Results for 'José Alberto Cuesta Martínez'

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  1. Lógica modal megárico-estoica: posibilidad y necesidad como operadores atléticos.José Alejandro Fernández Cuesta - 2021 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 10:261-270.
    En este artículo presentamos una posible vía para interpretar las nociones de posibilidad y necesidad desarrolladas en el seno de la lógica megárico-estoica como operadores modales aléticos. Se introducirá la semántica megárico-estoica como trasfondo metafísico de las definiciones de necesidad y posibilidad y se ofrecerán argumentos para abandonar las interpretaciones predominantes que incluyen variables temporales ad hoc. Tras proponer la lectura de las definiciones diodóricas desde una semántica modal relacional se señalará una serie de temas que merecen ser revisitados desde (...)
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  2. La lógica modal como herramienta metodológica en epistemología.Jose Alejandro Fernández Cuesta - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 1 (11).
    In this paper we intend to offer a first approach to the incorporation of certain formal tools in the elucidation of some issues discussed in epistemological contexts. The aim is not to offer an exhaustive resolution of these problems but merely to point out the usefulness of modal semantics when applied to different fields. Here we will show how a series of skeptical arguments eventually involve a modal (counterfactual) structure, which we will try to generalise into a useful scheme. -/- (...)
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  3. La interpretación modal de la mecánica cuántica: de la lógica cuántica al problema de la medida.Jose Alejandro Fernández Cuesta - 2023 - Revista de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia En España:14-36.
    El presente trabajo pretende explicitar que los operadores modales, como construcciones lógicas, insertos en las interpretaciones modales (MI) de la mecánica cuántica son usados de manera informal sin una semántica modal adecuada. Primero se estudiarán en detalle los motivos por los que ninguna lógica cuántica puede ofrecer una base apropiada para formalizar estos operadores en contextos mecánico-cuánticos. A continuación, se presentará el enfoque de las historias cuánticas como una nueva lógica cuántica (NQL) intrínsecamente booleana como posible herramienta para formalizar operadores (...)
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  4. Beyond the Altruistic Donor: Embedding Solidarity in Organ Procurement Policies.María Victoria Martínez-López, Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho, Belén Liedo, Jon Rueda & Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (5):107.
    Altruism and solidarity are concepts that are closely related to organ donation for transplantation. On the one hand, they are typically used for encouraging people to donate. On the other hand, they also underpin the regulations in force in each country to different extents. They are often used indistinctly and equivocally, despite the different ethical implications of each concept. This paper aims to clarify to what extent we can speak of altruism and solidarity in the predominant models of organ donation. (...)
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  5. Contrafácticos cuánticos: aproximación lógico-filosófica a las medidas cuánticas sin interacción.Jose Alejandro Fernandez Cuesta & Carmen Sánchez Ovcharov - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46):313-337.
    Este artículo presenta una aproximación lógico-filosófica al problema de las medidas sin interacción (ifm, por sus siglas en inglés) presentes en ciertos experimentos físicos mecánico-cuánticos. Se explicitarán tanto las posibles vías para abordar el estudio de las IFM desde una perspectiva formal, como algunos de los principales retos a la hora de llevar a cabo dicha aproximación.
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  6. ¿Existen las Máquinas Aceleradas de Turing? Paradojas y posibilidades lógicas.Jose Alejandro Fernández Cuesta - 2023 - Techno Review. International Technology, Science and Society Review 13 (1):49.74.
    Las máquinas aceleradas de Turing (ATMs) son dispositivos capaces de ejecutar súper-tareas. Sin embargo, el simple ejercicio de definirlas ha generado varias paradojas. En el presente artículo se definirán las nociones de súper-tarea y ATM de manera exhaustiva y se aclarará qué debe entenderse en un contexto lógico-formal cuando se pregunta por la existencia de un objeto. A partir de la distinción entre posibilidades lógicas y físicas se disolverán las paradojas y se concluirá que las ATMs son posibles y existen (...)
