Results for 'Wolfgang Bauer'

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  1. A Peculiar Intuition: Kant's Conceptualist Account of Perception.Nathan Bauer - 2012 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 55 (3):215-237.
    Abstract Both parties in the active philosophical debate concerning the conceptual character of perception trace their roots back to Kant's account of sensible intuition in the Critique of Pure Reason. This striking fact can be attributed to Kant's tendency both to assert and to deny the involvement of our conceptual capacities in sensible intuition. He appears to waver between these two positions in different passages, and can thus seem thoroughly confused on this issue. But this is not, in fact, the (...)
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  2. Departed Souls? Tripartition at the Close of Plato’s Republic.Nathan Bauer - 2017 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 20 (1):139-157.
    Plato’s tripartite soul plays a central role in his account of justice in the Republic. It thus comes as a surprise to find him apparently abandoning this model at the end of the work, when he suggests that the soul, as immortal, must be simple. I propose a way of reconciling these claims, appealing to neglected features of the city-soul analogy and the argument for the soul’s division. The original true soul, I argue, is partitioned, but in a finer manner (...)
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  3. The shortest way: Kant’s rewriting of the transcendental deduction.Nathan Bauer - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (5):517-545.
    This work examines Kant’s remarkable decision to rewrite the core argument of the first Critique, the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories. I identify a two-part structure common to both versions: first establishing an essential role for the categories in unifying sensible intuitions; and then addressing a worry about how the connection between our faculties asserted in the first part is possible. I employ this structure to show how Kant rewrote the argument, focusing on Kant’s response to the concerns raised in (...)
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  4. Kant's Subjective Deduction.Nathan Bauer - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (3):433-460.
    In the transcendental deduction, the central argument of the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant seeks to secure the objective validity of our basic categories of thought. He distinguishes objective and subjective sides of this argument. The latter side, the subjective deduction, is normally understood as an investigation of our cognitive faculties. It is identified with Kant’s account of a threefold synthesis involved in our cognition of objects of experience, and it is said to precede and ground Kant’s proof of the (...)
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  5. Imaginary Foundations.Wolfgang Schwarz - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5.
    Our senses provide us with information about the world, but what exactly do they tell us? I argue that in order to optimally respond to sensory stimulations, an agent’s doxastic space may have an extra, “imaginary” dimension of possibility; perceptual experiences confer certainty on propositions in this dimension. To some extent, the resulting picture vindicates the old-fashioned empiricist idea that all empirical knowledge is based on a solid foundation of sense-datum propositions, but it avoids most of the problems traditionally associated (...)
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  6. Vorwort.Alexander Max Bauer & Nils Baratella - 2021 - In Alexander Max Bauer & Nils Baratella (eds.), Oldenburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 2019/2020. Oldenburg, Deutschland: BIS-Verlag. pp. 5.
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  7. The Aporetic Structure of Philosophical Problems.Wolfgang Barz - 2019 - Journal of Didactics of Philosophy 3 ((1)):5-18.
    The central idea of this essay is that philosophical thinking revolves around aporetic clusters, i.e., sets of individually plausible, but collectively inconsistent propositions. The task of philosophy is to dissolve such clusters, either by showing that the propositions in question, contrary to first impression, are compatible with each other, or by showing that it is permissible to abandon at least one of the propositions involved. This view of philosophical problems not only provides a very good description of well-understood philosophizing, but (...)
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  8. Axiomatic Foundations for Metrics of Distributive Justice Shown by the Example of Needs-Based Justice.Alexander Max Bauer - 2017 - Forsch! 3 (1):43-60.
    Distributive justice deals with allocations of goods and bads within a group. Different principles and results of distributions are seen as possible ideals. Often those normative approaches are solely framed verbally, which complicates the application to different concrete distribution situations that are supposed to be evaluated in regard to justice. One possibility in order to frame this precisely and to allow for a fine-grained evaluation of justice lies in formal modelling of these ideals by metrics. Choosing a metric that is (...)
