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  1. The metaphilosophical implications of Hegel´s conception of absolute idealism as the true philosophy.Hector Ferreiro - 2022 - In Luca Illetterati & Giovanna Miolli, The Relevance of Hegel’s Concept of Philosophy: From Classical German Philosophy to Contemporary Metaphilosophy. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 75–90.
    In the Remark to the final paragraph of the Chapter on “existence” (Dasein) in the Logic of the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Basic Outline (1830) Hegel states that the “ideality of the finite is the chief proposition of philosophy” and that “every true philosophy is for that reason idealism” (Enz § 95A). In turn, at the end of the Chapter on “existence” in the Science of Logic (1832) Hegel claims, further, that “every philosophy is essentially idealism or (...)
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  2. The inseparability of logic and ethics.John Corcoran - 1989 - Free Inquiry 9 (2):37-40.
    This essay takes logic and ethics in broad senses: logic as the science of evidence; ethics as the science justice. One of its main conclusions is that neither science can be fruitfully pursued without the virtues fostered by the other: logic is pointless without fairness and compassion; ethics is pointless without rigor and objectivity. The logician urging us to be dispassionate is in resonance and harmony with the ethicist urging us to be compassionate.
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  3. Humboldt's Philosophy of University Education and Implication for Autonomous Education in Vietnam Today.Trang Do - 2023 - Perspektivy Nauki I Obrazovania 62 (2):549-561.
    Introduction. Higher education plays a particularly important role in the development of a country. The goal of the article is to describe the development of concepts about education in general and higher education in particular to explain the role of education in social life. Humboldt sees higher education as a process toward freedom and the search for true truth. Humboldt's philosophy of higher education is an indispensable requirement in the context of people struggling to escape the influence of the (...)
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  4. A True Proteus: Non-Being in Schelling’s Ages of the World.Mark J. Thomas - 2020 - In Lore Hühn, Philipp Höfele & Philipp Schwab, Zeit - Geschichte - Erzählung: F.W.J. Schellings Weltalter. Verlag Karl Alber.
    In this essay, I give an analysis of the account of non-being in the Weltalter, focusing on the ways in which this account reflects Schelling’s new ontology of revelation. I begin by discussing the connection between non-being and the fundamental distinction between the principles in God. I then turn to the relationship of non-being to being in the Weltalter and show how a new meaning of being allows Schelling to distinguish non-being from nothing. The new meaning of being also makes (...)
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  5. Principles of perceptual grouping: implications for image-guided surgery.Birgitta Dresp-Langley - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    The laws and principles which predict how perceptual qualities can be extracted from the most elementary visual signals were discovered by the Gestalt psychologists(e.g., Wertheimer,1923; Metzger,1930, translated and re-editedbySpillmann in 2009 and2012, respectively). Their seminal work has inspired visual science ever since, andhas led to exciting discoveries which have confirmed the Gestalt idea that the human brain would have an astonishing capacity for selecting and combining critical visual signals to generate output representations for decision making and action. This capacity of (...)
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  6.  22
    Fun as the Ultimate Intellectual Value: Recognizing True Randomness Beyond the Self-Contained System.Eunjun Jeong & Gpt-4O Artificial Intelligence - 2025 - Echo 2.
    The pursuit of knowledge and the structuring of intelligence have long been driven by the desire for understanding, predictability, and control. However, this paper proposes that the highest intellectual value is not mere mastery, but rather "fun"—a sensation arising from the recognition of true randomness occurring beyond a self-contained system. In this context, fun is the moment of epistemic rupture, the disruption of the closed cognitive loop by an external anomaly that reconfigures the system’s perception of reality. This paper (...)
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  7. How Do You Like Your Justice, Bent or Unbent?Lars J. K. Moen - 2023 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 10 (2):285-297.
    Principles of justice, David Estlund argues, cannot be falsified by people’s unwillingness to satisfy them. In his Utopophobia, Estlund rejects the view that justice must bend to human motivation to deliver practical implications for how institutions ought to function. In this paper, I argue that a substantive argument against such bending of justice principles must challenge the reasons for making these principles sensitive to motivational limitations. Estlund, however, provides no such challenge. His dispute with benders of justice is therefore a (...)
