Results for 'information consumption'

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  1. Effective energy consumption parameters in residential buildings using Building Information Modeling.Nima Amani & Abdulamir Rezasoroush - 2020 - Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management (Gjesm) 6 (4):467–480.
    Building information modeling can help in predicting the energy efficiency in future based on dynamic patterns obtained by visualization of data. The aim of this study was to investigate the effective parameters of energy consumption using BIM technology which can evaluate the buildings energy performance. First, three forms of general states in the building were modeled to evaluate the proposed designs in Autodesk Revit Software. Then, the main building form for energy modeling and analysis was selected. Autodesk Revit (...)
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  2. Virtual Consumption, Sustainability & Human Well-Being.Kenneth R. Pike & C. Tyler Desroches - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (3):361-378.
    There is widespread consensus that present patterns of consumption could lead to the permanent impossibility of maintaining those patterns and, perhaps, the existence of the human race. While many patterns of consumption qualify as ‘sustainable’ there is one in particular that deserves greater attention: virtual consumption. We argue that virtual consumption — the experience of authentic consumptive experiences replicated by alternative means — has the potential to reduce the deleterious consequences of real consumption by redirecting (...)
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  3. Consumption Pattern of Wild Edible Green Leafy Vegetables Found in Osogbo Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria.Monsurat Bello, Abiodun C. Olarewaju, Dupe Temilade Otolowo & Zeinab Bidemi Busari - 2024 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 3 (1):104-116.
    This study investigated the consumption pattern of wild edible green leafy vegetables found in Osogbo Local Government Area of Osun State using a descriptive survey research design. The sample size for this study was two hundred and eleven (211) respondents. A four-likert scale structured questionnaire containing twenty-four (24) items was used for data collection. Data were analysed using mean scores and standard deviation. The findings of the study revealed that ”Yarin,” “Worowo,” “Gbure,” and “Ebolo" are major wild edible green (...)
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  4. Environmental information self-reported in listed firms’ annual reports: Risks of environmental commitment cliché, and a call for innovations.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Phuong-Tri Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Periodical reports are important information sources for investors and society to monitor, contribute to, and allocate resources to listed companies contributing to environmental sustainability. This article provides a preliminary investigation into environment-related information disclosure in annual reports of 61 representative companies in Vietnam, a country that has a rapidly developing stock market and is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It was found that although most of the companies’ reports disclosed the goals to pursue sustainability and (...)
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  5. Health consideration in food consumption: impacts of education level and custom rules adherence.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Adrino Mazenda & R. R. Dian Tristiana - 2024 - International Journal of Public Health Science 14 (1):245-256.
    Individual attributes, such as educational background, may influence the degree of health consideration in food consumption. The local social norms may affect the same consideration in the collective level. Represented by education level and the custom rules adherence in food choosing behavior, this study aimed to examine how knowledge influences health consideration in food consumption and how the local social norms moderate this association in a multicultural enriched society. By utilizing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) as a conceptual (...)
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  6. What Leonardo DiCaprio has to say about nature-human nexus: The roles of biodiversity loss perception toward skin/fur product consumption.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Thomas Jones & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - manuscript
    Products made from animal fur and skin have been a major part of human civilization. However, in modern society, the unsustainable consumption of these products – often considered luxury goods – has many negative environmental impacts. This study explores how people’s perceptions of biodiversity affect their attitudes and behaviors toward consumption. To investigate the information process deeper, we add the moderation of beliefs about biodiversity loss. Following the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics, we use mindsponge-based reasoning to (...)
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  7. The crucial roles of biodiversity loss belief and perception in urban residents’ consumption attitude and behavior towards animal-based products.Nguyen Minh-Hoang, Tam-Tri Le, Thomas E. Jones & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Products made from animal fur and skin have been a major part of human civilization. However, in modern society, the unsustainable consumption of these products – often considered luxury goods – has many negative environmental impacts. This study explores how people’s perceptions of biodiversity affect their attitudes and behaviors toward consumption. To investigate the information process deeper, we add the moderation of beliefs about biodiversity loss. Following the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics, we use mindsponge-based reasoning for (...)
