Results for 'Alberto Cabedo-Mas'

935 found
  1. R. B. Braithwaite: ¿es la creencia religiosa un compromiso ético?Alberto Oya - 2019 - In José Manuel Chillón (ed.), Hombre y logos: antropología y comunicación. Editorial Fragua. pp. 105-113.
    La característica central del pensamiento filosófico del siglo XX (si más no, de la llamada a día de hoy 'filosofía analítica') ha sido el interés por el estudio del lenguaje. El lenguaje religioso no ha sido una excepción a este interés. Uno de los ejemplos más tempranos de esta preocupación por el estudio del lenguaje religioso es el análisis propuesto por R. B. Braithwaite en su "An Empiricist's View of the Nature of Religious Belief" (1955). Dicho muy brevemente, la idea (...)
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  2. El argumento vertebrador del Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida, de Miguel de Unamuno.Alberto Oya - 2017 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía (70):199-207.
    En su Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida, Miguel de Unamuno argumenta que necesitamos creer en Dios y que esta necesidad es suficiente para justificar la adopción de la creencia religiosa. El objetivo de este artículo es reconstruir y analizar el argumento de Miguel de Unamuno, el cual constituye, sin lugar a dudas, el eje vertebrador del Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida. En este artículo, defenderé: primero, que el argumento no puede usarse para justificar la adopción de la creencia religiosa; segundo, (...)
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  3. El argumento moral de William James.Alberto Oya - 2021 - Espíritu 70 (162):509-513.
    El objetivo de este escrito es elucidar el contenido del argumento presentado por el filósofo norteamericano William James (1842-1910) en su “Is Life Worthliving?” [“¿Merece la vida ser vivida?”], conferencia pronunciada el año 1895 en la Harvard Young Men's Christian Association y publicada unos años más tarde, en 1897, en la compilación titulada The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy [La voluntad de creer y otros ensayos en filosofía popular]. Se trata de un argumento de tipo moral (...)
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  4. La influencia de Locke en el deísmo y su repercusión en Berkeley / Locke's Influence in Deism and its Impact on Berkeley.Alberto Luis López - 2016 - In Luis Antonio Velasco Guzám (ed.), Las bases de la moderindad: John Locke. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. pp. 21-44.
    El filósofo inglés John Locke es más conocido por su Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano y por sus escritos sobre la tole-rancia, esto es, por su aportación epistemológica, psicológica y política, que por su profundo interés en la religión cristia-na; empero, como muchos de sus contemporáneos Locke tuvo especial interés en el estudio de la religión. Justamente en este artículo hago una primera aproximación a esta cues-tión, es decir, al interés lockeano por la religión que plasmó rotundamente en su obra (...)
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  5. La influencia de Séneca en la filosofía de Spinoza: una aproximación / An approach to the influence of Seneca in Spinoza’s philosophy.Alberto Luis López - 2020 - Signos Filosóficos 43 (22):34-57.
    En filosofía es importante conocer las influencias entre los filósofos porque de ello depende tener un conocimiento más completo y preciso de sus propuestas. Ejemplo de esto son las investigaciones sobre los orígenes estoicos de la filosofía spinoziana, que se han incrementado notablemente en las últimas décadas, pero aún hace falta indagar con mayor detalle, autor por autor e idea por idea, qué tipo de estoicismo y qué parte del mismo influyó en el pensador neerlandés. En este artículo examino, a (...)
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  6. Book Review. "Research Methods for Public Health". Stuart McClean, Isabelle Bray, Nick de Viggiani, Emma Bird, Paul Pilkington. (Reseña. Métodos de investigación en salud pública).Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 2 (25):1-3.
    One of the great challenges for students of any discipline is to be able to put into practice the knowledge learned in theory. Public health does not escape this challenge. Research Methods for Public Health is a book that seeks to help students understand in a simple way how to enter into the practice of public health research. This book stands out for its easy reading, but especially because it emphasizes the existence of quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as (...)
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  7. Towards a bioethics of wonder: Contributions to personalist bioethics.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2014 - Persona y Bioética 18 (1):22-34.
    By the early 2000s, it was already being mentioned that one of the issues affecting bioethics was a lack of wonder or amazement. Today, we see the patient, the weak and the helpless have become clients or objects placed at the disposal of personal, community and entrepreneurial whims based on functionality or utility that can take on a life of its own. Accordingly, the authors of this article propose wonder or amazement as an attitude that not only makes it possible (...)
