Results for 'traditional society'

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  1. Role of Philosophy to Examine Values of Traditional Societies and Modern Societies: An Ethi￾cal Study.Mudasir Ahmad Tantray - 2017 - International Journal of Society and Humanities 10 (1):21-28.
    This paper clarifies the significance of philosophy for traditional societies and modern societies and their evolution. In this paper ethics is the mainstream philosophy which studies and analyses the values of both the traditional societies and modern ones. This paper is only the ethical study of the traditional values and modern values. There are three ways to philosophize societies as traditional and modern: Ethical perspective, economical and theological, but this paper deals only with the ethical approach. (...)
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  2. TRADITIONAL AND MODERN SOCIETY: AN ANALYTICAL EXPLORATION.Mudasir Ahmad Tantray & Hilal Ahmad Mir - 2021 - Journal of Oriental Research Madras 92 (29):93-101.
    This paper clarifies the significance of philosophy for traditional societies and modern societies and their evolution. In this paper ethics is the mainstream philosophy which studies and analyses the values of both the traditional societies and modern ones. This paper is only the ethical study of the traditional values and modern values. There are three ways to philosophize societies as traditional and modern: Ethical perspective, economical and theological, but this paper deals only with the ethical approach. (...)
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  3. Moral traditions, critical reflection, and education in a liberal-democratic society.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 2012 - In Peter Kemp & Asger Sørensen (eds.), Politics in Education. LIT Verlag. pp. 169-182.
    I argue that, in the second half of the second Millennium, three parallel processes took place. First, normative ethics, or natural morality, that had been a distinct subject in the education of European elites from the Renaissance times to the end of the eighteenth century, disappeared as such, being partly allotted to the Churches via the teaching of religion in State School, and partly absorbed by the study of history and literature, assumed to be channels for imbibing younger generations with (...)
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  4. Crime Control in Traditional African Societies: A Review of Crime Control in Nigeria.Onwe Friday & Eze Ogbonnia Eze - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 3 (4):20-29.
    Abstract: This review dealt with the traditional methods most African countries utilize in dealing with issues of crimes considered to be very serious, which seriously affect the traditional societies in those African countries. Although there has been modern introductions, but these methods are still being practiced and very effective in most of the rural areas.
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  5. Moral Theory in the Western Tradition and Its Application within Modern Democratic Societies.Richard Startup - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (4):941-066.
    There are three main moral theories: virtue ethics, the deontological approach and utilitarianism. The concern here is how they interrelate, why they come into focus at different times and places, and how they are configured in their application to a modern democratic society. Person-oriented virtue ethics was the dominant understanding in Ancient Greece but within the Western tradition this was later subordinated to the monotheism of Ancient Judaism as modified by Christianity. Of growing importance by the eighteenth century was (...)
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  6. Traditions and True Successors.David-Hillel Ruben - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (1):32 - 46.
    What constitutes numerically one and the same tradition diachronically, at different times? This question is the focus of often violent dispute in societies. Is it capable of a rational resolution? Many accounts attempt that resolution with a diagnosis of ambiguity of the disputed concept-Islam, Marxism, or democracy for example. The diagnosis offered is in terms of vagueness, namely the vague criteria for sameness or similarity of central beliefs and practices.
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  7. Complexity Perspectives on Language, Communication and Society.Albert Bastardas-Boada & Àngels Massip-Bonet (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: Springer.
    The “language-communication-society” triangle defies traditional scientific approaches. Rather, it is a phenomenon that calls for an integration of complex, transdisciplinary perspectives, if we are to make any progress in understanding how it works. The highly diverse agents in play are not merely cognitive and/or cultural, but also emotional and behavioural in their specificity. Indeed, the effort may require building a theoretical and methodological body of knowledge that can effectively convey the characteristic properties of phenomena in human terms. New (...)
