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  1. Chess composition as an art.Miro Brada - manuscript
    The article presents the chess composition as a logical art, with concrete examples. It began with Arabic mansuba, and later evolved to new-strategy designed by Italian Alberto Mari. The redefinition of mate (e.g. mate with a free field) or a theme to quasi-pseudo theme, opens the new space for combinations, and enables to connect it with other fields like computer science. The article was exhibited in Holland Park, W8 6LU, The Ice House between 18. Oct - 3. Nov. 2013.
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  2. On Classical and Quantum Logical Entropy.David Ellerman - manuscript
    The notion of a partition on a set is mathematically dual to the notion of a subset of a set, so there is a logic of partitions dual to Boole's logic of subsets (Boolean logic is usually mis-specified as "propositional" logic). The notion of an element of a subset has as its dual the notion of a distinction of a partition (a pair of elements in different blocks). Boole developed finite logical probability as the normalized counting measure on elements of (...)
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  3. On the duality between existence and information.David Ellerman - manuscript
    Recent developments in pure mathematics and in mathematical logic have uncovered a fundamental duality between "existence" and "information." In logic, the duality is between the Boolean logic of subsets and the logic of quotient sets, equivalence relations, or partitions. The analogue to an element of a subset is the notion of a distinction of a partition, and that leads to a whole stream of dualities or analogies--including the development of new logical foundations for information theory parallel to Boole's development of (...)
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  4. Partitions and Objective Indefiniteness.David Ellerman - manuscript
    Classical physics and quantum physics suggest two meta-physical types of reality: the classical notion of a objectively definite reality with properties "all the way down," and the quantum notion of an objectively indefinite type of reality. The problem of interpreting quantum mechanics (QM) is essentially the problem of making sense out of an objectively indefinite reality. These two types of reality can be respectively associated with the two mathematical concepts of subsets and quotient sets (or partitions) which are category-theoretically dual (...)
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  5. Heisenberg quantum mechanics, numeral set-theory and.Han Geurdes - manuscript
    In the paper we will employ set theory to study the formal aspects of quantum mechanics without explicitly making use of space-time. It is demonstrated that von Neuman and Zermelo numeral sets, previously efectively used in the explanation of Hardy’s paradox, follow a Heisenberg quantum form. Here monadic union plays the role of time derivative. The logical counterpart of monadic union plays the part of the Hamiltonian in the commutator. The use of numerals and monadic union in the classical probability (...)
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  6. Quantum behavior of the systems with a single degree of freedom and the derivation of quantum theory.Mehran Shaghaghi - manuscript
    The number of independent messages a physical system can carry is limited by the number of its adjustable properties. In particular, systems that have only one adjustable property cannot carry more than a single message at a time. We demonstrate this is the case for the single photons in the double-slit experiment, and the root of the fundamental limit on measuring the complementary aspect of the photons. Next, we analyze the other ‘quantal’ behavior of the systems with a single adjustable (...)
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  7. Standard Quantum Theory Derived from First Physical Principles.Mehran Shaghaghi - manuscript
    The mathematical formalism of quantum theory has been established for nearly a century, yet its physical foundations remain elusive. In recent decades, connections between quantum theory and information theory have garnered increasing attention. This study presents a physical derivation of the mathematical formalism quantum theory based on information-theoretic considerations in physical systems. We postulate that quantum systems are characterized by single independent adjustable variables. Utilizing this physical postulate along with the conservation of total probability, we derive the standard Hilbert space (...)
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  8. (1 other version)The Quantum Logic of Direct-Sum Decompositions: The Dual to the Quantum Logic of Subspaces.David Ellerman - 2017
    Since the pioneering work of Birkhoff and von Neumann, quantum logic has been interpreted as the logic of (closed) subspaces of a Hilbert space. There is a progression from the usual Boolean logic of subsets to the "quantum logic" of subspaces of a general vector space--which is then specialized to the closed subspaces of a Hilbert space. But there is a "dual" progression. The notion of a partition (or quotient set or equivalence relation) is dual (in a category-theoretic sense) to (...)