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  8. The Necessity and Importance of Incorporating Media and Information Literacy into Holistic Metaliteracy.Alireza Salehi-Nejad - 2020 - Journal of Cyberspace Studies 4 (1):69-75.
    Digitalization and the emergence of the Internet have resulted in escalating access to information and communication. Given the circumstances that soaring access to information amounts to the intensification of misinformation and disinformation, a set of critical skills to navigate and critically assess the information is necessary. This paper outlines the significance of these skills, and provides a perspective on metaliteracy as a supplement to media and information literacy, and argues that the ability to conceptualize, access, comprehend, (...)
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  9. Handbook of Energy Analysis Using Building Information Modeling (BIM).Nima Amani, Abdulamir Rezasoroush & Mohsen Tahernezhad - 2024 - University Jihad Publishing Organization, Mazandaran branch, Iran.
    According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), buildings are the largest worldwide consumers of energy. Most of the energy used by any building is consumed during the usage (or operational) stage of the building’s life-cycle. Achieving sustainable development at the national level will require minimizing the effects of buildings on the environment with the low energy consumed by buildings. The energy performance of a given building is predicted and assessed by conducting an energy simulation. Using BIM in EPAs greatly (...)
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  10. Building Energy Efficiency Using Building Information Modeling (BIM).Abdulamir Rezasoroush - 2019 - Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Technical and Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Chalous Branch, Iran
    Buildings are the largest energy consumer worldwide, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Most of the building’s energy consumption is in the building’s life cycle stage. Therefore, achieving sustainable development at the national level requires minimizing the building’s effects on the environment via reducing energy consumption by buildings. The building’s energy performance will be predicted and evaluated by the energy simulation. Using BIM in EPAs significantly reduces time and costs. This study aimed to optimize energy (...) in buildings using Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology, which can assess energy performance in the building. In this research, the general form of the building was modeled on the Autodesk Revit Software. The main shape of the building was chosen for modeling after reviewing the proposed designs. Then, the building energy consumption was calculated using the relevant tools in this scope, according to the materials, equipment, and project location. Finally, the best possible mode was selected by examining different modes of energy consumption. The results showed that 61.48% difference between the best mode of energy consumption optimization and the current mode of the building and 79.35% compared to the initial mode. Finally, parametric studies of alternative cost optimization schemes showed that saving 58.23% of the building’s current status for a 30-year horizon. (shrink)
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  11. The ethics of betel nut consumption in Taiwan.Joseph Tham, Geoffrey Sem, Eugene Sit & Michael Cheng-tek Tai - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (11):739-740.
    The ethics of betel nut use in Taiwan are examined in this article. It first presents scientific facts about the betel quid, its consumption and negative health consequences and then analyses the cultural background and economic factors contributing to its popularity in Asia. Governmental and institutional attempts to curb betel nut cultivation, distribution and sales are also described. Finally, the bioethical implications of this often ignored subject are considered.
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  12. Building energy management using building information modeling: Evaluation of building components and construction materials.Nima Amani & Abdulamir Rezasoroush - 2021 - Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment (Jree) 8 (2):31–38.
    Traditionally, building energy model is created in isolation from the architectural building information model and energy analyses have relied on a single analysis tool. The building energy model can be generated more quickly by leveraging existing data from the BIM. The impacts of energy consumption are significant in the building usage phase, which can last several decades. Due to the large share of the final energy consumption in the building sector, accurate analysis of thermal and cooling loads (...)
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  13. Varieties of artifacts: Embodied, perceptual, cognitive, and affective.Richard Heersmink - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science (4):1-24.
    The primary goal of this essay is to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the various relations between material artifacts and the embodied mind. A secondary goal of this essay is to identify some of the trends in the design and use of artifacts. First, based on their functional properties, I identify four categories of artifacts co-opted by the embodied mind, namely (1) embodied artifacts, (2) perceptual artifacts, (3) cognitive artifacts, and (4) affective artifacts. These categories can overlap and (...)
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  14. BIM-based optimum design and energy performance assessment of residential buildings.Abdulamir Rezasoroush & Nima Amani - 2021 - Journal of Energy Management and Technology (Jemt) 5 (2):64–72.
