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  1. Technics and time.Bernard Stiegler - 1998 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    At the beginning of Western philosophy, Aristotle contrasted made objects, which did not have the source of their own production within themselves, with beings formed by nature. This distinction persisted until Marx, who conceived of the possibility of an evolution of the technical object. This philosophy developed while industrialisation was in the process of overthrowing the contemporary order of social organisation, which highlighted technology's new place in philosophical enquiry. Bernard Stiegler goes back to the beginning of Western philosophy and revises (...)
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  • What is life? & mind and matter: the physical aspect of the living cell.Erwin Schrödinger - 1974 - Cambridge University Press.
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  • Nietzsche and Philosophy.Gilles Deleuze & Michael Hardt (eds.) - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Praised for its rare combination of scholarly rigor and imaginative interpretation, _Nietzsche and Philosophy_ has long been recognized as one of the most important analyses of Nietzsche. It is also one of the best introductions to Deleuze's thought, establishing many of his central philosophical positions. In _Nietzsche and Philosophy_, Deleuze identifies and explores three crucial concepts in Nietzschean thought-multiplicity, becoming, and affirmation-and clarifies Nietzsche's views regarding the will to power, eternal return, nihilism, and difference. For Deleuze, Nietzsche challenged conventional philosophical (...)
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  • Nietzsche and philosophy.Gilles Deleuze & Hugh Tomlinson - 1991 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 1:53-55.
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  • Nietzsche: Looking right, reading left.Babette Babich - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (3):261-268.
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  • Better Than Human: The Promise and Perils of Enhancing Ourselves.Allen Buchanan - 2011 - Oup Usa.
    In Better than Human, noted bioethicist Allen Buchanan grapples with the ethical dilemmas of the medical revolution and biomedical enhancements. One problem, he argues, is that the debate over these enhancements has divided into polar extremes--into denunciations of meddling in the natural order, or else a heady optimism that we can cure all that ails humanity. In fact, Buchanan notes, the human genome has always been unstable, and intervention is no offense against nature.
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  • States of Shock: Stupidity and Knowledge in the 21st Century.Bernard Stiegler - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In 1944 Horkheimer and Adorno warned that industrial society turns reason into rationalization, and Polanyi warned of the dangers of the self-regulating market, but today, argues Stiegler, this regression of reason has led to societies dominated by unreason, stupidity and madness. However, philosophy in the second half of the twentieth century abandoned the critique of political economy, and poststructuralism left its heirs helpless and disarmed in face of the reign of stupidity and an economic crisis of global proportions. New theories (...)
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  • Technics and time, 3: cinematic time and the question of malaise.Bernard Stiegler - 2011 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Stephen Francis Barker.
    Cinematic time -- The cinema of consciousness -- I and we : the American politics of adoption -- The malaise of our educational institutions -- Making (the) difference -- Technoscience and reproduction.
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  • The inhuman: reflections on time.Jean-François Lyotard - 1991 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    "In a wide-ranging discussion the author examines the philosophy of Kant, Heidegger, Adorno and Derrida and looks at the works of modernist and postmodernist artists such as Cezanne, Debussy and Boulez. Lyotard addresses issues such as time and memory, the sublime and the avant-garde, and the relationship between aesthetics and politics. Throughout his discussion he considers the close but problematic links between modernity, progress and humanity, and the transition to postmodernity. Lyotard claims that it is the task of literature, philosophy (...)
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  • Technics and Time, 2: Disorientation.Bernard Stiegler - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    Technics and Time 2: Disorientation continues Stiegler's interrogation of prosthetic and ortho-thetic memory in light of the crisis that arises when speed and delay are irreconcilable, the crisis of "human being" itself.
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  • What makes life worth living: on pharmacology.Bernard Stiegler - 2013 - Cambridge, UK: Polity. Edited by Daniel Ross.
    In the aftermath of the First World War, the poet Paul Valéry wrote of a "crisis of spirit", brought about by the instrumentalization of knowledge and the destructive subordination of culture to profit. Recent events demonstrate all too clearly that the stock of mind, or spirit, continues to fall. The economy is toxically organized around the pursuit of short-term gain, supported by an infantilizing, dumbed-down media. Advertising technologies make relentless demands on our attention, reducing us to idiotic beasts, no longer (...)
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  • Viroid Life: Perspectives on Nietzsche and the Transhuman Condition.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Nietzsche's vision of the 'overman' continues to haunt the postmodern imagination. His call that 'man is something that must be overcome' can no longer be seen as simple rhetoric. Our experiences of the hybrid realities of artificial life have made the 'transhuman' a figure that looks over us all. Inspired by this vision, Keith Ansell Pearson sets out to examine if evolution is 'out of control' and machines are taking over. In a series of six fascinating perspectives, he links Nietzsche's (...)
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  • Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle.Pierre Klossowski (ed.) - 1997 - University of Chicago Press.
    Recognized as a masterpiece of Nietzsche scholarship, NIETZSCHE AND THE VICIOUS CIRCLE is available here for the first time in English. Author Pierre Klossowski suggests that Nietzsche's ideas and beliefs did not stem from his personal pathology, but rather were applied in a pathological manner. Thereby Nietzsche's beliefs resonated dynamically and intellectually with his alternating lucidity and delirium.
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  • Nietzsche, the overhuman, and transhumanism.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 20 (1):29-42.
