Results for 'Tang B.'

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  1. Đánh giá tác động của việc điều chỉnh thuế suất thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt đối với thuốc lá đến thu ngân sách nhà nước của việt nam giai đoạn 2026-2030.Phạm Thị Thu Hồng - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Luật số 70/2014/QH13 sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Luật Thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt (TTĐB) đã quy định lộ trình tăng thuế suất thuế TTĐB đối với thuốc lá từ ngày 01/01/2016 tăng từ 65% lên 70%; từ ngày 01/01/2019 tăng từ 70% lên 75%. Tuy nhiên, mức thuế suất 75% vẫn chưa thực sự phù hợp do chưa có tác động đủ mạnh để làm giảm lượng tiêu thụ thuốc lá. Vì vậy, trong thời gian tới, (...)
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  2. Yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quyết định mua bất động sản của người dân trên địa bàn TP. Hạ Long, tỉnh Quảng Ninh.Vũ Thị Thương, Lê Khánh Cường & Lê Phương Thảo - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Nghiên cứu định lượng thông qua khảo sát 158 khách hàng cùng phần mềm SPSS để xác định các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định mua bất động sản (BĐS) của người dân trên địa bàn TP. Hạ Long, tỉnh Quảng Ninh. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, có 6 yếu tố, xếp thứ tự từ cao xuống thấp, bao gồm: Vị trí; Tài chính; Cơ sở hạ tầng; Tâm linh; Môi trường xung quanh; Pháp lý, ảnh hưởng tới (...)
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  3. Métodos de Formulação e Balanceamento de Rações para Bovinos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    INTRODUÇÃO A maioria dos alimentos que os bovinos de corte e leite consomem são os alimentos volumosos (forragens, gramíneas ou leguminosas) que é um alimento que possui teor de fibra detergente neutra (FDN) ≥ 25% da matéria seca (MS), ou teor de fibra ≥ 18% da MS. Por possuir grande quantidade de fibra em sua composição é um alimento que possui menor concentração de proteínas, carboidratos não estruturais (CNE) e lipídios. Para que um animal possa manter-se com alimentação volumosa, é (...)
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  4. Max Weber: Ação Social e Tipos Ideais.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva E-mails: [email protected] e [email protected] WhatsApp: (82)9.8143-8399 -/- Max Weber: Ação Social e Tipos Ideais Nascido na Alemanha, em 1864. Os trabalhos de Weber estão condensados entre as duas primeiras décadas do século XX e estipulam uma nova estruturação para as Ciências Sociais. Weber, assim como outros cientistas sociais, dedicou-se a metodizar a Sociologia, não obstante, sua perspectiva sociológica diverge do pensamento de Durkheim, particularmente no que tange à transcendência do sujeito e de sua ação social. (...)
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  5. Manejo nutricional para obtenção de melhores índices zootécnicos em propriedades leiteiras no agreste de Pernambuco.M. M. A. da Silveira - 2024 - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Técnico Subsequente Em Agropecuária) - Ifpe Campus Belo Jardim 1 (1):39.
    O Agreste de Pernambuco é conhecido como a bacia leiteira do estado, por possuir não apenas um efetivo bovino leiteiro significativo, mas por apresentar características edafoclimáticas que tornaram possível o desenvolvimento da atividade leiteira. Entretanto, uma vez que possui um clima Semiárido, o cruzamento de raças taurinas com zebuínas é de suma importância, logo, um dos métodos de cruzamento mais abrangente e expressivo no estado é acasalar touro holandês PO com vacas Gir, obtendo F1 ½ HG, que são acasaladas com (...)
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  6. Quyền tài sản và quản lý tài nguyên ở Ấn Độ.Khanh Trang - 2019
    Áp lựс lên сơ sở tài nguyên thiên nhiên ngày сàng giа tăng. Nguồn nướс bình quân đầu người liên tụс giảm và сhất lượng nướс suy giảm đаng trở thành những vấn đề сấp báсh hơn bао giờ hết. Nhu сầu về gỗ, сhăn thả giа súс và đất nông nghiệp đаng gây áp lựс lên rừng. Những tháсh thứс này сàng trở nên trầm trọng hơn dо sự mất аn tоàn về quyền sử dụng và sự thiếu rõ (...)