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  8. The ἐξαίφνης in the Platonic Tradition: From Kinematics to Dynamics.Florian Marion - manuscript
    The aim of this paper is to provide some acquaintance with the exegetical history of ἐξαίφνης inside the Platonic Tradition, from Plato to Marsilio Ficino, by way of Middle Platonism and Greek Neoplatonism. (Since this is only a draft, several modifications should be made later, notably in order to improve the English.) Some part has been presented in Los Angeles: “Damascius’ Theodicy: Psychic Input of Disorder and Evil into the World”, 16th Annual ISNS (International Society for Neoplatonic Studies) Conference, (...)
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    Bernard Stiegler on Automatic Society. As told to Anaïs Nony.Anaïs Nony - 2015 - The Third Rail Quaterly 5:16-17.
    In his new book, La société automatique, Bernard Stiegler departs from a philosophical tradition that opposes autonomy and automatization so as to position automatization at the core of biological, social, and technical forms of life. Responding to the rise of the digital—as the increasing automatization of processes of selection through computational means—Stiegler’s project challenges us to recognize contemporary life as automatic. This shift in approach inevitably recalibrates the ontogenetic grounds of contemporary culture, and necessitates a reconsideration of sociocultural practices from (...)
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  10. Societies Within: Selfhood through Dividualism & Relational Epistemology.Jonathan Morgan - manuscript
    Most see having their individuality stifled as equivalent to the terrible forced conformity found within speculative fiction like George Orwell's 1984. However, the oppression of others by those in power has often been justified through ideologies of individualism. If we look to animistic traditions, could we bridge the gap between these extremes? What effect would such a reevaluation of identity have on the modern understanding of selfhood? The term ' in-dividual' suggests an irreducible unit of identity carried underneath all of (...)
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  11. Religion and Justice: Studies in Afi Obio Traditional Shrine in Oron, Nigeria.Okon Ben Anthony - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    Religion and culture are interwoven and this can be seen among the Oron people in their use of the shrine as a socio-cultural and ethical institution. The shrine is an embodiment and the symbol of the very traditional religion of the people. As such, the shrine serves as a medium through which the norms, values, ethics, taboos, and morals are taught and enforced. There is also a great relationship between religion and justice as the shrine (Afi/Obio) as an ethical (...)
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  12. Traditions and philosophical renewals. [REVIEW]Gabriel Hasmațuchi - 2020 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2:81-86.
    Ana PASCARU (Scientific coordinator) Integrarea tradițiilor filosofice în societatea bazată pe cunoaștere [Integrating philosophical traditions in the knowledge-based society]. (2019): Kishinev. Institute of History, Philosophy Department – Chișinău [Kishinev], “Artpoligraf” Printing House.
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  13. The Honor-Based Society, Past and Present.Charles Herrman - 2023 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (1):81-102.
    This paper asserts that honor-based peoples have and maintain a distinct cultural identity that is valid for at least eighty-five percent of the world population. It is necessarily considered relative to dignity-based societies which make up the other fifteen percent. Practically all dignity-based cultures originated during the Enlightenment; modern honor-based groups will oftentimes through diffusion manifest some dignity-based traits or observe fewer of the traditional honor-based features. This paper will survey both traditional and modern forms of the honor-based (...)
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  14. The Dynamics of Graphics in Ibibio Traditional Art.Akaninyene John Sampson - 2018 - International Journal of Art and Art History 6 (2).
    From a modernist perspective, it may be difficult to ascribe graphics to any form of traditional African art. This could be due to the embrace of western values by Africans, and of modernity on the one hand, and the overwhelming negative influence of westernization on the diverse African cultural practices, on the other hand. However, many elements of the traditional art forms are imbued with icons and symbols which expressions may be viewed as graphical in nature. This paper (...)
