Results for 'V. Maojo'

970 found
  1. Discussion of “Biomedical informatics: We are what we publish”.Geissbuhler Antoine, W. E. Hammond, A. Hasman, R. Hussein, R. Koppel, C. A. Kulikowski, V. Maojo, F. Martin-Sanchez, P. W. Moorman, Moura La, F. G. De Quiros, M. J. Schuemle, Barry Smith & J. Talmon - 2013 - Methods of Information in Medicine 52 (6):547-562.
    This article is part of a For-Discussion-Section of Methods of Information in Medicine about the paper "Biomedical Informatics: We Are What We Publish", written by Peter L. Elkin, Steven H. Brown, and Graham Wright. It is introduced by an editorial. This article contains the combined commentaries invited to independently comment on the Elkin et al. paper. In subsequent issues the discussion can continue through letters to the editor.
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  2. Constantin TONU: István KIRÁLY V., Death and History, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, ISBN: 978-3-659-80237-9, 172 pages, 2015.V. Istvan Kiraly & Constantin Tonu - 2016 - Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 2 (1).
    Review the Istvan Kiraly V.'s book: Death and History.
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  3. Király V. István - Death and History.István Király V. - 2016 - Budapesti Konyv Szemle (2):79-83.
    Recenzio Kiraly V. Istvan Death and History c. konyverol.
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  4. Problema soznanii︠a︡ v svete mezhdist︠s︡iplinarnykh issledovaniĭ: materialy respublikanskoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii.V. V. Luzgin, R. M. Nugaev & N. M. Solodukho (eds.) - 1997 - Kazanʹ: Izd-vo Kazanskogo gos. tekhn. universiteta im. A.N. Tupoleva.
    The split, the alienation of philosophy from the sciences occurred long before all sorts of perestroikas and KGB revolutions "from above", all these great leaps, great pushes and painful kicks. This is a consequence of internal processes occurring at the level of everyday scientific consciousness, the living practice of scientific research. The isolation of development is a fact, not an invention of the Mossad or the CIA. It was precisely from this fact that we proceeded when we conceived this conference. (...)
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  5. Typologizácia morálky a mravných subjektov v etike sociálnych dôsledkov.V. Gluchman - forthcoming - Filozofia.
    The analysis of moral subject in consequentialist ethics (as a kind of nonutilitaristic consequentialism) aims to show, that moral subject is of basie importance for it - regardeless to the fact, that its analysis focuses predominantly on action and its concequences. It is the moral subject, which enables the action and its consequences to be performed. So understanding the conditions of moral subjecťs action means understanding the moral subject itself. This understanding draws upon the typology of moral subjects that makes (...)
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  6. From Participation to Interruption : Toward an ethics of stakeholder engagement, participation and partnership in corporate social responsibility and responsible innovation.V. Blok - 2019 - In René von Schomberg & Jonathan Hankins, International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A global resource. Cheltenham, Royaume-Uni: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Contrary to the tendency to harmony, consensus and alignment among stakeholders in most of the literature on participation and partnership in corporate social responsibility and responsible innovation practices, in this chapter we ask which concept of participation and partnership is able to account for stakeholder engagement while acknowledging and appreciating their fundamentally different judgements, value frames and viewpoints. To this end, we reflect on a non-reductive and ethical approach to stakeholder engagement, collaboration and partnership, inspired by the philosophy of Emmanuel (...)
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  7. W.V. Quine, Immanuel Kant Lectures, translated and introduced by H.G. Callaway.H. G. Callaway & W. V. Quine (eds.) - 2003 - Frommann-Holzboog.
    This book is a translation of W.V. Quine's Kant Lectures, given as a series at Stanford University in 1980. It provide a short and useful summary of Quine's philosophy. There are four lectures altogether: I. Prolegomena: Mind and its Place in Nature; II. Endolegomena: From Ostension to Quantification; III. Endolegomena loipa: The forked animal; and IV. Epilegomena: What's It all About? The Kant Lectures have been published to date only in Italian and German translation. The present book is filled out (...)