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  7. Thêm vài báo cáo nữa thì sẽ thế nào?Bách Độ - manuscript
    Cuối tháng 8-2023, Exxon Mobil, một trong những hãng kinh doanh dầu mỏ lớn nhất thế giới, tổ hợp lớn nhất của nhóm tách ra từ đế chế dầu mỏ Standard Oil của John D. Rockefeller đã công bố một báo cáo buồn về mục tiêu cứu Trái Đất trước hiểm họa biến đổi khí hậu. Báo cáo này đưa ra 2 kết luận tối quan trọng: a) Dầu mỏ và khí đốt vẫn chiếm tới 54% tổng nguồn cung năng (...)
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  8. Reliability Theories of Justified Credence.Weng Hong Tang - 2016 - Mind 125 (497):63-94.
    Reliabilists hold that a belief is doxastically justified if and only if it is caused by a reliable process. But since such a process is one that tends to produce a high ratio of true to false beliefs, reliabilism is on the face of it applicable to binary beliefs, but not to degrees of confidence or credences. For while beliefs admit of truth or falsity, the same cannot be said of credences in general. A natural question now arises: Can reliability (...)
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  9. Belief and cognitive limitations.Weng Hong Tang - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (1):249-260.
    A number of philosophers have argued that it is hard for finite agents like us to reason and make decisions relying solely on our credences and preferences. They hold that for us to cope with our cognitive limitations, we need binary beliefs as well. For they think that such beliefs, by disposing us to treat certain propositions as true, help us cut down on the number of possibilities we need to consider when we reason. But using Ross and Schroeder as (...)
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  10. Reliabilism and the Suspension of Belief.Weng Hong Tang - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (2):362-377.
    What are the conditions under which suspension of belief—or suspension, for short—is justified? Process reliabilists hold that our beliefs are justified if and only if these are produced or sustained by reliable cognitive processes. But they have said relatively little about suspension. Perhaps they think that we may easily extend an account of justified belief to deal with justified suspension. But it's not immediately clear how we may do so; in which case, evidentialism has a distinct advantage over reliabilism. In (...)
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  11. In defence of single-premise closure.Weng Hong Tang - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):1887-1900.
    It’s often thought that the phenomenon of risk aggregation poses a problem for multi-premise closure but not for single-premise closure. But recently, Lasonen-Aarnio and Schechter have challenged this thought. Lasonen-Aarnio argues that, insofar as risk aggregation poses a problem for multi-premise closure, it poses a similar problem for single-premise closure. For she thinks that, there being such a thing as deductive risk, risk may aggregate over a single premise and the deduction itself. Schechter argues that single-premise closure succumbs to risk (...)
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  12. Transparency and Partial Beliefs.Weng Hong Tang - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (1):153-166.
    How should we account for self-knowledge of our inner lives? Some have argued that just as we have various senses that allow us to perceive the environment, we have an inner sense that allows us to perceive our inner lives. But others find such a view implausible and think that there are other ways to account for self-knowledge. With respect to all-or-nothing beliefs, some have held that we may account for self-knowledge by appealing to the claim that such beliefs are (...)
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  13. Regularity reformulated.Weng Hong Tang - 2012 - Episteme 9 (4):329-343.
    This paper focuses on the view that rationality requires that our credences be regular. I go through different formulations of the requirement, and show that they face several problems. I then formulate a version of the requirement that solves most of, if not all, these problems. I conclude by showing that an argument thought to support the requirement as traditionally formulated actually does not; if anything, the argument, slightly modified, supports my version of the requirement.Send article to KindleTo send this (...)
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  14. Intentionality and partial belief.Weng Hong Tang - 2014 - Synthese 191 (7).
    Suppose we wish to provide a naturalistic account of intentionality. Like several other philosophers, we focus on the intentionality of belief, hoping that we may later supplement our account to accommodate other intentional states like desires and fears. Now suppose that we also take partial beliefs or credences seriously. In cashing out our favoured theory of intentionality, we may for the sake of simplicity talk as if belief is merely binary or all-or-nothing. But we should be able to supplement or (...)
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  15. Freedom, Legalism (fajia) and subject formation: The question of internalization.Tang Yun - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (2):171-190.
    With self-determination as its implication, freedom can create room for such psychological mechanism as internalization to perform the function of transforming the external social regulation into self-regulation. For this transformation to be viable, however, subject needs to be formed and subsequently social regulation becomes redundant, thanks to the formation of subject. Freedom as a necessary condition for the subject formation and this transfiguration of social regulation is often neglected in favor of social order. Drawing on various intellectual resources, this article (...)
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  16. Reliabilism and imprecise credences.Weng Hong Tang - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (5):1463-1480.