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  15. "Cultural additivity" and how the values and norms of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism co-exist, interact, and influence Vietnamese society: A Bayesian analysis of long-standing folktales, using R and Stan.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Manh-Tung Ho, Viet-Phuong La, Dam Van Nhue, Bui Quang Khiem, Nghiem Phu Kien Cuong, Thu-Trang Vuong, Manh-Toan Ho, Hong Kong T. Nguyen, Viet-Ha T. Nguyen, Hiep-Hung Pham & Nancy K. Napier - manuscript
    Every year, the Vietnamese people reportedly burned about 50,000 tons of joss papers, which took the form of not only bank notes, but iPhones, cars, clothes, even housekeepers, in hope of pleasing the dead. The practice was mistakenly attributed to traditional Buddhist teachings but originated in fact from China, which most Vietnamese were not aware of. In other aspects of life, there were many similar examples of Vietnamese so ready and comfortable with adding new norms, values, and beliefs, even (...)
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  16. Public Deliberation in a Globalized World? The case of Confucian Customs and Traditions.Elena Ziliotti - 2018 - In Michael Reder, Alexander Filipovic, Dominik Finkelde & Johannes Wallacher (eds.), Yearbook Practical Philosophy in a Global Perspective. Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 339-361.
    The question of how democracy can deal with cultural diversity has become more central than ever. The increasing flow of people to many Western democratic countries indicates that our societies will become more and more multicultural. But what is the best way for democracy to deal with cultural diversity? It has been argued that, given its communicative core, the Habermasian model of deliberative democracy provides a platform where cultural groups can concur on peaceful agreements. In this paper, I show the (...)
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  17. Plurality of the Good? The Problem of Affirmative Tolerance in a Multicultural Society from an Ethical Point of View.Karl-Otto Apel - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (2):199-212.
    Starting from the problem of tolerance in a multicultural society, the author undermines the limits of a classical‐liberal foundation (negative tolerance) and suggests the need for a new meaning: a positive concern of tolerance implying appreciation of a variety of social cultures and value traditions. On an ethical level, positive tolerance can be grounded in the Discourse Theory, developing the classical Kantian deontological ethics in a transcendental‐pragmatic and in a transcendental‐hermeneutic sense. In this way, discourse ethics can answer two (...)
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  18. TOURISM AND NIGERIAN TRADITIONAL FESTIVALS.Edet Essien - 2005 - The Parnassus 2 (5).
    Traditional theatre refers to the art forms which have their origins in the people’s culture and express their belief system, worldwide view, wishes and aspirations. It serves several functions within the society. Its educational value is embedded in its nature as a repository of the mores and traditions of people. Certain modes within its confines are used to explain life, the reason for events, the people’s origin and history, as well as other philosophies of life. Traditional theatre (...)
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  19. Institutions and Dissent: Historical Geology in the Early Royal Society.Francesco G. Sacco - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (2):126-153.
    The paper aims to ques- tion the traditional view of the early Royal Society of London, the oldest scientific institution in continuous existence. According to that view, the institutional life of the Society in the early decades of activity was characterized by a strictly Baconian methodology. But the re- construction of the discussions about fossils and natural history within the Society shows that this monolithic image is far from being correct. Despite the persistent reference to the (...)
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  20. A Critical Evaluation Of Traditional African Family System And Contemporary Social Welfare.Emmanuel Orok Duke & Elizabeth Okon John - 2019 - Nduñòde 15 (1).
    Beyond reasonable doubt, the influence of Western culture and civilizations has enervated traditional African family systems, and their functions as providers of social welfare. Hitherto, traditional African family and clan by extension served as the plausible medium by which Africans proffered solutions to those social, economic and other existential problems found within their communities. However, measuring and evaluating the successes of the various social welfare programs organized by the family and clan was a difficult task to achieve. It (...)
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  21. Is There Really a Catholic Intellectual Tradition?Wolfgang Grassl - manuscript
    The existence of a Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT) is not a given, as arguments contra are in balance with arguments pro. An intellectual tradition consists of a style of thought and of a worldview, as its formal and material modes. The former defines the way knowledge is appropriated, processed, and passed on whereas the latter amounts to its applications to various regions of reality – God, man, morality, society, the Church, etc. A model of the CIT is proposed that (...)
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  22. Confucianism and Ubuntu: Reflections on a Dialogue Between Chinese and African Traditions.Daniel A. Bell & Thaddeus Metz - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (s1):78-95.