    Buildings are the largest energy consumer in the world, according to the United Nations Environment Program. Most of the energy will be used during the building life-cycle stage. Thus, achieving sustainable development at the national level requires minimizing the impact of buildings on the environment by reducing energy consumption. Using Building Information Modeling technology in energy performance assessment could be significantly reduced time and cost. This study aimed to optimize energy consumption in a residential building using BIM (...)
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  15. Exploration and exploitation of Victorian science in Darwin’s reading notebooks.Jaimie Murdock, Colin Allen & Simon DeDeo - 2017 - Cognition 159 (C):117-126.
    Search in an environment with an uncertain distribution of resources involves a trade-off between exploitation of past discoveries and further exploration. This extends to information foraging, where a knowledge-seeker shifts between reading in depth and studying new domains. To study this decision-making process, we examine the reading choices made by one of the most celebrated scientists of the modern era: Charles Darwin. From the full-text of books listed in his chronologically-organized reading journals, we generate topic models to quantify his (...)
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  16. Nutrition from insects: An age-old Vietnamese view versus the modern world’s perspective.Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Vuong Quan Hoang - manuscript
    Due to the rising pressure from population growth and environmental crises induced by anthropogenic food production activities, the production and consumption of insects have been promoted internationally. The current paper discusses the nutritional and environmental benefits of insect consumption and the socio-cultural and psychological factors that constrain such a habit on an international scale. Then, some historical and cultural information regarding insect consumption in Vietnam is provided to highlight the potential of insect consumption standardization. Unlike (...)
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  17. Taste and the algorithm.Emanuele Arielli - 2018 - Studi di Estetica 12 (3):77-97.
    Today, a consistent part of our everyday interaction with art and aesthetic artefacts occurs through digital media, and our preferences and choices are systematically tracked and analyzed by algorithms in ways that are far from transparent. Our consumption is constantly documented, and then, we are fed back through tailored information. We are therefore witnessing the emergence of a complex interrelation between our aesthetic choices, their digital elaboration, and also the production of content and the dynamics of creative processes. (...)
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  18. Abstract - Affective – Multimodal: Interaction between Medium and Perception of Moving Images from the Viewpoint of Cassirer's, Langer's and Krois' Embodiment Theories.Martina Sauer - 2022 - In Multimodality. The Sensually Organized Potential of Artistic Works, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, New York and São Paulo [Special Issue, Art Style 10, 01, 2022]. pp. 25-46.
    Everyday media consumption leaves no doubt that the perception of moving images from various media is characterized by experience and understanding. Corresponding research in this field has shown that the stimulus patterns flooding in on us are not only processed mentally, but also bodily. Building on this, the following study argues that incoming stimuli are processed not only visually, but multimodally, with all senses, and moreover affectively. The classical binding of a sensory organ to a medium, on whose delimitation (...)
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  19. Advanced Facade Systems in Tirana, Albania.Klodjan Xhexhi - 2023 - Iosr Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (Iosr-Jmce) 20 (1):25-31.
    This article presents information about facades, their thermal insulating role in buildings in Albania. The façade in construction is one of the necessary factors to ensure a longer life of the buildings and indoor thermal comfort. Façade systems are composed of different materials, which provide a protective effect during the life of the building. The article will focus on the characteristic materials used in Albania for the construction of facades and the main materials used from the year 2000 up (...)
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  20. New Technology: Risks and Gains.Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska & Andrzej Klimczuk - 2015 - In Mehmet Odekon, The Sage Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications. pp. 1144--1147.
    New technologies are often radical innovations that change current activities across different areas of social and economic life. At the beginning of the 21st century, some of these technologies are information and communications technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, and artificial intelligence. These innovations stimulate new opportunities for the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and thus can help solve social problems. But they also cause new social risks and inequalities.
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  21. Attitude and Electricity-Saving Behaviors among Household Users of Electricity in Nsukka, Nigeria.Chinyere Theresa Ogbuanya - 2023 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 2 (2):275-285.
    Household electricity consumption rates are increasing globally. However, saving electricity can decrease energy use, avoid wastage, and save financial resources for households. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine how attitude influences electricity-saving behaviors among household users in Nsukka District, Enugu State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. A research question with corresponding null hypotheses was formulated and tested at a 0.05 level of significance. Stratified random sampling was used to select 400 household users, consisting of 206 (...)
