Results for 'population ageing'

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  1. Global Population Ageing, the sixth Kondratieff wave, and the global financial system.Leonid Grinin & Andrey Korotayev - 2016 - Journal of Globalization Studies 7 (2):11-31.
    Concerns about population ageing apply to both developed and many developing countries and it has turned into a global issue. In the forthcoming decades the population ageing is likely to become one of the most important processes determining the future society characteristics and the direction of technological development. The present paper analyzes some aspects of the population ageing and its important consequences for particular societies and the whole world. Basing on this analysis, we can (...)
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  2. Strategic Responses on Population Ageing in Regional Policy.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2011 - In Štefan Hittmár, Theory of Management 4. University of Žilina. pp. 261--265.
    Population ageing is one of the key processes affecting the development of European Union countries. The aim of this paper is an indication of the possibility of collective action against this challenge at the regional level. Article describe assumptions and recommendations for strategic management which taking into account the cooperation of entities from public sector (local governments), market sector (business) and social sector (NGOs). Closer analyses will be conducted on two examples of initiatives from European Union: the Regions (...)
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  3. Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population.Andrzej Klimczuk & Łukasz Tomczyk (eds.) - 2020 - Frontiers Media.
    In recent years we may observe increasing interest in the development of social innovation both regarding theory as well as the practice of responding to social problems and challenges. One of the crucial challenges at the beginning of the 21st century is population ageing. Various new and innovative initiatives, programs, schemes, and projects to respond to negative consequences of this demographic process are emerging around the world. However, social theories related to ageing are still insufficiently combined with (...)
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  4. Editorial: Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population.Andrzej Klimczuk & Łukasz Tomczyk - 2020 - Frontiers in Sociology 5:1--6.
    Gerontology together with its subfields, such as social gerontology, geragogy, educational gerontology, political gerontology, environmental gerontology, and financial gerontology, is still a relatively new academic discipline that is currently intensively developing, expanding research fields and combining various theoretical and practical perspectives. The interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and multidisciplinarity of research on ageing and old age, despite its vast thematic, methodological and theoretical diversity, have a common denominator, which is the focus of research work on improving the quality of life of older (...)
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    Advancements in AI-Enhanced OCT Imaging for Early Disease Detection and Prevention in Aging Populations.Nushra Tul Zannat Sabira Arefin, Marcia A. Orozco, Ms Bme - 2025 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 8 (3):1430-1444.
    Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) proves essential as an imaging modality for detecting early diseases especially by helping patients who age and face increased susceptibility to retinal and systemic conditions. The development of artificial intelligence technology now boosts OCT diagnostic features to identify conditions like diabetic retinopathy in addition to age-related macular degeneration and cardiovascular diseases at an early stage. This paper examines two main advancements in artificial intelligence for OCT imaging monitoring such as Google Health's Retinal Disease Predictor and AI (...)
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    Evaluating Spatial Interpolation Maps of the Age Structure of the Population of Thi Qar Governorate Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Technologies.Nariman Jamal Kazem & Wissam Ahmed Rashid - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    The research aims to harness spatial interpolation techniques to produce maps with a high level of perceptual accuracy in representing the population data of the study area. This is achieved after exploring the statistical and spatial nature of the databases used, analyzing them, and determining their distribution using a variety of spatial data exploration tools available within the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) environment. These tools contribute to evaluating the characteristics, distribution, and analysis of data, including testing data distribution, identifying (...)
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  7. Housing as a Challenge for the Ageing Population: The Case of Poland.Agnieszka Cieśla & Jan P. Cieśla - 2019 - In Łukasz Tomczyk & Andrzej Klimczuk, Between Successful and Unsuccessful Ageing: Selected Aspects and Contexts. Kraków: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie. pp. 59–78.
    This chapter aims at describing the role of housing in the ageing population, on the example of Poland, which is one the fastest ageing country in the world. This issue is significant because housing well suited to the needs of older people means lower expenses in medical and social care. Seniors living in proper conditions remain not only longer healthy, but they may also stay longer active in the labor market. Housing adoption to the needs of an (...)
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  8. Cultural Diversity, Multiculturalism, and the Challenge of the Ageing Population.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2017 - In Hüseyn Qarasov, Materials of International Scientific Conference "Multiculturalism and Human Rights" Dedicated to the Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Nurlar. pp. 150--152.