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  9. Is There Anything to the Authority Thesis?Wolfgang Barz - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Research 43:125-143.
    Many philosophical theories of self-knowledge can be understood as attempts to explain why self-ascriptions enjoy a certain kind of authority that other-ascriptions lack (the Authority Thesis). The aim of this paper is not to expand the stock of existing explanations but to ask whether the Authority Thesis can be adequately specified. To this end, I identify three requirements that must be met by any satisfactory specification. I conclude that the search for an adequate specification of the Authority Thesis leads to (...)
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  10. Axiomatische Überlegungen zu Grundlagen für Maße der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit am Beispiel von Bedarfsgerechtigkeit.Alexander Max Bauer - 2017 - Forsch! 3 (1):23-42.
    Verteilungsgerechtigkeit befasst sich mit der Verteilung von Gütern innerhalb einer Gruppe, wobei verschiedene Verteilungsprinzipien und -ergebnisse als mögliche Ideale einer solchen Verteilung verhandelt werden. Diese normativen Ansätze sind oft rein verbal formuliert, wodurch ihre Anwendung auf unterschiedliche konkrete Verteilungssituationen, die hinsichtlich ihrer Gerechtigkeit beurteilt werden sollen, häufig schwer fällt. Eine Möglichkeit, fein abgestufte Gerechtigkeitsbeurteilungen verschiedener Verteilungen präzise erfassen zu können, besteht in der formalen Modellierung solcher Ideale durch Maße oder Indizes. Die Auswahl eines geeigneten Maßes, das ein gewisses Ideal abbilden (...)
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  11. Justice at the Margins: The Social Contract and the Challenge of Marginal Cases.Nathan Bauer & David Svolba - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (1):51-67.
    Attempts to justify the special moral status of human beings over other animals face a well-known objection: the challenge of marginal cases. If we attempt to ground this special status in the unique rationality of humans, then it becomes difficult to see why nonrational humans should be treated any differently than other, nonhuman animals. We respond to this challenge by turning to the social contract tradition. In particular, we identify an important role for the concept of recognition in attempts to (...)
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  12. Evolution als eskalierende Individualisierung von Organismus und Umwelt.Wolfgang Sterrer - 1994 - In Gerhard Haszprunar & Raymund Schwager (eds.), Evolution - eine Kontroverse. pp. 179.
    “Denn das Maß der Widerwärtigkeiten und Schlechtigkeiten wird augenblicklich wieder durch neue aufgefüllt, als glitte das eine Bein der Welt immer wieder zurück, wenn sich das andere vorschiebt. Daran müßte man die Ursache und den Geheimmechanismus erkennen!” (Robert Musil, Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften, I, 27) Die Frage, ob Evolution eine Fortschrittskomponente beinhalte, oder zumindest einen Trend zur Komplexität der Organismen oder der Ökosysteme, beschäftigt nicht nur Romanschreiber, sondern Biologen wie Philosophen (Ruse 1993). Ist Anpassung ein Schritt vorwärts? Wovon weg - (...)
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  13. Need, Equity, and Accountability – Evidence on Third-Party Distributive Decisions from an Online Experiment.Alexander Max Bauer, Frauke Meyer, Jan Romann, Mark Siebel & Stefan Traub - manuscript
    We report the results of a vignette experiment with a quota sample of the German population in which we analyze the interplay between need, equity, and accountability in third-party distributive decisions. We asked subjects to divide firewood between two hypothetical persons who either differ in their need for heat or in their productivity in terms of their ability to chop wood. The experiment systematically varies the persons’ accountability for their neediness as well as for their productivity. We find that subjects (...)
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  14. The puzzle of transparency and how to solve it.Wolfgang Barz - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (7):916-935.
    According to the transparency approach, achievement of self-knowledge is a two-stage process: first, the subject arrives at the judgment ‘p’; second, the subject proceeds to the judgment ‘I believe that p.’ The puzzle of transparency is to understand why the transition from the first to the second judgment is rationally permissible. After revisiting the debate between Byrne and Boyle on this matter, I present a novel solution according to which the transition is rationally permissible in virtue of a justifying argument (...)