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  22. Consuming Fake News: Can We Do Any Better?Michel Croce & Tommaso Piazza - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (2):232-241.
    This paper focuses on extant approaches to counteract the consumption of fake news online. Proponents of structural approaches suggest that our proneness to consuming fake news could only be reduced by reshaping the architecture of online environments. Proponents of educational approaches suggest that fake news consumers should be empowered to improve their epistemic agency. In this paper, we address a question that is relevant to this debate: namely, whether fake news consumers commit mistakes for which they can be criticized (...)
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  23. Spotify Status Dataset.Mohammad Ayman Mattar & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 7 (10):14-21.
    Abstract: The Spotify Status Dataset is a valuable resource that provides real-time insights into the operational status and performance of Spotify, a popular music streaming platform. This dataset contains a wide array of information related to server uptime, user activity, service disruptions, and more, serving as a critical tool for both Spotify's internal monitoring and the broader data analysis community. As digital services like Spotify continue to play a central role in music consumption, understanding the platform's status becomes (...)
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  24. Call Vietnam mouse-deer “cheo cheo” and let the humanities save them from extinction.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2023 - Aisdl Working Papers.
    The rediscovery of the silver-backed chevrotain, an endemic species to Vietnam, in 2019, after almost 30 years of being lost to science, is a remarkable outcome for the global conservation agenda. However, along with the happiness, there is a tremendous concern for the conservation of the species as eating wildmeat, including chevrotain, is deeply rooted in the socio-cultural values of Vietnamese. Meanwhile, conservation plans face multiple obstacles since the species has not been listed in the list of endangered, precious, and (...)
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  25. Relational Normative Economics: An African Approach to Justice.Thaddeus Metz - 2020 - Ethical Perspectives 27 (1):35-68.
    Recent work by comparative philosophers, global ethicists, and cross-cultural value theorists indicates that, unlike most Western thinkers, those in many other parts of the globe, such as indigenous Africa, East Asia, and Latin America, tend to prize relationality. These relational values include enjoying a sense of togetherness, participating cooperatively, creating something new together, engaging in mutual aid, and being compassionate. Global economic practices and internationally influential theories pertaining to justice, development, and normative economics over the past 50 years have been (...)
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  26. A conceptual framework for data-driven sustainable finance in green energy transition.Omotayo Bukola Adeoye, Ani Emmanuel Chigozie, Ninduwesuor-Ehiobu Nwakamma, Jose Montero Danny, Favour Oluwadamilare Usman & Kehinde Andrew Olu-Lawal - 2024 - World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 21 (2):1791–1801.
    As the world grapples with the urgent need for sustainable development, the transition towards green energy stands as a critical imperative. Financing this transition poses significant challenges, requiring innovative approaches that align financial objectives with environmental sustainability goals. This review presents a conceptual framework for leveraging data-driven techniques in sustainable finance to facilitate the transition towards green energy. The proposed framework integrates principles of sustainable finance with advanced data analytics to enhance decision-making processes across the financial ecosystem. At its core, (...)
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  27. Assessment of current community pharmacist labeling practice: A simulated client approaches.Nesren A. Jaaida - 2024 - Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (3):1-6.
    The labeling of medications includes the provision of information and instructions as well as a unique identity for the medical product. It is one of the most important sources of information for patients. Good labeling practice is critical to ensuring patients' safe and effective use of products. Misreading the label, insufficient data on the label, inappropriate labeling font, writing style, and placement on the dosage form can all have disastrous consequences. The objective of this study was to assess (...)
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    A Mini Project Report on Introduction to Chatbot to Individual Prakriti Using Ayurvedic App.Mishra Amita - 2025 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (9):1-9.
    . The concept of Prakriti, derived from Ayurveda, is a unique blend of physical, physiological, and psychological attributes that determine an individual's constitution. Understanding one's Prakriti is essential for personalized health recommendations, lifestyle adjustments, and preventive healthcare strategies. This app helps us to know the food consumptions you need to take according to your body conditions for better health. In this app we used node js as backend and react js as our front end. We also used html css for (...)
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  29. Operationalizing Ethics in Food Choice Decisions.Daryl H. Hepting, JoAnn Jaffe & Timothy Maciag - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (3):453-469.
