- Transformations of Old Age: Selfhood, Normativity, and Time.Sara Heinämaa - 2014 - In Silvia Stoller (ed.), Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Age: Gender, Ethics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 167-87.details
Knowledge and valuation in markets.Patrik Aspers - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (2):111-131.details
Lo que los filósofos hermenéuticos podemos aprender de Unamuno sobre el nacionalismo.Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2004 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 31:107-134.details
Burt C. Hopkins: The Philosophy of Husserl: Acumen, Durham, 2011, 290 pp, ISBN 1844650111 £18.99, ISBN 1844650103 £55.00. [REVIEW]Walter Hopp - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (3):239-249.details
From the “metaphysics of the individual” to the critique of society: on the practical significance of Michel Henry’s phenomenology of life. [REVIEW]Michael Staudigl - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (3):339-361.details
Reduction, Externalism and Immanence in Husserl and Heidegger.Felix O’Murchadha - 2008 - Synthese 160 (3):375-395.details
Process thought as a heuristic for investigating consciousness.Anderson Weekes & Michel Weber - 2010 - In Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.), Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 37-56.details
Consciousness is not a bag: Immanence, transcendence, and constitution in the idea of phenomenology.John B. Brough - 2008 - Husserl Studies 24 (3):177-191.details
Objective Time and the Experience of Time: Husserl’s Theory of Time in Light of Some Theses of A. Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2008 - Husserl Studies 24 (3):205-229.details
The meaning of life and the measure of civilizations.Barry Smith - 2002 - In The History of Liberalism in Europe. Paris: CREA/CREPHE.details
Killing the straw man: Dennett and phenomenology.Dan Zahavi - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (1-2):21-43.details
The Crisis of Philosophy and the Meaning of the Sciences for Life.Emiliano Trizio - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (3):313-334.details
Moods: From Diffusivness to Dispositionality.Alex Grzankowski & Mark Textor - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.details
Normality as Background Causality.Emilio Vicuña - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (2):197-220.details
La vivencia de la tortura vista desde la fenomenología husserliana.Jorge Andrés Calvo Chávez - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (45):74-95.details
The Structure and Extension of (Proto)Type Concepts: Husserl’s Correlationist Approach.Hamid Taieb - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (2):129-142.details
The mind-body problem(s) in Descartes’ “Meditations” and Husserl’s “Crisis” (Part1).Andrii Leonov - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka 4:91-100.details
The mind-body problem(s) in Descartes’ “Meditations” and Husserl’s “Crisis” (Part2).Andrii Leonov - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka 5:117-128.details
How does Novelty Arise? Institution and Transcendence.Jan Puc - 2017 - Filozofia 72 (4):259-270.details
La fenomenología de Husserl como fundamento filosófico para la teología // The phenomenology of Husserl as a philosophical foundation for theology.Francisco-Javier Herrero-Hernández - 2019 - Aporía. International Journal for Philosophical Investigations 12:12-33.details
Rejecting Dreyfus’ introspective ‘phenomenology’. The case for phenomenological analysis.Alexander A. Jeuk - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):117-137.details
Compatibility and tensions between transcendental idealism and common-sense realism — Husserl and McDowell.Wenjing Cai - 2018 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 10 (1):88-99.details
Fenomenologijos ir natūralizmo suderinamumo klausimas Shauno Gallagherio filosofijoje.Paulius Rimkevičius & Mintautas Gutauskas - 2014 - Problemos 86:120-126.details
Der Spannungsbogen von Autonomie und Verletzlichkeit. Eine phänomenologisch-anthropologische Reflexion/ The Unsolved Tension between Autonomy and Vulnerability.Alice Pugliese - 2017 - Gestalt Theory 39 (2-3):349-364.details
Husserl on symbolic technologies and meaning-constitution: A critical inquiry.Peter Woelert - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (3):289-310.details
