Results for 'Sector Público'

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  1.  99
    Benchmarking en el sector público: aportes y propuestas de implementación para la provincia de Buenos Aires.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2012 - Villa Elisa, Provincia de Buenos Aires: FDGS.
    El tema de este trabajo es el benchmarking en el sector público. Esta investigación, parte del interés por analizar la importancia que ha cobrado el benchmarking en el sector como herramienta de mejora e innovación de la gestión pública donde los Estados comprometen esfuerzos para conseguir calidad, eficiencia y eficacia en los servicios que presta. En esta lógica se inscribe el principal objetivo, que consiste en realizar aportes y propuestas, para la implementación de herramientas de benchmarking en (...)
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  2. Public Benchmarking: contributions for subnational governments and Benchmarking Design.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2017 - Villa Elisa, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: FDGS.
    The theme of this book is benchmarking in the public sector and part of the interest to analyze the importance that benchmarking has gained in the sector -as a tool for improvement and innovation of public management- where States commit efforts to achieve quality, efficiency and effectiveness in the services it provides. The study is exploratory and descriptive, employing a qualitative methodology that combines a bibliographic analysis for the elaboration of the theoretical framework and the definition of the (...)
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  3. Cuadro de Mando Integral en la enseñanza de grado. Una propuesta integradora.Flavia M. Fernandez - 2021 - Documento de Trabajo Unidad Académica de Costos y Gestión.
    El Cuadro de Mando Integral (Balanced Scorecard) es una herramienta que se ha impuesto en la currículas de las carreras de administración y contaduría pública. A su vez, la tendencia mundial que exige formación de grado de 8 semestres lleva a que diversas herramientas de gestión se dicten a nivel de posgrado. En este trabajo, se efectúa una propuesta para cursos de grado, integrando Cuadro de Mando Integral y Reportes de Sostenibilidad, atendiendo a la estrategia de las organizaciones, con foco (...)
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    (1 other version)Indicadores y Cuadros de Mando.Carolina Asuaga - 2013 - In Amaro Yardin (ed.), Costos y Gestión. Una miradad panorámica en Latinoamérica y España.
    El capítulo comienza con una descripción de los indicadores más importantes, para luego hacer alusión a las características de los sistemas. Luego se extiende en una comparación de los indicadores tradicionales con los creados para cubrir las necesidades del nuevo contexto que reclama herramientas útiles para servir de apoyo a las decisiones gerenciales. Incluye reflexiones sobre los cuadros de mando, para arribar al cuadro de mando integral. Por último, alude a la aplicación de éste en el sector no lucrativo, (...)
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  5. Las Kellys y el turismo: de la invisibilidad del cuidado a la visibilidad política.Jose L. Lopez-Gonzalez - 2020 - Digithum (25):1-13.
    El trabajo desarrollado por las kellys o camareras de piso se caracteriza por encontrarse dentro de lo que se podría denominar como «trabajo de cuidados», aunque se inscribe de lleno en el campo productivo y es una parte vital del sector turístico. Su caso es un claro ejemplo de la intersección entre la precariedad y la invisibilidad de unas tareas que han sido histórica y culturalmente asignadas a las mujeres y condenadas al menosprecio social. En un contexto como el (...)
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  6. La inclusión como elemento integrador de las estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático: el caso del Plan 4C en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias.Mauricio Luna-Galván, Iván Vargas-Chaves & Anna María Franco-Gantiva - 2020 - In Gloria Amparo Rodríguez (ed.), Retos para enfrentar el cambio climático en Colombia. Editorial Universidad del Rosario. pp. 207-242.
    Este capítulo de libro argumenta que la formulación de estrategias de adaptación en el caso de Cartagena necesita adoptar una visión integral de la resiliencia ante los impactos económicos y sociales de los riesgos climáticos. Para lograrlo, el sector privado y público tienen que integrar a la comunidad afectada, sin apartarse del contexto y respaldando el desarrollo de las capacidades sostenibles, la implementación sólida de proyectos, así como la sostenibilidad de las estrategias de adaptación climática. El principal objetivo (...)