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  7. El Papiro P. Oxy. III. 414: edición, traducción al español y comentario.Jose Alejandro Fernández Cuesta - 2022 - Revista de Estudios Clásicos 1 (161): 29-50.
    En el presente artículo se propone un estudio del papiro P. Oxy. III. 414, cuyo contenido se centra en el análisis de los posibles beneficios de la poesía. Dado su enorme interés histórico, filológico y filosófico, así como la falta de una revisión filológica actualizada de la edición del texto y de una traducción al español, se propondrá en las presentes páginas una aproximación tanto al estudio de su forma como de su contenido hasta alcanzar una clarificación que permita, en (...)
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  8. O Político.Jaimir Conte & José Martínez Azorín Ruiz - 2015 - Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: Editora da UFSC.
    Tradução para o português da obra "El Politico", de José Martínez Ruiz. Neste clássico de 1908, Azorín retoma uma antiga tradição espanhola: a dos tratados de aconselhamento aos políticos. Na esteira de autores como Saavedra Fajardo (1584-1648), ele usa a própria experiência nos negócios públicos como fonte para suas prescrições. O texto, em vários aspectos, é atual. Mas até o que nele já está ultrapassado é precioso, pois vale como testemunho de como era a política e das mudanças (...)
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  9. La Banalidad de la pérdida intelectual: Causas de la Ciencia en Riesgo.Ruth Castillo & Jose Manuel Martinez - 2021 - Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela: Academia de la Ingeniería y el Hábitat.
    El éxodo de más de 5,6 millones de venezolanos representa un fenómeno migratorio con múltiples facetas, cada una merecedora de atento análisis y profundización. Ante la dimensión del movimiento de millones de seres humanos, se corre el riesgo de subestimar tragedias que ocurren dentro del drama migratorio. Una de ellas, es el exilio de científicos y académicos. Bajo esta perspectiva, la investigación tiene como objetivo general mostrar la banalización frente al riesgo de pérdida de talento y avance científico de países (...)
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  10. David Hume: La solidez del artifiao.Jose Martinez De Pison Y. Cavero - 1992 - Agora (misc.) 11.
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  11. Improving the Quality and Utility of Electronic Health Record Data through Ontologies.Asiyah Yu Lin, Sivaram Arabandi, Thomas Beale, William Duncan, Hicks D., Hogan Amanda, R. William, Mark Jensen, Ross Koppel, Catalina Martínez-Costa, Øystein Nytrø, Jihad S. Obeid, Jose Parente de Oliveira, Alan Ruttenberg, Selja Seppälä, Barry Smith, Dagobert Soergel, Jie Zheng & Stefan Schulz - 2023 - Standards 3 (3):316–340.
    The translational research community, in general, and the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) community, in particular, share the vision of repurposing EHRs for research that will improve the quality of clinical practice. Many members of these communities are also aware that electronic health records (EHRs) suffer limitations of data becoming poorly structured, biased, and unusable out of original context. This creates obstacles to the continuity of care, utility, quality improvement, and translational research. Analogous limitations to sharing objective data in (...)
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    Carta abierta condenando la crisis en curso y abordando los impactos ambientales y humanitarios en Palestina.Valeria Ramírez Castañeda, Bárbara I. Escobar Anleu, Brenda Itzé Lemus Gordillo, Juliana Valencia Lesmes, Bernardo Moreno, María José Navarrete, Isaac Weston Krone, Sergio González-Mollinedo, Frigg J. Speelman, Ana Cristina Alvarado Valenzuela, Fernanda Pérez Lombardini, Eduardo Antonio Monge Castro, Julia Alejandra Perez Santisteban, Daniela Montúfar Pinetta, Juan David Gonzalez-Trujillo, Fernando Castillo-Cabrera, Mercedes Barrios, Rony E. Trujillo, Andrea Martínez, Elizabeth Solórzano Ortiz, Carmen Lucía Yurrita Obiols, Laura M. Benítez Cojulún, Amanda B. Quezada Riera, Mariele Pellecer, Karen Carrillo, Katherine Magoulick, Orlando Acevedo-Charry, Marvin Anganoy, Claudia Burgos, Carolina Esquivel, Javier Alvarado Mesén, Valeria Castro, Ana Abarca, Alexia Pereira-Casal, Roberto Cordero-Solórzano, María Fernanda Rojas Campos, Hillary Cubero, Alonso Segura, Daniel Fonseca, Diego Salas Murillo, Marck Leiva, Jose Ignacio Castro, Joselyn Miranda-González, Daniela Solis Adolio & Rodriguez - 2024 - Prensa Comunitaria.