    Bostrom rejects Nietzsche as an ancestor of the transhumanist movement, as he claims that there were merely some “surface-level similarities with the Nietzschean vision” (Bostrom 2005a, 4). In contrast to Bostrom, I think that significant similarities between the posthuman and the overhuman can be found on a fundamental level. In addition, it seems to me that Nietzsche explained the relevance of the overhuman by referring to a dimension which seems to be lacking in transhumanism. In order to explain my position, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation.Christoph Cox - 1999 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 25:100-102.
    Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation offers a resolution of one of the most vexing problems in Nietzsche scholarship. As perhaps the most significant predecessor of more recent attempts to formulate a postmetaphysical epistemology and ontology, Nietzsche is considered by many critics to share this problem with his successors: How can an antifoundationalist philosophy avoid vicious relativism and legitimate its claim to provide a platform for the critique of arguments, practices, and institutions? -/- Christoph Cox argues that Nietzsche successfully navigates between relativism (...)
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  • The overhuman in the transhuman.Max More - 2010 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 21 (1):1-4.
    Stefan Sorgner (2009) says that on becoming familiar with transhumanism, he “immediately thought that there were many fundamental similarities between transhumanism and Nietzsche’s philosophy, especially concerning the concept of the posthuman and that of Nietzsche’s overhuman.” In contrast to Bostrom (2005), Sorgner sees significant and fundamental similarities between the posthuman and the overhuman. (I will adopt his use of “overhuman” in place of “overman” or Übermensch.) This overall view seems to me highly plausible. I agree with most of Sorgner’s comments (...)
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  • (1 other version)Nietzsche, Naturalism, and Interpretation.Christoph Cox - 1995 - International Studies in Philosophy 27 (3):3-18.
    _Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation_ offers a resolution of one of the most vexing problems in Nietzsche scholarship. As perhaps the most significant predecessor of more recent attempts to formulate a postmetaphysical epistemology and ontology, Nietzsche is considered by many critics to share this problem with his successors: How can an antifoundationalist philosophy avoid vicious relativism and legitimate its claim to provide a platform for the critique of arguments, practices, and institutions? Christoph Cox argues that Nietzsche successfully navigates between relativism and (...)
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  • Deleuze, Nietzsche, and the overcoming of nihilism.Ashley Woodward - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (1):115-147.
    This paper critically examines Deleuze’s treatment of the Nietzschean problem of nihilism. Of all the major figures in contemporary continental thought, Deleuze is at once one of the most luminous, and practically a lone voice in suggesting that nihilism may successfully be overcome. Whether or not he is correct on this point is thus a commanding question in relation to our understanding of the issue. Many commentators on Nietzsche have argued that his project of overcoming nihilism is destined to failure (...)
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  • Understanding Nietzscheanism.Ashley Woodward - 2011 - Routledge.
    Nietzsche's critiques of traditional modes of thinking, valuing and living, as well as his radical proposals for new alternatives, have been vastly influential in a wide variety of areas, such that an understanding of his philosophy and its influence is important for grasping many aspects of contemporary thought and culture. However Nietzsche's thought is complex and elusive, and has been interpreted in many ways. Moreover, he has influenced starkly contrasting movements and schools of thought, from atheism to theology, from existentialism (...)
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  • Nietzschean Nihilism.Alan White - 1987 - International Studies in Philosophy 19 (2):29-44.
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  • Résister à Simondon ?Isabelle Stengers - 2004 - Multitudes 4 (4):55-62.
    In this article, Isabelle Stengers questions the sudden receptivity that now accompanies the rediscovery of Simondon ’s thought. Rejecting an aura of piety which threatens to surround his work, she warns us not to take « transindividuality » for an empty word, nor for a theoretical panacea; instead we should see it as an immanent vector of perplexity, an invitation to construct experimental practices and collective agencies - a tool for empowerment.
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  • Nihilism in Postmodernity: Lyotard, Baudrillard, Vattimo.Ashley Woodward - 2006 - The Davies Group.
    Nihilism in Postmodernity is an exploration of the nature of the problem of meaninglessness in the contemporary world through the philosophical traditions of nihilism and postmodernism. The author traces the advent of modern nihilism in the works of Nietzsche, Sartre, and Heidegger, before detailing the postmodern transformation of nihilism in the works of three major postmodern thinkers: Lyotard, Baudrillard, and Vattimo. He presents a qualified defense of their positions, arguing that while there is much under-appreciated value in their responses to (...)
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  • Pourquoi nous sommes nietzschéens.Dorian Astor & Alain Jugnon (eds.) - 2016 - [Bruxelles]: Les Impressions nouvelles.
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  • Lyotard and the Inhuman Condition: Reflections on Nihilism, Information and Art.Ashley Woodward - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Ashley Woodward demonstrates what a new generation of scholars are just discovering: that Lyotard's incisive work is essential for current debates in the humanities. Lyotard's ideas about the arts and the confrontations between humanist traditions and cutting-edge sciences and technologies are today known as 'posthumanism'. Woodward presents a series of studies to explain Lyotard's specific interventions in information theory, new media arts and the changing nature of the human. He assesses their relevance and impact in relation to a number of (...)
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  • Angst and the Abyss: The Hermeneutics of Nothingness.David K. Coe - 1985
    This book takes Angst in the face of the abyss as its unifying metaphor. After a historical survey of Angst from ancient religions to Jacob Boehme, David K. Coe goes on to examine critically Angst in Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Sartre, and Tillich. He concludes by summarizing Angst in two modes: as a "reflective apprehension" of a self standing at the abyss (Sartre and Tillich), and as a "pre-reflective apprehension of the abyss itself (Kierkegaard and Heidegger).
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