    A. Klimczuk, Cultural Diversity, Multiculturalism, and the Challenge of the Ageing Population, [in:] H. Qarasov, Materials of International Scientific Conference "Multiculturalism and Human Rights" Dedicated to the Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, NURLAR, Baku 2017, pp. 150-152.
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  9. Introduction. Research into Global Ageing and Its Consequences.Leonid Grinin, J. Goldstone & Andrey Koortayev - 2015 - In Leonid Grinin, Jack A. Goldstone & Andrey V. Korotayev, History & Mathematics: Political Demography and Global Ageing. Uchitel Publishing House. pp. 5-9.
    With the further growth of the world population and the further intensification of the processes of interaction between countries and increasing movements of the masses of people, the role of Political Demography becomes more and more important. Issues of global ageing, migration, low fertility in developed countries (or very high fertility in some African countries), high mortality in many developing states (including deaths from AIDS); rapid change in the ethnic composition in Europe and in several other regions and (...)
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  10. Old Age Poverty and Active Ageing in ASEAN.Asean Secretariat - 2024 - Old Age Poverty and Active Ageing in Asean: Trends and Opportunities.
    Ageing is an intergenerational issue with implications for everyone. Population ageing present itself with opportunity and challenges. So, the extent to which society prepare for and invest in an ageing population will determine whether it creates an additional burden or delivers demographic dividend.
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  11. Regional Development in an Ageing Society: Overview of Selected Foreign and Polish Recommendations and Practices.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2015 - In Štefan Chudý & Łukasz Tomczyk, Aktywna Starość W Perspektywie Społeczno-Kulturowo-Edukacyjnej / Společenské, Kulturní a Vzdělávací Aspekty Fenoménu Aktivního Stárnutí. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny W Krakowie. pp. 21--50.
    The complexity of population ageing effect is a significant challenge at a regional and local level. Adaptation activities require the cooperation of local governments, business entities and non-governmental organizations. The article describes the dimensions of interventions, typology of “shrinking regions” and two initiatives: Regions for All Ages and SEN@ER - Silver Economy Network of European Regions. In addition, essay discusses the dilemmas of creating special regional strategies with their implementation factors and barriers in the construction of silver economies. (...)
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  12. Social Aspects of Ageing: Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions.Andrzej Klimczuk (ed.) - 2024 - London: IntechOpen.
    Social Aspects of Ageing - Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions, focuses on the key challenges underlined by the United Nations during the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030). The authors introduce studies in areas crucial for older people, their families, and communities, such as combatting ageism, age-friendly environments, and care provision. The volume also examines issues linked to the global, national, regional, and local implementation of age-specific and intergenerational solutions, initiatives, and programs towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development (...)
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  13. The Silver Economy as a Constructive Response in Public Policy on Aging.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2021 - In Ivana Barković Bojanić & Aleksandar Erceg, Strategic Approach to Aging Population: Experiences and Challenges. J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek. pp. 19-35.
    The paper presents the concept of the "silver economy" as an economic system related to population aging and underlines the features of this policy idea. The study first introduces the discourse and stages of constructing this system by international and national public policy actors in aging. Next, a critical analysis of the dimensions and areas of implementation and development of the silver economy as a policy concept was carried out as well as a review of its external and internal (...)
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  14. Policy Brief on Age Management: Ergonomic Aspects and Health Interventions for Older Workers.Monika Bediova, Aneta Krejcova, Jiri Cerny, Andrzej Klimczuk & Juraj Mikus - 2019
    Globally, the population is ageing, which has serious consequences for businesses. The prosperity of companies is crucially dependent on the ability to effectively manage their employees, including older workers. Best practice in age management is defined as those measures that combat age barriers and/or promote age diversity. These measures may entail specific initiatives aimed at particular dimensions of age management; they may also include more general employment or human resources policies that help to create an environment in which (...)
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  15. Perspective Chapter: Reducing the Social Inequality Gaps in Older Ages in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.Delali Adjoa Dovie & Andrzej Klimczuk - 2024 - In Andrzej Klimczuk & Delali Adjoa Dovie, Bridging Social Inequality Gaps: Concepts, Theories, Methods, and Tools. London: IntechOpen. pp. 23–33.
    Social inequalities abound worldwide. However, those social inequalities that encompass the lack of access to resources, including primary healthcare, are more prevalent at older ages in low- and middle-income countries, which is the focus of this chapter. This challenge has become critical due to the increasing population of older age. The design and implementation of key policy measures, including primary healthcare in low- and middle-income countries, is essential in reducing such social disparities. Access to primary healthcare is perhaps the (...)