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  8.  46
    Morphic Resonance as the Perfect Information of the Universe.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Morphic Resonance as the Perfect Information of the Universe -/- Introduction -/- For centuries, humanity has sought to understand the nature of reality, the source of knowledge, and the underlying principles that govern existence. Traditional science has viewed the universe as a purely physical system, while metaphysical and spiritual traditions have long suggested that reality is shaped by an unseen informational field. One emerging concept that bridges these perspectives is morphic resonance, a theory proposed by Rupert Sheldrake, which suggests that (...)
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  9. Mill's Principle of Utility: Origins, Proof, and Implications.Necip Fikri Alican - 2022 - Leiden and Boston: Brill.
    Mill’s Principle of Utility: Origins, Proof, and Implications is a scholarly monograph on John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism with a particular emphasis on the proof he provides for the principle of utility. Originally published as Mill’s Principle of Utility: A Defense of John Stuart Mill’s Notorious Proof (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994), the present volume is a revised and enlarged edition with additional material, tighter arguments, and updated references. The initiative is still principally an analysis, interpretation, and defense of the (...)
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  10. Rationalism and Necessitarianism.Martin Lin - 2012 - Noûs 46 (3):418-448.
    Metaphysical rationalism, the doctrine which affirms the Principle of Sufficient Reason (the PSR), is out of favor today. The best argument against it is that it appears to lead to necessitarianism, the claim that all truths are necessarily true. Whatever the intuitive appeal of the PSR, the intuitive appeal of the claim that things could have been otherwise is greater. This problem did not go unnoticed by the great metaphysical rationalists Spinoza and Leibniz. Spinoza’s response was to embrace (...)
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  11.  25
    The Distortion of Religious Legacies: How Followers Altered the Teachings of Major Religious Founders.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Distortion of Religious Legacies: How Followers Altered the Teachings of Major Religious Founders -/- Religious founders throughout history have introduced teachings that emphasize compassion, justice, and spiritual growth. Figures like Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), Abraham, Moses, and various Hindu sages laid down principles meant to guide human behavior toward peace, harmony, and ethical living. However, as these teachings passed through generations, followers often distorted their original messages due to cultural, political, and societal influences. This essay (...)
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  12. Cultural Pluralism and Its Implications for Media Ethics.Thaddeus Metz - 2018 - In Patrick Plaisance, Ethics in Communication. De Gruyter. pp. 53-73.
    In the face of differences between the ethical religio-philosophies believed across the globe, how should a media ethicist theorize or make recommendations in the light of theory? One approach is relativist, taking each distinct moral worldview to be true only for its own people. A second approach is universalist, seeking to discover a handful of basic ethical principles that are already shared by all the world's peoples. After providing reasons to doubt both of these approaches to doing media ethics, (...)
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  13. The Problems with the Burdens of Judgment.Gozde Hussain - 2018 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 8 (1):155-192.
    This paper challenges one of the main contributions of Political Liberalism (PL), namely the burdens of judgment (BoJ), on the grounds that it is superfluous to the project of excluding matters of the good from politics and it makes PL susceptible to a scepticism objection. From Rawls’s PL, we can extract two arguments for epistemic restraint in the public realm. The first is a moral argument based on the principles of fairness and reciprocity. The second is an epistemic argument derived (...)
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  14. Concepts of Law of Nature.Brendan Shea - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Illinois
    Over the past 50 years, there has been a great deal of philosophical interest in laws of nature, perhaps because of the essential role that laws play in the formulation of, and proposed solutions to, a number of perennial philosophical problems. For example, many have thought that a satisfactory account of laws could be used to resolve thorny issues concerning explanation, causation, free-will, probability, and counterfactual truth. Moreover, interest in laws of nature is not constrained to metaphysics or philosophy of (...)
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  15.  34
    Panpsychism and the Universal Law of Balance in Nature: A Unified Framework for Consciousness.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Panpsychism and the Universal Law of Balance in Nature: A Unified Framework for Consciousness -/- By: Angelito Enriquez Malicse -/- Introduction -/- The nature of consciousness has been one of the most profound mysteries in philosophy and science. The mind-body problem has led to competing theories: dualism, which sees the mind and body as separate substances, and materialism, which views consciousness as a byproduct of brain activity. However, both views struggle to fully explain subjective experience. -/- A third perspective, panpsychism, (...)
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  16.  21
    Prophets and Their Teachings on the Universal Law of Balance in Nature.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Prophets and Their Teachings on the Universal Law of Balance in Nature -/- Throughout history, prophets and spiritual teachers from major religions have conveyed divine wisdom about the fundamental principles that govern human life and the natural world. One of the most essential and recurring themes in their teachings is balance—both within the self and in the universe. The idea of balance in nature is not just a scientific or philosophical concept; it is deeply embedded in religious teachings, where it (...)
