Results for 'Theological analysis of corruption'

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  1. Roots of Corruption: A Christian Philosophical Examination.Domenic Marbaniang - forthcoming - In Paul Cho, CMS Papers. Union Biblical Seminary.
    At the root of the corruption problem is its moral and economic nature. The economic problem is a moral problem. Modern theories of corruption are usually empirical in nature. However, they are not without their ideological dimensions though in the modern scheme of things, a normative framework is usually not rationally entertained. Empiricism combined with materialism takes on the reins of economies; however, disregard of the spiritual will not bring any lasting solution. A vision of the absolute is (...)
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  2. Analysis of Corruption in Our Society.Arjun Dahal & Sujan Bista - 2018
    Corruption is one of the major problems of present day world, that is intangible in itself, but, plays a major role in our daily life, which either, directly or indirectly, is effecting our lives. Through this paper, we have tried to classify the types of corruption under five major headings.
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  3. Of Corruption and Clientelism in Montesquieu, Hume, and Adam Smith in the rule of Law.Eric Schliesser - manuscript
    I frame my argument by way of Hayek's tendency to treat Hume and Smith as central articulations of the rule of law. The rest of the paper explores their defense of clientelism. First, I introduce Hume’s ideas on the utility of patronage in his essay, “Of the Independency of Parliament.” I argue that in Hume clientelism just is a feature of parliamentary business. It seems ineliminable. I then contextualize Hume’s account by comparing it to Montesquieu’s account of this system of (...)
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  4. A Critical Analysis of the Theological Positions and Ecumenical Activity of Ion Bria (1929-2002).Doru Marcu - 2022 - CRAIOVA: MITROPOLIA OLTENIEI.
    The Orthodox Churches are part of the ecumenical movement with the inner wish to clarify the theological elements which keep the whole Christianity divided. For this goal, every Church is represented somehow in discussions by her theologians who are training to carry a theological dispute at this level. The Romanian Orthodox Church was indirectly represented in the World Council of Church by professor Ion Bria (1929-2002), who had worked officially at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva for more than (...)
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  5. In what sense there is no science of corruptible things: an analysis of Posterior Analytics I 8.Lucas Angioni - 2009 - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia 19 (1):61-87.
    Aristotle claims that the object of scientific knowledge cannot be otherwise, and at Posterior Analytics I-8 he adds that there is no scientific knowledge of corruptible objects. These claims have been traditionally understood in terms of a strict requirement of eternal existence: objects of genuine scientific knowledge must be eternal in the sense that they must exist eternally. Sometimes the "eternal existence" is taken by scholars as equivalent to the timeless truth of universal propositions. In this paper, I offer an (...)
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  6. Analysis of the “Other” in Gadamer and Levinas’s Thought.Muhammad Asghari - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 26 (2):195-218.
    In the present article, we are faced with two phenomenological philosophers who, in two different intellectual traditions, namely philosophical hermeneutics and moral phenomenology, have referred to the concept of the Other as the fundamental possibility of the individual. The other, as an ontological and common concept in the thought of Gadamer and Levinas, is the turning point of the condition for the possibility of understanding and ethics. Focusing on the concept of the other, while addressing the points of difference and (...)
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    A Philosophical Analysis of the Legitimacy of Political Power in Tanzania from a Lockean Perspective.Robert Masandiko & Thomas Marwa Monchena - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):32-39.
    This article conducts a philosophical analysis of the legitimacy of political power in Tanzania using John Locke’s political theory as a framework. It evolved from researcher’s observation and empirical studies that concerned political legitimacy in Tanzania. The lack of philosophical approach opened away for philosophical investigations and the necessity of involving philosophical views like that of the John Locke, in addressing of the shaking political legitimacy in Tanzania. The factors such as; allegations of corruption, restricted freedom of expression (...)
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  8. Critical Analysis of the “No Relevant Difference” Argument in Defense of the Rights of Artificial Intelligence.Mazarian Alireza - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 21 (1):165-190.
    There are many new philosophical queries about the moral status and rights of artificial intelligences; questions such as whether such entities can be considered as morally responsible entities and as having special rights. Recently, the contemporary philosophy of mind philosopher, Eric Schwitzgebel, has tried to defend the possibility of equal rights of AIs and human beings (in an imaginary future), by designing a new argument (2015). In this paper, after an introduction, the author reviews and analyzes the main argument and (...)