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  8. Bioethics of hope: keys from the Laudato Si’.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez - 2015 - Perseitas 3 (1):66-82.
    The recent encyclical of Pope Francisco has been classified by many as the encyclical on the climate and the environment. However, father Francisco not only mentions several of the environmental problems of today’s world, including the more dramatic, but analyses the causes of such problems and seeks to shed plenty of light to find solutions. In the present investigation, it delves into the importance of the message of hope from Pope Francisco facing the serious crisis which describes in his Encyclical (...)
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  9. Book Review. "La rivelazione della persona dall'individuo alla comunione". Kallistos Ware.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez - 2019 - Cuadernos de Teología 1 (11):1-4.
    La rivelazione della persona, dall’individuo alla comunione es un libro que, exponiendo la temática desde la fe cristiana con un acento en la teología ortodoxa griega, atrae la atención de quien quiere comprenderse mejor así mismo como persona, identificando lo nocivo que puede llegar a entenderse simplemente como individuo y, a su vez, profundizando en lo que significa la comunión en el ser persona. El lenguaje claro, conciso y ordenado del profesor Ware se combina con una holgura y flexibilidad en (...)
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  10. Von Hildebrand and his vision of affectivity: A path to ethics?Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez - 2013 - Escritos 21 (47):419-432.
    In a world in which emotions and feelings occupy a dominant place in daily human life and especially in decision-making circumstances, it is important for us to ask ourselves whether it is possible to talk about “new” ethics or “renewed ethics.” Actually, we do not face a re-creation of principles and values, but rather we face a need for deepening our understanding of human anthropology. Thinkers such as Dietrich von Hildebrand have proposed that affectivity can shed light on ethics comprehension. (...)
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  11. Prevalence of anemia among indigenous children in Latin America.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2022 - Revista de Saude Publica 56:1-22.
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence pattern of anemia among Indigenous children in Latin America. METHODS: PRISMA guidelines were followed. Records were identified from the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, and Lilacs by two independent researchers between May and June 2021. Studies were included if the following criteria were met: a) studied Indigenous people b) was about children (from 0 to 12 years old); c) reported a prevalence estimate of anemia; d) had been conducted in any of the countries of Latin America; (...)
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  12. The Exercise of medicine and its potential to evangelize culture.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2018 - Synesis 1 (10):17-42.
    Medicine is a space to meet the weak and the defenseless. Its environment,professional object and the agents that participate directly or indirectly in the exercise of medicine have a potential generator of culture of life opposing the prevailing culture of death in today's world. In this paper we have described how the exercise of a profession, in this case of medicine, has the potential to evangelize culture. To do this, we delved into the concept of culture, its current context, the (...)
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  13. (3 other versions)Book Review. "Child abuse and neglect. Forensic issues in evidence, impact, and management". India Bryce, Yolande Robinson & Wayne Petherick.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2020 - Avances En Psicología 1 (28):159-161.
    La realidad actual mundial del abuso sexual de niños, niñas y adolescentes reclama la existencia de estudios a fondo sobre este flagelo de la sociedad. Pues bien, el libro Child Abuse and Neglect es una de las mejores compilaciones que existen actualmente sobre todos los tipos de abusos que pueden sufrir los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Los autores no solo tratan el abuso sexual, sino que van más al fondo, pues el abuso sexual es solo la última ficha de Dominó (...)
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  14. Narrative medicine. The patient as “text”, object and subject of compassion.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2017 - Acta Bioethica 23 (2):353-361.
    Narratives have come to influence medicine, giving rise to a new approach called "narrative medicine". In this paper, we consider the patient as a text, an open book in which physicians and healthcare professionals, but also from which they can and should learn a great deal. By delving into the narrative perspective of understanding the patient and their situation, we discover how the patient is the object of the physician's compassion, but also how he or she becomes the subject of (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Book Review. "Diari 1973-1983, Vol. 1". Alexander Schmemann. (Reseña. "Diario 1973-1983, Vol. 1").Carlos Alberto Rosas-Jimenez - 2023 - Teología y Vida 64 (1):125-129.
