Results for 'Xin-Rong Luo'

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  1. Human Personality Is Associated with Geographical Environment in Mainland China.Liang Xu, Yanyang Luo, Xin Wen, Zaoyi Sun, Chiju Chao, Tianshu Xia & Liuchang Xu - 2022 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (17):10819.
    Recent psychological research shown that the places where we live are linked to our personality traits. Geographical aggregation of personalities has been observed in many individualistic nations; notably, the mountainousness is an essential component in understanding regional variances in personality. Could mountainousness therefore also explain the clustering of personality-types in collectivist countries like China? Using a nationwide survey (29,838 participants) in Mainland China, we investigated the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and mountainousness indicators at the provincial level. Multilevel (...)
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  2. Bằng chứng cuộc sống: Suy ngẫm về phát triển bền vững Việt Nam.Bạch Ngọc Chiến & Vương Quân Hoàng - 2015 - Hà Nội, Việt Nam: NXB Chính trị Quốc gia.
    Trong 30 năm qua, đặc biệt là những năm gần đây, Việt Nam đã tận dụng thời cơ, thuận lợi, vượt qua nhiều khó khăn; thách thức, thực hiện phát triển bền vững đất nước và đã đạt được những thành tựu to lớn, có ý nghĩa lịch sử. Đất nước đã ra khỏi tình trạng kém phát triển, kinh tế tăng trưởng khá nhanh, đời sống vật chất và tinh thần của người dân được cải thiện. Vị thế của (...)
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  3. Defining Generative Artificial Intelligence: An Attempt to Resolve the Confusion about Diffusion.Raphael Ronge, Markus Maier & Benjamin Rathgeber - manuscript
    The concept of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is ubiquitous in the public and semi-technical domain, yet rarely defined precisely. We clarify main concepts that are usually discussed in connection to GenAI and argue that one ought to distinguish between the technical and the public discourse. In order to show its complex development and associated conceptual ambiguities, we offer a historical-systematic reconstruction of GenAI and explicitly discuss two exemplary cases: the generative status of the Large Language Model BERT and the differences (...)
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  4. Risk, Rationality and (Information) Resistance: De-rationalizing Elite-group Ignorance.Xin Hui Yong - 2023 - Erkenntnis:1-17.
    There has been a movement aiming to teach agents about their privilege by making the information about their privilege as costless as possible. However, some argue that in risk-sensitive frameworks, such as Lara Buchak’s (2013), it can be rational for privileged agents to shield themselves from learning about their privilege, even if the information is costless and relevant. This threatens the efficacy of these information-access efforts in alleviating the problem of elite-group ignorance. In response, I show that even within the (...)
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  5. A Levinasian Reconstruction of the Political Significance of Vulnerability.Xin Mao - 2019 - Religions 1 (10):1-11.
    The concept of vulnerability has been renewed in meaning and importance over recent decades. Scholars such as Judith Butler, Martha Fineman and Pamela Sue Anderson have endeavored to redeem vulnerability from its traditional signification as a negative individual condition, and to reveal the positive meaning of vulnerability as a transformative call for solidarity, equality and love. In this paper we examine the newly constructed positive understanding of vulnerability, and argue that the current way of pursuing this positive understanding affirms a (...)
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  6. Counterfactual does not Entail Downward Causation.Xin Dong - 2020 - Journal of Human Cognition 4 (1):35-50.
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  7. Relationship between Extraversion and Employees’ Innovative Behavior and Moderating Effect of Organizational Innovative Climate.Yuyan Luo, Zhi Cao, Lu Yin, Huiqin Zhang & Zhong Wang - 2018 - Neuroquantology 16 (6):186-194.
    This paper aims to clarify the relationship between extraversion and employees’ innovative and disclose the moderating effect of organizational innovative climate on that relationship. To this end, 300 employees were selected from various enterprises in three Chinese cities, and subjected to a questionnaire survey based on the five factor model (FFM) and 5-point Likert scale. Through statistical regressions, the author explored the effects of extraversion and organizational innovative climate have on employees’ innovative behavior. Then, the organizational innovative climate was divided (...)