    Nosotres, biólogues, ecologistas y otres profesionales dedicados a proteger la vida, les escribimos con una solicitud urgente. Les pedimos muy comedidamente que su organización o institución emita un comunicado oficial condenando la crisis en curso y abordando los impactos ambientales y humanitarios en Palestina.
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    (1 other version)José Vasconcelos. Ideario de acción: Discursos, artículos, cartas, documentos 1920-1924. [REVIEW]Alberto Luis López - 2024 - Valenciana. Estudios de Filosofía y Literatura 34 (2):334-338.
    Reseña del libro "José Vasconcelos. Ideario de acción: Discursos, artículos, cartas, documentos 1920-1924." Review of this book of a Mexican Philosopher.
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  14. Human rights in women victims of sexual violence in the armed conflict: A systematic review.Nubia Hernández-Flórez, José Darío Argüello-Rueda, Alvaro Lhoeste-Charris, Isneila Martinez-Gómez, Andrea Liliana Ortíz-González, Maria José Orozco-Santander & Victoria Eugenia González Martelo - 2022 - Ciencia Latina 6 (6):2761-2796..
    The purpose of this article was focused on analyzing the adjacent factors related to human rights in women victims of sexual violence in the context of the armed conflict. The quantitative method of descriptive approach was selected under the systematic review technique using the PRISMA guide. As a result, it was obtained that women continue to be instrumentalized in wars, their physical and psychosocial vulnerability persisting in all spheres of life; This being a phenomenon that continues to growglobally given the (...)
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  15. (5 other versions)Book Review. "Counselling y cuidados paliativos". Esperanza Santos y José Carlos Bermejo.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 1 (23):137-139.
    Counselling y cuidados paliativos es el título del libro escrito por la doctora Esperanza Santos y el profesor José Carlos Bermejo. En esta obra, de fácil lectura y con consejos muy prácticos y útiles, se presentan elementos fundamentales para brindar un acompañamiento de óptima calidad en el cuidado paliativo, así como la posibilidad de hacer un autoexamen de cómo los cuidadores de los pacientes prestan sus servicios e incluso para no caer en burnout. Este libro es de gran utilidad, (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Book review. "Tutores de Resiliencia". José Luis Rubio y Gema Puig. (Book review. "Resilience tutors").Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2019 - Revista de Psicoterapia 112 (30):223-227.
    Resilience Tutors is the title of the book written by Gema Puig Esteve and JoséLuis Rubio Raval, published in 2015 by the Gedisa publishing house in Barcelona, Spain. In a novel way, the book, divided into two, expresses in the first part, in a fictional way, through experiential, emotional and direct language, the reality surrounding the resilience tutor; In the second part, it gives us concrete theoretical elements that allow us to delve deeper into the foundations of resilience, the contexts (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Del posmodernismo al poscolonialismo: ¿solución al caso latinoamericano?José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 1999 - Dialectica (Misc) 23 (32):100-108.
    Después de varios años bajo los efectos del boom del posmodernismo, en la década de los 90 la intelectualidad latinoamericana comenzó а recibir uп nuevo paquete de propuestas teóricas reunidas en torno al concepto “poscolonialidad”. Bajo el iпflujo de las teorías poscoloniales у los estudios subalternos se crea oficialmente en los Estados Unidos en 1994 el Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios Subalternos (Latin American Subaltern Studies Gгoup). А el pertenecían intelectuales como Walter Mignolo, John Beverley, Alberto Moreiras, Ileana Rodríguez у (...)