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  16. Ageing Policies in Slovenia: Before and After "Austerity".Valentina Hlebec & Tatjana Rakar - 2017 - In Andrzej Klimczuk & Łukasz Tomczyk, Selected Contemporary Challenges of Ageing Policy. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny W Krakowie. pp. 27--51.
    Similarly, to other European countries, Slovenia is facing ageing of the population. The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in 2012 and the recent economic crisis have influenced social policy in the area of ageing and care for older people. While the EY2012 has raised awareness about issues related to the ageing of the population, the economic crisis after 2008 has put pressure on the welfare system. The purpose of the chapter (...)
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  17. Population thinking vs. essentialism in biology and evolutionary economics.George Liagouras - 2017 - In Evolutionary Political Economy in Action. A Cyprus Symposium, Routledge. London & New York: pp. 36-53.
    The standard perception of the dichotomy between population thinking and essentialism (typological thinking) in evolutionary economics descends from the golden age of the neo-Darwinian Synthesis. Over the last few decades the received view on population thinking has been seriously challenged in biology and its philosophy. First, the strong version of population thinking that banishes essentialism witnessed important tensions stemming from the ontological status of species. These tensions have been amplified by the demise of positivism and the rise (...)
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  18. Fighting Aging as an Effective Altruism Cause: A Model of the Impact of the Clinical Trials of Simple Interventions.Alexey Turchin - manuscript
    The effective altruism movement aims to save lives in the most cost-effective ways. In the future, technology will allow radical life extension, and anyone who survives until that time will gain potentially indefinite life extension. Fighting aging now increases the number of people who will survive until radical life extension becomes possible. We suggest a simple model, where radical life extension is achieved in 2100, the human population is 10 billion, and life expectancy is increased by simple geroprotectors like (...)
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  19. Wearable Technologies for Healthy Ageing: Prospects, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations.Stefano Canali, Agara Ferretti, Viola Schiaffonati & Alessandro Blasimme - 2024 - Journal of Frailty and Aging 2024:1-8.
    Digital technologies hold promise to modernize healthcare. Such opportunity should be leveraged also to address the needs of rapidly ageing populations. Against this backdrop, this paper examines the use of wearable devices for promoting healthy ageing. Previous work has assessed the prospects of digital technologies for health promotion and disease prevention in older adults. However, to our knowledge, ours is one of the first attempts to specifically address the use of wearables for healthy ageing, and to offer (...)
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  20. Universities of the Third Age in Poland. Emerging Model for 21st Century.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2013 - Journal of Education, Psychology and Social Sciences 1 (2):8--14.
    Main objective of this paper is to describe emergence of a Polish Universities of the Third Age model. These are a multidisciplinary non-formal education centers, which allow formation of positive responses to the challenges of an ageing population. Article indicates main organizational changes of these institutions conditioned by internal and external factors. Essay describes transformation, differentiation factors, and characteristics of these institutions for elderly based on a critical analysis of literature.
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  21. Justice between Age Goups.Nancy Jecker - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (10):W10-W12.
    A society is said to age when its number of older members increases in relation to its number of younger members. The societies in most of the world’s industrialized nations have been aging since at least 1800. In 1800 the demographic makeup of developed countries was similar to that of many Third World countries in the early 1990s with roughly half the population under the age of 16 and very few people living beyond age of 60. Since that time, (...)
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  22.  41
    Achieving Sustainable Population Management Through Economic Growth and Replacement Fertility.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Achieving Sustainable Population Management Through Economic Growth and Replacement Fertility -/- Introduction -/- Population management is a crucial challenge in today’s world. Some countries face overpopulation, which strains resources, infrastructure, and economic growth. Others experience depopulation, leading to labor shortages, economic decline, and social instability. The correct approach depends on a country’s current demographic and economic status. -/- Overpopulated countries must first decrease their population to a sustainable level while achieving high GDP per capita before considering replacement (...)
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    Comprehensive Plan for Population Growth Control & Senior Citizen Social Safety Net in the Philippines.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Comprehensive Plan for Population Growth Control & Senior Citizen Social Safety Net in the Philippines -/- To ensure sustainable population growth while also supporting senior citizens who have no children or lack financial support, the government must integrate social safety net laws for both family planning and elderly welfare. -/- I. Population Growth Control Through Social Safety Net Laws -/- 1. TAX REFORMS TO INCENTIVIZE SMALLER FAMILIES -/- A. Incentives for Small Families -/- Higher tax deductions for (...)
