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  1. In Search of Virtue: The Role of Virtues, Values and Character Strengths in Ethical Decision Making.Mary Crossan, Daina Mazutis & Gerard Seijts - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (4):567-581.
    We present a comprehensive model that integrates virtues, values, character strengths and ethical decision making (EDM). We describe how a largely consequentialist ethical framework has dominated most EDM scholarship to date. We suggest that reintroducing a virtue ethical perspective to existing EDM theories can help to illustrate deficiencies in existing decision-making models, and suggest that character strengths and motivational values can serve as natural bridges that link a virtue framework to EDM in organizations. In conjunction with the more fully formulated (...)
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  • The Metaphysics of Evolution.David L. Hull - 1967 - British Journal for the History of Science 3 (4):309-337.
    Extreme variation in the meaning of the term “species” throughout the history of biology has often frustrated attempts of historians, philosophers and biologists to communicate with one another about the transition in biological thinking from the static species concept to the modern notion of evolving species. The most important change which has underlain all the other fluctuations in the meaning of the word “species” is the change from it denoting such metaphysical entities as essences, Forms or Natures to denoting classes (...)
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  • Racism and Eurocentrism in Histories of Philosophy.Lloyd Strickland & Jia Wang - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):76-96.
    This paper examines the fortunes of non-European philosophies in histories of philosophy written by European and American philosophers from the 17th century to the present day. It charts the shift from inclusive histories of philosophy, which included non-European philosophies, to exclusive histories of philosophy, which excluded and/or marginalized non-European philosophies, at the end of the 18th century. This shift was motivated by racial Eurocentrism, which cast a long shadow over histories of philosophy written during the 19th and 20th centuries. The (...)
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  • (1 other version)Hierarchical control or individuals' moral autonomy? Addressing a fundamental tension in the management of business ethics.Patrick Maclagan - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (1):48–61.
    There is a fundamental tension in business ethics between the apparent need to ensure ethical conduct through hierarchical control, and the encouragement of individuals' potential for autonomous moral judgement. In philosophical terms, these positions are consequentialist and Kantian, respectively. This paper assumes the former to be the dominant position in practice, and probably in theory also, but regards it as a misplaced extension of the more general managerial tendency to seek and maintain control over employees. While the functions of such (...)
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  • Ancient and contemporary expressions of panentheism.Chad Meister - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (9):e12436.
    Panentheism has been one major view of God and the God-world relation for many centuries. It is a middle view between classical theism on the one hand and pantheism on the other. This essay examines several expressions of panentheism. It begins with two ancient expressions, one by Plotinus and the other by Ramanuja. It then considers some reasons for the rise of panentheism in recent decades. One example of this rise is Charles Hartshorne's dipolar expression. After exploring Hartshorne's view, the (...)
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  • Duty and the Will of God.R. G. Swinburne - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):213 - 227.
    For a theist, a man's duty is to conform to the announced will of God. Yet a theist who makes this claim about duty is faced with a traditional dilemma first stated in Plato's Euthyphro—are actions which are obligatory, obligatory because God makes them so, or does God urge us to do them because they are obligatory anyway? To take the first horn of this dilemma is to claim that God can of his free choice make any action obligatory or (...)
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  • The Mechanics and Meaning of Alpine Skiing: Methodological and Epistemological Notes on the Study of Sport Technique.Sigmund Loland - 1992 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 19 (1):55-77.
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  • The proposal of philosophical basis of the health care system.Andrzej Bielecki & Sylwia Nieszporska - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):23-35.
    The studies of health care systems are conducted intensively on various levels. They are important because the systems suffer from numerous pathologies. The health care is analyzed, first of all, in economic aspects but their functionality in the framework of systems theory is studied, as well. There are also attempts to work out some general values on which health care systems should be based. Nevertheless, the aforementioned studies, however, are fragmentary ones. In this paper holistic approach to the philosophical basis (...)