    What is it for an imprecise credence to be justified? It might be thought that this is not a particularly urgent question for friends of imprecise credences to answer. For one might think that its answer just depends on how a well-trodden issue in epistemology plays out—namely, that of which theory of doxastic justification, be it reliabilism, evidentialism, or some other theory, is correct. I’ll argue, however, that it’s difficult for reliabilists to accommodate imprecise credences, at least if we understand (...)
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    Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định du học bán phần của sinh viên: Nghiên cứu tại Trường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành.Tăng Thị Bích Hiền & Nguyễn Thị Bích Liên - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Thông qua kết quả khảo sát 254 sinh viên (SV) Trường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành có ý định du học bán phần, nghiên cứu nhằm xác định các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định du học bán phần của SV Trường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, có 2 yếu tố có ảnh hưởng cùng chiều đến Ý định du học bán phần, được sắp xếp theo mức độ ảnh hưởng giảm dần là: (...)
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  18. Harris, Eirik Lang, and Henrique Schneider, eds., Adventures in Chinese Realism: Classic Philosophy Applied to Contemporary Issues.Yun Tang - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2):331-333.
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  19. Is Confucian Political Meritocracy a Viable Alternative to Democracy? A Critical Engagement with Tongdong Bai.Yun Tang - 2023 - Journal of Value Inquiry 57 (4):625-640.
    In lieu of Abstract: With inequality of various sorts ballooning worldwide, a critique of democracy has come of age, and a change of political ethos is underway. Against this background, the critique of democracy becomes not only possible but also popular, and examples in China and many Western democracies abound. It is no exaggeration to say, in this context, that sufficient momentum has gathered to qualify the situation as "democratic recession," despite people may have different understandings as to the exact (...)
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  20. Democracy in China: The Coming Crisis, written by Jiwei Ci (2nd edition).Yun Tang - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2:238-239.
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    Hoa hậu ruộng ngô: « Miroir magique sur le mur, qui est la plus belle de toutes ? ».B. Q. Khiêm - manuscript
    Đáp án không phải Blanche-Neige. Thực tế, ở nước ta cũng không có tuyết. Đúng ra là quá hiếm. Giữa núi rừng miền Bắc rét mướt ngày mùa đông, ruộng ngô trổ cờ xung quanh hoa hậu ruộng.
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  22. Ramsey's Reliabilism.Weng Hong Tang - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    In a short note written in 1929, Frank Ramsey put forward a reliabilist account of knowledge anticipating those given by Armstrong (1973) and Goldman (1967), among others, a few decades later. Some think that the note comprises the bulk of what Ramsey has to say about epistemology. But Ramsey’s ideas about epistemology extend beyond the note. Relatively little attention has been paid to his reliabilist account of reasonable belief. Even less attention has been paid to his reliabilist account of reasonable (...)
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  23. Bodily Self-Knowledge as a Special Form of Perception.Hao Tang - 2022 - Disputatio 11 (20).
    We enjoy immediate knowledge of our own limbs and bodies. I argue that this knowledge, which is also called proprioception, is a special form of perception, special in that it is, unlike perception by the external senses, at the same time also a form of genuine self-knowledge. The argument has two parts. Negatively, I argue against the view, held by G. E. M. Anscombe and strengthened by John McDowell, that this knowledge, bodily self-knowledge, is non-perceptual. This involves, inter alia, rescuing (...)
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  24. Daoist Freedom, Psychological Hygiene, and Social Criticism.Yun Tang - 2023 - Comparative Philosophy 14 (2):134-150.
    The article explores the inner logic and defining features of Daoist freedom. It argues that Daoist freedom can be meaningfully understood as psychological hygiene, and it suggests that Daoist xuan-jie (懸解) can be rendered possible only if one can rid oneself of intensional suffering—an idea ultimately inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche. This comparative approach enables the article to contribute to the received way of understanding Daoist freedom by stressing its dialectics: by being at ease with one’s social and political environment, Daoist (...)
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  25. The State of the Field Report X: Contemporary Chinese Studies of Tianxia (All-Under-Heaven).Yun Tang - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (3):473-490.
    This article offers a critical overview of a set of normative theories, namely Tianxia 天下 (all-under-heaven), whose purpose is to provide a renewed conceptual framework for the improvement of the world system. First, the article introduces the origins, main features, and differences within Tianxia, before discussing two major criticisms leveled against it. The article then argues that the most powerful parts of these criticisms come from the challenges posed against Tianxia’s legitimacy. The article elaborates on this and introduces two additional (...)
