Results for 'Teachers job performance'

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  1. Human resource management and teachers’ job performance in secondary schools in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria.Festus Obun Arop, Valentine Joseph Owan & Esther Chijioke Madukwe - 2019 - International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Research 5 (2):27-34.
    This study assessed human resource management and teachers’ job performance in secondary schools in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State. Three null hypotheses were formulated accordingly to guide the study. Census technique was adopted in selecting the entire population of 432 teachers. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire designed and administered by the researcher. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while the null hypotheses were all tested at .05 level of significance (...)
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  2. School quality indicators and secondary school teachers' job performance in Cross River State, Nigeria.Festus Obun Arop, Valentine Joseph Owan & Inah Offor Ibor - 2019 - International Journal of Education and Evaluation 5 (3):19-28.
    This study evaluated school quality indicators and teachers job performance in Cross River State. One research question and four null hypotheses were raised following factorial research design. Proportionate random sampling technique was employed in selecting a sample of 1,463 teachers representing 30 percent from a population of 4,878 teachers distributed across 271 public secondary schools in Cross River State. “School Quality Indicators Questionnaire (SQIQ) and Teachers’ Job Performance Questionnaire (TJPQ)” were the instruments used for (...)
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  3. Teacher Competence Towards Job Satisfaction and TeachersPerformance in Region 10: Basis for Teachers’ Leadership Development Plan.Chibert Jala - 2024 - Etcor Educational Research Center, Inc 3 (4):346-359.
    Aim: This research aimed to determine the teaching competence towards job satisfaction and teacher performance of secondary school teachers of Cagayan de Oro City and Misamis Oriental for the School Year 2020-2021. Methodology: This study utilized a descriptive-survey method of research, a patterned and modified questionnaire of Javillonar and Boni of 2023. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation to describe the variables of the study where the three hundred fifty secondary (...)
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  4. Principals' administrative competence and teachers' work performance in secondary schools in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria.Valentine Joseph Owan & Judith Nonye Agunwa - 2019 - Humanities and Social Sciences Letters 7 (1):20-28.
    The focus of this study was to investigate "principals' administrative competence and teachers work performance" in Calabar Education zone. Four null hypotheses were tested in the course of the study. Correlational research design was adopted, while purposive sampling technique was used in selecting a sample of 800 teachers. Two instruments were used for data collection including "Principals' Administrative Competence Questionnaire (PACQ)," and Teachers' Work Performance Questionnaire (TWPQ)." Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis (r) and multiple regression (...)
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  5. Personal Motivation and Satisfaction to School Leaders Among Elementary Teachers: Correlation and Regression Approach.Leomarich Casinillo, Melbert Hungo, Jessica Cortes & Bijo S. Anand - 2024 - Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia 13 (3):511-521.
    Many teachers experience decreased motivation and dissatisfaction due to a lack of support from school leaders, which ultimately impacts the quality of teaching and learning. This study analyzes the relationship between teachers' motivation and satisfaction with school leadership using correlational and regression approaches. This study used a quantitative descriptive-correlational research design. Sixty-one primary school teachers participated in this study as respondents, who were selected through simple random sampling. Data were collected using a validated research questionnaire consisting of (...)
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    Elected Positions vs. Government Jobs: Understanding the Difference and the Role of Absolute Term Limits.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Elected Positions vs. Government Jobs: Understanding the Difference and the Role of Absolute Term Limits -/- Government institutions consist of individuals serving in various roles, either as elected officials or career civil servants. However, there is often confusion about whether political positions, such as the presidency, should be considered jobs in the same way as private-sector employment. Additionally, many individuals are drawn to politics rather than private-sector careers due to its influence, benefits, and long-term security. This essay explores the differences (...)
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    Strategies for Enhancing Home Economics Teachers’ Service Delivery in Some Selected Public Secondary Schools in Lagos State.Kemi P. Ogbonna, Ukamaka G. Okwume, Francisca N. Onyeka & Temitope F. Ogabi - 2024 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 3 (2):63-75.