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  15. Engaging with Works of Fiction.Wolfgang Huemer - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 70 (1/2019):107-124.
    The contemporary debate in the philosophy of literature is strongly shaped by the anticognitivist challenge, according to which works of literary fiction (that contain propositions that are neither literally true nor affirmed by the author) cannot impart (relevant) knowledge to the readers or enrich their worldly understanding. Anti-cognitivists appreciate works of literary fiction for their aesthetic values and so risk to reduce them to mere ornaments that are entertaining, but eventually useless. Many philosophers have reacted to this challenge by pointing (...)
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  16. Phenomenological Contributions to Dzogchen.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the contributions of phenomenology to Dzogchen.
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  17. Guhyagarbha Tantra: Awakened Awareness and the Awakeness of Phenomena.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 3.
    This paper explores the nature of awakened awareness and awakened phenomena in the dzogchen tradition from a phenomenological viewpoint.
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  18. A value sensitive design approach for designing AI-based worker assistance systems in manufacturing.Susanne Vernim, Harald Bauer, Erwin Rauch, Marianne Thejls Ziegler & Steven Umbrello - 2022 - Procedia Computer Science 200:505-516.
    Although artificial intelligence has been given an unprecedented amount of attention in both the public and academic domains in the last few years, its convergence with other transformative technologies like cloud computing, robotics, and augmented/virtual reality is predicted to exacerbate its impacts on society. The adoption and integration of these technologies within industry and manufacturing spaces is a fundamental part of what is called Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The impacts of this paradigm shift on the human operators (...)
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  19. Desire and Fixation.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 2.
    This paper focuses on the phenomenology of desire and fixation.
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  20. Mystical Humanism as Magical Realism.Rudolph Bauer - 2011 - Transmission: Journal of the Awareness Field 2.
    This paper focuses on mystical humanism as magical realism.
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  21. Radiance of the Field of Awareness.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 3.
    This paper focuses on the radiance of awareness.
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  22. What is the Wonder of All Wonders? The Unfolding Awareness... Luminous Flesh.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 1.
    This paper focuses on the unfolding of awareness as embodiment of luminous spaceousness.
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  23. 2. Wildgen, Wolfgang, 2015a. Dynamique narrative du texte, du film et de la musique.Wolfgang Wildgen - 2015 - , In: Cahiers de Narratologie. Analyses Et Théories Narratives, 28 (Numéro: Le Récit Comme Acte Cognitif). Link : Http://Narratologie.Revues.Org/7243 28.
    Narrativity is basically linked to the dynamics of the events and actions which are told and it depends on the pragmatic context, mainly on the narrator and his audience, i.e. on the discursive setting. These dynamics ask for an adequate theoretical frame, e.g. in the format of dynamical system theory or vector analysis. Furthermore, narrativity can be manifested in different modalities. We shall present some specimens of analysis in the linguistic modality (spontaneous oral tales, folktales), in the visual modality (painting (...)
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  24. Reading (with) Others.Wolfgang Huemer - 2021 - In Sonia Sedivy (ed.), Art, Representation, and Make-Believe: Essays on the Philosophy of Kendall L. Walton. New York: Routledge.
    Kendall Walton’s account of make-believe takes the social dimension of imagination into account. In this paper I aim to extend this suggestion and argue that works of fiction allow for encounters with concrete (yet fictitious) persons with a distinct point of view and a discernible perspective. These encounters allow us to contrast the perspective(s) that emerge from the work with one’s own. I will then discuss two moments of the social dimension: imagining fictional scenarios is a social practice, a game (...)
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  25. Erleben und Erkenntnis: Kognitive Funktionen der Literatur.Wolfgang Huemer - 2019 - In Mathis Lessau & Nora Zügel (eds.), Die Rückkehr des Erlebnisses in den Geisteswissenschaften. Ergon Verlag.
