Results for 'Fichte'

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  1. Held Hostage: The Use of Noncompete Clauses to Exploit Workers and a Statutory Framework to Protect Them.Linda Ficht & Chris Tweedt - 2023 - Journal of Law, Business, and Ethics 29 (Winter):77-96.
    Noncompete agreements are among the most commonly used methods to restrict employment. Upwards of 38% of American workers, many of which are low-wage workers, have signed noncompete agreements. These agreements effectively hold those workers hostage to their current employer. This project analyzes the use of noncompete clauses in employment contracts with low-wage workers. We show that noncompetes with low-wage workers are not enforceable in the U.S.; employers nevertheless continue to include noncompete clauses in employment contracts with low-wage workers. We survey (...)
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  2. Fichte-Studien 49 (2021) - The Enigma of Fichte’s First Principles.David W. Wood (ed.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    Fichte-Studien 49 (2021), edited by David W. Wood, published by Brill/Rodopi, 471pp. -/- Presenting new critical perspectives on J.G. Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre, this volume of articles in English by an international group of scholars addresses the topic of first principles in Fichte’s writings. Especially discussed are the central text of his Jena period, the 1794/95 Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre, as well as later versions like the Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo (1796-99) and the presentations of 1804 and 1805. Also included (...)
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  3. Fichte's Passport - A Philosophy of the Police.Grégoire Chamayou & Kieran Aarons - 2013 - Theory and Event 16 (2). Translated by Kieran Aarons.
    Fichte's philosophy represented one of the first coherent attempts to provide a utopian philosophical foundation for preventative police power, one which anticipated in surprising ways the fundamental logical premises of modern dataveillance or "datapower." This article examines Fichte's proposals for a new system of police passports and the logic of control on which it rests, contextualizing it within the transformation of police practices during his lifetime. It concludes with a discussion of Hegel's criticism of the logical incoherence of (...)
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  4. Fichte on Conscience.Owen Ware - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (2):376-394.
    There is no question that Fichte's theory of conscience is central to his system of ethics. Yet his descriptions of its role in practical deliberation appear inconsistent, if not contradictory. Many scholars have claimed that for Fichte conscience plays a material role by providing the content of our moral obligations—the Material Function View. Some have denied this, however, claiming that conscience only plays a formal role by testing our moral convictions in any given case—the Formal Function View. My (...)
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    Fichte's Metaphilosophy.Michael Lewin - forthcoming - Fichte-Studien.
    The article explores different ways in which the term ‘metaphilosophy’ or ‘philosophy of philosophy’ can be applied in the context of Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre. It is argued that despite the terminological differences partially caused by Fichte’s renaming of philosophy and the unclear meaning of ‘metaphilosophy,’ several options are available. The article suggests considering metaphilosophy as one of the many ‘meta-constructions’—such as the thinking of thinking, philosophizing about the philosophizing, and the metaphysics of metaphysics—that can be found throughout the history (...)
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  6. Fichte’s Normative Ethics: Deontological or Teleological?Owen Ware - 2018 - Mind 127 (506):565-584.
    One of the most controversial issues to emerge in recent studies of Fichte concerns the status of his normative ethics, i.e., his theory of what makes actions morally good or bad. Scholars are divided over Fichte’s view regarding the ‘final end’ of moral striving, since it appears this end can be either a specific goal permitting maximizing calculations (the consequentialist reading defended by Kosch 2015), or an indeterminate goal permitting only duty-based decisions (the deontological reading defended by Wood (...)
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  7. Fichte's Moral Philosophy.Owen Ware - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Owen Ware here develops and defends a novel interpretation of Fichte’s moral philosophy as an ethics of wholeness. While virtually forgotten for most of the twentieth century, Fichte’s System of Ethics is now recognized by scholars as a masterpiece in the history of post-Kantian thought and a key text for understanding the work of later German idealist thinkers. This book provides a careful examination of the intellectual context in which Fichte’s moral philosophy evolved and of the specific (...)
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  8. Fichte’s Original Insight Sá Pereira Roberto Horácio (ed.) - 2022 - Fichtean Studien.
    This paper addresses Fichte’s puzzle of self-consciousness. I propose a new reading of “Fichte’s original insight,” inspired by Pareyson’s general reading, which I call here the “Fichtean metaphysical turn in transcendental philosophy.” Against the mainstream view in Fichte’s scholarship, I argue that Fichte’s and Kant’s views do not concur regard- ing the primary reference of the “I”, namely spontaneous agency in thinking, which Fichte calls “Tathandlung”. Yet, their views do, in fact, concur when Fichte (...)