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  • Development of Leadership Theory in the Perspective of Kierkegaard’s Philosophy.Ove D. Jakobsen & Vivi M. L. Storsletten - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (2):337-349.
    In this article, we discuss and compare various positions in leadership theory through the perspective of Kierkegaard’s modes of existence. After a brief presentation of the three modes of existence—aesthetic, ethical and religious—and a description of the ironic–reflective interpretation of the change process, we synthesize leadership theories into the three main positions of instrumental, responsible and spiritual. Later, we compare and integrate the different positions in leadership theory with the three modes of existence. We argue that the various positions in (...)
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  • Why the ‘Politics’ against African Philosophy should be Discontinued.Jonathan O. Chimakonam & Victor Clement Nweke - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (2):277-301.
    Nous soutenons que l’enseignement de la philosophie à travers le monde est encore hanté par une «politique» de marginalisation des traditions moins favorisées comme la philosophie africaine. Des travaux renommés montrent que le programme classique de philosophie utilisé dans les établissements d’enseignement à travers le monde est principalement occidental et, en tant que tel, très colonial. Nous soutenons que cela équivaut à une sorte d’«injustice épistémique» qui porte préjudice à la production de la connaissance. Nous affirmons en particulier que cette (...)
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  • Understanding complex systems: Defining an abstract concept.Alfred W. Hübler - 2007 - Complexity 12 (5):9-11.
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  • Evolutionary Ethics: Understanding its Transition.Ikbal Hussain Ahmed - 2024 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 41 (1):63-82.
    This paper offers a descriptive account of the transition in evolutionary ethics with reference to some major works from ethics, sociobiology, moral psychology, and primatology. The causes and nature of the transition are discussed by making a distinction between traditional and recent trends in evolutionary ethics enabling us to understand the significance of contemporary evolutionary ethics. The study is gradually directed toward a crucial question of ethics that is the place of reason in morality and what evolutionary ethics implies for (...)
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  • Swami Vivekananda's Vedāntic Critique of Schopenhauer's Doctrine of the Will.Ayon Maharaj - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (4):1191-1221.
    Recently, there has been a burgeoning of interest in the relationship between Schopenhauer's philosophy and Indian thought.1 One major reason for this trend is the growing conviction among scholars that a careful understanding of Schopenhauer's complex—and evolving—engagement with Indian thought can help illuminate crucial aspects of Schopenhauer's own philosophy.2 The late nineteenth-century German scholars Paul Deussen and Max Hecker are widely acknowledged to be the pioneers in the field of Schopenhauer's relation to Indian thought. Deussen, thoroughly trained in both indology (...)
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  • Form in Aristotle: Universal or Particular?R. D. Sykes - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (193):311 - 331.
    In this paper I ask whether in Aristotle's metaphysical system the form of a non-living sensible substance, such as the form of this house, is or is not universal. I argue that his position as it stands is self-contradictory, and then try to give some account of the pressures that led to this central contradiction in Aristotle's metaphysical thought.
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  • Caricatures, Myths, and White Lies.Kirsten Walsh & Adrian Currie - 2015 - Metaphilosophy 46 (3):414-435.
    Pedagogical situations require white lies: in teaching philosophy we make decisions about what to omit, what to emphasise, and what to distort. This article considers when it is permissible to distort the historical record, arguing for a tempered respect for the historical facts. It focuses on the rationalist/empiricist distinction, which still frames most undergraduate early modern courses despite failing to capture the intellectual history of that period. It draws an analogy with Michael Strevens's view on idealisation in causal explanation to (...)
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  • Obedience to Rules and Berkeley's Theological Utilitarianism.Matti Häyry & Heta Häyry - 1994 - Utilitas 6 (2):233.
    According to what one might call ‘indirect” forms of utilitarian thinking, the proper end of all human action is the greatest happiness of the greatest number of individuals, but due to the fallibility of moral agents this end cannot, and must not, be directly pursued. Instead, according to at least one version of the indirect theory, moral agents have a duty to act in conformity with a set of general rules which, in their turn, have been designed to promote the (...)
