Results for 'Diplomacy'

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  1. Economic Diplomacy in Ibibioland: The Pre-colonial Perspective.Uwem J. Akpan - 2019 - International Journal of Social Sciences 12 (1).
    Until recently, the economic history of pre-colonial Africa was replete with uncomplimentary theories and from scholars of different disciplines. The belief was that the economy was subsistent, uniform, unchanging and very uninteresting. These theorists believed that the dominant agricultural sector was virtually immobilized by a combination of primitive technology, like communal land tenure and extended family, while the development of key entrepreneurial groups was inhibited by the prevalence of an anti-capitalist value system. The historical analytical method was adopted in this (...)
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  2. The emperor is naked: Moral diplomacies and the ethics of AI.Constantin Vica, Cristina Voinea & Radu Uszkai - 2021 - Információs Társadalom 21 (2):83-96.
    With AI permeating our lives, there is widespread concern regarding the proper framework needed to morally assess and regulate it. This has given rise to many attempts to devise ethical guidelines that infuse guidance for both AI development and deployment. Our main concern is that, instead of a genuine ethical interest for AI, we are witnessing moral diplomacies resulting in moral bureaucracies battling for moral supremacy and political domination. After providing a short overview of what we term ‘ethics washing’ in (...)
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  3. Ethical Considerations and Science Diplomacy on Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic in Nigeria.Sotonye Big-Alabo & Remigius Achinike Obah - 2020 - Academic Leadership 21 (6):347-356.
    The study investigated ethical considerations and science diplomacy on coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic in Nigeria. The outbreak of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in Nigeria has spread quickly to about 34 states out of the 36 states and over 5000 persons have tested positive as at the time of this research after the first index case of an Italian and there is a projection that in coming days and weeks the number of infected persons and states will increase. The study (...)
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  4. Nietzschean will to power and the politics of personalities in public diplomacy.Nicholas Anakwue - 2017 - Socialscientia Journal of Social Science and Humanities 2 (3):1-17.
    The task of understanding and perfecting international and diplomatic relations is becoming more crucial, given the frequency of political disputes and intimidation via public diplomacy. At the root of this trend is the dominance of political personalities in international relations, dictating the direction and progress of conflict control on the international scene. With increasing technological, biological, chemical and nuclear weaponry, ignorance of and any mistaken decision on the diplomatic terrain can come at a huge cost of war and anarchy. (...)
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  5. The Contributions of Commonwealth to World Diplomacy: 1960-Present.Ayami Irom Obar - 2014 - African Journal of Economy and Society 13 (1).
    In a globalized world it has often been suggested in recent years that the commonwealth is unnecessary and is in conflict with the United Nation as a World Organization. Commonwealth does not conflict in any way with the United Nations but rather it complements the work of the United Nation, as commonwealth States acting together in many fields have helped make the United Nations more effective. Diplomacy comes from the Greek word “diplomacy” denoting a folded document that was (...)
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  6. Privacy and Digital Ethics After the Pandemic.Carissa Véliz - 2021 - Nature Electronics 4:10-11.
    The increasingly prominent role of digital technologies during the coronavirus pandemic has been accompanied by concerning trends in privacy and digital ethics. But more robust protection of our rights in the digital realm is possible in the future. -/- After surveying some of the challenges we face, I argue for the importance of diplomacy. Democratic countries must try to come together and reach agreements on minimum standards and rules regarding cybersecurity, privacy and the governance of AI.
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  7. The authority of the German religious constitution: public law, philosophy, and democracy.Ian Hunter - unknown
    The present religious constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany is the product of protracted historical conflicts and political settlements that began in the sixteenth century. The mediation of these conflicts and settlements and the piecemeal establishment of the constitution was the achievement of imperial public law and diplomacy. Germany’s religious constitution—a secular and relativistic juridical framework protecting a plurality of confessional religions—pre-dated liberalism and democracy, and owes nothing to normative philosophical constructions of individual freedoms and rights, or social (...)