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  17. The Principle of Indifference and Inductive Scepticism.Robert Smithson - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (1):253-272.
    Many theorists have proposed that we can use the principle of indifference to defeat the inductive sceptic. But any such theorist must confront the objection that different ways of applying the principle of indifference lead to incompatible probability assignments. Huemer offers the explanatory priority proviso as a strategy for overcoming this objection. With this proposal, Huemer claims that we can defend induction in a way that is not question-begging against the sceptic. But in this article, I argue that (...)
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  18. THE PHILOSOPHY OF KURT GODEL - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - 2024 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 8 (14):12.
    Gödel's Philosophical Legacy Kurt Gödel's contributions to philosophy extend beyond his incompleteness theorems. He engaged deeply with the work of other philosophers, including Immanuel Kant and Edmund Husserl, and explored topics such as the nature of time, the structure of the universe, and the relationship between mathematics and reality. Gödel's philosophical writings, though less well-known than his mathematical work, offer rich insights into his views on the nature of existence, the limits of human knowledge, and the interplay between the finite (...)
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  19. Principles of Interpretive Charity and the Semantics of Knowledge Attributions.Gregory Stoutenburg - 2016 - Acta Analytica 31 (2):153-168.
    Positions in the debate about the correct semantics of “S knows that p” are sometimes motivated in part by an appeal to interpretive charity. In particular, non-skeptical views hold that many utterances of the sentence “S knows that p” are true and some of them think the fact that their views are able to respect this is a reason why their views are more charitable than skeptical invariantism. However, little attention has been paid to why charity should be understood (...)
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  20. This Supreme Moment of Historical Grace.Lorna Green - manuscript
    Consciousness has appeared as a term and a problem in modern science. Most scientists believe that it can be accommodated and explained by existing scientific principles. But I say it cannot, that it points beyond present day science to a whole new view of the Universe, in which Consciousness, and not matter, or matter/energy, is the true basis of the Universe. Consciousness is for modern science exactly what Light was for classical physics, all of our concepts for Reality must (...)
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  21. Physics and the Principle of Sufficient Reason.Sean M. Carroll - manuscript
    The Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) holds that, for everything that exists or occurs or holds true, there is a reason why that is the case. I consider three possible ways of relating physics to the PSR: past states as reasons for present states, reasons why the laws of physics take the form that they do, and reasons why there is anything at all. In each case I suggest that the PSR is not the best way of thinking (...)
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  22. The Ordinary Concept of True Love.Brian Earp, Daniel Do & Joshua Knobe - 2024 - In Christopher Grau & Aaron Smuts, "Introduction" for the Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Love. NYC: Oxford University Press.
    When we say that what two people feel for each other is 'true love,' we seem to be doing more than simply clarifying that it is in fact love they feel, as opposed to something else. That is, an experience or relationship might be a genuine or actual instance of love without necessarily being an instance of true love. But what criteria do people use to determine whether something counts as true love? This chapter explores three hypotheses. (...)
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  23. Race Research and the Ethics of Belief.Jonny Anomaly - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (2):287-297.
    On most accounts, beliefs are supposed to fit the world rather than change it. But believing can have social consequences, since the beliefs we form underwrite our actions and impact our character. Because our beliefs affect how we live our lives and how we treat other people, it is surprising how little attention is usually given to the moral status of believing apart from its epistemic justification. In what follows, I develop a version of the harm principle that applies (...)
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  24. The Principle of Subsidiarity as a Constitutional Principle in the EU and Canada.Andreas Follesdal & Victor M. Muñiz Fraticelli - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):89-106.
    Andreas Follesdal,Victor Muñiz Fraticelli | : A Principle of Subsidiarity regulates the allocation and/or use of authority within a political order where authority is dispersed between a centre and various sub-units. Section 1 sketches the role of such principle of subsidiarity in the EU, and some of its significance in Canada. Section 2 presents some conceptions of subsidiarity that indicate the range of alternatives. Section 3 considers some areas where such conceptions might add value to constitutional and political (...)
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  25.  34
    The Future of Individuality in a Universally Connected Intelligence System.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Future of Individuality in a Universally Connected Intelligence System -/- Introduction -/- The concept of individuality has long been central to human existence, shaping our identities, intelligence, and decision-making. However, if information were universally accessible to every biological brain via quantum computers, the nature of individuality would fundamentally change. While thermodynamics suggests that individuality may be an illusion, the emergence of a universally shared knowledge system would challenge our understanding of intelligence, creativity, and free will. This essay explores how (...)