    In this article we focus on three key precepts shared by Confucianism and the African ethic of Ubuntu: the central value of community, the desirability of ethical partiality, and the idea that we tend to become morally better as we grow older. For each of these broad similarities, there are key differences underlying them, and we discuss those as well as speculate about the reasons for them. Our aim is not to take sides, but we do suggest ways that Ubuntu (...)
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  23. The Disappearance of Tradition in Weber.Stephen P. Turner & Regis A. Factor - 1990 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 15 (1):400-424.
    In this essay we will consider another basic topic: the problem of the nature of the distinctions between Sitte, Brauch, Wert, Mode, and Recht, on which Weber's discussion relies. These discussions typically involved the untranslatable concept of Sitte, which marks a contrast between practices or customs with normative force and “mere practice.” There is a close parallel to this distinction in American social thought in W. G. Sumner's latinate distinction between the mores and folkways of a society. In what (...)
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  24. The Belief in and Veneration of Ancestors in Akan Traditional Thought: Finding Values for Human Well-being.Stephen Nkansah Morgan & Beatrice Okyere-Manu - 2020 - Alternation 2020 (30):11-31.
    Traditional Africans' belief in and veneration of ancestors is an almost ubiquitous, long-held and widely known, for it is deeply entrenched in the African metaphysical worldview itself. This belief in and veneration of ancestors is characterised by strong moral undertone. This moral undertone involves an implicit indication that individual members of communities must live exemplary lives in accordance with the ethos of the community. Living according to the ethos is among the conditions for attaining the prestige of being elevated (...)
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  25. Social Justice through Philosophical Traditions: Outlining the Conceptualisation.Anil Kumar - 2018 - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 5 (3):212-216.
    The present article traces the development of the concept of social justice through different philosophical traditions. The notion and philosophy of 'Justice' is the core of socio-legal and political streams and ethics. The idea of justice is applied not just to individual engagements but to broader aspects such as public policies and laws of the land. Justice is often used in the context of 'righteousness' and as a 'virtue'. Still, it is not easy to define and completely clarify the concept (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Varna – Jāti Interconnection: Some Reflections on Caste and Indian Tradition.Anil Kumar - 2015 - International Journal of Research in Social Sciences 5 (3):788-793.
    Hierarchy and inequality are deeply rooted in Indian tradition. They are found in practice in the form of unequal placement of caste and class groups in the civilizing system of Indian society. The notions of dharma (normative order), karma (personnel moral commitment) and jāti (caste) that constitute the basic principles of Indian culture, making the Indian cultural tradition a unique cultural tradition, are also the principles of hierarchy and social stratification. In this paper, an attempt has been made to (...)
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  27. Spatial configuration of traditional houses and apartment unit plans in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: A comparative study.Phi Phuong Pham, Ngoc Quynh Giao Pham & Se Gyu Oh - 2021 - Spatium 45:34-45.
    The study aims to investigate the effects of the spatial configuration of traditional Vietnamese houses on the design of apartment buildings in Ho Chi Minh (HCM) City, Vietnam. To achieve the objective, the following approaches were implemented. Firstly, the transformation of the socio-economic structure in HCM City, which is a primary factor affecting the development of apartment buildings was examined. Secondly, the well-known space syntax method for analyzing the spatial structure plan was outlined. Thirdly, a survey of traditional (...)
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  28. Darwinism, Mind and Society.Louis Caruana - 2009 - In Darwin and Catholicism: The Past and Present Dynamics of a Cultural Encounter. London: T&T Clark. pp. 134-150.
    This paper seeks to clarity the extent to which we can legitimately apply evolutionary explanation to the realm of moral and social behavior. It evaluates two perspectives, one dealing with purely philosophical arguments, and the other with arguments from within the Catholic tradition. The challenges faced by evolutionary ethics discernible from the secular perspective turn out to be practically the same as those discernible from the religious perspective. Whether we discuss the issues in terms of intentional states or in terms (...)
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  29. Leaving the State of Nature: Strengths and Limits of Kant’s Transformation of the Social Contract Tradition.Helga Varden - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Politische Theorie 1:1-24.
