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  1. A Plea for Anti-Anti-Individualism: How Oversimple Psychology Misleads Social Policy.Alex Madva - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3:701-728.
    This essay responds to the criticism that contemporary efforts to redress discrimination and inequality are overly individualistic. Critics of individualism emphasize that these systemic social ills stem not from the prejudice, irrationality, or selfishness of individuals, but from underlying structural-institutional forces. They are skeptical, therefore, of attempts to change individuals’ attitudes while leaving structural problems intact. I argue that the insistence on prioritizing structural over individual change is problematic and misleading. My view is not that we should instead prioritize individual (...)
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  • Unpacking the Gender System: A Theoretical Perspective on Gender Beliefs and Social Relations.Shelley J. Correll & Cecilia L. Ridgeway - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (4):510-531.
    According to the perspective developed in this article, widely shared, hegemonic cultural beliefs about gender and their impact in what the authors call “social relational” contexts are among the core components that maintain and change the gender system. When gender is salient in these ubiquitous contexts, cultural beliefs about gender function as part of the rules of the game, biasing the behaviors, performances, and evaluations of otherwise similar men and women in systematic ways that the authors specify. While the biasing (...)
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  • The essence of essentialism.George E. Newman & Joshua Knobe - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (5):585-605.
    Over the past several decades, psychological essentialism has been an important topic of study, incorporating research from multiple areas of psychology, philosophy and linguistics. At its most basic level, essentialism is the tendency to represent certain concepts in terms of a deeper, unobservable property that is responsible for category membership. Originally, this concept was used to understand people’s reasoning about natural kind concepts, such as TIGER and WATER, but more recently, researchers have identified the emergence of essentialist-like intuitions in a (...)
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  • Evaluating Student Evaluations of Teaching: a Review of Measurement and Equity Bias in SETs and Recommendations for Ethical Reform.Rebecca J. Kreitzer & Jennie Sweet-Cushman - 2021 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (1):73-84.
    Student evaluations of teaching are ubiquitous in the academe as a metric for assessing teaching and frequently used in critical personnel decisions. Yet, there is ample evidence documenting both measurement and equity bias in these assessments. Student Evaluations of Teaching have low or no correlation with learning. Furthermore, scholars using different data and different methodologies routinely find that women faculty, faculty of color, and other marginalized groups are subject to a disadvantage in SETs. Extant research on bias on teaching evaluations (...)
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  • (1 other version)Feminist Ethics and Women Leaders: From Difference to Intercorporeality.Alison Pullen & Sheena J. Vachhani - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (2):233-243.
    This paper problematises the ways women’s leadership has been understood in relation to male leadership rather than on its own terms. Focusing specifically on ethical leadership, we challenge and politicise the symbolic status of women in leadership by considering the practice of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. In so doing, we demonstrate how leadership ethics based on feminised ideals such as care and empathy are problematic in their typecasting of women as being simply the other to men. We apply (...)
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  • Framed Before We Know It: How Gender Shapes Social Relations.Cecilia L. Ridgeway - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (2):145-160.
    In this article, I argue that gender is a primary cultural frame for coordinating behavior and organizing social relations. I describe the implications for understanding how gender shapes social behavior and organizational structures. By my analysis, gender typically acts as a background identity that biases, in gendered directions, the performance of behaviors undertaken in the name of organizational roles and identities. I develop an account of how the background effects of the gender frame on behavior vary by the context that (...)
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  • How E-Learning Environmental Stimuli Influence Determinates of Learning Engagement in the Context of COVID-19? SOR Model Perspective.Junhui Yang, Michael Yao-Ping Peng, ShwuHuey Wong & WeiLoong Chong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 has changed the conventional learning mode for most students at schools all over the world, and the e-learning at home has become a new trend. Taking Chinese college students as the research subject and drawing on the stimulus–organism–response model, this paper examines the relationship between the peer referent, perceived closeness, and perceived control and the learning engagement. Using data from 377 college students who have used e-learning, this study shows that perceived closeness, (...)
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  • Testimonial injustice and prescriptive credibility deficits.Wade Munroe - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (6):924-947.
    In light of recent social psychological literature, I expand Miranda Fricker’s important notion of testimonial injustice. A fair portion of Fricker’s account rests on an older paradigm of stereotype and prejudice. Given recent empirical work, I argue for what I dub prescriptive credibility deficits in which a backlash effect leads to the assignment of a diminished level of credibility to persons who act in counter-stereotypic manners, thereby flouting prescriptive stereotypes. The notion of a prescriptive credibility deficit is not merely an (...)