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  9. Fichte's Original Insight Reviewed.Roberto de Sá Pereira - 2021 - Fichte-Studien (special issue: The Enigma of Fic): 394–415.
    This paper addresses Fichte’s puzzle of self-consciousness. I propose a new reading of “Fichte’s original insight,” inspired by Pareyson’s general reading, which I call here the “Fichtean metaphysical turn in transcendental philosophy.” Against the mainstream view in Fichte’s scholarship, I argue that Fichte’s and Kant’s views do not concur regard- ing the primary reference of the “I”, namely spontaneous agency in thinking, which Fichte calls “Tathandlung”. Yet, their views do, in fact, concur when Fichte (...)
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  10. Fichte’s Formal Logic.Jens Lemanski & Andrew Schumann - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-27.
    Fichte’s Foundations of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre 1794 is one of the most fundamental books in classical German philosophy. The use of laws of thought to establish foundational principles of transcendental philosophy was groundbreaking in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century and is still crucial for many areas of theoretical philosophy and logic in general today. Nevertheless, contemporaries have already noted that Fichte’s derivation of foundational principles from the law of identity is problematic, since Fichte lacked the (...)
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  11. Fichte on Sex, Marriage, and Gender.Rory Lawrence Phillips - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (6):1168-1187.
    “I am only what I make myself to be”, Fichte tells us. In this paper, I outline Fichte’s views on sex, marriage and gender, with two aims. Firstly, to elucidate an aspect of his moral theory which has received little attention, and secondly to argue that Fichte’s distinctive stance on selfhood, freedom, and normativity lead to a revisionary account of gender expression and identity, where people can freely carve out their own identity, irrespective of “nature”. In this (...)
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  12. Fichte's Deduction of the Moral Law.Owen Ware - 2019 - In Steven Hoeltzel, The Palgrave Fichte Handbook. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 239-256.
    It is often assumed that Fichte's aim in Part I of the System of Ethics is to provide a deduction of the moral law, the very thing that Kant – after years of unsuccessful attempts – deemed impossible. On this familiar reading, what Kant eventually viewed as an underivable 'fact' (Factum), the authority of the moral law, is what Fichte traces to its highest ground in what he calls the principle of the 'I'. However, scholars have largely overlooked (...)
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  13. Fichte’s Method of Moral Justification.Owen Ware - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (6):1173-1193.
    While Kant’s claim that the moral law discloses our freedom to us has been extensively discussed in recent decades, the reactions to this claim among Kant’s immediate successors have gone largely overlooked by scholars. Reinhold, Creuzer, and Maimon were among three prominent thinkers of the era unwilling to follow Kant in making the moral law the condition for knowing our freedom. Maimon went so far as to reject Kant’s method of appealing to our everyday awareness of duty on the grounds (...)
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  14. Fichte's Account of Free Will in Context.John Walsh - 2023 - Fichte-Studien 52:283-302.
    In this paper, I offer a novel reading of how Fichte’s contemporaries shaped the development of his account of free will. Focusing on his emerging views in the second edition of _Revelation_ and the Creuzer review, I argue that Fichte’s position is closer to Reinhold’s than previously recognized. In particular, I demonstrate Reinhold’s decisive influence on the development of a key aspect of Fichte’s mature, genetic account of freedom: the transition from indeterminacy to determinacy.
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  15. Fichte’s First Principles and the Total System of the Wissenschaftslehre.David W. Wood - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:9-19.
    Editor's Preface to Fichte-Studien 49 (2021), "The Enigma of Fichte’s First Principles", (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021): : IX-XIX. Also available on open-access. See the publisher's website.
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  16. Fichte: Kantian or Spinozian? Three Interpretations of the Absolute I.Alexandre Guilherme - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):1-16.
    Fichte is the first great Post-Kantian Idealist and his debt to Spinozism has been acknowledged by virtually all of his commentators. However, the extent of Spinoza’s influence on Fichte has not been spelled out in much detail. In response to this I propose to do two things. Firstly, I propose to provide a typology of interpretations of Fichte’s Absolute I, as some commentators seem to get entangled in these different interpretations, which can be very confusing to their (...)
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  17. Fichte’s Impossible Contract.Michael Baur - 2006 - In Tom Rockmore & Daniel Breazeale, Rights, Bodies, Recognition: New Essays on Fichte’s Foundations of Natural Right. Routledge. pp. 11-25.