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  9. Weaponized skepticism: An analysis of social media deception as applied political epistemology.Regina Rini - 2021 - In Elizabeth Edenberg & Michael Hannon, Political Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 31-48.
    Since at least 2016, many have worried that social media enables authoritarians to meddle in democratic politics. The concern is that trolls and bots amplify deceptive content. In this chapter I argue that these tactics have a more insidious anti-democratic purpose. Lies implanted in democratic discourse by authoritarians are often intended to be caught. Their primary goal is not to successfully deceive, but rather to undermine the democratic value of testimony. In well-functioning democracies, our mutual reliance on testimony also generates (...)
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  10. An Historical Analysis of the Principle of Double Effect.Joseph Mangan - 1949 - Theological Studies 10:41-61.
    The principle of the double effect is one of the most practical in the study of moral theology. As a principle it is important not so much in purely theoretical matters as in the application of theory to practical cases. It is especially necessary in the subject matter of scandal, material cooperation, illicit pleasure and of injury done to oneself or to another. Although it is a fundamental principle, it is far from a simple one; and moralists readily admit its (...)
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  11. Set Theoretic Analysis of the Whole of Reality.Moorad Alexanian - 2006 - Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 58 (3):254-255.
    A theistic science would have to represent the integration of all kinds of knowledge intent on explaining the whole of reality. These would include, at least, history, metaphysics, theology, formal logic, mathematics, and experimental sciences. However, what is the whole of reality that one wants to explain? :.
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  12. A Philosophical Analysis of the Recent Controversy about “Islamo-leftism” in French Academia.Philippe Stamenkovic - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (4):153-173.
    In February 2021, the French Minister of Higher Education and Research, Frédérique Vidal, ordered an inquiry – to be led by the French National Centre for Scientific Research – about the alleged “Islamo-leftism” which, according to her, was corrupting French academia. Vidal's concern was, purportedly, to distinguish “what falls under academic research and what falls under militancy and opinion”. She had in mind, in particular, recent interdisciplinary fields in the social sciences, such as Postcolonial Studies. Her statements caused a controversy (...)
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  13. Evolutions of the Mystical Conception of Religion in the Russian Academic Theology of the Nineteenth Century and Today’s Challenges.Vladimir Shokhin - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (2):153--175.
    The Russian academic theological tradition, scarcely known to the West, was the only milieu wherein the development of philosophy of religion in the pre-revolutionary Russia was under way. Philosophical investigation of the phenomenon of religion was being elaborated in the apologetic context, i.e. in critical analysis of non-theistic conceptions of the origin and essence of religion, and the figure of Friedrich Schleiermacher, with his reduction of religion firstly to cosmic feelings and later to the feeling of the ontological (...)
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  14. Epistemic Corruption and Social Oppression.Ian James Kidd - 2020 - In Ian James Kidd, Quassim Cassam & Heather Battaly, Vice Epistemology. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 69-87.
    I offer a working analysis of the concept of 'epistemic corruption', then explain how it can help us to understand the relations between epistemic vices and social oppression, and use this to motivate a style of vice epistemology, inspired by the work of Robin Dillon, that I call critical character epistemology.
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  15. Богословље Катихизиса Јована Рајића у друштвеном и историјском контексту (The Theology of Jovan Rajic's Catechism in Social and Historical Context).Aleksandar Djakovac - 2020 - Matica Srpska Social Sciences Quarterly 1 (173):15-24.
    Although Archimandrite Jovan Rajić's Catechism is not an original contribution to Serbian theology, the historical context of its origin makes it extremely significant. The theological analysis of the Catechism must therefore take into account the specific circumstances of its origin. Rajić's Catechism is significantly influenced by Latin theological heritage, which can be seen both in the layout of the material and in its content. However, at a given historical moment, by writing and publishing his Catechism, Rajić managed (...)
