Results for 'hybrid power-sharing'

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  1. Hybrid Power-Sharing in Indonesia.Krzysztof Trzcinski - 2017 - Polish Political Science Yearbook 46 (1):168–185.
    The aim of this study is to demonstrate the validity of the thesis that in Indonesia one can find institutions that characterize two power-sharing models which are considered opposites of one another in political theory – centripetalism and consociationalism. In consequence, the Indonesian power-sharing system should be viewed as a hybrid, or mixed, system, and not a typically centripetal system as is usually the case in the literature. At the beginning of this article, a short (...)
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  2. Hybrid Power Sharing: On How to Stabilize the Political Situation in Multi-Segmental Societies.Krzysztof Trzcinski - 2018 - Politeja 56 (5):86-107.
    There are various ways of reducing conflicts and of stabilizing the political situation in states where society is made up of many different ethnic groups and religious communities, and where relations between these segments – or between them and the central government – are tense. A particularly important way is the establishment in those states of a political system based on power-sharing (PS), which allows members of various ethnic and religious segments to take part in the exercise of (...)
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  3. What is Power Sharing? Consociationalism, Centripetalism, and Hybrid Power Sharing.Krzysztof Trzcinski - 2018 - Studia Polityczne 46 (3):9-30.
    In this article, the author analyzes the term "power-sharing" in the context of power exercised within a state. He first examines the term in the very general sense, in which it can be applied to all types and dimensions of sharing of power between various groups and institutional entities. Second, the author examines the meaning of the term in the narrow sense, that is, the phenomenon of systemic sharing of power by groups (segments) (...)
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  4. How Theoretically Opposite Models of Interethnic Power-Sharing Can Complement Each Other and Contribute to Political Stabilization: The Case of Nigeria.Krzysztof Trzcinski - 2016 - Politeja 42 (3):53-73.
    The aim of this article is to demonstrate the thesis that the stabilization of Nigeria’s complicated political situation is furthered by the functioning in that country of institutions based on two models of interethnic power-sharing – consociationalism and centripetalism – and that the two are to some extent complementary in Nigerian practice, despite the fact that political theory sees the two as opposites of each other. The article begins with a short analysis of the political situation in Nigeria. (...)
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  5. Ograniczanie konfliktów w Nigerii i Indonezji. Hybrydowy model power-sharing.Krzysztof Trzcinski - 2019 - Warszawa: Elipsa.
    Monografia ta traktuje o ograniczaniu konfliktów w relacjach między segmentami społecznymi (takimi jak grupy etniczne, wspólnoty religijne), w których członkostwo opiera się na podstawach askryptywnych i kulturowych, a także między nimi a władzą centralną w Nigerii i Indonezji. Państwa te mają burzliwą historię niepodległego bytu, ogromne wieloetniczne i wieloreligijne populacje, duże gospodarki oraz zasoby surowców energetycznych. Jak wskazują liczne raporty, będą wkrótce należeć do najważniejszych w świecie. W Nigerii i Indonezji funkcjonują systemy polityczne oparte na tzw. power-sharing (współrządzeniu), (...)
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  6.  20
    Hybrid Blockchain and Big Data Framework for PrivacyPreserving Medical Data Sharing.P. Selvaprasanth - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Computationsl Advances in Scientific Research (Jtcasr) 8 (1):1-7.
    In the healthcare sector, the need for privacy-preserving and secure data sharing is paramount, especially as the volume of medical data continues to grow due to advancements in big data and digital health technologies. To address these challenges, a hybrid blockchain and big data framework offers a promising solution for secure medical data sharing. Blockchain technology provides a decentralized and immutable ledger that ensures the security, transparency, and privacy of medical data. However, traditional blockchain systems face scalability (...)
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  7. The Consociational Addition to Indonesia’s Centripetalism as a Tactic of the Central Authorities: The Case of Papua.Krzysztof Trzcinski - 2016 - Hemispheres 31 (4):5-20.
    In 2001 the Indonesian government agreed to the introduction in the Indonesian Papua of regional, consociational elements of power-sharing, despite the fact that the dominant model of this system in Indonesia is centripetalism. The so-called special autonomy for the Indonesian Papua has never been fully implemented, however. The article seeks to test the thesis that the Indonesian authorities' institution of consociational arrangements for Papua, and their subsequent failure to fully implement those arrangements, were, in fact, tactical moves serving (...)
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    Cloud-Assisted Edge AI: Enhancing Decision Making in IoT Devices with Cloud-Powered Machine Learning Models.Hitesh A. Solanki Urvi C. Gupta, Roshni P. Adiyecha - 2024 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 13 (12):20850-20857.