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  7. La cultura en el Uruguay. Una mirada desde las Ciencias Económicas. Vol I.Carolina Asuaga - 2011 - Montevideo: Fundación de Cultura Universitaria.
    Los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y de Administración de la Universidad de la República deben realizar, como trabajo final de carrera, una investigación o ensayo monográfico en un área de su interés, tutorados por un docente universitario o un investigador de reconocida trayectoria. Un gran número de estos trabajos monográficos han hecho un aporte valioso al conocimiento pero, lamentablemente, la poca difusión de éstos hace que ese conocimiento termine olvidado en los fondos de la biblioteca de la (...)
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  8. Private Sector Eyes Investment Funds.Vuong Quan Hoang - 1998 - Vietnam Investment Review 8:17-17.
    Research article title: Private Sector Eyes Investment Funds Author: Vuong Quan Hoang Outlet: Vietnam Investment Review (pg. 17) Published on: 15 - 21 June 1998.
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  9. Habermas. El uso público de la razón.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2013 - Madrid, Spain: Alianza Editorial.
    El propósito principal de este libro es mostrar hasta qué punto el pensamiento teórico de Habermas está animado por un fuerte aliento práctico, más concretamente práctico-político, con el que concretaría el muy ilustrado propósito de hacer uso público de la razón. De hecho, la intencionalidad práctica de su pensamiento es tan destacada que el conjunto de su obra se entiende mucho mejor si se la concibe, tal como él mismo insiste, como un intento de guiar con una finalidad emancipatoria (...)
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    Responsible innovation across societal sectors: a practice perspective on Quadruple Helix collaboration.Johannes Starkbaum & Vincent Blok - 2024 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 1 (1):1.
    To address societal challenges, research and innovation approaches, involving a wide range of actors, are increasingly promoted by policy communities. This paper explores the practice of Quadruple Helix collaborations for responsible innovation and how these implement the theoretical ambition of including actors from different societal sectors in innovation, including actors from the fields of arts, media and civil society, which is conceptualized as the Fourth Helix in this concept. Referring to cross-sector collaboration literature and based on an empirical investigation, (...)
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  11. Challenges to Private Sector Unionism in the United States and Catholic Social Teaching.Ferdinand Tablan - 2015 - Journal of Religion and Society 17:1-26.
    This paper tackles the current challenges to private sector unionism in the United States in light of Catholic social teaching (CST). The focus of the study is unionism in the private sector where the fall-off in membership is observed. CST is contained in a wide variety of official documents of the Catholic Church, in particular papal encyclicals, which present ethical norms for economic life in response to the changing realities of the modern world. The study begins with an (...)
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    The Paradox of Global Constitutionalism: Between Sectoral Integration and Legitimacy.Gürkan Çapar - forthcoming - Global Constitutionalism.
    The liberal international legal order faces a legitimacy crisis today that becomes visible with the recent anti-internationalist turn, the rise of populism and the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine. Either its authority or legitimacy has been tested many times over the last three decades. The article argues that this anti-internationalist trend may be read as a reaction against the neoliberal form taken by international law, not least over the last three decades. In uncovering the intricacies of international law’s legitimacy crisis, (...)
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  13. Fiscal Administration and Public Sector.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 -
    A fiscal administration shows the reality of government and public organization in their provision of public good or service for the citizen. It is an independent subject from the accounting, economic, political, and legal science, which is interdisciplinary and strives for any distinct goal of studies. A fiscal sustainability perhaps would be one ideal that this science would flounder to crystallize and hold out. The studies would be similar to the adjacent sciences, but could be defined ultimately for its unique (...)
