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  1. Towards a more inclusive Enlightenment : German women on culture, education, and prejudice in the late eighteenth century.Corey W. Dyck - 2023 - In Kristin Gjesdal, The Oxford handbook of nineteenth-century women philosophers in the German tradition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    When attempting to capture the concept of enlightenment that underlies and motivates philosophical (and political and scientific) developments in the 18th century, historians of philosophy frequently rely upon a needlessly but intentionally exclusive account. This, namely, is the conception of enlightenment first proposed by Kant in his famous essay of 1784, which takes enlightenment to consist in the “emergence from the self-imposed state of minority” and which is only possible for a “public” to attain as a result of the public (...)
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  2. God does not exist, God IS real.Enrique Martinez Esteve - manuscript
    "From the complex mesh of relationships Spinoza develops in the ‘Ethics’ arises what remains perhaps the most controversial and long-standing polemic in God studies. Human freedom and ‘free-will’, he asserts categorically, are “feigned seats and dwelling places” humans believe they enjoy but which are rendered inoperative in all but in name under what he calls ‘the sole causality of God’.".
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  3. Der Dämon und die Masse. Kritik und Verteidigung politischer Mythen bei Hans Blumenberg.Maximilian Runge - 2016
    In his recently published posthumous works "Prefiguration" and "The Rigorism of Truth" Hans Blumenberg surprisingly steps into the area of political history that he had left widely unconsidered in "Work on Myth". While "Prefiguration" tackles the “demonic” aspects of Napoleon and Hitler that Blumenberg tries to dismantle and bring into derision, in "Rigorism of Truth" he attacks Hannah Arendt's phrase of the Banality of Evil in relation to the Jerusalem trial against Adolf Eichmann in 1961. In this latter issue Blumenberg (...)
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  4. Jewish Philosophical Conceptions of God.Gabriel Citron - forthcoming - In Yitzhak Melamed & Paul Franks, The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
    There is no single Jewish philosophical conception of God, and the array of competing conceptions does not lend itself to easy systemization. Nonetheless, it is the aim of this chapter to provide an overview of this unruly theological terrain. It does this by setting out ‘maps’ of the range of positions which Jewish philosophers have taken regarding key aspects of the God-idea. These conceptual maps will cover: (i) how Jewish philosophers have thought of the role and status of conceiving of (...)
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  5. Derrida: un pensador (judío sefardí) de ‘parole vive’, en los márgenes de la filosofía.Antonia Tejeda Barros - 2024 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 27:303-328.
    RESUMEN: Derrida es un pensador judío sefardí que cuestiona sistemáticamente las obras literarias, filosóficas, artísticas y políticas (desmenuzando y deconstruyendo), y cuya obra se mueve entre los márgenes de la filosofía. Conocido como el defensor de la escritura, Derrida es, en el fondo, un pensador de ‘parole vive’ que reconoce que la escritura deja a la palabra inmóvil. En el presente artículo saco a luz la cultura judía sefardí de Derrida (que a menudo se desconoce o se pasa por alto), (...)
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  6. “Chosenness, Agapism, and the Search for Moderation between Nationhood and Universalism”.S. Berman Nadav - 2024 - da'at 92:7-36.
    Chosenness, Agapism, and the Search for Moderation between Nationhood and Universalism -/- Abstract The idea of collective Chosenness (nivḥarut) was interpreted by Jewish thinkers in two initial ways: Chosenness as a divine gift which is somehow encrypted in the body of each Jewish individual, and Chosenness as a normatively acquired (rather than inherited) property. Numerous attempts were made to defend these approaches, and to mediate between them. This paper examine the idea of Chosenness from a novel perspective, by interrogating it (...)
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  7. ALL THE MORE: A Merged List of 72 Qal Vachomer Arguments in the Tanakh.Avi Sion - 2024 - Geneva, Switzerland: Amazon/Kindle.
    ALL THE MORE, by Avi Sion, Ph.D., comprises a merged list of 72 qal vachomer arguments in the Tanakh, i.e. of a fortiori arguments in the Hebrew Bible. This listing brings together lists proposed in past rabbinic literature and in more recent studies by the author. The literature research for it was carried out mainly by R. Yaakov Gabay, who looked into works in Hebrew by five rabbis who had proposed lists, namely: R. Shmuel Yaffe Ashkenazi (Yefeh Toar, 1597), R. (...)