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  8. Incommensurability and Comparative Philosophy.Xinli Wang - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (2):564-582.
    Comparative philosophy between two disparate cultural-philosophic traditions, such as Western and Chinese philosophy, has become a new trend of philosophical fashion in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Having learned from the past, contemporary comparative philosophers cautiously safeguard their comparative studies against two potential pitfalls, namely cultural universalism and cultural relativism. The Orientalism that assumed the superiority of the Occidental has become a memory of the past. The historical pendulum has apparently swung to the other extreme. The more recent (...)
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  9. On Davidson's refutation of conceptual schemes and conceptual relativism.Xinli Wang - 2009 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 90 (1):140-164.
    Despite Donald Davidson's influential criticism of the very notion of conceptual schemes, the notion continues enjoying its popularity in contemporary philosophy and, accordingly, conceptual relativism is still very much alive. There is one major reason responsible for Davidson's failure which has not been widely recognized: What Davidson attacks fiercely is not the very notion, but a notion of conceptual schemes, namely, the Quinean notion of conceptual schemes and its underlying Kantian scheme-content dualism. However, such a notion simply cannot carry the (...)
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  10. The Issue of Defending the Rationality of Science (科学合理性辩护问题).Xinli Wang & 王 新力 - 1989 - 自然辩证法通讯 11 (2):20-30.
    on how to justify the rationality of sciences.
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  11. Taxonomy, truth-value gaps and incommensurability: a reconstruction of Kuhn's taxonomic interpretation of incommensurability.Xinli Wang - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (3):465-485.
    Kuhn's alleged taxonomic interpretation of incommensurability is grounded on an ill defined notion of untranslatability and is hence radically incomplete. To supplement it, I reconstruct Kuhn's taxonomic interpretation on the basis of a logical-semantic theory of taxonomy, a semantic theory of truth-value, and a truth-value conditional theory of cross-language communication. According to the reconstruction, two scientific languages are incommensurable when core sentences of one language, which have truth values when considered within its own context, lack truth values when considered within (...)
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  12. A Critique of the Translational Approach to Incommensurability.Xinli Wang - 1998 - Prima Philosophia 11 (3):293-306.
    According to the received translational interpretation of incommensurability, incommensurability is viewed as untranslatability due to radical variance of meaning or reference of the terms in two competing scientific languages. The author argues that the translational approach to incommensurability does not effectively clarify the concept of incommensurability. Since it cannot provide us with tenable, integrated concept of incommensurability, it should be rejected.
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  13. Incommensurability and Cross-Language Communication.Xinli Wang - 2007 - Ashgate Publishing Ltd, England.
    Against the received translation-failure interpretation, this book presents a presuppositional interpretation of incommensurability, that is, the thesis of incommensurability as cross-language communication breakdown due to the incompatible metaphysical presuppositions underlying two competing presuppositional languages, such as scientific languages. This semantically sound, epistemologically well-established, and metaphysically profound interpretation not only affirms the tenability of the notion of incommensurability and confirms the reality of the phenomenon of incommensurability, but also makes some significant contributions to the discussion of many related issues, such as (...)
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  14. A Presuppositional Approach to Conceptual Schemes.Xinli Wang & Ling Xu - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (4):404-421.
    The current discussions of conceptual schemes and related topics are misguided; for they have been focused too much on the truth-conditional notions of meaning/concepts and translation/interpretation in Tarski's style. It is exactly due to such a Quinean interpretation of the notion of conceptual schemes that the very notion of conceptual schemes falls prey to Davidson's attack. We argue that what should concern us in the discussions of conceptual schemes and related issues, following the initiatives of I. Hacking, T. Kuhn, and (...)
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  15. Confucius's Virtue Politics: Ren as Leadership Virtue.Shirong Luo - 2012 - Asian Philosophy 22 (1):15-35.
    This essay calls attention to an aspect of Confucius's notion of ren that has often been overlooked or even denied in much recent discussion of the topic. While the egalitarian aspect of ren, i.e., the idea that every human being has the potential to become a ren person, is frequently asserted, the leadership dimension of ren has for the most part been given short shrift. I argue that for Confucius, ren is the leadership virtue. This conclusion is mainly based on (...)