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  14. PROMOTING FOOD BIOFORTIFICATION IN AGRICULTURAL SECTORS THROUGH SCHOOL MEALS PROGRAM: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NATIONAL POLICIES.Komang Agus Edi Suyoga, Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama, Chenaimoyo Lufutuko Faith Katiyatiya, Adrino Mazenda, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Background: Food biofortification practices in agricultural sectors involve the process of employing biotechnology to enhance the nutritional content of crops during their growth process. Biofortification makes foods even more nutritious and highly functional for addressing malnutrition among children. These practices in farming industries need guidance and legal support from various national policies to support high-quality supplies of school meals fully. Aim: This study aims to analyze the association between various national policies and the implementation of food biofortification practices in agricultural (...)
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  15. Trend analysis of the Nigerian budgetary allocation to the education sector from 2009 – 2018 with reference to UNESCO's 26% Benchmark.Francisca Nonyelum Odigwe & Valentine Joseph Owan - 2019 - International Journal of Educational Benchmark 14 (1):1-14.
    The importance of education in boosting the manpower of an economy cannot be overemphasized. This critical sector has been bastardized, relegated and put in a dust bin position through paltry figures usually allocated to it by the Federal Government of Nigeria. This paper presents a holistic trend of budgetary activities in Nigeria with a particular focus on the allocation to the Education sector using times series approach from 2009-2018. Two research questions were answered using secondary data gathered from (...)
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  16. El control ciudadano de las tarifas de servicios públicos a través de acciones colectivas.Romina Rekers - 2016 - la Ley 1 (9):5-20.
    En el fallo de la Cámara Federal de La Plata se resolvió declarar la nulidad de las Resoluciones 28 y 31 del Ministerio de Energía y Minería de la Nación, retrotrayéndose la situación tarifaria a la existente previamente al dictado de ambas.El fallo platense presentaba dos características relevantes. Estos aspectos trazaban una diferencia con el caso de los amparos cordobeses. En primer lugar, la nulidad de las resoluciones se fundaba en un aspecto procedimental, a saber: la no realización de la (...)
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  17. Resource curse or destructive creation in transition: Evidence from Vietnam's corporate sector.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Nancy K. Napier - 2014 - Management Research Review 37 (7):642-657.
    Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to explore the "resource curse" problem as a counter-example of creative performance and innovation by examining reliance on capital and physical resources, showing the gap between expectations and ex-post actual performance that became clearer under conditions of economic turmoil. Design/methodology/approach ‐ The analysis uses logistic regressions with dichotomous response and predictor variables on structured tables of count data, representing firm performance as an outcome of capital resources, physical resources and innovation where appropriate. (...)
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  18. PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT AND CORRUPTION IN ASEAN PLUS SIX.My Thi Ha Tran - 2021 - Dissertation, Swinburne University of Technology
    The study involved analyzing the causes and consequences of corruption in Vietnam. Some research findings were similar to those of other low- to middle-income countries. However, there were some differences since Vietnam was a socialist republic country. The study used regression analysis to determine the correlations between government expenditure, governance indicator and corruption as well as between corruption and the economic development in selected countries. Data gathered from various sources over 18 years, from 2000 to 2017, were used to answer (...)
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  19. A Public Survey on Handling Male Chicks in the Dutch Egg Sector.B. Gremmen, M. R. N. Bruijnis, V. Blok & E. N. Stassen - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (1):93-107.
    In 2035 global egg demand will have risen 50% from 1985. Because we are not able to tell in the egg whether it will become a male or female chick, billons of one day-old male chicks will be killed. International research initiatives are underway in this area, and governments encourage the development of an alternative with the goal of eliminating the culling of day-old male chicks. The Netherlands holds an exceptional position in the European egg trade, but is also the (...)
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  20. RESEÑA. Judith Butler. Sin miedo. Formas de resistencia a la violencia de hoy. Madrid: Taurus, 2020. Revista Estudios Públicos 160 (2020), 143-149.Angela Boitano - 2020 - Revista Estudios Públicos 160 (2020), 143-149 1 (160):143-149.
