Results for 'Lidia Baran'

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  1. İbn Sînâ’da İdrak Mertebeleri ve İkinci Felsefî Ma’kûller.Sedat Baran - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (1):291-312.
    İdrak ve niteliği felsefenin en önemli problemlerinden biridir. İbn Sînâ hissî, hayalî, vehmî ve aklî olmak üzere dört farklı idrak mertebesi dillendirir. Buna göre insan nefsi nesnelerin suretlerini duyu yetileriyle algılar. Daha sonra bu suretleri hayal yetisine teslim eder. Akabinde akıl bu sureti barındırdığı maddî eklentilerden arındırarak aklî suretlerin oluşumu için gerekli zeminleri hazırlar. Daha sonra faal akıl insan nefsine aklî suretleri verir. İnsan zihninde duyularla algılanan bu kavramlardan başka kavramlar da vardır. Bu küllî kavramların yeri nesnel âlem değil öznel (...)
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  2. Cleopatra – a Queen, a Lover, a Mother: Transformations of the Image.Lidia Wiśniewska - 2012 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 2 (1):151-170.
    Transformations are not only conditioned by facts encompassing narrower or wider panoramas: from concentrating on death and one (political) role (the ode of Horace), through recalling Cleopatra’s mature life and love (the drama of Shakespeare), to creating an image embracing the heroine’s whole life with its numerous roles, but as a mother and a daughter in the first place, because even her lovers resemble a father and a child (the fictional biography of Karen Essex). Above all, they appear to be (...)
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  3. معنا و مفهوم حكمت مشرقى ابن سينا.Sedat Baran - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical-Theological Research 15 (4):125-144.
    ابن سينا در آثار مختلف خود به كتاب الحكمة المشرقية اشاره كـرده اسـت. برخـى متفكـران سلامى نيز به اين كتاب استشهاد كردهاند. وی در اين كتاب ديدگاههای خاص خود را با صراحت بيان كرده است. بنا بر روشى كه ابنسينا داشت، و برخى آثار خود را در آثار ديگر خلاصه مىكرد، اين كتاب نيز خلاصهای از كتاب شفاء است. درباره معنـا و مفهـوم «مشـرقى» در انديشـههـای ابن سينا نيز ديدگاههای مختلفى بيان شده است، ولى نگارنده معتقد است «مشـرقى» بـه معنـای (...)
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  4. Molla Sadrâ’da Vâci̇bü’l-Vücûd’un İspatinda Burhan-I Nefs.Sedat Baran - 2020 - BİNGÖL ÜNİVERSİTESİ İLAHİYAT FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ 15:36-49.
    Öz: İslam dünyasında Vâcibü’l-Vücûd’un varlığını ispatlayan birçok burhan zikredilmiştir. Bu burhanlardan biri pek bilinmeyen nefs burhanıdır. Bu burhanın tam olarak gelişmemiş formları Meşşâî filozoflar tarafından dile getirilmiş olsa da tam ve kâmil olarak ifadesini Sühreverdî’de bulmaktayız. Sühreverdî’den sonra ve onun etkisiyle Mîr Dâmâd başka bir nefs burhanı açıklar. İslam düşünce geleneğinde nefs vesilesiyle Vâcibü’l-Vücûd’un varlığını ispatlayan bir diğer filozof da Molla Sadrâ’dır. O, bu iki filozofun nefs burhanlarını benimsememiş ve Hikmet-i Müte’âliye ekolünün ilkeleri çerçevesinde yeni burhanlar dile getirmiştir. İlk burhanında (...)
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  5. Molla Sadrâ’da Vâci̇bü’l-Vücûd’un İspatinda Burhan-I Siddikîn Proof Of The Truthful In Proving The Necessary Existence In Mullā Sadrā.Sedat Baran - 2020 - Diyanet İlmî Dergi 56 (1):205-224.
