Results for 'Hillel Frisch'

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  1. The Effect of Outcome Severity on Moral Judgment and Interpersonal Goals of Perpetrators, Victims, and Bystanders.Lisa Katharina Https://Orcidorg Frisch, Markus Https://Orcidorg Kneer, Joachim Israel Krueger & Johannes Https://Orcidorg Ullrich - 2021 - European Journal of Social Psychology 51 (7):1158–1171.
    When two actors have the same mental state but one happens to harm another person (unlucky actor) and the other one does not (lucky actor), the latter elicits a milder moral judgement. To understand how this outcome effect would affect post-harm interactions between victims and perpetrators, we examined how the social role from which transgressions are perceived moderates the outcome effect, and how outcome effects on moral judgements transfer to agentic and communal interpersonal goals. Three vignette experiments (N = 950) (...)
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  2. Does humanity have an interest in developing a philosophy of cyber security as a philosophical discipline.Hillel Kobrovski - manuscript
    האם לאנושות יש אינטרס לפתח פילוסופיה של אבטחת סייבר כדיסציפלינה פילוסופית | מאת: הילל קוברובסקי | תוכן המאמר לפי נושאים | 1. מבוא - מהם האתגרים בתחילת הדרך על מנת לבנות מהיסוד ולפתח דיסציפלינה חדשה בתחום הפילוסופיה | 2. מהי משמעות המושג "מרחב הסייבר" לעומת "אבטחת הסייבר", מהם גבולות התיחום של הענף הקרוי סייבר | 3. מהי פילוסופיה ?, מהן הפילוסופיות שיכולות להוות השפעה עבור הפילוסופיה של אבטחת הסייבר | 4. מהן הבעיות והשאלות המהותיות בהן צריכה לדון הפילוסופיה של אבטחת (...)
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  3. Metrik im altsprachlichen Unterricht (Ars Didactica - Marburger Beiträge zu Studium und Didaktik der Alten Sprachen; Bd. 4).Magnus Frisch (ed.) - 2018 - Speyer: Kartoffeldruck-Verlag Kai Broderse.
    Metrisch gebundene Texte sind aus dem altsprachlichen Unterricht nicht wegzudenken: Vergil, Ovid, Horaz, Catull und Martial sind nur einige typische Autoren für die Dichtungslektüre im Lateinunterricht; Homer, Sophokles und Euripides sind typische Beispiele für den Griechischunterricht. Die Curricula schlagen eine Vielzahl poetischer Texte als mögliche Lektüren vor. Allein diese unvollständige Autorenauswahl zeigt schon, dass man allein mit der Behandlung von daktylischem Hexameter und elegischem Distichon nicht besonders weit kommt, will man nicht die Textauswahl nach solchen rein formalen Kriterien unnötig und (...)
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  4. Cicero philosophus. Ciceros philosophische Schriften im Lateinunterricht.Magnus Frisch - 2020 - In Cicero als Bildungsautor der Gegenwart (Ars Didactica – Alte Sprachen lehren und lernen; Bd. 6). Heidelberg: pp. 9-33.
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  5. Liebeskunst – Kann man Liebe lehren und lernen?Magnus Frisch - 2013 - IANUS 34:50-68.
    Der Artikel stellt eine Unterrichtseinheit für die Lektürephase des Lateinunterrichts dar, die vor allem für die Sekundarstufe II geeignet ist. Die vorzustellende Unterrichtsreihe geht von der Fragestellung "Kann man Liebe lehren und lernen?" aus, wobei zunächst herausgearbeitet werden soll, was wir und was die Schüler unter "Liebe" verstehen, und dann allgemein und in Bezug auf unsere eigene Lebenswelt diskutiert wird, ob sich Liebe lehren und lernen lasse, sei es durch Ratgeber, Flirtschulen, oder Tipps von anderen. Im Anschluss beginnt die Lektüre (...)
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  6. Arbeitsbibliographie zur antiken Prosodie und Metrik und ihrer Behandlung im Unterricht.Magnus Frisch - 2018 - In Metrik im altsprachlichen Unterricht (Ars Didactica - Marburger Beiträge zu Studium und Didaktik der Alten Sprachen; Bd. 4). Speyer: Kartoffeldruck-Verlag Kai Broderse. pp. 379-383.