    Suele ser decepcionante asistir a la conferencia de algún/a filósofo/a u otro/a pensador/a, artista si es que uno ya lo ha leído, estudiado o seguido su obra por algún tiempo. Leer Sin miedo no ha sido la excepción. De ahí el valor de una reseña de libro, a saber: definir la audiencia para la cual el texto comentado podría ser un aporte. En este sentido, Sin miedo es perfecto para un público poco familiarizado con la obra de Butler o (...)
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  21. Descartes y las leyes de caridad. Derecho privado y público en la 'Carta a Voetius'.Pablo Pavesi - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 44 (2):193-209.
    Planteamos el problema siguiente: Descartes contesta la acusación irracional de Voetius interpretando, excepcionalmente, los Evangelios y afirma que las _leyes de caridad _son _afines _a las _leyes de la amistad natural _que rigen las funciones del pastor y del profesor. Proponemos que Descartes excluye el examen de las virtudes teologales e incursiona en el derecho privado y civil para probar que Voetius no es un _verdadero _profesor, ni un _verdadero _pastor, y usurpa las atribuciones del juez. Frente a la irracionalidad, (...)
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  22. Stakeholder Engagement for Responsible Innovation in the Private Sector: Critical Issues and Management Practices.Vincent Blok, L. Hoffmans & E. Wubben - 2015 - Journal of Chain and Network Science 2 (15):147-164.
    Although both EU policy makers and researchers acknowledge that public or stakeholder engagement is important for responsible innovation (RI), empirical evidence in this field is still scarce. In this article, we explore to what extent companies with a disposition to innovate in a more responsible way are moving towards the ideal of mutual responsiveness among stakeholders, as it is presented in the RI literature. Based on interviews with companies and non-economic stakeholders in the Dutch Food industry, it can be concluded (...)
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  23. Temas de derecho ambiental: una mirada desde lo público.Gloria Amparo Rodriguez & Ivan Andres Paez - 2012 - Universidad del Rosario.
    En los últimos tiempos el derecho ambiental ha ganado un puesto importante en el ámbito jurídico, hecho que refleja la preocupación que hoy se tiene por la relación del hombre con su entorno. Desde hace quince años, la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra señora del Rosario, por intermedio de su Facultad de Jurisprudencia y concretamente de la Especialización y la línea de investigación en Derecho Ambiental, ha propuesto a través de diversos proyectos avanzar en el conocimiento y análisis del ordenamiento (...)
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    Non potest civitas abscondi supra montem posita. Iglesia y ethos monacal en la restauración medieval del espacio público.Juan Carlos Valderrama-Abenza - 2014 - In Montserrat Herrero López, Alfredo Cruz Prados, Raquel Lazaro & Alejandro Martinez Carrasco (eds.), Escribir en las almas. Estudios en honor de Rafael Alvira. Pamplona: EUNSA. pp. 939-952.
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  25. Startery podlaskiej gospodarki. Analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego: sektor produkcji oprogramowania komputerowego (Podlasie economy starters. Analysis of economic growth and innovation areas of Podlaskie: software production sector).Bogusław Plawgo, Anna Grabska, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Andrzej Klimczuk, Jacek Kierklo & Justyna Żynel-Etel - 2011 - Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy W Białymstoku.
    More Info: B. Plawgo, A. Grabska, M. Klimczuk-Kochańska, A. Klimczuk, J. Kierklo, J. Żynel-Etel, Startery podlaskiej gospodarki. Analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego: sektor produkcji oprogramowania komputerowego (Podlasie economy starters. Analysis of economic growth and innovation areas of Podlaskie: software production sector), Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Białymstoku, Białystok 2011.
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  26. The Impact of Banking Sector Development on Economic Growth: The Case of Vietnam’s Transitional Economy.Phuc Tran Nguyen - 2022 - Journal of Risk and Financial Management 15 (8):358.
    The objective of this paper is to examine the role of the banking system in the growth of the Vietnamese economy in the process of the transition that started in the early 1990s. An ARDL approach-based multivariate regression technique is applied to shed light on the impact on the growth of banking development, which is measured by broad money and bank credit. The empirical findings confirm a positive long-term effect of banking development on growth, reflecting the important role of the (...)