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  16. Presuppositional Languages and the Failure of Cross-Language Understanding.Xinli Wang - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (1):53-77.
    Why is mutual understanding between two substantially different comprehensive language communities often problematic and even unattainable? To answer this question, the author first introduces a notion of presuppositional languages. Based on the semantic structure of a presuppositional language, the author identifies a significant condition necessary for effective understanding of a language: the interpreter is able to effectively understand a language only if he/she is able to recognize and comprehend its metaphysical presuppositions. The essential role of the knowledge of metaphysical presuppositions (...)
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  17. Linguistic Communication versus Understanding.Xinli Wang - 2009 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 78 (1):71-84.
    It is a common wisdom that linguistic communication is different from linguistic understanding. However, the distinction between communication and understanding is not as clear as it seems to be. It is argued that the relationship between linguistic communication and understanding depends upon the notions of understanding and communication involved. Thinking along the line of propositional understanding and informative communication, communication can be reduced to mutual understanding. In contrast, operating along the line of hermeneutic understanding and dialogical communication, the process of (...)
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  18. Conceptual Schemes and Presuppositional Languages.Xinli Wang - 2007 reprint - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 6:119-124.
    The current discussions of conceptual schemes and related topics are misguided; for they are based on a tacit assumption that the difference between two schemes consists in the different distributions in truth-values. I argue that what should concern us, in the discussions of conceptual schemes and related issues, is not truth-values of assertions, but rather the truth-value-status of the sentences used to make the assertions. This is because the genuine conceptual innovation between alternative theories or languages does not lie in (...)
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  19. The Propositional vs. Hermeneutic Models of Cross-Cultural Understanding.Xinli Wang & Ling Xu - 2009 - South African Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):312-331.
    What the authors attempt to address in this paper is a Kantian question: not whether, but how is cross -cultural understanding possible? And specifically, what is a more effective approach for cross -cultural understanding? The answer lies in an analysis of two different models of cross -cultural understanding, that is, propositional and hermeneutic understanding. To begin with, the author presents a linguistic interpretation of culture, i.e., a culture as a linguistically formulated and transmitted symbolic system with its conceptual core as (...)
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  20. 语言预设概念空泛无物吗?(A Defense of the Notion of Semantic Presupposition).Xinli Wang & 王 新力 - 2002 - In Bo Mou & 博 牟 (eds.), 留美哲学博士文选:当代基础理论研究 (Contemporary Inquiries into the Foundational Issues of Philosophy). 商务印书馆 (the Commercial Press, China). pp. 190-224.
    斯特劳逊 (Strawson)的语义预设概念在语义学和语言哲学研究上颇有建树。尽管如此,语义预设概念一直遭受来自各方面的批判。概要说来,对语义预设概念之批判主要来自两个方面:其一,试图抽去语义预设概念的逻辑基础 ,即非真值概念 (the notion of truthvaluelessness),从而达到间接地拒斥语义预设概念之目的。其二,直接批判语义预设概念本身。他们或者论证此概念在理论上不自恰或微不足道,或者断定即使此概念本身在理论上自恰,但实为一空 洞无物之概念。因为我们根本找任何一个语义预设的具体例证。所以,语义预设概念不具任何真正的哲学意义。它只是一个当代神话,理应拒斥。 -/- 玻尔(S. Ber)和莱肯(W. Lycan)对语义预设概念的批判集中代表了以上两个方面。据我所知,迄今不曾有人对他们的批判予以全面和公正的反驳,以致于许多人人云亦云,使得他们的论点至今颇有影响。给予玻尔和莱恩的批判以全面反驳乃本文初 衷。于此相关,我以为很有必要澄清对语义预设概念的诸多误解,从而确立一个理论上自恰,实际上可行,和确有实质性内容的语义预设概念。基于以上考虑,我对语义预设概念批判之反驳包括正 反两个方面。在第二节,我试图建立一个自恰,完备,非庸俗的语义预设概念。基于这一概念,第三节对玻尔和莱恩反对语义预设的两个核心批判予以全面反驳。第四节着重辩护非真值概念。本文的最后结论是:各种批判并未损 伤斯特劳逊的语义预设概念的精髓。语 义预设概念非但不是一个当代神话,而且具有重大哲学意义。 .
