34 found
  1.  78
    Internal Camouflage of External Reasons.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    In a convoluted and a frail sense there might be external reasons. One cannot just precipitate an external reason on demand. Their emergence is feasible only via a posteriori rationalization---effectively the effects of future mental events. This paper attempts to specify pre-conditions for an (internal) reason for action in the past to transform into an external reason later. Most fundamentally one must not know something about one's reason at the time of action .
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  2.  56
    Charlie Chaplin Version of Judas.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    According to Borges' "Three Versions of Judas": The Redeemer could feel fatigue, cold, confusion, hunger and thirst; it is reasonable to admit that he could also sin and be damned. The Redeemer, the infinite ascetic, lowered himself to a man completely, a man to the point of infamy, a man to the point of being reprehensible—all the way to the abyss. In order to save us, He could have chosen any of the destinies which together weave the uncertain web of (...)
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  3. Constructive Deconstructive Mental Events.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    ___MERGING of temporally distant events: One perceives a singular causal relation that c causes e whenever c instantiates a mental property C which anticipates a certain mental property E instantiated by e. Such a knowledge of future self is feasible by there being a common mental property D that is instantiated by both c and e. -/- ___SPLITTING to temporally distant events: In the action that is aimed to bring about E, the knowledge or perception or D (explained by the (...)
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  4.  49
    Lacanian-Quinean Sword Over Humean Reason Enslavement.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    There is external reason if every action is by necessity susceptible to charitable interpretation, and the supreme charity (only asymptotically achievable) is guaranteed to excavate an external element arisen from one's desire. The desire whose object perpetually evades disclosure is the target of supreme charity. This only requires one's reason for action face the tribunal of interpretation (evaluation) not individually but as a corporate body. Though Individualistically reasons are the slaves of passions, holistically they are rebellious.
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  5.  56
    Modernity, Madness and Hermeneutic Sacrificial.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The courage to use one's own reason is an invitation to take more actions---implicating excessive use of agency, even under rampant false consciousness manufactured by mass media and technological priorities. If one does nothing and gains nothing by doing nothing, one is not subject to any evaluation or interpretation. Modernity is an ongoing incessant festival of cruel hermeneutic sacrificial.
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  6.  55
    Hidden Value Decision Theory.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Highlighting the preferential/comparative aspect of rationalization. Reasons that explain actions are putatively internal. But if one is compelled to decide between A and B and prefers to be exempt, that one pursues A is partially explained by the external factor causing the compulsory decision situation. The more pronounced the external factor, the less causal agency, and hence the less scrutiny and the more leniency in the process of charitable interpretation, the less hermeneutical sacrificial and the higher hidden utility. This paper (...)
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  7.  71
    Hermeneutic Panacea Against the Preface Paradox.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Propositional = Linguistic + Hermeneutically Efficacious. An interpretation of a text is guided by emerging functions of the interpretation. And future function of a text is less than fully known to the author at the time of its production. There is only one the most charitable interpretation of any text at any given time however because there are ever infinitely many propositional versions of any text.
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  8.  61
    Permissive Determinism.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    This paper attempts to explore theoretical plausibility of a deterministic universe capable of accommodating freedom by postulating certain requisite features for the set of initial conditions (without probing into the nature of deterministic laws). In another sense this paper codifies a reaction to McTaggart’s argument for the unreality of time.
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  9.  40
    Decision-Theoretic Proof of God and Total Internalization of Relations of Power.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    If there is no God everything is permitted. The phenomenology of decision tells us that permissibility and utility are intimately coordinated (Reason Internalism is effectively a thesis that erases the line between the two). Because of the difference in utility one does not find every choice equally permitted. That the instant of decision is madness means one finds facing every real decision frightening. it is not the case that there is no God. One's God is that which matters most crucially (...)
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  10.  39
    Totalitarianist Promise of The Free Market (Nature as the Solo Artist of Violence).Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The Free Market as the synthesis of totalitarianism and anarchism --- The most efficient market is the most politically-concentrated market --- There really needs to be a single consolidated global military as a result of eradicating the military other AND a single consolidated global police as a result of eradicating the military arsenal AND simply total internalization of relations of power as a result of eradicating the polis AND the principle of radical economic sustainability which is simultaneously that of radical (...)
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  11.  39
    Shortest Possible World (Via Cause-Effect Role Reversal of Pre-temporal Causal Pairs).Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Perhaps beginning of time is the common end of many causal paths (many effects as causal beginnings) and that temporal phenomena compete for somehow finding their way towards one of the beginning of the casual paths. Each casual path starts from a distinct set of parts but they all converge to the same whole at the end of their path. Such a pre-temporal causation is constitution of a whole by the sets. The temporal is de-constitution, the reverse direction, but implicates (...)
