Floridi & J. W. Sanders - 2005 - In Robert J. Cavalier (ed.), The Impact of the Internet on Our Moral Lives. State University of New York Press. pp. 195-214.
    In this chapter, we argue that the web is a poietically- enabling environment, which both enhances and requires the development of a “constructionist ethics”. We begin by explaining the appropriate concept of “constructionist ethics”, and analysing virtue ethics as the primary example. We then show why CyberEthics (or Computer Ethics, as it is also called) cannot be based on virtue ethics, yet needs to retain a constructionist approach. After providing evidence for significant poietic uses of the web, we argue that (...)
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  • Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility.Terrell Ward Bynum & Simon Rogerson (eds.) - 1998 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This clear and accessible textbook and its associated website offer a state of the art introduction to the burgeoning field of computer ethics and professional responsibility. Includes discussion of hot topics such as the history of computing; the social context of computing; methods of ethical analysis; professional responsibility and codes of ethics; computer security, risks and liabilities; computer crime, viruses and hacking; data protection and privacy; intellectual property and the “open source” movement; global ethics and the internet Introduces key issues (...)
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  • "A piece of yourself": Ethical issues in biometric identification. [REVIEW]Anton Alterman - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (3):139-150.
    The proliferation of biometric identification technology raises difficult issues in the matter of security, privacy and identity. Though biometric "images" are not images per se, they are both unique representations of an individual in themsevles and a means of access to other identifying information. I compare biometric imaging with other kinds of identifying representations and find that there are issues specific to biometric ID's. Because they represent information that is written into the body they are directly related to one's sense (...)
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  • Anonymity.Kathleen Wallace - 1999 - Ethics and Information Technology 1 (1):21-31.
    Anonymity is a form of nonidentifiability which I define as noncoordinatability of traits in a given respect. This definition broadens the concept, freeing it from its primary association with naming. I analyze different ways anonymity can be realized. I also discuss some ethical issues, such as privacy, accountability and other values which anonymity may serve or undermine. My theory can also conceptualize anonymity in information systems where, for example, privacy and accountability are at issue.
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  • Protecting privacy in public? Surveillance technologies and the value of public places.Jason W. Patton - 2000 - Ethics and Information Technology 2 (3):181-187.
    While maintaining the importance of privacy for critical evaluations of surveillance technologies, I suggest that privacy also constrains the debate by framing analyses in terms of the individual. Public space provides a site for considering what is at stake with surveillance technologies besides privacy. After describing two accounts of privacy and one of public space, I argue that surveillance technologies simultaneously add an ambiguityand a specificity to public places that are detrimental to the social, cultural, and civic importance of these (...)
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  • Freedom and privacy in ambient intelligence.Philip Brey - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (3):157-166.
    This paper analyzes ethical aspects of the new paradigm of Ambient Intelligence, which is a combination of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’s). After an introduction to the approach, two key ethical dimensions will be analyzed: freedom and privacy. It is argued that Ambient Intelligence, though often designed to enhance freedom and control, has the potential to limit freedom and autonomy as well. Ambient Intelligence also harbors great privacy risks, and these are explored as well.
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  • Towards a theory of privacy in the information age.James H. Moor - 1997 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 27 (3):27-32.
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  • Privacy as life, liberty, property.Richard Volkman - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (4):199-210.
    The cluster of concerns usually identified asmatters of privacy can be adequately accountedfor by unpacking our natural rights to life,liberty, and property. Privacy as derived fromfundamental natural rights to life, liberty,and property encompasses the advantages of thecontrol and restricted access theories withouttheir attendant difficulties.
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  • (1 other version)Information.Luciano Floridi - 2003 - In The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information. Blackwell. pp. 40–61.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction Semantic Information The Mathematical Theory of Communication Some Philosophical Approaches to Semantic Information Conclusion Acknowledgments Some Web Resources.
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