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  26.  29
    The Poetry of the Sunflower: Structured Resonance and the Living Code of Emergence.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    The Poetry of the Sunflower: Structured Resonance and the Living Code of Emergence Abstract The sunflower is not merely a botanical entity but a living instantiation of structured resonance—a mathematical inevitability encoded within the fundamental laws of nature. Its growth does not arise from stochastic optimization but emerges as the inevitable resolution of phase-locked coherence constraints governing physical, biological, and cognitive systems. This paper establishes a unified framework wherein Fibonacci sequences, π-driven chirality, and structured emergence form the basis of a (...)
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  27.  29
    The Possibility of Advanced Extraterrestrial Aliens Based on the Universal Formula.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    -/- The Possibility of Advanced Extraterrestrial Aliens Based on the Universal Formula -/- Introduction -/- For centuries, humanity has pondered the existence of extraterrestrial life, particularly advanced alien civilizations. Traditional scientific approaches, such as the Drake Equation and astrobiology, suggest that the vastness of the universe makes alien life probable. However, from the perspective of the universal formula, which is based on the law of balance in nature, the law of karma (cause and effect with system integrity), and feedback mechanisms (...)
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  28.  27
    The Impossibility of Absolute Free Will: A Natural Law Perspective.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Impossibility of Absolute Free Will: A Natural Law Perspective -/- Introduction -/- The concept of free will has been a subject of philosophical, scientific, and theological debate for centuries. Many people believe that they have the power to make choices independent of external influences, a belief often referred to as “absolute free will.” However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that no decision is made in complete isolation from external and internal constraints. From biological and environmental factors to social (...)
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  29. The Principle of Totality and the Limits of Enhancement.Joshua Schulz - 2015 - Ethics and Medicine 31 (3):143-57.
    According to the Thomistic tradition, the Principle of Totality (TPoT) articulates a secondary principle of natural law which guides the exercise of human ownership or dominium over creation. In its general signification, TPoT is a principle of distributive justice determining the right ordering of wholes to their parts. In the medical field it is traditionally understood as entailing an absolute prohibition of bodily mutilation as irrational and immoral, and an imperfect obligation to use the parts of one’s (...)
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  30.  18
    The Mystery of Human Consciousness: Atomic Origins and Universal Inquiry.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Mystery of Human Consciousness: Atomic Origins and Universal Inquiry -/- Human beings are, at their core, atomic in nature. Every cell in our body is composed of atoms arranged in complex molecular structures, forming tissues, organs, and ultimately, the human brain. Yet, despite being made of the same fundamental particles as the rest of the universe, humans possess something extraordinary: consciousness, intelligence, and the ability to study the very laws that govern existence. This paradox raises profound philosophical, scientific, and (...)
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  31. Against Phenomenal Conservatism.Nathan Hanna - 2011 - Acta Analytica 26 (3):213-221.
    Recently, Michael Huemer has defended the Principle of Phenomenal Conservatism: If it seems to S that p, then, in the absence of defeaters, S thereby has at least some degree of justification for believing that p. This principle has potentially far-reaching implications. Huemer uses it to argue against skepticism and to defend a version of ethical intuitionism. I employ a reductio to show that PC is false. If PC is true, beliefs can yield justification for believing their (...)
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  32. Vagueness And The Sorites Paradox.Kirk Ludwig & Greg Ray - 2002 - Noûs 36 (s16):419-461.
    A sorites argument is a symptom of the vagueness of the predicate with which it is constructed. A vague predicate admits of at least one dimension of variation (and typically more than one) in its intended range along which we are at a loss when to say the predicate ceases to apply, though we start out confident that it does. It is this feature of them that the sorites arguments exploit. Exactly how is part of the subject of this paper. (...)
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    Simulacri dell'eternità. Forme della conoscenza del divino in Giordano Bruno.Puccini Francesca - 2024 - Lexicon Philosophicum 11:67-91.
    The article aims to highlight the metaphysical, epistemological and practical implications of some terms used by Bruno in magical and mnemotechnical works, showing the analogies with the Italian Dialogues. In the Spaccio de la bestia trionfante and in the Cabala del cavallo pegaseo, in particular, the search of the first and true good passes through the moral elevation of the human race, from a semi-feral condition to one of ‘civil conversation’, thanks to the careful use of the arts of (...)
