Results for 'WTO'

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  1. APEC, WTO và triển vọng đổi thay.Đặng Lê Nguyên Vũ & Vương Quân Hoàng - 2006 - Thời Báo Kinh Tế Sài Gòn 2006 (47):1-2.
    Sẽ có nhiều góc nhìn về định hình chiến lược thời kỳ sau khi Việt Nam vào WTO. Bài viết dưới đây của ông Đặng Lê Nguyên Vũ (Chủ tịch tập đoàn Trung Nguyên, G7 Mart) và ông Vương Quân Hoàng (Nghiên cứu viên cao cấp, Trung tâm Emile Bernheim, Đại học Tổng hợp Brussels) là một ví dụ, mặc dù có thể có nhiều người không đồng tình lắm về xu hướng nhấn mạnh thương mại hơn sản xuất.
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  2. A Reform Agenda of WTO Revisited: The.Kiyoung Kim - 2013 - International Journal of Advanced Research 1 (10):634-648.
    The paper was intended to make a tentative point about the organizational reform and types of organization, i.e., international, national and private. The author explores in the basics of public administration and contextualizes the variables often employed critically for the discipline of public policy and administration. They would include, for instance, the democratic principles,importance of communication and negotiation, the concept of policy network, diversity, technology and ethics, which are applied and argued over the transition from 1947 GATT to a WTO (...)
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    Making Offers They Can’t Refuse: Consensus and Domination in the WTO.Tadhg Ó Laoghaire - 2018 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 5 (2):227-256.
    The World Trade Organisation, and the international trade regime within which it operates, is regularly evaluated in terms of distributive outcomes or opportunities. A less-established concern is the extent to which the institutional structure of the trade regime enables agents to exert control over the economic forces to which they’re subject. This oversight is surprising, as trade negotiations amongst states have profound impacts upon what options remain open to those states and their citizens in regulating their economies. This article contributes (...)
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  4. Jordan’s Accession to the WTO: Retrospective and Prospective.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2010 - Estey Center Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 11 (1):12-45.
    Jordan acceded to the WTO in 1999. In its accession Jordan agreed, for example, to reduce tariffs on imported products and open its services market; it also modified its intellectual property regime. Jordan enjoyed special and differential treatment in few areas and was not able to designate olive oil as a good eligible for special safeguards. The WTO agreements required fundamental changes in the domestic laws and regulations of Jordan. The article concludes by arguing that Jordan’s accession to the WTO (...)
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  5. The Burden and Order of Proof in WTO Claims: Evolving Issues.Bashar H. Malkawi & Zeina Ahmad - 2017 - International Journal of Law and Management 59 (6):1220-1235.
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the best dispute settlement mechanisms in the world. Under WTO rules, aggrieved parties must establish a “prima facie” case before the panel can call on the offending party to respond to the claims. The objective of the present study is to critically evaluate the application of the concept of burden of proof underWTOdispute settlement mechanism.
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  6. Is It Possible to Provide Evidence of Insufficient Evidence? The Precautionary Principle at the WTO.Elisa Vecchione - 2012 - Chicago Journal of International Law 13 (1).
    This Article aims to demonstrate that the WTO jurisprudence on science-related trade disputes has become imbued with a specific vision of science that has prevented any possible application of the precautionary principle. This situation is due both to the WTO’s specific dispute settlement procedures and to the substantive nature of precautionary measures. Indeed, such measures’ foundation on “insufficient scientific evidence” dramatically undermines the probative value of science in WTO adjudication and creates a seeming contradiction: The system requires defendants to provide (...)
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  7. Arab Countries’ (Under) Participation In The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2012 - Flinders Law Journal 14 (2):1-35.
    The purpose of the present article is two-fold. First, the article examines the reasons as to why Arab countries do not actively participate in WTO dispute settlement proceedings.17 Trade volume, lack of technical expertise, financial strains, political relations, enforcement, and language problems eachplay a role in Arab countries under-participation and are discussed herein. Second, the article provides possible avenues through which Arab countries can enhance their presence in the WTO dispute settlement process. In the process of examining these issues, the (...)
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  8. Notification of the GCC to the WTO as a Customs Union: The Whys and Hows.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2015 - Global Trade and Customs Journal 10 (5):189-193.
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  9. Subsidies for the Ship Industry of South Korea: Comment on 2005 WTO Panel's Decision.Kiyoung Kim - 2005 - 인권과 정의 350:72-91.