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    Death and Nihilism: A Comparative Analysis of Mulla Sadra and Søren Kierkegaard’s Philosophies.Abolfazl Minaee - manuscript
    Abstract -/- This paper explores the philosophical concept of death from the perspectives of Mulla Sadra, a prominent philosopher of Islamic thought, and Søren Kierkegaard, a foundational figure in existential philosophy. Both thinkers offer distinct, yet profound insights into the meaning of death, which are deeply connected to their broader metaphysical, theological, and existential frameworks. Mulla Sadra’s view of death as a transformative transition towards divine perfection contrasts sharply with Kierkegaard’s existential perspective, wherein death represents a confrontation with human (...)
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  17. The Prudent Man as the Reflection of the Provident God: An Analysis of Aquinas' Accounts of Providence and Prudence.Chrysogonus Okwenna - 2021 - EKPOMA Review 8 (8):51-66.
    This essay explores and exposes Thomas Aquinas' notions of prudence and providence and interprets these notions in a bid to establish a relationship between human prudence and divine providence. At face value, it would seem that these two concepts are widely divergent and almost mutually exclusive. Nonetheless, the essay uses the phenomenological tool of analysis of relevant works of literature — the Summa Theologiae and the Summa Contra Gentiles — and argues that the ideas of human prudence and divine (...)
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  18. Common Ground in Inter-Religious Dialogue: A brief analysis of religion as a response to existential suffering.Colonel Adam L. Barborich - 2019 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (1):1-11.
    Philosophy of religion, approached from a comparative perspective, can be a valuable tool for advancing inter-religious dialogue. Unfortunately, “comparative religion” today is usually characterised by two extreme positions: 1) Comparing religions in order to come to the conclusion that one's own religion is superior 2) Arguing for a type of “religious pluralism” that relativises all religious truth claims. -/- The former approach reduces religion to a confrontational form of apologetics, theatrical “debates” and polemics, while the latter reduces religion to a (...)
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  19. PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT AND CORRUPTION IN ASEAN PLUS SIX.My Thi Ha Tran - 2021 - Dissertation, Swinburne University of Technology
    The study involved analyzing the causes and consequences of corruption in Vietnam. Some research findings were similar to those of other low- to middle-income countries. However, there were some differences since Vietnam was a socialist republic country. The study used regression analysis to determine the correlations between government expenditure, governance indicator and corruption as well as between corruption and the economic development in selected countries. Data gathered from various sources over 18 years, from 2000 to 2017, (...)
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  20. Concord or Conflict? A Teilhardian-Plantingan Analysis of the Relationship between Christianity and Evolution.Joshua Jose Ocon - 2021 - Phavisminda Journal 20:141-163.
    It is said that science, since the Enlightenment, had advanced with an ever-increasing intensity to reinvent and develop the way we see ourselves and our relationship with the world. The nascent scientific worldview then brought about a profound change in the conception of man’s place in the universe, and among the findings of the major scientific revolutions, it was that of Charles Darwin which proved to be most impactful. What sets him apart from his predecessors who attempted to explain the (...)
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  21. United Kingdom’s healthcare corruption in perspective.Sally Serena Ramage - 2023 - The Criminal Lawyer 258 (258):2-24.
    Corruption deprives people of access to health care and can lead to the wrong treatments being administered. Drug counterfeiting, facilitated by corruption, kills en masse. Cases are recorded of water being substituted for life-saving adrenaline and of active ingredients being diluted by counterfeiters, triggering drug-resistant strains of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV. The poor are disproportionately affected by corruption in the health sector, and cannot afford to pay for private alternatives where corruption has depleted public health services. (...)
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  22. A Non-Hagiographical Obituary of Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez and his Contribution to Indian Theologies.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2024 - Indian Catholic Matters.
    This article shows why it is important to not "hastily condemn the condemnation of Gutiérrez by ecclesiastical authorities, [instead] we should learn from those censures". Then the essay shows why the last two Popes, John Paul the Great and Pope Bendict were sceptical of liberation theology. Nonetheless, this mode of theological praxis is now pervasive throughout global and Indian academia. The last part of this long essay contextualises how liberation theology has concetreley shaped the Indian Church and also, to (...)
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  23. Review of George Pattison, Heidegger on Death: A Critical Theological Essay: Ashgate, 2013, ISBN: 978-1409466956, pb, 170 pp. [REVIEW]Iker Garcia - 2014 - Sophia 53 (4):575-577.
