Results for 'Angelo Campodonico'

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  1.  82
    Tommaso d'Aquino nel Novecento. Riflessione sui diritti umani.Campodonico Angelo - 2004 - Civiltà Del Mediterraneo 8:227-243.
    The title of the article is Tommaso d’Aquino nel Novecento. Riflessioni sui diritti umani, in Civiltà del Mediterraneo. Genesi, sviluppi e prospettive dei diritti umani in Europa e nel Mediterraneo. 26-28 ottobre 2004, vol. 8-9, Guida, Napoli 2006, pp. 227-243., then published in Angelo Campodonico, L’esperienza integrale. Filosofia dell’uomo, della morale e della religione I, Orthotes 2016, pp. 293-309. The article concerns the topic of the development of the idea of human rights from Thomas Aquinas, the Second Scholastic (...)
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  2.  29
    "Bonum ex integra causa". Aquinas and the Sources of a Basic Concept.Campodonico Angelo - 2001 - In Timothy L. Smith (ed.), Aquinas' Sources: The Notre Dame Symposium: Proceedings From the Summer Thomistic Institute 2000. St. Augustine's Press. pp. 209-233.
    The article concerns the role of the phrase of the Pseudo Dyonisius "Bonum ex integra causa" in Aquinas' Ethics.
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  3. Tommaso e la Virtue Ethics.Campodonico Angelo - 2023 - In Serge-Thomas Bonino (ed.), Vetera Novis Augere. Le risorse della tradizione tomista nel contesto attuale 1. Bilancio e prospettive. Rome: Urbaniana University Press. pp. 297-310. Translated by Luca-F Tuninetti.
    The article concerns the relationship between Aquinas' ethics and contemporary Virtue Ethics.
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  4. Etica delle virtù. Un'introduzione.Angelo Campodonico, Michel Croce & Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - 2017 - Rome, Italy: Carocci Editore.
    The volume is the first treatment in the Italian language, introductory yet as complete and up-to-date as possible, of Virtue Ethics, a current of contemporary ethics that is still relatively unknown and underdeveloped in continental Europe, which centers around the notion of virtue. Although this term is not particularly used or appreciated in today's common language, the interest it has generated in recent decades allows Virtue Ethics to be presented as a true branch of contemporary ethics with classical roots, distinguishing (...)
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  5. Tra epistemologia ed etica. L'intuizionismo moderato di Robert Audi.Angelo Campodonico - 2003 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 95 (3-4):545-578.
    The article concerns the moderate intuitionism of Robert Audi beteween epistemology and ethics.
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  6. (1 other version)Las valoraciones del deseo: felicidad, ley natural y virtudes en Tomás de Aquino.Angelo Campodonico - 2011 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 40:51-62.
    The paper concerns happiness, natural law and virtues in Thomas Aquinas.
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  7. La Pretesa Del Bene: Teoria dell'azione ed etica in Tommaso D'Aquino.Angelo Campodonico & Maria Silvia Vaccarezza (eds.) - 2012 - Napoli: Orthotes.
    Da un lato al bene, ovvero a ciò che ci compie, non possiamo non tendere sempre, dall’altro il bene stesso esercita un’attrazione e una pretesa sulla nostra vita.
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  8.  73
    Pluralità del religioso e virtù del dialogo.Angelo Campodonico (ed.) - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
    The article concerns the meaning of interreligious dialogue and the virtues of dialogue.
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  9.  23
    Presupposti filosofico-antropologici della formazione integrale dell'uomo nell'epoca dell'interculturalità e della multimedialità.Angelo Campodonico - 2011 - In Angelo Campodonico & Letterio Mauro (eds.), L’uomo (in)formato: Percorsi nella paideia ieri e oggi. Milan: FrancoAngeli. pp. 75-99.
    The article concerns the philosophical presuppositions of education as paideia.
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  10. L'esperienza integrale. Filosofia dell'uomo, della morale, della religione (2 tomi).Angelo Campodonico - 2016 - Salerno: Orthotes.