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  9. What is Logical Monism?Justin Clarke-Doane - forthcoming - In Christopher Peacocke & Paul Boghossian, New Essays on Normative Realism.
    Logical monism is the view that there is ‘One True Logic’. This is the default position, against which pluralists react. If there were not ‘One True Logic’, it is hard to see how there could be one true theory of anything. A theory is closed under a logic! But what is logical monism? In this article, I consider semantic, logical, modal, scientific, and metaphysical proposals. I argue that, on no ‘factualist’ analysis (according to which ‘there is One True Logic’ expresses (...)
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  10. Distribution can be Dropped: Reply to Rumfitt.Iulian D. Toader - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Ian Rumfitt has argued that rational adjudication against classical logic in quantum mechanics is not only unnecessary, but impossible as well. This paper explains why his argument fails.
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  11. Big Data Analytics and AI for Early Disease Detection Using Biomedical Signal Patterns.A. Manoj Prabaharan - 2024 - Big Data Analytics and Ai for Early Disease Detection Using Biomedical Signal Patterns 8 (1):1-7.
    The rapid advancements in healthcare technologies have resulted in an enormous increase in biomedical data, creating the need for innovative approaches to harness this information for early disease detection. Big Data Analytics (BDA) combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers unprecedented opportunities to analyze complex biomedical signal patterns and predict the onset of diseases at an early stage. The application of AI techniques like machine learning and deep learning in conjunction with BDA allows for the detection of subtle patterns in large (...)
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  12. La interpretación modal de la mecánica cuántica: de la lógica cuántica al problema de la medida.Jose Alejandro Fernández Cuesta - 2023 - Revista de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia En España:14-36.
    El presente trabajo pretende explicitar que los operadores modales, como construcciones lógicas, insertos en las interpretaciones modales (MI) de la mecánica cuántica son usados de manera informal sin una semántica modal adecuada. Primero se estudiarán en detalle los motivos por los que ninguna lógica cuántica puede ofrecer una base apropiada para formalizar estos operadores en contextos mecánico-cuánticos. A continuación, se presentará el enfoque de las historias cuánticas como una nueva lógica cuántica (NQL) intrínsecamente booleana como posible herramienta para formalizar operadores (...)
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  13. Contrafácticos cuánticos: aproximación lógico-filosófica a las medidas cuánticas sin interacción.Jose Alejandro Fernandez Cuesta & Carmen Sánchez Ovcharov - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46):313-337.
    Este artículo presenta una aproximación lógico-filosófica al problema de las medidas sin interacción (ifm, por sus siglas en inglés) presentes en ciertos experimentos físicos mecánico-cuánticos. Se explicitarán tanto las posibles vías para abordar el estudio de las IFM desde una perspectiva formal, como algunos de los principales retos a la hora de llevar a cabo dicha aproximación.
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  14. Lógica cuántica, Nmatrices y adecuación, I (3rd edition).Juan Pablo Jorge & Federico Holik - 2022 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 41 (3):65-88.
    In this paper we discuss the notions of adequacy and truth functionality in quantum logic from the point of view of a non-deterministic semantics. We give a characterization of the degree of non-functionality which is compatible with the propositional structure of quantum theory, showing that having truth-functional connectives, together with some assumptions regarding the relation of logical consequence, commits us to the adequacy of the interpretation sets of these connectives. An advantage of our proof is that it is independent of (...)
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  15. Non-Deterministic Semantics for Quantum States.Juan Pablo Jorge & Federico Holik - 2020 - Entropy 22 (2):156.