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  24. Back to the Golden Age: Saul Kripke's Naming and Necessity and twenty‐first century philosophy.Andrea Bianchi - 2021 - Theoria 88 (2):278-295.
    In this paper, I try to outline what I take to be Naming and Necessity’s fundamental legacy to my generation and those that follow, and the new perspectives it has opened up for twenty-first century philosophy. The discussion is subdivided into three sections, concerning respectively philosophy of language, metaphysics, and metaphilosophy. The general unifying theme is that Naming and Necessity is helping philosophy to recover a Golden Age, by freeing it from the strictures coming from the empiricist and Kantian traditions (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Area Agencies on Aging.Fatima Perkins & Andrzej Klimczuk - 2020 - In Danan Gu & Matthew E. Dupre, Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer Verlag. pp. 1--5.
    An area agency on aging is a public or private nonprofit organization designated by the state to address the needs and concerns of all older persons at the regional and local levels in the United States 2019). AAAs have a successful history of developing, coordinating, and implementing comprehensive networks of services and programs that enrich communities and the lives of older adults. AAAs were established through a provision of the Older Americans Act, which was signed into law by President Lyndon (...)
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  26. Research on the Development of the Elderly Care Policies in China.Feifan Yang, Dawei Gao & Haisong Nie - 2019 - In Łukasz Tomczyk & Andrzej Klimczuk, Between Successful and Unsuccessful Ageing: Selected Aspects and Contexts. Kraków: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie. pp. 121–142.
    The population ageing of Chinese society is deepening. The elderly care policy is a policy standard formulated by the government to protect the rights and interests of older people in the process of actively coping with the population ageing. It has crucial guiding significance for improving the elderly care services and carrying out pension practice. Since the reform and opening-up, China’s elderly care policy system has gone through three stages of initial construction, development, and transformation, showing (...)
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  27. (1 other version)The Forgotten Earth: Nature, World Religions, and Worldlessness in the Legacy of the Axial Age/Moral Revolution.Eugene Halton - 2021 - In Saïd Amir Arjomand & Stephen Kalberg, From world religions to axial civilizations and beyond. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 209-238.
    The rise and legacy of world religions out of that period centered roughly around 500-600 BCE, what John Stuart-Glennie termed in 1873 the moral revolution, and Karl Jaspers later, in 1949, called the axial age, has been marked by heightened ideas of transcendence. Yet ironically, the world itself, in the literal sense of the actual earth, took on a diminished role as a central element of religious sensibility in the world religions, particularly in the Abrahamic religions. Given the issue today (...)
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  28. Social impact of media discourse in the age of iDeology. A perspective from the global periphery.Martin A. M. Gansinger (ed.) - 2019 - Hambourg, Allemagne: Anchor.
    In the age of iDeology - in which individual access and participation to technology is about to replace the rich texture of religion, culture, tradition and political convictions - the social impact of media discourse only magnifies. This volume is an attempt to explore the influence of ever-available communication content on the minds and behavior of a population that has made the permanent and often obsessive use of communication technology a defining element of social orientation. Unlike the many accounts (...)
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  29. Nutrition from insects: An age-old Vietnamese view versus the modern world’s perspective.Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Vuong Quan Hoang - manuscript
    Due to the rising pressure from population growth and environmental crises induced by anthropogenic food production activities, the production and consumption of insects have been promoted internationally. The current paper discusses the nutritional and environmental benefits of insect consumption and the socio-cultural and psychological factors that constrain such a habit on an international scale. Then, some historical and cultural information regarding insect consumption in Vietnam is provided to highlight the potential of insect consumption standardization. Unlike those in Western societies, (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Species in the Age of Discordance.Matthew H. Haber - 2019 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 11 (21).
    Biological lineages move through time, space, and each other. As they do, they diversify, diverge, and grade away from and into one another. One result of this is genealogical discordance; i.e., the lineages of a biological entity may have different histories. We see this on numerous levels, from microbial networks, to holobionts, to population-level lineages. This paper considers how genealogical discordance impacts our study of species. More specifically, I consider this in the context of three framing questions: (1) How, (...)
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  31. Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging.Jorge Felix & Andrzej Klimczuk - 2020 - In Danan Gu & Matthew E. Dupre, Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer Verlag. pp. 4558–4565.