    (Early) Modern social contract theories reject the idea that legal and political institutions are grounded in an alleged natural ordering or hierarchy of human beings, and instead argue that only government by a public (and not private) authority can fulfil the idea of justice as freedom and equality for all. To be authoritative and not just powerful, governing institutions must be shared as ours in this irreducible sense. I first outline how Kant’s ideal account of rightful freedom brilliantly transforms this (...)
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  30. Austrian Philosophy and its Institutions: Remarks on the Philosophical Society of the University of Vienna (1888-1938).Denis Fisette - 2011 - In Anne Reboul (ed.), Philosophical papers dedicated to Kevin Mulligan. pp. 349-374.
    This study examines the place of the Philosophical Society of the University of Vienna (1888-1938) in the evolution of the history of philosophy in Austria up to the establishment of the Vienna Circle in 1929. I will examine three aspects of the relationship between the Austrian members of the Vienna Circle and the Philosophical Society which has been emphasized by several historians of the Vienna Circle: the first aspect concerns the theory of a first Vienna Circle formed mainly (...)
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  31. Social Significance of Ashrama System: Lessons from Indian Knowledge Traditions.Anil Kumar - 2021 - Shodh Sanchar Bulletin 11 (41):46-51.
    The concept of the Ashrama system stands as a foundational element within the Indian societal structure yet finds limited discourse within contemporary society. This article delves into the enduring relevance of the ancient Hindu ashrama system in modern society. Analysing the four life stages – Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, and Sanyasa, the study navigates their philosophical underpinnings and their applicability in today’s intricate societal landscape. It highlights that each ashrama is relevant to a person’s development, individual faculties and (...). The article elucidates how the ashrama system offers a holistic framework for personal growth, duty, and spiritual evolution by examining the intersection of tradition and contemporary challenges. Through a balanced synthesis of ancient wisdom and present-day realities, this exploration sheds light on the ashrama system’s potential to inspire purposeful living in the modern age. (shrink)
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  32. Dynamic traditions: why globalization does not mean homogenization.Richard Volkman - 2006 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 4 (3):145-154.
    In light of the relation between culture and markets, an analysis of cultural evolution reveals that globalization will not lead to the homogenization of world cultures.
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  33. Traditional Catholic philosophy: baby and bathwater.James Franklin - 2006 - In M. Whelan (ed.), Issues for Church and Society in Australia. St Pauls. pp. 15-32.
    The teaching of the Aquinas Academy in its first thirty years was based on the scholastic philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, then regarded as the official philosophy of the Catholic Church. That philosophy has not been so much heard of in the last thirty years, but it has a strong presence below the surface. Its natural law theory of ethics, especially, still informs Vatican pronouncements on moral topics such as contraception and euthanasia. It has also been important in Australia in the (...)
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  34. Philosophy In a Pluralistic Society.John R. Klopke - 1963 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 37:196-205.
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  35. Cometan's Master's Dissertation Proposal about the Astronic religious tradition.[author unknown] - 2020 - Introducing the Astronic Religious Tradition.
    Since the formal academic study of religion commenced in the 19th century with scholars like Friedrich Max Müller (Abraham & Hancock, 2020), religions have been neatly categorised into three traditions; Abrahamic, Dharmic and Taoic (NowThis World, 2015). However, ignited by my personal interest in both astronomy and religion, I have realised that a fourth tradition exists that has not yet been formally accepted into academic nomenclature. This unestablished tradition of religion is characterised by the observation and worship of, devotion to, (...)
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  36. The Paralysis of Traditional Schools and the Future of Education.Noel Pariñas - 2020 - Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (2):37-56.
    In an attempt to critically examine the effects of the abrupt shift from the traditional classroom-based education to distance education in the Philippines, this paper articulates pedagogical concepts that are necessary for a transformative and humanizing academic modalities despite the departure from the old approaches due to the unexpected rise of the new normal in education. I discuss a deconstructive, revolutionary, and inclusive pedagogy that aims to renew certain approaches in order to prevent educational paralysis and give way to (...)