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  8. Primo Levi: testimonio, barbarie (desmenuzando Auschwitz), conciencia moral y memoria de las víctimas.Antonia Tejeda Barros - 2024 - Cadernos de LíNgua e Literatura Hebraica 26:4–42.
    RESUMEN: Primo Levi fue un químico y escritor italiano judío que sobrevivió a Auschwitz III (Monowitz) y dejó su testimonio en Se questo è un uomo (1947), La tregua (1963), Il sistema periodico (1975), I sommersi e i salvati y otros escritos y entrevistas. La voz de Levi es la voz de la conciencia moral, el testimonio de la barbarie y la memoria de las víctimas (una voz que habla de deportación, injusticia, hundimiento y destrucción). En el presente artículo trazo (...)
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  9. The Nondual Mind: Vedānta, Kashmiri Pratyabhijñā Shaivism, and Spinoza (as published in Dogma Revue).James H. Cumming - 2023 - Paris and Lyon: Dogma - Revue de Philosophie et de Sciences Humaines.
    This single pdf includes ALL SEVEN of my Dogma Revue articles, which together comprise the entirety of my book The Nondual Mind: Vedānta, Kashmiri Pratyabhijñā Shaivism, and Spinoza (the full book in manuscript form is also posted on this site). The book compares Hindu nondual philosophy to that of Baruch Spinoza, demonstrating the similarity of Spinoza’s ideas to Kashmiri Pratyabhijñā Shaivism. The book is well researched, but it is written in an informal style suitable for both scholars and the educated (...)
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  10. “The Application of the ‘Pragmatic Maxim’ in Jewish Tradition: The Case of R. Ḥayyim Hirschensohn”.Nadav S. Berman - 2022 - Journal of Religion 102 (4):441-481.
    This article argues that certain interpretive trajectories within Jewish tradition – both halakhic (nomos) and aggadic (narrative) – can be illuminated vis-a-vis classical American pragmatism (CAP). Contrary to a prevalent belief, Peirce, James, and Dewey were neither anti-metaphysical nor anti-traditional. They contended, in different ways, that the ‘pragmatic maxim’ (PM) – “truth is what works” in James’s phrasing – is not a narrowly instrumentalist truth test. The PM rather implies that ideas and beliefs (philosophical and religious alike) should be examined (...)
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  11. "A prohibition does not apply to a prohibition": A philosophical inquiry into the nature of halakhic laws.Israel J. Cohen - 2022 - Dine Israel 37:71-107.
    Halakha consists of a variety of laws that determine the halakhic status of various actions. Halakhic laws, by their very nature, have a general aspect in that they apply to all similar actions under similar conditions. In this paper, I examine, from a philosophical-analytical point of view, the relationship between the general aspect of the halakhic laws and the fact that these laws apply to particular actions. After the introduction, this paper is divided into three parts. First, I distinguish between (...)
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  12. “How to Live Communally Amidst Doubts”, on Moshe Halbertal, The Birth of Doubt: Confronting Uncertainty in Early Rabbinic Literature (Brown, 2020). [REVIEW]Nadav S. Berman - 2021 - Review of Rabbinic Judaism 24:265-275.
    This review-essay considers the book by Moshe Halbertal, The Birth of Doubt: Confronting Uncertainty in Early Rabbinic Literature (Brown, 2020), and highlights certain pragmatist trajectories in the book and in its scholarly object - early rabbinic law. Inter alia, the middle rabbinic path between realism and nominalism is discussed.
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  13. "Facciamo l'uomo": proposte filosofiche per un umanesimo critico. Studi in onore di Andrea Poma.Bertolino Luca (ed.) - 2021 - Milano-Udine: Mimesis.
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  14. "Eliezer Schweid: Some Premises of a Pragmatic Jewish Thinker" [in Hebrew].Nadav S. Berman - 2020 - In The Philosophy of Eliezer Schweid: Jewish Culture and Universal Perspectives, ed. Yehoyada Amir and Joseph Turner. Jerusalem: Carmel. pp. 103-141.
    This book-chapter briefs Eliezer Schweid's thought, and demonstrates the role of some core-concepts of classical American pragmatism within it.
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  15. The anthropological foundations of Buber’s cosmic vision of dialogical life.Michal Bizoň - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (3):438-448.
    This paper provides an analysis of Martin Buber’s not very well-known essay “Distance and Relation”, which is his most relevant contribution to philosophical anthropology. In the essay, which was published almost thirty years after the publication of his most famous book, I and Thou, Buber elaborated on the anthropological foundations of his cosmic vision of dialogical life. The central question is “How is man possible?” Buber’s answer is very important to the further development of his principle of dialogue in psychology (...)
