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Social Construction

Philosophy Compass 10 (12):884-892 (2015)

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  1. Resisting Reality: Social Construction and Social Critique.Sally Haslanger - 2012 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    In this collection of previously published essays, Sally Haslanger draws on insights from feminist and critical race theory and on the resources of contemporary analytic philosophy to develop the idea that gender and race are positions ...
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  • Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.Judith Butler - 1989 - Routledge.
    One of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years, Judith Butler’s _Gender Trouble_ is as celebrated as it is controversial. Arguing that traditional feminism is wrong to look to a natural, 'essential' notion of the female, or indeed of sex or gender, Butler starts by questioning the category 'woman' and continues in this vein with examinations of 'the masculine' and 'the feminine'. Best known however, but also most often misinterpreted, is Butler's concept of gender as a reiterated (...)
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  • The social construction of what?Ian Hacking - 1999 - Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
    Especially troublesome in this dispute is the status of the natural sciences, and this is where Hacking finds some of his most telling cases, from the conflict ...
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  • Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex.Judith Butler - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Bodies That Matter,__ Judith Butler further develops her distinctive theory of gender by examining the workings of power at the most "material" dimensions of sex and sexuality. Deepening the inquiries she began in _Gender_ _Trouble,_ Butler offers an original reformulation of the materiality of bodies, examining how the power of heterosexual hegemony forms the "matter" of bodies, sex, and gender. Butler argues that power operates to constrain "sex" from the start, delimiting what counts as a viable sex. She offers (...)
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  • Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.Judith Butler & Suzanne Pharr - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):171-175.
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  • Fear of knowledge: against relativism and constructivism.Paul Artin Boghossian - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Relativist and constructivist conceptions of knowledge have become orthodoxy in vast stretches of the academic world in recent times. This book critically examines such views and argues that they are fundamentally flawed. The book focuses on three different ways of reading the claim that knowledge is socially constructed, one about facts and two about justification. All three are rejected. The intuitive, common sense view is that there is a way things are that is independent of human opinion, and that we (...)
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  • Historical ontology.Ian Hacking - 2002 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    The focus of this volume, which collects both recent and now-classic essays, is the historical emergence of concepts and objects, through new uses of words and ...
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  • Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self.Linda Alcoff - 2006 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Visible Identities critiques the critiques of identity and of identity politics and argues that identities are real but not necessarily a political problem. Moreover, the book explores the material infrastructure of gendered identity, the experimental aspects of racial subjectivity for both whites and non-whites, and in several chapters looks specifically at Latio identity.
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  • Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race.Charles W. Mills - 1998 - Cornell University Press.
    Charles Mills makes visible in the world of mainstream philosophy some of the crucial issues of the black experience.
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  • "But What Are You Really?": The Metaphysics of Race.Charles W. Mills - 1998 - In Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race. Cornell University Press. pp. 41-66.
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  • Phänomenologie des Geistes.G. W. F. Hegel & J. Hoffmeister - 1807 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 15 (3):528-528.
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  • A Theory of Race.Joshua Glasgow - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Social commentators have long asked whether racial categories should be conserved or eliminated from our practices, discourse, institutions, and perhaps even private thoughts. In _A Theory of Race_, Joshua Glasgow argues that this set of choices unnecessarily presents us with too few options. Using both traditional philosophical tools and recent psychological research to investigate folk understandings of race, Glasgow argues that, as ordinarily conceived, race is an illusion. However, our pressing need to speak to and make sense of social life (...)
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  • Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race.David B. Wilkins, Kwame Anthony Appiah & Amy Gutmann - 1996 - Princeton University Press.
    In America today, the problem of achieving racial justice--whether through "color-blind" policies or through affirmative action--provokes more noisy name-calling than fruitful deliberation. In Color Conscious, K. Anthony Appiah and Amy Gutmann, two eminent moral and political philosophers, seek to clear the ground for a discussion of the place of race in politics and in our moral lives. Provocative and insightful, their essays tackle different aspects of the question of racial justice; together they provide a compelling response to our nation's most (...)