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  8.  91
    Explainable transformers in financial forecasting.P. Prakash V. Govindaraj, H. V. Jaganathan - 2023 - World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 20 (02):1434–1441.
    This study presents a novel transformer-based model specifically designed for financial forecasting, integrating explainability mechanisms such as SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) values and attention visualizations to enhance interpretability. Unlike previous models, which often compromise between accuracy and transparency, our approach balances predictive accuracy with interpretability, allowing stakeholders to gain deeper insights into the factors driving market changes. By revealing critical market influences through feature importance and attention maps, this model provides both robustness and transparency, catering to the needs of high-stakes (...)
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  9. Towards an ontology of innovation : On the New, the Political-Economic Dimension and the Intrinsic Risks involved in Innovation Processes.V. Blok - 2020 - In Routledge Handbook of philosophy of Engineering. routledge.
    Because the techno-economic paradigm of contemporary conceptualizations of innovation is often taken for granted in the literature, this chapter opens up this self-evident notion. First, the chapter consults the work of Joseph Schumpeter, who can be seen as the founding father of the current conceptualization of innovation as technological and commercial. Second, we open up the concept by reflecting on two aspects of Schumpeter’s conceptualization of innovation, namely its destructive and its constructive aspect, based on findings in the history of (...)
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  10. Zsuzsanna Mariann LENGYEL: New Ways for Understanding: Death and History – István KIRÁLY V.: Death and History. (Saarbrücken, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015) 180 p.István Király V. - 2016 - Philobiblon - Transilvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 21 (1):123 - 131.
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  11.  81
    Thăm bà Biên đầu năm 2025.V. Q. Hoàng - 2025 - Www-2025.
    Thật là mừng khi thấy ngoài 80, cậu Biên vẫn mạnh khỏe, minh mẫn, hỏi những câu hỏi của sự kiện cũ mà tôi phải lục tìm trí nhớ mãi mới trả lời được.
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  12. Information Asymmetries and the Paradox of Sustainable Business Models: Toward an integrated theory of sustainable entrepreneurship.V. Blok - unknown
    In this conceptual paper, the traditional conceptualization of sustainable entrepreneurship is challenged because of a fundamental tension between processes involved in sustainable development and processes involved in entrepreneurship: the concept of sustainable business models contains a paradox, because sustainability involves the reduction of information asymmetries, whereas entrepreneurship involves enhanced and secured levels of information asymmetries. We therefore propose a new and integrated theory of sustainable entrepreneurship that overcomes this paradox. The basic argument is that environmental problems have to be conceptualized (...)
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  13. EXISTENCE(s) – Short deep-forage Chapters.István Király V. - 2017 - Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
    The chapters of the book are seemingly short, but deep explorations on the various fields and possibilities of human being and existence. Such explorations of course reorder and reformulate the timely and essential possibilities of philosophy and philosophizing. These together convey the true weight and stakes of things. For it is indeed so that: „Philosophy is destined to deal with the Deepest and most disturbing questions. It would hardly survive, if they were definitively solved.”.
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  14.  72
    Advanced Network Traffic Analysis Models for Detecting Sophisticated Cyber Espionage Campaigns.V. Jain Jayant - 2025 - International Journal of Advanced Research in Cyber Security 6 (1):6-10.
    Cyber espionage campaigns pose significant challenges to global security, exploiting vulnerabilities in network infrastructures. This research paper explores advanced network traffic analysis models tailored for detecting sophisticated cyber espionage operations. The study focuses on leveraging machine learning algorithms, anomaly detection systems, and hybrid threat detection frameworks to identify subtle yet malicious activities within network traffic. Through a review of research, this paper synthesizes key findings and outlines practical applications, offering a roadmap for enhancing cybersecurity frameworks. Findings highlight the efficacy of (...)