    This is a collection of essays of Angelo Campodonico on the topics of Philosophical Anthropology, Ethics and Philosophy of Religion from a theoretical and historical approach. The main idea is that of an integral development of human experience.
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  11. Human Nature, Desire for Recognition, Freedom.Angelo Campodonico - 2010 - Philosophical News 1.
    The author clarifi es some problems connected with the classical concept of hu-man nature, particularly in Aristotle and Aquinas. It is very diffi cult to compare between different cultures or to speak of human rights and education without having a normative concept of human nature in the classical or philosophical sense and not only in the biological sense. In particular: we cannot speak of desire for recognition and of freedom without presupposing a concept of human nature. It is still possible (...)
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  12. (1 other version)L'eccezionalità umana. La differenza come questione antropologica.Angelo Campodonico - 2018 - In Donatella Pagliacci (ed.), Percorsi di etica-colloqui. pp. 13-31.
    The topic of the paper concerns the specificity of human being among other animals.
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  13.  82
    Per un'etica tomista dell'ambiente.Angelo Campodonico (ed.) - 2018 - Rome: Urbaniana University Press.
    Tha article concerns the main attitude of humans in front of non human nature according to the thought of Thomas Aquinas.
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  14. Note sul contributo di Luigi Giussani a un'etica delle virtù.Angelo Campodonico - 2023 - In Carmine Di Martino (ed.), Vivere la ragione. Saggi sul pensiero filsoofico di Luigi Giussani. Rizzoli. pp. 247-269.
    The article concerns the relationship between Luigi Giussani's thought and contemporary Virtue Ethics.
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  15.  25
    Moral Progress. The Role of Extended Wisdom across and within Boundaries.Angelo Campodonico - 2024 - Annali Del Centro di Studi Filosofici di Gallarate. I Limiti e Oltre 2023 (IV (1-2)):172-180.
    In this essay, my primary aim is to delve into the concept of moral progress, both generally and within the domain of virtues. Additionally, I intend to scrutinize how an ethical framework, which I term Extended Wisdom, is best equipped to address this notion across various boundaries.
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  16. Etica della ragione. La filosofia dell'uomo tra nichilismo e confronto interculturale.Angelo Campodonico - 1999 - Milano: Jaca book.
    Preface -/- This volume was published in 2000 by Jaca Book under the title Ethics of Reason. La filosofia dell'uomo nell'epoca del nichilismo e del confronto interculturale (The Philosophy of Man in the Age of Nihilism and Intercultural Confrontation) and is now long out of print. I gladly republish it online because, for the most part, I still recognize myself in what was written. The book had required considerable work and had been prepared by many years of study at a (...)
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  17. Etica del filosofare. Frammenti ironici, Il Melangolo, Genova 2020.Angelo Campodonico (ed.) - 2020 - Genova: Il Melangolo.
    The book concerns many philosophical topics. In particular the Ethics of doing Philosophy.
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  18.  33
    Hans Urs von Balthasar's Interpretation of the Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.Angelo Campodonico’S. - 2001 - Nova et Vetera 8:33-53.
    The article concerns the interpretation of Aquinas' philosophy in the thougt of the swiss theologian Hans Urs Von Balthasar.
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  19. Postfazione.Angelo Campodonico (ed.) - 2022 - Milano-Udine: Mimesis.
    This is the foreword written by me in italian with the English translation to the volume Virtù, legge e fioritura umana: Saggi in onore di Angelo Campodonico edited by Simona Langella, Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, Michel Croce.
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  20. La filosofia di Tommaso d’Aquino nell’interpretazione di H.U. von Balthasar.Angelo Campodonico - 1992 - Medioevo 18:379-400.
    The author shows how in the Theology of Hans Urs Von Balthasar the work of Thomas Aquinas is very present.
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  21. Specificità e pluralità della Virtue Ethics.Angelo Campodonico - 2018 - Ragion Pratica: Rivista semestrale 50:161-178..
