Results for 'Rodolfo Arango'

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  1. Remembering as a mental action.Santiago Arango-Munoz & Juan Pablo Bermúdez - 2018 - In Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin (eds.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 75-96.
    Many philosophers consider that memory is just a passive information retention and retrieval capacity. Some information and experiences are encoded, stored, and subsequently retrieved in a passive way, without any control or intervention on the subject’s part. In this paper, we will defend an active account of memory according to which remembering is a mental action and not merely a passive mental event. According to the reconstructive account, memory is an imaginative reconstruction of past experience. A key feature of the (...)
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  2. Epistemic Feelings and Epistemic Emotions (Focus Section).Santiago Arango-Muñoz & Kourken Michaelian - 2014 - Philosophical Inquiries.
    Philosophers of mind and epistemologists are increasingly making room in their theories for epistemic emotions (E-emotions) and, drawing on metacognition research in psychology, epistemic – or noetic or metacognitive – feelings (E-feelings). Since philoso- phers have only recently begun to draw on empirical research on E-feelings, in particular, we begin by providing a general characterization of E-feelings (section 1) and reviewing some highlights of relevant research (section 2). We then turn to philosophical work on E-feelings and E-emotions, situating the contributions (...)
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  3. Intentional mind-wandering as intentional omission: the surrealist method.Santiago Arango-Muñoz & Juan Pablo Bermúdez - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7727-7748.
    Mind-wandering seems to be paradigmatically unintentional. However, experimental findings have yielded the paradoxical result that mind-wandering can also be intentional. In this paper, we first present the paradox of intentional mind-wandering and then explain intentional mind-wandering as the intentional omission to control one’s own thoughts. Finally, we present the surrealist method for artistic production to illustrate how intentional omission of control over thoughts can be deployed towards creative endeavors.
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  4. From sensorimotor dependencies to perceptual practices: making enactivism social.Alejandro Arango - 2018 - Adaptive Behavior 27 (1):31-45.
    Proponents of enactivism should be interested in exploring what notion of action best captures the type of action-perception link that the view proposes, such that it covers all the aspects in which our doings constitute and are constituted by our perceiving. This article proposes and defends the thesis that the notion of sensorimotor dependencies is insufficient to account for the reality of human perception, and that the central enactive notion should be that of perceptual practices. Sensorimotor enactivism is insufficient because (...)
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  5. From Collective Memory ... to Collective Metamemory?Santiago Arango-Munoz & Kourken Michaelian - 2020 - In Anika Fiebich (ed.), Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality, vol 11. pp. 195-217.
    Ouraiminthischapteristodelineatetheformofsharedagencythatwe take to be manifested in collective memory. We argue for two theses. First, we argue that, given a relatively weak conception of episodicity, certain small-scale groups display a form of emergent (i.e., genuinely collective) episodic memory, while large-scale groups, in contrast, do not display emergent episodic memory. Second, we argue that this form of emergent memory presupposes (high-level and possibly low-level) metamemorial capacities, capacities that are, however, not themselves emergent group-level features but rather strictly individual-level features. The form of (...)
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  6. Social Enactivism about Perception—Reply to McGann.Alejandro Arango - 2019 - Adaptive Behavior 27 (2):161-162.
    In his comment, McGann argues that in my “From Sensorimotor Dependencies to Perceptual Practices: Making Enactivism Social,” I have overlooked a group of enactivist theories that can be grouped under the participatory sense-making label. In this reply, I explain that the omission is due to the fact that such theories are not accounts of perception. It is argued that, unlike participatory sense-making, the approach of the “From Sensorimotor Dependencies to Perceptual Practices” article does not focus on the perceptual aspects of (...)
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  7. Metacognitive feelings, self-ascriptions and metal actions.Santiago Arango-Muñoz - 2014 - Philosophical Inquiries 2 (1):145-162.