    As I hope to show in this paper, Fichte’s rejection of traditional social contractarian accounts of human social relations is related to his rejection of the search for a criterion, or external standard, by which we might measure our knowledge in epistemology. More specifically, Fichte’s account of the impossibility of a normative social contract (as traditionally construed) is related to his account of the impossibility of our knowing things as they might be “in themselves,” separate from and independent (...)
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  18. Fichte avec Schiller. La querelle des Heures à la lumière de Grâce et Dignité.Laure Cahen-Maurel - 2022 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 52:117-146.
    This article presents a new interpretation of the notorious "Horen" dispute between Schiller and Fichte by examining the text that was the catalyst for it, Fichte’s "On Spirit and Letter in Philosophy" (1795-1800), from the overlooked perspective of Schiller’s 1793 essay "On Grace and Dignity". It demonstrates that the Horen dispute is based on a theoretical misunderstanding rather than an irreconcilable opposition, arguing that Schiller’s notion of grace as beauty in movement provides the idealism and aesthetics of (...)’s Wissenschaftslehre with a powerful conceptual tool that was lacking in Kant’s critical philosophy. (shrink)
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  19. Genealogy and Jurisprudence in Fichte’s Genetic Deduction of the Categories.G. Anthony Bruno - 2018 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 35 (1):77-96.
    Fichte argues that the conclusion of Kant’s transcendental deduction of the categories is correct yet lacks a crucial premise, given Kant’s admission that the metaphysical deduction locates an arbitrary origin for the categories. Fichte provides the missing premise by employing a new method: a genetic deduction of the categories from a first principle. Since Fichte claims to articulate the same view as Kant in a different, it is crucial to grasp genetic deduction in relation to the sorts (...)
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  20. »Fichte in Rammenau – 1. Fichte-Tag: Die Wissenschaftslehre 1805«, 19. - 21. Mai 2005.Patrick Grüneberg - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 26:191-194.
    Vom 19. bis 21. Mai 2005 fand im Barockschloß zu Rammenau eine Tagung der Internationalen J. G. Fichte-Gesellschaft und des Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (Neapel) anläßlich des Geburtstages von Johann Gottlieb Fichte zur Wissenschaftslehre 1805 statt.
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  21. Kommentar zu Fichtes Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre.Wolfgang Class & Alois K. Soller (eds.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Inhalt: Vorbemerkung Kommentar Titel Vorrede Erster Teil Zweiter Teil Dritter Teil Benutzte Literatur a)Zeitgenossen und Vorläufer Fichtes b)Moderne Interpreten Sachregister zum Fichte-Text Verzeichnis der zitierten Arbeiten Fichtes.
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  22. The Parallactic Leap: Fichte, Apperception, and the Hard Problem of Consciousness.G. Anthony Bruno - 2021 - In Parallax: The Dependence of Reality on its Subjective Constitution.
    A precursor to the hard problem of consciousness confronts nihilism. Like physicalism, nihilism collides with the first-personal fact of what perception and action are like. Unless this problem is solved, nature’s inclusion of conscious experience will remain, as Chalmers warns the physicalist, an “unanswered question” and, as Jacobi chides the nihilist, “completely inexplicable". One advantage of Kant’s Copernican turn is to dismiss the question that imposes this hard problem. We need not ask how nature is accompanied by the first-person standpoint (...)
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  23. Fichtes Beitrag zur Ausbildung einer dialektischen Naturbetrachtung.Stahl Jürgen - 1985 - In Erhard Lange, Collegium philosophicum Jenense Nr 5. Philosophie und Natur. Beiträge zur Naturphilosophie der deutschen Klassik. Weimar, Deutschland: Hermann Böhlau Nachfolger. pp. 146 -155.
    Der Artikel verfolgt, in welcher Weise Johann Gottlieb Fichte mit seiner Wissenschaftslehre die Diskussion um das Wesen der Natur in ihrem Verhältnis zum Subjekt beeinflusst. Dabei wird besonders sein Ansatz zur Fassung der Subjektivität und der Dialektisierung der Erkenntnisbeziehung zwischen Subjekt und Objekt herausgearbeitet. Dabei wird Fichtes Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer modernen dialektischen Methode gewürdigt. -/- The article follows the way in which Johann Gottlieb Fichte influences the discussion about the essence of nature in its relationship to the (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Fichtes transzendentalphilosophische Fichtes und die Leib-Seele- / Körper-Geist-Dichotomie.Patrick Grüneberg - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth, [no title]. Bielefeld. pp. 90--106.