    This study determined the strategies for enhancing home economics teachers’ service delivery in some selected public secondary schools in Yaba, Lagos State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Population for the study was 150 and the sample size was 50. Purposive sampling technique was adopted. Structured questionnaires were the instrument used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Findings revealed that some of the factors that have negative impacts on Home Economics teachers (...)
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  8. Management of Change among Tertiary Teachers in a Government University in China.Zhiying Zhong - 2023 - International Journal of Open-Access, Interdisciplinary and New Educational Discoveries of ETCOR Educational Research Center 2 (1):21-43.
    Aim: The researcher studied how the teachers at Guangdong Business and Technology University manage change based on the present situation in the country. -/- Methodology: This study utilized the descriptive – comparative research design with 275 teachers as respondents. Statistical test of data includes frequency count and percentage, weighted mean, t- test and/or ANOVA. -/- Results: Teacher respondents are very much ready to manage the change for the teaching and learning based on teaching-related factors which ranked first, as (...)
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  9. Path analysis of innovative management practices and secondary school system effectiveness in Cross River State, Nigeria.Valentine Joseph Owan, Festus Obun Arop & Judith Nonye Agunwa - 2019 - British Journal of Education 7 (3):58-68.
    This study used a path analytic approach to examine the composite interaction of supervisory and records management with secondary school system effectiveness in terms of students' academic performance, teachers' job effectiveness and principals' administrative effectiveness. Two research questions were answered while one null hypothesis was tested. The study adopted a factorial research design. Convenience sampling technique was adopted by the researchers in selecting a sample of 1,200 respondents which comprised 271 principals and 929 teachers from a population (...)
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  10. Conflict management strategies and secondary school teachers’ job effectiveness in Obubra Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria.Valentine Joseph Owan - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
    The study investigated conflict management strategies and secondary school teachers’ job effectiveness in Obubra Local Government Area of Cross River State. Six null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted correlational and factorial research designs. Purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample of 222 teachers from a population of 352 secondary school teachers. Conflict Management Strategies Questionnaire (CMSQ) and Secondary School Teachers’ Job Effectiveness Questionnaire (SSTJEQ) were used respectively, as instruments for (...)
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  11. School hazards management and teachers’ job effectiveness in secondary schools in Ikom Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria.Festus Obun Arop, Valentine Joseph Owan & Martin Akan Ekpang - 2018 - International Journal of Education and Evaluation 4 (9):38-49.
    This study assessed school hazards management and teachers' job effectiveness in secondary schools in Ikom Local Government Area of Cross River State. Four null hypotheses were formulated accordingly to guide the study. The design adopted for the study was ex-post facto research design. Census technique was employed in selecting the entire population of 551 teachers in the area. The instruments used for data collection were "School Hazards Management Questionnaire (SHMQ)" and "Teachers' Job Effectiveness Questionnaire (TJEQ)." Collected data (...)
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  12. Management of school related variables and teachers’ job effectiveness in secondary schools in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria.Festus Obun Arop, Martin Akan Ekpang & Valentine Joseph Owan - 2018 - International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Research 4 (8):90-100.
    Management of school-related variables and teachers’ job effectiveness in secondary schools in Calabar South Local Government Area, Cross River State was the main thrust of this study. Four research questions were raised, and four hypotheses were formulated to direct the study. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study while the total population of 208 secondary school teachers in Calabar South Local Government Area were selected for the study using census technique. A questionnaire titled “Management of School (...)
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  13. Disciplinary management in public primary schools and teachers’ job effectiveness in Yakurr Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria.Valentine Joseph Owan & Mercy Bassey Ekpe - 2019 - World Journal of Vocational Education and Training 1 (1):1-10.
    The study examined disciplinary management in public primary schools and teachers' job effectiveness in Yakurr Local Government Area, Cross River State. Three null hypotheses were formulated accordingly to guide the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Census technique was adopted in selecting the entire population of 98 primary school managers which comprised of 49 head teachers and 49 deputy head teachers across 49 public primary schools available in the area. A questionnaire tagged: "Disciplinary Control (...)