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  21. Debate on the Notion of Truth in the Phil Sci (科学哲学中有关科学真理性的争论)).Xinli Wang & 王 新力 - 1988 - Developments in Philosophy of China (国内哲学动态) (115):9-15.
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    Implementing Self Models Through Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture.Yuyue Jiang & Dezhi Luo - 2024 - Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46:5685-5692.
    Self models contribute to key functional domains of human intelligence that are not yet presented in today’s artificial intelligence. One important aspect of human problem-solving involves the use of conceptual self-knowledge to detect self-relevant information presented in the environment, which guides the subsequent retrieval of autobiographical memories that are relevant to the task at hand. This process enables each human to behave self-consistently in our own way across complex situations, manifested as self-interest and trait-like characteristics. In this paper, we outline (...)
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  23. Alternative Conceptual Schemes and A Non-Kantian Scheme-Content Dualism.Xinli Wang - 2012 reprint - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 39:267-275.
    D. Davidson argues that the existence of alternative conceptual schemes presupposes the Kantian scheme-content dualism, which requires a scheme-neutral empirical content and a fixed, sharp schemecontent distinction. The dismantlement of such a Kantian scheme-content dualism, which Davidson calls “the third dogma of empiricism”, would render the notion of alternative conceptual schemes groundless. To counter Davidson’s attack on the notion of alternative conceptual schemes, I argue that alternative conceptual schemes neither entail nor presuppose the Kantian scheme-content dualism. On the contrary, it (...)
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  24. Hume Is Not A Skeptic about Induction.Xinli Wang - 2001 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 36 (78):41-54.
    On the basis of the distinction between logical and factual probability, epistemic justification is distinguished from logical justification of induction. It is argued that, contrary to the accepted interpretation of Hume, Hume believes that inductive inferences are epistemically legitimate and justifiable. Hence the beliefs arrived at via (correct) inductive inferences are rational beliefs. According to this interpretation, Hume is not a radical skeptic about induction.
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  25. Where Are Facts? -- A Case for Internal Factual Realism.Xinli Wang - 2003 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 38 (82):7-30.
    What is the ontological status of facts? Are facts linguistic or extra-linguistic entities? If facts are extra-linguistic entities, are they mind-independent or relative to languages, theories or conceptual schemes? Based on a minimal definition of facts, the author argues that what are specified by true statements are not identical to true propositions expressed, so facts are not linguistic entities. Furthermore, what are specified by true statements are not to which a true statement corresponds, so facts are not mind-independent, either as (...)
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  26. Symbolic Logic Study Guide (a textbook).Xinli Wang - 2009 - University Readers.
    The Symbolic Logic Study Guide is designed to accompany the widely used symbolic logic textbook Language, Proof and Logic (LPL), by Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy (CSLI Publications 2003). The guide has two parts. The first part contains condensed, essential lecture notes, which streamline and systematize the first fourteen chapters of the book into seven teaching sections, and thus provide a clear, well-designed roadmap for the understanding of the text. The second part consists of twelve sample quizzes and solutions. The (...)
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  27. Truth-Value Gaps, Ontological Commitments, and Incommensurability (doctoral dissertation).Xinli Wang - 1998 - Dissertation, The University of Connecticut
    According to the accepted translation-failure interpretation, the problem of incommensurability involves the nature of the meaning-referential relation between scientific languages. The incommensurability thesis is that some competing scientific languages are mutually untranslatable due to the radical variance of meaning or/and reference of the terms they employ. I argue that this interpretation faces many difficulties and cannot give us a tenable, coherent, and integrated notion of incommensurability. It has to be rejected. ;On the basis of two case studies, I find that (...)