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  18. Para un estudio del pensamiento estético mexicano del siglo XX. [REVIEW]José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2007 - Revista Casa de Las Américas 248:155-157.
    Reseña al libro de María Rosa Palazón Mayoral titulado "La estética en México. Siglo XX. Diálogo entre filósofos". El libro reseñado es de gran importancia al compilar las propuestas teóricas sobre el tema de pensadores tan destacados como Antonio Caso, José Vasconcelos, Alfonso Reyes, Samuel Ramos, Eduardo Nicol, María Zambrano, Ramón Xirau, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, Joaquín Sánchez Mcgrégor, Bolívar Echeverría, Néstor García Canclini, María Noël Lapoujade, Ana María Martínez de la Escalera, Silvia Durán Payán y muchos otros.
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  19. TRANSFERÊNCIA DE EMBRIÕES EM BOVINOS: Revisão de literatura.José Pedro Ferreira Machado, Lázaro Kalliu Assis Oliveira & Wesley Paulo Alves de Lima - 2023 - Dissertation, Centro Universitário Una Jataí
    RESUMO A Transferência de Embrião (TE) em bovinos se trata de uma técnica mundialmente disseminada com objetivo de aumentar a capacidade reprodutiva da fêmea. Mantém vínculo direto com outras técnicas das biotecnologias da reprodução, como, a Ovum Pick-Up (OPU), Produção In Vitro e In Vivo de embriões (PIVE) e Transferência de Embrião em Tempo Fixo (TETF), sendo estas, técnicas que fazem parte de um processo, que vai desde a seleção de doadoras, passando pelo preparo dos embriões até sua inovulação em (...)
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  20. Existence as Economy and as Charity.Antonio Caso, Alexander Stehn & Jose G. Rodriguez Jr - 2017 - In Carlos Alberto Sanchez & Jr Sanchez (eds.), 20th Century Mexican Philosophy: Essential Readings. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 27-45.
    Antonio Caso, “La existencia como economía y como caridad” (1916). Translated with Jose G. Rodriguez Jr. as “Existence as Economy and as Charity,” in 20th Century Mexican Philosophy: Essential Readings, eds. Carlos Alberto Sánchez and Robert Eli Sanchez, Jr. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017).
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  21. Considerações legais e forenses do aborto infeccioso bovino na “Saúde Única”: Revisão (18th edition).Jackson Barros Do Amaral, Vinícius José Moreira Nogueira & Wendell da Luz Silva (eds.) - 2024 - Londrina: Pubvet.
    In Brazil, the social demand for veterinary expertise is growing. However, there is still a shortage of professionals trained in this area to apply specific knowledge to each case. Studies and research into forensic veterinary medicine are necessary for veterinary experts to assist in investigations and legal proceedings. Veterinary medicine has subjects on its curriculum that cover the knowledge needed to apply in the fields of animal health, public health and the environment. The interaction between human and veterinary medicine, as (...)
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  22. Intratextualidad en La ciudad y los perros con el tópico de protagonismo violento en sus obras literarias (1981-1993).Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2020 - Espergesia. Revista Literaria y de Investigación 7 (1):16-27.
    La categoría de análisis intratextual, que es desarrollada por José Enrique Martínez Fernández, basada en el hallazgo de elementos afines en la producción artística de un solo autor, suscita percatarse de tópicos consuetudinarios entre La guerra del fin del mundo (1981), La señorita de Tacna (1981), Kathie y el hipopótamo (1983), Historia de Mayta (1984), ¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero? (1986), La Chunga (1986), El hablador (1987), Elogio de la madrastra (1988) y Lituma en los Andes (1993) con (...)
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  23. CORCORAN'S 27 ENTRIES IN THE 1999 SECOND EDITION.John Corcoran - 1995 - In Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. New York City: Cambridge University Press. pp. 65-941.