    WTO는 2005. 3. 7. EC 제소의 선박산업에 대한 보조금지급에 관한 한국과 EC 간의 通商紛爭에 관 하여 패널결정을 선고하였으며, 양국의 항소포기로 인하여 4. 12. 분쟁해결기구가 동 결정을 채택하고 그 이행에 관하여 감시하고 있다. 즉, WTO는 제소국인 EC가 대한민국의 수출입은행법 및 동법 시행 령, 동 법령에 근거한, 개별적 특혜조치, 대우, 한라, 대동 등 우리 나라 주요 조선기업에 대한 특혜적 구조조정이 WTO가 허용하지 않는 금지보조금 및 조치가능보조금에 해당한다고 주장하면서 대한민국 정부를 상대로 제소한 통상분쟁과 관련하여 대부분 EC의 주장을 배척하고 일부 개별적 거래가 WTO 의 (...)
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  10. Foreign bank penetration in Vietnam following Vietnam’s accession to the WTO: matching expectations with reality.Pham Thu Huong, Vo Xuan Vinh, Nguyen Thi Hien, Bui Thi Ly & Nguyen Ngoc Toan - 2022 - Journal of International Economics and Management 22 (3):1-22.
    Vietnam continuously liberalizes the financial market as a requirement for its accession to the World Trade Organization in 2007. This paper discusses the foreign investors’ expectation and their experience when penetrating into Vietnam’s market. The role of the foreign entrants is also assessed. By synthesizing and analyzing relevant research and reports, several important insights are discovered. Firstly, the presence of foreign investors and banks improves market competition, efficiency, and stability. Wholly and partly foreign-owned banks provide the spillover effects in management (...)
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  11. Safeguard Mechanism in Jordan: Protection of the Domestic Industry.Bashar H. Malkawi - manuscript
    The WTO Agreement on Safeguards prescribes each member to adopt appropriate domestic legislation before it imposes safeguard measures. Historically, Jordan enacted its first WTO-compatible safeguard law, known as the National Production Protection Law No.4 of 1998 (“NPP Law”), in 1998 on the eve of Jordan’s accession to the WTO. Afterward, it amended its NPP Law of 1998. So now, Jordan’s safeguard system is based on the amended NPP Law No. 50 of 2002 and Regulation on Safeguard of National Production. -/- (...)
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  12. Judicial Activism in the World Trade Organization: A Conundrum and Selective Approach.Kiyoung Kim - 2020 - Beijing Law Review 11 (4):827-855.
    With the establishment of the World Trade Organization in 1995, the dispute settlement mechanism for international trade was greatly prepared unlike the old GATT system. It has a very different pattern from that of original GATT system. In our case, international trade is a matter of the future of nations, and in reality of the intense world economic competition, this system change may well be of concern to our government or legal experts. In this context, this paper examines the nature (...)
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  13. Digitalization of International Trade.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2019 - Journal of Law and Technology 23.
    The question this article addresses is how the WTO supports and deals with digital trade. The article then analyzes how existing WTO agreements have dealt with digital trade. The article also addresses recent trade agreements particularly the USMCA.
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  14. The Anti-Danish Trade Boycott: Can it be Challenged under the World Trade Organization?Bashar H. Malkawi - 2008 - Mu'tah Journal for Research and Studies: Humanities and Social Sciences Series 22:61-84.
    The purpose of the paper is to examine trade boycott of Arab countries of Danish goods and role of WTO.
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  15. Reflection on Exclusivity and Termination of Commercial Agency in Jordan: TheIntertwining of Domestic Regulation and International Trade Law.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2019 - Estey Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 19 (2).
    Any foreign manufacturer desiring to market its products in Jordan has several courses open to it. The foreign manufacturer could establish a branch or wholly-owned subsidiary in Jordan or enter into a licensing or joint venture agreement with a company doing business in Jordan. If it wants a less significant presence, however, it is left with the alternative of having a local commercial agent market and sells its products. -/- The purpose of this article is to study certain aspects-exclusivity and (...)
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  16. Jordan Imports and Tariff Regimes: A Revisit.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2019 - Global Trade and Customs Journal 14:308-318.
    Jordan made substantial market access commitments as part of its WTO membership negotiations. Jordan has low average tariffs with single or two digits rate and ad valorem-only duties with some exceptions where specific duties apply. Customs standards in Jordan were streamlined in accordance with WTO rules. Jordan confirmed in its accession to the WTO that free zones or export processing zones would be fully subject to the coverage of the commitments taken in the protocol of accession. The purpose of this (...)