    Have you ever kept a diary of your personal life? For many people, keeping a written record of their experiences, thoughts, feelings, travels or encounters with people is a common practice. For others, it is not. Perhaps for some it is something completely foreign. For Russian Orthodox priest Alexander Schmemann it was clearly not. His diary, two volumes of almost 600 pages each, has given an insight into the life, worries, joys and even disappointments of one of the most influential (...)
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    Psicoteología: la neurociencia de la fe.Frederick Alberto Mora Quesada - 2023 - San José, Costa Rica, América Central: Frederick Alberto Mora Quesada.
    Este libro ofrece una respuesta bíblica, espiritual, moral y teológica, para que el lector pueda enfocar su ser interior: integrado por sus actitudes, ego y temperamento, el carácter y la personalidad, junto con las emociones y sentimientos. Así mejorar saludablemente en las costumbres, competencias psicosociales y habilidades socioemocionales, con la conexión y relación directa unida a un Poder Superior o Ser Supremo. El autor con agudeza reordena y une, mediante el sistema de análisis minucioso y una descripción en profundidad, la (...)
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  17. La Historia del nuevo milenio (¿Un nuevo pre-paradigma?).Alberto Navas-Sierra & J. Alberto Navas Sierra - 2008 - Dissertation,
    Desde la última década del siglo pasado, tras el declive de los “Annales”, el presente y futuro de la Historia como ciencia ha motivada un intensa polémica académica de orden “global” y en la que están participando no sólo historiadores sino filósofos -de la ciencia y la Historia– como también especialistas de las restantes ciencias sociales e incluso de otras disciplinas afines a la Historia, como son la genética y la biología. Más allá del debate epistemológico clásico al respecto, están (...)
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  18. The Correspondence of George Berkeley. [REVIEW]Alberto Luis López - 2014 - Dianoia 59 (73):185-188.
    En este trabajo realizo un examen crítico del reciente libro de Silvana Gabriela Di Camillo sobre la crítica de Aristóteles a la teoría platónica de las Ideas. El libro de Di Camillo es un trabajo muy serio cuya lectura recomiendo ampliamente. Sin embargo, considero que cuatro de las principales tesis que la autora defiende tienen varias dificultades y mi objetivo aquí es presentar argumentos detallados en contra de ellas: la interpretación de la distinción entre argumentos más y menos rigurosos del (...)
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  19. Oltre la fisica normale. Interpretazioni alternative e teorie non standard nella fisica moderna.Isabella Tassani, Gino Tarozzi, Alessandro Afriat, Gennaro Auletta, Stefano Bordoni, Marco Buzzoni, Claudio Calosi, Vincenzo Fano, Alberto Cappi, Giovanni Macchia, Fabio Minazzi & Arcangelo Rossi (eds.) - 2013 - ISONOMIA - Epistemologica.
    Nella sua straordinaria opera scientifica, Franco Selleri si è sempre opposto alla rinuncia alla comprensione della struttura della realtà e della natura degli oggetti fisici, che egli considera come l’elemento caratterizzante delle principali teorie della fisica del Novecento e che è stata stigmatizzata da Karl Popper come tesi della “fine della strada in fisica”. Sin dalla fine degli anni ’60, egli ha sviluppato quella riflessione critica nei confronti delle teorie fondamentali della fisica moderna, in particolar modo della teoria delle particelle (...)
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    El amor a la verdad según san Alberto Magno.Mercedes Rubio Garcia - 2010 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 17:21-36.
    Alberto Magno aprovecha lo mejor del neoplatonismo y del aristotelismo. Examina la doctrina aristotélica sobre el deseo de la verdad presente en la naturaleza humana y la ciencia metafísica que permite intuir la fuente de ese deseo, pero éste es analizado con más profundidad por el Pseudo Dionisio, siendo la ciencia teológica la que da más respuestas y la ciencia más universal, porque logra una mayor perfección no sólo intelectual sino de toda la persona.
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  21. La figura della madre nei romanzi di Moravia e nelle trasposizioni cinematografiche. La madre autoritaria de La Noia tra Moravia e Damiano Damiani.Luca Corchia - 2015 - The Lab’s Quarterly 16 (4):37-67.
    Il breve saggio si propone di esaminare la centralità della figura materna nell’opera di un ingegnoso costruttore di storie della letteratura italiana del Novecento: Alberto Moravia. La scelta dell’Autore nasce dalla rilevanza della tematica nella sua opera, in cui peraltro è quasi sempre assente il punto di vista femminile delle “voci” delle donne. Ciò sembra paradossale e questa circostanza è di grande interesse critico. In particolare, a dispetto delle interpretazioni più canoniche, secondo cui Moravia – negli scritti realizzati tra (...)