    George Pattison’s Heidegger on Death aims at critically assessing Heidegger’s analysis of death included in his magnum opus Being and Time . Given the peculiar status of Heidegger’s analysis, tightly interwoven into a complex argumentative narrative touching on an array of foundational issues in philosophy, Pattison must first of all spell out for his reader Heidegger’s overall project in BT and show how Heidegger’s analysis of death fits in it. As the author makes clear, HD isn't meant (...)
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  24. Corporate Disclosure on Anti-Corruption Practice: A study of Social Responsible.Ayman Issa - 2017 - Journal of Financial Crime 10 (11):20-31.
    This paper seeks to determine the extent of anti-corruption information disclosure in the sustainability reports originating from Gulf countries. Focus primarily on the fight against corruption, this study utilizes a deeply-rooted content analysis technique of corporate sustainability reporting, covering 66 Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) firms during 2014. Strengthened by the application of institutional theory, insight into the results points to a state of limited maturity regarding the disclosure of anti-corruption procedures in the region. More specifically, the (...)
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  25. Discovering Dimensions of Administrative Corruption in Education Sector.Abdul Rahim Chandio - 2022 - International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR) 6 (6):27-32.
    Abstract- Administrative corruption has a long history in Pakistan which affected each public institution since its inception. Good governance in Pakistan never took a sigh due to Bribery in public sector and versatile Miraculous of Corruption in Public Administration. Administrative corruption possesses a multidimensional and complex phenomenon that has been created by numerous factors to affect at a wide range and each segment of society to be exhibited in a diversity of roles and traits. This study is (...)
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  26. Plotinus and Spinoza: A Comparative Analysis of Their Notion of Evil.Latif Kadri - manuscript
    The problem of evil has always haunted theologians and philosophers. Throughout the course of this paper I will peruse the concepts of evil put forth by Spinoza and Plotinus. These two notions of evil have many similarities, yet there are some vital distinctions between the two. Plotinus and Spinoza both had rather unique views on the concept of evil that seemed to be ahead of their time in many ways. These two philosophers’ outlook on the notion of evil departs from (...)
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  27. An Evolutionary Model of Early Theology When Moral and Religious Capacities Converge.Margaret Boone Rappaport & Christopher J. Corbally - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (3-4):285-308.
    This analysis summarizes conclusions on an evolutionary model for the origin of moral and religious capacities in the genus Homo. The authors’ published model (2020, Routledge) is now extended to the emergence of nascent theological thinking, augmenting the previous line of theory based on genomics, cognitive science, neuroscience, paleoneurology, cognitive archaeology, ethnography, and modern social science. This analysis concludes that findings support the earliest theological thinking in Homo sapiens, but not in an earlier species, Homo erectus, (...)
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  28. Principals’ supervisory techniques for combating corruption and the attainment of quality school governance in public secondary schools in Aba Education Zone of Abia State, Nigeria.Esther Chijioke Madukwe, Blessing Iheoma Nwannunu & Valentine Joseph Owan - 2019 - International Journal of Educational Benchmark 13 (2):113-123.
    The study investigated principals’ supervisory techniques for combating corruption and the attainment of quality school governance. Two null hypotheses were formulated. The ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. Census technique was used to draw the entire population of 81 principals from all the public secondary schools in Aba Education Zone of Abia State. Data collection was carried out with the use of a research instrument titled: “Principals’ Supervisory Techniques for Combating Corruption and Attainment of Quality (...)
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  29. Quid aliud agat or How one should live. An analysis of the Jesuit drama of Georg Bernardt from the perspective of existential philosophy.Björn Freter - 2021 - In Jesuit Culture between Texts and Arts. Torun, Poland: pp. 63-72.
    In this article, an attempt will be made to analyse the Jesuit drama of Georg Bernardt, in terms of its existential philosophy content. It will become apparent that the Jesuits, in accordance here with reformatory theology, assume the existence of a normative facticity. In this normative facticity, the Jesuits then, in most profound conflict with reformatory thought, believe in the possibility to work towards one’s state of grace.
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  30. Intercultural Theology in the Multicultural Context of Muslim-Buddhist Relation in Malaysia: History, Identity, and Issues.Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli - 2022 - Religions 13 (1125).