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  17. Transnational Standards of Social Protection: Contrasting European and International Governance.Poul F. Kjaer & Christian Joerges (eds.) - 2008 - Oslo: ARENA.
    The Report presents insights which illuminates the intertwinements of European regulatory policies and global governance arrangements. By pinning down the exact nature of the interaction between these two levels, the EU’s dilemma becomes obvious: On the one hand, stronger global governance can be a chance, through which the EU can clarify its own raison d’être of increased integration to the wider world. On the other hand, the design of the European project is being challenged by more assertive global structures. This (...)
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  18. Book Review of "David A. Gantz, Liberalizing International Trade after Doha: Multilateral, Plurilateral, Regional, and Unilateral Initiatives ". [REVIEW]Bashar H. Malkawi - 2015 - Law and Development Review 8:235-236.
    The book, providing a broad analysis of trade liberalization initiatives from the inception of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to 2013, is essential reading for trade lawyers, researchers, and students alike who are interested in getting a glimpse of the future directions for trade liberalization. The book attempts to ask and answer the following key question: What are the alternatives to trade liberalization in the WTO system?
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  19. World Trade Organization.Christian Barry & Scott Wisor - 2021 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a multilateral trade organization that, at least partially, governs trade relations between its member states. The WTO (2011a) proclaims that its “overriding objective is to help trade flow smoothly, freely, fairly and predictably.” The WTO is a “treaty-based” organization – it has been constituted through an agreed, legally binding treaty made up of more than 30 articles, along with additional commitments by some members in specific areas. At present, 153 states are members of the (...)
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  20. Equality in Global Commerce: Towards a Political Theory of International Economic Law.Oisin Suttle - 2014 - European Journal of International Law 25 (4):1043-1070.
    Notwithstanding International Economic Law’s (IEL’s) inevitable distributional effects, IEL scholarship has had limited engagement with theoretical work on global distributive justice and fairness. In part this reflects the failure of global justice theorists to derive principles that can be readily applied to the concrete problems of IEL. This article bridges this gap, drawing on existing coercion-based accounts of global justice in political theory to propose a novel account of global distributive justice that both resolves problems within the existing theoretical literature (...)
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    Hội thảo các vấn đề kinh tế, tài chính và ứng dụng toán học, 27-28/2/2009.Vietnam Mathematical Society - 2009 - Vms Conference 2009.
    Nền kinh tế nước ta đang chuyển biến mạnh mẽ từ nền kinh tế bao cấp sang kinh tế thị trường, nhất là từ khi nước ta gia nhập WTO. Đảng và chính phủ đã đề ra rất nhiều các chính sách để cải tiến các thể chế quản lý nền kinh tế và tài chính. Thị trường chứng khoán Việt Nam đã ra đời và đang đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc huy động vốn phục vụ cho (...)
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  22. Socio-economic factors of providing quality of livestock products in Ukraine.Iryna Kyryliuk, Yevhenii Kyryliuk, Alina Proshchalykina & Sergii Sardak - 2020 - Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design 31:37-47.
    In the context of Ukraine’s membership in the WTO, the functioning of a free trade area with the EU, the opportunity for agricultural producers to obtain a larger share of the value added is primarily linked to the intensification of trade in domestic livestock products and their processing products. However, their production is one of the high-risk areas and requires a set of measures aimed at ensuring proper quality. Without effective solution of the problem of quality of livestock products it (...)
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  23. The US financial crisis: causes and lessons.Nguyen Dac Hung & Ha Manh Hung - 2017 - Banking Technology Review (Vietnam) 1:99-114.
    In the last 10 years, after becoming the official member of WTO in 2007, Vietnam has made commitments to the comply with the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement and other international economic agreements. Vietnam has also become a member of the AEC and entered into important free trade agreements, notably the Trans Pacific Partnership. The financial integration of Vietnam in the global economy has been increasing rapidly. However, Vietnam also witnesses the unexpected economic fluctuations domestically and internationally. The global financial crisis, (...)
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  24. We Need to Relax Intellectual Property Rules to Fight this Virus.James Cooper - 2020 - The Hill 1 (1):1.
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  25. THE CAUSE OF THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS AND LESSONS FOR VIETNAM.Duong Van Bon - 2019 - Neu 10Th Proceedings 2019.