    The article concerns the specificity of contemporary Virtue Ethics, its main problems and its main streams.
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  22.  24
    Dalla phronesis di Aristotele alla prudentia di Tommaso d'Aquino.Angelo Campodonico - 2009 - In Walter Lapini, Luciano Malusa, Letterio Mauro & A. M. Battegazzore (eds.), Gli antichi e noi: scritti in onore di Antonio Mario Battegazzore. Genova: G. Brigati. pp. 511-524.
    The article concerns the relationship between the concept of phronesis in Aristotle and that of prudentia in Thomas Aquinas.
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  23.  23
    I presupposti di un'etica delle virtù.Angelo Campodonico - 2017 - In Francesco Botturi, Paolo Gomarasca, Giacomo Samek Lodovici & Paolo Monti (eds.), Critica della ragione generativa. Milano: Vita e pensiero.
    The article concerns the anthropological presuppositions of Virtue Ehics.
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  24.  16
    Tommaso e l'etica analitica.Angelo Campodonico - 2014 - In Paolo Bettineschi & Riccardo Fanciullacci (eds.), Tommaso d’Aquino e i filosofi analitici. Napoli: Orthotes. pp. 27-51..
    The article concerns the influence of Thomas Aquinas' ethics on the ethics of contemporary analytical philosophy.
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  25.  13
    • Sagesse pratique et éthique de la vertu dans la pensée anglo-saxonne contemporaine.Angelo Campodonico - 2008 - In Danielle Lories & Laura Rizzerio (eds.), Le Jugement Pratique: Autour de la Notion de Phronèsis. 349-360: Vrin. pp. 261-279.
    Tha article concerns contemporary anglo american Virtue ethics and the role of phronesis.
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  26. The Idea of University in John Henry Newman.Angelo Campodonico (ed.) - 2011 - Padua: CLEUP.
    The article concerns the idea of University in the thought of John Henry Newman In particular the relationship with real assent, notional assent, principles, doctrine.
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  27.  13
    Fede, tolleranza, solidarietà nell'epoca del nichilismo.Angelo Campodonico - 1995 - Communio. Rivista Internazionale di Teologia e Cultura 144:88-100.
    The article concerns the relationship between religions, toleration and solidarity in contemporary culture from a philosophical point of view.
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  28. L'uomo. Lineamenti di Antropologia filosofica.Angelo Campodonico (ed.) - 2013 - Soveria Manelli: Rubettino.
    The book is an introduction to Philosophical Anthropology.
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  29.  17
    Secularization in Thomas Hobbes' Anthropology in Thomas Hobbes, His View of Man: Proceedings of the Hobbes Symposium at the International School of Philosophy in the Netherlands (Leusden, September 1979).Angelo Campodonico (ed.) - 1979 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    Thomas Hobbes, His View of Man: Proceedings of the Hobbes Symposium at the International School of Philosophy in the Netherlands (Leusden, September 1979).
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  30. John Henry Newman. Per un'etica della professione universitaria (2nd edition).Angelo Campodonico (ed.) - 2020
    The paper concerns The Idea of University of John Henry Newman.
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  31.  97
    Why Wisdom needs Fortitude (and viceversa).Angelo Campodonico - 2018 - Teoria 2:67-77.
    Although fortitude is primarily about confronting the danger of death, it makes the brave person firm and constant in other situations as well. Fortitude acts directly on temperance and therefore indirectly on practical wisdom. But the lack of fortitude may also directly affect practical wisdom when dreadful aspects of life shock us. Fortitude operates on the capacity of practical wisdom to direct actions in context, judging with openness of mind and choosing and acting bravely. Practical wisdom acts on the irascible (...)
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  32. Il ruolo sintetico della saggezza pratica.Angelo Campodonico - 2018 - Acta Philosophica 2:56-77..
    The topic concerns the role of phronesis or practical wisdom in ethics and epistemology.