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  26. Taymiyyan Design Discourse: A New Islamic Approach to Design-Based Theism.Jamie B. Turner - 2024 - In E. V. R. Kojonen & Shoaib Ahmed Malik (eds.), Design Discourse in Abrahamic Traditions: History, Metaphysics, and Science. London: Routledge. pp. 91-109.
    The design argument has taken on different formulations among Muslim thinkers. Arguably, most of these approaches might be described as Paleyan. In this chapter, however, I seek to develop a non-Paleyan approach toward design discourse by focusing on the thought of the Muslim theologian, Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328 CE). In developing a Taymiyyan model of design-based theistic belief, I argue that this model can resist some of the problems associated with Paleyan approaches. Specifically, it avoids concerns over the soundness or (...)
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  27. A Note on the Definition of Physicalism.Ben Blumson & Weng Hong Tang - 2015 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):10-18.
    Physicalism is incompatible with what is known as the possibility of zombies, that is, the possibility of a world physically like ours, but in which there are no conscious experiences. But it is compatible with what is known as the possibility of ghosts, that is, the possibility of a world which is physically like ours, but in which there are additional nonphysical entities. In this paper we argue that a revision to the traditional definition of physicalism designed to accommodate the (...)
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    Attention and Practical Knowledge.Hao Tang - 2023 - Journal of Human Cognition 7 (2):19-29.
    Practical knowledge, in the sense made famous by G. E. M. Anscombe, is “the knowledge that a man has of his intentional actions”. This knowledge is very ordinary, but philosophically it is not easy to understand. One illuminating approach is to see practical knowledge as a kind of self-knowledge or self-consciousness. I offer an enrichment of this approach, by (1) exploiting Gilbert Ryle’s discussion of heeding (that is, paying attention), in particular paying attention to one’s own intentional action, and (2) (...)
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    In the Third Antinomy of the Critique of Pure Reason (1781) [Kritik der reinen Vernunft], Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) associates freedom with infinity. According to the definition given in this book, only an infinite being not subject to causality can be defined as free. However, the fact that a finite being, such as a human, is always subject to the laws of nature implies that they are perpetually bound by causality, which hinders their freedom. Freedom devoid of causality cannot be theoretically (...)
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  30. Can Virtue Grow out of Vicious Human Nature? Xunzi’s Genealogy Reconstructed.Tang Yun - forthcoming - Philosophy East and West.
    Xunzi’s pessimistic understanding of human nature and his endorsement of the intrinsically valuable virtue of yi (義) put him in a vulnerable position. To defend this position, Xunzi needs to conquer what the essay calls “the compatibility problems,” the first of which concerns the compatibility between bad human nature and virtue, while the second is between Xunzi’s functional understanding of virtue and his understanding of virtue as possessing intrinsic value. If Xunzi’s moral philosophy were to fail to solve these two (...)
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  31. Psychopathic personality and utilitarian moral judgment in college students.Yu Gao & Simone Tang - 2013 - Journal of Criminal Justice 41:342–349.
    Purpose: Although psychopathy is characterized by amoral behavior, literature on the association between psychopathy and moral judgment pattern is mixed. Recent evidence suggests that this may be due to the moderation effect of anxiety (Koenigs, Kruepke, Zeier, & Newman, 2011). The current study aims to examine the psychopathy-utilitarian judgment association in college students. Method: In this study, a group of 302 college students completed a moral judgment test involving hypothetical dilemmas. Their psychopathic traits were assessed by the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (...)
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  32. The Chromodielectric Soliton Model: Quark Self-Energy and Hadron Bags.Stephan Hartmann, Larry Wilets & Ping Tang - 1997 - Physical Review C 55:2067-2077.
    The chromodielectric soliton model is Lorentz and chirally invariant. It has been demonstrated to exhibit dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and spatial confinement in the locally uniform approximation. We here study the full nonlocal quark self-energy in a color-dielectric medium modeled by a two-parameter Fermi function. Here color confinement is manifest. The self-energy thus obtained is used to calculate quark wave functions in the medium which, in turn, are used to calculate the nucleon and pion masses in the one-gluon-exchange approximation. The (...)
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  33. Fragmentation, metalinguistic ignorance, and logical omniscience.Jens Christian Bjerring & Weng Hong Tang - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (7):2129-2151.