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  14. ChatGPT, Education, and Understanding.Federica Isabella Malfatti - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Is ChatGPT a good teacher? Or could it be? As understanding is widely acknowledged as one of the fundamental aims of education, the answer to these questions depends on whether ChatGPT fosters or could foster the acquisition of understanding in its users. In this paper, I tackle this issue in two steps. In the first part of the paper, I explore and analyze the set of skills and social-epistemic virtues that a teacher must exemplify to perform her job well – (...)
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  15. Interactive analysis of demographic variables and occupational stress on university lecturers’ job performance.Peter Owogoga Aduma, Valentine Joseph Owan, Levi Udochukwu Akah, David Adie Alawa, Martina Ayibeya Apie, Joseph Odey Ogabor, Martin Afen Olofu, Fidelis Abunimye Unimna, Victor Obule Ebuara, Ekpenyong Essien Essien & Celcilia Kori Essien - 2022 - Humanities and Social Sciences Letters 10 (2):88-102.
    This research studied the interaction influence of demographic characteristics (marital status, job rank, gender and age) and occupational stress level, on the work performance of faculty members in Calabar Metropolis. The descriptive survey design was utilized for this investigation. A sample of 150 respondents was identified using the systematic random sampling procedure from a population of 400 Faculty of Education lecturers from two public universities in Calabar Metropolis. A four-point scale validity and reliability certified questionnaire was used for data (...)
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  16. Competencies of Basic Education Teachers and Performance of Learners in 2017-2018 National Achievement Test in the Philippines.Ronald Francisco & Manuel Caingcoy - 2022 - Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif 12 (2):545-557.
    Objectives: The study determined the competencies of teachers and performance of learners in 2017-2018 National Achievement Test. It identified the influence of teachers’ competencies on performance of learners. Methods: It employed descriptive-correlational and explanatory designs and it involved three divisions in Northern Mindanao region, Philippines. Findings: The Grade 10 and 6 teachers have possessed very satisfactory competencies across areas, while the Grade 10 and Grade 6 learners had a low mastery and very low mastery, respectively. (...)
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  17. Vocational training duration and university graduates’ job performance in Cross River State, Nigeria.Valentine Joseph Owan, Francisca N. Odigwe & Odim Otu Offem - 2018 - International Journal of Current Research 10 (7):72024-72028.
    This study focused specifically on determining the extent to which duration of vocational training influence university respectively. In achieving this, two research questions were raised and two research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The pop study include a total of 123 baking business and 208 computer business centres in the Area. Out of this population, a proportionate stratified sampling technique was used to select 10% resulting in the selection of 12 baking (...)
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  18. “Participation” In Online Discussion Forum in Distance Education: An Autoethnographic Inquiry.Job Vincent M. Arcebuche & Mark Nickhole R. Bernardino - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (1):25-37.
    Interactions are important in establishing deep and meaningful learning experiences for learners in a distance education setup. Of all the activities in an online classroom, the discussion forum proved to be the one that had the most interactions. A discussion forum lets learners interact with the content, peers, and teachers. Participation in these learning activities is one important factor. The more the learners participate, the more they learn. This paper uses the researcher’s experience in determining what participation is in (...)
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  19. Occupational Stress and Academic Staff Job Performance in Two Nigerian Universities.Levi Udochukwu Akah, Valentine Joseph Owan, Peter O. Aduma, Eridiong O. Onyenweaku, Martin A. Olofu, David A. Alawa, Ajigo Ikutal & Abosede A. Usoro - 2022 - Journal of Curriculum and Teaching 11 (5):64-78.
    Available reports provide an account of academic staff’s poor job performance in higher education institutions and universities in particular. Consequently, a growing body of research has been attracted to this area, including those seeking ways to understand the problem and others aimed at proffering solutions. This study contributes to the literature by investigating the influence of occupational stress on the job performance of academic staff in universities. Three null hypotheses directed the study in line with the quantitative ex-post (...)