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  8. Macro-reasoning and cognitive gaps: understanding post-Soviet Russians’ communication styles.Elena Fell - 2017 - ESSACHESS 10 (1(19)):91-110.
    Russians and Westerners access, process and communicate information in different ways. Whilst Westerners favour detailed analysis of subject matter, Russians tend to focus on certain components that are, in their view, significant. This disparity makes it difficult to achieve constructive dialogues between Western and Russian stakeholders contributing to cross-cultural communication problems. The author claims that the difference in the ways Russians and Westerners negotiate information is a significant cultural difference between Russia and West rather than an irritating (and in principle (...)
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  9. Free to Universalize or Bound by Culture? Multicultural and Public Philosophy: A White Paper.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - manuscript
    Multiculturalism requires sustained and serious philosophical reflection, which in turn requires public outreach and communication. This piece briefly outlines concerns raised by the philosophy of multiculturalism and, conversely, multiculturalism in philosophy, which ultimately force us to reconsider the philosopher’s own role and responsibility. I conclude with a provocative suggestion of philosophy as /public diplomacy/. (As this is intended to be a piece for a general audience, secondary literature is only referred to in the conclusion. References gladly provided upon request.).
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  10. Nuclear Holocaust in American Films.Edmund Byrne - 1989 - In Carl Mitcham, echnology and Ethics: Research in Philosophy and Technology. JAI Press. pp. 3-21.
    Ordinary people shudder at the thought that people in positions of power might do whatever they think they can get away with. But that is often the way it is in the real world, and the risks go even higher when opportunity is compounded with impatience. The ways of negotiation and diplomacy are not considered entirely outmoded. But more and more we are being duped by a dream of some ultimate technological fix: that one more fancy gadget is all (...)
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  11. Pragmatist Ethics and Climate Change [preprint].Steven Fesmire - 2020 - In Dale E. Miller & Ben Eggleston, Moral Theory and Climate Change: Ethical Perspectives on a Warming Planet. London, UK: Routledge. pp. Ch. 11.
    This chapter explores some features of pragmatic pluralism as an ethical perspective on climate change. It is inspired in part by Andrew Light’s work on climate diplomacy as U.S. Assistant Secretary of Energy for International Affairs, and by Bryan Norton’s environmental pragmatism, while drawing more explicitly than Light or Norton from classical pragmatist sources such as John Dewey. The primary aim of the chapter is to characterize, differentiate, and advance a general pragmatist approach to climate ethics. The main line (...)
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  12. Editorial, Cosmopolis. Spirituality, religion and politics.Paul Ghils - 2015 - Cosmopolis. A Journal of Cosmopolitics 7 (3-4).
    Cosmopolis A Review of Cosmopolitics -/- 2015/3-4 -/- Editorial Dominique de Courcelles & Paul Ghils -/- This issue addresses the general concept of “spirituality” as it appears in various cultural contexts and timeframes, through contrasting ideological views. Without necessarily going back to artistic and religious remains of primitive men, which unquestionably show pursuits beyond the biophysical dimension and illustrate practices seeking to unveil the hidden significance of life and death, the following papers deal with a number of interpretations covering a (...)
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  13. Obama’s Pragmatism in International Affairs.Shane J. Ralston - 2011 - Contemporary Pragmatism 8 (2):81-98.
    What is pragmatism's contribution, actual or potential, to contemporary International Relations theory and practice? Is there hope for constructing a pragmatist theory of International Relations? The author of this article takes up these questions by considering whether Barack Obama is a pragmatist in his handling of issues in international affairs. By examining a series of Obama speeches, the author teases out the raw material for a pragmatist theory of International Relations, demonstrating how the pragmatic practice of international diplomacy can (...)
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  14. Raport Desk Research: Samorządowa I Obywatelska Współpraca Transgraniczna W Województwie Podlaskim. Przegląd Literatury I Dokumentów Strategicznych.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2013 - Fundacja Soclab.