    To reconcile the standard possible worlds model of knowledge with the intuition that ordinary agents fall far short of logical omniscience, a Stalnakerian strategy appeals to two components. The first is the idea that mathematical and logical knowledge is at bottom metalinguistic knowledge. The second is the idea that non-ideal minds are often fragmented. In this paper, we investigate this Stalnakerian reconciliation strategy and argue, ultimately, that it fails. We are not the first to complain about the Stalnakerian strategy. But (...)
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  34. Review of Liang, Zhiping, Conducting Government: Ideas of Governance in Ancient China. Beijing: Sanlian Shudian, 2020, 337 pages. [REVIEW]Yun Tang - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2):331-334.
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  35. Big Data Optimization in Machine Learning.Xiaocheng Tang - 2015 - Disertation 1.
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  36. Judgment as the Bridge Between Spectator and Actor: A Refutation of Beiner’s Interpretation of Arendt.Haixiang Tang - 2022 - European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 6 (Philosophy):113-121.
    Arendt’s theory of judgment has puzzled her readers for a long time. Beiner and other scholars believe that Arendt has two different kinds of theories of judgment, and they also believe that the theory of judgment in Arendt’s later writings indicates that she has shifted her focus from action to mind. But this view is a misreading of Arendt. Arendt’s working always focus on the question “how can we act morally”, and there is only one theory of judgment for Arendt.
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  37. Is Pleasure Sensation? And does that Matter?Jiyao Tang - 2020 - Journal of Human Cognition 4 (2):23-40.
    The goal of this essay is a twofold one. My first task is mainly negative: I want to show that the heated debate over whether pleasure is a sensation misallocates the central task in understanding pleasure and has been based on an unexamined conception of sensation, despite the long philosophical tradition and topical opinions that hold the opposite . My second task is to bring out attention to a relatively uncharted territory in our investigation of pleasure. I shall argue, Gilbert (...)
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  38. Impact of enterprise digitalization on green innovation performance under the perspective of production and operation.Hailin Li, Hongqin Tang, Wenhao Zhou & Xiaoji Wan - 2022 - Frontiers in Public Health 10:971971.
    Introduction: How enterprises should practice digitalization transformation to effectively improve green innovation performance is related to the sustainable development of enterprises and the economy, which is an important issue that needs to be clarified. -/- Methods: This research uses the perspective of production and operation to deconstruct the digitalization of industrial listed enterprises from 2016 to 2020 into six features. A variety of machine learning methods are used, including DBSCAN, CART and other algorithms, to specifically explore the complex impact of (...)
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  39. Revisiting the Six Stages of Skill Acquisition.B. Scot Rousse & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 2021 - In B. Scot Rousse & Stuart E. Dreyfus (eds.), Teaching and Learning for Adult Skill Acquisition: Applying the Dreyfus & Dreyfus Model in Different Fields. Charlotte, NC, USA: pp. 3-28.
    The acquisition of a new skill usually proceeds through five stages, from novice to expert, with a sixth stage of mastery available for highly motivated performers. In this chapter, we re-state the six stages of the Dreyfus Skill Model, paying new attention to the transitions and interrelations between them. While discussing the fifth stage, expertise, we unpack the claim that, “when things are proceeding normally, experts don’t solve problems and don’t make decisions; they do what normally works” (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, (...)
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  40. A critical review of the ethical and legal issues in human germline gene editing: Considering human rights and a call for an African perspective.B. Shozi - 2020 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 13 (1):62.
    In the wake of the advent of genome editing technology CRISPR-Cas9 (clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-associated protein 9), there has been a global debate around the implications of manipulating the human genome. While CRISPR-based germline gene editing is new, the debate about the ethics of gene editing is not – for several decades now, scholars have debated the ethics of making heritable changes to the human genome. The arguments that have been raised both for and against the use of (...)
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    Self-Driven by Vice — A Philosophical Exploration.S. Tang - manuscript
    This paper tries to find the connection between vice and self-driven motivation through the perspectives of existentialism and absurdism. It deepens how influential philosophers view the role of vice in human life and shows how it can inspire individuals to challenge societal norms by motivating them. To bring these philosophical ideas to life, this paper includes study cases from various fields, illustrating the importance of understanding vice in relation to human behavior and the quest for meaning in a seemingly absurd (...)
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  42. When corporate social responsibility matters: An empirical investigation of contingencies.Stephen R. Luxmore, Zhi Tang & Clyde Eiríkur Hull - 2012 - International Journal of Corporate Governance 3:143-162.
    Rather than re-examine the question of whether doing good generally helps a company to do well, this study draws on contingency theory to empirically examine when doing good helps a company do as well as possible. Using panel data, we examine the effects of industry life cycle, munificence, and instability on the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial performance (CFP). Our findings indicate that life cycle has a significant impact on the CSR-CFP relationship, as does industry instability. (...)