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  7. Philosophische Texte im Altsprachlichen Unterricht.Magnus Frisch - 2011 - Forum Schule. Mitteilungsblatt des Hessischen Altphilologenverbandes 58:28-36.
    Der Aufsatz befasst sich mit der Lektüre philosophischer Texte im Latein- und Griechischunterricht. Er diskutiert Kriterien der Themen- und Textauswahl; erörtert Möglichkeiten der Motivierung der Schüler zur aktiven Auseinandersetzung mit philosophischen Themen und Texten sowie die Möglichkeit der Behandlung philosophischer Themen und Texte bereits in der Lehrbuchphase.
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  8. Zur Rolle von Krankheit und Verwundung in den militärischen Fachschriften der griechisch-römischen Antike.Magnus Frisch - 2021 - Göttinger Forum Für Altertumswissenschaft 24:31-50.
    Krankheit und Verwundung gehörten in der Antike zum Alltag der Soldaten. Die militärische Fachschriftstellerei der Antike hat sich aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln und mit unterschiedlichen Zielstellungen mit zahlreichen Aspekten des Militärwesens ihrer Zeit befasst. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht deshalb die Behandlung von Krankheit und Verwundung in den griechischen und römischen militärischen Fachschriften vom 4. Jh. v. Chr. bis ins 6. Jh. n. Chr. Aufgrund der spärlichen Forschungsliteratur zu diesem Thema steht die vergleichende Quellenanalyse der erhaltenen militärischen Fachschriften dieses Zeitraums im Vordergrund. (...)
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  9. Daniel Hermann – a Well-Travelled Prussian Humanist and His Poetic Work in Riga.Magnus Frisch - 2015 - Letonica – Humanitāru Zinātņu Žurnāls / Journal of Humantities 30:44-57.
    The Prussian Protestant Daniel Hermann is an important Neo-Latin poet. He lived from probably 1543 until 1601. Hermann studied at Königsberg, Straßburg, Basel and Wittenberg. Afterwards he served as a secretary at the Imperial Court at Vienna, later as a secretary of the city of Danzig and permanent ambassador of Danzig at the Royal Polish court during the wars against Russia. After the war he married and settled down in Riga and became the secretary of the Polish governor Cardinal Radziwil (...)
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  10. ἔτυχε γὰρ θυόμενος – Opferrituale auf dem Zug der Zehntausend (Xenophon, Anabasis).Magnus Frisch - 2020 - In Michaela Zinko (ed.), Krieg und Ritual im Altertum. 17. Grazer Althistorische Adventgespräche. Graz, 14.-15. Dezember 2017 (Grazer Vergleichende Arbeiten; vol. 30). Leykam. pp. 1-23.
    In the Anabasis, his autobiographical account on the retreat of the Greek mercenary army after the defeat of the Persian prince Cyrus the Younger, Xenophon mentions a significant number of sacrifices. This paper deals with the analysis of the ritual, pragmatical, and narratological functions of these references as well as of their lexis and complexity. Therefore also a short overview of the role of sacrifices in the ancient Greek religion with a focus on military contexts is given.
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  11. Metrik im Unterricht. Gründe – Ziele – Wege.Magnus Frisch - 2018 - In Metrik im altsprachlichen Unterricht (Ars Didactica - Marburger Beiträge zu Studium und Didaktik der Alten Sprachen; Bd. 4). Speyer: Kartoffeldruck-Verlag Kai Broderse. pp. 11-20.
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  12. ἦ μάλα θαῦμα κύων ὅδε κεῖτ᾽ ἐνὶ κόπρῳ. The Anagnorisis of Odysseus and His Dog Argos (Hom. Od. 17, 290–327).Magnus Frisch - 2017 - Literatūra - Research Journal for Literary Scholarship 59 (3):7-18.
    In the Odyssey, there is a description of Odysseus being recognized by his age-old and decrepit dog Argos, whom he had reared and trained himself before his departure for Troy. This so-called Argos episode (Od. 17.290–327) is still famous today. It has been continuously treated by generations of scholars from antiquity to our time and served as an inspiration to both the visual arts and literature. The present article deals with the function and intended effects of the Argos scene. After (...)