    Relationship-oriented questions have always been at the crossroads of ethnoreligious identity, religious freedom, religious conversion, religious prejudice, and religious pluralism throughout Muslim-Buddhist co-existence in the sixth century within the Malay Archipelago. Other faiths could be freely practised except for propagation towards Muslim communities with Islam being the religion of the federation. This study aimed to explore Muslim-Buddhist relation types and the issues underpinning the following themes: history, identity, and concerns. Content and thematic analysis as well discourse analysis were (...)
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  31. Aristotle's Theology and its Relation to the Science of Being qua Being.Shane Duarte - 2007 - Apeiron 40 (3):267-318.
    The paper proposes a novel understanding of how Aristotle’s theoretical works complement each other in such a way as to form a genuine system, and this with the immediate (and ostensibly central) aim of addressing a longstanding question regarding Aristotle’s ‘first philosophy’—namely, is Aristotle’s first philosophy a contribution to theology, or to the science of being in general? Aristotle himself seems to suggest that it is in some ways both, but how this can be is a very difficult question. My (...)
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  32. From Knowing the Mechanism to the Mechanism of Knowing: Eurasian Cultural Transfer and Hybrid Theologies of (Neo)Liberalism.Goran Kauzlarić - 2023 - In Slobodan G. Markovich, Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia: Methodological Issues and Challenges. Faculty of Political Sciences; Dosije Studio. pp. 237-252.
    The founding fathers of neoliberalism are usually imagined as very rational neoclassical economists uninterested in cultural and religious issues. The aim of this paper is to paint a different picture by discussing the ideas of (neo)liberal economists regarding spiritual heritage, with an emphasis on eastern religions. Starting from the existing historiographical debate on the role of Daoist notions in the birth of political economy in 18th-century Europe, as an example of cultural transfer par excellence, argumentation develops into a comparative (...) of philosophical underpinnings of modern laissez-faire liberalism and neoliberalism. The main thesis of the paper is that important epistemological differences between analysed doctrines imply the differences in the attitude of modern economic liberalism towards religion, which is demonstrated via examples of appropriations and translations of eastern heritage. This is a preliminary analysis but with the potential to shed new light on the political theology of contemporary culture and neoliberalism itself. (shrink)
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  33. Demiurge and Deity: The Cosmical Theology of Olaf Stapledon’s Star Maker.Joshua Hall - 2023 - Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 6.
    This paper analyzes the nature of the Star Maker in Olaf Stapledon’s Star Maker, as well as Stapledon’s exploration of the theological problem of evil, as compared with philosophical conceptions of God and their respective theodicies in the tradition of classical theism, as propounded by philosophers such as Aristotle, Plotinus, Augustine, Maimonides, Aquinas, and Avicenna. It argues that Stapledon’s philosophical divergence from classical theism entails that the Star Maker of the novel is more demiurge than true divinity, and that (...)
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  34. Cele teologii naturalnej i filozoficznej a preferowane wartości poznawcze / Aims of Natural and Philosophical Theology and the Preferred Epistemic Values.Marek Pepliński - 2004 - Przegląd Religioznawczy 212 (2):3-11.
    In philosophical literature terms: „natural theology” (or „rational theology”) and „philosophical theology” are used as exchangeable. The author argues that natural and philosophical theology are different philosophical disciplines. It is possible to point out a philosophic theology, different from natural theology, the former aims are not only supposed to show that God exists but to unifícate, interpret and explain (understand) religious faith and her tasks are not primary apologetic. The author considers that the aims of the latter discipline are bound (...)
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  35. Combatting institutional corruption: The policy-centered approach.Joel Martinsson - 2021 - Crime, Law, and Social Change 1 (75):267-280.
    How can institutional corruption be combatted? While recent years have seen a growth in anti-corruption literature, examples of countries rooting out systemic corruption remain few. The lack of success stories has sparked an academic debate about the theoretical foundations of anti-corruption frameworks: primarily between proponents of the principal-agent framework and those seeing systemic corruption as the result of collective-action problems. Through an analysis of current principalagent and collective action anti-corruption literature, this article adds (...)
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  36. The All too Human Welfare State: Freedom between Gift and Corruption.Paolo Silvestri - 2019 - Teoria E Critica Della Regolazione Sociale 19 (2):123-145.