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  • Gender Categories as Dual‐Character Concepts?Cai Guo, Carol S. Dweck & Ellen M. Markman - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12954.
    Seminal work by Knobe, Prasada, and Newman (2013) distinguished a set of concepts, which they named “dual‐character concepts.” Unlike traditional concepts, they require two distinct criteria for determining category membership. For example, the prototypical dual‐character concept “artist” has both a concrete dimension of artistic skills, and an abstract dimension of aesthetic sensibility and values. Therefore, someone can be a good artist on the concrete dimension but not truly an artist on the abstract dimension. Does this analysis capture people's understanding of (...)
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  • Board Gender Quotas: Exploring Ethical Tensions From A Multi-Theoretical Perspective.Siri Terjesen & Ruth Sealy - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (1):23-65.
    ABSTRACT:Despite 40 years of equal opportunities policies and more than two decades of government and organization initiatives aimed at helping women reach the upper echelons of the corporate world, women are seriously underrepresented on corporate boards. Recently, fifteen countries sought to redress this imbalance by introducing gender quotas for board representation. The introduction of board gender quota legislation creates ethical tensions and dilemmas which we categorize in terms of motivations, legitimacy, and outcomes. We investigate these tensions through four overarching theoretical (...)
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  • Ethical Organisational Culture as a Context for Managers' Personal Work Goals.Mari Huhtala, Taru Feldt, Katriina Hyvönen & Saija Mauno - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (2):265-282.
    The aims of this study were to investigate what kinds of personal work goals managers have and whether ethical organisational culture is related to these goals. The sample consisted of 811 Finnish managers from different organisations, in middle and upper management levels, aged 25–68 years. Eight work-related goal content categories were found based on the managers self-reported goals: (1) organisational goals (35.4 %), (2) competence goals (26.1 %), (3) well-being goals (12.1 %), (4) career-ending goals (7.3 %), (5) progression goals (...)
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  • Don’t Shoot the Messenger? A Morality- and Gender-Based Model of Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip.Maria Kakarika, Shiva Taghavi & Helena V. González-Gómez - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2):329-344.
    We conducted three studies to examine how the recipients of negative workplace gossip judge the gossip sender’s morality and how they respond behaviorally. Study 1 provided experimental evidence that gossip recipients perceive senders as low in morality, with female recipients rating the sender’s morality more negatively than male recipients. In a follow-up experiment (Study 2), we further found that perceived low morality translates into behavioral responses in the form of career-related sanctions by the recipient on the gossip sender. A critical (...)
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  • Reframing the Business Case for Diversity: A Values and Virtues Perspective.Hans van Dijk, Marloes van Engen & Jaap Paauwe - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (1):73-84.
    We provide an ethical evaluation of the debate on managing diversity within teams and organizations between equality and business case scholars. Our core assertion is that equality and business case perspectives on diversity from an ethical reading appear stuck as they are based on two different moral perspectives that are difficult to reconcile with each other. More specifically, we point out how the arguments of equality scholars correspond with moral reasoning grounded in deontology, whereas the foundations of the business case (...)
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  • Implications of Religion, Culture, and Legislation for Gender Equality at Work: Qualitative Insights from Jordan.Tamer Koburtay, Jawad Syed & Radi Haloub - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (3):421-436.
    With a view to consolidating the existing theory development and stimulating new conceptual thinking, this paper explores the implications of culture, religion, and the legal framework on women’s employment and their limited advancement in the hospitality industry, one of the important elements of the economy in Jordan. A related aim is to contrast the egalitarian Islamic approach to gender equality with gender discriminatory tribal traditions that restrict women’s employment and progression. Guided by religion, culture, and gender literature, this study uses (...)
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  • She’-E-O Compensation Gap: A Role Congruity View.Joyce C. Wang, Lívia Markóczy, Sunny Li Sun & Mike W. Peng - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):745-760.
    Is there a compensation gap between female CEOs and male CEOs? If so, are there mechanisms to mitigate the compensation gap? Extending role congruity theory, we argue that the perception mismatch between the female gender role and the leadership role may lead to lower compensation to female CEOs, resulting in a gender compensation gap. Nevertheless, the compensation gap may be narrowed if female CEOs display agentic traits through risk-taking, or alternatively, work in female-dominated industries where communal traits are valued. Additionally, (...)