    Corcoran’s 27 entries in the 1999 second edition of Robert Audi’s Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy [Cambridge: Cambridge UP]. -/- ancestral, axiomatic method, borderline case, categoricity, Church (Alonzo), conditional, convention T, converse (outer and inner), corresponding conditional, degenerate case, domain, De Morgan, ellipsis, laws of thought, limiting case, logical form, logical subject, material adequacy, mathematical analysis, omega, proof by recursion, recursive function theory, scheme, scope, Tarski (Alfred), tautology, universe of discourse. -/- The entire work is available online free at more than (...)
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  24. METODOLOGIA E MANEJO REPRODUTIVO APLICADO EM BOVINOS LEITEIROS.Bruna Cardoso Lemes, Gabriel Destefani de Souza, Jaqueline Aparecida Sousa Pereira, Jéssica Elizei Dande, Marcelo de Figueiredo Filiardi Filho, Vinícius de Moura Ribeiro Monticeli & Elizângela Guedes - 2022 - Revista Agroveterinária Do Sul de Minas 4 (1):153-172.
    Resumo: Sabe-se que a pecuária é uma parcela do agronegócio que move a economia do país, e incluso está a produção leiteira, que tem, a cada ano seu desenvolvimento elevado, de forma em que é priorizado a eficiência no aumento de sua produção, com o objetivo de suprir a demanda, e a maior rentabilidade do produtor. Diante disso, medidas de manejo reprodutivo e alimentar são adotadas, sendo estas capazes de elevar a produtividade com o menor custo possível. O trabalho objetivou (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Tempo e conceito: Arendt, leitora de Hegel.Nuno Pereira Castanheira & José Pinheiro Pertille - 2018 - Revista Dialectus 12:374-399.
    A obra de Hannah Arendt tem uma forte presença hegeliana, seja em virtude de convergências temáticas, seja em virtude de divergências fundamentais do ponto de vista metodológico, ontológico e político. Salvaguardadas as diferenças de detalhe no tratamento dessas questões, as convergências temáticas fazem-se notar na distinção entre social e político e no lugar que a singularidade ocupa nas suas teorias políticas. A sua divergência fundamental diz respeito à filosofia da história, à noção de temporalidade que lhe está associada e às (...)
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  26. Pensamiento estético en la España de 1924 a 1926. Un acercamiento desde Ortega y Gasset (Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Valencia., 2014) 13 p.José E. Silvaje Aparisi - manuscript
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  27. Extending Environments To Measure Self-Reflection In Reinforcement Learning.Samuel Allen Alexander, Michael Castaneda, Kevin Compher & Oscar Martinez - 2022 - Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 13 (1).
    We consider an extended notion of reinforcement learning in which the environment can simulate the agent and base its outputs on the agent's hypothetical behavior. Since good performance usually requires paying attention to whatever things the environment's outputs are based on, we argue that for an agent to achieve on-average good performance across many such extended environments, it is necessary for the agent to self-reflect. Thus weighted-average performance over the space of all suitably well-behaved extended environments could be considered a (...)
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  28. Oltre la fisica normale. Interpretazioni alternative e teorie non standard nella fisica moderna.Isabella Tassani, Gino Tarozzi, Alessandro Afriat, Gennaro Auletta, Stefano Bordoni, Marco Buzzoni, Claudio Calosi, Vincenzo Fano, Alberto Cappi, Giovanni Macchia, Fabio Minazzi & Arcangelo Rossi (eds.) - 2013 - ISONOMIA - Epistemologica.
    Nella sua straordinaria opera scientifica, Franco Selleri si è sempre opposto alla rinuncia alla comprensione della struttura della realtà e della natura degli oggetti fisici, che egli considera come l’elemento caratterizzante delle principali teorie della fisica del Novecento e che è stata stigmatizzata da Karl Popper come tesi della “fine della strada in fisica”. Sin dalla fine degli anni ’60, egli ha sviluppato quella riflessione critica nei confronti delle teorie fondamentali della fisica moderna, in particolar modo della teoria delle particelle (...)