    Mümkün varlıkları aracı kılmadan Vâcibü’l-Vücûd’un varlığını ispatlama çabalarının bir sonucu olan sıddıkîn burhanı ilk defa Müslüman filozoflar tarafından dillendirildi. İbn Sînâ (ö. 428/1037) da Fârâbî’nin etkisiyle yeni bir burhan açıkladı ve buna sıddıkîn adını verdi. Molla Sadrâ (ö. 1050/1641) varlığın asaleti ilkesini mutasavvıflardan, teşkîk ilkesini de Sühreverdî’den iktibas ederek yeni bir sıddıkîn burhanı dillendirdi. Bu burhanın, varlığın asaleti, basîtliği/yalınlığı, teşkîkî ve ma’lûlün illete ihtiyacı olmak üzere bazı öncülleri vardır. O, bu öncülleri açıkladıktan sonra teselsüle ihtiyaç duymadan Vâcibü’l-Vücûd’un varlığını ispatlar. Onun (...)
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  6. الحکمة المشرقیة/el-Hikmetü'l-Meşrıkiyye.Sedat Baran - 2016 - Kum, İran: İntişarat-ı Emire'l-Müminin.
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  7. İbn Sînâ ve Molla Sadrâ’da İlâhi Erek Problemi The Problem of Divine Intentionalist in Avicenna and Mulla Sadra.Sedat Baran - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi - Cumhuriyet Theology Journal 23 (3):1101-1120.
    Divine intention is an important problem for both philosophy and Kalam. This problem has two aspects as the subject and action of the intention. The intention of the subject occurs for the motion or the action itself. The intention of the action is to reach the motion or the action itself. According to this, when a person travels to Mecca to visit Kaaba, the visit is the intention of the subject and the journey is the intention of the action. In (...)
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  8. Molla Sadrâ’da Algisal Kötülük Bağlaminda Şerr Problemi̇.Sedat Baran - 2019 - E-Şarkiyat İlmi Araştırmalar Dergisi/Journal of Oriental Scientific Research (JOSR) 11 (23):13-35.
    Mulla Sadra mentions two definitions about evil, one of them is that something lacking of essence or lacking of its a perfection and the other one is that all possible living creatures may have deficiencies. In order not to fall into the paradox of some existence are evils, he describes evils in terms of two ways that are by itself evil and relative evil. By itself evil is absolute non-existence so that it doesn’t need perpetrator. Mulla Sadra describes the evil (...)
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  9. Molla Sadra'da İlahi Failiyetin Niteliği.Sedat Baran - 2019 - E-Şarkiyat İlmi Araştırmalar Dergisi/Journal of Oriental Scientific Research (JOSR) 2 (11):598-613.
    Muslim philosophers separated the material cause and formal cause as essential, and the efficient cause and intention cause as existential, which are the four causes stated by Aristoteles. Mulla Sadra addresses the efficient cause in two parts which are natural and emanative (creative) causes. Natural perpetrator is preparatory perpetrator and the creative perpetrator is the perpetrator bestowing entity. According to a almohad, Allah is the perpetrator of everything. However, there are disputes concerning what kind of perpetrator Allah is. Muslim philosophers (...)
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  10. Molla Sadra’da Cebr ve İhtiyar Problemi.Sedat Baran - 2016 - Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi İlahiy at Fakültesi Dergisi 2 (2):93-112.
    “The issue of obligation and free determination had been subject to polemics due to religious concerns. One group defended carbriyya on the basis of the absolute sovereignty of God. While others argued the idea of indetermination in terms of divine justice. After explaining and critizing these thoughts, Molla Sadra gave explanation to the opinions of the Ash’arites on the subject. And then he formed the basis of a new theory called “theory of ahl-i yakin” while getting inspired by the words (...)
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  11. معنا و مفهوم حکمت مشرقی ابن‌ سینا.Sedat Baran - 2014 - Philosophical‐Theological Research 8:125-145.
