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  1. (1 other version)One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society.Herbert Marcuse - 1964 - Routledge.
    In his most seminal book, Herbert Marcuse sharply objects to what he saw as pervasive one-dimensional thinking-the uncritical and conformist acceptance of existing structures, norms and behaviours. Originally published in 1964, One Dimensional Man quickly became one of the most important texts in the politically radical sixties. Marcuse's searing indictment of Western society remains as chillingly relevant today as it was at its first writing.
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  • Pedagogy of the oppressed.Paulo Freire - 2004 - In David J. Flinders & Stephen J. Thornton, The Curriculum Studies Reader. Routledge.
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  • The sublime object of ideology.Slavoj Žižek - 1989 - New York: Verso.
    In this provocative and original work, Slavoj Zizek takes a look at the question of human agency in a postmodern world. From the sinking of the Titanic to Hitchcock's Rear Window, from the operas of Wagner to science fiction, from Alien to the Jewish Joke, the author's acute analyses explore the ideological fantasies of wholeness and exclusion which make up human society. Linking key psychoanalytical and philosophical concepts to social phenomena such as totalitarianism and racism, the book explores the political (...)
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  • Dialectic of enlightenment: philosophical fragments.Max Horkheimer - 2002 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Theodor W. Adorno & Gunzelin Schmid Noerr.
    Dialectic of Enlightenment is undoubtedly the most influential publication of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Written during the Second World War and circulated privately, it appeared in a printed edition in Amsterdam in 1947. "What we had set out to do," the authors write in the Preface, "was nothing less than to explain why humanity, instead of entering a truly human state, is sinking into a new kind of barbarism." Yet the work goes far beyond a mere critique of (...)
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  • State of Exception.Giorgio Agamben - 2004 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this highly topical book, Agamben ultimately arrives at original ideas about the future of democracy and casts a new light on the hidden relationship that ties law to violence.
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  • (2 other versions)Pedagogy of the Oppressed.Paulo Freire - 1970 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Myra Bergman Ramos, Donaldo P. Macedo & Ira Shor.
    On the 20th anniversary of its publication, this classic manifesto is updated with an important new preface by the author. Freire reflects on the impact his book has had, and on many of the issues it raises for readers in the 1990s. These include the fundamental question of liberation and inclusive language as it relates to Freire's own insights and approaches.
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  • Eighteenth brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.Karl Marx - unknown
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  • The politics of aesthetics: the distribution of the sensible.Jacques Ranciere - 2006 - New York: Continuum.
    The Politics of Aesthetics rethinks the relation between art and politics, reclaiming 'aesthetics' from its current narrow confines to reveal its significance ...
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  • Ten Theses on Politics.Jacques Ranciere, Davide Panagia & Rachel Bowlby - 2001 - Theory and Event 5 (3).
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  • Language and Death: The Place of Negativity.Giorgio Agamben - 2006 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Explores the symbiosis of philosophy and literature in understanding negativity.
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  • (1 other version)Reinventing Paulo Freire: a pedagogy of love.Antonia Darder - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Remaking Parent Engagement in Praxis: A Pedagogy of Love to Humanize and Redefine Parent Power -- Freire's Pedagogy of Love in the Context of Fellowship -- Deinstitutionalizing the Institution: Reinventing Freire in a Juvenile Justice Setting -- Paulo Freire, Critical Pedagogy and Testimony Therapy -- Freire and Community Human Rights Education: The Experience of Center Prodh in Mexico -- Afterword: Making History: Education for the Future By Paulo Freire -- References -- Index.
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  • One-Dimensional Man By Herbert Marcuse Routledge.Renford Bambrough - 1994 - Philosophy 69 (269):380-.
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  • Cultural Action for Freedom.Paulo Freire, Marta Soler-Gallart & Bárbara M. Brizuela - 1972 - Harvard Educational Review.
    In this volume, we have chosen to highlight the importance of education to human rights by reprinting two articles written by Paulo Freire in 1970 for the _Harvard Educational Review_. These articles contain many of Freire's original ideas on human rights and education—issues that are central to his work. Freire was a pioneer in promoting the universal right to education and literacy as part of a commitment to people's struggle against oppression. As Jerome Bruner recognized after Freire's death in May (...)
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  • Education, literacy, and humanization: exploring the work of Paulo Freire.Peter Roberts - 2000 - Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey.
    Provides a critical introduction to the work of Paulo Freire, paying particular attention to later texts.
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  • Dis-agreement: Politics and Philosophy.Jacques Rancière - 1999 - U of Minnesota Press.
    "Is there any such thing as political philosophy?" So begins this provocative book by one of the foremost figures in Continental thought. Here, Jacques Ranciere brings a new and highly useful set of terms to the vexed debate about political effectiveness in the face of a new world order. What precisely is at stake in the relationship between "philosophy" and the adjective "political"? In Disagreement, Ranciere explores the apparent contradiction between these terms and reveals the uneasy meaning of their union (...)
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  • A Voice and Nothing More.Mladen Dolar - 2006 - MIT Press.
    Plutarch tells the story of a man who plucked a nightingale and finding but little to eat exclaimed: "You are just a voice and nothing more." Plucking the feathers of meaning that cover the voice, dismantling the body from which the voice seems to emanate, resisting the Sirens' song of fascination with the voice, concentrating on "the voice and nothing more": this is the difficult task that philosopher Mladen Dolar relentlessly pursues in this seminal work.The voice did not figure as (...)
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  • Multitude Between Innovation and Negation.Paolo Virno - 2008 - Semiotext(E).
    The influential Italian thinker offers three essays in the political philosophy of language. Multitude between Innovation and Negation by Paolo Virno translated by James Cascaito. The publication of Paolo Virno's first book in English, Grammar of the Multitude, by Semiotext in 2004 was an event within the field of radical political thought and introduced post-'68 currents in Italy to American readers. Multitude between Innovation and Negation, written several years later, offers three essays that take the reader on a journey through (...)
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  • Infinitely Demanding. Ethics of Commitment, Politics of Resistance.S. Critchley - 2007 - Appraisal 6.
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  • Communities of Sense: Rethinking Aesthetics and Politics.[author unknown] - 2009
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  • We Make the Road by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change.Myles Horton & Paulo Freire - 1990 - Temple University Press.
    This dialogue between two of the most prominent thinkers on social change in the twentieth century was certainly a meeting of giants. Throughout their highly personal conversations recorded here, Horton and Freire discuss the nature of social change and empowerment and their individual literacy campaigns.
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  • Lessons of love: Psychoanalysis and teacher‐student love.Daniel Cho - 2005 - Educational Theory 55 (1):79-96.
    What is the relation of love and pedagogy? Two recent phenomena have called into question whether love has any place within pedagogy at all: teacher‐student sexual scandal and the standardization movement. As love walks the thin line between inspiration and sex, and as standardization has assumed love to be synonymous with bias, it has become more important than ever to provide a clear account of love and its relation to teaching. For this account, I turn to Lacanian psychoanalysis and, in (...)
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  • Schooling as a Ritual Performance: Toward a Political Economy of Educational Symbols and Gestures.Peter McLaren - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    In this third edition, Peter McLaren engages with some of the latest anthropological thinking and presents the reader with a powerful manifesto for critical ethnography in the 21st century.
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  • Short Voyages to the Land of the People.Jacques Rancière & James B. Swenson - 2004 - Utopian Studies 15 (1):148-150.
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  • The Reptoid Hypothesis: Utopian and Dystopian Representational Motifs in David Icke's Alien Conspiracy Theory.Tyson Lewis & Richard Kahn - 2005 - Utopian Studies 16 (1):45 - 74.
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