    The main aim of this paper is to clarify the relation between epistemic feel- ings, mental action, and self-ascription. Acting mentally and/or thinking about one’s mental states are two possible outcomes of epistemic or metacognitive feelings. Our men- tal actions are often guided by our E-feelings, such as when we check what we just saw based on a feeling of visual uncertainty; but thought about our own perceptual states and capacities can also be triggered by the same E-feelings. The first (...)
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  8. Husserl's Concept of Position-Taking and Second Nature.Alejandro Arango - 2014 - Phenomenology and Mind 6:168-176.
    I argue that Husserl’s concept of position-taking, Stellungnahme, is adequate to understand the idea of second nature as an issue of philosophical anthropology. I claim that the methodological focus must be the living subject that acts and lives among others, and that the notion of second nature must respond to precisely this fundamental active character of subjectivity. The appropriate concept should satisfy two additional desiderata. First, it should be able to develop alongside the biological, psychological, and social individual development. Second, (...)
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    No Latinx Without Afro-Latinx: A Desideratum for Accounts of Latinidad.Alejandro Arango & Adam Burgos - forthcoming - APA Studies on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy.
    The purpose of this essay is to articulate a specific desideratum for any theory of Latinidad, namely, that there is no adequate conception of Latinx without an attendant conception of Afro-Latinx. In order to be reflective of those whom it purports to describe in the U.S. and elsewhere in the hemisphere, the term Latinx must be plastic enough to encompass the many internal differences, and even antagonisms, between its different constituent parts. Within it, we argue here in particular, it must (...)
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  10. Ignorance and Cultural Diversity: The Ethical Obligations of the Behavior Analyst.Alejandro Arango - 2023 - Behavior Analysis in Practice 16 (1):23-29.
    Applied behavior analysis (ABA) has featured an increasing concern for understanding and considering the cultural diversity of the populations behavior analysts serve in recent years. As an expression of that concern, the new BACB’s Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts is more explicit and comprehensive in its inclusion of ethical obligations concerning cultural diversity. The purpose of this paper is to offer a discussion on the limitations of both our capacity and willingness to know and overcome our ignorance about our own (...)
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  11. "Comentario sobre" Realismo, esencialismo y extensionalismo".Pablo R. Arango - 2006 - Discusiones Filosóficas 7 (10):231-243.
    El artículo es un comentario crítico a“Realismo, esencialismo yextensionalismo”, del profesor IgnacioÁvila. En particular, se contestan lascríticas que el profesor Ávila hace a lametafísica esencialista, argumentando,principalmente, que esta metafísica escompatible con el fenómeno de larelatividad conceptual.This paper is a critical commentary to“Realism, Essentialism and Extensionalism”, by professor Ignacio Ávila. In particular, professor Ávila’s criticisms to an essentialist metaphysics are answered,arguing, mainly, that this metaphysicsis compatible with the phenom-enon of conceptual relativity.
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    Expresión, intersubjetividad y mundo perceptual.Alejandro Arango - 2019 - In Luis Rabanaque (ed.), Acta Fenomenológica Latinoamericana: Vol. VI. Lima: Círculo Latinoamericano de Fenomenología. pp. 279-193.
    Este artículo presenta y defiende una concepción expresiva del mundo perceptual que depende de la intersubjetividad. En un primer momento se muestra el desarrollo del concepto de expresión en Husserl y en Merleau-Ponty. El punto central de este desarrollo es que, en contraste con la concepción tradicional del concepto de expresión que es lingüística y consiste en el manifestarse exteriormente de algo interno, se propone ahora una idea de expresión que ya no separa radicalmente lo expresado de la expresión, no (...)
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  13. Moral clumsiness.Alejandro Arango - 2015 - Think 14 (40):93-99.
    What would happen if one morning you wake up clumsy, as if your sense of touch were unreliable, arbitrarily on and off? And what would this clumsiness look like if we could transfer it to the moral sense? The article expounds an interesting analogy between the sense of touch, loosely construed, and the moral sense: just as a sort of consistency is necessary for the sense of touch to do its job, so it is for the moral sense to play (...)