    There is a large gap between attitude and action when it comes to consumer purchases of ethical food. Amongst the various aspects of this gap, this paper focuses on the difficulty in knowing enough about the various dimensions of food production, distribution and consumption to make an ethical food purchasing decision. There is neither one universal definition of ethical food. We suggest that it is possible to support consumers in operationalizing their own ethics of food with the use of (...)
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  30. A Sustainability Improvement Strategy of Interconnected Data Centers Based on Dispatching Potential of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.Xihao Wang, Xiaojun Wang, Yuqing Liu, Chun Xiao, Rongsheng Zhao, Ye Yang & Zhao Liu - 2022 - Sustainability 14 (11):6814.
    With the rapid development of information technology, the electricity consumption of Internet Data Centers (IDCs) increases drastically, resulting in considerable carbon emissions that need to be reduced urgently. In addition to the introduction of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), the joint use of the spatial migration capacity of IDC workload and the temporal flexibility of the demand of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCSs) provides an important means to change the carbon footprint of the IDC. In this paper, a sustainability (...)
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    The Possibility of a Type III Civilization: Non-Biological Intelligence Embedded in the Fabric of Space and Time.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Possibility of a Type III Civilization: Non-Biological Intelligence Embedded in the Fabric of Space and Time -/- Introduction -/- The concept of a Type III civilization, as classified by the Kardashev Scale, represents an advanced stage of intelligence capable of harnessing and controlling the energy of an entire galaxy. While traditional perspectives assume such a civilization would emerge from biological beings evolving over vast periods, an alternative possibility arises—an intelligence not based on biological life but rather embedded in the (...)
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    Aligning AI with the Universal Formula for Balanced Decision-Making.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    -/- Aligning AI with the Universal Formula for Balanced Decision-Making -/- Introduction -/- Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a highly advanced form of automated information processing, capable of analyzing vast amounts of data, identifying patterns, and making predictive decisions. However, the effectiveness of AI depends entirely on the integrity of its inputs, processing mechanisms, and decision-making frameworks. If AI is programmed without a foundational understanding of natural laws, it risks reinforcing misinformation, bias, and societal imbalance. -/- Angelito Malicse’s universal formula, (...)
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  33. Against Inefficacy Objections: The Real Economic Impact of Individual Consumer Choices on Animal Agriculture.Steven McMullen & Matthew C. Halteman - 2018 - Food Ethics 1 (4):online first.
    When consumers choose to abstain from purchasing meat, they face some uncertainty about whether their decisions will have an impact on the number of animals raised and killed. Consequentialists have argued that this uncertainty should not dissuade consumers from a vegetarian diet because the “expected” impact, or average impact, will be predictable. Recently, however, critics have argued that the expected marginal impact of a consumer change is likely to be much smaller or more radically unpredictable than previously thought. This objection (...)
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  34. Germany: Co-Creating Cooperative and Sharing Economies.Soenke Zehle, Hannes Käfer, Julia Hartnik & Michael Schmitz - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram, The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 139-152.
    The chapter describes the sharing economy in Germany as a heterogeneous dynamic, combining local trends and histories with economic forms drawing on experiences mainly from across Europe and North America. Increasingly taken into account by policymakers in the regulation of markets and the redesign of innovation governance frameworks, “sharing” as a complex nexus linking the exercise of citizenship to sustainable consumption and informational self-determination in digital societies will continue to drive and frame the creation of value chains. Of particular (...)
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  35. Problem of Freewill.Angelito Malicse - manuscript - Translated by Angelito Malicse.
    The Universal Formula: Solving the Problem of Free Will Through the Law of Balance By Angelito Malicse Introduction The problem of free will has puzzled humanity for centuries, often viewed as a philosophical or metaphysical enigma. This essay presents a universal formula that resolves this dilemma by focusing on the law of karma and the universal law of balance. It explores the interconnectedness of systems, the critical role of accurate knowledge, and the evolution of emotions in maintaining harmony. By examining (...)