    Die transzendentalphilosophische Theorie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes bietet eine Konzeption, mittels derer sich strukturelle bzw. methodologische Schwierigkeiten einer philosophischen Theoriebildung über das empirische Bewusstsein nicht nur vermeiden, sondern produktiv instrumentalisieren lassen. Um der gegenwärtig naturalistisch geprägten Bewusstseinsphilosophie einen logisch-begrifflich bzw. apriorisch fundierten Ansatz gegenüberzustellen, stehen im folgenden einzelne Theoriestücke des Fichteschen Systems zentral, die der besonderen Struktur des empirischen Bewusstseins gerecht werden können.
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  25. Logos en Kant, Fichte y Hegel.Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2024 - Revista de Estud(I)Os Sobre Fichte 25.
    El presente escrito traza el camino del logos en tres figuras centrales de la filosofía clásica alemana. Luego de recorrer el problema de los antecedentes, es planteada la querella ante la cual quedó puesto el logos moderno. Se trata, en primer lugar, de poner de manifiesto la función del logos en la respuesta kantiana a la cuestión del fundamento del saber, tematizada principalmente en los Paralogismos de la segunda edición de la Crítica de la razón pura. En segundo lugar, será (...)
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  26. Facticity and Genesis: Tracking Fichte’s Method in the Berlin Wissenschaftslehre.G. Anthony Bruno - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:177-97.
    The concept of facticity denotes conditions of experience whose necessity is not logical yet whose contingency is not empirical. Although often associated with Heidegger, Fichte coins ‘facticity’ in his Berlin period to refer to the conclusion of Kant’s metaphysical deduction of the categories, which he argues leaves it a contingent matter that we have the conditions of experience that we do. Such rhapsodic or factical conditions, he argues, must follow necessarily, independent of empirical givenness, from the I through a (...)
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  27. Fichte and the German Idiom: the Metaphysics of the Addresses to the German Nation.Oisin Keohane - 2013 - Nations and Nationalism 2 (19):317-336.
    This article argues against the dominant Anglophone and Francophone interpretation of Fichte, which reads him as advancing either a form of ethnic or cultural nationalism. It claims that what is missing from the current reception of Fichte is the essentially philosophical and cosmopolitan character of his nationalism – the fact that the Addresses to the German Nation uses non‐empirical and cosmopolitical concepts to develop and articulate its nationalistic viewpoint. It therefore claims that the notion of a national philosophical (...)
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  28. Fichte's Voluntarism.Owen Ware - 2009 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):262-282.
    Abstract: In recent work Stephen Darwall has attacked what he calls J. G. Fichte's ‘voluntarist’ thesis, the idea—on Darwall's reading—that I am bound by obligations of respect to another person by virtue of my choice to interact with him. Darwall argues that voluntary choice is incompatible with the normative force behind the concept of a person, which demands my respect non-voluntarily. He in turn defends a ‘presuppositional’ thesis which claims that I am bound by obligations of respect simply by (...)
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  29. Fichte dzisiaj.Jürgen Stolzenberg, Przeł. Monika Adamczyk & Przeł. Wojciech Hanuszkiewicz - 2013 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (2):512-526.
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  30. Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre im Aufbrechen der Paradigmen mechanizistischen Denkens.Jürgen Stahl - 1993 - Fichte-Studien 5:149-158.
    Im Artikel wird der Paradigmenwechsel analysiert, der sich mit der Betonung des Subjekts im Erkenntnisprozess durch die Transzendentalphilosophie ergab. Mit der Anwendung des Organismusbegriffs von Kant entwickelte Fichte das Schema selbstorganisierender evolutionärer Veränderung. Die Erkenntnis gegesätzlicher Momente avanciert zum Mittelpunkt der Wesenserkenntnis, indem sie diese als die bewegende Ursache der Transformation erkennt. -/- The article analyzes the paradigm shift that resulted from transcendental philosophy's emphasis on the subject in the process of cognition. Using Kant's concept of the organism, (...) developed the scheme of self-organizing evolutionary change. The recognition of opposite moments advances to the center of the essence recognition by recognizing them as the moving cause of the transformation. (shrink)
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  31. Fichte’s Ethical Thought, by Allen W. Wood.Michael Baur - 2017 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
    Review of Fichte’s Ethical Thought, by Allen W. Wood.
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  32. Between Thinking and Acting: Fichte’s Deduction of the Concept of Right.Laurenz Ramsauer - 2023 - Manuscrito 46 (2):156-197.