    Andrzej Klimczuk, Raport Desk Research: samorządowa i obywatelska współpraca transgraniczna w województwie podlaskim. Przegląd literatury i dokumentów strategicznych (Desk Research Report: Local government and civic organisations cross-border cooperation in the Podlaskie region. A literature and strategic documents review), Fundacja SocLab, Białystok 2013, 137p. ** Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przybliżenie podstaw teoretycznych dyplomacji publicznej oraz charakterystyki metod i obszarów współpracy transgranicznej prowadzonej przez samorządy województwa podlaskiego. Raport w szczególności zwraca uwagę na obywatelski i samorządowy wymiar polskiej polityki zagranicznej. Podjętą analizę ukierunkowano (...)
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  15. Introduction to Special Issue on Rethinking Rights and Justice for Non-Humans.Deepa Kansra - 2023 - Ili Law Review 1 (Special Issue):1-3.
    This Special Issue is an outcome of the lectures and discussions on ‘Cross-cutting Themes and Concepts in Human Rights’, offered as a Seminar Course to the students of the MA Programme, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. As part of the Course, a Webinar on ‘Rethinking Rights and Justice for Non-Humans’ was held in 2022, in which the participants advanced some of the most compelling arguments for the meaningful representation of non-human entities in law and governance. In the three (...)
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  16. New principles foreign policy of Turkey at the beginning of the XXI century.Zumrud Melikova - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):159-173.
    In the 2000s, Turkey began to increase its efforts to transform from a model country to a central country by implementing an active foreign policy in its geopolitical region and neighboring regions. Starting from the 2000s, Turkey defined new principles guiding its foreign policy and implemented the strategies it followed. In addition to the basic foreign policy principles of Turkey in the regional and global arena, principles such as multi-vector diplomacy, proactive foreign policy, “zero problem” with neighboring countries, transition (...)
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  17. Towards a Re-Definition of Government Interpreters' Agency Against a Backdrop of Sociopolitical and Cultural Evolution: A Case of Premier's Press Conferences in China.Chonglong Gu - 2017 - In Olaf Immanuel Seel, Redefining Translation and Interpretation in Cultural Evolution. IGI Global. pp. 238-257.
    The sociopolitical and cultural evolution as a result of the Reform and Opening up in 1978, facilitated not least by the inexorable juggernaut of globalization and technological advancement, has revolutionized the way China engages domestically and interacts with the outside world. The need for more proactive diplomacy and open engagement witnessed the institutionalization of the interpreter-mediated premier's press conferences. Such a discursive event provides a vital platform for China to articulate its discourse and rebrand its image in tandem with (...)
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  18. The Doctrine of World Peace and Universal Fellowship in the Hymns of Guru Nanak.Devinder Pal Singh - 2019 - Punjab Dey Rang 13 (4):5-11.
    Sikhism, a panentheistic religion, originated in the Punjab province of the Indian subcontinent during the 15th century. It is one of the youngest and fifth major world religions. The fundamental beliefs of Sikhism have been enshrined in the sacred scripture, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. These beliefs include faith in and meditation on one universal creator, unity of all humankind, engaging in selfless service, striving for social justice for all, honest livelihood and ethical conduct while living a householder's life. Sikhism has (...)
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  19. Nanakian Perspective on World Peace and Brotherhood of Humankind.Devinder Pal Singh - 2020 - In Sucha Singh Gill, Philosophy of Guru Nanak Searching Peace, Harmony & Happiness. Chandigarh, India: Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development. pp. 177-192.
    Sikhism, a panentheistic religion, originated in the Punjab province of the Indian subcontinent, during the 15th century. It is one of the youngest and fifth major world religions, founded by Guru Nanak. The fundamental beliefs of Nanakian Philosophy have been enshrined in the sacred scripture, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. These beliefs include faith in and meditation on one universal creator, unity of all humankind, engaging in selfless service, striving for social justice for all, honest livelihood and ethical conduct while living (...)
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  20. The Science of Fascism within a Democratic Framework: Part 1: Delinearized History of US Presidency.Rafiq Islam - 2020 - International Journal of Political Theory 4 (1):107-129.