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  12. Nomothetic Mythology of Propositional Attitudes.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Physical translation of a mental content must involve a set of causal antecedents A and a set of causal consequents B which instantiate properties that figure in strict laws as antecedent and consequent conditions respectively. Only if there are double-role events in common between A and B capable of migrating to purely A or to purely B in future depending on the role that the mental content play then, psychological anomalism can be established but without any need to give up (...)
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  13.  96
    Special Relativity Anticipating Achilles Paradox.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Zeno's paradox of Achilles and Tortoise is relevant only when Achilles and the tortoise move at different speeds but not if they ever move at the same speed but different directions. Or not relevant if there is in addition a kind of space in which they move at the same speed contrary to appearances. -/- According to a principle of special relativity the more an object moves in coordinate space the less it moves in coordinate time. If the relative speed (...)
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  14.  99
    Automatic Conformity to Hermeneutic Charity.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Existential reason belief is a tacit premise in reasoning in any instance of substantial decision making where sentential reason alone cannot indicate the rational choice. The outcome of the decisions that implicate such existential reasons are to essentially constitute either utility or knowledge of some sort or both. The binding underwrites some aspect of mental content that is by design charitably interpretable.---Knowledge or utility if reason consist of desire and belief.
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  15.  79
    The Origin of Excluded Middle in the Extensional Bifurcation of Predicate.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    x and y are at least weakly indiscernible if they are distinct with respect to two predicates F and G (FxGy or FyGx and not both) but for all z except x and y, Fz if and only if Gz.
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  16.  75
    Strategic Set Theory.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    An attempt to vindicate naive set theory by postulating a universal set V which is describable in two distinct description languages: predicative and extensional. The extensional description of a set consists of describing all its elements whereas its predicative description consists of describing what sets it is an element of. -/- Extensionally described V has an uncapturable description length, akin to its cardinality. But predicatively described, in virtue of being the set that is not contained in any set whatsoever, V (...)
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  17.  83
    Proliferation of Coreferential Homonyms.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    A truism: a name that is essentially associated with a description—so that its description contributes to the psychological explanations in which it figures—refers not to its referent simpliciter but to its referent relative to the information that is mirrored by the description.
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  18.  70
    Russell's-Paradox-Intercepting Corollary to the Axiom of Extensionality.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Object x being a member of itself or not and x being a member of R or not constitute two vastly different concepts. This paper attempts to locate the reflection of such an utter difference within the formal structure of the axiom of extensionality. -/- .
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  19.  66
    Psychological as Temporal Proximalization of Nomologically Distal.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Type-identity of mental and physical events is compatible with psychological anomalism. (1) Both in action and perceiving singular causal relations, two temporally distant physical events C and E (caused by C) instantiate a COMMON mental property securing "inter-event" continuity of mental content: the mental content when the room is illuminated shows a trace of familiarity with the mental content just before flipping the switch. (2) "Inter-event" continuity is possible if there is "intra-event" continuity in individual mental content: subsets of C (...)
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  20.  57
    An Applied Pathology of Bureaucratic Democracy.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    A Democratic-party counterstrategy against consolidation of power by the Republication party in the USA.
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  21.  75
    Molecular Psychology.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The realm of non-sentential propositionality and purely functional rationality the constitutive force of which enables (otherwise non-sentential) incessant subconscious inter-translation of psychological and physical. Nietzsche: there are more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.
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  22.  53
    Contextualization of Text and its Discontent.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    __1__ If form is present content is bound to get eclipsed. The eclipse means there is an unfulfillable task of overcoming obstacles to decipher the ultimate content. By utilizing forms they depict vastly different strands of reality tailored to circumstances, neither lying nor imitating a single strand of reality, poets obscure content and dodge criticisms of the referential aspect of work. -/- __2__A text unavoidably reflects the context under which it is produced. The direct emissaries of the underlying object of (...)
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  23.  53
    Psychogenesis of text = Precursor of its Belated Sociogenesis.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    (I) According to J.L Austin all speech and all utterance is the doing of something with words and signs, challenging a metaphysics of language that would posit denotative, propositional assertion as the essence of language and meaning. -/- (II) Since doing things with words implicates authorial intention and rationalization, writing a text implies a psychogenetical origin. -/- (III) The text in the process of charitable interpretation, as a sociolinguistic outcome and practice, acquires new meaning or significance by its claims being (...)
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  24.  52
    Political Neurosis in Semiosis.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Earlier semioses (implicating at least sometimes political forces to establish a sign) enabled by anonymous intentions permeate later semioses and shape the structure of language. The same way earlier neuroses shape the epistemically embattled structure of unconscious.---Contingent but primordial relations of power semiotically implicated, on both sides of inter-translation of distant languages, so effectively permeate language and literature that there is ever an ineradicable textual residue in the translation reminiscent of the political contexts.---Every belated text a corollary to the primordial (...)