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  37. Theorising Web 3.0: ICTs in a changing society.David Kreps & Kai Kimppa - 2015 - Information Technology and People 28 (4):726-741.
    Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the broad phases of web development: the read-only Web 1.0, the read-write Web 2.0, and the collaborative and Internet of Things Web 3.0, are examined for the theoretical lenses through which they have been understood and critiqued. Design/methodology/approach – This is a conceptual piece, in the tradition of drawing on theorising from outside the Information Systems field, to shed light on developments in information communication technologies (ICTs). Findings – Along (...)
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  38. Collective Wisdom and Civilization: Revitalizing Ancient Wisdom Traditions.Thomas Kiefer - 2015 - Comparative Civilizations Review 72.
    I argue that, in one sense, collective wisdom can save civilization. But in a more important sense, collective wisdom should be understood as a form of civilization, as the result and expression of a moral civilizing-process that comes about through the creation and transmission of collective interpretations of human experience and human nature. Collective wisdom traditions function in this manner by providing an interpretation of what it means to be human and what thoughts, skills, and actions are required to live (...)
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  39. The Employment and Significance of the Kauśīdyavīryotsāhanāvadāna ( The Indolent’s Valor and Courage) in Buddhist Traditions.” International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture.Chandima Gangodawila - 2022 - International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture 32 (1):183–242..
    In this article, I argue that the Kauśīdyavīryotsāhanāvadāna of the Ratnamālāvadāna presents six key aspects of the development of Buddhist thought from the Pāli canon to the Sarvāstivāda tradition: childlessness, the arrival of a fetus through the propitiation of gods, presence of heretics, the impact of Buddha’s intervention and a child bodhisattva, soteriological elements of the story’s didactics, and the Buddha’s peculiar smile. These six key aspects were chosen to reflect and explore the content of Sarvāstivādin society and teachings (...)
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    (3 other versions)Standard humanism and worldwide standard human society: the bright & brilliant world of 3rd millennium.Dariush Ghasemian Dastjerdi - 2020 - Mysore, India: Dariush Ghasemian Dastjerdi.
    Standard Humanism is the modern Management system and belief of mankind's third millennium - with the capability to establish peace and justice! With this motto that: -/- We need the best world, as we are the best human beings, Seven billion human beings… -/- Standard Humanism is based on this basis and belief that: 1/ Human life from day one to this date on the Earth has been spent in a very primitive and traditional way; no thought and system (...)
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    Is Justified True Belief Traditional Analysis of Knowledge?Aleksey Kardash - 2022 - Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity 7 (2):84-94.
    The article makes a general argument against understanding the concept of knowledge as a justified true belief (JTB) as a traditional. For this purpose, it analyzes the works of researchers who begin question the traditionality of JTB. Their arguments are supplemented and placed in the context of a unified argument against the thesis of traditionality. In addition, attempts to defend the status of JTB by describing this concept as intuitive or umbrella term are criticized.
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  42. People as the Roots (of the State): Democratic Elements in the Politics of Traditional Vietnamese Confucianism.Tai-Dong Nguyen & Manh-Tung Ho - 2019 - Journal of Nationalism, Memory and Language Politics 13 (1):90-110.
    In this paper, the concept of “people as the roots” (of the state) is explored through its myriad expressions in Vietnamese history: the emphasis of Vietnamese feudal rulers on fulfilling the people’s will, loving the people, and ensuring peace for the people. From these historical examples, the authors argue that in the politics of Vietnamese traditional Confucianism, there has been the presence of democratic elements. Yet, they do not reflect a full-fledged democracy and should be seen only as signs (...)
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    The evergreen evolution: Balancing change and core values to keep traditions alive.Minh-Phuong Thi Duong - 2025 - Sm3D Portal.
    Trees like spruces and firs, often chosen as Christmas trees, don’t just represent holiday traditions—they stand for resilience and longevity. Interestingly, Christmas traditions share a similar story of adaptability and endurance. Just as gymnosperms rely on genetic tools to survive, traditions depend on cultural memory to balance preservation with change. Christmas traditions endure because they blend timeless symbols—like trees, lights, and carols—with universal values such as family, kindness, and generosity. In the end, culture is both a stabilizer and a force (...)