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  29. Enhancement umano: un dibattito in corso.Boris Rähme, Lucia Galvagni & Alberto Bondolfi (eds.) - 2014 - L'Arco di Giano - Rivista di Medical Humanities.
    Non è un caso che l’enhancement umano, cioè il potenziamento di capacità fisiche, cognitive ed emotive degli esseri umani con l’ausilio di tecnologie, sia diventato un tema centrale nei dibattiti etico-applicativi e nei tentativi contemporanei di arrivare a una comprensione più adeguata della natura umana. In esso si incontrano quesiti decisamente ricchi e complessi, sia dal punto di vista tecnoscientifico e medico sia da quello filosofico – e lo fanno in un modo che ci permette di vedere questi quesiti sotto (...)
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  30. Tecnologías de manipulación del tiempo (Technologies of temporal manipulation).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    This paper points out the technological continuum between information and communication technology (ICT) and narrative structuring, which is defined as the original multimedial technology of temporal manipulation. Its interdisciplinary perspective on the semiotics of temporal representation will be of interest to narratologists, communication theorists and bloggers.
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  31. Interacción Internalizada: El desarrollo especular del lenguaje y del orden simbólico (Internalized interaction: The specular development of language and the symbolic order).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    This paper expounds a symbolic interactionist theory of consciousness as an emergent phenomenon. It relates Michael Arbib's theory of the origin of language and Erving Goffman's frame analysis, especially as it bears on our understanding of the subject and of personal experience. Reflexivity and fictional mimesis are shown to be inherent to the origin of language and to the continuing emergent creativity of human communicative action. The emergent aspect of consciousness is also dealt with from the perspective of a narrative (...)
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  32. La identidad intertextual: La misteriosa llamada de la reina Loana (The Intertextual Self: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    This is a review of Umberto Eco's novel La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana (2004) with a special focus on its portrayal of the self and memory, and reflections on the way the novel's treatment reveals the intertextual makeup of personal identity and of ideology, and their grounding in a specific cultural and discursive environment. -/- Note: Downloadable file is in Spanish: "La identidad intertextual: La misteriosa llamada de la reina Loana".
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  33. The logical and pedagogical paths of phenomenology. Adalberto García de Mendoza's and Francisco Larroyo's forays.Jorge Luis Méndez-martínez - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (I):241-262.
    This paper addresses the relationship between logic and phenomenology at a historical moment that precedes the big divide between analytic philosophy and phenomenology. In analysing alternative derivations of phenomenological logic, the discussion focuses on the case of two notorious neo-Kantian Mexican philosophers from the first half of the XXth century: Adalberto García de Mendoza and Francisco Larroyo. It is argued that both García de Mendoza and Larroyo made an original contribution to the discussion on the relationship between phenomenology and logic. (...)
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  34. Grahek-style imperativism.Manolo Martinez - 2023 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 36 (2):59-70.
    I explore some of the connections between Grahek's model of asymbolic pain, as developed in Feeling Pain and Being in Pain, and the contemporary intentionalist discussion over evaluativist and imperativist models of pain. I will sketch a Grahekian version of imperativism that is both true to his main insights and better at confronting some of the challenges that his theory has faced since its publication.
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  35. Sound Ontology and the Brentano-Husserl Analysis of the Consciousness of Time.Jorge Luis Méndez-martínez - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (1):184-215.
    Both Franz Brentano and Edmund Husserl addressed sound while trying to explain the inner consciousness of time and gave to it the status of a supporting example. Although their inquiries were not aimed at clarifying in detail the nature of the auditory experience or sounds themselves, they made some interesting observations that can contribute to the current philosophical discussion on sounds. On the other hand, in analytic philosophy, while inquiring the nature of sounds, their location, auditory experience or the audible (...)
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  36. Pain signals are predominantly imperative.Manolo Martínez & Colin Klein - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (2):283-298.
    Recent work on signaling has mostly focused on communication between organisms. The Lewis–Skyrms framework should be equally applicable to intra-organismic signaling. We present a Lewis–Skyrms signaling-game model of painful signaling, and use it to argue that the content of pain is predominantly imperative. We address several objections to the account, concluding that our model gives a productive framework within which to consider internal signaling.
