Results for 'Maulidya Nisa'

8 found
  1. Moderasi Beragama: Implementasi dalam Pendidikan, Agama dan Budaya Lokal.Arhanuddin Salim, Wawan Hermawan, Rosdalina Bukido, Mardan Umar, Nuraliah Ali, Muh Idris, Evra Willya, Acep Zoni Saeful Mubarok, Ari Farizal Rasyid, Nasruddin Yusuf, Reza Adeputra Tohis, Adlan Ryan Habibie, Rohit Mahatir Manese, Ahmad Bustomi, Siti Inayatul Faizah, Rafiud Ilmudinulloh, Telsy F. D. Samad, Mokh Iman Firmansyah, Maulidya Nisa, Ainur Alam Budi Utomo, Abdurrahman Wahid Abdullah, Abdullah Botma, Edi Gunawan, Syahrul Mubarak Subeitan, Mulida Hayati, Usup Romli, Salma Nafisah, Rohmatul Faizah & Nur Azizah (eds.) - 2023 - Malang: Penerbit Selaras Media Kreasindo.
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  2. Perceptions and Practices of Science Teachers about Professional Development at Secondary School Level: A Phenomenological study.Rabia Aslam & Dr Najum Nisa - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (1):9-15.
    Abstract: This study was done to know that how secondary school teachers of science interprets the experiences which they gained from professional development (PD) in Karachi. And also to know the teachers’ awareness for sense making, and then professional development opportunities to bring changes in their teaching methodology by implementing the knowledge which they gained from PD. Data was collected through five secondary school science teachers of Karachi by purposive sampling technique. In-depth Semi-structured technique were used. After this, thematic analysis (...)
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  3. English Language Learning Anxiety: A case study of Secondary Government School’s Student of District Larkana, Sindh.Ushaque Ahmad & Dr Najum Nisa - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (1):16-21.
    Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the factors that causes anxiety in learning of English as second language. Secondary school students, English language teachers and school factors were focused that ground the anxiety in learning of English language as second language among the learners. Under the umbrella of qualitative research, a case study design selected and one to one semi structured interview. Convenience sampling was used in selection of students and purposive sampling for English language teachers. Findings (...)
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  4. Barriers and Obstacles Faced by Working Females of Balochistan on the Part of Customs and Government: A Phenomenological Qualitative Approach.Dad Shah Baloch & Dr Najum Nisa - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (1):22-30.
    Abstract: Female at the top of managerial hierarchy is less as compared to male throughout the world. in the same manner Balochistan cannot be ignored. Balochistan is severely dominated by male chauvinism and is a patriarchal society with that women face restrictions or hurdles while heading to top managerial positions or career. In addition, literacy is showing positive indicators, effective efforts from incumbent government, awareness, social media; main-media women at work places and top positions are being accepted. There is much (...)
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  5. The Uses of Information and Communication Technologies to Strengthen Girls Education in Govt. Girls Secondary Schools of Rural Areas of Sindh.Farzana Jabeen Khoso, Dr Najum Nisa & Dad Shah - 2019 - IJAPR 3 (3):1-7.
    Abstract: The usage of ICTs has become essential component of the teaching methodology in the field of Education. ICT can equip the female students of the area with global information and they can meet the challenges of 21st century. The purpose behind the survey is to analyze the current practices of emerging technologies. The title of the study is; “The Uses of Information and Communication Technologies to Strengthen Girls Education in Govt. Girls Secondary Schools of Rural Areas of Sindh”. Objectives (...)
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  6. Berkeley: antecedentes del inmaterialismo en Gregorio de Nisa / Berkeley's Antecedent of Immaterialism in Gregory of Nyssa.Alberto Luis López - 2017 - In L. Benítez, L. Toledo & A. Velázquez (eds.), Claves del platonismo en la modernidad temprana. pp. 303-325.
    La propuesta inmaterialista de Berkeley, elaborada definitivamente en sus Principles (1710), tiene como antecedente remoto los postulados del capadocio Gregorio de Nisa, quien en algunas de sus obras desarrolló argumentos, en relación con la materia, muy semejantes a los que planteó Berkeley casi catorce siglos después. El presente escrito tiene por objetivo mostrar que las concepciones de ambos pensadores tienen elementos en común, lo que permite sostener que el filósofo de Cesarea es un antecede lejano del inmaterialismo berkeleyano. // (...)
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  7. La antropología del De opificio hominis de Gregorio de Nisa en la obra de Nicolás de Cusa.Francisco Bastitta-Harriet - 2015 - In Claudia D'Amico & Jorge Machetta (eds.), La cuestión del hombre en Nicolás de Cusa: fuentes, originalidad y diálogo con la modernidad. Biblos. pp. 43-55.
    Gregory of Nyssa’s treatise 'De opificio hominis' was one of the only Greek anthropological texts translated into latin during the early Middle Ages, by Dionysius Exiguus between the late 5th and early 6th centuries and by John Scotus Eriugena in the 9th century. Nicholas of Cusa certainly became acquainted with this work indirectly through the extensive citations in Eriugena’s 'Periphyseon' and through their partial reproduction in the 'Clavis physicae' of Honorius Augustodunensis. Our paper will analyse these and other possible ways (...)
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  8. Presa Creştin-Ortodoxă Craioveană: Trecut Şi Prezent.Ileana Boldișor - 2022 - In Mediamorfoze VII. Presa de nișă din România. București: Tritonic. pp. 51-72.
    Presa creştin-ortodoxă craioveană a ocupat un loc important în viaţa culturală şi duhovnicească a locuitorilor Cetăţii Presa creştin-ortodoxă craioveană: trecut şi prezent 71 Băniei şi nu numai, începând cu secolul al XX-lea. Publicaţiile apărute de-a lungul timpului au avut ca principal scop clădirea sufletească a credincioşilor olteni, fară a uita de pregătirea lor teologică şi de conectarea la realităţile religioase şi laice din anumite perioade. între apariţiile de acest fel din Craiova (din consideraţii de spaţiu nu ne-am ocupat în aceste (...)
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