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    Rethinking the Redlines Against AI Existential Risks.Yi Zeng, Xin Guan, Enmeng Lu & Jinyu Fan - manuscript
    The ongoing evolution of advanced AI systems will have profound, enduring, and significant impacts on human existence that must not be overlooked. These impacts range from empowering humanity to achieve unprecedented transcendence to potentially causing catastrophic threats to our existence. To proactively and preventively mitigate these potential threats, it is crucial to establish clear redlines to prevent AI-induced existential risks by constraining and regulating advanced AI and their related AI actors. This paper explores different concepts of AI existential risk, connects (...)
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  29. Is the notion of semantic presupposition empty?Wang Xinli - 1999 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 34 (73):61-93.
    This paper is an attempt to clarify the notion of semantic presupposition and to refute Böer and Lycan's critique of that notion. The author presents a feasible and coherent formal definition of semantic presupposition after examining several popular definitions of the notion. In terms of this definition, two central arguments against semantic presupposition presented by Böer and Lycan are analyzed and responded to with care. It is concluded that the notion of semantic presupposition is not empty but rather is philosophically (...)
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  30. (1 other version)语义预设概念空泛无物吗?(Is the Notion of Semantic Presupposition Empty?).Xinli Wang(王新力) - 2002 - In Contemporary Inquiries Into the Foundational Issues of Philosophy. the Commercial Press, China.
    This paper is an attempt to clarify the notion of semantic presupposition and to refute Böer and Lycan's critique of that notion. The author presents a feasible and coherent formal definition of semantic presupposition after examining several popular definitions of the notion. In terms of this definition, two central arguments against semantic presupposition presented by Böer and Lycan are analyzed and responded to with care. It is concluded that the notion of semantic presupposition is not empty but rather is philosophically (...)
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  31. Genetic Protection Modifications: Moving Beyond the Binary Distinction Between Therapy and Enhancement for Human Genome Editing.Rasmus Bjerregaard Mikkelsen, Henriette Reventlow S. Frederiksen, Mickey Gjerris, Bjørn Holst, Poul Hyttel, Yonglun Luo, Kristine Freude & Peter Sandøe - 2019 - CRISPR Journal 2 (6):362-369.
    Current debate and policy surrounding the use of genetic editing in humans often relies on a binary distinction between therapy and human enhancement. In this paper, we argue that this dichotomy fails to take into account perhaps the most significant potential uses of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in humans. We argue that genetic treatment of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, breast- and ovarian-cancer causing BRCA1/2 mutations and the introduction of HIV resistance in humans should be considered within a new category of genetic protection (...)
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  32. What motivates farmers to adopt low-carbon agricultural technologies? Empirical evidence from thousands of rice farmers in Hubei province, central China.Linli Jiang, Haoqin Huang, Surong He, Haiyang Huang & Yun Luo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:983597.
    Low-carbon agriculture is essential for protecting the global climate and sustainable agricultural economics. Since China is a predominantly agricultural country, the adoption of low-carbon agricultural technologies by local farmers is crucial. The past literature on low-carbon technologies has highlighted the influence of demographic, economic, and environmental factors, while the psychological factors have been underexplored. A questionnaire-based approach was used to assess the psychological process underlying the adoption of low-carbon agricultural technologies by 1,114 Chinese rice farmers in this paper, and structural (...)
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  33. Mathematical Cognition: Brain and Cognitive Research and Its Implications for Education.Qi Dong, Hong-Chuan Zhang & Xin-lin Zhou - 2019 - Journal of Human Cognition 3 (1):25-40.
    Mathematical cognition is one of the most important cognitive functions of human beings. The latest brain and cognitive research have shown that mathematical cognition is a system with multiple components and subsystems. It has phylogenetic root, also is related to ontogenetic development and learning, relying on a large-scale cerebral network including parietal, frontal and temporal regions. Especially, the parietal cortex plays an important role during mathematical cognitive processes. This indicates that language and visuospatial functions are both key to mathematical cognition. (...)
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  34. Positive youth development attributes, mental disorder, and problematic online behaviors in adolescents: a longitudinal study amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.Xiong Gan, Guo-Xing Xiang, Min Li, Xin Jin & Ke-Nan Qin - 2023 - Frontiers in Public Health 11:1133696.
    Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, adolescents have increasingly suffered from online problem behaviors and mental disorders. But little research has paid attention to the protective factors among adolescents. Therefore, the present study attempted to investigate the role of positive youth development (PYD) attributes in adolescents’ depression, internet gaming disorder (IGD) and cyberbullying/victimization (CBV). -/- Methods: A total of 995 Chinese adolescents (Mage = 15.97 years, SD = 0.77, 325 boys) from two public high schools in Hubei province were recruited to (...)
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  35. Xin: Being Trustworthy.Winnie Sung - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (3):271-286.
    This essay analyses the Confucian conception of xin, an attribute that broadly resembles what we would ordinarily call trustworthiness. More specifically, it provides an analysis of the psychology of someone who is xin and highlights a feature of the Confucian conception of trustworthiness: the trustworthy person has to ensure that there is a match between her self-presentation and the way she is. My goal is not to argue against any of the existing accounts of trustworthiness but to draw on Confucian (...)
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  36. Mở rộng các ranh giới chủ quan và thúc đẩy sáng tạo thông qua các kỹ thuật kể chuyện.Dương Thị Minh Phượng & Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Khi góc nhìn chủ quan được mở rộng, con người có thể tưởng tượng ra nhiều khả năng có thể xảy ra hơn, từ đó tăng cường sự sáng tạo của họ .
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    Mở rộng tâm trí để thúc đẩy sáng tạo. [REVIEW]Thi Minh Duong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - manuscript
    Nếu nhìn qua lăng kính lý thuyết mindsponge, thông tin trong thế giới vật lý là khách quan, nhưng cách mà con người hiểu và tận dụng thông tin đó sẽ bị ảnh hưởng bởi các yếu tố chủ quan. Trong thực tế, mức độ mà con người có thể hiểu và tận dụng một vật hoặc sự kiện phụ thuộc vào khả năng tư duy của họ để tưởng tượng các khả năng có thể xảy ra. Khả năng tư (...)
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    Ông triết gia ngẩn ngơ của Xóm Chim rong chơi chốn xa.Nguyễn Thị Hồng Huệ - 2024 - Ngụ Ngôn Bói Cá.
    Ngụ ngôn về ông bói cá cho biết ông là nhân vật khá tinh nghịch, có lúc ngớ ngẩn như trẻ con, nhưng nhiều khi không thiếu những lời triết lý cũng ra gì phết! Vậy nên tác giả bình sách N. P. Tri cho rằng, chuyện của ông dành cho cả trẻ em lẫn người đã trưởng thành cũng rất có lý. Ở một góc nhìn khác, tác giả D. T. M. Phượng lại nhận thấy một dịp để người (...)
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  39. Sisäinen yrittäjyys työkierron kontekstissa kaupungin liikelaitoksessa – luo-vuus ”pellejen hommasta” odotusarvoksi.Ville Petteri Eeronpoika Forssell - 2017 - Dissertation, Jyväskylän Yliopisto
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia sisäistä yrittäjyyttä luovuuden kautta työkierron kontekstissa suomalaisen keskisuuren kaupungin liikelaitoksessa. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui teemahaastattelun menetelmällä kerätystä aineistosta, joka analysoitiin abduktiivisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä. Tutkimus pyrki syventämään ymmärrystä liikelaitoksen työntekijöiden ja toimihenkilöiden luovuuteen liittyen. Tutkimus käsitteli henkilöstöryhmien luovuutta, luovuuden mahdollistavaa kulttuuria sekä luovuuden kehittämistä ja niiden eroavaisuuksia henkilöstöryhmien välillä. Tutkimuksen perusteella selvisi, että henkilöstöryhmien välillä on eroa siinä, missä määrin he kokevat voivansa vaikuttaa omaan luovuuteensa töissä. Toimihenkilöiden kohdalla aktiivinen subjektin rooli oli yleisempi, kun taas työntekijät kokivat olevansa (...)