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  16. "Jewish Law, Techno-Ethics, and Autonomous Weapon Systems: Ethical-Halakhic Perspectives".Nadav S. Berman - 2020 - Jewish Law Association Studies 29:91-124.
    Techno-ethics is the area in the philosophy of technology which deals with emerging robotic and digital AI technologies. In the last decade, a new techno-ethical challenge has emerged: Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS), defensive and offensive (the article deals only with the latter). Such AI-operated lethal machines of various forms (aerial, marine, continental) raise substantial ethical concerns. Interestingly, the topic of AWS was almost not treated in Jewish law and its research. This article thus proposes an introductory ethical-halakhic perspective on AWS, (...)
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  17. Is Coming into Existence Always a Harm? Qoheleth in Dialogue with David Benatar.Jesse Peterson - 2019 - Harvard Theological Review 112 (1):33–54.
    Contemporary philosopher David Benatar has advanced the self-evidently controversial claim that “coming into existence is always a harm.” Benatar’s argument turns on the basic asymmetry between pleasure and pain, an asymmetry he seeks to explain by the principle that those who never exist cannot be deprived. Benatar’s import is almost incredible: humans should cease to procreate immediately, thereby engendering the extinction of the species—a view known as “anti-natalism.” According to many of his readers, the ancient Hebrew sage Qoheleth expresses a (...)
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  18. Logic in the Torah.Avi Sion - 2018 - Geneva, Switzerland: CreateSpace & Kindle; Lulu..
    Logic in the Torah is a ‘thematic compilation’ by Avi Sion. It collects in one volume essays that he has written on this subject in Judaic Logic (1995) and A Fortiori Logic (2013), in which traces of logic in the Torah and related religious documents (the Nakh, the Christian Bible, and the Koran and Hadiths) are identified and analyzed.
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  19. Logic in the Talmud.Avi Sion - 2018 - Geneva, Switzerland: CreateSpace & Kindle; Lulu..
    Logic in the Talmud is a ‘thematic compilation’ by Avi Sion. It collects in one volume essays that he has written on this subject in Judaic Logic (1995) and A Fortiori Logic (2013), in which traces of logic in the Talmud (the Mishna and Gemara) are identified and analyzed. While this book does not constitute an exhaustive study of logic in the Talmud, it is a ground-breaking and extensive study. A new essay, The Logic of Analogy, was added in 2022.
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  20. Ритуально-міфологічний субстрат у романі Ґ. Майрінка «Ґолем».Larysa Yatchenko - 2018 - NaUKMA Researh Papers. Literary Studies 1:143-147.
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  21. “The Challenge of the ‘Caring’ God: A. J. Heschel’s ‘Theology of Pathos’ in light of Eliezer Berkovits’s Critique” [in Hebrew].Nadav Berman, S. - 2017 - Zehuyot 8:43-60.
    This article examines A.J. Heschel’s “Theology of pathos” in light of the critique Eliezer Berkovits raised against it. Heschel’s theology of pathos is the notion of God as the “most moved mover”, who cares deeply for humans, and thus highly influencing their prophetic motivation for human-social improvement. Berkovits, expressing the negative-transcendent theology of Maimonides, assessed that Heschel’s theology of pathos is not systematic, is anthropomorphic, and reflects a foreign Christian influence. However, when checking Berkovits’s own views as a thinker, it (...)
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  22. Prolegómenos para una Arquitectónica Fenomenológica del tiempo en Emmanuel Levinas.Esteban J. Beltrán Ulate - 2017 - Revista Estudios (34).
    Se brindan una serie de consideraciones prologales para justificar el establecimiento de una arquitectónica fenomenológica del tiempo en Emmanuel Levinas. El problema del tiempo se encuentra disperso en la obra levinasiana, en constante dialogo y confrontación con autores de la época, tanto de tradición fenomenológica como de tradición filosófica judía. El artículo recorre de manera proemial las diferentes etapas del pensamiento levinasiano y reconoce las periferias con las cuales el autor dialoga y confuta su propuesta, denominada como “Deformalización del tiempo”. (...)
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  23. Presentación del Dossier “Filosofía Judía: Problemas y Tendencias”.Esteban J. Beltrán Ulate - 2017 - Revista Estudios (34).
