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  1. Contextualization of Text and its Discontent.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    __1__ If form is present content is bound to get eclipsed. The eclipse means there is an unfulfillable task of overcoming obstacles to decipher the ultimate content. By utilizing forms they depict vastly different strands of reality tailored to circumstances, neither lying nor imitating a single strand of reality, poets obscure content and dodge criticisms of the referential aspect of work. -/- __2__A text unavoidably reflects the context under which it is produced. The direct emissaries of the underlying object of (...)
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  2. The Myth of Oedipus Complex.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    There is a SURFACE unity of a text which may be described as that which is reflected by taking for granted that the object of desire to be fulfilled in the text contributes EQUALLY to the parts constituting the text as a whole. The DEEP unity of a text on the other hand is that which is reflected by specifying that to which the object of desire underlying the text contributes the most content. The other parts while bearing some superficial (...)
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  3. De Roma a Sodoma: Uma análise estruturalista de Orphéus, Eurydíkē e Lot.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva & Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo Jr - 2023 - Ponto e Vírgula 32 (2022):1-12.
    Este breve ensaio busca, por meio da análise estruturalista e distanciada indicada por Lévi-Strauss, aproximar o conjunto de funções literárias das relações presentes entre os personagens principais do mito de Orphéus e Eurydíkē, fundadores dos mistérios órficos da Antiguidade Clássica, e de Lot e sua esposa, apresentados no Livro de Gênesis. Os pontos correlacionados são: o ponto de partida da jornada de ambos os casais, a figura mítico-mágica que anuncia a saída, o olhar para trás da figura feminina e a (...)
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  4. As Mil e Uma invenções de um livro. Resenha de: WERNECK, Mariza. O livro das noites: memória – escritura – melancolia. São Paulo: EDUC, 2020, 178p. [REVIEW]Gustavo Ruiz da Silva - 2022 - Revista Literatura Em Debate 16:28.
    Resenha do livro: WERNECK, Mariza. O livro das noites: memória – escritura – melancolia. São Paulo: EDUC, 2020, 178p.
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  5. BUTLER ENTRE NIETZSCHE E LÉVI-STRAUSS: APROXIMAÇÕES E ESTRANHAMENTOS.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva - 2022 - Revista Três Pontos 1 (17):22-30.
    O presente artigo investiga a filosofia de Butler no que concerne os problemas da performance e abandono das noções essencialistas e cientificizantes de gênero e sexualidade, especialmente a partir de dois referenciais teóricos lá presentes: Nietzsche e Lévi-Strauss. Partir-se-á, então, das contribuições nietzschianas para se pensar a crise da metafísica (mais pontualmente com a noção de Verdade) e da discussão estruturalista lévi-straussiana, situando os mecanismos de análise do mito para a dissolução da essência do sujeito. Para a mediação de ambos (...)
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  6. Melioristic genealogies and Indigenous philosophies.Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt - 2022 - Philosophical Forum (4):1-18.
    According to Mary Midgley, philosophy is like plumbing: like the invisible entrails of an elaborate plumbing system, philosophical ideas respond to basic needs that are fundamental to human life. Melioristic projects in philosophy attempt to fix or reroute this plumbing. An obstacle to melioristic projects is that the sheer familiarity of the underlying philosophical ideas renders the plumbing invisible. Philosophical genealogies aim to overcome this by looking at the origins of our current concepts. We discuss philosophical concepts developed in Indigenous (...)
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  7. FOUCAULT E BORGES da Literatura ao Método Arqueológico.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva - 2021 - Communitas 9 (5):379-392.
    Este artigo propõe pensar o método arqueológico de Michel Foucault, exposto em “As Palavras e as Coisas” e em “Arqueologia do Saber”, e como este se catalisa a partir da obra de Borges, relacionando-se intimamente com a Literatura. Para tal, analisar-se-á, primeiramente, algumas marcas epistemológicas e metodológicas de Foucault, tais com o estruturalismo e a hermenêutica, para, então, se retomar as passagens de Borges na obra do filósofo e se estabelecer as possíveis reverberações e impactos do autor argentino no método (...)