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  20. School As Learning Organisations: The Influence of Educational Leadership, Organisational Knowledge Circulation, and School Culture Over Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Vietnamese K-12 Schools.Anh-Duc Hoang - 2024 - Dissertation, Rmit University
    The chaotic situation of today’s VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) and TUNA (Turbulent, Uncertain, Novel, Ambiguous) world is bringing more and more active and passive reforms, including positive and negative aspects, that reform business models. Educational institutions are not exceptional. Regarding the nature of educational institutions’ operation in today’s rapidly changing context, school leaders also need to raise concerns similar to those of business managers from other industries: “How do their institutions continuously renovate to adapt to tomorrow’s world?” Thus, (...)
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  21. Joint mediation of psychosis and mental stress on alcohol consumption and graduates’ job performance: A PLS structural equation modeling.Valentine Joseph Owan, Jennifer Uzoamaka Duruamaku-Dim, Abigail Edem Okon, Levi Udochukwu Akah & Daniel Clement Agurokpon - 2022 - International Journal of Learning in Higher Education 30 (1):89-111.
    Previous research has interlinked alcohol consumption (AC), mental stress (MS), psychotic experiences (PE), and academic performance (AP) of students and psychological behavior of the general population. The current study seems to be the first to consider the joint and partial mediation effects of MS and PE in linking AC to graduates’ job performance in specific areas such as teamwork (TW), communication competence (CC), customer service (CS), and job functions (JF). A virtual cross-section of 3,862 graduates with self-reported cases (...)
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  22. Experiences in Mining Educational Data to Analyze Teacher's Performance: A Case Study with High Educational Teachers.Abdelbaset Almasri - 2017 - International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 10 (12):1-12.
    Educational Data Mining (EDM) is a new paradigm aiming to mine and extract knowledge necessary to optimize the effectiveness of teaching process. With normal educational system work it’s often unlikely to accomplish fine system optimizing due to large amount of data being collected and tangled throughout the system. EDM resolves this problem by its capability to mine and explore these raw data and as a consequence of extracting knowledge. This paper describes several experiments on real educational data wherein the effectiveness (...)
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  23. Combined Effects of Perceived Politics and Psychological Capital on Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intentions, and Performance.Muhammad Abbas, Usman Raja, Wendy Darr & Dave Bouckenooghe - 2012 - Journal of Management:1-18.
    With a diverse sample (N = 231 paired responses) of employees from various organizations in Pakistan, the authors tested for the main effects of perceived organizational politics and psychological capital on turnover intentions, job satisfaction, and supervisor-rated job performance. They also examined the moderating influence of psychological capital in the politics–outcomes relationships. Results provided good support for the proposed hypotheses. While perceived organizational politics was associated with all outcomes, psychological capital had a significant relationship with job satisfaction and supervisor-rated (...)
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  24. University Teachers' Professional Identity and Work Performance in a Government University in China.Yi Zhong - 2023 - International Journal of Open-Access, Interdisciplinary and New Educational Discoveries of ETCOR Educational Research Center 2 (1):44-76.
    Aim: This research determined the relationship between university teachers’ professional identity and their work performance. -/- Methodology: The design that was used in this study is a Descriptive Comparative- Correlational research design using the quantitative approach. Participants in this study were taken from the 967 university teachers at Guangdong Business and Technology University from the 14 colleges. They were chosen randomly. The researcher used the Qualtrics calculator at a 5% margin of error to arrive at 275 respondents. (...)
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  25. Interpersonal Communication Skills and Proactive Stance to Life’s Puzzles among Children: A Review.Bolanle Oyundoyin, Udeme Samuel Jacob, Temiloluwa Oyundoyin & Oluchi Onasanya - 2023 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 2 (2):140-148.
    This research article dealt with interpersonal communication skills among children and proactive stance to life’s puzzles. A review of related literature was performed to examine interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication skills, interpersonal communication and a proactive stance in conflict resolution, and the development of communication skills in children in a puzzled world. The study noted that children should be allowed and guided appropriately to express themselves clearly and assertively; parents should follow up on their children regularly and should build on (...)' efforts at home. Parents should also allow teachers to do their job of teaching, counselling, and rewarding positively (praise, commend) or negatively (punish) based on the circumstances; teachers should use a child-centered approach in order to make the class lively, interesting, and engaging for children. In addition, they should show empathy and try to be close to the children as much as possible to curb the actions of the loquacious ones and help the shy or withdrawn children to come out of their shells as they prepare for the task ahead in a challenging but essential milieu as they mature and are integrated into the system. The government should implement better incentives and policies to encourage teachers to contribute to the growth and positive development of the child through remuneration and promotion that are timely and in line with their quota. (shrink)
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  26. Job-Related Issues of Distance Learning to Teachers’ Coping Response and Attitude towards Change.Renz Mariane Mendoza & Karen Chris Latade - 2023 - International Journal of Social Science Humanity and Management Research 2 (7):723-729.