    No USA president in history has received as much opposition as Donald Trump has from all three components of the Establishment, namely the financial establishment, the political establishment and the corporate media establishment. The election of Donald Trump to the office of presidency is marked with dozens of historical first events that are anything but lackluster, yet a bleak picture of Fascism has been painted to describe Trump. This is an extraordinary piece of disinformation, as no modern president has been (...)
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  21. De-Briefing Aime Project : a participant perspective.Terence Blake - 2016 - In Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel, Reset Modernity! MIT Press. pp. 468-474.
    This paper attempts to evaluate the AIME project immanently, from the perspective of a participant, in terms of five criteria: digitality, diplomacy, religiosity, testability, and democracy. A sixth criterion runs through the other five: pluralism. I distinguish between AIME as project, as process, and as party line.
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  22. (1 other version)Good Governance - A Perspective from Sri Guru Granth Sahib.Devinder Pal Singh - 2020 - In Proc. International Conference on Contemporary Issues & Challenges to Polity & Governance in India: Emerging Paradigm Shifts & Future Agenda, Govt. Mohindra College, Patiala, Punjab, India. 17-18 February,. Patiala, Punjab, India: pp. 26-30.
    Governance encompasses the processes by which organizations are directed, controlled and held to account. It includes the authority, accountability, leadership, direction, and control exercised in an organization. Greatness can be achieved when good governance principles and practices are applied throughout the whole organization. Ethical Governance requires that public officials adhere to high moral standards while serving others. Authentic Governance entails the systematic process of continuous, gradual, and routine personal/corporate improvement, steering, and learning that lead to sustainable high personal/corporate performance and (...)
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  23. 美國通商法上 禁輸措置(Embargo)에 관한 法理.Kiyoung Kim - 2006 - 기업법연구 20 (3):315-346.
    This paper explores the legal issues of embargo centering on judicial review of the trade administration. Embargo, one type of trade regulation, has a distinctive nature in that it involves an entire forestall of the importation from foreign countries. It is also distinguished from other tools of trade regulation, including anti-dumping tariffs, countervailing measure on the subsidies since it entangles with other complex considerations of diplomacy, national security, public health, and environmental policy. Therefore discretion from the trade administration, notwithstanding (...)
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    Structuring Emotional Balance Within Your Universal Formula.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Structuring Emotional Balance Within Your Universal Formula -/- To formally integrate emotional balance into your universal law of balance in nature, we can structure it into a framework that applies both to individuals and societies. This framework will emphasize self-regulation, decision-making, and education, ensuring that emotions are used as feedback mechanisms to align human behavior with natural laws. -/- I. The Role of Emotional Balance in the Universal Formula -/- Your universal formula states that all human decision-making follows natural laws, (...)
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    The Importance of Holistically Empowering All Levels of Government Leadership for National Development.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Importance of Holistically Empowering All Levels of Government Leadership for National Development -/- A nation’s progress is deeply rooted in the quality of its leadership at all levels of government. Effective governance requires more than just political authority—it demands informed decision-making, ethical governance, and strategic planning to achieve sustainable development. Holistically empowering all levels of government leadership is crucial to ensuring that policies are implemented effectively, economic stability is maintained, and the country remains resilient against global and local challenges. (...)
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  26. 美國憲法上 北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA) 紛爭解決節次의 違憲性에 관한 약간의 考察.Kiyoung Kim - 2009 - 법학논총 16 (1):221-252.
    In order for the liberalization and increase of international trade, the free trade agreement is generally deemed a most useful instrumentality within the region. Under the WTO regime, we can see that a plethora of FTA arrangements are negotiated, come into the treaty laws, as well as operate to regulate the binational or tri-national trade disputes on the regional basis. As most typical and frequented in FTAs, they usually include an arbitration and binational panel procedure as a dispute settlement mechanics. (...)