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  • Women’s Leadership and Firm Performance: Family Versus Nonfamily Firms.Mehdi Nekhili, Héla Chakroun & Tawhid Chtioui - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):291-316.
    We evaluate the relationship between the appointment of women to CEO or Chair positions and firm performance, and shed light on the differences between family and nonfamily firms. By using a propensity score matching approach on a sample of 394 French firms over the period 2001–2010, we find major discordances between women’s leadership style and family business expectations relative to firm performance, as measured by return on assets and Tobin’s q. Notably, our results support the conjecture that family firms, which (...)
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  • Calibrating Introspection.Maja Spener - 2015 - Philosophical Issues 25 (1):300-321.
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  • Preserving the Right to Future Children: An Ethical Case Analysis.Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Daniel K. Stearsman, Lisa Campo-Engelstein & Devin Murphy - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (6):38-43.
    We report on the case of a 2-year-old female, the youngest person ever to undergo ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC). This patient was diagnosed with a rare form of sickle cell disease, which required a bone-marrow transplant, and late effects included high risk of future infertility or complete sterility. Ethical concerns are raised, as the patient's mother made the decision for OTC on the patient's behalf with the intention that this would secure the option of biological childbearing in the future. Based (...)
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  • The Propositional Evaluation Paradigm: Indirect Assessment of Personal Beliefs and Attitudes.Florian Müller & Klaus Rothermund - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Identification of propositions as the core of attitudes and beliefs (De Houwer, 2014) has resulted in the development of implicit measures targeting personal evaluations of complex sentences (e.g., the IRAP or the RRT). Whereas their utility is uncontested, these paradigms are subject to limitations inherent in their block based design, such as allowing assessment of only a single belief at a time. We introduce the Propositional Evaluation Paradigm (PEP) for assessment of multiple propositional beliefs within a single experimental block. Two (...)
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  • Beyond prejudice: Are negative evaluations the problem and is getting us to like one another more the solution?John Dixon, Mark Levine, Steve Reicher, Kevin Durrheim, Dominic Abrams, Mark Alicke, Michal Bilewicz, Rupert Brown, Eric P. Charles & John Drury - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (6):411-425.
    For most of the history of prejudice research, negativity has been treated as its emotional and cognitive signature, a conception that continues to dominate work on the topic. By this definition, prejudice occurs when we dislike or derogate members of other groups. Recent research, however, has highlighted the need for a more nuanced and “inclusive” (Eagly 2004) perspective on the role of intergroup emotions and beliefs in sustaining discrimination. On the one hand, several independent lines of research have shown that (...)
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  • Grand Challenges and Female Leaders: An Exploration of Relational Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Abbie Griffith Oliver, Michael D. Pfarrer & François Neville - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):954-987.
    Managing grand challenges demands a relational leader who encourages collaboration, coordination, and trust with various stakeholders. Although leaders appear to play a critical role in addressing grand challenges, relatively little research exists about the factors that inform stakeholder perceptions of leaders during a grand challenge. To address this limitation, we integrate implicit leadership theory and gender role theory to consider stakeholders’ gender prescriptive expectations when evaluating leader effectiveness during the COVID-19 pandemic. We theorize that stakeholders advantage female leaders based on (...)
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  • The Persistence of Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching: The Role of Gender Stereotypes.Oshrit Kaspi Baruch - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-25.
    Student evaluations of teaching (SET) are typically highly biased. In this paper, three experiments are reported, examining gender bias in SET by manipulating lecturer gender and counterstereotypes. Each experiment involved a vignette about a lecture, with a different context: Study 1 − noisy students disrupting the lesson; Study 2 − students asking for consideration; Study 3 − neutral context of a routine lecture. Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that the effect of lecturer gender on SET depended on the context and (...)
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  • Editorial: Gender Roles in the Future? Theoretical Foundations and Future Research Directions.Alice H. Eagly & Sabine Sczesny - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Power, Status and Expectations: How Narcissism Manifests Among Women CEOs.Alicia R. Ingersoll, Christy Glass, Alison Cook & Kari Joseph Olsen - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):893-907.