    The Covid-19 virus has affected everyone, and some are still getting better. The changes the pandemic brought about pushed us to use conventional survival methods. It is necessary for both teachers and students to quickly switch to an entirely new method to carry on with their school program This study aims to ascertain the elementary teachers' attitude toward changes and how it mediates the job-related issues that the pandemic brought about, particularly in the mode of delivery of learning (...)
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  27. Problem-Solving Difficulties, Performance, and Differences among Preservice Teachers in Western Philippines University.Jupeth Pentang, Louina Joana Andrade, Jocelyn Golben, Jonalyn Talua, Ronalyn Bautista, Janina Sercenia, Dian Permatasari, Manuel Bucad Jr & Mark Donnel Viernes - 2024 - Palawan Scientist 16 (1):58-68.
    The ability to solve problems is a prerequisite in preparing mathematics preservice teachers. This study assessed preservice teachers’ problem-solving difficulties and performance, particularly in worded problems on number sense, measurement, geometry, algebra, and probability. Also, academic profile differences in the preservice teacher’s problem-solving performance and common errors were determined. A descriptive-comparative research design was employed with 158 random respondents. Data were gathered face-to-face during the first semester of the school year 2022-2023, and data were analyzed with (...)
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  28. Problem-Solving Performance and Skills of Prospective Elementary Teachers in Northern Philippines.Jupeth Pentang, Edwin D. Ibañez, Gener Subia, Jaynelle G. Domingo, Analyn M. Gamit & Lorinda E. Pascual - 2021 - Hunan Daxue Xuebao 48 (1):122-132.
    The study determined the problem-solving performance and skills of prospective elementary teachers (PETs) in the Northern Philippines. Specifically, it defined the PETs’ level of problem-solving performance in number sense, measurement, geometry, algebra, and probability; significant predictors of their problem-solving performance in terms of sex, socio-economic status, parents’ educational attainment, high school graduated from and subject preference; and their problem-solving skills. The PETs’ problem-solving performance was determined by a problem set consisting of word problems with number (...)
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  29. Administrators’ conflict management strategies utilization and job effectiveness of secondary school teachers in Obubra Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria.Festus Obun Arop, Valentine Joseph Owan & Martin Akan Ekpang - 2018 - IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management 4 (7):11-21.
    The study investigated administrators’ conflict management strategies utilization and job effectiveness of secondary school teachers in Obubra Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria. Two research questions and null hypotheses were developed to guide the study. The study adopted factorial research design. Census technique was used in selecting the entire population of 464 secondary school teachers in the area. Conflict Management Strategies Utilization Questionnaire (CMSUQ) and Secondary School Teachers’ Job Effectiveness Questionnaire (SSTJEQ) were used respectively, as instruments (...)
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  30. Internal and external job stress of high school teachers in a private institution.Eduardo Lleve, Leomarich Casinillo & Analita Salabao - 2024 - Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science – Social Sciences 14 (1):23-35.
    Private schools are working tirelessly to provide a quality education without support from the government. This article aims to evaluate the internal and external job stress of high school teachers in private schools in Leyte, Philippines, and determine its governing factors. The study involved a complete enumeration process in selecting the participants and gathering primary data. In analyzing and extracting relevant information from the data, standard descriptive metrics, correlation analysis, and Chi-square test for independence were employed with the aid (...)