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  14. Collaborative memory knowledge: A distributed reliabilist perspective.Kourken Michaelian & Santiago Arango-Munoz - 2017 - In Michelle L. Meade, Celia B. Harris, Penny Van Bergen, John Sutton & Amanda J. Barnier (eds.), Collaborative Remembering: Theories, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press. pp. 231-247.
    Collaborative remembering, in which two or more individuals cooperate to remember together, is an ordinary occurrence. Ordinary though it may be, it challenges traditional understandings of remembering as a cognitive process unfolding within a single subject, as well as traditional understandings of memory knowledge as a justified memory belief held within the mind of a single subject. Collaborative memory has come to be a major area of research in psychology, but it has so far not been investigated in epistemology. In (...)
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  15. Michael Dummett: antirealism and the existence of God.Pablo R. Arango - 2013 - Discusiones Filosóficas 14 (22):125-140.
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  16. Sobre o chamado "modelo das quatro causas" em Aristóteles.Rodolfo Lopes - 2016 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 9 (21):129-142.
    O presente texto tem por simples objectivo o comentário sistemático ao capítulo 2 do Livro V da Metafísica de Aristóteles, onde o autor apresenta uma sistematização sobre o chamado modelo das quatro causas. Teremos também no horizonte de análise o famoso capítulo 3 do Livro I do mesmo tratado, onde Aristóteles inicia a crítica à tradição precedente justamente à luz deste modelo de causalidade. O objectivo é apenas comentar e esclarecer o texto original, cujas hesitantes formulações podem levantar alguns obstáculos (...)
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    Introduction: Identities Unfolding in the Social World.Alejandro Arango & Adam Burgos - 2024 - In Alejandro Arango & Adam Burgos (eds.), New Perspectives on the Ontology of Social Identities. New York: Routledge. pp. 1-8.
    This introduction to this collection of essays presents diverse perspectives on social identities, inviting readers to reconsider established notions and explore new approaches to understanding these complex social phenomena. The contributions challenge traditional philosophical boundaries, intersecting ontological, epistemological, ethical, and political considerations. // The authors situate different views on the ontology of social identities within some extant options. Thus, they contrast their "social identity affordance view" with two alternative approaches: the Cambridge Social Ontology group's positioning theory and Weichold & Thonhauser's (...)
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  18. Neither race nor ethnicity: Latinidad as a social affordance.Alejandro Arango & Adam Burgos - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (3):502-521.
    The debate about the definition of Latinidad as a social identity has fluctuated between accounts that put it closer to ethnicity or closer to race. We present and defend the claim that the multiplicity of features and experiences of Latinxs in the United States is best accounted for by placing Latinidad in a different theoretical space. We draw from the ecological psychology and enactive literature on affordances to argue that Latinidad can be better understood as a social identity affordance: a (...)
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  19. La autoestima en la educación.Rodolfo Acosta & José Hernández - 2004 - Límite 11 (11):82-95.
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  20. Late-scholastic and Cartesian conatus.Rodolfo Garau - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (4):479-494.
    Introduction Conatus is a specific concept within Descartes’s physics. In particular, it assumes a crucial importance in the purely mechanistic description of the nature of light – an issue that Des- cartes considered one of the most crucial challenges, and major achievements, of his natural phil- osophy. According to Descartes’s cosmology, the universe – understood as a material continuum in which there is no vacuum – is composed of a number of separate yet interconnected vortices. Each of these vortices consists (...)
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  21. Re-envisioning the Philosophy Classroom through Metaphors.Alejandro Arango & Maria Howard - 2021 - Teaching Philosophy 44 (2):121-144.