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  15.  71
    Talk About Luck: On the Role of Knowledge in Communication.V. Simpson - manuscript
    In the backdrop of a long-standing debate between Russellians (or direct-reference theorists) and Fregeans (or sense-based theorists) over the semantics of language, Brian Loar (1976) presented a case meant to score a victory for the Fregeans. Recently, this conclusion has met resistance. Epistemic Russellianism (ER) has emerged as a strong new contender. Claiming that the significance of Loar’s puzzle is due to an element of luck (as in Gettier cases), ER concludes that communication requires knowledge of co-reference -and not a (...)
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  16. The Emerging Concept of Responsible Innovation. Three Reasons why it is Questionable and Calls for a Radical Transformation of the Concept of Innovation.V. Blok & P. Lemmens - 2015 - In Bert-Jaap Koops, Ilse Oosterlaken, Henny Romijn, Tsjalling Swierstra & Jeroen van den Hoven, Responsible Innovation 2: Concepts, Approaches, and Applications. Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp. 19-35.
    Abstract In this chapter, we challenge the presupposed concept of innovation in the responsible innovation literature. As a first step, we raise several questions with regard to the possibility of ‘responsible’ innovation and point at several difficulties which undermine the supposedly responsible character of innovation processes, based on an analysis of the input, throughput and output of innovation processes. It becomes clear that the practical applicability of the concept of responsible innovation is highly problematic and that a more thorough inquiry (...)
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  17.  67
    Machine Learning Models for Accurate Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease.V. Sethupathi - 2025 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 6 (1):1-15.
    By utilizing a range of clinical features such as age, blood pressure, blood sugar, and other relevant biomarkers, we employ machine learning algorithms, including Decision Trees, Random Forests, and Support Vector Machines (SVM), to predict the likelihood of a patient developing CKD. The dataset used in this study includes medical records of patients with various kidney conditions, and preprocessing techniques such as normalization and missing data handling are applied to ensure the model’s robustness. T.
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  18. Innovative Remedial Teaching System: Identifying Slow Learners Using Quiz-Based Classification and Interactive Visualizations.Balaram V. V. S. Ss - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (1):1-12.
    The paper deals with a comprehensive methodology for the identification of slow learning students for remedial teaching and skill development. The slow learners face difficulties in the understanding of concepts and require more time and diversified teaching techniques. The approach presented here focuses on early and accurate identification of slow learners by modern technology, data analysis, and personalized learning plans. A quiz-based classifier combined with a 3D interactive model allows for the student to receive personally tailored recommendations and study material. (...)
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  19.  57
    White Metaphor: The Philosophical Boundaries of Science.V. A. Heiskanen - manuscript
    The paper is a sequel to an earlier introductory article on the international order of boundaries, the conceptual equivalence of physics and law, and the philosophical presuppositions (metaphysics, common sense) underlying the international order and modern philosophy more broadly. The paper develops a philosophical approach that does not engage with any such presuppositions, building instead on (historically) recent developments in cosmology and quantum mechanics. Further to a conceptual analysis of the mechanics of information, energy and entropy, it outlines the emergence, (...)
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  20.  50
    Communication in the Face of Mismatch.V. Simpson - manuscript
    The standard view of communication explains communicative success in terms of sameness of subjects’ mental contents. However, communication seems to happen in the face of people's varying understandings of subject matter. Under the assumption that content is partly individuated by one’s understanding of the relevant subject matter, the presence of mismatch puts great pressure on the standard view. In view of this pressing problem for content sameness, it seems natural to instead propose that content is not the adequate notion to (...)
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  21. STUDY ON LEED CRIDITS AND THE CERTIFICATION FOR WHOLE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATION - LT.V. Ragavan, M. S. Dharmar, G. Karthikeyan & T. Narmdha - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 2 (1):1-15.
    Green buildings are an integral part of the solution to the environmental challenges facing the planet. Today we use the equivalent of 1.5 Earths to meet the resource needs of everyday life and absorb the resulting wastes. This measure of our planet’s carrying capacity means that it takes Earth 18 months to regenerate what is used in only 12 months. If current trends continue, estimates suggest, by the year 2030 we will need the equivalent of two planets. Turning resources into (...)