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  40. Nguyên lý bán dẫn trong trao đổi giá trị tiền tệ và môi sinh của tác giả người Việt đang được đón nhận rộng rãi.Nguyễn Phương Tri & Dương Thị Minh Phượng - 2024 - Tạp Chí Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ.
    Mới đây, trong bài đánh giá tình hình phát triển tổng hợp của Tạp chí Economics and Business Letters, các bài nghiên cứu nhận được nhiều trích dẫn nhất của tạp chí ở cả 3 cơ sở dữ liệu Google Scholar, Web of Science và Scopus đã được vinh danh. Nghiên cứu của TS Vương Quân Hoàng về nguyên lý bán dẫn trong trao đổi giá trị tiền tệ và môi sinh đã đứng đầu ở cả 3 hạng mục. Việc (...)
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  41. Du lịch, tiêu thụ năng lượng tái tạo, đổi mới công nghệ và phát thải CO2 tại Việt Nam.Đoàn Thị Thuỷ & Cao Hồng Minh - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Nghiên cứu này xem xét tác động của du lịch, tiêu thụ năng lượng tái tạo và đổi mới công nghệ lên lượng phát thải CO2 tại Việt Nam trong giai đoạn 1995-2020. Ứng dụng mô hình phân phối trễ tự hồi quy (ARDL) kết hợp với phương pháp kiểm định đường bao về mối quan hệ đồng liên kết, nghiên cứu đã cung cấp các bằng chứng về mối quan hệ giữa các biến số này cả trong dài hạn (...)
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  42. Về khả năng ứng dụng của hệ xử lý thông tin 3D và nguyên lý bán dẫn giá trị trong tìm kiếm giải pháp cho vấn đề ô nhiễm môi trường và biến đổi khí hậu ở Việt Nam.Quy Khuc - 2022 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo 1:1-9.
    Giải quyết biến đổi khí hậu và ô nhiễm môi trường đang và sẽ là thách thức lớn của nhân loại trong thế kỷ 21. Con người không còn nhiều thời gian để sửa chữa, phục hồi đưa hệ sinh thái môi trường (tự nhiên) trở về trạng thái an toàn. Trong khi các nỗ lực trong thời gian qua chưa thực sự hiệu quả thì COP26 mở ra cơ hội lớn để nhân loại tiến gần đến mục tiêu kiềm (...)
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  43. Lãnh đạo chiến lược tại doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa: Vai trò, thực trạng và giải pháp.Nguyễn Thị Uyên - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Vai trò quan trọng của lãnh đạo chiến lược gắn liền với hành vi lãnh đạo của nhà quản trị cấp cao trong doanh nghiệp không chỉ giới hạn trong phạm vi các doanh nghiệp lớn mà cả trong các doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa. Tuy nhiên, các nghiên cứu về lãnh đạo chiến lược tại các doanh nghiệp có quy mô nhỏ và vừa còn chưa được tập trung phân tích. Do đó, trên cơ sở làm rõ nền tảng (...)
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  44. Odera Oruka on Culture Philosophy and its role in the S.M. Otieno Burial Trial.Gail Presbey - 2017 - In Reginald M. J. Oduor, Oriare Nyarwath & Francis E. A. Owakah (eds.), Odera Oruka in the Twenty-first Century. Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. pp. 99-118.
    This paper focuses on evaluating Odera Oruka’s role as an expert witness in customary law for the Luo community during the Nairobi, Kenya-based trial in 1987 to decide on the place of the burial of S.M. Otieno. During that trial, an understanding of Luo burial and widow guardianship (ter) practices was essential. Odera Oruka described the practices carefully and defended them against misunderstanding and stereotype. He revisited related topics in several delivered papers, published articles, and even interviews and columns in (...)
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    Các yếu tố tác động đến việc sử dụng QR code tại các cửa hàng tạp hóa trên địa bàn TP. Biên Hòa – Đồng Nai.Nguyễn Thị Ngọc The - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Bài viết đánh giá các nhân tố tác động đến việc sử dụng QR-Code tại các cửa hàng tạp hóa trên địa bàn TP. Biên Hòa, tỉnh Đồng Nai. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, có 3 nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến việc sử dụng QR Code gồm: Tính dễ dàng thao tác; Tính nhanh chóng tiện lợi; Tính an toàn bảo mật. Từ đó, nghiên cứu kiến nghị đối với các ngân hàng và các tổ chức tín dụng cung (...)