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  • (1 other version)Polity and group difference: A critique of the ideal of universal citizenship.Iris Marion Young - 1989 - Ethics 99 (2):250-274.
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  • What Is Social Construction?Esa Díaz-León - 2015 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):1137-1152.
    In this paper I discuss the question of what it means to say that a property is socially constructed. I focus on an influential project that many social constructivists are engaged in, namely, arguing against the inevitability of a trait, and I examine several recent characterizations of social construction, with the aim of assessing which one is more suited to the task.
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  • (1 other version)Phänomenologie des Geistes.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1973 - Frankfurt (am Main): Suhrkamp. Edited by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
    Gegenstand der "Phänomenologie des Geistes" ist die 'Wissenschaft der Erfahrung des Bewußtseins', d.i. der Aufstieg der Gestalten vernünftiger Erkenntnis von der Stufe der naiven Wahrnehmung bis zur Höhe des absoluten Wissens. Von diesem ersten reifen Werk Hegels sagte Bloch, es sei "voll Jugend ohne gleichen, voll Überfülle und Glut, dichterisch durchaus, wissenschaftlich durchaus, in einzigartiger, morgendlicher Gärung ... Nirgends kann genauer gesehen werden, was großer Gedanke im Aufgang ist, und nirgends ist sein Lauf bereits vollständiger." – Die Einleitung gibt eine (...)
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  • Race and Mixed Race.Naomi Zack - 1993 - Temple University Press.
    Author note: Naomi Zack is Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Albany. She herself is of mixed race: Jewish, African American, and Native American.
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  • Feminist perspectives on sex and gender.Mari Mikkola - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Feminism is the movement to end women’s oppression. One possible way to understand ‘woman’ in this claim is to take it as a sex term: ‘woman’ picks out human females and being a human female depends on various anatomical features (like genitalia). Historically many feminists have understood ‘woman’ differently: not as a sex term, but as a gender term that depends on social and cultural factors (like social position). In so doing, they distinguished sex (being female or male) from gender (...)
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  • Race: Biological reality or social construct?Robin Andreasen - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):666.
    Race was once thought to be a real biological kind. Today the dominant view is that objective biological races don't exist. I challenge the trend to reject the biological reality of race by arguing that cladism (a school of classification that individuates taxa by appeal to common ancestry) provides a new way to define race biologically. I also reconcile the proposed biological conception with constructivist theories about race. Most constructivists assume that biological realism and social constructivism are incompatible views about (...)
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  • The Ordinary Concept of Race.Michael O. Hardimon - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (9):437-455.
    The ordinary concept of race is important and poorly understood. The present article seeks to address this problem by providing a general answer to the question: What is the concept of race?
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  • Passing, traveling and reality: Social constructionism and the metaphysics of race.Ron Mallon - 2004 - Noûs 38 (4):644–673.
    Among race theorists, the view that race is a social construction is widespread. While the term ‘ social construction’ is sometimes intended to mean merely that race does not constitute a robust, biological natural kind, it often labels the stronger position that race is real, but not a biological kind. For example, Charles Mills writes that, ‘‘the task of those working on race is to put race in quotes, ‘race’, while still insisting that nevertheless, it exists ’’. It is to (...)
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  • The Social Construction of Human Kinds.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):716-732.
    Social construction theorists face a certain challenge to the effect that they confuse the epistemic and the metaphysical: surely our conceptions of something are influenced by social practices, but that doesn't show that the nature of the thing in question is so influenced. In this paper I take up this challenge and offer a general framework to support the claim that a human kind is socially constructed, when this is understood as a metaphysical claim and as a part of a (...)
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  • How we divide the world.Michael Root - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):639.