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  22. La postura camaleónica de la violencia: el Poeta de La ciudad y los perros (1963) de Mario Vargas Llosa.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2019 - Amauta 17 (33):23-36.
    La configuración del personaje Alberto Fernández (el Poeta) de La ciudad y los perros (1963) es camaleónica en función de la violencia, por el hecho de asumir que su comportamiento, en algunas ocasiones, era agresivo para adquirir un respeto determinado; por el contrario, el personaje tenderá a querer experimentar un poco más su agresividad al tratar de derrotar al Jaguar y al querer vengarse por la muerte de su compañero Ricardo Arana. Asimismo, su lado humano se destaca (con esa (...)
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    Conto: Sabiá, Percevejo, Bacalhau, Ratão e Esculápia: Histórias, Memórias, Filosofias e Psicanálises.Marcelo Barboza Duarte - 2024 - Rio De Janeiro: Duarte, M. B..
    Conto: Sabiá, Percevejo, Bacalhau, Ratão e Esculápia: Histórias, Memórias, Filosofias e Psicanálises.....\.....|.|... || Alberto Raimundo Francisco de Souza e outros...\|......|| || ‘As portas da escuridão vão serem abertas.’ || A vida, a Existência e o Viver são repletos de mistérios. Pessoas se encontram e se desencontram durante a jornada da vida, e em seus caminhos e trajetórias. Sorrimos e choramos. Mas tudo faz parte do movimento e do fluir da Vida. Sabiá, Percevejo, Bacalhau e Ratão estavam a busca de (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Del posmodernismo al poscolonialismo: ¿solución al caso latinoamericano?José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 1999 - Dialectica (Misc) 23 (32):100-108.
    Después de varios años bajo los efectos del boom del posmodernismo, en la década de los 90 la intelectualidad latinoamericana comenzó а recibir uп nuevo paquete de propuestas teóricas reunidas en torno al concepto “poscolonialidad”. Bajo el iпflujo de las teorías poscoloniales у los estudios subalternos se crea oficialmente en los Estados Unidos en 1994 el Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios Subalternos (Latin American Subaltern Studies Gгoup). А el pertenecían intelectuales como Walter Mignolo, John Beverley, Alberto Moreiras, Ileana Rodríguez у (...)
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    Sofò e Fefilìa.Maria Emanuela Randazzo - 2023 - Salerno: BookSprint.
    "Sofò e Fefilìa" attinge dal mondo antico - dalla sua potenza -, ma possiede come sfondo del lucido meditare la contemporaneità. Un'analisi estrema, tragica, della vasta gamma dei sentimenti umani, che coniuga - in modo personale e innovativo - diverse anime: la poetica di d'Annunzio; la filosofia di Cioran, Weil, Heidegger, Schopenhauer, Leopardi, Pascal; la psicologia del profondo di Jung. Un tema, tanti temi: la vita-morte con le sue molteplici declinazioni in chiave gnostica. Sofò, perché Sofia è sapienza, lucetempo delle (...)
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  26. Panorama Histórico dos Problemas Filosóficos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    Antes de entrar cuidadosamente no estudo de cada filósofo, em suas respectivas ordens cronológicas, é necessário dar um panorama geral sobre eles, permitindo, de relance, a localização deles em tempos históricos e a associação de seus nomes com sua teoria ou tema central. l. OS FILÓSOFOS PRÉ-SOCRÁTICOS - No sétimo século antes de Jesus Cristo, nasce o primeiro filósofo grego: Tales de Mileto2 . Ele e os seguintes filósofos jônicos (Anaximandro: Ἀναξίμανδρος: 3 610-546 a.C.) e Anaxímenes: (Άναξιμένης: 586-524 a.C.) tentaram (...)
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  27. Un Estudio en Metodología Intertextual y Exegética en Salmo 91.Anderson Rodrigues de Paula - 2020 - Dissertation, Universidad Adventista Del Plata
    La presente investigación de corte filológico fue un intento de aproximación un tanto inédito a determinados datos de composición de una de las tradiciones literarias, también, hebrea de larga fecha (alrededor de 2000 años, periodo herodiano, considerando su testimonio documental semita más antiguo hasta el momento: 11Q11 y 4Q84) comúnmente denominada el salmo 91. Para ello, se hizo uso de la crítica textual, la intertextualidad y la exegesis con el fin de averiguar, en base rasgos sintácticos, gramaticales, uso de vocabulario (...)