    Firms face mounting pressure to appoint ethical leaders who will avoid unnecessary risk, scandal and crisis. Alongside mounting evidence that narcissistic leaders place organizations at risk, there is a growing consensus that women are more ethical, transparent and risk-averse than men. We seek to interrogate these claims by analyzing whether narcissism is as prevalent among women CEOs as it is among men CEOs. We further analyze whether narcissistic women CEOs take the same types of risk as narcissistic men CEOs. Drawing (...)
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  • Gender Bias in Stem Hiring: Implicit In-Group Gender Favoritism Among Men Managers.Enav Friedmann & Dorit Efrat-Treister - 2023 - Gender and Society 37 (1):32-64.
    Women’s underrepresentation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is related to the hierarchical social structure of gender relations in these fields. However, interventions to increase women’s participation have focused primarily on women’s interests rather than on STEM managers’ hiring practices. In this research, we examine STEM hiring practices, explore the implicit bias in criteria used by STEM managers, and suggest possible corrective solutions. Using an experimental design with 213 men and women STEM managers, we show that when evaluating a (...)
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  • Sweet Little Lies: Social Context and the Use of Deception in Negotiation.Mara Olekalns, Carol T. Kulik & Lin Chew - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):13-26.
    Social context shapes negotiators’ actions, including their willingness to act unethically. We use a simulated negotiation to test how three dimensions of social context—dyadic gender composition, negotiation strategy, and trust—interact to influence one micro-ethical decision, the use of deception. Deception in all-male dyads was relatively unaffected by trust or the other negotiator’s strategy. In mixed-sex dyads, negotiators consistently increased their use of deception when three forms of trust were low and opponents used an accommodating strategy. However, in all-female dyads, negotiators (...)
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  • Gender Differences in Leadership Role Occupancy: The Mediating Role of Power Motivation.Sebastian C. Schuh, Alina S. Hernandez Bark, Niels Van Quaquebeke, Rüdiger Hossiep, Philip Frieg & Rolf Van Dick - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (3):363-379.
    Although the proportion of women in leadership positions has grown over the past decades, women are still underrepresented in leadership roles, which poses an ethical challenge to society at large but business in particular. Accordingly, a growing body of research has attempted to unravel the reasons for this inequality. Besides theoretical progress, a central goal of these studies is to inform measures targeted at increasing the share of women in leadership positions. Striving to contribute to these efforts and drawing on (...)
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  • Who Leads More and Why? A Mediation Model from Gender to Leadership Role Occupancy.Alina S. Hernandez Bark, Jordi Escartín, Sebastian C. Schuh & Rolf van Dick - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (3):473-483.
    Previous research has shown that female leaders lead slightly more effective than male leaders. However, women are still underrepresented in higher management. In this study, we seek to contribute to a deeper understanding of this paradox by proposing and testing an innovative model that integrates different research streams on gender and leadership. Specifically, we propose power motivation and transformational leadership as two central yet opposing dynamics that underlie the relation between gender and leadership role occupancy. We tested this model in (...)
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  • The Glass Ceiling for Women Managers: Antecedents and Consequences for Work-Family Interface and Well-Being at Work.Audrey Babic & Isabelle Hansez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite significant promotion of diversity in companies, as well as legislation for equal opportunities for women and men, it must be noted that women still remain largely in the minority in decision-making positions. This observation reflects the phenomenon of the glass ceiling that constitutes vertical discrimination within companies against women. Although the glass ceiling has generated research interest, some authors have pointed out that theoretical models have made little attempt to develop an understanding of this phenomenon and its implications. Therefore, (...)
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  • Do White Women Gain Status for Engaging in Anti-black Racism at Work? An Experimental Examination of Status Conferral.Jennifer L. Berdahl & Barnini Bhattacharyya - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (4):839-858.
    Businesses often attempt to demonstrate their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by showcasing women in their leadership ranks, most of whom are white. Yet research has shown that organizations confer status and power to women who engage in sexist behavior, which undermines DEI efforts. We sought to examine whether women who engage in racist behavior are also conferred relative status at work. Drawing on theory and research on organizational culture and intersectionality, we predicted that a white woman who (...)
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  • Board Openness During an Economic Crisis.Kangtao Ye, Jigao Zhu & Sunny Li Sun - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (2):363-377.
    Does a board with greater gender diversity make better investment decisions? Drawing on Austrian economic cycle theory and work groups theory, we argue that such board openness will help male board members to overcome gender biases, discrimination, and conflicts; integrate different perspectives under the economic cycle and crisis; and foster an environment in which better decisions are made. The results of an empirical study of 14,609 firm-quarter observations from 1,555 listed firms in China between 2007 and 2009 strongly support our (...)
