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  1. Initial Practices for Abstraction of Body and Space in Design Education.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu, Gamze Şensoy, Melih Kamaoğlu & Mehmet İnceoğlu - 2022 - Online Journal of Art and Design 10 (2):282-298.
    The relationship between space and human occurs through the actions performed with the body. The abstraction study as an exploration of the body is one of the significant practices for first-year design students. However, there are not enough investigations for design students regarding body, space and basic design principles. This paper aims to explore the potentiality and limitations of the body-abstraction process by comparing the impact of two different educational models on students' perception and improvement. The applied methodology includes comparing (...)
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    Decoding Career Intentions: Key Determinants of Architecture Students’ Choices in the Construction Industry.Emre Demirtaş & Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu - 2025 - Buildings 15 (4):601.
    In parallel with the global landscape, the architecture profession is losing its appeal in Turkey, as evidenced by a decline in school occupancy rates to 79%. Accordingly, the Higher Education System (YÖK) has decreased architecture program quotas by an average of 20%. This study establishes a comprehensive model outlining the key factors influencing these orientations to better understand architecture students’ career paths. This paper investigates how architecture students’ perceptions of the construction industry influence their career choices, particularly their likelihood of (...)
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  3. Digital possibilities of the atmosphere: Metaverse and hallucinatory image.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu & Cansu Tatlı - 2022 - Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology a - Applied Sciences and Engineering 23:119-130.
    Considering the propositions of the virtual universe with its short history, there are digital twins and various economic investments. While the Metaverse points out a novel universe, it is able to promise much more than producing a copy of the self and imitation of conventional economic interactions. To reveal these potentials, it is necessary to determine the areas that must be meticulously focused on. Although Metaverse has permeated daily life dialogues, studies in the academic field are limited. Likewise, research about (...)
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  4. Yapay Zeka, Sanat ve Atmosfer [Artificial Intelligence, Art and Atmosphere].Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu - 2024 - Türk Edebiyatı - Aylık Fikir Ve Sanat Dergisi 606:8-14.
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  5. Bölünmüş Ekran - Hesaplamalı Evrende Mimarlık [Divided Screen - Architecture in the Computational Universe].Sema Alaçam, Lale Başarır, Orkan Zeynel Güzelci, Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu & Selen Çiçek - 2024 - Ege Mimarlık 1 (124):14-23.
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  6. Atmospheric perception in digital space.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu & Leyla Yekdane Tokman - 2021 - Archdesign '21 / Viii. International Architectural Design Conference 1:54-65.
    Architectural space has some triggers for unique experiences and one of them is its atmosphere. The atmosphere has an unstable structure, instead of static affectivity, and it feeds on uncertainties of spatial experience. Thus, instead of analyzing the dynamic atmospheres through reductionist definitions, it is necessary to address the existing ontological ambiguity of it. Theories of the atmosphere mostly correspond to physical spaces. However, COVID-19 brings about exponential enhance of digitalization. These digital interactions require a spatial dimension. The atmosphere, as (...)
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    Estetikte Yeni Katmanlar: Yapay Zeka ve Atmosfer Tartışmalarına Giriş [New Layers in New Aesthetics: An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Atmosphere Discussions].Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu - 2024 - Mstas2024 (Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Sempozyumu) 1:637-656.
    ENG: The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) presents a duality of opportunity and risk. On the one hand, there are potential dangers inherent in the development of AI. However, on the other hand, the advent of AI also offers humanity a multitude of possibilities for improvement and advancement. The aesthetic values and cultural expressions that artists encounter in their environment serve to redefine the aesthetic judgments they form, thus determining the paths they subsequently follow. The objective of this research is (...)
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    Multi-Disciplinary Contributions to Atmosphere/Ambiance.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu, Mustafa Bekmezci, Gökçe Ketizmen & Mehmet İnceoğlu - 2024 - Ambiances2024: Sensory Explorations - Ambiances in a Changing World 1:34-45.
    This study examines the complex domain of atmosphere/ambiance, emphasizing its development and importance in many academic fields from 2000 to 2023. By examining significant contributions, it highlights the term “atmosphere” as primarily employed in literature. Analysis of citation patterns reveals a substantial surge in scholarly attention after 2020, primarily driven by English-speaking academic circles. The multidisciplinary aspect of atmospheric studies is apparent, since geography, urban design, philosophy, and cultural studies have made significant contributions. The incorporation of novel methodologies from many (...)
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  9. Examples in Design Education: Inspiration or Fixation.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu & Dilek Yıldız - 2018 - Shs Web Conferences 48:1-9.
    Inspiration has an important role in design education. Searching existing design examples is a widely-used practice for inspiration. There are two different approaches regarding exposure of examples in design process. Some researchers claim that examples can inspire designers and increase the originality of outcomes, while other researchers highlight that examples cause fixedness to their features as a negative effect for creativity. The aim of the study is to analyse different modalities of examples, such as text, photograph, diagram, object as stimulation (...)
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  10. Dance theatre between the body-space and atmosphere in architecture: Pina Bausch.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu, Gamze Şensoy & Elif Tatar - 2021 - Artanddesign-2021 (International Congress on Art and Design Research and Exhibition) 1:1205-1222.
    Architectural space has some triggers for unique experiences and one of them is its atmosphere. The atmosphere has an unstable structure so that it is difficult to define clearly. We are capable of immediate appreciation, such as being inside or outside. Thus, the threshold between bodily experiences and mental emergence becomes a blurred one, like a haze. It is sensed in bodily presence by human beings. The boundaries, such as subject and object, are transgressed through the atmosphere. The subject appears (...)