    ابن‌سینا در آثار مختلف خود به کتاب الحکمة المشرقیة اشاره کرده است. برخی متفکران اسلامی نیز به این کتاب استشهاد کرده¬اند. وی در این کتاب دیدگاه¬های خاص خود را با صراحت بیان کرده است. بنا بر روشی که ابن‌سینا داشت، و برخی آثار خود را در آثار دیگر خلاصه می‌کرد، این کتاب نیز خلاصه‌ای از کتاب شفاء است. درباره معنا و مفهوم «مشرقی» در اندیشه¬های ابن‌سینا نیز دیدگاه‌های مختلفی بیان شده است، ولی نگارنده معتقد است «مشرقی» به معنای «اسلامی» است. (...)
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  12. The Problem of Will in Mulla Sadra.Sedat Baran - 2019 - BÜİFD 13 (1):37-58.
    According to Mulla Sadra, the will is an existential phenomenon that is free from the essence. Therefore, there is no essential and correlational definition which contains its truth completely. As a matter of fact, the definition made by Mulla Sadra is a nominal definition. Mulla Sadra, unlike the former philosophers and the theologians, expressed that the will is homogeneous with existence for the first time. Moreover, he claims that characteristics of the will and the existence is the same. According to (...)
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    Le parole della filosofia.Le metamorfosi del vocabolario del pensiero nella storia.Lidia Palumbo (ed.) - 2024 - Napoli: Federico II University Press.
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    Utopia.Lidia Palumbo & Carla Danani - 2024 - In Le parole della filosofia.Le metamorfosi del vocabolario del pensiero nella storia. Napoli: Federico II University Press. pp. 35-58.
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  15. Wrestling with the Eleatics in Plato's Parmenides.Heather Reid & Lidia Palumbo - 2020 - In Heather Reid, Mark Ralkowski & Coleen P. Zoller, Athletics, Gymnastics, and Agon in Plato. Sioux City, IA, USA: Parnassos Press. pp. 185-198.
    This paper interprets the Parmenides agonistically as a constructive contest between Plato’s Socrates and the Eleatics of Western Greece. Not only is the dialogue set in the agonistic context of the Panathenaic Games, it features agonistic language, employs an agonistic method, and may even present an agonistic model for participation in the forms. The inspiration for this agonistic motif may be that Parmenides and his student Zeno represent Western Greece, which was a key rival for the mainland at the Olympics (...)
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  16. Сучасна Україна в глобальному середовищі: стратегічні орієнтири економічного розвитку: монографія.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliia Meshko, Lidia Timoshenko, Maryna Lytvyn, Sergii Sardak, Victoriia Apal'kova, Elena Bezgina, Olha Bilska, Ruslana Bilyk, Kateryna Hudym, Anatoly Hladchenko, Оlena Dzyad, Olha Don, Olha Dzhur, Kateryna Zilina, Karina Karplyuk, Nataliya Krasnikova, Anatoly Kolosov, Oleksandr Krupskyi, Sergij Kucherenko, Olga Michaylenko, Anna Polishko, Olga Pashchenko, Irina Privarnikova, Oksana Prysvitla, Irina Relina, Anastasiia Simakhova, Vyacheslav Slivenko, Oleksiy Slivenko, Sergey Smerichevskyi, Alla Stavytska, Iryna Steblianko, Victoriia Tomareva-Patlahova, Yelina Falko, Tatyana Fedotova, Maria Chekhovska, Sergey Tsiganov, Olha Shtanko & Dmitry Shitov - 2015 - Днипро, Днепропетровская область, Украина, 49000: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.
    Монографія об‘єднала зусилля науковців факультету міжнародної економіки Дніпропетровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара та учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Стратегії економічного розвитку країн в умовах глобалізації» у процесі пошуку й визначення стратегічних орієнтирів економічного розвитку України в глобальному середовищі й обрання своєї вірної дороги. На відміну від Ван Гога, усі дороги якого ведуть у нікуди, ми віримо, що спроможні обрати ту саму – нашу дорогу у світле й заможне майбутнє, й усі наші зусилля не будуть марними.