    What is a philosophy class like? What roles do teachers and students play? Questions like these have been answered time and again by philosophers using images and metaphors. As philosophers continue to develop pedagogical approaches in a more conscious way, it is worth evaluating traditional metaphors used to understand and structure philosophy classes. In this article, we examine two common metaphors—the sage on the stage, and philosophy as combat—and show why they fail pedagogically. Then we propose five metaphors—teaching philosophy as (...)
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  22. Considerações Sobre o Princípio da Não-Contradição na Perspectiva Aristotélica: Linguagem, Ontologia e Lógica.Rodolfo Denk Neto - 2018 - Ágora Filosófica 18 (2):109-136.
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  23. The Montevideo Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: a short review.Rodolfo Gambini & Jorge Pullin - 2015 - Entropy 20 (6):413.
    The Montevideo interpretation of quantum mechanics, which consists in supplementing environmental decoherence with fundamental limitations in measurement stemming from gravity, has been described in several publications. However, some of them appeared before the full picture provided by the interpretation was developed. As such it can be difficult to get a good understanding via the published literature. Here we summarize it in a self contained brief presentation including all its principal elements.
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  24. La cientificidad de la filosofía.Rodolfo Mario Agoglia - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 5:9-16.
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  25. Univocity of Intuitionistic and Classical Connectives.Branden Fitelson & Rodolfo C. Ertola-Biraben - forthcoming - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic:1-9.
    In this paper, we show (among other things) that the conditional in Frege's Begriffsschrift is ambiguous.
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    Collaborative memory knowledge: A distributed reliabilist perspective.Kourken Michaelian & Santiago Arango-Munoz - 2017 - In Michelle L. Meade, Celia B. Harris, Penny Van Bergen, John Sutton & Amanda J. Barnier (eds.), Collaborative Remembering: Theories, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press. pp. 231-247.
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  27. A single-world consistent interpretation of quantum mechanics from fundamental time and length uncertainties.Rodolfo Gambini, Luis Pedro Garcia-Pintos & Jorge Pullin - 2018 - Physical Review A 100 (012).
    Within ordinary ---unitary--- quantum mechanics there exist global protocols that allow to verify that no definite event ---an outcome to which a probability can be associated--- occurs. Instead, states that start in a coherent superposition over possible outcomes always remain as a superposition. We show that, when taking into account fundamental errors in measuring length and time intervals, that have been put forward as a consequence of a conjunction of quantum mechanical and general relativity arguments, there are instances in which (...)
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    O Paradoxo de Mênon e a Noção Platônica de Conhecimento.Rodolfo Izaias Barbosa - 2022 - Dissertation, Universidade Estadual de Maringá
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  29. A partial model theory and some of its applications.Rodolfo Cunha Carnier - manuscript
    In this paper, we introduce the basics of what we shall call "partial model theory", which is an extension of traditional model theory to partial structures. These are a specific kind of structure developed within the partial structures approach, which is a view constituting the semantic approach of theories. And together with other related semantical concepts, like the concept of quasi-truth, partial structures have been used in contemporary philosophy of science for several purposes. Nonetheless, those uses presuppose certain technical results, (...)
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  30. Tres temas de filosofía en las entrañas del Facundo.Luis Juan Guerrero & Rodolfo M. Agoglia - 1981 - Editorial Docencia.
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  31. Intencionalidade, Consciência e Caridade nas obras Éticas de Pedro Abelardo.Pedro Rodolfo Fernandes da Silva - 2017 - Dissertation, Ufscar, Brazil
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  32. Campo retórico de Consejero del lobo (1965) del poeta peruano Rodolfo Hinostroza.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2018 - Revell. Revista de Estudos Literários da UEMS 2 (19):457-479.
    El escritor peruano Rodolfo Hinostroza pertenece a la generación del sesenta, grupo literario que surgió en el Perú con la intención de proponer un estilo dinámico en la poesía. Para el análisis de este artículo, me baso en la propuesta de Stefano Arduini, quien articula la noción de campo retórico para hacer referencia a todo aquel contexto que posibilita la comprensión y el análisis literario a través de mecanismos referenciales, como la historia, las ideologías, la hermenéutica literaria, etc. La (...)