    Filosofía Judía, una noción, problemática, incluso ambigua para muchos, catalogada como incierta, dado su ligamen con una comprensión de filosofía regionalizada, e incluso como una filosofía de una nación. Sin embargo, tales barullos encuentran una contraposición, desde un área académica que apunta al esclarecimiento de la noción. Uno de los trabajos que retoman esta labor de elucidación se desprende del texto intitulado “History of Jewish Philosophy” editado por Daniel H. Frank y Olivier Leaman (1997), en dicho trabajo se realiza una (...)
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  24. Phenomenology of Pregnancy, Maternity and Parenthood in the Writings of R. Joseph Soloveitchik and Emmanuel Lévinas.Hanoch Ben-Pazi - 2016 - JUDAICA Beiträge Zum Verstehen des Judentums 72 (3):387 - 412.
    This article aims to explore the philosophical meaning of pregnancy and maternity in the writ-ings of R. Soloveitchik and Emmanuel Lévinas. They both make a phenomenological enquiry into these phenomena, by looking on the biological aspect and the emotional aspects. R. Solove-itchik suggests a spiritual interpretation concerning the meaning of pregnancy, which is both biological and spiritual. He attempts to differentiate between the natural parenthood and the spiritual parenthood. Lévinas gives us the philosophical observation through the phenomenolog-ical research of pregnancy, (...)
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  25. “Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking in Judaism” [in Hebrew], review essay on D. Brezis, Between Zealotry and Grace and H. E. Hashkes, Rabbinic Discourse as a System of Knowledge. [REVIEW]Nadav S. Berman - 2016 - Daat 82:405-417.
    This review-essay considers two books by David Brezis and Hannah E. Hashkes, and discusses their significance for exploring the philosophical links between Jewish thought and classical American pragmatism.
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  26. Heschel, Hiddenness, and the God of Israel.Joshua Blanchard - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4):109-124.
    Drawing on the writings of the Jewish thinker, Abraham Joshua Heschel, I defend a partial response to the problem of divine hiddenness. A Jewish approach to divine love includes the thought that God desires meaningful relationship not only with individual persons, but also with communities of persons. In combination with John Schellenberg’s account of divine love, the admission of God’s desire for such relationships makes possible that a person may fail to believe that God exists not because of any individual (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Reseña: Elisabeth Goldwyn: Reading between the Lines: Form and Content in Levinas’s Talmudic Readings. [REVIEW]Esteban J. Beltrán Ulate - 2016 - Phenomenological Reviews 1 (1).
    Duquesne University Press hace posible el aparecimiento de un nuevo libro que aborda el pensamiento del Filósofo Emmanuel Levinas; el libro se intitula “Reading Between that Lines” escrito por Elisabeth Goldwyn, profesora de Filosofía Judía en la Universidad Haifa y traducido del hebreo al inglés por Rachel Kessel. La presente reseña asume como objeto la exposición de las principales líneas desarrolladas por la autora, con el objetivo de acercar a los lectores e impulsarlos a su lectura.
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  28. Buber y Levinas: Una lectura colativa de sus antropologías.Esteban J. Beltrán Ulate - 2015 - Estudios 20 (30):1-18.
    El artículo presenta un estudio de la visión antropológica de Martin Buber (1878-1965) y Emmanuel Levinas(1906-1995), la postura de ambos procura un “volver al ser humano”, el primero desde la óptica del pensamiento dialógico y el segundo a partir del planteamiento de alteridad. Los autores describen un itinerario antropológico con una innegable influencia de la tradición judía, (hasidista y mesiánica),en contraposición a las posturas totalizantesde la filosofía moderna(Hegel, Heidegger), es por esta razón que se considera oportuno establecer un paralelismo entre (...)
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  29. ‘+1’: Scholem and the Paradoxes of the Infinite.Julia Ng - 2014 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 8 (2):196-210.
    This article draws on several crucial and unpublished manuscripts from the Scholem Archive in exploration of Gershom Scholem's youthful statements on mathematics and its relation to extra-mathematical facts and, more broadly, to a concept of history that would prove to be consequential for Walter Benjamin's own thinking on "messianism" and a "futuristic politics." In context of critiquing the German Youth Movement's subsumption of active life to the nationalistic conditions of the "earth" during the First World War, Scholem turns to mathematics (...)