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    Reforming All Countries Through the Universal Law of Balance: A Path to Global Stability and Progress.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Reforming All Countries Through the Universal Law of Balance: A Path to Global Stability and Progress -/- By Angelito Enriquez Malicse -/- Introduction -/- Throughout history, human societies have struggled with instability, conflict, economic inequality, environmental degradation, and governance failures. Despite technological advancements, many nations still face deep-rooted problems caused by imbalanced decision-making at both individual and collective levels. My universal formula, grounded in the universal law of balance in nature, offers a transformative solution to reform all countries and create (...)
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  28. Intelligence Info, Volumul 2, 2023.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2023 - Intelligence Info 2.
    Revista Intelligence Info este o publicație trimestrială din domeniile intelligence, geopolitică și securitate, și domenii conexe de studiu și practică. -/- Cuprins: -/- EDITORIALE / EDITORIALS -/- Tiberiu TĂNASE Considerații privind necesitatea educării și formării resursei umane pentru intelligence–ul național Considerations regarding the need to educate and train human resources for national intelligence Nicolae SFETCU Epistemologia activității de intelligence Epistemology of intelligence Nicolae SFETCU Rolul serviciilor de informații în război The role of the intelligence agencies in a war Nicolae SFETCU (...)
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    China’s South China Sea Claims: A Path to Peace and Sustainability.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    China’s South China Sea Claims: A Path to Peace and Sustainability -/- Introduction -/- China’s aggressive claims over the South China Sea have sparked tensions with neighboring countries and global powers. Despite its economic and military strength, China avoids large-scale war, likely due to the devastating consequences it would bring. If China truly seeks long-term peace and stability, it should consider abandoning its territorial claims and focusing on sustainable population management. These actions would not only improve regional stability but also (...)
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    A World Without Poverty: Applying the Universal Law of Balance in Nature.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    A World Without Poverty: Applying the Universal Law of Balance in Nature -/- Introduction -/- Poverty is not a natural condition but a direct result of wrong decision-making that has ignored the universal law of balance in nature. Despite technological advancements and abundant resources, billions of people suffer from hunger, lack of healthcare, unemployment, and poor living conditions. The root cause of this suffering lies in imbalances in wealth, resources, population, environment, education, governance, and labor, all of which stem from (...)
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  31. Importanţa templului din Ierusalim pentru autorul şi destinatarii Epistolei către Evrei.Ion-Sorin Bora - 2018 - Mitropolia Olteniei 70 (9-12):139–159.
    The temple from Jerusalem was never more defended by Jewish servants and believers, as when the Apostle Paul wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews. We are not referring to the armies of the revolutionaries. We should know that in Sanhedrin was judged every word that a Jew talked about the temple. But when St. Stephan was killed, and after too, St. James, because they have seen the True temple of Christ, the Levites and the Priests became killers not worshipers. With (...)
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  32. Environmental Pragmatism.Steven Fesmire - 2021 - In Hugh LaFollette, International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    Environmental pragmatists argue that it is defeatist to declare in advance that the only effective way to deal with environmental problems is to usher in a complete cultural paradigm shift that radically transforms human value systems. Hence, they do not place a high priority on revolutionary attempts to convince doubters that natural systems, living beings, or sentient beings have intrinsic value. Instead, they prioritize creating a democratic context for adaptive decision processes, which of course includes the evaluation of vying principles. (...)
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  33. A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking (review). [REVIEW]Jeremy Henkel - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (2):347-451.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese ThinkingJeremy E. HenkelA Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking. By François Jullien, translated by Janet Lloyd. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2004. Pp. x + 202. $22.00.In A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking François Jullien argues that the different ways Chinese and Western thinkers have dealt with warfare and diplomacy reflect important differences in (...)
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  34. Can Bangladesh and India Transcend South Asia's Colonial Legacies?Kazi Huda - 2025 - The Daily Star.
    Bangladesh is stepping into a new chapter, asserting its sovereignty and challenging decades of asymmetrical ties with India. This commentary discusses this transformative shift, exploring what it means for both nations and the broader South Asian region. This moment is more than political—it is about dignity, justice, and building relationships rooted in equality and mutual respect. For Bangladesh, it’s a call to strengthen unity and democracy. For India, it’s a chance to move from dominance to ethical leadership. Together, Bangladesh and (...)