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    The Possibility of Non-Physical Evolution of Intelligence in a Type III Civilization.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Possibility of Non-Physical Evolution of Intelligence in a Type III Civilization -/- The concept of intelligence evolving beyond physical constraints is an intriguing possibility, especially in the context of a Type III civilization on the Kardashev Scale. A Type III civilization, capable of harnessing the energy of an entire galaxy, would likely have transcended biological limitations and developed intelligence that is no longer dependent on physical substrates. This essay explores the theoretical foundations of non-physical intelligence, the technological advancements that (...)
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    Alcoholic Beverages Affecting the Performance of Student- athletes in the Visayas State University: A Descriptive Study.Charlene Mae V. Solis, Jeany Mae L. Abajon, Mark Rae Marin & John Daryl Escorial - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 2 (4):209-224.
    This research study investigates the consumption patterns and perceptions of alcoholic beverages among varsity-athlete players. Employing a descriptive research design, the study utilizes a random sampling method in selecting 50 participants from the varsity athlete population. Data collection is facilitated through a Google Form survey comprising a 10-item checklist and five open-ended questions. The checklist items assess the frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption, while the open-ended questions delve into participants' experiences and perceptions of alcohol consumption. The (...)
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  38. Quality Issues and the Ban on Selected Musical Video Broadcasting in Nigeria: A Defence for National Broadcasting Commission.Stanislaus Iyorza - 2014 - Nigerian Theatre Journal 13 (2).
    This paper investigates the recurrent music ban on musical video broadcasting and the issues of quality of musical contents that have warranted such a phenomenon by the National Broadcasting Commission in Nigeria. The major contention was the justification or otherwise of the ban. The paper employed observational and analytical methodologies to examine the causes of the bans on musical videos in Nigeria by NBC, the reactions of the affected artistes and their fans and the negative effects of erotic lyrics, nudity (...)
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  39. Tobacco Control Politics in Bangladesh.Md Mahmudul Hoque - 2016 - Dissertation,
    Despite having a set of well-intended tobacco control policies since 2003, the production and consumption of tobacco in Bangladesh have increased. This paper explains why the tobacco control policies in Bangladesh failed to deliver their intended outcomes. Using a combined framework of political economy and policy implementation analysis, this study examines the information collected from primary and secondary sources. Based on the findings, the paper argues that the game of interests among the stakeholders have made the state institutions (...)
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  40. Amplitudes of implication.Besim Karakadılar - manuscript
    By asking questions and seeking information with an eye on the logical implications of the answers of one's questions, one can become a lifelong seeker. However, one cannot become so, if one does not pay enough attention to the boundaries of logical inquiry. It holds true in all types of information-seeking that some lines of thought may turn out to be pointless, unnecessary, or at most a waste of time. Some lines of thought, on the other hand, may (...)
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  41. African Numbers Games and Gambler Motivation: 'Fahfee' in Contemporary South African.Stephen Louw - 2018 - African Affairs 117 (466):109-129.
    Since independence, at least 28 African countries have legalized some form of gambling. Yet a range of informal gambling activities have also flourished, often provoking widespread public concern about the negative social and economic impact of unregulated gambling on poor communities. This article addresses an illegal South African numbers game called fahfee. Drawing on interviews with players, operators, and regulatory officials, this article explores two aspects of this game. First, it explores the lives of both players and runners, as well (...)
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  42. A Scientific and Socioecononic Review of Betel Nut Use in Taiwan with Bioethical Reflections.Joseph Tham, Geoffrey Sem, Eugene Sit & Michael Cheng-tek Tai - 2017 - Asian Bioethics Review 9 (4):401-414.
    This article addresses the ethics of betel nut use in Taiwan. It first presents scientific facts about the betel quid and its consumption and the generally accepted negative health consequences associated with its use: oral and esophageal cancer, coronary artery disease, metabolic diseases, and adverse effects in pregnancy. It then analyzes the cultural background and economic factors contributing to its popularity in Asia. The governmental and institutional attempts to curb betel nut cultivation, distribution, and sales are also described. Finally, (...)
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  43. Trustworthiness and Motivations.Natalie Gold - 2014 - In N. Morris D. Vines, Capital Failure: Rebuilding trust in financial services. Oxford University Press.