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  27. Microsoft’s Partnership with UNHCR—Pro Bono Publico?Gabriele Suder & Nina Marie Nicolas - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 6:183-198.
    The discussion of ethics, corporate responsibility and its educational dimensions focuses primarily on CSR, corporate citizenship and philanthropic theory and practise. The partnership between Microsoft Corporation and UNHCR was launched to help the victims of the Kosovo crisis, at the same time as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gained momentum, and in particular, at the same time as Microsoft experienced a decrease in stock value. This case study sheds light on a decade of Microsoft Corp. efforts to align business (...)
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  28. TEAM BUILDING INITIATIVES AS A TOOL IN INCREASING MOTIVATION AND EMPLOYEES’ PRODUCTIVITY IN THE FOOD SERVICE SECTOR.Decie Claire A. Locsin, Arvin A. Marasigan, Jenny Rose H. Martin, Mark Angelo L. Miralles, Allyssa Marie B. Ramos, Lena N. Cañet & Maria Cecilia de Luna - 2023 - Get International Research Journal 1 (2):45-65.
    Successful teamwork doesn't work overnight, what makes teamwork potent is team building. (Plagiarism) According to Abdullah, et. al., (2022) team building training can improve group cohesiveness or the quality of sticking together or unity teamwork more likely to be higher with a significant score difference. This study used mixed methods both qualitative and quantitative data collection, and an analysis method to answer the research method, random sampling is named as such because the data set is chosen via random selection, where (...)
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  29. A destruição do inimigo público inominado: uma interpretação do político em Carl Schmitt.Felipe Alves - 2017 - Revista de la Facultad de Derecho 43 (1):259-286.
    This paper proposes a critical analysis of the essential criteria to define the concept of the political as presented by German jurist and philosopher, Carl Schmitt. Based on the essence of the political -i.e. the friend-enemy duality-, the objective is to explore the practical implications resulting from the actual possibilities of confrontation, the key scope being the analysis of a totalitarian potential from a Schmittian´s perspective. In Schmitt´s thought, this distinction is the fundamental reason for the definition of the political. (...)
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  30. The State of the Sharing Economy in Croatia: Legal Framework and Impact on Various Economic Sectors.Kosjenka Dumančić & Anita Čeh Časni - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram (eds.), The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 90-99.
    Since the sharing economy is a rather new phenomenon, there is still no official definition of it in the legal framework of Croatia. The continuous development of sharing economy started a few years after the 1998 global and domestic economic crisis stroked Croatia. Namely, a total of eight platforms in the sectors of transportation, accommodation, finance, and online skills could be identified. The total market share of these platforms amounts to estimated market revenue of roughly 106 million EUR. When compared (...)
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  31. The Metaphysics of Collaboration: Identity, Unity and Difference in Cross-sector Partnerships for Sustainable Development.Vincent Blok - 2014 - Philosophy of Management 13 (2):53-74.
    In this article, we critically discuss the ideal of alignment, unity and harmony in cross-sector partnerships for wicked problems like sustainable development. We explore four characteristics of the concepts of identity, unity and difference which are presupposed in the partnership and collaboration literature, and point at their metaphysical origin. Based on our analysis of these four characteristics, we show the limitations of the metaphysical concepts of identity and difference in the case of CSPs for wicked problems like sustainable development.
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  32. Indicadores de Gestión en Organismos Públicos. El caso de las Orquestas Sinfónicas.Carolina Asuaga & Manuel Esmoris - 2006 - Anales Del II Congreso de Costos Del Mercosur.
    Las artes escénicas y su financiación han tenido un rol preponderante en los estudios económicos de la cultura. Múltiples publicaciones se han centrado en la pertinencia de la intervención estatal tanto como agente que realiza el financiamiento, como proveedor y productor de servicios culturales, así como a que fallos de mercado debe dar respuesta el estado. Asimismo - aunque no con la asiduidad y la profundidad deseada-, han surgido diversos artículos sobre la gestión de las artes escénicas en el marco (...)