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  25.  42
    The Myth of Oedipus Complex.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    There is a SURFACE unity of a text which may be described as that which is reflected by taking for granted that the object of desire to be fulfilled in the text contributes EQUALLY to the parts constituting the text as a whole. The DEEP unity of a text on the other hand is that which is reflected by specifying that to which the object of desire underlying the text contributes the most content. The other parts while bearing some superficial (...)
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  26.  40
    The Critical Hermeneutic Structure of Plot.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Psychological and social-psychological critique of the characters in a plot is a strand of literary criticism. How a depicted character does actually think even in spite of appearances or not. How a depicted character would act or think under the siege of counterfactual scenarios. Perhaps contra Derrida, one reason there is genre distinction between philosophy and literature is that a philosophical (or even literary-critical) text is not essentially subject to character psychology to which literary texts are contrastingly essentially subject.
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  27.  37
    Psychoanalyticity (from Existential Significance to Significant Content).Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The mirror stage brings to consciousness out of the subconscious an item of knowledge p about the structure of the external reality. When the ego surpasses id at the mirror stage, it then knows that there is the other and that the other is of a newly disclosed significance for the center. Knowledge of significance (before the mirror stage) and content (after) of p are sources of causal efficacy and so p is true in both cases. After the stage p (...)
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  28.  35
    Comprehensive Authorial Intention and Asymmetric Genre Distinction.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The author of a text originally produced as a literary work has the comprehensive authority, upon its being situated in certain context of evaluation or interpretation or deployment to declare one's text as philosophical. There would have to be extraordinary or even absurd contexts of evaluation in which one's originally-intended philosophical text is so situated for one to declare it as literary.
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  29.  33
    Redemption in Oblivion — Psychopathology of Charlie Chaplin.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The character of Charlie Chaplin in his movies is the personification of forgetfulness but not forgiveness ------ Someone who is not susceptible to bad conscience: (Nietzsche: the sting of conscience teaches one to sting). He carries no guilt, no regret, and is a mechanism of historical forgetfulness (like a happy beast which grazes free from past and future) ------ He undergoes misfortunes and occasional fortunes and comes out the same mechanism of historical forgetfulness he used to be ------ He is (...)
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  30.  31
    Epistemological Crisis and Tactics of Psychoanalytics.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    According to Freud: the business of the analysis is to secure the best possible psychological conditions for the functions of the ego. Functional interpretation rather than veridical reconstruction of past events. Truth in an interpretation is the proximity to the apotheotic resilience of the resilience of the ego undertaking the interpretation in the face of emerging contingencies. If apotheosis implicates the critical functionality of the interpretation, then the apotheosis is the resoluteness that defies future evidence undermining the interpretation. The critical (...)
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  31.  30
    Semiological Conception of Analyticity.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    In the context of Kripke's puzzle, Paderewski-the-pianist and Paderewski-the-politician are the same object but belong to two different semiotic systems. Their respective tokenings in thought or language are based on two informational contents which are caused by the same object but emitted through two distinct causal pathways. Relativization of the object to the two semiotic systems represent elements of a set of ___coreferential homonyms___. Every F is an F = Everything X that is conspicuously or demonstratively an F is something (...)
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  32.  25
    Ecstasy of Communication and Scarcity of Authenticity.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    A Cultural Criticism --- Clearly there can be nothing more praiseworthy than conferring virtues on things. Then the most celebrated strand of ecstasy of communication can be identified as the factor responsible for conferring an extra virtue to an already virtuous. This is problematic because, according to Nietzsche, one virtue is more of a virtue than two, because it is more of a knot for one's destiny to cling to. Excessive communication is the antipode of authenticity. Because where there is (...)
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  33.  24
    Death and Nothingness --- Will to Emancipation.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    The question that "how one should live?" constitutes the ultimate question of philosophy according to Aristotle. According to Camus "there is only one really serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide." The riddle and our predicament is that these two questions are exactly one and the same question. [Why?] ------ [Because for example] Nietzsche, in claiming that "the beggars should be entirely abolished ... truly it is annoying to give to them and it is annoying one not to give to (...)
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  34. Sisyphus — Odysseus — Oedipus.Morteza Shahram - manuscript
    Sisyphus has no right to complain for his fate of eternal repetition. As long as he only has the boulder to worry about he enjoys the greatest life. — If in one world Odysseus has to take drastic measures to battle his temptation, there must be another world taking the course of temptation automatically grants him impunity. — The bizarre mythologization of Oedipus must be a female psychogenesis. [This is in all likelihood just a waste of your time. I apologize (...)
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