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  33. Traditional Ethics Today. The Case of Thomas Aquinas.Angelo Campodonico - 2015 - In Elisa Grimi (ed.), Tradition as the Future of Innovation. Cambridge: Cambridge Publishing House. pp. 139-154.
    This paper concerns an ethics of our medieval tradition (in particular good, happiness, natural law and virtue) and tries to show how to recover it, facing the problems of pluralism, freedom and scientific approach in modern and contemporary age. The author points out: - The central role of the desire for good and happiness and for goods adequate or inadequate to the openness of desire (particularly of the human person). Today we speak of the meaning of life. - The role (...)
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  34.  30
    Rifiuto del finito, dell’articolazione dei saperi e della diversità.Angelo Campodonico - 2015 - In Gabriele De Anna & Emanuele Samek Lodovici (eds.), L'origine e la meta: studi in memoria di Emanuele Samek Lodovici con un suo inedito. Milano: Edizioni Ares. pp. 139-150.
    The article concerns the topic of gnosticism in modern and contemporary philosophy as a refusal of finite beings, of the degrees of knowledge and of the diversity and plurality of beings.
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  35.  19
    L'uomo come microcosmo. Il significato e il metodo dell'Antropologia filosofica.Angelo Campodonico - 2002 - In Franceso Botturi, Francesco Totaro & Carmelo Vigna (eds.), La persona e i nomi dell'essere. Scritti in onore di Virgilio Melchiorre. Volume 1. Vita e Pensiero. pp. 275-289.
    The article concerns the method of Philosophical Antrhropology and the role of the human being as microcosm.
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  36. Come leggere oggi i precetti della legge naturale? Il caso del secondo precetto.Angelo Campodonico - 2016 - In Francesco Totaro (ed.), Legge naturale e diritti umani. Brescia: Morcelliana. pp. 139-148.
    The article concerns the role of the precepts of Natural Law according to Thomas Aquinas, in particular of the second precept.
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  37.  16
    Il posthuman tra possibilità e vincoli.Angelo Campodonico - 2022 - In Simona Langella, Marco Damonte & Alma Massaro (eds.), Antropocene e bene comune: tra nuove tecnologie, nuove epistemologie e nuovi virus. Genova: Genova University Press. pp. 51-64.
    The article concerns the topic of posthuman and transhuman between possibilities of developmente and limits.
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  38.  15
    Experience of Reality, Integrity and God.Angelo Campodonico - 2014 - In John O'Callaghan (ed.), Science, Philosophy, and Theology. St. Augustine's Press. pp. 137-149.
    The article concerns the relationship among the experience of reality, the idea of integrality and the concept of God.
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  39. Thinking of creation.A. Campodonico - 1999 - Sapientia 54 (206):467-480.
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  40. Lying, uptake, assertion, and intent.Angelo Turri & John Turri - 2016 - International Review of Pragmatics 8 (2):314-333.
    A standard view in social science and philosophy is that a lie is a dishonest assertion: to lie is to assert something that you think is false in order to deceive your audience. We report four behavioral experiments designed to evaluate some aspects of this view. Participants read short scenarios and judged several features of interest, including whether an agent lied. We found evidence that ordinary lie attributions can be influenced by aspects of audience uptake, are based on judging that (...)
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  41. Algebraic aspects and coherence conditions for conjoined and disjoined conditionals.Angelo Gilio & Giuseppe Sanfilippo - 2020 - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 126:98-123.
    We deepen the study of conjoined and disjoined conditional events in the setting of coherence. These objects, differently from other approaches, are defined in the framework of conditional random quantities. We show that some well known properties, valid in the case of unconditional events, still hold in our approach to logical operations among conditional events. In particular we prove a decomposition formula and a related additive property. Then, we introduce the set of conditional constituents generated by $n$ conditional events and (...)
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  42. The truth about lying.Angelo Turri & John Turri - 2015 - Cognition 138 (C):161-168.