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  13. Beobachtungen zur Behandlung von Prosodie und Metrik im altsprachlichen Unterricht.Magnus Frisch - 2018 - In Metrik im altsprachlichen Unterricht (Ars Didactica - Marburger Beiträge zu Studium und Didaktik der Alten Sprachen; Bd. 4). Speyer: Kartoffeldruck-Verlag Kai Broderse. pp. 21-43.
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    Review of: "Grainger, John D. Sextus Julius Frontinus and the Roman Empire. Yorkshire, UK: Pen & Sword Military 2023." In: Res militares – The Official Newsletter of the Society of Ancient Military Historians 23.1 (2024). S. 5-7. [REVIEW]Magnus Frisch - 2024 - Res Militares – The Official Newsletter of the Society of Ancient Military Historians 23 (1):5-7.
    Due to its concept and methodology, Graingers book on Frontinus is more fact-based fiction than biography. The reader gains an insight into how Frontinus' life and career might have unfolded, taking into account our knowledge of the Roman Empire in his time and the information about him that is confirmed by our sources. The author's assumptions are always plausibly substantiated. However, when reading the book, one learns far more about the Roman Empire, its provinces, its rulers and the political and (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Luthers Menschenbild – eine ethisch-philosophische Analyse (Philosophie, Religion).Franziska Frisch & Magnus Frisch - 2016 - In Landesinstitut Für Lehrerbildung Und Schulentwicklung in Kooperation Mit der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche In Hamburg (ed.), Reformation in Hamburg. Materialien für die schulische und außerschulische Bildungsarbeit. Deutsch | Kunst | Geschichte | Musik | PGW | Philosophie | Religion | Projekte | Sek. I/II. pp. 28-30.
    Luthers »Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen« bietet einen Einblick in sein Menschenbild. Die philosophisch-ethische Perspektive ist für den Einsatz in der Oberstufe konzipiert, wo sie auch einen Hintergrund für das Zentralabiturthema im Fach Religion bietet.
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  16. Alte Sprachen - neuer Unterricht (Ars Didactica; Bd. 1).Magnus Frisch (ed.) - 2015 - Kartoffeldruck-Verlag.
    Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Sammelbandes basieren auf Vorträgen aus der gleichnamigen fachdidaktischen Vortragsreihe, die seit 2013 am Seminar für Klassische Philologie der Philipps-Universität Marburg stattfindet. Sie beleuchten zentrale und aktuelle Aspekte eines zeitgemäßen altsprachlichen Unterrichts: von Fragen der Kompetenzorientierung (Rainer Nickel) und Individualisierung (Heike Wolf) über Textübersetzung und Wortschatzarbeit (Peter Kuhlmann), multimediale Zugänge zu Realien aus der Sicht des Althistorikers (Florian Krüpe) und Zugänge zum römischen Alltagsleben über die Dichtung (Tobias Brandt) sowie das Verhältnis von Text und Bild (Hans-Joachim Glücklich) (...)
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  17. Beyond Supervenience and Construction.David-Hillel Ruben - 2014 - Journal of Social Ontology 1 (1):121-141.
    If reduction of the social to the physical fail, what options remain for understanding their relationship? Two such options are supervenience and constructivism. Both are vitiated by a similar fault. So the choices are limited: reduction after all, or emergence.
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  18. Explaining Explanation.David-Hillel Ruben - 1990 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    This book introduces readers to the topic of explanation. The insights of Plato, Aristotle, J.S. Mill and Carl Hempel are examined, and are used to argue against the view that explanation is merely a problem for the philosophy of science. Having established its importance for understanding knowledge in general, the book concludes with a bold and original explanation of explanation.
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  19. The Metaphysics of Action: Trying, Doing, Causing.David-Hillel Ruben - 2018 - London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    A discussion of three central ideas in action theory; trying to act, doing or acting, one's action causing further consequences.
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  20. Three Ways in Which Pandemic Models May Perform a Pandemic.Philippe Van Basshuysen, Lucie White, Donal Khosrowi & Mathias Frisch - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 14 (1):110-127.