    Can taxation and the redistribution of wealth through the welfare state be conceived as a modern system of circulation of the gift? But once such a gift is institutionalized, regulated and sanctioned through legal mechanisms, does it not risk being perverted or corrupted, and/or not leaving room for genuinely altruistic motives? What is more: if the market’s utilitarian logic can corrupt or ‘crowd out’ altruistic feelings or motivations, what makes us think that the welfare state cannot also be a source (...)
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  37. (1 other version)The Catholic Epistle of Saint Jude: introduction, translation, commentary and theology.Mihai Ciurea - 2018 - Craiova: Mitropolia Olteniei.
    The commentary is a detailed analysis of one of the shortest writings (25 verses) and, according to an already classic definition, "The Most Neglected Book in the New Testament” (cf. D. J. Rowston). Thus, it covers an existing gap in the specialized theological literature and is among the newer concerns of biblical scholars, attentive to the enhancement of the corpus of the Catholic Epistles. The interest in such an inspired text lies primarily in the approximately ten new topics (...)
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  38. Mystical Explanation of the Relationship between the Velayat of Theological Beliefs from the Perspective of Imam Khomeini.Religious Thought, Salamallah Kazem Khani, KHosro Zafarnavaee & Abdairaza Mazaheri - 2021 - JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS THOUGHT 21 (78):77-98.
    The most central issue in Imam Khomeini's mysticism is the velayat. The quality of this relationship is one of the important issues of mystical analysis of scholars and its re-reading and explanation can be examined in the context of an important research issue. The present article, with the aim of examining and explaining this relationship and alignment, has tried to examine the texts and knowledge in this field by descriptive-analytical method. Findings of the research indicate that among the mystics (...)
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  39. Intuitionist Reasoning in the Tri-Unitarian Theology of Nicholas of Cues (1401-1464).Antonino Drago - 2019 - Journal of Applied Logic 6 (6):1143-1186.
    The main subject of Cusanus’ investigations was the name of God. He claimed to have achieved the best possible one, Not-Other. Since Cusanus stressed that these two words do not mean the corresponding affirmative word, i.e. the same, they represent the failure of the double negation law and there￾fore belong to non-classical, and above all, intuitionist logic. Some of his books implicitly applied intuitionist reasoning and the corresponding organization of a theory which is governed by intuitionist logic. A comparison of (...)
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    Big Religion and 'Prophets for Profit': Whiteness in South African Megachurches, Prosperity Theology, and Economic Inequality.Tristan Kapp - manuscript
    The post-pandemic economy in South Africa has exacerbated significant economic challenges, due to increasing unemployment, political corruption, inflation, and rising poverty, which have worsened the struggles of many (see Francis & Webster 2019:789–791; Arndt et al. 2020:16–22; van Papendorp, Packirisamy & Masike 2024:1-4). However, amid this turmoil, Christian megachurches (especially those promoting prosperity theology), have continued to flourish. Prominent South African pastors continue to espouse that financial success is a sign of divine favour, encouraging congregants to tithe faithfully, in (...)
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    As the scope of innovative technologies is expanding, their implications and applications are increasingly intersecting with various facets of society, including the deeply rooted traditions of religion. This paper embarks on an exploratory journey to bridge the perceived divide between advancements in technology and faith, aiming to catalyze a dialogue between the religious and scientific communities. The former often views technological progress through a lens of conflict rather than compatibility. By utilizing a technology-centric perspective, we draw metaphorical parallels between the (...)
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  42. Personnel management and corrupt academic practices in universities in Cross River State, Nigeria.Festus Obun Arop, Martin Akan Ekpang, Blessing Iheoma Nwannunu & Valentine Joseph Owan - 2018 - International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management 6 (9):405-419.
    The study examined personnel management and corrupt academic practices in universities in Cross River State, Nigeria. In achieving this objective, two research questions and two null hypotheses were posed and formulated respectively, to guide the study. The study adopted a factorial research design, while the population of the study included all the academic staff and students from University of Calabar and Cross River University of Technology. A purposive sampling technique was employed to select 1200 students and 200 lecturers from both (...)