Husserl on completeness, definitely.Mirja Hartimo - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1509-1527.details
Ricoeur’s Transcendental Concern: A Hermeneutics of Discourse.William D. Melaney - 1971 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Analecta Husserliana. Dordrecht,: Springer. pp. 495-513.details
Goethe and the study of life: a comparison with Husserl and Simmel.Elke Weik - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (3):335-357.details
Configuraciones de la filosofía medieval.Héctor Hernándo Salinas Leal - 2015 - Universitas Philosophica 32 (64):345-368.details
Phänomenologische Ontologie des Sozialen.Rastko Jovanov (ed.) - 2015 - IFDT.details
Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and the project of science.Agnieszka Wesołowska - 2014 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 4 (2):391-404.details
The Idea of Rigorous Science in Husserl’s Phenomenology and Its Relevance for the other Sciences.Victor Eugen Gelan - 2015 - In Mihai-Dan Chiţoiu Ioan-Alexandru Tofan (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference “Humanities and Social Sciences Today. Classical and Contemporary Issues” – Philosophy and Other Humanities. Pro Universitaria. pp. 141-156.details
Sensazioni o proprietà sensibili? Lo statuto ontologico dei qualia in fenomenologia.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2015 - In Roberta Lanfredini (ed.), Architettura della conoscenza e ontologia. Milano: Mimesis. pp. 157-187.details
On Name-Dropping: The Mechanisms Behind a Notorious Practice in Social Science and the Humanities.Thorn-R. Kray - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (4):423-441.details
Subjectivity and Power.Jochen Dreher & Daniela Griselda López - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (2):197-222.details
Husserl on Teleology and Theology.Roberto J. Walton - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 45:81-103.details
Phenomenology as a way of life? Husserl on phenomenological reflection and self-transformation.Hanne Jacobs - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (3):349-369.details
Are Mathematical Theories Reducible to Non-analytic Foundations?Stathis Livadas - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (1):109-135.details
Husserl’s transcendental philosophy and the critique of naturalism.Dermot Moran - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (4):401-425.details
Comparative epistemology: Contours of a research program.Hub Zwart - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (2):77-92.details
Michel Henry and the phenomenology of the invisible.Dan Zahavi - 1999 - Continental Philosophy Review 32 (3):223-240.details
The problem of other minds: Wittgenstein's phenomenological perspective.Søren Overgaard - 2006 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5 (1):53-73.details
A Study of Technological Intentionality in C++ and Generative Adversarial Model: Phenomenological and Postphenomenological Perspectives.Dmytro Mykhailov & Nicola Liberati - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (3):841-857.details
Is Husserl’s Antinaturalism up to Date? A Critical Review of the Contemporary Attempts to Mathematize Phenomenology.Andrij Wachtel - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (2):129-150.details
Husserl on Minimal Mind and the Origins of Consciousness in the Natural World.Bence Peter Marosan - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (2):107-127.details
Gesten als Okkasionelle Bedeutungserfüllungen.Christian Ferencz-Flatz - 2021 - Husserl Studies 38 (1):1-16.details
Pensamientos caminados para caminar: una contribución al concepto de meditación filosófica en Ortega y Gasset como síntesis de teoría y práctica.Antonio Gutiérrez-Pozo - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):19-40.details
Die Aussagekraft wirklichkeitsferner Gedankenexperimente für Theorien personaler Identität.Marc Andree Weber - 2017 - In Andreas Oberprantacher & Anne Siegetsleitner (eds.), Mensch sein – Fundament, Imperativ oder Floskel Beiträge zum 10. Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie. pp. 493-503.details
In Sachen Glück. Ein genetisch-phänomenologischer Ansatz/ Concerning Happiness. Reflexion from the Genetic Phenomenological Point of View.Jagna Brudzińska - 2017 - Gestalt Theory 39 (2-3):281-302.details
Gadfly of Continental Philosophy: On Robert Bernasconi’s Critique of Philosophical Eurocentrism.Bret W. Davis - 2017 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 9 (2):119-129.details