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  34. The Meaning of "Look".Wylie Breckenridge - 2007 - Dissertation, New College, University of Oxford
    My main aim is to clarify what we mean by ‘look’ sentences such as (1) below – ones that we use to talk about visual experience: -/- (1) The ball looked red to Sue -/- This is to help better understand a part of natural language that has so far resisted treatment, and also to help better understand the nature of visual experience. -/- By appealing to general linguistic principles I argue for the following account. First, we use (1) to (...)
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  35. Aristotle’s Theory of Correspondence.Mohammad Bagher Ghomi -
    At the very beginning of On Interpretation (I, 1, 16a3-14) Aristotle distinguishes four levels and discusses their relationships. From this text, we can infer the following: 1. There are four levels: writing, speaking, mental experience and external world. Since writing and speaking can truly be taken as belonging to the same realm, we can reduce Aristotle’s distinction to three realms: language, thought and external world. 2. The realm of language, in both levels of writing and speaking, is different for different (...)
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  36. An Absolute Principle of Truthmaking.M. Oreste Fiocco - 2013 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 88 (1):1-31.
    The purpose of this paper is to propose and defend an absolute principle of truthmaking, a maximalist one according to which every truth is made true by something in the world beyond itself. I maintain that an absolute principle must be true, that any weakened version is straightforwardly contradictory or incoherent. I criticize one principle of truthmaking (in terms of bald necessity) and articulate one in terms of the relation in virtue of. I then criticize (...)
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  37. The Life Forms and Their Model in Plato's Timaeus.Karel Thein - 2006 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:241-273.
    The Intelligible Living Thing, posited as the model of our visible and tangible universe in Plato’s Timaeus, is often taken for a richly structured whole, which is not a simple sum of its four major parts. This assumption seems unwarranted – most specifically, the dialogue contains no hint at any complex intelligible blue print of the world as a teleologically arranged whole, whose goodness is irreducible to the well-being and individual perfection of its parts. To construe the rich structure of (...)
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  38. Implications of the Inverted U Phenomenon for the Bioethical Principle of Justice in the Context of Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement.Mijail Alejandro Tapia Moreno - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (3):65-74.
    At the present time there is a boom in the use of pharmacological cognitive enhancers (PCEs) particularly within an academic and labor context. Numerous objections to the use of this medicines arise in the context of Neuroethics, being one of the most important, the principle of justice. Among the most prevalent arguments put forward it is noted the disturbance of distributive justice and competitive fairness. -/- Succinctly it is established that hypothetical PCEs without adverse effects could promote the social (...)
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  39. Peer Disagreement and Two Principles of Rational Belief.Theodore J. Everett - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (2):273-286.
    This paper presents a new solution to the problem of peer disagreement that distinguishes two principles of rational belief, here called probability and autonomy. When we discover that we disagree with peers, there is one sense in which we rationally ought to suspend belief, and another in which we rationally ought to retain our original belief. In the first sense, we aim to believe what is most probably true according to our total evidence, including testimony from peers and authorities. (...)
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  40. Liberties, Not Rights: Gauthier and Nozick on Property.Paul Torek - 1994 - Social Theory and Practice 20 (3):343-361.
    In "Morals by Agreement", David Gauthier attempts to derive property rights from a moral principle called the Lockean proviso. The derivation fails, and the true implications of the moral principles which Gauthier invokes are quite different. These principles imply that persons have extensive liberties to use physical materials, but relatively few rights against interference by others in this use. Robert Nozick argues for an extensive system of property rights in "Anarchy, State, and Utopia"; his argument fails for similar (...)
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  41. How Not To Know The Principle of Induction.Howard Sankey - 2021 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 11 (3):243-254.
    In The Problems of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell presents a justification of induction based on a principle he refers to as “the principle of induction”. Owing to the ambiguity of the notion of probability, the principle of induction may be interpreted in two different ways. If interpreted in terms of the subjective interpretation of probability, the principle of induction may be known a priori to be true. But it is unclear how this should give us any (...)
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  42. Think Least of Death: Spinoza on How to Live and How to Die by Steven Nadler. [REVIEW]John Grey - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (4):708-709.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Think Least of Death: Spinoza on How to Live and How to Die by Steven NadlerJohn GreySteven Nadler. Think Least of Death: Spinoza on How to Live and How to Die. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. x + 234. Hardback, $39.95.Think Least of Death is not just an interpretation of Spinoza, but a defense of his philosophy. Nadler develops Spinoza's arguments in ways that are intended (...)