    Fichte’s ambitious project in the Foundations of Natural Right is to provide an a priori deduction of the concept of right independently from morality. So far, interpretations of Fichte’s deduction of the concept of right have persistently fallen into one of two rough categories: either they (re)interpret the normative necessity of right in terms of moral or quasi-moral normativity or they interpret right’s normative necessity in terms of hypothetical imperatives. However, each of these interpretations faces significant exegetical difficulties. (...)
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  33. Fichte on Recognizing Potential Persons.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2014 - In Kurt Seelmann & Benno Zabel, Autonomie und Normativität - Zu Hegels Rechtsphilosophie. Mohr Siebrek Ek. pp. 44-56.
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  34. Fichte’s Ethics by Michelle Kosch. [REVIEW]Michael Baur - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):820-824.
    Review of Fichte’s Ethics, by Michelle Kosch.
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  35. From Being to Acting: Kant and Fichte on Intellectual Intuition.G. Anthony Bruno - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (4):762-783.
    Fichte assigns ‘intellectual intuition’ a new meaning after Kant. But in 1799, his doctrine of intellectual intuition is publicly deemed indefensible by Kant and nihilistic by Jacobi. I propose to defend Fichte’s doctrine against these charges, leaving aside whether it captures what he calls the ‘spirit’ of transcendental idealism. I do so by articulating three problems that motivate Fichte’s redirection of intellectual intuition from being to acting: (1) the regress problem, which states that reflecting on empirical facts (...)
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  36. The Second Person in Fichte and Levinas.Owen Ware & Michael L. Morgan - 2020 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 41 (2):1-20.
    Levinas never engaged closely with Fichte’s work, but there are two places in the chapter “Substitution,” in Otherwise than Being (1974), where he mentions Fichte by name. The point that Levinas underscores in both of these passages is that the other’s encounter with the subject is not the outcome of the subject’s freedom; it is not posited by the subject, as Fichte has it, but is prior to any free activity. The aim of this paper is to (...)
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  37. The First Principle in the Later Fichte : The (Not) "Surprising Insight" in the Fifteenth Lecture of the 1804 Wissenschaftslehre.Michael Lewin - 2024 - In Benjamin D. Crowe & Gabriel Gottlieb, Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre: essays on the "Science of knowing". Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 61-78.
    How surprising is the insight, that being equals I in the 15th lecture of the Doctrine of Science 1804/II? It might have been indeed an unexpected turn for his contemporaries in Berlin listening to Fichte for the first time, but should it be surprising for us, having at least since 2012 (the year the last volume of [Gesamtausgabe] appeared) access to all his published and unpublished works? I want to propose a way of reading Fichte, which bypasses two (...)
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  38. Fichte et la puissante impuissance du langage.Luis Fellipe Garcia - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 83 (1):19-32.
    Cet article montre que Fichte développe une originelle conception du langage dans ses Discours à la Nation allemande d’où il ressort non seulement le besoin de retraduire des concepts philosophiques dans un langage populaire comme aussi celui de formuler un langage plus malléable pour la philosophie en tant que telle. Afin d’explorer cette hypothèse, notre propos suivra les étapes suivantes : (i) nous analyserons la conception fichtéenne du rapport entre popularisation et flexibilisation du langage, ce qui nous permettra (ii) (...)
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  39. The Conceptual Origin of Worldview in Kant and Fichte.Alexander T. Englert - 2023 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 4 (1):1-24.
    Kant and Fichte developed the concept of a worldview as a way of reflecting on experience as a whole. But what does it mean to form a worldview? And what role did it play in the German Idealist tradition? This paper seeks to answer these questions through a detailed analysis of the form of a philosophical worldview and its historical portent, both of which remain unexplored in the literature. The dearth of attention is partially to blame on Kant’s desultory (...)
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  40. Fichtes Theorie des Naturrechts. Dohrn - 2006 - In W. Bock, Gesetz und Gesetzlichkeit in den Wissenschaften. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. pp. 119-135.
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  41. ‘All is Act, Movement, and Life’: Fichte’s Idealism as Immortalism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2023 - In Luca Corti & Johannes-Georg Schuelein, Life, Organisms, and Human Nature: New Perspectives on Classical German Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 121-139.
    In the Vocation of Man, Fichte makes the striking claim that life is eternal, rational, our true being, and the final cause of nature in general and of death in particular. How can we make sense of this claim? I argue that the public lectures that compose the Vocation are a popular expression of Fichte’s pre-existing commitment to what I call immortalism, the view that life is the unconditioned condition of intelligibility. Casting the I as an absolutely self-active (...)