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  28. Unamuno and James on Religious Faith.Alberto Oya - 2020 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):85-104.
    The aim of this paper is to argue against the received view among Unamuno scholars that Miguel de Unamuno was defending a sort of pragmatic argument for religious faith and that his notion of religious faith as “querer creer” (“wanting to believe”) is to be identified with William James’s “the will to believe”. As I will show in this paper, one of the aspects that makes Unamuno’s reasoning philosophically relevant is his ability to formulate a non-pragmatist defense of religious faith (...)
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  29. Kant on the Nominal Definition of Truth.Alberto Vanzo - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (2):147-166.
    Kant claims that the nominal definition of truth is: “Truth is the agreement of cognition with its object”. In this paper, I analyse the relevant features of Kant's theory of definition in order to explain the meaning of that claim and its consequences for the vexed question of whether Kant endorses or rejects a correspondence theory of truth. I conclude that Kant's claim implies neither that he holds, nor that he rejects, a correspondence theory of truth. Kant's claim is not (...)
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  30. Kant on Empiricism and Rationalism.Alberto Vanzo - 2013 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 30 (1):53-74.
    Several scholars have criticized the histories of early modern philosophy based on the dichotomy of empiricism and rationalism. They view them as overestimating the importance of epistemological issues for early modern philosophers (epistemological bias), portraying Kant's Critical philosophy as a superior alternative to empiricism and rationalism (Kantian bias), and forcing most or all early modern thinkers prior to Kant into the empiricist or rationalist camps (classificatory bias). Kant is often said to be the source of the three biases. Against this (...)
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  31. Don't mind the gap: intuitions, emotions, and reasons in the enhancement debate.Alberto Giubilini - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (5):39-47.
    Reliance on intuitive and emotive responses is widespread across many areas of bioethics, and the current debate on biotechnological human enhancement is particularly interesting in this respect. A strand of “bioconservatives” that has explicitly drawn connections to the modern conservative tradition, dating back to Edmund Burke, appeals explicitly to the alleged wisdom of our intuitions and emotions to ground opposition to some biotechnologies or their uses. So-called bioliberals, those who in principle do not oppose human bioenhancement, tend to rely on (...)
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  32. Leibniz on Innate Ideas and Kant on the Origin of the Categories.Alberto Vanzo - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (1):19-45.
    In his essay against Eberhard, Kant denies that there are innate concepts. Several scholars take Kant’s statement at face value. They claim that Kant did not endorse concept innatism, that the categories are not innate concepts, and that Kant’s views on innateness are significantly different from Leibniz’s. This paper takes issue with those claims. It argues that Kant’s views on the origin of the intellectual concepts are remarkably similar to Leibniz’s. Given two widespread notions of innateness, the dispositional notion and (...)
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  33. Empiricism and Rationalism in Nineteenth-Century Histories of Philosophy.Alberto Vanzo - 2016 - Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2):253-282.
    This paper traces the ancestry of a familiar historiographical narrative, according to which early modern philosophy was marked by the development of empiricism, rationalism, and their synthesis by Immanuel Kant. It is often claimed that this narrative became standard in the nineteenth century, due to the influence of Thomas Reid, Kant and his disciples, or German Hegelians and British Idealists. The paper argues that the narrative became standard only at the turn of the twentieth century. This was not due to (...)
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  34. What Is Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness an Awareness Of? An Argument for the Egological View.Alberto Barbieri - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    The nature of pre-reflective self-consciousness—viz., the putative non-inferential self-consciousness involved in unreflective experiences, has become the topic of considerable debate in recent analytic philosophy of consciousness, as it is commonly taken to be what makes conscious mental states first-personally given to its subject. A major issue of controversy in this debate concerns what pre-reflective self-consciousness is an awareness of. Some scholars have suggested that pre-reflective self-consciousness involves an awareness of the experiencing subject. This ‘egological view’ is opposed to the ‘non-egological (...)