    In this work, we discuss the failure of the principle of truth functionality in the quantum formalism. By exploiting this failure, we import the formalism of N-matrix theory and non-deterministic semantics to the foundations of quantum mechanics. This is done by describing quantum states as particular valuations associated with infinite non-deterministic truth tables. This allows us to introduce a natural interpretation of quantum states in terms of a non-deterministic semantics. We also provide a similar construction for arbitrary probabilistic theories based (...)
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  16. Universal Logic in terms of Quantum Information.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Metaphilosophy eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 12 (9):1-5.
    Any logic is represented as a certain collection of well-orderings admitting or not some algebraic structure such as a generalized lattice. Then universal logic should refer to the class of all subclasses of all well-orderings. One can construct a mapping between Hilbert space and the class of all logics. Thus there exists a correspondence between universal logic and the world if the latter is considered a collection of wave functions, as which the points in Hilbert space can be interpreted. The (...)
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  17. Pan demos Alla ricerca di un nuovo pensiero.Donato Santarcangelo - 2020 - Dialoghi Mediterranei.
    Noi ancora non pensiamo autenticamente. M. Heidegger (1952) Che l'umanità sia progredita non c'è alcun dubbio, ma in quale senso, e a quale prezzo?
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  18. Categoricity and Possibility. A Note on Williamson's Modal Monism.Iulian D. Toader - 2020 - In Martin Blicha & Igor Sedlar, The Logica Yearbook 2019. College Publications. pp. 221-231.
    The paper sketches an argument against modal monism, more specifically against the reduction of physical possibility to metaphysical possibility. The argument is based on semantic aspects of non-distributive quantum logic.
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  19. El Teorema de Kochen-Specker y las Semánticas no deterministas.Juan Pablo Jorge - 2019 - Buenos Aires: Departamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
    Desde los trabajos de von Neumann y Birkhoff hasta la actualidad, el estudio de distintas estructuras algebraicas asociadas al formalismo cuántico ha dado lugar a interesantes desarrollos. A modo de ejemplo, el teorema de Kochen-Specker ha tenido una fuerte repercusión en los fundamentos e interpretación de la teoría cuántica. En este trabajo, prestaremos especial atención al abordaje lógico-algebraico iniciado por von Neumann y Birkhoff (aunque también discutiremos otros formalismos, tales como la lógica de la superposición de Tzouvaras). Se presenta el (...)
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  20. Topos Theoretic Quantum Realism.Benjamin Eva - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (4):1149-1181.
    ABSTRACT Topos quantum theory is standardly portrayed as a kind of ‘neo-realist’ reformulation of quantum mechanics.1 1 In this article, I study the extent to which TQT can really be characterized as a realist formulation of the theory, and examine the question of whether the kind of realism that is provided by TQT satisfies the philosophical motivations that are usually associated with the search for a realist reformulation of quantum theory. Specifically, I show that the notion of the quantum state (...)
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  21. In the chaos of today's society: The dynamics of collapse as another shift in the quantum anthropology of Heidi Ann Russell.Radek Trnka - 2015 - Prague: Togga.
    The presented study introduces a new theoretical model of collapse for social, cultural, or political systems. Based on the current form of quantum anthropology conceptualized by Heidi Ann Russell, further development of this field is provided. The new theoretical model is called the spiral model of collapses, and is suggested to provide an analytical framework for collapses in social, cultural, and political systems. The main conclusions of this study are: 1) The individual crises in the period before a collapse of (...)
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  22. Foundations of Relational Realism: A Topological Approach to Quantum Mechanics and the Philosophy of Nature.Michael Epperson & Elias Zafiris - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books. Edited by Elias Zafiris.
    Foundations of Relational Realism presents an intuitive interpretation of quantum mechanics, based on a revised decoherent histories interpretation, structured within a category theoretic topological formalism. -/- If there is a central conceptual framework that has reliably borne the weight of modern physics as it ascends into the twenty-first century, it is the framework of quantum mechanics. Because of its enduring stability in experimental application, physics has today reached heights that not only inspire wonder, but arguably exceed the limits of intuitive (...)