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  35. A Political Calculus: As Jamaat Looms, BNP Reaches Out.Kazi Huda - 2024 - New Age.
    This piece explores the recent diplomatic shift between the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and India, following remarks by BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir. I analyze the broader implications of this unexpected development and how it reflects deeper issues within Bangladesh’s political system, particularly the reemergence of Jamaat-e-Islami and the BNP’s strategic positioning against Awami League.
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    Sovereignty First: US Support on Bangladesh’s Terms.Kazi Huda - 2024 - E-International Relations.
    The 2024 student-led uprising in Bangladesh was a powerful assertion of the nation’s demand for democracy and independence from foreign influence. Driven by youth, the movement emphasized self-determination and the need for a democratic future without external control. While the U.S. can play a supportive role, its involvement must respect Bangladesh's sovereignty by fostering dialogue, supporting civil society, and investing in key sectors like education. Ultimately, Bangladeshis seek a partnership based on mutual respect, not control, as they navigate their own (...)
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  37. The Holy See Confronts the War in Ukraine: Between Just War Theory and Nonviolence.Pavlo Smytsnyuk - 2023 - Journal of the European Society for Catholic Theology 14 (1): 3-24.
    This paper explores Pope Francis’ and the Holy See’s reaction to the war in Ukraine, and attempts to explain the logic behind it. After introducing the Holy See’s statements since the start of Russia’s aggression, the author reads them through the background of Catholic social teaching. In particular, he claims that the ambiguities of the Holy See’s position are due to the unresolved tension between the traditional just war approach and a tendency towards nonviolence. The latter has acquired prominence over (...)
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  38. The Evolution of the US-Australia Strategic Relationship.Shannon Brandt Ford - 2021 - In Scott D. McDonald & Andrew T. H. Tan, The Future of the United States-Australia Alliance. Taylor & Francis. pp. 103-121.
    The US-Australia strategic relationship has evolved from more or less an adversarial position in the 19th century to an Australia largely dependent on the US during the Cold War to the interdependent partnership we see today. Strategic interdependence means that the US-Australia relationship is not merely a one-sided affair; that Australia has something of substance to offer the strategic relationship. Part of the reason that the relationship is strong is because of a shared language, similar social values, and compatible political-legal (...)
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  39. Post-place branding as nomadic experiencing.George Rossolatos - 2018 - Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 4 (14):285-304.
    This paper introduces post-place branding in the context of the post-representationalist turn in marketing research by drawing on Deleuze and Guattari’s (A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1987) theory of nomadology. By engaging critically with fundamental concepts in the place and destination branding literature, post-place branding offers an alternative perspective to entrenched definitions of subjectivity, place, and event experiencing, by effecting a paradigmatic shift from processing monad to nomad, from event as symbolic structure to micro-events, (...)
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  40. So near, so far, so what is social distancing? A fundamental ontological account of a mobile place brand.George Rossolatos - 2020 - Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 1 (advance publishing Oct 2020).
    This paper offers a social phenomenological reading of the globally binding practice of 'social distancing' in light of the precautionary measures against the spreading of the Covid-19 virus. Amid speculation about the far-reaching effects of temporarily applicable measures and foresights about the advent of an ethos that has been heralded by the media as the 'new normal', the ubiquitous phenomenon of social distancing calls for a fundamental ontological elucidation. The purported hermeneutic that is situated in the broader place branding and (...)
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  41. The supplement at the… sau(r)ce: On Jamie Oliver’s global brand identity.George Rossolatos - 2019 - Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 1:1-17.
    Amidst the constantly augmenting gastronomic capital of celebrity chefs, this study scrutinizes from a critical discourse analytic angle how Jamie Oliver has managed to carve a global brand identity through a process that is termed (dis)placed branding. A roadmap is furnished as to how Italy as place brand and Italianness are discursively articulated, (dis)placed and appropriated in Jamie Oliver’s travelogues which are reflected in his global brand identity. By enriching the CDA methodological toolbox with a deconstructive reading strategy, it is (...)
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