    Models not only represent but may also influence their targets in important ways. While models’ abilities to influence outcomes has been studied in the context of economic models, often under the label ‘performativity’, we argue that this phenomenon also pertains to epidemiological models, such as those used for forecasting the trajectory of the Covid-19 pandemic. After identifying three ways in which a model by the Covid-19 Response Team at Imperial College London may have influenced scientific advice, policy, and individual responses, (...)
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  21. The metaphysics of the social world.David-Hillel Ruben - 1985 - London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    A careful elaboration and defence of holism in the philosophy of the social sciences, with regard both to particulars and properties. The last chapter addresses the issue of the irreducibility of holistic explanation in the social sciences.
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  22. On the appropriate and inappropriate uses of probability distributions in climate projections and some alternatives.Joel Katzav, Erica L. Thompson, James Risbey, David A. Stainforth, Seamus Bradley & Mathias Frisch - 2021 - Climatic Change 169 (15).
    When do probability distribution functions (PDFs) about future climate misrepresent uncertainty? How can we recognise when such misrepresentation occurs and thus avoid it in reasoning about or communicating our uncertainty? And when we should not use a PDF, what should we do instead? In this paper we address these three questions. We start by providing a classification of types of uncertainty and using this classification to illustrate when PDFs misrepresent our uncertainty in a way that may adversely affect decisions. We (...)
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  23. When is Lockdown Justified?Lucie White, Philippe van Basshuysen & Mathias Frisch - 2022 - Philosophy of Medicine 3 (1):1-22.
    How could the initial, drastic decisions to implement “lockdowns” to control the spread of COVID-19 infections be justifiable, when they were made on the basis of such uncertain evidence? We defend the imposition of lockdowns in some countries by first, and focusing on the UK, looking at the evidence that undergirded the decision, second, arguing that this provided us with sufficient grounds to restrict liberty given the circumstances, and third, defending the use of poorly-empirically-constrained epidemiological models as tools that can (...)
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  24. The Physical Action Theory of Trying.David-Hillel Ruben - 2015 - Methode 4 (6).
    Metaphysically speaking, just what is trying? There appear to be two options: to place it on the side of the mind or on the side of the world. Volitionists, who think that to try is to engage in a mental act, perhaps identical to willing and perhaps not, take the mind-side option. The second, or world-side option identifies trying to do something with one of the more basic actions by which one tries to do that thing. The trying is then (...)
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  25. Traditions and True Successors.David-Hillel Ruben - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (1):32 - 46.
    What constitutes numerically one and the same tradition diachronically, at different times? This question is the focus of often violent dispute in societies. Is it capable of a rational resolution? Many accounts attempt that resolution with a diagnosis of ambiguity of the disputed concept-Islam, Marxism, or democracy for example. The diagnosis offered is in terms of vagueness, namely the vague criteria for sameness or similarity of central beliefs and practices.
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    Review of "Aaron Pelttari, ed., comm., The Psychomachia of Prudentius: text, commentary, and glossary, Oklahoma series in classical culture, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2019". [REVIEW]Magnus Frisch - 2021 - Exemplaria Classica 25:451-455.
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  27. Reply to ‘attempts’: a non-davidsonian account of trying sentences.David-Hillel Ruben - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3817-3830.
    In various of my writings, both in Philosophical Studies and elsewhere, I have argued that an account of trying sentences is available that does not require quantification over alleged attempts or tryings. In particular, adverbial modification in such sentences can be dealt with, without quantification over any such particulars. In ‘Attempts’, Jonathan D. Payton (Payton, 2021) has sought to dispute my claim. In this paper, I consider his claims and reply to them. I believe that my account withstands such scrutiny.
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  28. (2 other versions) Review of: "L. H. E. Kleinreesink, On Military Memoirs. A Quantitative Comparison of International Afghanistan War Autobiographies, 2001–2010, Leiden / Boston: Brill (Egodocuments and History Series; vol. 10).". [REVIEW]Magnus Frisch - 2018 - Res Militares – The Official Newsletter of the Society of Ancient Military Historians 18 (1):4-5.
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  29. W.B. Gallie and Essentially Contested Concepts.David-Hillel Ruben - 2010 - Philosophical Papers 39 (2):257-270.