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    Thị trường tín chỉ carbon: Hiệu quả thực tế đến đâu?Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - 2024 - Khoa Học Và Phát Triển.
    Thị trường tín chỉ carbon tự nguyện là một cơ chế quen tên, đã được triển khai rộng rãi trên thế giới với mục tiêu giảm lượng phát thải khí nhà kính (GHG). Thị trường này hoạt động bằng cách đặt ra giới hạn về lượng phát thải cho các công ty và cho phép họ mua bán ‘tín chỉ carbon’ tương ứng với mỗi tấn phát thải được loại bỏ. Những giao dịch này được thiết kế với hy vọng (...)
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  47. Collected Papers (on various scientific topics), Volume XIII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This thirteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 88 papers in various fields of sciences, such as astronomy, biology, calculus, economics, education and administration, game theory, geometry, graph theory, information fusion, decision making, instantaneous physics, quantum physics, neutrosophic logic and set, non-Euclidean geometry, number theory, paradoxes, philosophy of science, scientific research methods, statistics, and others, structured in 17 chapters (Neutrosophic Theory and Applications; Neutrosophic Algebra; Fuzzy Soft Sets; Neutrosophic Sets; Hypersoft Sets; Neutrosophic Semigroups; Neutrosophic Graphs; Superhypergraphs; Plithogeny; (...)
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    UTILIZAÇÃO DA TAIOBA ORELHA-DE-ELEFANTE-GIGANTE (Alocasia macrorrhizos) NA ALIMENTAÇÃO ANIMAL.Gaudêncio M. S. Peixoto & Paloma Lima Lacerda Cordeiro da Silva - 2023 - Gepasa: Grupo de Estudos Em Pastagem, Alimentação e Sanidade Animal 16 (4):4-9.
    A taioba orelha-de-elefante-gigante (TOEG) (Alocasia macrorrhizos) na alimentação animal tem sido utilizada como fonte de suplemento nutricional em diferentes propriedades pecuárias. Uma característica nutricional da TOEG é o acúmulo de amidos em seu caule ou medula, sendo um nutriente essencial para o fornecimento de energia ao animal (Wattiaux, 1996), da mesma forma o alto teor de proteínas nas folhas faz com que esta planta seja considerada como suplemento proteico nas dietas de diferentes sistemas de produção animal. Além da contribuição de (...)
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  49. (2 other versions)Không hy sinh rừng để phát triển kinh tế - xã hội: Việt Nam lựa chọn lối hài hòa, cân bằng sinh thái.Vương Quân Hoàng, Nguyễn Minh Hoàng & Nguyễn Hồng Sơn - 2023 - Trang Thông Tin Hội Đồng Lý Luận Trung Ương (Nov 7, 2023).
    Rừng là một phần cực kỳ quan trọng của hệ sinh thái Trái đất và con người. Rừng chiếm 75% tổng sản lượng sơ cấp của sinh quyển Trái đất và chứa 80% sinh khối thực vật của Trái đất. Sản lượng sơ cấp ròng rừng cung cấp ước tính là 21,9 gigaton (GT) sinh khối mỗi năm đối với rừng nhiệt đới, 8,1 GT đối với rừng ôn đới và 2,6 GT đối với rừng phương Bắc (1). Đất và (...)
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  50. Metaphors in Neo-Confucian Korean philosophy.Hannah H. Kim - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (3):368–373.
    A metaphor is an effective way to show how something is to be conceived. In this article, I look at two Neo-Confucian Korean philosophical contexts—the Four-Seven debate and Book of the Imperial Pivot—and suggest that metaphors are philosophically expedient in two further contexts: when both intellect and emotion must be addressed; and when the aim of philosophizing is to produce behavioral change. Because Neo-Confucians had a conception of the mind that closely connected it to the heart (心 xin), metaphor’s empathy-inducing (...)
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