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    Este ensaio parte de um movimento de transmutação das noções ocidentais-modernas de Natureza e Cultura. Utilizando-se de uma base nietzscheana como fio condutor, primeiramente, introduzir-se-á a transformação da noção de Natureza dentro do estruturalismo de Lévi-Strauss, assim como suas variações. Após isto, será mostrado dois exemplos contemporâneos que completarão a crítica ao pensamento moderno europeu ao mostrar: as teorias de Philippe Descola, especialmente suas ideias sobre as diversas ontologias, e Viveiros de Castro, no concerne à questão do perspectivismo ameríndio.
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  9. CLAUDE LÉVI-STRAUSS AND THE MYTH ANAMORPHOSES.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva & Mariza Martins Furquim Werneck - 2021 - Revista Avesso: Pensamento, Memória E Sociedade 1 (2):1-17.
    The article intends to demonstrate that, when building his science, Claude Lévi- Strauss abandons the categories used by the traditional studies of the myth and creates singular epistemological tools, suggested by the music, by the natural science and by the plastic arts. These tools, which we can denominate aesthetic operators, light up, in an exemplary way, the dissolution process that suffers the mythical matter when transforming in the time and in the space. When establishing that new form of thinking, the (...)
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  10. ”Kultura” – utwór na chór i orkiestrę. Muzyka jako organon strukturalnej analizy mitów.Bartosz Żukowski - 2015 - In Ewa Starzyńska-Kościuszko, Andrzej Kucner & Piotr Wasyluk (eds.), Filozofia i muzyka. Instytut Filozofii UWM. pp. 245-255.
    'Culture’. The Work for Choir and Orchestra. Music as an Organon for the Structural Analysis of Myth.
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  11. Who speaks and who replies in human science scholarship?Christopher Johnson - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (3):151-173.
    Intelligibility in the human sciences, as elsewhere, is born of tradition. The present inquiry is into the traditions currently deployed in the human sciences to achieve credibility. In particular, how are we to understand the character of voice in human science writings such that they achieve rhetorical power, and how do these writings variously position their readers? Four traditions of voice are identified: the mys tical, the prophetic, the mythic and the civil. These modes of annunci ation are contrasted with (...)
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  12. On Anthropological Knowledge.Dan Sperber - 1985 - Cambridge University Press.
    What can be understood of other cultures? And what can we learn about people in general from the study of other cultures? In the three closely related essays that constitute this book and which have already created considerable controversy in their original French versions, and been rewritten and expanded for this edition, Dan Sperber discusses these fundamental issues of anthropology. In the first essay he analyses the way in which anthropology is written and read. In the second, he offers a (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Kant's Treasure Hard-to-Attain.L. Agosta - 1978 - Kant-Studien: Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft 69 (4):422.
    This article looks at Kant's idea of the highest good and does so in the context of a folk tale from the anonymous collection of the Brother's Grimm entitled "the White Snake." The tale is analyzed form a structuralist perspective as an exemplar of suffering, struggling humanity and the striving for ethical completeness.
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  14. Preparations for a Structuralist Study of Cannibalism in Greek Myth.P. Winston Fettner - manuscript
    This essay argues that the Ancient Greek's tales of cannibalism were not really about cannibalism at all, but about more typically Greek issues (such as the transfer of political power, the guest-host relationship, the initiation of youths into adulthood, and so on). Cannibalism is rather the image used to designate the negative extremes of human behavior as conceived by the Hellenic world: social breakdown, barbarism, reversion to animality, and ultimately, the inability to live under the institution of the polis.
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  15. Zwischen Natur und Kultur: Mythos und Symbol bei Lévi-Strauss.Álvarez Teresa - manuscript
    In dieser Arbeit werden die Hauptbegriffe der Strukturalen Anthropologie von Lévi-Strauss analysiert: Struktur, Zeichen, Symbol und Mythos. Es wird die Frage aufgeworfen, ob ein vereintes Objekt der Anthropologie jenseits der verschiedenen Perspektiven der Sozialwissenschaften möglich ist. Die Trennung zwischen Ethnologie und Geschichte wird uns für die Fragestellung über ein allgemeines “menschliches Wesen” dienen. Dem Gegensatz zwischen Natur und Kultur gemäβ werden wir nach der positiven Rolle von Symbolen und Mythen als Gelenk zwischen diesen Extremen forschen. Letztlich werden wir die Grenze (...)
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