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  22.  44
    Four Quadrant Operation of DC Motor_ using PID Controller (14th edition).Darshan A. C. Tarakeshwari V. - 2025 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 14 (2):1217-1221.
    This project aims to control the speed and direction of a DC motor in four quadrants: clockwise, counterclockwise, forward braking, and reverse braking. An H-bridge motor drive IC is used to switch the motor’s polarity based on user inputs via four control switches. A slide switch enables alternative directional control. A 555 timer generates PWM pulses for speed regulation, while relays manage polarity changes and braking. In regenerative braking, the motor generates reverse Ftorque for instant stopping. The four-quadrant control is (...)
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  23. EVOLUTIONARY RISK OF HIGH HUME TECHNOLOGIES. Article 1. STABLE ADAPTIVE STRATEGY OF HOMO SAPIENS.V. T. Cheshko, L. V. Ivanitskaya & V. I. Glazko - 2014 - Integrative Anthropology (2):4-14.
    Stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens (SASH) is a result of the integration in the three-module fractal adaptations based on three independent processes of generation, replication, and the implementation of adaptations — genetic, socio-cultural and symbolic ones. The evolutionary landscape SASH is a topos of several evolutionary multi-dimensional vectors: 1) extraversional projective-activity behavioral intention (adaptive inversion 1), 2) mimesis (socio-cultural inheritance), 3) social (Machiavellian) intelligence, 4) the extension of inter-individual communication beyond their own social groups and their own species in (...)
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  24. Experience and the Pacemaker- Accumulator Model.V. Arstila - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (3-4):14-36.
    The pacemaker-accumulator model provides a framework in which the results of different duration estimation tasks are commonly accounted for. Nevertheless, the model remains abstract and it does not provide proper explanations nor predictions for duration estimations in various experimental set-ups. This paper aims to address these shortcomings by explicating an experiential pacemaker-accumulator model that supplements the standard pacemaker-accumulator model with two claims. Both of them concern the role that experiences play in duration estimation tasks and are also partly supported by (...)
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  25. EVOLUTIONARY RISK OF HIGH HUME TECHNOLOGIES. Article 2. THE GENESIS AND MECHANISMS OF EVOLUTIONARY RISK.V. T. Cheshko, L. V. Ivanitskaya & V. I. Glazko - 2015 - Integrative Anthropology (1):4-15.
    Sources of evolutionary risk for stable strategy of adaptive Homo sapiens are an imbalance of: (1) the intra-genomic co-evolution (intragenomic conflicts); (2) the gene-cultural co-evolution; (3) inter-cultural co-evolution; (4) techno-humanitarian balance; (5) inter-technological conflicts (technological traps). At least phenomenologically the components of the evolutionary risk are reversible, but in the aggregate they are in potentio irreversible destructive ones for biosocial, and cultural self-identity of Homo sapiens. When the actual evolution is the subject of a rationalist control and/or manipulation, the magnitude (...)
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  26.  85
    Não-conceitualismo e Percepção: Algumas Consequências Epistêmicas.V. Apolinario - 2024 - Instante 6 (2):47 –71.
    Nesse artigo, pretendemos analisar as consequências epistemológicas da abordagem não-conceitualista de conteúdo perceptual. Num primeiro momento, mencionaremos os principais argumentos favoráveis à tese não-conceitualista: o argumento do aprendizado conceitual,o argumento da percepção em infantes e animais não-humanos e o argumento da riqueza da experiência. Em seguida, o modelo de conteúdo-cenário é apresentado como uma proposta de conteúdo representacional da percepção. O próximo passo é discutiras objeções conceitualistas, em especial o mito do dado. Por fim, levantaremos a hipótese de que a (...)
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  27.  65
    Real Time Effective Management of Street Parking.Amarnadh V. - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (4):1-15.