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  • Locke on Natural Law and Property Rights.David C. Snyder - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (4):723 - 750.
    Whether John Locke's Two Treatises is a justification of revolution or a demand for revolution, it is a book about political revolution. Yet it is also a book about property. This is so not only because of the obviously central place that Locke's discussion of property holds in the Second Treatise but also because his account of when revolution is justified hinges, in three crucial respects, on his account of how private, or, exclusive, rights to property arise.
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  • Moral Pluralism, the Crisis of Secular Bioethics, and the Divisive Character of Christian Bioethics: Taking the Culture Wars Seriously.H. T. Engelhardt - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (3):234-253.
    Moral pluralism is a reality. It is grounded, in part, in the intractable pluralism of secular morality and bioethics. There is a wide gulf that separates secular bioethics from Christian bioethics. Christian bioethics, unlike secular bioethics, understand that morality is about coming into a relationship with God. Orthodox Christian bioethics, moreover, understands that the impersonal set of moral principles and goals in secular morality gives a distorted account of the moral life. Therefore, Traditional Christian bioethics is separated from bioethics by (...)
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  • Property Theory in Hobbes.Benjamin B. Lopata - 1973 - Political Theory 1 (2):203-218.
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  • Some Methodological Issues in the History of African Philosophy.Adeshina Afolayan - 2006 - In Olusegun Oladipo, Core issues in African philosophy. Ibadan, Nigeria: Hope Publications. pp. 21--40.
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  • Suárez and the Metaphysics of Democracy.Erik Åkerlund - 2018 - Quaestio 18:365-379.
    The nature and essence of democracy is a bigger issue today than it has been for a long time. With (clearly and allegedly) populist movements in Western Europe and the US, the question of what constitutes democracy has become a contentious issue, though often treated only implicitly. In this article, the nature and essence of democracy is treated with Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) as a guide. This is done on the background of his general metaphysics. It is concluded that Suárez's political (...)
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  • Plausibility in Economics.Bart Nooteboom - 1986 - Economics and Philosophy 2 (2):197.
    According to the instrumentalism of Friedman and Machlup it is irrelevant whether the explanatory principles or “assumptions” of a theory satisfy any criterion of “plausibility,” “realism,” “credibility,” or “soundness.” In this view the main or only criterion for selecting theories is whether a theory yields empirically testable implications that turn out to be consistent with observations. All we should require or expect from a theory is that it is a useful instrument for the purpose of prediction. Considerations of the “efficiency” (...)
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  • Descartes’s Influence on Locke’s Theory of Knowledge.Dipanwita Chakrabarti - 2023 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 40 (2):133-151.
    An explicit assessment of the extent of René Descartes's influence on John Locke's theory of knowledge as presented in his work An Essay Concerning Human understanding calls for a study of their respective philosophical works in some detail. An examination of their individual philosophical standpoints and the objectives behind their projects suggest a striking difference between the spirit and intent of their projects. However, the marked similarities in the contents of Descartes's Rules for the Direction of the Mind and Locke's (...)
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  • The relation of master and disciple against the background of Józef M. Bocheński’s logic of authority.Tomasz Kubalica - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (2):225-240.
    The aim of this article is to apply Józef M. Bocheński’s logic of authority to a key interpersonal relation of philosophical interest: the master–disciple relation. The present research addresses the problem of philosophical authority in terms of the assumptions of the logic of authority and its consequences for philosophical historiographical research and verifies the claims of the logic of authority in this respect. The analyses show that, in the field of philosophy, the axiological authority of the master plays a fundamental (...)
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  • Unistus tõelisest teadusest.Enn Kasak - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 1 (3):61-80.
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  • „Radikali“ abejonė Descartes’o filosofijoje.Tomas Saulius - 2015 - Problemos 88:80.