    Literatur ist ein sehr vielschichtiges und lebendiges Phänomen, das beständig im Wandel ist. So wie sie im Laufe der Jahrhunderte und in den verschiedenen Kulturkreisen unter-schiedliche Formen angenommen und anderen Funktionen gedient hat, liegt es in ihrer Natur, immer wieder neue Ausdrucksformen zu entwickeln, die den sich ändernden Be-dürfnissen und Rahmenbedingungen gerecht werden können. Auch die theoretische Aus-einandersetzung mit der Literatur ist Veränderungen unterworfen, die manchmal wellen-förmige Bewegungen anzunehmen scheinen. Neue Fragestellungen geraten in den Mittel-punkt des Interesses, einzelne Aspekte werden (...)
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  26. Power and Limits of a Picture: On the Notion of Thought Experiments in the Philosophy of Literature.Wolfgang Huemer - 2019 - In Falk Bornmüller, Johannes Franzen & Mathis Lessau (eds.), Literature as Thought Experiment?: Perspectives From Philosophy and Literary Studies. Paderborn, Deutschland: Wilhelm Fink. pp. 71-82.
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  27. (1 other version)The philosopher as artist: Ludwig Wittgenstein seen through Edoardo Paolozzi.Wolfgang Huemer - 2019 - In Diego Mantoan & Luigi Perissinotto (eds.), The philosopher and the Artist: Wittgenstein and Paolozzi. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 31-43.
    In this article I argue that the strong fascination that Wittgenstein has had for artists cannot be explained primarily by the content of his work, and in particular not by his sporadic observation on aesthetics, but rather by stylistic features of his work formal aspects of his writing. Edoardo Paolozzi’s testimony shows that artists often had a feeling of acquaintance or familiarity with the philosopher, which I think is due to stylistic features of his work, such as the colloquial tone (...)
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  28. The transparency of expressivism.Wolfgang Freitag & Felix Bräuer - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-15.
    The paper argues that Gareth Evans’ argument for transparent self-knowledge is based on a conflation of doxastic transparency with ascriptive transparency. Doxastic transparency means that belief about one’s own doxastic state, e.g., the belief that one thinks that it will rain, can be warranted by ordinary empirical observation, e.g., of the weather. In contrast, ascriptive transparency says that self-ascriptions of belief, e.g., “I believe it will rain”, can be warranted by such observation. We first show that the thesis of doxastic (...)
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  29. Editorial: Complex Problem Solving Beyond the Psychometric Approach.Wolfgang Schoppek, Annette Kluge, Magda Osman & Joachim Funke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Complex problem solving (CPS) and related topics such as dynamic decision-making (DDM) and complex dynamic control (CDC) represent multifaceted psychological phenomena. In a broad sense, CPS encompasses learning, decision-making, and acting in complex and dynamic situations. Moreover, solutions to problems that people face in such situations are often generated in teams or groups. In turn, this adds another layer of complexity to the situation itself because of the emerging issues that arise from the social dynamics of group interactions. This framing (...)
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  30. A Commentary on the Historical Unfolding of the Dzogchen Tradition within the Influence of the Heart Essence.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the history of dzogchen within the heart essence tradition.
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  31. Getting It Together: Psychological Unity and Deflationary Accounts of Animal Metacognition.Gary Comstock & William A. Bauer - 2018 - Acta Analytica 33 (4):431-451.
    Experimenters claim some nonhuman mammals have metacognition. If correct, the results indicate some animal minds are more complex than ordinarily presumed. However, some philosophers argue for a deflationary reading of metacognition experiments, suggesting that the results can be explained in first-order terms. We agree with the deflationary interpretation of the data but we argue that the metacognition research forces the need to recognize a heretofore underappreciated feature in the theory of animal minds, which we call Unity. The disparate mental states (...)
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  32. Dzogchen as Self Liberation through The Ground of Wisdom Awareness.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Dzogchen and self liberation.
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  33. Dzogchen as Presence.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the essence of dzogchen as Presence.
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  34. Rule-following practices in a natural world.Wolfgang Huemer - 2020 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1):161-181.