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  43. Conceptual Analysis and the Analytic Method in Kant’s Prize Essay.Gabriele Gava - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (1):164-184.
    Famously, in the essay Inquiry Concerning the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morality (Prize Essay), Kant attempts to distance himself from the Wolffian model of philosophical inquiry. In this respect, Kant scholars have pointed out Kant’s claim that philosophy should not imitate the method of mathematics and his appeal to Newton’s “analytic method.” In this article, I argue that there is an aspect of Kant’s critique of the Wolffian model that has been neglected. Kant presents a powerful (...)
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    A Living Model of Truth - A Tiered Framework for Integrating Empirical Science, Metaphysical Reason, and Catholic Theology.Hugo Villarreal - manuscript
    This paper proposes a structured framework that integrates insights from empirical science, metaphysical philosophy, and Catholic theology without conflating their distinct methods or domains. It begins by clarifying the epistemological boundaries of each discipline—science focuses on empirical data and testable theories, philosophy probes fundamental questions of being and value, and theology relies on revelation and faith-based reasoning. Through five core themes—interconnectedness, the seen and unseen, consciousness and identity, teleology, and moral objectivity—the paper demonstrates how each domain contributes unique but complementary (...)
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  45. A Reformed Natural Theology?Sebastian Rehnman - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (1):151-175.
    This paper aims to counter the recent opinion that there is a peculiar epistemology in the reformed Church which made it negative to natural theology. First, it is shown that there was an early and unanimous adoption of natural theology as the culmination of physics and the beginning of metaphysics by the sixteenth and seventeenth century philosophers of good standing in the reformed Church. Second, it is argued that natural theology cannot be based on revelation, should not assume a peculiar (...)
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  46. The Foundation of Early Modern Science: Metaphysics, Logic and Theology.Andrea Strazzoni - 2015 - Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam-Ridderprint BV.
    The present study defines the function of the foundation of science in early modern Dutch philosophy, from the first introduction of Cartesian philosophy in Utrecht University by Henricus Regius to the acceptance of Newtonian physics by Willem Jacob ‘s Gravesande. My main claim is that a foundation of science was required because the conceptual premises of new ways in thinking had to be justified not only as alternatives to the established philosophical paradigms or as an answer to the “sceptical crisis” (...)
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    The Story of Adam and Eve: A Comprehensive Analysis.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Story of Adam and Eve: A Comprehensive Analysis -/- The story of Adam and Eve is one of the most profound and influential narratives in human history. Found in the Bible (Genesis), the Qur’an, and other religious traditions, it has shaped how people understand free will, morality, knowledge, sin, and redemption. This essay explores the story’s theological, philosophical, psychological, mythological, scientific, and literary implications. -/- 1. Theological Perspectives -/- A. Judaism: The Human Moral Struggle -/- In (...)
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  48. Early Lutheranism and Natural Theology.Juuso Loikkanen - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (2):173-186.
    Natural theology can be defined as an attempt of proving the existence of God through the observation of the natural world and the use of reason, without appealing to divine revelation. Many theologians seem to think that early Lutheranism completely rejected the possibility of natural theology, based largely on the view of Luther himself that the human nature has been totally corrupted by sin and can only learn to know God through faith. It was, however, neither the understanding of Luther (...)
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  49. Atonement and the Cry of Dereliction from the Cross.Stump Eleonore - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (1):1.
    Any interpretation of the doctrine of the atonement has to take account of relevant biblical texts. Among these texts, one that has been the most difficult to interpret is that describing the cry of dereliction from the cross. According to the Gospels of Mathew and Mark, on the cross Jesus cries, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?‘ In this paper, I give a philosophical analysis of the options for understanding the cry of dereliction, interpreted within the (...)
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  50. Hobbes nel Journal of the History of Philosophy: dalla politica alla religione.Anna Lisa Schino - 2023 - Noctua 10 (2–3):593-618.
    An analysis of the issues of the Journal of the History of Philosophy shows that the journal has effectively recorded the changing image of Hobbes over the course of the 20th century, shifting from a strictly political perspective and a marked focus on the internal coherence of Hobbesian thought (with particular reference to the moral/political nexus and the examination of the “naturalistic fallacy”), to an increasing emphasis on the theme of theology and civil religion. Three examples are examined in (...)
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