    In virtue of what are later and an earlier group members of one and the numerically same tradition? Gallie was one of the few philosophers to have engaged with issues surrounding this question. My article is not a faithful exegesis of Gallie but develops a terminology in which to discuss issues surrounding the numerical identity of a tradition over time, based on some of his insights.
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  30. Marxism and materialism: a study in Marxist theory of knowledge.David-Hillel Ruben - 1979 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Argument that Marx has a realist ontology and a correspondence theory of truth. His views are compared to both Hegel's and Kant's. This interpretation departs from more Hegelian, 'idealist' interpretations that often rely on misunderstanding some of the work of the early Marx. There is also a discussion and partial defence of Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-Criticism.
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  31. Disjunctive theories of perception and action.David-Hillel Ruben - 2008 - In Adrian Haddock & Fiona Macpherson (eds.), Disjunctivism: perception, action, knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 227--243.
    A comparison of disjunctive theories of action and perception. The development of a theory of action that warrants the name, a disjunctive theory. On this theory, there is an exclusive disjunction: either an action or an event (in one sense). It follows that in that sense basic actions do not have events intrinsic to them.
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  32. Con-reasons as causes.David-Hillel Ruben - 2009 - In Constantine Sandis (ed.), New essays on the explanation of action. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 62--74.
    Book synopsis: This collection of previously unpublished essays presents the newest developments in the thought of international scholars working on the explanation of action. The contributions focus on a wide range of interlocking issues relating to agency, deliberation, motivation, mental causation, teleology, interprative explanation and the ontology of actions and their reasons. Challenging numerous current orthodoxies, and offering positive suggestions from a variety of different perspectives, this book provides essential reading for anyone interested in the explanation of action.
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  33. Review: H ow We Act: Causes, Reasons, and Intentions. [REVIEW]David-Hillel Ruben - 2005 - Mind 114 (455):734-737.
    A review of Berent Enc's How We Act: Causes, Reasons, and Intentions.
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  34. Positive and Natural Law Revisited.David-Hillel Ruben - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (4):295-317.
    The article argues that the famous debate on natural and positive law between Lon Fuller and HLA Hart rests on a dispute about whether or not that something is a law provides on its own a prima facie reason for doing something.
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  35. Prime Cuts and the Method of Recombination.David-Hillel Ruben - 2022 - Episteme 19 (1):21-30.
    Whether some condition is equivalent to a conjunction of some conditions has been a major issue in analytic philosophy. Examples include: knowledge, acting freely, causation, and justice. Philosophers have striven to offer analyses of these, and other concepts, by showing them equivalent to such a conjunction. Timothy Williamson offers a number of arguments for the idea that knowledge is ‘prime’, hence not equivalent to or composed by some such conjunction. I focus on one of his arguments: the requirement that such (...)
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  36. Multifunctional Artefacts and Collocation.David-Hillel Ruben - 2022 - Metaphysics 5 (1):66-77.
    There appear to be multifunctional artefacts of a type such that none of their functions can be attributed only to some proper part of the artefact. I use two examples of allegedly multifunctional artefacts of this kind in what follows, one due to Lynne Rudder Baker (aspirin) and another of my own (a spork). The two examples are meant to make the same point. I discuss her aspirin example, since its discussion has entered the literature, but without its being dealt (...)
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  37. Social Properties (Facts and Entities): Philosophical Aspects.David-Hillel Ruben - 2001 - In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier.
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  38. Searle on Institutional Obligation.David–Hillel Ruben - 1972 - The Monist 56 (4):600-611.
    John Searle sets out five statements, the relation of each to its successor being one of entailment.
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  39. On Searle.David-Hillel Ruben - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (2):443-447.
    Some problems in John Searle's The Construction of Social Reality. I express some doubts about his constitutive v. regulative rule distinction, and press some objections against his unanalysed idea of acceptance or agreement.
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  40. The Causal and Deliberative Strength of Reasons for Action.David-Hillel Ruben - 2010 - In Jesús Humberto Aguilar & Andrei A. Buckareff (eds.), Causing Human Actions: New Perspectives on the Causal Theory of Action. Bradford.
    Is the thought that having a reason for action can also be the cause of the action for which it is the reason coherent? This is an attempt to say exactly what is involved in such a thought, with special reference to the case of con-reasons, reasons that count against the action the agent eventually choses.