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  • Farlige forbindelser? En refleksjon over forholdet mellom teori, praksis og moralsk ansvarlighet i økonomifaget.Dagfinn Døhl Dybvig - 2009 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):29-52.
    Finanskrisen har satt fornyet fokus på den praktiske betydningen av samfunnsøkonomifaget. I det følgende vil jeg diskutere fagets problematiske posisjon i overgangen mellom teori og praksis. Dette danner utgangspunkt for min påstand om at økonomene bærer et moralsk ansvar for hvordan faget direkte og indirekte legger premisser for økonomisk politikk og dermed også for den økonomiske utviklingen i samfunnet, finanskrisen inkludert. Jeg vil argumentere for at dette påkaller en etisk og epistemologisk bevisstgjøring av samfunnsøkonomiprofesjonen, og jeg antyder noen forslag til (...)
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  • Authentic freedom as participation in being in the philosophy of Gabriel Marcel.Cyril Emeka Ejike - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):1-11.
    The aim of this article is to argue that Marcel’s idea of freedom as participation in being is what constitutes authentic freedom and existence. A “pessimistic” existentialist, Sartre conceives of authentic freedom and existence or life as making free choices and committing oneself to one’s chosen mode of life and taking responsibility for it. However, this stand of absolute freedom of choice, irrespective of the morality and nature of one’ actions with regard to human essence and ontological status as finite (...)
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  • Number, form, content: Hume's dialogues , number nine.Gene Fendt - 2009 - Philosophy 84 (3):393-412.
    This paper's aim is threefold. First, I wish to show that there is an analogy in section nine that arises out of the interaction of the interlocutors; this analogy is, or has, a certain comic adequatic to the traditional (e.g. Aquinas's) arguments about proofs for the existence of God. Second, Philo's seemingly inconsequential example of the strange necessity of products of 9 in section nine is a perfected analogy of the broken arguments actually given in that section, destroying Philo's earlier (...)
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  • Maximal propositions and the coherence theory of truth.James B. Freeman & Charles B. Daniels - 1978 - Dialogue 17 (1):56-71.
    In the Tractatus, Wittgenstein maintains that “The world is all that is the case.” Some philosophers have seen an advantage in introducing into a formal language either a constant which will represent the world, or an operator, e.g., ‘Max’, such that indicates that p gives a complete description of the actual world, of the world at some instant of time, or of a possible world. Such propositions are called world propositions, possible world propositions, or maximal propositions. For us, a maximal (...)
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  • Yeda'aya ha-Penini's Unusual Conception of Void.Ruth Glasner - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (3):453-470.
    The ArgumentIt was commonly accepted in the middle ages that void within or outside the world is impossible. The paper presents a quite unusual conception of void, which is described in Yeda'aya ha-Penini's commentary on Ibn Rushd's epitome on Aristotle's Physics. According to this conception there is a thin layer of void between the water and the inner surface of the container. Ha-Penini describes two versions of this conception. According to one version this void layer is three-dimensional but thin, according (...)
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  • On Nicholas of Autrecourt and the Law of Non-Contradiction.Leo Groarke - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (1):129-134.
    According to the standard account of Nicholas' views,his scepticism is constrained by his commitment to the law of non-contradiction as a basis for certain truth. Such an account fails to distinguish the views found in the "Leters to Bernard" and the "Exigit Ordo" the latter clear rejects the law of non-contradiction and propounds a full fledged scepticism.
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  • The Cultural Traditions of China and the Quest for a Global Ethic.Torbjörn Lodén - 2017 - Diogenes 64 (1-2):5-10.
    This paper challenges the idea that there are essential and unbridgeable differences that separate the cultural traditions of China and Europe. The focus is on the belief that there is no transcendence in Chinese thought and the cluster of notions around this thesis, which have often been used in support of the thesis of essential differences. The conclusion is that this thesis is mistaken and that the multifarious traditions of China and Europe share many central features and can also mutually (...)