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  33. Harmonization of accounting for public sector entities in accordance with the leading international standards: a comparison of Italy and Ukraine.Mariya Lalakulych, Igor Britchenko & Tetyana Hushtan - 2018 - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. – Atlantis Press: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018) 217:169-176.
    In recent years, there have been many reforms in the field of accounting. In the same time, scientists focus on the leading methods of accounting, financial management and economic opportunities for the additional use of accounting tools to introduce reforms in the field of the accounting of public sector entities. The main goal of this paper is to reveal the leading features of the accounting system of public sector entities and to study the aspects of a new accounting (...)
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  34. A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS IN INDIA: AN ANALYSIS ON CAMEL MODEL.Kishore Meghani - 2015 - Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (OMAN Chapter) 4 (8):18-34.
    Banking sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in India. Today’s banking sector becoming more complex. The objective of this study is to analyze the Financial Position and Performance of the Bank of Baroda and Punjab National Bank in India based on their financial characteristics. This study attempts to measure the relative performance of Indian banks. For this study, we have used public sector banks. We know that in the service sector, it is difficult to (...)
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  35. International compliance regimes: a public sector without restraints.James Franklin - 2007 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 9 (2):86-95.
    Though there is no international government, there are many international regimes that enact binding regulations on particular matters. They include the Basel II regime in banking, IFRS in accountancy, the FIRST computer incident response system, the WHO’s system for containing global epidemics and many others. They form in effect a very powerful international public sector based on technical expertise. Unlike the public services of nation states, they are almost free of accountability to any democratically elected body or to any (...)
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  36. Political Theory and the Nonprofit Sector.Theodore Lechterman & Rob Reich - 2020 - In Walter W. Powell & Patricia Bromley (eds.), The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook. Stanford, CA, USA: Stanford University Press. pp. 171-91.
    This chapter defends an overarching ideal of liberal democracy—government for and by the people, where each is considered free and equal—and shows how different conceptions of this ideal lead to different visions of the nonprofit sector. The argument reflects a more fundamental point: that claims about the proper shape and scope of civil society, and certainly the dimensions of nonprofit organizations, are structured by larger political ideals. We cannot understand competing visions of the nonprofit sector without seeing it (...)
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  37. Simultaneous Effect of Ownership and Economic Sector on the Performance of Enterprises in Vietnam.Pham Quang Tin, Pham Kim Ngoc, Nguyen Tran Thuan & Doan Gia Dung - 2017 - International Journal of Economics and Finance 9 (11):223-231.
    This paper examines the differences in the impact of ownership types and economic sectors on the business efficiency of 4,733 enterprises in Vietnam by the year of 2015. By the method of analysis of variance (ANOVA), it is shown that while types of ownership, foreign, state and private ownership, have a significant and different impact on the performance of businesses, the difference in economic sectors does not affect the enterprise efficiency. In addition, when testing simultaneous effect of these factors, some (...)
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  38. New Approaches to Evaluating the Performance of Corporate–Community Partnerships: A Case Study from the Minerals Sector[REVIEW]Ana Maria Esteves & Mary-Anne Barclay - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (2):189-202.
    A continuing challenge for researchers and practitioners alike is the lack of data on the effectiveness of corporate–community investment programmes. The focus of this article is on the minerals industry, where companies currently face the challenge of matching corporate drivers for strategic partnership with community needs for programmes that contribute to local and regional sustainability. While many global mining companies advocate a strategic approach to partnerships, there is no evidence currently available that suggests companies are monitoring these partnerships to see (...)
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    Machismo estrutural e suas manifestações cotidianas: um estudo sobre microagressões em espaços públicos e institucionais. (13th edition).Fabiana Brito - 2024 - Contribuiciones a Las Ciencias Sociales 17.