    The "Smart and Effective Real-time Management of Street Parking" project is designed to enhance urban parking enforcement through the use of advanced machine learning and computer vision technologies. The system leverages CCTV cameras to continuously monitor parking spaces, detecting their availability and instances where vehicles are incorrectly parked. By analyzing video feeds, the system identifies parking violations and extracts license plate numbers using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Notifications are promptly sent to drivers regarding their parking status, ensuring timely enforcement of (...)
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  28. Levinasian ethics in business.V. Blok - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag.
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  29. Agricultural technologies as living machines: toward a biomimetic conceptualization of technology.V. Blok & H. G. J. Gremmen - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (2):246-263.
    Smart Farming Technologies raise ethical issues associated with the increased corporatization and industrialization of the agricultural sector. We explore the concept of biomimicry to conceptualize smart farming technologies as ecological innovations which are embedded in and in accordance with the natural environment. Such a biomimetic approach of smart farming technologies takes advantage of its potential to mitigate climate change, while at the same time avoiding the ethical issues related to the industrialization of the agricultural sector. We explore six principles of (...)
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  30. Revisiting the Maxim-Law Dynamic in the Light of Kant’s Theory of Action.V. K. Radhakrishnan - 2019 - Kantian Journal 38 (2):45-72.
    A stable classification of practical principles into mutually exclusive types is foundational to Kant’s moral theory. Yet, other than a few brief hints on the distinction between maxims and laws, he does not provide any elaborate discussion on the classification and the types of practical principles in his works. This has led Onora O’Neill and Lewis Beck to reinterpret Kant’s classification of practical principles in a way that would clarify the conceptual connection between maxims and laws. In this paper I (...)
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  31.  20
    White Metaphor: The Philosophical Boundaries of Science.V. A. Heiskanen - manuscript
    This paper is a sequel to an earlier introductory article on the international order of boundaries, the conceptual equivalence of physics and law, and the philosophical presuppositions (metaphysics, common sense) underlying the international order and modern philosophy more broadly. The paper develops a philosophical approach that does not engage with any such presuppositions, building on (historically) recent developments in cosmology and quantum mechanics. Further to a conceptual analysis of the mechanics of information, energy and entropy, it outlines the emergence, as (...)
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  32. Theories and things.W. V. O. Quine (ed.) - 1981 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Things and Their Place in Theories Our talk of external things, our very notion of things, is just a conceptual apparatus that helps us to foresee and ...
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  33.  20
    Why We Must Care About Animal Consciousness: Against Carruthers’ Nihilism.V. M. Barcellos - 2025 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 29 (1):39-72.
    One of the most challenging positions in contemporary philosophy of animal consciousness is that proposed by Peter Carruthers (2018a, 2018b, 2019, 2020). According to Carruthers, there is no fact of the matter about whether animals instantiate conscious states. This radical conclusion arises from the conjunction of two theses he endorses: the global workspace theory and the phenomenal concept strategy. This paper argues against Carruthers’ radical viewpoint. Its structure is as follows. First, I will present Carruthers’ theses on consciousness, such as (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Human Dignity and the Non-Utilitarist Consequentialist Ethics of Social Consequences.V. Gluchman - 2004 - Filozofia 59:502-506.
    Prominent critics of consequentialism hold that utilitarianism is not capable of accepting authentic human values, because the consequentialist viewpoint is impersonal. According to it consequentialist rationality has no axiological limits and it can think about doing the unthinkable. The main objective of the paper is to show that human dignity has a significant position in the author’s conception of ethics of social consequences arguing for a particular theory of the value of human dignity. The author argues that the ethics of (...)
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  35. Technology: a tool in the hands of a few.V. Mano - manuscript
    This essay presents a brief survey on some of the basic questions concerning the Philosophy of Technology, including the different historical perspectives regarding the part played by technology in human life and societies. From the historical debate between the more pragmatic and the more skeptical sides, the optimistic and pessimistic views, an answer is proposed, finding support in a sociological point of view in what can be interpreted as a contemporary marxist approach on these problems. This work was developed in (...)