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  31. Teachers' Competency and Learners' Performance in English of Grade 2 Pupils: Basis for an Intervention Scheme.Rose Ann S. Toston - 2021 - Dissertation, Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
    Teachers, who are the most important factor of education, have the great task of inculcating to the learners the knowledge, skill and behavior needed in facing the everchanging society. Thus, the teachers’ task to transmit knowledge requires them to be a highly competent learning facilitators while remaining as a role model soaring with moral integrity. This means that a school must not only have educationally qualified teachers but teachers who are truly dedicated and committed to serve (...)
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  32. Correlates of Elementary TeachersPerformance in Delivering Instruction in Narra, Palawan.Mary Joy Alba & Mary Jane Gamozo - 2024 - Education Digest 19 (1):6-15.
    Quality education needs quality teachers to achieve success. Thus, this study determined the factors related to the teachersperformance in delivering the K to 12 Curriculum in the Narra del Sur district, Palawan, Philippines. A descriptive-correlational research design was employed, with a sample of 132 randomly selected public elementary teachers. The study used frequency counts and percentages, arithmetic mean and standard deviation, and Spearman’s rho to analyze and draw conclusions from the data. The findings revealed a (...)
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  33. Impact of psychological capital on innovative performance and job stress.Muhammad Abbas - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 32 (2):128-138.
    We investigated the impact of psychological capital (PsyCap) on supervisory-rated innovative performance and job stress. Data collected from a diverse sample (N = 237 paired responses) of employees from various organizations in Pakistan provided good support for the hypotheses. The results indicate that PsyCap is positively related to innovative job performance and negatively related to job stress. High PsyCap individuals were rated as exhibiting more innovative behaviours by their supervisors than low PsyCap individuals. Particularly, we found that high (...)
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  34. Amidst the ASF Outbreak: The Job Burnout and Employee Performance in the Feed Industry.Nicole P. Francisco, Waren G. Mendoza, Christine Mae S. Boquiren, Michelle Anne Vivien De Jesus, Samantha Nicole N. Dilag, Mary Angeli Z. Menor, Zyresse Katrine P. Jose & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 9 (1):595-602.
    This study aims to investigate the relationship between job burnout and employee performance in the feed industry during the ASF outbreak. Further, the researchers employed a descriptive-correlational research design in order to analyze the acquired data and produce pertinent findings. Thus, the researchers gathered data from one hundred two (102) feed industry employees. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) were employed to ascertain the extent of job burnout experienced by the respondents and evaluate (...)
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  35. The Role of Administrative Procedures and Regulations in Enhancing the Performance of The Educational Institutions - The Islamic University in Gaza is A Model.Ashraf A. M. Salama, Youssef M. Abu Amuna, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (2):14-27.
    The study aimed to identify the role of administrative procedures and systems in enhancing the performance of the educational institutions in the Islamic University in Gaza. To achieve the research objectives, the researchers used the analytical descriptive approach to collect information. The researchers used the questionnaire distributed to three categories of employees at the Islamic University (senior management, faculty members, their assistants and members of the administrative board). A random sample of 314 employees was selected and 276 questionnaires were (...)
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  36. Relationship Between Teachers’ Instructional Practices and Students’ Academic Performance in English during COVID-19 Pandemic.Semuel Olayvar - 2021 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 5 (7):137-141.
    The main objective of the research was to assess the relationship between instructional practices of teachers on students’ academic performancein English. To achieve this aim, the researcher selectedAssistant Language Teachers (ALTs)and public secondary students in Okinawa Prefectureas respondents of the study during the school year 2020-2021. The primary data gathering tools used in the study was a standardized questionnaire Instructional Practices Survey adopted from Valentine (2000) on determining teachers’ instructional practices and a documentary analysisto determine the point (...)
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  37. A Sentiment Analysis of College Students’ Feedback on their Teacher’s Teaching Performance During Online Classes.Jeeb T. Abelito & Danilo G. Baradillo - 2023 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 1 (4):93-105.
    This study aimed to unveil the sentiments of college students' feedback on their teacher's teaching performance during online classes. The research utilized a qualitative approach, explicitly employing text mining. Orange software determined the most frequently used words illustrating teachers' teaching performance during online courses. Moreover, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) was utilized to reveal how those frequently used words were structured. Meanwhile, the study showed that the words "teacher," "class," "us," "student," "online," "teaching," "happy," "learning," "understand," and "good" (...)