    Social entrepreneurship is usually understood as an economic activity which focuses at social values, goals, and investments that generates surpluses for social entrepreneurs as individuals, groups, and startups who are working for the benefit of communities, instead of strictly focusing mainly at the financial profit, economic values, and the benefit generated for shareholders or owners. Social entrepreneurship combines the production of goods, services, and knowledge in order to achieve both social and economic goals and allow for solidarity building. From a (...)
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  32. Relationship between depression and socio-demographic and illness characteristics in arsenicosis population in Bangladesh.Mohammad Saiful Islam, Fahmida Akter & Shamima Parvin Lasker - 2021 - HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY 1 (2):53-61.
    A community based cross-sectional study was carried out by a self-structured questionnaire on 168 participants aged between 18 and 60 years at two arsenic prone area of Bangladesh to determine the association between extent of depression and socio-demographic as well as illness characteristics in arsenicosis population. The mean age ± SD was 42 ± 10.15 years. Female respondents were almost twice (63.1%) than the males (36.9%) in this study. Most of the respondents (94.0%) were shallow tube well water user. (...)
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  33. Starzenie się populacji. Aktywizacja, koprodukcja i integracja społeczna osób starszych.Grzegorz Gawron, Andrzej Klimczuk & Zofia Szweda-Lewandowska - 2021 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
    Opracowanie ma charakter poglądowo-teoretyczny, powstało bowiem na podstawie przeglądu dostępnej literatury przedmiotu. Publikacja skierowana jest zarówno do naukowców jak i studentów zajmujących się tematyką starzenia się ludności, starości i osób starszych oraz do coraz szerszego grona zainteresowanych tymi zagadnieniami praktyków, w tym polityków i decydentów oraz reprezentantów usług publicznych, przedstawicieli mediów i organizacji pozarządowych. ** The study is illustrative and theoretical in nature, as it was based on a review of the available literature on the subject. The publication is addressed (...)
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  34. Prevalence, Perceived Risk Factors and Effects of Enuresis among School-age Children in Nsukka Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria.Uju Ifeoma Nnubia, Chidiogo Lovelyn Umennuihe, Ezinne Judith Nwauzoije & Mmesomachukwu Mmachukwu Okeke - 2024 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 3 (1):202-218.
    This study investigated the prevalence, perceived risk factors and effects of enuresis among school-age children in Nsukka local government area. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey research design with a population of 7,794 Junior Secondary Students within the age range of 9-12years in the study area. Multi-stage sampling technique was employed to select a sample of 820 students from 10 selected schools. A structured questionnaire was the instrument for data collection. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.86 Cronbach’s (...)
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  35. Implementation of a "Self-Sufficient Ageing" Policy and Possible Challenges: Case of Turkey.Doga Basar Sariipek & Seyran Gürsoy Çuhadar - 2017 - In Andrzej Klimczuk & Łukasz Tomczyk, Selected Contemporary Challenges of Ageing Policy. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny W Krakowie. pp. 221--256.
    The policies of socioeconomic protection of older adults in most parts of the world are being redesigned in the scope of value-added targets, such as active ageing, successful ageing, or creative ageing. The main purpose here is, of course, enabling older adults self-sufficient and beneficial both for themselves and their social environment, instead of being simply the passive beneficiaries of the public support mechanisms. Turkey has a population which is still young but ageing very rapidly (...)
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  36.  80
    Why It’s Difficult to Increase Job Creation to Balance Exponential Population Growth.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Why It’s Difficult to Increase Job Creation to Balance Exponential Population Growth -/- One of the biggest challenges in economic development is ensuring that job creation keeps pace with the rapid growth of the population. If a country fails to provide enough employment opportunities, it leads to rising unemployment, poverty, and social instability. The problem is even more complex because economic growth is not always proportional to population growth. Several key factors—such as economic productivity, income inequality, technological (...)
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    Ideal GDP per Capita, Gini Coefficient, and Population Growth: A Holistic Framework for National Prosperity.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Ideal GDP per Capita, Gini Coefficient, and Population Growth: A Holistic Framework for National Prosperity -/- Economic metrics such as GDP per capita, the Gini coefficient, and population growth are interrelated factors that shape a nation’s economic health, equity, and sustainability. While GDP per capita reflects the average economic output per person and the Gini coefficient measures income inequality, population growth plays a critical role in influencing both metrics. Achieving an ideal balance among these three indicators is (...)