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  17. On the Net: Baran, Dreyfus, Merleau-Ponty, and Austin.Yusuke Kaneko - 2020 - The Basis : The Annual Bulletin of Research Center for Liberal Education, Musashino University 10:183-201.
    The Internet was born in 1960’s, then Internet ethics appeared as a branch of information ethics. It seems, however, our status on the Net is not yet scrutinized. We investigate this problem with the help of philosophers like Dreyfus, Merleau-Ponty, and Austin.
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  18. Collected Papers (Neutrosophics and other topics), Volume XIV.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This fourteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 87 papers in Neutrosophics and other fields, such as mathematics, fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, picture fuzzy sets, information fusion, robotics, statistics, or extenics, comprising 936 pages, published between 2008-2022 in different scientific journals or currently in press, by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 99 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 26 countries: Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Adesina Abdul Akeem Agboola, Akbar Rezaei, Shariful Alam, Marina Alonso, Fran Andujar, (...)
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  19. O uso do texto filosófico na educação básica: é possível ler Kant?Luiz Felipe de Saibro Dossena - 2023 - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo 9:1-14.
    É possível trabalhar com textos clássicos da filosofia no atual contexto das escolas públicas brasileiras? Se sim, como fazer uso desses textos? Quais as possibilidades e os limites para nossas pretensões, enquanto professores de filosofia, quanto ao uso do texto filosófico? Importantes teóricos do ensino de filosofia no Brasil, tal como Lidia Maria Rodrigo, Renata Aspis e Silvio Gallo, defenderam que os textos filosóficos não apenas podem e devem ser trabalhados em sala de aula, mas ainda que tais textos (...)
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  20. Enacting Ontological Design: A Vocabulary of Change from Organisms to Organisations.Mark M. James - 2022 - In Davide Secchi, Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen & Stephen J. Cowley, Organisational Cognition: the theory of social organizing. Routledge.
    In this chapter, the frameworks of enactive cognitive science (e.g., Baran- diaran 2008, 2017; Di Paolo et al. 2018) and ontological design, particu- larly the work of Tony Fry (e.g., 2009), are synthesized to give a general account of how humans act toward change at multiple scales. According to this synthesis, design is understood as a spatiotemporally extended form of adaptive self-regulation, or adaptivity in the enactive vocabulary (Di Paolo 2005). When we design, we regulate ourselves in the local-present (...)
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  21. The Many Faces of Mimesis: Selected Essays from the 2017 Symposium on the Hellenic Heritage of Western Greece (Heritage of Western Greece Series, Book 3).Heather Reid & Jeremy DeLong (eds.) - 2018 - Sioux city, Iowa: Parnassos Press.
    Mimesis can refer to imitation, emulation, representation, or reenactment - and it is a concept that links together many aspects of ancient Greek Culture. The Western Greek bell-krater on the cover, for example, is painted with a scene from a phlyax play with performers imitating mythical characters drawn from poetry, which also represent collective cultural beliefs and practices. One figure is shown playing a flute, the music from which might imitate nature, or represent deeper truths of the cosmos based upon (...)
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  22. Relação e Efeitos Bioquímico-nutricionais Sobre a Mortalidade Embrionária em Vacas.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    RELAÇÃO E EFEITOS BIOQUÍMICO-NUTRICIONAIS SOBRE A MORTALIDADE EMBRIONÁRIA EM VACAS -/- Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva Departamento de Agropecuária – IFPE Campus Belo Jardim [email protected] ou [email protected] WhatsApp: (82)98143-8399 -/- •__5. Mortalidade EMBRIONÁRIA -/- A mortalidade embrionária (ME) é uma desordem reprodutiva responsável por cerca de 15% das falhas da gestação. Em si, a ME pode ser dividida em dois grandes grupos, a ME precoce, ou seja, aquela que ocorre nos primeiros dias da gestação, por problemas específicos de reconhecimento materno-fetal, (...)
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