    O machismo estrutural, manifestado por microagressões no cotidiano, é um dos principais fatores que perpetuam a desigualdade de gênero. Essas microagressões, embora aparentemente inofensivas, reforçam estereótipos sexistas e consolidam uma hierarquia de poder entre os gêneros. O estudo, através da metodologia fundamentada em análise bibliográfica comparativa, aponta que, por serem naturalizadas, essas práticas afetam o bem-estar psicológico e social das mulheres e dificultam mudanças estruturais em prol da equidade. A cultura histórica de submissão feminina contribui para a segregação ocupacional e (...)
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  40. Sharing Economy in Lithuania: Steady Development with Focus on Transportation Sector.Vida Česnuitytė, Leta Dromantienė, Dainius Bernotas, Jūratė Banytė, Elena Vitkauskaitė & Eglė Vaičiukynaitė - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram (eds.), The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 178-196.
    The sharing economy is a new and underdeveloped phenomenon in Lithuania, starting from the definition of the concept in a state’s legal framework and scarce statistics. The aim of the paper is to describe the trends of the digitally supported sharing economy in Lithuania. Available national and international information and data were analysed. It was shown that the most popular services in Lithuania there is the transport sector, in the second place there is the accommodation sector, in the (...)
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  41. INFORMAL EMPLOYMENT AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO WORK IN THE FORMAL SECTOR, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IMMIGRANT OWNED BUSINESSES.Andre D. Slabbert & Robertson K. Tengeh - 2013 - Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences.
    In a world of more than 7 billion people, 80% live on less than $10 per day. Five (5) percent of global income is generated by the poorest 40 percent of the world’s population; while the wealthiest 20% of the population generates 75 percent of world income. Economics attempts to define or describe behavior and it ventures into the realm of predicting. Economics should therefore accept responsibility for controlling/directing realities. If we can understand, define and predict behavior, we should accept (...)
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  42. Discovering Dimensions of Administrative Corruption in Education Sector.Abdul Rahim Chandio - 2022 - International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR) 6 (6):27-32.
    Abstract- Administrative corruption has a long history in Pakistan which affected each public institution since its inception. Good governance in Pakistan never took a sigh due to Bribery in public sector and versatile Miraculous of Corruption in Public Administration. Administrative corruption possesses a multidimensional and complex phenomenon that has been created by numerous factors to affect at a wide range and each segment of society to be exhibited in a diversity of roles and traits. This study is considering significance (...)
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  43. La necesidad de un consejo de política criminal en Rekers, R. (Comp). Instituciones públicas y moralidad política. La responsabilidad moral en el ejercicio de los roles públicos institucionales.Romina Rekers - 2015 - In Ciencia, derecho y sociedad. Córdoba, Argentina:
    El objetivo de este artículo es identificar las consideraciones de quienes deben guiar la sanción o reforma de la ley penal. Este objetivo cobra relevancia si consideramos que las diferentes respuestas pueden impactar en las tasas de cumplimiento del derecho penal y en los niveles de coacción estatal arbitraria. Para ello, se analizarán algunas propuestas teóricas que se ubican en una cuyos extremos están ocupados, respectivamente, por el populismo y el elitismo penal. Estos argumentos son reconstruidos en el debate sobre (...)
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  44. An Empirical Evaluation of Job Satisfaction in Private Sector and Public Sector Bank Employees.Prof Madhurima - 2014 - SOCRATES 2 (1):89-103.
    Job satisfaction cannot be defined by a single measurement alone. In fact, there is substantial evidence to support a relationship between satisfaction and performance of a job. For such a relationship there has been tremendous interest among managers and economists as it helps in increasing the quality as well as quantity of the production. However, some argue contrarily, that rather it is the performance that leads to satisfaction. Whatever be the direction of relationship, one thing is clear that productivity and (...)
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  45. El yo como República. Identidad personal y bien público en Hume.P. Pavesi - 1998 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 24 (2):263-280.