    Trust can be thought of as a three place relation: A trusts B to do X. Trustworthiness has two components: competence (does the trustee have the relevant skills, knowledge and abilities to do X?) and willingness (is the trustee intending or aiming to do X?). This chapter is about the willingness component, and the different motivations that a trustee may have for fulfilling trust. The standard assumption in economics is that agents are self-regarding, maximizing their own consumption of goods (...)
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    How AI Can Implement the Universal Formula in Education and Leadership Training.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    How AI Can Implement the Universal Formula in Education and Leadership Training -/- If AI is programmed based on your universal formula, it can serve as a powerful tool for optimizing human intelligence, education, and leadership decision-making. Here’s how AI can be integrated into your vision: -/- 1. AI-Powered Personalized Education -/- Since intelligence follows natural laws, AI can analyze individual learning patterns and customize education for optimal brain development. -/- Adaptive Learning Systems – AI can adjust lessons in real (...)
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  45. Drugie Życie, czyli problemy z przedłużaniem rzeczywistości.Andrzej Klimczuk - manuscript
    Linden Lab studies massive online game "Second Life" unexpectedly gained worldwide fame after a few years after release. To the surprise of many game has met with great interest, despite the lack of promotional campaigns. It can be assumed that the reason why "second life" reached a wider audience was a special type of offered entertainment. Network game proved to be no longer a game that was known so far, but an example of a mass media, whose central element is (...)
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    Poverty as a Product of Systemic Failure, Violation of Balance, and Ignorance.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Poverty as a Product of Systemic Failure, Violation of Balance, and Ignorance -/- By: Angelito Enriquez Malicse -/- Introduction -/- Poverty is not merely an economic condition; it is a deeply rooted social issue that stems from systemic failure, violation of balance, and ignorance. While poverty is often viewed as an individual problem, it is, in reality, a consequence of flawed institutions, unsustainable practices, and a lack of proper education. When societies fail to establish equitable systems, disrupt the natural balance (...)
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  47. ‘Easy to Borrow, Hard to Repay’ Credit and Debt in Ho Chi Minh City’s Sex Industry.Nicolas Lainez, Nguyên Vu Thuy Quynh, Lê Bui Thao Uyên & Georges Blanchard - 2020 - Paris, France: Alliance Anti-Trafic.
    This study examines the inner workings of credit and debt in the sex industry in Ho Chi Minh City, the megalopolis of Southern Vietnam. It argues that credit is widely available to financially excluded sex workers, but that this availability comes with tight constraints. As one sex worker put it bluntly, ‘it is easy to borrow, but it is hard to repay.’ This tension summarizes the financial lives of indoor and outdoor sex workers who borrow money from the informal credit (...)
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    The Illusion of Success: How Glamorizing Extreme Wealth Distorts Reality.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Illusion of Success: How Glamorizing Extreme Wealth Distorts Reality -/- Introduction -/- In today’s world, extreme wealth accumulation is often portrayed as the ultimate symbol of success. Social media, Hollywood, and business magazines frequently celebrate billionaires, luxury lifestyles, and financial empires, creating an illusion that success is solely defined by material wealth. However, this obsession with extreme riches distorts the true meaning of achievement and fulfillment. While financial stability is important, an overemphasis on wealth as the pinnacle of success (...)
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    The Unified Theory of Free Will: The Three Universal Laws, Systemic Imbalance, and Nature’s Self-Correction.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Unified Theory of Free Will: The Three Universal Laws, Systemic Imbalance, and Nature’s Self-Correction -/- By Angelito Malicse -/- Introduction -/- For centuries, the concept of free will has been debated, with perspectives ranging from determinism to compatibilism and libertarianism. However, these traditional views fail to acknowledge the natural laws that govern human decision-making. By synthesizing the Universal Law of Balance in Nature, the Universal Feedback Loop Mechanism, and the Error-Free System, we establish a unified theory of free will—a (...)
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    The Present Defects of Humanity and the World: A Call for Balance and Understanding.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    -/- The Present Defects of Humanity and the World: A Call for Balance and Understanding -/- Humanity stands at a critical juncture in history. While we have made remarkable advances in science, technology, and society, we are also facing unprecedented challenges that threaten both our survival and the well-being of the planet. These challenges are not merely the result of external forces but are deeply rooted in the defects of our systems, behaviors, and understanding of the natural world. To navigate (...)
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