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  36. BF Skinner, for and against freedom and human dignity.V. Gluchman - 2001 - Filozofia 56 (4):259-265.
    The author analyses Burrhus Frederick Skinner's book Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971).
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  37. Challenging the ideal of transparency as a process and as an output variable of Responsible Innovation : The case of 'the Circle'.V. Blok, R. J. B. Lubberink, H. Belt, Simone Ritzer, Hendrik Kruk & Guido Danen - 2019 - In Robert Gianni, John Pearson & Bernard Reber, Responsible Research and Innovation. Routledge.
    This chapter explores the opportunities and limitations of the ideal of transparency in responsible innovation, by consulting the virtual case of "The Circle", a company which appears in Dave Eggers' novel The Circle. The Circle is a high-tech company with the main purpose of being responsive to societal needs. They want to eradicate unethical behaviour in society, enhance public health and make a positive impact on the environment. The ultimate goal of The Circle is to reach 100% full transparency in (...)
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  38. A typology of morals and moral subjects in consequentialist ethics.V. Gluchman - 1998 - Filozofia 53 (8):523-537.
    The analysis of moral subject in consequentialist ethics (as a kind of nonutilitaristic consequentialism) aims to show, that moral subject is of basie importance for it - regardeless to the fact, that its analysis focuses predominantly on action and its concequences. It is the moral subject, which enables the action and its consequences to be performed. So understanding the conditions of moral subjecťs action means understanding the moral subject itself. This understanding draws upon the typology of moral subjects that makes (...)
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  39.  16
    The AI Cloud: A Web Intelligence That Commands the Web.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology 11 (2):728-734.
    The advent of artificial intelligence has introduced a highly developed and powerful system that can determine the destiny of human beings in the days to come. This article discusses the possibility of a "Sentient AI Cloud", an intelligent digital brain controlling the internet, and its far-reaching implications. The article analyses the ethical, legal, and technological issues involved in creating and regulating such a system, and its possible advantages and pitfalls. The sudden progress of artificial intelligence has brought with it the (...)
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  40. THE ILLUSORINESS OF THE PHENOMENAL WORLD; A comparison with the waving of a fire-brand.Raghuraman V. - 2020 - Vividisha.Org.In.
    The real form of all of us is existence. The reflections of the sun, caught in the millions of waves and bubbles, are nothing but the reflection of the self-same sun. Similarly, the Sat alone is perceived whether as objects of our walking state, or the ideas of dream or undifferentiated consciousness of dreamless sleep.
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  41.  13
    The AI Cloud: A Digital Intelligence Controlling the Web.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology 11 (4):1317-1326.
    The rise of artificial intelligence has led to the emergence of a powerful and complex system that has the potential to shape the future of humanity. This paper explores the concept of a "Sentient AI Cloud", a conscious digital mind that governs the internet and the implications of such a system. The paper examines the ethical, legal, and technical challenges associated with the development and governance of such a system, as well as the potential benefits and risks. The rapid advancements (...)
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  42.  14
    AI-Powered Cloud Security: Using User Behavior Analysis to Achieve Efficient Threat Detection.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 13 (5):10124-10131.
    The present research compares the efficiency of AI-based user behavior analysis to conventional security mechanisms in cloud environments. It specifically tests their precision, velocity, and predictive capacity for identifying and acting upon cyber attacks. As the adoption of the cloud continues to increase, incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning into security infrastructures has become increasingly important. The study investigates the performance of AI-based security systems, using sophisticated pattern recognition and anomaly detection, compared to conventional methods in detecting deviations from (...)
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  43.  16
    AI-Powered Cloud Security: Revolutionizing Cyber Defense in the Digital Age.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 7 (3):4762-4768.