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  42. Virupa, Meet Fichte: Uncanny Resonances in Comparative Philosophy.Alexander T. Englert & Jonathan Gold - 2024 - The Immanent Frame 1.
    What happens when scholars come together to study Buddhist and German Idealist perspectives on mind and representation? We explore this question and reflect on methodological considerations in what is often referred to as "comparative philosophy.".
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  43. Between Reinhold and Fichte: August Ludwig Hülsen’s Contribution to the Emergence of German Idealism by Ezequiel L. Posesorski.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2):382-383.
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  44. Gesetz und Geltung in Fichtes Theorie des Naturrechts.Daniel Dohrn - 2006 - In W. Bock, Gesetz und Gesetzlichkeit in den Wissenschaften. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. pp. 2006.
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  45. The "Double Sense" of Fichte's Philosophical Language - Some Critical Reflections on the Cambridge Companion to Fichte.David W. Wood - 2017 - Revista de Estud(I)Os Sobre Fichte 15:1-12.
    The principal thesis in this review-essay is that the key linguistic terms in Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre especially have two main meanings that appear at first sight to be almost in contradiction or opposed to each other. The reader of Fichte therefore has to work hard to overcome any apparent conflicts in the “double sense” of his philosophical terminology. Accordingly, I argue that Fichte’s linguistic method and use of language should be seen as part of his chief philosophical method (...)
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  46. Freedom and Pluralism in Schelling’s Critique of Fichte’s Jena Wissenschaftslehre.G. Anthony Bruno - 2013 - Idealistic Studies 43 (1-2):71-86.
    Our understanding of Schelling’s internal critique of German idealism, including his late attack on Hegel, is incomplete unless we trace it to the early “Philosophical Letters on Dogmatism and Criticism,” which initiate his engagement with the problem of systematicity—that judgment makes deriving a system of a priori conditions from a first principle necessary, while this capacity’s finitude makes this impossible. Schelling aims to demonstrate this problem’s intractability. My conceptual aim is to reconstruct this from the “Letters,” which reject Fichte’s (...)
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  47. Subjectivity and the Politics of Self-Cultivation: A Comparative Study of Fichte and Nietzsche.James S. Pearson - 2024 - Nietzsche Studien 53 (1):182-202.
    At first glance, Fichte and Nietzsche might strike us as intellectual contraries. This impression is reinforced by Nietzsche’s disparaging remarks about Fichte. The dearth of critical literature comparing the two thinkers also could easily lead us to believe that they are, for all intents and purposes, irrelevant to one another. In this paper, however, I argue that their theories of subjectivity are in many respects remarkably similar and worthy of comparison. But I further explain how, despite this convergence, (...)
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  48. Sommario di "Il Pensiero Massonico Tedesco del XVIII Secolo- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - Johann Gottfried Herder - Johann Wolfgang Goethe - Johann Gottlieb Fichte".Francesco Angioni (ed.) - 2018 - Lecce LE, Italia: Borè srl.
    In Germany, between the last decades of the 18th and the first decades of the 19th centuries, four fundamental figures of German and European culture emerged: Lessing the great playwright, Herder the promoter of the epistemological foundations of modern linguistics and of the emerging historical-social sciences, Goethe the supreme poet and novelist, and Fichte the eminent philosopher. They were all Freemasons and basic authors of Masonic thought. The most significant works of these authors have been chosen, which summarize the (...)
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  49. Recognition: Fichte and Hegel on the Other by Robert R. Williams. [REVIEW]Michael Baur - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (4):849-851.
    The purpose of this book is both scholarly and polemical: the author seeks not only to render an accurate picture of Fichte and Hegel on the issue of intersubjectivity, but also to correct contemporary misconceptions which have led to the dismissal of German Idealism as abstract, rationalistic, and ahistorical.
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  50. Kant, Lonergan, and Fichte on the Critique of Immediacy and the Epistemology of Constraint in Human Knowing.Michael Baur - 2003 - International Philosophical Quarterly 43 (1):91-112.
    One of the defining characteristics of Kant’s “critical philosophy” is what has been called the “critique of immediacy” or the rejection of the “myth of the given.” According to the Kantian position, no object can count as an object for a human knower apart from the knower’s own activity or spontaneity. That is, no object can count as an object for a human knower on the basis of the object’s givenness alone. But this gives rise to a problem: how is (...)
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