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  43. Self‐awareness and self‐understanding.B. Scot Rousse - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):162-186.
    In this paper, I argue that self-awareness is intertwined with one's awareness of possibilities for action. I show this by critically examining Dan Zahavi's multidimensional account of the self. I argue that the distinction Zahavi makes among 'pre-reflective minimal', 'interpersonal', and 'normative' dimensions of selfhood needs to be refined in order to accommodate what I call 'pre-reflective self-understanding'. The latter is a normative dimension of selfhood manifest not in reflection and deliberation, but in the habits and style of a person’s (...)
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  44. On Social Defeat.B. J. C. Madison - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (6):719-734.
    Influential cases have been provided that seem to suggest that one can fail to have knowledge because of the social environment. If not a distinct kind of social defeater, is there a uniquely social phenomenon that defeats knowledge? My aim in this paper is to explore these questions. I shall argue that despite initial appearances to the contrary, we have no reason to accept a special class of social defeater, nor any essentially social defeat phenomenon. We can explain putative cases (...)
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  45. Retrieving Heidegger's temporal realism.B. Scot Rousse - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):205-226.
    Early Heidegger argues that a “homogenous space of nature” can be revealed by stripping away the intelligibility of Dasein's everyday world, a process he calls “deworlding.” Given this, some interpreters have suggested that Heidegger, despite not having worked out the details himself, is also committed to a notion of deworlded time. Such a “natural time” would amount to an endogenous sequentiality in which events are ordered independently of Dasein and the stand it takes on its being. I show that Heidegger (...)
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  46. A Public Survey on Handling Male Chicks in the Dutch Egg Sector.B. Gremmen, M. R. N. Bruijnis, V. Blok & E. N. Stassen - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (1):93-107.
    In 2035 global egg demand will have risen 50% from 1985. Because we are not able to tell in the egg whether it will become a male or female chick, billons of one day-old male chicks will be killed. International research initiatives are underway in this area, and governments encourage the development of an alternative with the goal of eliminating the culling of day-old male chicks. The Netherlands holds an exceptional position in the European egg trade, but is also the (...)
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  47. High Efficient Consistency Maintenance Strategy of Real-time String Text Editing Systems.Liping Gao & Wenfeng Tang - 2015 - International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 8.
    Replicated architecture is widely used in the field of real-time collaborative text editor. The idea of address space transformation provides a new way for concurrency control. During concurrent processing, it retraces the document status back to the state when the operations are generated to maintain consistency. However the previous concurrency processes strategy is based on single characters, the transmission cost during processing is too high since every character is packaged and broadcasted to remote sites after they are created by local (...)
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  48. Introduction: The experience of noise.B. Vassilicos, Giuseppe Torre & Fabio Tommy Pellizzer - forthcoming - In Basil Vassilicos, Giuseppe Torre & Fabio Tommy Pellizzer (eds.), The experience of noise. Philosophical and phenomenological perspectives. Macmillan.
    In this introduction, we cover some ways in which the topic of noise is discussed today, and then point to some important open questions about noise and its experience. We then provide a synopsis of the papers collected in the volume.
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  49. The phenomenal character of perceptual noise: epistemic misfire, sensory misfire, or perceptual disjoint?B. Vassilicos - forthcoming - In Basil Vassilicos, Giuseppe Torre & Fabio Tommy Pellizzer (eds.), The experience of noise. Philosophical and phenomenological perspectives. Macmillan.
    My interest lies in offering a phenomenological perspective on how noise is experienced, with particular attention to what may be common to different sorts of noise phenomena. As a counterpoint to the notion that noise is an empty or constructed notion, I argue for two desiderata of a phenomenological account of noise; accommodating a plurality of noise experiences, on the one hand, and clarifying their specific phenomenal character, on the other. I then pursue these desiderata by turning to an examination (...)
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  50. Existential selfhood in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception.B. Scot Rousse - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (4):595-618.
    This paper provides an interpretation of the existential conception of selfhood that follows from Merleau-Ponty’s account of perception. On this view, people relate to themselves not by “looking within” in acts of introspection but, first, by “looking without” at the field of solicitations in which they are immersed and, eventually, in Merleau-Ponty’s words, by “making explicit” the “melodic unity” or “immanent sense” of their behavior. To make sense of this, I draw out a distinction latent in Merleau-Ponty’s view between a (...)
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