    The rapid evolution of cloud computing and the increasing sophistication of cyber threats have necessitated a paradigm shift in the approach to cybersecurity. The rapid growth of cloud computing has revolutionized business operations with unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and access to enormous computational power. Nevertheless, exponential growth has also led to an exponential rise in security threats, with cloud environments being the main target for cyberattacks. Conventional security controls lag behind the rising complexity of these threats. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become (...)
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  44.  12
    Enhancing Cybersecurity and Privacy using Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Future Directions of Research.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 13 (1):56-64.
    The speed with which cyber threats are evolving is calling for fresh approaches to enhance cybersecurity and protection of privacy. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is proving to be a revolutionary factor in enhancing cybersecurity, providing powerful capabilities for intrusion detection, malware detection, and privacy protection. This article outlines an in-depth review of the use of AI in cybersecurity with particular reference to future directions and trends in research. Applying the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) format, we discuss (...)
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  45.  11
    Ethical and Legal Issues of AI-based Health Cybersecurity.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 12 (2):1112-1120.
    The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to health cybersecurity has led to a new era of opportunities and challenges. AI improves threat detection and mitigation but evokes concerns about data privacy, informed consent, algorithmic bias, and regulatory compliance. This article summarizes these vital issues by examining current challenges and suggesting ethical and legal frameworks to counter risks. Primary areas of emphasis are on lessening data, anonymizing data, minimizing bias, altering regulation, and facilitating international cooperation. The study needs to come to (...)
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  46.  12
    The Sentient AI Cloud: A Conscious Digital Mind Governing the Internet.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 12 (9):11001-11010.
    The rise of artificial intelligence has led to the emergence of a powerful and complex system that has the potential to shape the future of humanity. This paper explores the concept of a "Sentient AI Cloud", a conscious digital mind that governs the internet and the implications of such a system. The paper examines the ethical, legal, and technical challenges associated with the development and governance of such a system, as well as the potential benefits and risks. The rapid advancements (...)
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  47.  37
    Death of the Layman: The legacy of deconstruction and the philosophy of international law.V. A. Heiskanen - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of International Law 2:39-91.
    In what would become his last interview, Jacques Derrida raised the question about the legacy of his work. What would become of deconstruction after his death? -/- Derrida proposed two contradictory hypotheses: the legacy of deconstruction might be re-invested in a new philosophical undertaking that could produce new intellectual gains, or it might be deposited on a savings account – a dépôt légal – where it would attract only limited legal interest. Derrida suggested that at least part his legacy should (...)
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  48.  11
    Artificial Intelligence and Information Governance: Enhancing Global Security through Compliance Frameworks and Data Protection.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 12 (6):8418-8427.
    The record speed of artificial intelligence (AI) incorporation into global information governance is both a revolutionary opportunity and an unprecedented security challenge. This study explores how AI can revolutionize data protection, compliance measures, and regulatory systems to combat the emerging threats. Through the utilization of sophisticated analytical tools such as Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), this study examines AI- facilitated vulnerabilities' dynamics, governance adaptability, and regulatory effectiveness in reference (...)
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  49.  9
    Transparency and Interpretability in Cloud- based Machine Learning with Explainable AI.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 7 (7):11823-11831.
    With the increased complexity of machine learning models and their widespread use in cloud applications, interpretability and transparency of decision-making are the highest priority. Explainable AI (XAI) methods seek to shed light on the inner workings of machine learning models, hence making them more interpretable and enabling users to rely on them. In this article, we explain the importance of XAI in cloud-computer environments, specifically with regards to having interpretable models and explainable decision-making. [1] XAI is the essence of a (...)
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  50.  24
    The Scopics of International Conflicts.V. A. Heiskanen - 2017 - Www.Doria.Fi.
    The term “international” refers to the movement of resources – goods, services, capital and labor – across international boundaries. Such movement may be voluntary, in which case it qualifies as a socioeconomic phenomenon, or involuntary. Involuntary movement of resources may be small-scale or (socioeconomically) microscopic, or it may be macroscopic – a large-scale transfer of resources over an international boundary. When resources are mobilized on a large scale and without the consent of the target State, the event amounts by definition (...)
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