    In the last 10 years, after becoming the official member of WTO in 2007, Vietnam has made commitments to the comply with the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement and other international economic agreements. Vietnam has also become a member of the AEC and entered into important free trade agreements, notably the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The financial integration of Vietnam in the global economy has been increasing rapidly. However, Vietnam also witnesses the unexpected economic fluctuations domestically and internationally. The global financial crisis, especially (...)
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  26. Rural Tourism as an Element of Sustainable Diversification of Economic Opportunities of the Region.Oleksandr Krupskyi, Nataliya Krasnikova & Victoriia Redko - 2019 - In V. M. Yatsenko (ed.), Determinants of Innovation and Investment Development of Multi- Branch Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Hospitality Industry. pp. 250-260.
    The collective monograph «Determinants of Innovation and Investment Development of Multisectoral Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Hospitality Industry» is devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Law of Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University and is a continuation of the research tradition on the development of entrepreneurship, innovation, finance, competition, accounting and auditing problems, tourism, hotel and restaurant business. The results of the scientific research presented in the collective monograph show the achievements of the representatives of (...)
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  27. Bashar H. Malkawi, Regional Agreements and Regulatory Barriers to Trade in Services: Building Blocks to the Multilateral Foundation.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2019 - Journal of Business Law 34:251-265.
    Jordan agreed to extensive liberalization undertakings under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (“GATS”) that would open some sectors that were previously closed or restricted to foreign suppliers and investors. It undertook horizontal commitments in cross-border movement of individuals and commercial presence covering all types of services.
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  28. U.S. Trade Relations with Arab Countries: Past, Present, and Future.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2009 - Global Jurist 9:1-54.
    Arab countries have adopted market economy principles and pursued policies designed to strengthen their economies. The cornerstone of Arab countries' long-term economic objectives has been to increase trade and support economic growth via regional and global integration. To this end, Arab countries are attempting to broaden their engagement in the multilateral trading system by joining the World Trade Organization (WTO). In addition, some Arab countries entered into trade arrangements with the United States (U.S.) to foster economic development, attract investment, and (...)
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  29. Foreign trade agricultural products of Ukraine during COVID-19 pandemic.Olesia Bezpartochna, Igor Britchenko & Maksym Bezpartochnyi - 2009 - In M. Bykova & M. Solopova (eds.), Сущность и Слово. Сборник научных статей к юбилею профессора Н.В.Мотрошиловой. Phenomenology & Hermeneutics Press. pp. 169-179.
    In the article are considered the foreign trade agricultural products of Ukraine in COVID-19 pandemic. The structure of foreign trade agricultural products of Ukraine, countries-importers of Ukrainian agricultural products, the dynamics of changes in sales in absolute and monetary terms are determined. The directions of state support of Ukraine for agricultural producers exporting agricultural products abroad and the directions of WTO support in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic are studied. Measures for further development of foreign trade agricultural products of Ukraine (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Non-market economy status in anti-dumping investigations and proceedings: A case study of Vietnam.Pham Duy Anh Huynh - 2023 - Dissertation, Charles Sturt University
    ‘Dumping’ is a practice in international trade whereby a product is introduced into the commerce of another country at less than its ‘normal value,’ which might cause or threaten material injury to the domestic industry of the importing country. To address the practice of dumping and provide rules to deal with it, the World Trade Organization (WTO) adopted the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994), known as the Anti-Dumping Agreement (ADA). -/- (...)
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  31. Hoàn thiện pháp luật về chi nhánh ngân hàng nước ngoài ở Việt Nam.Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền - 2015 - Dissertation, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
    Quá trình hội nhập kinh tế quốc tế của Việt Nam đã trở thành xu thế tất yếu và đang diễn ra ngày càng sâu rộng về nội dung và quy mô trên nhiều lĩnh vực, được bắt đầu từ năm 1986 khi Đại hội Đảng lần thứ VI mở đường cho công cuộc đổi mới nền kinh tế một cách toàn diện. Theo đó, Việt Nam gia nhập khối ASEAN năm 1995, tham gia vào khu vực mậu dịch tự (...)
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  32. Leadership and Organizational Change: Some Perspective from the Basics.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    Leadership is certainly a central concept that the contemporary society now requires to increase the chances of survival and prosperity. As the contemporary politics guides, the world now see a greater turn to the kind of strategic paradigm heavily departing from the previous adherence to the ideological tenet. The strategy is a vital way of approach to address the needs of followers, subordinates, stakeholders and shareholders although there are other strands of influence including the culture (For political discourse, it is (...)