    I address the question of whether naturalism can provide adequate means for the scientific study of rules and rule-following behavior. As the term "naturalism" is used in many different ways in the contemporary debate, I will first spell out which version of naturalism I am targeting. Then I will recall a classical argument against naturalism in a version presented by Husserl. In the main part of the paper I will sketch a conception of rule-following behavior that is influenced by Sellars (...)
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  35. Reale Möglichkeit: Eine allgemeine Theorie des Werdens.Wolfgang Sohst - 2016 - Berlin: Xenomoi.
    (For the English version, see below) Dieser Band schließt an die "Prozessontologie" von Wolfgang Sohst an. In vorliegenden Buch entwickelt er den Begriff der Emergenz auf der Grundlage einer Schichtenontologie. Kern dieser Theorie ist der Nachweis, dass die Struktur alles Gegebenen (also nicht nur des physischen Universums, sondern auch der irdischen Biosphäre und der aus ihr hervorgegangenen psychischen, sozialen und abstrakten Existenzformen) offen ist; es gibt keine absolute Entwicklungsgrenze der Weltstruktur. Alles Gegebene ist allerdings in Schichten gegliedert, beginnend mit (...)
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  36. Is Brentano's Method a Unifying Element of the Brentano School?Wolfgang Huemer - 2019 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica (4):897-910.
    Among historians of philosophy it is often taken for granted that the “Brentano school” was one of the influential philosophical movements at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century – but Brentano’s own contributions are often eclipsed by that of his direct students. This invites to reflect on the nature of and the unity within the school. Since Brentano’s conception of a rigorous, scientific philosophy had a strong impact on his students, it has been argued (...)
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  37. Heidegger: On Becoming Self Liberated Through the Manifestation of Appearance.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Heidegger's presentation of becoming self liberated.
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  38. Winnicott and Lacan and The Lack within Subjectivity In the Context of Dzogchen.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Winnicott and Lacan and the lack within subjectivity in light of dzogchen.
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  39. Meditation As Becoming Aware of The Field of Awareness.Ph D. Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission (Existingness).
    The focus of this paper is showing that meditation is becoming aware of awareness itself...and this awareness is a field phenomena.
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  40. Meditation as Becoming Aware of the Field of Awareness.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 4.
    This paper focuses in detail on the practice of meditation as becoming aware of awareness as a field vast and multidimensional.
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  41. Prajna: The Discernment of Direct Awareness Knowningness (Gnosis, Jnana).Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Prajna and the discernment of knowningness.
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  42. (1 other version)Merleau Ponty and the Body as the Medium of the Field.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 4.
    This paper focuses on Merleau Ponty understanding that the body is the medium of the field of awareness.
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  43. Phenomenology of the Essence and Appearance in Merleau Ponty.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the phenomenology of essence and appearance in Merleau Ponty.
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  44. Dzogchen is Self Liberation Through The Appearing of Appearances.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
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  45. Awareness and Movement in Dzogchen.Rudolph Bauer - 2011 - Transmission 2.
    This paper focuses on awareness and movement in dzogchen.
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  46. How to Read a Text, How to Hear a Text.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the hermeneutic of reading text and hearing text.
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  47. The Path of Everyone Which is Always Taking Place, The Path of Appearance and Awareness.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the path of appearance and awareness.
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  48. Still Pessimistic about First-Person Authority.Wolfgang Barz - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Research 48:133-148.
    This paper aims to support my (2018) skeptical position on the possibility of a correct and philosophically significant specification of first-person authority. For this purpose, I critically examine the proposals presented by Doyle (2021) and Winokur (2022) in response to my position and argue that while these proposals contain some ingenious ideas, they ultimately fall short of providing correct and philosophically significant specifications. Ultimately, the search for an adequate specification of first-person authority remains unresolved.
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  49. The Wonder of Wonders – Subjectivity as Non-Duality.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 2.
    This paper describes the contemporary phenomenological understanding of subjectivity as non dual awareness.
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  50. Views and Formulations within Eastern Philosophy that Negate Personalism and Humanism.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the views and formulations of eastern philosophy the negate humanism and personalism.
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