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  33. Análisis figurativo en dos poemas de Consejero del lobo (1965) de Rodolfo Hinostroza.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2019 - Tonos Digital 37 (37):1-30.
    Para este estudio, he considerado el postulado teórico que fundamenta Stefano Arduini en torno a los campos figurativos, los cuales cumplen la función de apropiarse de las figuras retóricas existentes en un discurso poético, siempre y cuando estén orientados hacia una forma de pensar distinguida por la metáfora, la sinécdoque, la metonimia, la elipsis, la antítesis y la repetición. Una vez configurada esta propuesta, realizaré un análisis afín en “Al fatigado” y “La voz en la playa” del poemario Consejero del (...)
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  34. Análisis tipológico de las metáforas, propuesto por George Lakoff y Mark Johnson, de los poemas “Bodas” y “Eclipse” de Consejero del lobo (1965), del poeta peruano Rodolfo Hinostroza.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2019 - Desde El Sur 11 (1):147-169.
    En el siguiente artículo, realizo un análisis literario en dos poemas de Consejero del lobo (1965), del escritor peruano Rodolfo Hinostroza, con la intención de que se apliquen los conceptos desarrollados por George Lakoff y Mark Johnson (investigados y trabajados por el crítico Camilo Fernández Cozman) en función de la tipología de las metáforas, que se compone de las vertientes orientacionales, ontológicas y estructurales, las cuales se infieren luego de un proceso de abstracción e identificación de nociones macro (a (...)
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    O encontro da enunciação filosófica na nossa América: geocultura e corporalidade em Gunter Rodolfo Kusch.Natacha M. U. R. I. E. L. Lopez Gallucci - 2024 - Pensando Revista de Filosofia 15 (36):8 -35.
    -/- O encontro da enunciação filosófica na nossa América: Geocultura e corporalidade em Günther Rodolfo Kusch -/- Neste artigo buscamos nos aproximar de dois objetivos em redor da filosofia de Günter Rodolfo Kusch (Buenos Aires, 1922-1979). Abordaremos, como primeiro objetivo, o terreno conceitual da filosofia latinoamericanista e as condições de possibilidade a partir das quais desenvolve sua filosofia em termos de pensamento geocultural (América Profunda, 1962; El pensamento indígena y popular em América, 1970; Geocultura del hombre americano, 1975). (...)
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    The Spacing of Decolonial Aesthetics.Don Thomas Deere - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):89-98.
    This essay develops on the aesthetic dimensions of decolonial thought in the work of Rodolfo Kusch and Enrique Dussel, who both point us to non-objectifying modes of thinking and being. Beyond a strictly epistemological approach, decolonial critique ought to offer an account of bodies, spaces, and movements that are the very condition of thought—that is to say, the condition of a mode of thinking otherwise, beyond the dominant colonial paradigm. This account of aesthetics involves the spacing and temporalizing of (...)
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    Inter-American Philosophy as Identity Therapy.Juan Carlos Gonzalez - 2024 - Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):1-16.
    [Recipient of the 2024 Inter-American Philosophy Award] Philosophers have recently debated whether the social identity category "Latinx" picks out a race (Alcoff 2006), an ethnicity (Gracia 2008), or something else altogether (Arango and Burgos 2021). Rather than defending one or several of these ways of understanding US Latinx as a political or social group, my paper focuses on the personal social identity turmoil young US Latinx people feel and explores the history of inter-American thought to seek a remedy for (...)
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  38. The role of epistemological models in Veronese's and Bettazzi's theory of magnitudes.Paola Cantù - 2010 - In Marcello D'Agostino, Federico Laudisa, Giulio Giorello, Telmo Pievani & Corrado Sinigaglia (eds.), New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science. College Publications.