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    Sustainable Economic Growth: Increasing GDP Without Excessive Population Growth.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Sustainable Economic Growth: Increasing GDP Without Excessive Population Growth -/- Economic growth has traditionally been associated with population growth, as more people typically mean a larger workforce and greater demand for goods and services. However, relying solely on population expansion to increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is not a sustainable long-term strategy. Overpopulation can lead to resource depletion, environmental degradation, and strained public services. Fortunately, there are ways to boost economic growth without excessive population increases by (...)
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  39.  36
    The Causes of the Low-Level Mentality of the Human Population and the Path to Intellectual Growth.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Causes of the Low-Level Mentality of the Human Population and the Path to Intellectual Growth -/- Humanity has made remarkable advancements in science, technology, and societal organization, yet a significant portion of the global population continues to exhibit a low level of mentality. This phenomenon manifests through rigid beliefs, resistance to new information, poor decision-making, and a lack of critical thinking. Understanding the causes of this intellectual stagnation is essential to developing solutions that promote higher-order thinking, rational (...)
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  40.  32
    Why Elon Musk is Wrong About the “Population Collapse” Problem.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Why Elon Musk is Wrong About the “Population Collapse” Problem -/- Elon Musk has repeatedly warned that low birth rates in many developed countries pose a major threat to human civilization. He argues that a shrinking population will lead to economic decline, labor shortages, and reduced innovation, ultimately making it harder for humanity to sustain itself and expand into space. However, his concerns may be exaggerated, as decreasing population growth is not necessarily a crisis. In fact, it (...)
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  41. Metacognitive deficits in categorization tasks in a population with impaired inner speech.Peter Langland-Hassan, Christopher Gauker, Michael J. Richardson, Aimee Deitz & Frank F. Faries - 2017 - Acta Psychologica 181:62-74.
    This study examines the relation of language use to a person’s ability to perform categorization tasks and to assess their own abilities in those categorization tasks. A silent rhyming task was used to confirm that a group of people with post-stroke aphasia (PWA) had corresponding covert language production (or “inner speech”) impairments. The performance of the PWA was then compared to that of age- and education-matched healthy controls on three kinds of categorization tasks and on metacognitive self-assessments of their performance (...)
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  42. Influence of Peer Relationship on Self-Consciousness and Social Adaptation of School-Aged Children.Ezinne J. Nwauzoije, Miracle C. Ugochukwu, Ezeda K. Ogbonnaya & Clara C. Onyekachi - 2023 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 2 (2):173-186.
    This study aimed to assess the influence of peer relationships on the self-consciousness and social adaptation of school-aged children in the Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used, with a population of 60,780 (29,968 males and 30,812 females). A multi-stage sampling method was employed to select 602 school-aged children from 58 schools in the Local Government Area, forming the sample for the study. For data collection, the study used questionnaires. Data were (...)
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  43. Comparative Analysis of National and Regional Models of the Silver Economy in the European Union.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2016 - International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 10 (2):31--59.
    The approach to analysing population ageing and its impacts on the economy has evolved in recent years. There is increasing interest in the development and use of products and services related to gerontechnology as well as other social innovations that may be considered as central parts of the "silver economy." However, the concept of silver economy is still being formed and requires detailed research. This article proposes a typology of models of the silver economy in the European Union (...)
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  44. Solidarność pokoleń w perspektywie strategicznej państwa.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2013 - In Adam Kubów & Joanna Szczepaniak-Sienniak, Polityka Rodzinna a Polityka Rynku Pracy W Kontekście Zmian Demograficznych. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego We Wrocławiu. pp. 190--205.
    Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie koncepcji solidarności pokoleń w kontekście wyzwań procesu starzenia się ludności na początku XXI wieku. Utrzymanie pozbawionych konfliktów relacji pokoleniowych jest kwestią wymagającą wspólnych interwencji podmiotów publicznych, komercyjnych i pozarządowych. Dlatego też w opracowaniu, po omówieniu znaczeń pojęcia pokolenie i typów relacji międzypokoleniowych, zostaną wskazane modele polityki relacji międzypokoleniowych. Opis uwzględnia działania na poziomie międzynarodowym, krajowym oraz regionalnym i lokalnym. W dalszej części analizie poddane zostaną główne założenia działań na rzecz solidarności pokoleniowej z wybranych dokumentów projektu cywilizacyjnego (...)