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  44. “Many Know Much but Do Not Know Themselves”: Self-Knowledge, Humility, and Perfection in the Medieval Affective Contemplative Tradition.Christina Van Dyke - 2018 - Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics 14 (Consciousness and Self-Knowledge):89-106.
    Today, philosophers interested in self-knowledge usually look to the scholastic tradition, where the topic is addressed in a systematic and familiar way. Contemporary conceptions of what medieval figures thought about self-knowledge thus skew toward the epistemological. In so doing, however, they often fail to capture the crucial ethical and theological importance that self-knowledge possesses throughout the Middle Ages. -/- Human beings are not transparent to themselves: in particular, knowing oneself in the way needed for moral progress requires hard and rigorous (...)
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  45. Deleuze and the Liberal Tradition: Normativity, Freedom and Judgement.Daniel W. Smith - 2003 - Economy and Society 32 (2):299-324.
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  46. The Lives in a Gendered Society: An Analytical Study on Status and Position of Women in Assam.Dr Himashree Patowary - 2023 - International Journal of Special Education 38 (1):196-206.
    The Research Article deals with the discussion on the status and position of women in Assamese society and the role played by different traditional and cultural institutions towards the projection of women. Firstly, to examine the status and position of women in Assamese society, various religious texts, cultural myths and stories and literatures of Assam have been discussed. Next, how violence against women is justified in the patriarchal social structures of Assam has been discussed.
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  47. The Dilemma of Toxic Masculinity in Eastern and Western Societies; With Reference to the Novel “Men in Prison”.Dalia Mabrouk - 2020 - Open Journal of Social Sciences 8 (6):15-25.
    This paper will focus on the notion of toxic masculinity that has a lot to do with deforming the male identity figure. I am here really concerned with probing within the need of conforming with the traditional masculinity ideology in the East and the West, and how it hinders males from discovering what it means to be a male. Actually, the scope of research in this paper exceeds one culture to include both the Western and the Eastern cultures, which (...)
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  48. Contributions of Ivan Illich to Education in a Digital Society.Sandro Serpa, Ana Isabel Santos & Carlos Miguel Ferreira - 2020 - Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (2):23-30.
    Ivan Illich was a heavy critic of traditional schooling. His proposals were disregarded, perhaps too quickly, for various reasons. This paper, based on review research, aims to add to a current (re)reading of Illich, seeking to answer the following question: what is the relevance of Illich’s proposal for a successful education in an increasingly digitalised society? The results of this research allow concluding, on the one hand, that Illich’s proposal to replace strict schooling with (self)training networks in a (...)
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  49. Quality of Parenting and Its Role In Reducing Violence Against Women in Arab Societies.Atef Hosni Elasouly - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (5):1-6.
    Abstract: In the wide range of issues of violence against women in Arab and Western societies, Professor Brian Sykes wrote about how the future can be without men by looking at the male dominance of Y chromosome on female X chromosome and trying to trace the first forms of male dominance The World To the extent that some geneticists think theoretically that a female ovum is fertilized by an ovum from another female to produce a new human being is of (...)
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  50. Study of representations of the causes of Covid 19 epidemic and its impact on the representations of therapeutic itinerary on a sample of Algerian society.Kouider Benahmed, Aicha Fouatih & Malika Khodja - 2020 - Journal Index of Exploratory Studies 1 (2):229-237.
    This research paper aims to study the cultural representations of the causes of corona pandemic (Covid 19) on the representations of the therapeutic itinerary on an among sample of Algerian society. These representations reveal the inter-relationship between the medical and the cultural representations through beliefs, ideas, and behaviors . Within this context, we applied EMIC questionnaire (The Explanatory Model Interview Catalogue). (MITCHELL G. WEISS, 1992) We used an online form in which a sample of 70 individuals (M, F), aged (...)
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