    The following article examines the comparison between the human mind and a Commonwealth proposed by Hume in section 1.4.6 of the Treatise of Human Nature. As the members of a given social society do not link their respective interests by causality relations, such a comparison is not to be understood as an illustration of causality relations between perceptions. We would like to prove that such comparison asserts that our belief in personal identity is stemming from the invention of an artificial (...)
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  46. Regional clustering of financial ensuring of dual education introduction on the example of Ukraine road sector.Igor Britchenko, Levchenko Yaroslava, M. Bezpartochnyi & Prylutska Liudmyla - 2020 - In Igor Britchenko & Maksym Bezpartochnyi (eds.), Pandemic Economic Crisis: Changes and New. Sofia, Bułgaria: pp. 80-89.
    In accordance with Order No. 548 of the Ministry of Infrastructure dated December 21, 2015 “On measures for the development of road transport and the road economy for the period until 2020”, strategic directions and strategic development goals were developed. This is necessary to ensure the implementation of plans and the implementation of EU legislation in accordance with the Association Agreement. In accordance with the Order, the priorities were to reform the road sector and to ensure the development and (...)
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  47.  57
    BMF CP 74: Promoting Food Biofortification in Agricultural Sectors through School Meals Program.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    Globally, school meal programs aim to meet the nutritional needs of school-aged children, promising a better future for participating countries. However, the implementation of these programs varies among countries. In those with such programs, strong policy guidelines are essential to ensure their success. National policies related to school feeding, nutrition, health, food safety, agriculture, and the private sector play a crucial role in the effective implementation of food biofortification in the agricultural sector. This study aims to analyze how (...)
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  48. PUBLIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A RECIPE FOR IMPROVED SERVICE DELIVERY IN SOUTH AFRICA's PUBLIC SECTOR.Hammed O. Ojugbele, Oyebanjo Ogunlela & Robertson K. Tengeh - 2022 - Focus on Research in Contemporary Economics 3 (1):191-213.
    This paper aims to evaluate the potential role of public entrepreneurship in improving public sector service delivery in South Africa, with special emphasis on showing the practicability of public entrepreneurship despite the marked differences between the public and the private sector where entrepreneurship originates from. In other words, we are seeking to answer the question of how exactly can public entrepreneurship work in practice in South Africa and beyond? We attempted to answer this question in this paper through (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Instituciones públicas y moralidad política. La responsabilidad moral en el ejercicio de los roles públicos institucionales. Responsabilidad Moral en el Ejercicio de Roles Públicos Institucionales. Instituciones de Derecho Tributario. Instituciones de Derecho Penal. Ciencia, derecho y sociedad (Compiladora).Romina Rekers - 2015 - Córdoba, Argentina: Editorial de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y Editorial Lerner..
    El Derecho y la Ética mantienen una relación estrecha, aunque no muchas veces se le brinda la atención que dicha vinculación merece. El análisis y la evaluación moral de las instituciones jurídicas y políticas conforman lo que se denomina "Jurisprudencia Normativa" o también "Ética Política". Una disciplina capaz de hacer avanzar el estudio de políticas públicas y herramientas jurídicas y sociales y, a la vez, juzgar su adecuación a criterios de corrección moral política. Este ha sido nuestro objetivo en la (...)
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  50. SOCIAL ENTERPRISES LOOKING AT INNOVATIVE WAYS TO REVIVE THE HANDLOOM SECTOR (MSME) POST-LOCKDOWN: A CASE STUDY OF SOME FAMOUS WOMEN SOCIAL ENTERPRISES IN INDIA.Uma Shankar Yadav, Mano Ashish Tripathi, Nassir Mammadov & Anita Yadav - 2022 - Science, Education and Innovation in the Context of Modern Problems 5 (4):173-185.
    The fear of the unknown is the lived reality of the handloom industry in India. Handloom is the second largest employment provider in the country, after agriculture. According to the 2019-20 National Census of Handloom Weavers, there are 31.44 lakh households engaged in weaving and allied activities, out of which 87% are in rural areas. The objective of this article is to study the social enterprises that are looking for innovative ways to receive the handloom sector in the post-pandemic (...)
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