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  35. Liberty, Fairness and the ‘Contribution Model’ for Non-medical Vaccine Exemption Policies: A Reply to Navin and Largent.Giubilini Alberto, Douglas Thomas & Savulescu Julian - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (3).
    In a paper recently published in this journal, Navin and Largent argue in favour of a type of policy to regulate non-medical exemptions from childhood vaccination which they call ‘Inconvenience’. This policy makes it burdensome for parents to obtain an exemption to child vaccination, for example, by requiring parents to attend immunization education sessions and to complete an application form to receive a waiver. Navin and Largent argue that this policy is preferable to ‘Eliminationism’, i.e. to policies that do not (...)
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  36. Kant on Truth-Aptness.Alberto Vanzo - 2012 - History and Philosophy of Logic 33 (2):109-126.
    Many scholars claimed that, according to Immanuel Kant, some judgements lack a truth-value: analytic judgements, judgements about items of which humans cannot have experience, judgements of perception, and non-assertoric judgements. However, no one has undertaken an extensive examination of the textual evidence for those claims. Based on an analysis of Kant's texts, I argue that: (1) according to Kant, only judgements of perception are not truth-apt. All other judgements are truth-apt, including analytic judgements and judgements about items of which humans (...)
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  37. There Are Intentionalia of Which It Is True That Such Objects Do Not Exist.Alberto Voltolini - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (3):394-414.
    According to Crane’s schematicity thesis (ST) about intentional objects, intentionalia have no particular metaphysical nature qua thought-of entities; moreover, the real metaphysical nature of intentionalia is various, insofar as it is settled independently of the fact that intentionalia are targets of one’s thought. As I will point out, ST has the ontological consequence that the intentionalia that really belong to the general inventory of what there is, the overall domain, are those that fall under a good metaphysical kind, i.e., a (...)
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  38. ¿Fe sin creencia?Alberto Oya & Louis Pojman - 2021 - Estudios Filosóficos 70 (205):461-486.
    Spanish translation and introductory study on Louis Pojman’s “Faith without Belief?”. Published in Pojman, Louis. “¿Fe sin creencia?”. Estudios Filosóficos, vol. 70, no. 205 (2021), pp. 465–486. [Introductory study published in Oya, Alberto. “La fe experimental de Louis Pojman”. Estudios Filosóficos, vol. 70, no. 205, pp. 461–463 (2021)].
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  39. All the Existences that There Are.Alberto Voltolini - 2012 - Disputatio 4 (32):361-383.
    In this paper, I will defend the claim that there are three existence properties: the second-order property of being instantiated, a substantive first-order property (or better a group of such properties) and a formal, hence universal, first-order property. I will first try to show what these properties are and why we need all of them for ontological purposes. Moreover, I will try to show why a Meinong-like option that positively endorses both the former and the latter first-order property is the (...)
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  40. Kant e la formazione dei concetti.Alberto Vanzo - 2012 - Trento (Italy): Verifiche.
    How do we form concepts like those of three, bicycle and red? According to Kant, we form them by carrying out acts of comparison, reflection and abstraction on information provided by the senses. Kant's answer raised numerous objections from philosophers and psychologists alike. "Kant e la formazione dei concetti" argues that Kant is able to rebut those objections. The book shows that, for Kant, it is possible to perceive objects without employing concepts; it explains how, given those perceptions, we can (...)
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  41. Towards a syncretistic theory of depiction.Alberto Voltolini - 2012 - In C. Calabi & K. Mulligan (eds.), The Crooked Oar, The Moon’s Size and The Necker Cube. Essays on the Illusions of Outer and Inner Perception.
    In this paper I argue for a syncretistic theory of depiction, which combines the merits of the main paradigms which have hitherto faced themselves on this issue, namely the perceptualist and semioticist approaches. The syncretistic theory indeed takes from the former its stress on experiential factors and from the latter its stress on conventional factors. But the theory is even more syncretistic than this, for the way it accounts for the experiential factor vindicates several claims defended by different perceptualist theories. (...)
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  42. The Paradox of Conscientious Objection and the Anemic Concept of 'Conscience': Downplaying the Role of Moral Integrity in Health Care.Alberto Giubilini - 2014 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 24 (2):159-185.