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  33. Paris Climate Compact: A Peripatetic Attempt Roundabout with the Concern and Socio-legal Insight.Kiyoung Kim - 2019 - Chosun Law Journal 26 (1):41-90.
    The Paris Convention on Climate Change is a convention under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that deals with greenhouse gas emission reduction, coordination and financing issues. The Convention shall enter into force from 2020. The Paris Climate Convention is an international environmental law with stronger social norms than other international law areas. Furthermore, the national characteristics of the norm have been doubled as a result of adopting the nationally determined contribution as the most important mechanism. In this (...)
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  34. Toward a Free Trade Agreement Beyond the Unitary-East Asia and South Korean Strategy.Kiyoung Kim - 2005 - 법학논총 12 (2):141-158.
    The global economy has showed progress in terms of a new reign of multilateral cooperation represented by the World Trade Organization (WTO). On the other hand. regional integration creates economic benefits as illustrated by the creation of the EU and NAFTA. East Asia has also seriously pursued prospects for economic integration. producing considerable successes thus far. A Free Trade Agreement is a useful tool to assist in this evolution of trade relations. and South Korea. one of the major economies in (...)
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  35. UAE's International Trade Policy: A Model for Openness.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2019 - Forbes Middle East 3:3.
    Through the benefits of trade openness, diversification, and economic competitiveness, the UAE was successful in its economic endeavors by creating economic winners and protecting those who have been hurt by the embrace of globalization. The country also paid special attention to the issues of wealth distribution and fairness in the allocation of economic resources (inclusive globalization). The most important lesson from UAE’s economic growth is that strong formal institutions with sound vision designed to propel economic development are keys for success.
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  36. The Social Clause of the U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?Bashar H. Malkawi - 2008 - Journal of Law (Kuwait) 32:11-42.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the labor and environment provisions of the US-Jordan FTA.
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  37. Come and Go? How Temporary Visa Works Under U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreements with Arab countries.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2010 - Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law 24:145-158.
    The United States (U.S.) and Jordan launched negotiations for a free trade agreement in 2000.The US-JO FTA includes a preamble, nineteen articles, three annexes, joint statements, memorandums of understanding, and side letters. In addition to the interesting articles on labor and environment, the US-JO FTA provides the opportunity for Jordanian nationals to come to the U.S. to make investments and participate in trade. Under certain conditions, Jordanian nationals can enter the U.S. to render professional services. The purpose of this article (...)
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  38. Principles of Jordan Imports and Tariff Regimes.Bashar H. Malkawi - manuscript
    Customs law and procedures are important part of the trade system in Jordan. They regulate the flow of goods across the borders. The purpose of this paper is to examine Jordan's import regime by analyzing customs law, rules of origin, free trade zones, and tariffs reform.
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  39. Bối cảnh tài chính Việt Nam 1997-1998 và 2007-2008: khoảng cách và biến đổi.Phạm Minh Chính & Vương Quân Hoàng - 2008 - Nghiên Cứu Kinh Tế 48 (7):3-24.
    Tiêu đề bài: Bối cảnh tài chính Việt Nam 1997-1998 và 2007-2008: khoảng cách và biến đổi -/- Tác giả: Phạm Minh Chính, Vương Quân Hoàng -/- Ấn phẩm: Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Kinh tế, Tập 48, Số 7, Serial 362, tr. 3–24 (ISSN: 0866-7489) -/- Ngày xuất bản: 15 tháng 7 năm 2008 -/- Hà Nội, Việt Nam.
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  40. Public Policy and Governance: Some Thoughts on Its Elements.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 - SSRN.
    As the word demos denotes, the democracy is generally considered as the rule or governance based on the general base of people in which monarchy or oligarchy form is excluded. We have a classical view about the four forms of government, which was proposed by Platonic concepts. Most idealistic form of government, in his prongs, could be found in Crete and Sparta, which was nevertheless not a democratic form. His accolade of these two nations, which, of course, would be a (...)
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  41. Book Review of "Yong-Shik Lee, Reclaiming Development in the World Trading System (2016)". [REVIEW]Bashar H. Malkawi - 2018 - Law and Development Review 11:939-941.
    The main focus of the book is to examine every possible facet of the world trading system from a development perspective to advance economic development. Thus, the book title "Reclaiming Development".
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