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  37. Appreciating Taylor’s Versions: An Aesthetic Love Story.Irene Martínez Marín - 2025 - In Brandon Polite (ed.), Taylor Swift and the Philosophy of Re-recording: The Art of Taylor's Versions. Bloomsbury.
    Internal coherence is of great importance for how we think about appreciating objects of aesthetic worth. A disagreement between what we judge to be worthy and what we affectively favor can prevent us from properly grasping its value. However, it is also assumed in the aesthetic domain that our taste changes over time, jeopardising such coherence constraint. These changes can lead to a mismatch between new aesthetic judgments and old aesthetic preferences. This chapter explores a number of issues that emerge (...)
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  38. What the...! The role of inner speech in conscious thought.Fernando Martínez-Manrique & Agustin Vicente - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (9-10):141-67.
    Abstract: Introspection reveals that one is frequently conscious of some form of inner speech, which may appear either in a condensed or expanded form. It has been claimed that this speech reflects the way in which language is involved in conscious thought, fulfilling a number of cognitive functions. We criticize three theories that address this issue: Bermúdez’s view of language as a generator of second-order thoughts, Prinz’s development of Jackendoff’s intermediate-level theory of consciousness, and Carruthers’s theory of inner speech as (...)
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  39. Using simulation in the assessment of voting procedures: An epistemic instrumental approach.Marc Jiménez Rolland, Julio César Macías-Ponce & Luis Fernando Martínez-Álvarez - 2022 - Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 98 (2):127-144.
    In this paper, we argue that computer simulations can provide valuable insights into the performance of voting methods on different collective decision problems. This could improve institutional design, even when there is no general theoretical result to support the optimality of a voting method. To support our claim, we first describe a decision problem that has not received much theoretical attention in the literature. We outline different voting methods to address that collective decision problem. Under certain criteria of assessment akin (...)
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  40. Common Interest and Signaling Games: A Dynamic Analysis.Manolo Martínez & Peter Godfrey-Smith - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (3):371-392.
    We present a dynamic model of the evolution of communication in a Lewis signaling game while systematically varying the degree of common interest between sender and receiver. We show that the level of common interest between sender and receiver is strongly predictive of the amount of information transferred between them. We also discuss a set of rare but interesting cases in which common interest is almost entirely absent, yet substantial information transfer persists in a *cheap talk* regime, and offer a (...)
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    The Issue of Bodily Rights Alienation.Noelia Martínez-Doallo - 2024 - In José-Antonio Seone & Oscar Vergara (eds.), The Discourse of Biorights: European Perspectives. Springer Nature. pp. 71-86.
    A widespread Western conception about the sanctity of the human body and its parts prevents from any morally acceptable disposition of these objects. However, this entails nothing but a dualistic conception of the human being as a composite of detachable parts — namely, body and mind. Understood as the antechamber of legal rights, moral rights perform an important — yet frequently overlooked — justifying function that permeates the political discourse. Although the connection among moral, political and legal discourses should be (...)
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  42. José Martí, escritor y pensador.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2001 - El Cuervo 25 (25):8-13.
    : En el trabajo se busca constatar y analizar los fundamentos de la simbiosis armoniosa que se da entre lo poético y lo filosófico en el pensamiento de José Martí. Tal imbricación la encontramos no sólo en él. Ha llegado a ser bastante frecuente en un contexto como el latinoamericano. Pero, tal vez sea en Martí en quien esa fusión se acrisola de manera más brillante. Nunca se preocupó demasiado por el contenido filosófico de su poesía ni por la (...)
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  43. Kant on Empiricism and Rationalism.Alberto Vanzo - 2013 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 30 (1):53-74.
    Several scholars have criticized the histories of early modern philosophy based on the dichotomy of empiricism and rationalism. They view them as overestimating the importance of epistemological issues for early modern philosophers (epistemological bias), portraying Kant's Critical philosophy as a superior alternative to empiricism and rationalism (Kantian bias), and forcing most or all early modern thinkers prior to Kant into the empiricist or rationalist camps (classificatory bias). Kant is often said to be the source of the three biases. Against this (...)