    Conscientious objection in health care is a form of compromise whereby health care practitioners can refuse to take part in safe, legal, and beneficial medical procedures to which they have a moral opposition (for instance abortion). Arguments in defense of conscientious objection in medicine are usually based on the value of respect for the moral integrity of practitioners. I will show that philosophical arguments in defense of conscientious objection based on respect for such moral integrity are extremely weak and, if (...)
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  43. Respuesta a David C. Téllez Guzmán. “Berkeley: el papel de Dios en la teoría de la visión.” / A Reply to Téllez Guzmán.Alberto Luis & Alberto Luis López - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):409.
    Discussion about one of my papers on Berkeley and reply to Téllez.
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  44. Should individuals choose their definition of death?Alberto Molina, David Rodriguez-Arias & Stuart J. Youngner - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):688-689.
    Alireza Bagheri supports a policy on organ procurement where individuals could choose their own definition of death between two or more socially accepted alternatives. First, we claim that such a policy, without any criterion to distinguish accepted from acceptable definitions, easily leads to the slippery slope that Bagheri tries to avoid. Second, we suggest that a public discussion about the circumstances under which the dead donor rule could be violated is more productive of social trust than constantly moving the line (...)
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  45. The Cosmos in Your Hand: A Note on Regiomontanus's Astrological Interests.Alberto Bardi - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (2):361-396.
    Johannes Müller von Königsberg (1436-1476), better known as Regiomontanus, is widely considered as the most influential astronomer and mathematician of 15th-century Europe. He was active as an astrologer and deemed astrology to be the queen of mathematical sciences. Despite this, Regiomontanus's astrological activity has yet to be fully explored. A brief examination of Regiomontanus's manuscripts shows that his astrological interests were accompanied by interests in the arts and in methods of prognostication. This article studies an unconventional astrological-chiromantical text, whose relevance (...)
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  46. Probably the Charterhouse of Parma Does Not Exist, Possibly Not Even That Parma.Alberto Voltolini - 2013 - Humana Mente 6 (25):235-261.
    In this paper, I will claim that fictional works apparently about utterly immigrant objects, i.e., real individuals imported in fiction from reality, are instead about fictional individuals that intentionally resemble those real individuals in a significant manner: fictional surrogates of such individuals. Since I also share the realists’ conviction that the remaining fictional works concern native characters, i.e., full-fledged fictional individuals that originate in fiction itself, I will here defend a hyperrealist position according to which fictional works only concern fictional (...)
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  47. Análisis de Un pobre hombre rico o el sentimiento cómico de la vida, de Miguel de Unamuno.Alberto Oya - 2021 - Estudios Filosóficos 70:367-374.
    En este artículo defiendo que la novela Un pobre hombre rico o el sentido cómico de la vida expresa, bajo una forma irónica, la noción de fe religiosa de Miguel de Unamuno.
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  48. Berkeley: sobre el conocimiento nocional de la mente.Alberto Luis López - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (1).
    En este artículo expongo y analizo la propuesta berkeleyana del conocimiento nocional, que representa entre otras cosas el intento del irlandés por conocer a la mente o espíritu, esto es, a aquella cosa pensante y activa que por su propia actividad resulta irrepresentable como idea. Como el conocimiento nocional ya se menciona en los Comentarios Filosófi cos me remitiré a ellos para conocer los orígenes del mismo; sin embargo, como tal conocimiento aparece con mayor detalle en obras posteriores me serviré (...)
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  49. Why and How to Compensate Living Organ Donors: Ethical Implications of the New Australian Scheme.Alberto Giubilini - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):283-290.
    The Australian Federal Government has announced a two-year trial scheme to compensate living organ donors. The compensation will be the equivalent of six weeks paid leave at the rate of the national minimum wage. In this article I analyse the ethics of compensating living organ donors taking the Australian scheme as a reference point. Considering the long waiting lists for organ transplantations and the related costs on the healthcare system of treating patients waiting for an organ, the 1.3 million AUD (...)
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  50. Crossworks ‘Identity’ and Intrawork* Identity of a Fictional Character.Alberto Voltolini - 2012 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 262 (4):561-576.
    In this paper I want to show that the idea supporters of traditional creationism (TC) defend, that success of a fictional character across different works has to be accounted for in terms of the persistence of (numerically) one and the same fictional entity, is incorrect. For the supposedly commonsensical data on which those supporters claim their ideas rely are rather controversial. Once they are properly interpreted, they can rather be accommodated by moderate creationism (MC), according to which fictional characters arise (...)
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