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  45. What Is It Like To Become a Bat? Heterogeneities in an Age of Extinction.Stephanie Rhea Erev - 2018 - Environmental Humanities 1 (10):129-149.
    In his celebrated 1974 essay “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?,” Thomas Nagel stages a human-bat encounter to illustrate and support his claim that “subjective experience” is irreducible to “objective fact”: because Nagel cannot experience the world as a bat does, he will never know what it is like to be one. In Nagel’s account, heterogeneity is figured negatively—as a failure or lack of resemblance—and functions to constrain his knowledge of bats. Today, as white-nose syndrome threatens bat populations (...)
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  46. Bezpieczeństwo ludzi starych w kontekście badań nad kapitałem społecznym na przykładzie mieszkańców Białegostoku.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2010 - In Małgorzata Halicka, Jerzy Halicki & Krzysztof Czykier, Zagrożenia W Starości I Na Jej Przedpolu. Uniwersytet W Białymstoku. pp. 75--90.
    Polish society gathers features specific to „late modernity” period. In this period grows up the meaning of organizational forms, flow of information, trust to other people and complicated technical systems, uncertainty, taking a risk as well as progressive economic, political and cultural globalization. One of threats and challenges is the process of population ageing. The article attempt to recognition of specific safety problems of old men’s in Białystok. Safety is treated as necessary condition for far more researches on (...)
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  47. Narratives of Senior Social Entrepreneurship in the Silver Economy.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2023 - Magyar Gerontológia/Hungarian Gerontology 15:55–56.
    The basic assumption of the paper is the recognition that the complexity of the challenges related to population ageing forces the development of cooperative links in the area of the silver economy between public policy entities representing various sectors. In other words, there is a need for more intensive and better-coordinated cooperation between organisations in the commercial sector, public sector, non-governmental sector, informal sector and social economy sector (e.g., cooperatives).
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    Demographic Analysis - Selected Concepts, Tools, and Applications.Andrzej Klimczuk (ed.) - 2021 - London: Intechopen.
    Demographic Analysis - Selected Concepts, Tools, and Applications presents basic definitions, practical techniques, and methods, as well as examples of studies based on the usage of demographic analysis in various institutions and economic entities. The volume covers studies related to population distribution, urbanization, migration, population change and dynamics, aging, longevity, population theories, and population projections. It is an asset to academic and professional communities interested in advancing knowledge on diverse populations in various contexts such as public (...)
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  49. Srebrna gospodarka w dokumentach strategicznych państwa.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2013 - In Joachim Osiński & Marta Pachocka, Zmieniaj¸Acy Siȩ Świat. Perspektywa Demograficzna, Społeczna I Gospodarcza. Oficyna Wydawnicza Szkoły Głównej Handlowej. pp. 461--472.
    Jednym z głównych wyzwań współczesnego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego jest proces starzenia się ludności. Złożony charakter zmian z nim związanych uzasadnia podejmowanie interwencji uwzględniających wyzwanie utrzymania solidarności pokoleniowej i przeciwdziałania wykluczeniu robotycznemu. Opracowane przybliża koncepcję srebrnej gospodarki jako systemu gospodarczego opartego na zaspokajaniu potrzeb starzejących się społeczeństw. W artykule przedstawione zostały założenia budowy srebrnej gospodarki zawarte w wybranych dokumentach projektu cywilizacyjnego "Polska 2030. Trzecia fala nowoczesności". Podsumowanie obejmuje wnioski z przeprowadzonej analizy strategii oraz postulaty co do kierunków dalszych badań. ** One of (...)
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  50. Exploration of Ghana’s Older People’s Life-Sustaining Needs in the 21st Century and the Way Forward.Delali Adjoa Dovie & Fidelia Ohemeng - 2019 - In Łukasz Tomczyk & Andrzej Klimczuk, Between Successful and Unsuccessful Ageing: Selected Aspects and Contexts. Kraków: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie. pp. 79–120.
    This chapter investigates older people’s needs in contemporary Ghana using the analyses of quantitative and qualitative data sets. The findings identified eight distinct patterns of needs, namely basic needs, care, and domestic help; sociability, emotional and affective support; information; counseling; spiritual needs, free bus rides, and rights. These needs highlight older adults’ social and personal requirements regarding daily living and healthcare in their desire to age with dignity. Their provision may avert problems related to population ageing, including old-age (...)
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