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  38. Problem-Solving Performance and Subject Preference: Math Avoidance among Filipino Elementary Preservice Teachers.Jupeth Pentang, Ronalyn Bautista, Jairus Pentang, Edwin Ibañez & Mary Jane Gamozo - 2023 - Journal of Research, Policy and Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education 13 (1):89-102.
    Elementary preservice teachers (EPTs) substantially impact the quality of mathematics education, and their subject preference and problem-solving performance are essential indicators of their readiness to teach. The study described EPTs’ subject preference and problem-solving performance. Through a sequential explanatory research design, the quantitative inquiry involved 125 random samples, while the qualitative inquiry was participated by 30 non-random samples. Data were obtained by using an online survey and conferencing. Quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and analysis of (...)
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  39. Gender Discrimination and Job Satisfaction.Sobana Hameed Arshad - 2020 - International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM) 8 (5).
    This article defines the relationship between two factors and its impact by examining the effect of Gender discrimination in the work place which influences the job performance and job satisfaction in individuals(i.e.; hiring, promotion, salary, control/ autonomy/ influence, challenge, performance measures, feed back, in strumentality, stability/security). The data is collected through quantitative method. The sample of thestudy consisted of 500 employees working in different bank in Islamabad and Wahcantt (Pakistan) through the questionnaire, of which 300 were returned and (...)
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  40. Feedback Mechanisms of School Heads on Teacher Performance.Grethel Jean Congcong & Manuel Caingcoy - 2020 - European Journal of Education Studies 7 (3):236-253.
    The use of performance feedback in the workplace has gained popularity over the years, yet school heads have been challenged in providing it to teachers. In the initial interview, they shared that evaluation results can impact teachers’ motivation, and that feedback should be done carefully. However, they failed to clearly articulate a specific mechanism that had been applied in this vital role. Also, no studies have provided clear detail on the feedback mechanism used by school heads in (...)
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  41. Job Motivation and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction Among Accountants.Arianna Dacanay, Giannah D. V. Gonzales, Carl Xaviery A. Baldonado, Nicolai Renz S. P. Guballa, Hanz S. Marquez, Hazel Anne M. Domingo, Kyle Gian S. Diaz, Denise Iresh S. Catolico, Edward Gabriel Gotis & Jhoselle tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 9 (1):412-418.
    Job motivation remains an area of concern among researchers due to the rising issues of poor or lack of motivation among workers. This refers to one’s personal will or drives to perform a task at work. Meanwhile, job satisfaction refers to an employee’s sense of fulfillment with his or her work experience. Therefore, the current study utilized the descriptive- correlational research design to investigate the impact of job motivation on the job satisfaction of accountants. To gather essential data and achieve (...)
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  42. The Relationship between Performance Standards and Achieving the Objectives of Supervision at the Islamic University in Gaza.Ashraf A. M. Salama, Mazen Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu-Naser, Abed Alfetah M. AlFerjany & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 1 (10):89-101.
    The aim of the research is to identify the relationship between the performance criteria and the achievement of the objectives of supervision which is represented in the performance of the job at the Islamic University in Gaza Strip. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researchers used the descriptive analytical approach to collect information. The questionnaire consisted of (22) paragraphs distributed to three categories of employees of the Islamic University (senior management, faculty members, their assistants and members (...)
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    The objective of this study was to determine the teachers? performance in Digitized Education in Private and Public Schools in Pila, Laguna and their performance at school through different teaching modalities. It sought to answer three basic questions. What is the extent of the digitized education using different modalities as to Online teaching and learning, Modular Teaching/ Learning, Flexible and Blended Teaching and Learning?; What is the level of teachers? performance in terms of IPCRF Individual (...)
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  44. Measuring the Dominant Pattern of Leadership and Its Relation to the Functional Performance of Administrative Staff in Palestinian Universities.Ahmed M. A. FarajAllah, Suliman A. El Talla, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2019 - International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 7 (5):13-34.