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  30. Hermeneutyka i egzegeza w Traktacie teologiczno-politycznym Spinozy.J. Żelazna - 2013 - In H. Jakuszko, Z badań nad filozofią XVII wieku, jej źródłami i kontynuacjami. Lubeskie Towarzystwo Naukowe. pp. 241-255.
    The translations of Holy Scripture to the local European languages in the beginning of Reformation were usually based on Latin Bible. It's language was vastly different from the dialects used by the Old Testament prophets and Christ. By raising the question of the contents of their teachings in A Theologico-Political Treatise, Spinoza underlined the necessity of basing the translations on the sources most approximate to the Hebrew versions of the parables and teachings, initially passed by oral speech only. According to (...)
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  31. Levinas's Empiricism and James's Phenomenology.Randy L. Friedman - 2012 - Journal of Scriptural Reasoning 11 (2).
    Genealogies in philosophy can be tricky and even a little dangerous. Lines of influence and inheritance run much more linearly on paper than in reality. I am often reminded of Robert Frost's "Mending Walls" and the attention that must be paid to what is being walled in and what is being walled out. In other words, William James and Emmanuel Levinas are not natural conversation partners. I have always read James as a fellow traveler of Edmund Husserl, and placed both (...)
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  32. Kant's Theory of Experience at the End of the War: Scholem and Benjamin Read Cohen.Julia Ng - 2012 - Modern Language Notes 127 (3):462-484.
    At the end of one side of a manuscript entitled “On Kant” and housedin the Scholem Archive in Jerusalem, one reads the following pro-nouncement: “it is impossible to understand Kant today.” 1 Whatever it might mean to “understand” Kant, or indeed, whatever “Kant” is heremeant to be understood, it is certain, according to the manuscript,that such understanding cannot come about by way of purporting tohave returned to or spoken in the name of “Kant.” For “[t]oday,” sothe document begins, “there are (...)
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  33. Bad Faith? (Review of David Novak's In Defense of Religious Liberty). [REVIEW]Charles Blattberg - 2009 - Literary Review of Canada 17 (6):11-12.
    A prominent academic, rabbi, and government appointee claims that same-sex marriage is unjust.
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  34. Rebuilding the Feminine in Levinas's Talmudic Readings.Hanoch Ben-Pazi - 2003 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 12 (3):pp. 1–32.
    This study presents a reconsideration of Levinas’s concept of the feminine. This reconsideration facilitated by a philosophically informed analysis of Levinas’s Talmudic readings on that subject. The innovation of this research is based on the methodology which combined the two corpuses of Levinas’ writings as important parts of his thought. Two main phenomena are derived from Levinas’ Talmudic readings and arouse main principles of his ethics. In the hearth of the discussion on Eros stated the differentiation of feminine and masculine (...)
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  35. Judaic Logic: A Formal Analysis of Biblical, Talmudic and Rabbinic Logic.Avi Sion - 1995 - Geneva, Switzerland: Slatkine; CreateSpace & Kindle; Lulu..
    Judaic Logic is an original inquiry into the forms of thought determining Jewish law and belief, from the impartial perspective of a logician. Judaic Logic attempts to honestly estimate the extent to which the logic employed within Judaism fits into the general norms, and whether it has any contributions to make to them. The author ranges far and wide in Jewish lore, finding clear evidence of both inductive and deductive reasoning in the Torah and other books of the Bible, and (...)
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  36. Manuscript version of The Nondual Mind: Vedānta, Kashmiri Pratyabhijñā Shaivism, and Spinoza (incl. material omitted from my Dogma Revue articles).James H. Cumming - manuscript
    This is a MANUSCRIPT VERSION of my book The Nondual Mind: Vedānta, Kashmiri Pratyabhijñā Shaivism, and Spinoza (incl. material omitted from my Dogma Revue articles). The book compares Hindu nondual philosophy to that of Baruch Spinoza, demonstrating the similarity of Spinoza’s ideas to Kashmiri Pratyabhijñā Shaivism. The book is well researched, but it is written in an informal style suitable for both scholars and the educated general public. There is already some scholarly literature comparing Spinoza’s philosophy to Śaṅkara’s Vedānta, but (...)
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  37. Enlightenment and Prophecy. [REVIEW]Dennis Schulting - manuscript
    A Critical Notice on Omri Boehm's "Radikaler Universalismus. Jenseits von Identität" (Propyläen/Ullstein 2022). This article is private. If you're not a subscriber to kritik dot substack dot com, you will need to subscribe in order to be able to read it.
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