    Real kinds or categories, according to conventional wisdom, enter into lawlike generalizations, while nominal kinds do not. Thus, gold but not jewelry is a real kind. However, by such a criterion, few if any kinds or systems of classification employed in the social science are real, for the social sciences offer, at best, only restricted generalizations. Thus, according to conventional wisdom, race and class are on a par with telephone area codes and postal zones; all are nominal rather than real. (...)
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  • What 'biological racial realism' should mean.Quayshawn Spencer - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 159 (2):181-204.
    A curious ambiguity has arisen in the race debate in recent years. That ambiguity is what is actually meant by ‘biological racial realism’. Some philosophers mean that ‘race is a natural kind in biology’, while others mean that ‘race is a real biological kind’. However, there is no agreement about what a natural kind or a real biological kind should be in the race debate. In this article, I will argue that the best interpretation of ‘biological racial realism’ is one (...)
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  • Social construction, social roles, and stability.Ron Mallon - 2003 - In Frederick F. Schmitt, Gary Ebbs, Margaret Gilbert, Sally Haslanger, Kevin Kimble, Ron Mallon, Seumas Miller, Philip Pettit, Abraham Sesshu Roth, John Searle, Raimo Tuomela & Edward Witherspoon, Socializing Metaphysics: The Nature of Social Reality. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 327--54.
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  • The Metaphysics of Sex and Gender.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 47--65.
    In this chapter I offer an interpretation of Judith Butler’s metaphysics of sex and gender and situate it in the ontological landscape alongside what has long been the received view of sex and gender in the English speaking world, which owes its inspiration to the works of Simone de Beauvoir. I then offer a critique of Butler’s view, as interpreted, and subsequently an original account of sex and gender, according to which both are constructed—or conferred, as I would put it— (...)
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  • (1 other version)Race, Culture, Identity: Misunderstood Connections.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 1998 - In Amy Gutmann & Kwame Anthony Appiah, The Tanner Lectures on Human Values. Princeton University Press. pp. 51--136.
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  • Précis of Fear of Knowledge.Paul Boghossian - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (3):377-378.
    Fear of Knowledge was in many ways an exercise in foolhardiness. It was to be a short book, accessible to the general reader, that would treat some of the trickiest issues in the foundations theory of knowledge, but that would nevertheless not seriously shortchange the subtleties that they involve. Someone should have warned me.
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  • Ontological Commitments, Sex and Gender.Mari Mikkola - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 67--83.
    This paper develops an alternative for (what feminists call) ‘the sex/gender distinction’. I do so in order to avoid certain problematic implications that the distinction underpins. First, the sex/gender distinction paradigmatically holds that some social conditions determine one’s gender (whether one is a woman or a man), and that some biological conditions determine one’s sex (whether one is female or male). Further, sex and gender come apart. Since gender is socially constructed, this implies that women exist mind-dependently, or due to (...)
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  • A field guide to social construction.Ron Mallon - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 2 (1):93–108.
    forthcoming in Philosophy Compass [penultimate draft .pdf file] A survey of the contemporary social constructionist landscape.
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  • Different Women. Gender and the Realism-Nominalism Debate.Natalie Stoljar - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 27--46.
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  • "Racial" nominalism.Ronald R. Sundstrom - 2002 - Journal of Social Philosophy 33 (2):193–210.
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  • Elizabeth Spelman, Gender Realism, and Women.Mari Mikkola - 2001 - Hypatia 21 (4):77-96.
    Spelman has famously argued against gender realism (the view that women have some social feature in common that makes them women). Many feminist philosophers have accepted Spelman’s argument and gender realist positions are, generally speaking, rejected. I show that Spelman’s arguments are inadequate and do not give good reasons to reject gender realism per se. I also propose a gender realist position that makes use of David Armstrong’s work on complex universals.
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  • (1 other version)Race, Multiculturalism and Democracy.Robert Gooding-Wiliams - 1998 - Constellations 5 (1):18-41.
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  • Foucault's Lecture On Kant.Juergen Habermas - 1986 - Thesis Eleven 14 (1):4-8.
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