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(1 other version)Maternal thinking: towards a politics of peace.Sara Ruddick - 1989 - London: The Women's Press.details
Essentially speaking: feminism, nature & difference.Diana Fuss - 1989 - New York: Routledge.details
Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing.Alison M. Jaggar & Susan Bordo (eds.) - 1989 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.details
(1 other version)Epistemic responsibility.Lorraine Code - 1987 - Hanover, N.H.: Published for Brown University Press by University Press of New England.details
Money, sex, and power: toward a feminist historical materialism.Nancy C. M. Hartsock - 1983 - Boston: Northeastern University Press.details
The problem of speaking for others.Linda Alcoff - 1991 - Cultural Critique 20:5-32.details
(1 other version)A defense of abortion.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1971 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 1 (1):47-66.details
What Can She Know?: Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Lorraine Code - 1991 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.details
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment.Patricia Hill Collins - 1990 - London: Routledge.details
(2 other versions)Feminist Ethics.Alison M. Jaggar - 2000 - In Hugh LaFollette - (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory. Blackwell. pp. 348-374.details
Toward an Anthropology of Women.Rayna R. Reiter - 1980 - Science and Society 44 (2):241-244.details
Justice, Gender and the Family.Susan Moller Okin - 1989 - Hypatia 8 (1):209-214.details
Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace.Sara Ruddick & Patricia Hill Collins - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (2):188-198.details
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.Judith Butler & Suzanne Pharr - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):171-175.details
Feminine and Feminist Ethics.Rosemarie Tong - 1995 - Social Philosophy Today 10:183-205.details
Disciplining Foucault: Feminism, Power, and the Body.Jana Sawicki - 1991 - New York: Routledge.details
Friendship, Altruism and Morality.Lawrence A. Blum - 1980 - Boston: Routledge.details
Playfulness, “World”-Travelling, and Loving Perception.María Lugones - 1987 - Hypatia 2 (2):3-19.details
Power Trips and Other Journeys: Essays in Feminism as Civic Discourse.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 1990 - Univ of Wisconsin Press.details
Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care.Joan C. Tronto - 1993 - Psychology Press.details
Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction.Rosemarie Tong - 2013 - Routledge.details
Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance.Irene Diamond, Lee Quinby, Seyla Benhabib & Drucilla Cornell - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):118-124.details
Yearning: Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics.Bell Hooks - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (2):177-187.details
In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development.Carol Gilligan - 1982 - The Personalist Forum 2 (2):150-152.details
Woman's Estate.Juliet Mitchell - 1971 - Harmondsworth : Penguin.details
Justice and the Politics of Difference.Iris Marion Young - 1990 - Princeton University Press.details
The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory.Marilyn Frye - 1983 - Trumansburg, NY: The Crossing Press.details
This Sex Which Is Not One.Luce Irigaray - 1977 - Cornell University Press.details
Outside in the Teaching Machine.Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - 1993 - Routledge.details
Gyn/Ecology the Metaethics of Radical Feminism.Mary Daly - 1978 - Beacon Press.details
Science as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry.Helen E. Longino - 1990 - Princeton University Press.details
Unruly Practices : Power, Discourse, and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory.Nancy Fraser - 1989 - University of Minnesota Press..details
Review: Caring and Evil. [REVIEW]Claudia Card - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (1):101 - 108.details
Feminist morality: transforming culture, society, and politics.Virginia Held - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.details
(2 other versions)The Science Question in Feminism.Sandra Harding - 1988 - Synthese 76 (3):441-446.details
Feminist Morality: Transforming Culture, Society, and Politics.Virginia Held - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (1):155-167.details
Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Social and Political Thought.Jean Bethke Elshtain & David E. Decosse - 1981 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (2):339-369.details
[Book review] thinking fragments, psychoanalysis, feminism, and postmodernism in the contemporary west. [REVIEW]Jane Flax - 1992 - Feminist Studies 18.details
Caring and Evil.Claudia Card - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (1):101-108.details
Speculum of the Other Woman.Luce Irigaray - 1985 - Cornell University Press.details
The dialectic of sex: the case for feminist revolution.Shulamith Firestone - 1970 - New York: Quill.details
(1 other version)Sexism and racism: Some conceptual differences.Laurence Thomas - 1980 - Ethics 90 (2):239-250.details
Pornography, Men Possessing Women.Andrea Dworkin - 1981details
Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism.Liz Kennedy, June Lapidus & Zillah Eisenstein - 1980 - Feminist Studies 6 (3):571.details
Feminist Ethics.Laura M. Purdy & Claudia Card - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (6):41.details
(1 other version)Feminism / Postmodernism.Linda Nicholson - 1989 - Hypatia 6 (2):228-233.details
Technologies of Gender.Carol Flinn & Teresa de Lauretis - 1989 - Substance 18 (2):115.details
Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law.Catharine A. MacKinnon - 1987 - Harvard University Press.details
Justice, Gender, and the Family.Martha L. Fineman - 1991 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 20 (1):77-97.details