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  11. Textual examples in idea generation phase of design process: Creativity and fixation.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu - 2019 - Dissertation, Istanbul Technical University
    During the idea generation phase of the design process, designers often search for inspirations in external sources of information, such as photographs, written descriptions and physical examples. These sources have potential to enhance creative performance. However, they sometimes become too attached to particular ideas of external precedents or various examples. It refers to fixation which is identified as inadequate adoption of features from existing examples. Influence of the existing examples on creativity and fixation, specifically textual examples, have been discussed in (...)
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  12. Body, dance and abstraction for spatial and structural comprehension in the first year of design education.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu, Melih Kamaoğlu, Gamze Şensoy & Mehmet İnceoğlu - 2023 - International Journal of Technology and Design Education 33 (1).
    The first year of design education is essential for students as it is their initial interaction with the design process. Awareness of the body through dance has the potential to reveal bodily experience in space. Abstraction of embodied experience contributes to realising the significance of the body and its analytical dimension for spatial and structural design. This study investigates the impact of embodied experience and abstraction on the architectural design process and the outcome through correlation and regression analysis. We observed (...)
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  13. Altıncı duyu ile yapı okuma pratiği: Atmosferi ve duygulanımları ile Eskişehir Esnaf Sarayı [Examination of a building through the sixth sense: Eskişehir Esnaf Sarayı with its atmosphere and affects].Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu & Zeynep Gül Bağan - 2023 - Betonart - Beton, Mimarlık Ve Tasarım 77:64-69.
    How could we go beyond the conventional categorization of the five senses and find out a sixth sense in the observation of a building? Let’s call such a sense atmospheric one. Humans are rooted in the atmosphere, generated by things and space, just as the roots of plants in the soil. To observe novel experiences, we aimed to prioritize the atmosphere and affective encounters in space. First, archive photographs and technical drawings were compiled and examined, parallel with the historical evaluation (...)
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  14. Tasarımda yaratıcı ve rastlantısal ilişkiler: Metinlerin alternatif okumaları [Creativity and unexpected topographies in design process: Alternative readings of texts].Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu & Mehmet Ali Gasseloğlu - 2022 - In B. Burak Kaptan, Seda Canoğlu, Gül Ağaoğlu Çobanlar & Fatih Mehmet Alhan, Yaratıcı Düşünce ve Tasarım Üzerine. Pegem Akademi. pp. 69-92.
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  15. An autopsy of truth in design process: How designers think in post-truth era.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu & Ruşen Yamaçlı - 2021 - Livenarch Vii: Other Architect/Ure(S) 1:329-338.
    Post-truth has an impression that the facts have been only corrupted with it. Many examples support this impression. However, it should not be perceived as just a disruption of the truth considering only political events. In different fields, such as creative industries, it may have different implications. Despite studies regarding education, there has not been much discussion on the design process and education. The objective of this research is to develop an introductory examination of what the design process (with statements (...)
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  16. Atmosferin Dijitalleşme İmkanları: Metaverse ve Halüsinatif İmge.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu & Cansu Tatlı - 2022 - Mstas2022 (Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Sempozyumu) 1:403-412.
    Metaverse, başka olanakları olan bir evrenin inşa edilmesine yönelik bir girişimdir. Sanal evren önermelerinin çeşitli süreçlerden geçtikten sonra geldiği bu noktada dijital ikizler ve çeşitli ekonomik yatırımlar söz konusudur. Ne var ki, Metaverse yeni bir evrene işaret ederken benliğin bir kopyasını ve konvansiyonel ekonomik etkileşimlerin imitasyonunu üretmenin çok daha ötesini vaad edebilir. Ancak bu potansiyelleri açığa çıkarabilmek için yoğunlaşılması gereken alanları titizlikle tespit etmek gerekir. Metaverse, gündelik hayat diyaloglarına epey sızmış olsa da akademik alanda yapılan çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Keza mekana dair (...)
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  17. Yıldızlara dair bir özgürleşme pratiği: Mekanların tahayyülü [A freedom of the stars: The imagination of spaces].Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu - 2023 - Porsuk Kültür 57:4-5.
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  18. Ceset Fermuarı ve Mekândaki ‘Son’ Tınıları [The Body Zipper of Corpse and the Resonance of the 'End' in the Space].Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu - 2023 - Porsuk Kültür 64:36-37.
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  19. Analyzing the Transformation of The Concept of "Mobility" Depending on Refugee Problems via Design Competitions.Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu - 2019 - Livenarch Vi: Replacing Architecture 3:963-975.
    Interaction with the environment occurs in the perception of movement. Movement is the basic concept of mobility. Development and diversification (i.e., faster transportations, new technological access, etc.) of movement concepts may contribute modern people to become independent of any place. Nomadic cultures constitute the basic principles of mobile architecture with light, portable materials and flexible constructions. In the industrial age, futurist manifesto announced machine-housing concepts. The mechanized perception of the spaces prepared ground for mobilization. Mobility, as a source of independence (...)
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  20. Şiirsel Mekan Üzerine Çıkarımlar: Pallasmaa’nın Bachelard Değinileri [Implications on Poetic Space: Bachelardian Considerations of Pallasmaa].Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu - 2022 - Arredamento Mimarlık - Tasarım Kültürü Dergisi 353:96-100.
    Bachelard üzerinden bir Pallasmaa okuması… Mimari imgelemin şiirsel inşası üzerinde duran iki düşünürün çalışmalarına çapraz bir bakış denemesi bu. İmgelemin psikososyal kuruluşunu değil, mutlak kişiselliğini eksen alan güzergahta konumlanıyor. Mimarlığın tırmanan ekonomize edilme serüvenine direnen bir şiirsel damar arayışının iki bağlantılı aktörünün düşüncelerine yaklaşmayı deniyor.
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