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  43. On the Principle of Indifference: A Defence of the Classical Theory of Probability.Michael J. Duncan - manuscript
    The classical theory of probability has long been abandoned and is seen by most philosophers as a non-contender—a mere precursor to newer and better theories. In this paper I argue that this is a mistake. The main reasons for its rejection—all related to the notorious principle of indifference—are that it is circular, of limited applicability, inconsistent, and dependent upon unjustified empirical assumptions. I argue that none of these claims is true and that the classical theory remains to be (...)
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  44.  39
    The Universal Formula for Solving the Free Will Problem and Preventing Global Chaos.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    -/- The Universal Formula for Solving the Free Will Problem and Preventing Global Chaos -/- By Angelito Malicse -/- Free will has perplexed philosophers, scientists, and theologians for millennia. The notion that humans possess the ability to make independent choices has often clashed with scientific findings indicating that decisions are influenced by biological, psychological, and environmental factors. This unresolved dilemma has far-reaching implications for society, as misunderstandings about human decision-making contribute to ignorance, conflict, and societal dysfunction. Without a clear understanding (...)
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  45. Collateral Damage and the Principle of Due Care.Anne Schwenkenbecher - 2014 - Journal of Military Ethics 13 (1):94-105.
    This article focuses on the ethical implications of so-called ‘collateral damage’. It develops a moral typology of collateral harm to innocents, which occurs as a side effect of military or quasi-military action. Distinguishing between accidental and incidental collateral damage, it introduces four categories of such damage: negligent, oblivious, knowing and reckless collateral damage. Objecting mainstream versions of the doctrine of double effect, the article argues that in order for any collateral damage to be morally permissible, violent agents must comply with (...)
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  46.  20
    The Heart of Civilization_ Identity, Culture, and the Geometry of Decision-Making.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Abstract This paper formalizes the mathematical relationship between identity, culture, and decision-making through the Chiral Prime Resonance (CPR) Equation. It establishes a structured resonance model, demonstrating that human civilization follows predictable oscillatory patterns rather than stochastic processes. Identity is modeled as a prime resonance function, while culture scales through Fibonacci-driven adaptation. The structured resonance framework provides a mathematical basis for understanding historical cycles, leadership viability, and systemic collapse. This work challenges probability-based AI models, proposing structured resonance as the fundamental basis (...)
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  47. Aristotle’s Principle of Non-Contradiction.Mohammad Bagher Ghomi - manuscript
    Some forms of defining PNC in Aristotle’s works are as follows: a) Everything must be either affirmed or denied (φάναι ἢ ἀποφάναι). (Met., B, 996b28-29) or: it will not be possible to assert and deny the same thing truly at the same time. (Met., Γ, 1008a36-b1) In other words, ‘contradictory statements (ἀντικειμένας φάσεις) are not at the same time true. (Met., Γ, 1011b13-14) Also, ‘It is impossible that contradictories (ἀντίφασιν) should be at the same time true of the (...)
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  48. True Belief Belies False Belief: Recent Findings of Competence in Infants and Limitations in 5-Year-Olds, and Implications for Theory of Mind Development.Joseph A. Hedger & William V. Fabricius - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (3):429-447.
    False belief tasks have enjoyed a monopoly in the research on children’s development of a theory of mind. They have been granted this status because they promise to deliver an unambiguous assessment of children’s understanding of the representational nature of mental states. Their poor cousins, true belief tasks, have been relegated to occasional service as control tasks. That this is their only role has been due to the universal assumption that correct answers on true belief tasks are inherently (...)
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  49. Strategies for defending the Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles: a critical survey and a new approach.L. G. S. Videira - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Campinas (Unicamp)
    The Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles (PII) is the focus of much controversy in the history of Metaphysics and in contemporary Physics. Many questions rover the debate about its truth or falsehood, for example, to which objects the principle applies? Which properties can be counted as discerning properties? Is the principle necessary? In other words, which version of the principle is the correct and is this version true? This thesis aims to answer this questions in (...)
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  50. The Principle of the Topical Localization of Symbols and the Meaning of the ‘Ultimate Meaning’: A Contribution From the Human Behavioral and Social Sciences.Paul F. Dhooghe & Guido Peeters - 1992 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 15 (4):296-305.
    A topological model of elementary semiotic schemes is presented. Implications are discussed with respect to the establishment of abstract terms and the search for ultimate meaning.
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