    The study aimed at measuring the dominant pattern of leadership and its relation to the performance of the administrative staff in the Palestinian universities. The study community consists of all the administrative staff from Al-Azhar University and the Islamic University, and through the census of the study society it was found to consist of (655) administrative staff. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the method of random sample in the study, and the study (...)
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    The study ascertained mathematical problem-solving skills and self-efficacy as correlates of Pre-service NCE Mathematics TeachersPerformance in South-East, Nigeria. Seven research questions guided the study while seven hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Correlation research design was used for the study. The population of the study was 197 pre-service NCE Mathematics teachers in South-East, Nigeria. All the population of 197 was studied as sample because, it is small and manageable. Mathematics Problem-Solving Skill Test (MPSST) and (...)
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  46. Problem-solving Disposition as a Predictor of Preservice Elementary Teachers' Problem-solving Performance.Theresa Dangkulos, Edwin Ibañez & Jupeth Pentang - 2025 - Journal of Education and Learning (Edulearn) 19 (1):54-62.
    Proficiency in solving mathematical problems is essential for preservice elementary teachers, as they will teach foundational math concepts and foster problem-solving abilities among young learners. However, many studies found low problem-solving performance among preservice teachers. In line with this, the present study examined how problem-solving disposition relates to the performance of preservice elementary teachers, conducted at a selected higher education institution in Nueva Ecija, Philippines, with 134 participants. The study utilized a mathematical problem-solving disposition and (...)
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  47. The Relationship between Correcting Deviations in Measuring Performance and Achieving the Objectives of Control - The Islamic University as a Model.Abed Alfetah M. AlFerjany, Ashraf A. M. Salama, Youssef M. Abu Amuna, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (1):74-89.
    The study aimed to identify the relationship between correcting the deviations in the measurement of performance and achieving the objectives of control and the performance of the job at the Islamic University in the Gaza Strip. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researchers used the descriptive analytical approach to collect information. The questionnaire consisted of (20) statements distributed to three categories of employees of the Islamic University (senior management, faculty members, their assistants and members of the (...)
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  48. Factors affecting the instructional effectiveness and performance of teacher in classroom: A case study (11th edition).Abdul Rahim Chandio - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (Ijamsr) Issn: 2643-900X 11 (6):18-26.
    Abstract- Performance is the primary function of human resource management and it becomes life line of an organizational success. The performance gap is extremely highly detrimental towards an organizational success. Prevailing study is concerned with the affecting factors of teachersperformance in which administrative bureaucratization, unequal provision of opportunities, social status and incentives gap loss the vitality and tempo of performance in classroom atmosphere. Emergence of complexities in teachers’ life allow to a complex instructional (...)
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    Digital Natives in the Classroom: A Case Study on the Integration of Innovative Management Practices to Enhance the Teaching Performance of Generation Z Teachers.Marycel P. Quimpan & Marleonie M. Bauyot - 2025 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 3 (1): 14-30.
    This research investigates how innovative management strategies employed by Generation Z educators in secondary schools enhance teaching effectiveness and boost student learning outcomes. It particularly emphasizes the integration of digital technologies to align teaching methods with the learning preferences of Generation Z students and to promote educational equity through community involvement. Utilizing a case study framework, Creswell (2014) assesses the influence of digital tools and collaborative initiatives with parents, local leaders, and other stakeholders on educational practices. The results indicate that (...)
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  50. Mathematics Performance and Self-efficacy as Correlates of Statistics and Probability Achievement of Students.Jeraldine Immariz Dumaguit, Ronel Dagohoy, Leomarich Casinillo & Melbert Hungo - 2025 - Canadian Journal of Family and Youth 17 (1):16-36.
    Statistics and probability enabled students to better understand, process, and evaluate massive amounts of quantitative data that existed and had a probabilistic sense in uncertain situations. The research article aimed to elucidate the performance and self-efficacy as predictors of students' achievement in the statistics and probability courses. The study utilized a descriptive-predictive research method and was conducted at Sto. Tomas National High School, involving a sample of 263 grade 11 senior high school students. The gathered data were analyzed using (...)
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