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  41. Causal Scepticism or Invisible Cement.David-Hillel Ruben - 1982 - Ratio (Misc.) 24 (2):161.
    I defend the view, hardly original with me, that there is no evidence, deductive or non-deductive, for any of our causal beliefs, that does not already assume that there are some causal connections, and hence that there is no way in which experience on its own, or with causalität-free principles, can support the structure of out causal knowledge. The deductive case is perhaps obvious. In the case of non-deductive arguments, I consider how experience of constant conjunctions, together with the employment (...)
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  42. going in circles.David-Hillel Ruben - 2009 - In Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (ed.), Philosophy of the social sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 312.
    What might it mean to say that there is such a thing as a hermeneutic circle in the social sciences? A consideration of some remarks by Charles Taylor and others and an interpretive reconstruction, and assessment, of the idea of such a circle.
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  43. Unsharp Humean Chances in Statistical Physics: A Reply to Beisbart.Luke Glynn, Radin Dardashti, Karim P. Y. Thebault & Mathias Frisch - 2014 - In M. C. Galavotti (ed.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 531-542.
    In an illuminating article, Claus Beisbart argues that the recently-popular thesis that the probabilities of statistical mechanics (SM) are Best System chances runs into a serious obstacle: there is no one axiomatization of SM that is robustly best, as judged by the theoretical virtues of simplicity, strength, and fit. Beisbart takes this 'no clear winner' result to imply that the probabilities yielded by the competing axiomatizations simply fail to count as Best System chances. In this reply, we express sympathy for (...)
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  44. review of Jewish Philosophy in an Analytic Age. [REVIEW]David-Hillel Ruben - 2019 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2019.
    A collection of 18 contemporary essays engaged in original, not historical, philosophical research on philosophical themes arising from Judaism.
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  45. Review of Natural Agency. [REVIEW]David-Hillel Ruben - 1991 - Mind (2):287-290.
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  46. John Searle's the construction of social reality.Review Author[S.]: David-Hillel Ruben - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (2):443-447.
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  47. Imagination Rather Than Observation in Econometrics: Ragnar Frisch’s Hypothetical Experiments as Thought Experiments.Catherine Https://Orcidorg Herfeld - 2019 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 9 (1):35-74.
    In economics, thought experiments are frequently justified by the difficulty of conducting controlled experiments. They serve several functions, such as establishing causal facts, isolating tendencies, and allowing inferences from models to reality. In this paper, I argue that thought experiments served a further function in economics: facilitating the quantitative definition and measurement of the theoretical concept of utility, thereby bridging the gap between theory and statistical data. I support my argument by a case study, the “hypothetical experiments” of the Norwegian (...)
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  48. Commentary on Mathias Frisch's Causal Reasoning in Physics.Ney Alyssa - manuscript
    This is a commentary on Mathias Frisch's book Causal Reasoning in Physics (Cambridge 2014). This commentary was presented at the 2016 Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association in a session sponsored by the Society for the Metaphysics of Science.
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  49. Hillel and Confucius: The prescriptive formulation of the golden rule in the Jewish and Chinese Confucian ethical traditions.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2003 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 3 (1):29-41.
    In this article, the Golden Rule, a central ethical value to both Judaism and Confucianism, is evaluated in its prescriptive and proscriptive sentential formulations. Contrary to the positively worded, prescriptive formulation – “Love others as oneself” – the prohibitive formulation, which forms the injunction, “Do not harm others, as one would not harm oneself,” is shown to be the more prevalent Judaic and Confucian presentation of the Golden Rule. After establishing this point, the remainder of the article is dedicated to (...)
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  50. Jerusalem Divided: The Hebrew University’s Philosophy Department Between Rotenstreich and Bar-Hillel.Tal Meir Giladi - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (4):1949-1976.
    The years following Israel’s founding were formative ones for the development of philosophy as an academic discipline in this country. During this period, the distinction between philosophy seen as contiguous with the humanities and social sciences, and philosophy seen as adjacent to the natural and exact sciences began to make its presence felt in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This distinction, which was manifest in the curriculum, was by no means unique to the Hebrew University, but reflected the broader bifurcation (...)
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