    The philosophy of mathematics has been accused of paying insufficient attention to mathematical practice: one way to cope with the problem, the one we will follow in this paper on extensive magnitudes, is to combine the `history of ideas' and the `philosophy of models' in a logical and epistemological perspective. The history of ideas allows the reconstruction of the theory of extensive magnitudes as a theory of ordered algebraic structures; the philosophy of models allows an investigation into the way epistemology (...)
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  39. Collected Papers (on various scientific topics), Volume XII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This twelfth volume of Collected Papers includes 86 papers comprising 976 pages on Neutrosophics Theory and Applications, published between 2013-2021 in the international journal and book series “Neutrosophic Sets and Systems” by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 112 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 21 countries: Abdel Nasser H. Zaied, Muhammad Akram, Bobin Albert, S. A. Alblowi, S. Anitha, Guennoun Asmae, Assia Bakali, Ayman M. Manie, Abdul Sami Awan, Azeddine Elhassouny, Erick González-Caballero, D. Dafik, Mithun Datta, Arindam Dey, (...)
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  40. Anestro em Vacas Leiteiras: Fisiologia e Manejo.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    INTRODUÇÃO O anestro pós-parto é o período após o parto no qual a fêmea não apresenta ciclos estrais (atividade cíclica). Na vaca leiteira, o parto é seguido de um período de inatividade ovariana de duração variável, que é principalmente afetada pelo estado nutricional, produção leiteira, ganho ou perda de condição corporal antes e depois do parto, e por condições patológicas como hipoplasia dos ovários, cistos ovarianos, mumificação uterina, piometra entre outras, além, também, de condições ambientais como instalações que podem causar (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Reprodução Animal: Fisiologia do Parto e da Lactação Animal.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva -
    FISIOLOGIA DO PARTO E DA LACTAÇÃO ANIMAL -/- ANIMAL REPRODUCTION: PHISIOLOGY OF PARTURITION AND ANIMAL LACTATION -/- Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva Departamento de Zootecnia da UFRPE WhatsApp: (82)98143-8399 -/- 1. INTRODUÇÃO O sucesso biológico do processo de reprodução culmina com a sobrevivência das crias. Durante a gestação, o feto desenvolve-se no útero materno protegido das influências externas, e obtendo os nutrientes e o oxigênio através da mãe. O parto é o processo biológico que marca o fim da gestação e (...)
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  42. Fisiologia da Reprodução Animal: Fecundação e Gestação.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    REPRODUÇÃO ANIMAL: FECUNDAÇÃO E GESTAÇÃO -/- ANIMAL BREEDING: FERTILIZATION AND PREGNANCY -/- Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva Departamento de Zootecnia da UFRPE E-mail: [email protected] WhatsApp: (82)98143-8399 -/- REPRODUÇÃO ANIMAL: FECUNDAÇÃO E GESTAÇÃO -/- 1. INTRODUÇÃO Em geral, a reprodução dos animais domésticos constitui o eixo sobre o qual se ramificam as produções animais mais importantes (leite, carne e ovos). Conhecer os fenômenos fisiológicos que ocorrem durante as diferentes fases da função reprodutiva e os mecanismos que a regulam demonstrou ser primordial (...)
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  43. Diferenciação e Determinação Sexual dos Animais.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva -
    DIFERENCIAÇÃO SEXUAL -/- Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco Embrapa Semiárido -/- • _____OBJETIVO -/- Os estudantes de Veterinária e de Zootecnia estão ligados à disciplina Reprodução Animal, um pelos mecanismos fisiológicos para evitar e tratar as possíveis patologias do trato reprodutivo dos animais domésticos, e outro para o entendimento dos processos fisiológicos visando o manejo reprodutivo e a procriação para a formação de um plantel geneticamente melhorado. Sendo assim, a finalidade do presente trabalho é apresentar os (...)
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