    The standard view in social science and philosophy is that lying does not require the liar’s assertion to be false, only that the liar believes it to be false. We conducted three experiments to test whether lying requires falsity. Overall, the results suggest that it does. We discuss some implications for social scientists working on social judgments, research on lie detection, and public moral discourse.
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  43. Generalized logical operations among conditional events.Angelo Gilio & Giuseppe Sanfilippo - 2019 - Applied Intelligence 49:79-102.
    We generalize, by a progressive procedure, the notions of conjunction and disjunction of two conditional events to the case of n conditional events. In our coherence-based approach, conjunctions and disjunctions are suitable conditional random quantities. We define the notion of negation, by verifying De Morgan’s Laws. We also show that conjunction and disjunction satisfy the associative and commutative properties, and a monotonicity property. Then, we give some results on coherence of prevision assessments for some families of compounded conditionals; in particular (...)
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  44. Conditional Random Quantities and Compounds of Conditionals.Angelo Gilio & Giuseppe Sanfilippo - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (4):709-729.
    In this paper we consider conditional random quantities (c.r.q.’s) in the setting of coherence. Based on betting scheme, a c.r.q. X|H is not looked at as a restriction but, in a more extended way, as \({XH + \mathbb{P}(X|H)H^c}\) ; in particular (the indicator of) a conditional event E|H is looked at as EH + P(E|H)H c . This extended notion of c.r.q. allows algebraic developments among c.r.q.’s even if the conditioning events are different; then, for instance, we can give a (...)
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  45. Lying, fast and slow.Angelo Turri & John Turri - 2019 - Synthese 198 (1):757-775.
    Researchers have debated whether there is a relationship between a statement’s truth-value and whether it counts as a lie. One view is that a statement being objectively false is essential to whether it counts as a lie; the opposing view is that a statement’s objective truth-value is inessential to whether it counts as a lie. We report five behavioral experiments that use a novel range of behavioral measures to address this issue. In each case, we found evidence of a relationship. (...)
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  46. Il carattere immediato della presenza di Dio nel mondo secondo Tommaso d'Aquino.A. Campodonico - 1984 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 76:245-268.
    The topic of the article concerns the immediacy of God's presence in the world according to Thomas Aquinas.
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  47. Emotional Experience and the Senses.Lorenza D'Angelo - 2022 - Philosophers' Imprint 22 (20).
    This paper investigates the nature of emotional experience in relation to the senses, and it defends the thesis that emotional experience is partly non-sensory. In §1 I introduce my reader to the debate. I reconstruct a position I call ‘restrictivism’ and motivate it as part of a reductive approach to mind’s place in nature. Drawing on intuitive but insightful remarks on the nature of sensation from Plato, I map out the conditions under which the restrictivist thesis is both substantive and (...)
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  48. Conjunction, disjunction and iterated conditioning of conditional events.Angelo Gilio & Giuseppe Sanfilippo - 2013 - In R. Kruse (ed.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer.
    Starting from a recent paper by S. Kaufmann, we introduce a notion of conjunction of two conditional events and then we analyze it in the setting of coherence. We give a representation of the conjoined conditional and we show that this new object is a conditional random quantity, whose set of possible values normally contains the probabilities assessed for the two conditional events. We examine some cases of logical dependencies, where the conjunction is a conditional event; moreover, we give the (...)
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  49. Thomas Sankara: The Unburied Memory of an Anticolonial Leader.Angelo Miramonti - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (1):180-189.
    Thomas Sankara was 33 years old when he seized power in a bloodless coup. During the four years of his governance, he organized adult literacy campaigns and mass vaccination of children, promoted women's rights and fought corruption as well as desertification caused by inappropriate agricultural practices introduced during the colonial period. Within two years, child mortality and illiteracy dropped significantly and vaccination coverage increased. Beyond these quantitative results, Sankara firmly believed that the decolonization of his country started from the formation (...)
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  50. Proof We Live in a Simulation.Phillip Angelos - manuscript
    Space Time Information (a thought experiment) proves that protein evolution is the result of computation: possibly due to a simulation.
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