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  44. Kant on the Nominal Definition of Truth.Alberto Vanzo - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (2):147-166.
    Kant claims that the nominal definition of truth is: “Truth is the agreement of cognition with its object”. In this paper, I analyse the relevant features of Kant's theory of definition in order to explain the meaning of that claim and its consequences for the vexed question of whether Kant endorses or rejects a correspondence theory of truth. I conclude that Kant's claim implies neither that he holds, nor that he rejects, a correspondence theory of truth. Kant's claim is not (...)
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  45. Robot Care Ethics Between Autonomy and Vulnerability: Coupling Principles and Practices in Autonomous Systems for Care.Alberto Pirni, Maurizio Balistreri, Steven Umbrello, Marianna Capasso & Federica Merenda - 2021 - Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8 (654298):1-11.
    Technological developments involving robotics and artificial intelligence devices are being employed evermore in elderly care and the healthcare sector more generally, raising ethical issues and practical questions warranting closer considerations of what we mean by “care” and, subsequently, how to design such software coherently with the chosen definition. This paper starts by critically examining the existing approaches to the ethical design of care robots provided by Aimee van Wynsberghe, who relies on the work on the ethics of care by Joan (...)
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  46. The meaningful intentional purpose of the individual speaker.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):5-10.
    Linguistics of saying studies language in its birth. Language is the mental activity executed by speaking subjects. Linguistics of saying consists in analyzing speech acts as the result of an act of knowing. Speaking subjects speak because they have something to say. Tthey say because they define themselves before the circumstance they are in. And this is possible because they are able to know. Speaking, then, is speaking, saying and knowing. In this sense there is a progressive determination. Knowing makes (...)
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  47. Where and How Do Phronesis and Emotions Connect?Consuelo Martínez-Priego & Ana Romero-Iribas - 2024 - Topoi (Special Issue: Virtues, wisdom a).
    We aim to map out the points of confluence between phronesis and emotion, as well as the nature of this confluence. We do so based on philosophical and psychological explanations of emotions and phronesis. Making sound decisions, which requires phronesis, is an important matter, but its relationship with emotions has only just begun to be studied. We propose that the interplay between phronesis and emotion is possible (rather than inevitable) because both have a cognitive-behavioural structure and because emotions are hierarchical. (...)
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  48. Fixing the contents created in the act of knowing.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):24-30.
    The human subject in as much as he knows transforms the sensitive and concrete (the thing perceived) into abstract (an image of the thing perceived), the abstract into an idea (imaginative representation of the thing abstracted), and ideas into contents of conscience (meanings). The last step in the creation of meanings, something being executed in the speech act, consists in fixing the construct mentally created thus making it objectified meanings in the conscience of speakers. The interchange amongst the different steps (...)
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  49. Varieties of Aesthetic Autonomy.Irene Martínez Marín - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (12):e70012.
    The concept of autonomy is central to many debates in aesthetics. However, exactly what it means to be autonomous in our aesthetic engagements is somewhat unclear in the philosophical literature. The normative significance of autonomy is also unclear and hotly debated. In this essay, I propose a method for clarifying this elusive concept by distinguishing three distinct senses or varieties of aesthetic autonomy: experiential autonomy, competence-based autonomy, and personal autonomy. On this taxonomy autonomy is a context-sensitive concept and autonomy applies (...)
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  50. Teleosemantics and productivity.Manolo Martinez - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (1):47-68.
    There has been much discussion of so-called teleosemantic approaches to the naturalization of content. Such discussion, though, has been largely confined to simple, innate mental states with contents such as ?There is a fly here.? Even assuming we can solve the issues that crop up at this stage, an account of the content of human mental states will not get too far without an account of productivity: the ability to entertain indefinitely many thoughts. The best-known teleosemantic theory, Millikan's biosemantics, offers (...)
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