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  • Illegitimate Tasks as an Impediment to Job Satisfaction and Intrinsic Motivation: Moderated Mediation Effects of Gender and Effort-Reward Imbalance.Rachel Omansky, Erin M. Eatough & Marcus J. Fila - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Religious Expression and Crowdfunded Microfinance Success: Insights from Role Congruity Theory.Aaron H. Anglin, Hana Milanov & Jeremy C. Short - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (2):397-426.
    Crowdfunded microfinance provides financial resources to impoverished entrepreneurs across the globe based on online appeals describing the entrepreneur’s values and venture potential and is considered a key player in the ethical finance movement. Despite knowledge that the content of the appeals impacts funding success, little is known regarding the role of religious expression, which is common and consequential in socially-oriented contexts. We leverage role congruity theory to address a theoretical tension concerning the effects of religious expression on crowdfunded microfinance funding (...)
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  • Doing Well and Doing Good: How Responsible Entrepreneurship Shapes Female Entrepreneurial Success.Xuemei Xie & Yonghui Wu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):803-828.
    This study examines the role of responsible entrepreneurship among female entrepreneurs by examining how and when responsible entrepreneurship may exert a positive influence on female entrepreneurial success. Using the data collected from 337 Chinese female entrepreneurs, and by integrating responsible entrepreneurship research with a dynamic capability framework, our findings show, firstly, that responsible entrepreneurship is positively correlated to female entrepreneurial success; secondly, this relationship is mediated by female entrepreneurs’ opportunity recognition; and thirdly, the indirect effect of responsible entrepreneurship on female (...)
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  • Cooperation and competition.Morton Deutsch - 2011 - In Peter T. Coleman, Conflict, Interdependence, and Justice: The Intellectual Legacy of Morton Deutsch. Springer. pp. 23--40.
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  • The Impact of CEOs’ Personal Traits on Organisational Performance: Evidence from Faith-Based Charity Organisations.Andrea Melis & Tasawar Nawaz - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):919-939.
    This study examines whether and how a CEO’s personal traits (gender, altruism, age, and founder) influence organizational performance. Building upon upper echelons theory, this study develops a conceptual framework that gives explicit recognition to how the institutional environment surrounding the CEOs shapes their characteristics, which, in turn, are reflected in the different organizational strategies and performance. This study moves beyond the existing focus on for-profit corporations and conducts the empirical analysis on a novel, hand-collected, longitudinal dataset of 1342 firm-year observations (...)
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  • How Perpetrator Gender Influences Reactions to Premeditated Versus Impulsive Unethical Behavior: A Role Congruity Approach.Ke Michael Mai, Aleksander P. J. Ellis & David T. Welsh - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):489-503.
    A significant body of research has emerged in order to better understand unethical behavior at work and how gender plays a role in the process. In this study, we look to add to this literature by exploring how perpetrator gender influences reactions to distinct types of unethicality. Rather than viewing unethical behavior as a unitary construct, where all forms of lying, cheating, and stealing are the same, we integrate theories and concepts from the criminal justice and moral psychology literatures to (...)
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  • The Synergistic Effect of Prototypicality and Authenticity in the Relation Between Leaders’ Biological Gender and Their Organizational Identification.Lucas Monzani, Alina S. Hernandez Bark, Rolf van Dick & José María Peiró - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):737-752.
    Role congruity theory affirms that female managers face more difficulties at work because of the incongruity between female gender and leadership role expectations. Furthermore, due to this incongruity, it is harder for female managers to perceive themselves as authentic leaders. However, followers’ attributions of prototypicality could attenuate this role incongruity and have implications on a managers’ organizational identification. Hence, we expect male managers to be more authentic and to identify more with their organizations, when compared to female managers who are (...)
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  • Will I Fake It? The Interplay of Gender, Machiavellianism, and Self-monitoring on Strategies for Honesty in Job Interviews.Mary Hogue, Julia Levashina & Hongli Hang - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (2):399-411.
    The use of deception during social interactions is a serious ethical concern for business. Interpersonal Deception Theory (IDT) proposes that strategies for using deception are influenced by personal factors. We tested this proposal by assessing participants’ strategies for using deception during an employment interview. Specifically, we examined three personal factors [gender, Machiavellianism, and self-monitoring (SM)] and intentions toward four types of deceptive behaviors (Extensive Image Creation, Image Protection, Ingratiation, and Slight Image Creation). We used path analysis to examine the intentions (...)