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  23. The philosophy of alternative logics.Andrew Aberdein & Stephen Read - 2009 - In Leila Haaparanta, The development of modern logic. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 613-723.
    This chapter focuses on alternative logics. It discusses a hierarchy of logical reform. It presents case studies that illustrate particular aspects of the logical revisionism discussed in the chapter. The first case study is of intuitionistic logic. The second case study turns to quantum logic, a system proposed on empirical grounds as a resolution of the antinomies of quantum mechanics. The third case study is concerned with systems of relevance logic, which have been the subject of an especially detailed reform (...)
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  24. GENERAL SYSTEM THEORY, LIKEQUANTUM SEMANTICS AND FUZZY SETS.Ignazio Licata - 2006 - In G. Minati, Systemics of Emergence. Research and Developement. Springer.
    It is outlined the possibility to extend the quantum formalism in relation to the requirements of the general systems theory. It can be done by using a quantum semantics arising from the deep logical structure of quantum theory. It is so possible taking into account the logical openness relationship between observer and system. We are going to show how considering the truth-values of quantum propositions within the context of the fuzzy sets is here more useful for systemics. In conclusion we (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Minimal Disturbance in Quantum Logic.Sergio Martinez - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:83 - 88.
    I construct a quantum-logical model of the type of situation that seems to be at the root of the problem of interpreting the projection postulate (Luders' rule) as a criterion of minimal disturbance. It is shown that the most natural way of characterizing minimal disturbance leads to contradictory conclusions concerning the final state.
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  26. Chiral Dynamics of Emergent Systems (CODES).Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Check out the new version, keeping this to time stamp. -/- Chiral Dynamics of Emergent Systems (CODES) that proposes that all emergent phenomena, such as language, RNA, DNA, consciousness, arise from the dynamic interplay between chaos and order, governed by chirality, or directionally asymmetry. By integrating this chiral relationship into a mathematical framework, CODES provides a unifying mechanism that explains how complex systems evolve and self-organize over time. It resolves Wittgenstein's language games, by situating them through a broader, adaptive system (...)
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  27. Paradox of religion.Miro Brada - manuscript
    Alternate Universes: Religion assumes the other world after death: paradise, hell, nirvana, karma.. Our world is incomplete, because there is truer universe, replicating Plato: behind something is something.. till the true idea - last judgment, karma.. R. Descartes's "I think, therefore I am", is independent of Plato. I'm thinking, regardless of there is truer idea or not. As I'm thinking, I can realize my first idea was false (eg. solving a math problem), and then the Plato's truer idea reappears. Plato (...)
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  28. Logische Grundlagen der Quantenphysik.Thomas J. Käfer - manuscript
    Dieser Text befasst sich mit den streng logischen Grundlagen der Quantenphysik. Streng - bedeutet, dass er hauptsächlich nach dem Buch von Walther Brüning mit dem Titel Grundlagen der Strengen Logik folgt und damit Paradoxien und Antinomien ausgeschlossen sein sollen. Das Buch bildet die Grundlage und daher ergibt es sich, dass dieser Text lediglich eine umfassendere Darstellung der Theorie ist, die bei einer konsequenten Weiterführung in den Grundlagen der Quantenphysik mündet. Die Axiome der Quantenphysik fallen in drei Begriffe: Eine physikalische Welt, (...)
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  29. Fundamental Measurements in Economics and in the Theory of Consciousness (Manifestation of quantum-mechanical properties of economic objects in slit measurements).I. G. Tuluzov & S. I. Melnyk - manuscript
    A new constructivist approach to modeling in economics and theory of consciousness is proposed. The state of elementary object is defined as a set of its measurable consumer properties. A proprietor's refusal or consent for the offered transaction is considered as a result of elementary economic measurement. We were also able to obtain the classical interpretation of the quantum-mechanical law of addition of probabilities by introducing a number of new notions. The principle of “local equity” assumes the transaction completed (regardless (...)
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