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  • A Phenomenological Study Of The Lived Experiences Of Nontraditional Students In Higher Level Mathematics At A Midwest University.Brian Bush Wood - 2017 - Dissertation, Keiser University
    The current literature suggests that the use of Husserl’s and Heidegger’s approaches to phenomenology is still practiced. However, a clear gap exists on how these approaches are viewed in the context of constructivism, particularly with non-traditional female students’ study of mathematics. The dissertation attempts to clarify the constructivist role of phenomenology within a transcendental framework from the first-hand meanings associated with the expression of the relevancy as expressed by interviews of six nontraditional female students who have studied undergraduate mathematics. Comparisons (...)
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  • MEMPOSISIKAN TEORI DAN KONSEP DASAR DALAM RISET KUALITATIF.Moh Zamili Zam - 2016 - Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia 1 (1):96-110.
    Theory without concepts is blind. Concept without ideas is empty. Ideas lead a researcher to find some phenomenon. Certaintly, phenomenon isn’t come partially or separately. Every act, habit, mindset, and human behavior in everyday activity rise up categorization. The task of researcher is to find out that categorization. Behind that situation and absolutely when we involve with participant, sometimes we can’t avoid from our contruct of ideas or concepts. Sometimes between real context and research perspectives comes differing. So, the important (...)
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  • History of Substance in Philosophy.Bassey Samuel Akpan & Charles Clement Odohoedi - 2016 - History of Substance in Philosophy 5:254-270.
    A lot of words investigated by philosophers get their inception for conventional or extra-philosophical dialect. Yet the idea of substance is basically a philosophical term of art. Its employments in normal dialect tend to derive, often in a twisted way, different from its philosophical usage. Despite this, the idea of substance differs from philosophers, reliant upon the school of thought in which it is been expressed. There is an ordinary concept in play when philosophers discuss “substance”, and this is seen (...)
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  • Meynell's Arguments for the Intelligibility of the Universe.R. M. Burns - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (2):183-197.
    The main body of Meynell's book The Intelligible Universe divides into two parts of roughly equal length. It is argued in the first that the universe manifests the property of ‘ intelligibility ’, and in the second that this could not be so unless there were ‘something analogous to human intelligence in the constitution of the world’. The concern of this article is limited to the argument of the first part. It will be maintained that it consists of three intertwined (...)
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  • Reason, causation and compatibility with the phenomena.Basil Evangelidis - 2019 - Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Vernon Press.
    'Reason, Causation and Compatibility with the Phenomena' strives to give answers to the philosophical problem of the interplay between realism, explanation and experience. This book is a compilation of essays that recollect significant conceptions of rival terms such as determinism and freedom, reason and appearance, power and knowledge. This title discusses the progress made in epistemology and natural philosophy, especially the steps that led from the ancient theory of atomism to the modern quantum theory, and from mathematization to analytic philosophy. (...)
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  • The Semantics of Conditional Propositions in Stoic-Megarian Logic.Kamran Ghayoumzadeh & Sara Khakipour - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 13 (26):297-315.
    The main issue of the present Article is a discussion about the conditional proposition in Stoic- Megarian Logic. There were, in Stoic-Megarian school, many theories of meaning to interpret these propositions. Since conditional propositions made the structure’s core of their Logic, so for the understanding of the key concept of their thought, we need searching, prior to anything, in the semantics of these propositions. We will, in the first place and much survey, compare between Stoic-Megarian Logic and Aristotelian Logic and (...)
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  • Ratzinger’s logos theology and the healing of human rights: a critical engagement with the Regensburg Lecture.Francis Mohan - unknown
    Taking the use of the logos in Ratzinger's Regensburg Lecture as its starting point, the thesis expands three horizons in Ratzinger studies. Firstly, it extends the understanding of Ratzinger as the author of a logos theology. Secondly, it shows how the Regensburg theme of the full breadth of reason, represented by the logos, is applied by Ratzinger in a critique of secular modernity. Thirdly, it claims that the logos theology of Joseph Ratzinger can provide a repair of the culture of (...)
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