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  • The seven troubles with norm-compliant robots.Tom N. Coggins & Steffen Steinert - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (2):1-15.
    Many researchers from robotics, machine ethics, and adjacent fields seem to assume that norms represent good behavior that social robots should learn to benefit their users and society. We would like to complicate this view and present seven key troubles with norm-compliant robots: (1) norm biases, (2) paternalism (3) tyrannies of the majority, (4) pluralistic ignorance, (5) paths of least resistance, (6) outdated norms, and (7) technologically-induced norm change. Because discussions of why norm-compliant robots can be problematic are noticeably absent (...)
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  • Perpetuating Inequality: Junior Women Do Not See Queen Bee Behavior as Negative but Are Nonetheless Negatively Affected by It.Naomi Sterk, Loes Meeussen & Colette Van Laar - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • Gender Bias in Entrepreneurship: What is the Role of the Founders’ Entrepreneurial Background?Luca Pistilli, Alessia Paccagnini, Stefano Breschi & Franco Malerba - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (2):325-346.
    We examine the issue of entrepreneurial gender bias by focusing on the underlying mechanisms that impact the likelihood of receiving external venture-capital financing. We claim that gender bias negatively affects socially attributed dimensions (such as the stigma ascribed to entrepreneurs who have previously suffered a failure), while it has no effect on objective dimensions (such as the experience gained by entrepreneurs). Our results, based on 2088 US firms, show that female entrepreneurs are less likely to attract external funds if they (...)
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  • Normative Discrimination and the Motherhood Penalty.Shelley J. Correll & Stephen Benard - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (5):616-646.
    This research proposes and tests a new theoretical mechanism to account for a portion of the motherhood penalty in wages and related labor market outcomes. At least a portion of this penalty is attributable to discrimination based on the assumption that mothers are less competent and committed than other types of workers. But what happens when mothers definitively prove their competence and commitment? In this study, we examine whether mothers face discrimination in labor-market-type evaluations even when they provide indisputable evidence (...)
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  • Gendered Challenge, Gendered Response: Confronting the Ideal Worker Norm in a White-Collar Organization.Phyllis Moen, Kelly Chermack, Samantha K. Ammons & Erin L. Kelly - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (3):281-303.
    This article integrates research on gendered organizations and the work-family interface to investigate an innovative workplace initiative, the Results-Only Work Environment, implemented in the corporate headquarters of Best Buy, Inc. While flexible work policies common in other organizations “accommodate” individuals, this initiative attempts a broader and deeper critique of the organizational culture. We address two research questions: How does this initiative attempt to change the masculinized ideal worker norm? And what do women’s and men’s responses reveal about the persistent ways (...)
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  • Awakening the sense of injustice.Morton Deutsch - 2011 - In Peter T. Coleman, Conflict, Interdependence, and Justice: The Intellectual Legacy of Morton Deutsch. Springer. pp. 147--163.
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  • Gender inequalities in the workplace: the effects of organizational structures, processes, practices, and decision makers’ sexism.Cailin S. Stamarski & Leanne S. Son Hing - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Female Representation on Corporate Boards in Europe: The Interplay of Organizational Social Consciousness and Institutions.Cynthia E. Clark, Punit Arora & Patricia Gabaldon - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):165-186.
    We examine the role of alignment between organizational social consciousness and the informal and formal institutions of a country in increasing female representation on boards. Using fixed-effects and Hausman Taylor regression methodology for endogenous covariate with panel data for the years 2006–2020, we find that the greater the alignment between organizational social consciousness and certain formal and informal institutions, the more progress there is toward gender representation on corporate boards in Europe. We also find that more socially conscious firms make (...)
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  • Comparing Prescriptive and Descriptive Gender Stereotypes About Children, Adults, and the Elderly.Anne M. Koenig - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • A memory advantage for untrustworthy faces.Nicholas O. Rule, Michael L. Slepian & Nalini Ambady - 2012 - Cognition 125 (2):207-218.
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  • The Responders’ Gender Stereotypes Modulate the Strategic Decision-Making of Proposers Playing the Ultimatum Game.Eve F. Fabre, Mickael Causse, Francesca Pesciarelli & Cristina Cacciari - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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