    The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming industries by enabling devices to gather and share data. However, IoT devices often face limitations in processing power, storage, and energy consumption, restricting their ability to make complex decisions in real time. To address these challenges, cloud-assisted edge AI combines the advantages of edge computing and cloud-powered machine learning models, enabling IoT devices to make intelligent decisions at the edge while leveraging cloud resources for more complex processing tasks. This paper explores the (...)
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  9. Centripetal Federalism.Krzysztof Trzcinski - 2020 - 50 Shades of Federalism, Ed. By S. Keil, P. Anderson. CCCU and CRÉQC.
    Centripetalism is often perceived as a type of a political system for a multi-segmental, especially multi-ethnic, country in order to create among the members of the political elite of moderate, accomodative, and integrative political behavior cross-cutting segmental divisions which, reaching beyond group interests, depoliticize the segmental separateness and, in this manner, reduce their significance. One of the central institutions of centripetalism is decentralization leading to a division of large segments into smaller parts that inhabit different, ideally multi-segmental regions, thus inclining (...)
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  10. Renewable Hybrid Power Generation System.Shirshak Dutta, Arpita Sen, Sananda Biswas, Abhinaba Halder, Soumya Das, Pratyusha Biswas Deb & Ijarw Ijeais - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (2):1-5.
    Abstract— In parallel to developing technology, demand for more energy makes us seek new energy sources. Wind and solar energy are the most popular ones owing to their abundance, ease of availability and convertibility to electric energy. This work covers realization of a hybrid renewable energy system. The scheme involves conversion of solar power and wind power into usable electrical energy using solar panel and by designing a wind turbine with appropriate calculations and specifications. Battery in this (...)
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  11. Istota i główne modele power-sharing w kontekście wieloetniczności. Zarys problematyki.Krzysztof Trzcinski - 2016 - Przegląd Politologiczny 3:27-39.
    Artykuł traktuje w zarysie o istocie i głównych modelach power-sharing. Choć powersharing może być pojmowane w sposób bardzo szeroki, tematyka tego artykułu dotyczy jego wąskiego rozumienia. Odnosi się ono do fenomenu dzielenia się władzą państwową przez różne segmenty (np. grupy etniczne lub wspólnoty religijne) społeczeństw pluralnych (podzielonych, sfragmentaryzowanych), w tym zwłaszcza wieloetnicznych i/lub wieloreligijnych. Głównym celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie treści power-sharing we wskazanym wąskim rozumieniu i wytłumaczenie w zarysie jego głównych modeli (konfesjonalizm, model Lewisa, konsocjonalizm, centrypetalizm).
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  12. Moral Overfitting.Audrey Powers - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies.
    This is a paper about model-building and overfitting in normative ethics. Overfitting is recognized as a methodological error in modeling in the philosophy of science and scientific practice, but this concern has not been brought to bear on the practice of normative ethics. I first argue that moral inquiry shares similarities with scientific inquiry in that both may productively rely on model-building, and, as such, overfitting worries should apply to both fields. I then offer a diagnosis of the problems of (...)
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    A Roadmap for Governing AI: Technology Governance and Power-Sharing Liberalism.Danielle Allen, Woojin Lim, Sarah Hubbard, Allison Stanger, Shlomit Wagman, Kinney Zalesne & Omoaholo Omoakhalen - 2025 - AI and Ethics 4 (4).
    This paper aims to provide a roadmap for governing AI. In contrast to the reigning paradigms, we argue that AI governance should be not merely a reactive, punitive, status-quo-defending enterprise, but rather the expression of an expansive, proactive vision for technology—to advance human flourishing. Advancing human flourishing in turn requires democratic/political stability and economic empowerment. To accomplish this, we build on a new normative framework that will give humanity its best chance to reap the full benefits, while avoiding the dangers, (...)
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  14. A Roadmap for Governing AI: Technology Governance and Power Sharing Liberalism.Danielle Allen, Sarah Hubbard, Woojin Lim, Allison Stanger, Shlomit Wagman & Kinney Zalesne - 2024 - Harvard Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation.
    This paper aims to provide a roadmap to AI governance. In contrast to the reigning paradigms, we argue that AI governance should not be merely a reactive, punitive, status-quo-defending enterprise, but rather the expression of an expansive, proactive vision for technology—to advance human flourishing. Advancing human flourishing in turn requires democratic/political stability and economic empowerment. Our overarching point is that answering questions of how we should govern this emerging technology is a chance not merely to categorize and manage narrow risk (...)
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    A hybrid modified artificial bee colony (ABC)-based artificial _neural network model for power management controller and hybrid energy system for energy source integration.Rajendran Sugumar - 2023 - Engineering Proceedings 59 (35):1-12.
    Small MGS (microgrid systems) are capable of decreasing energy losses. Long-distance power transmission lines are constructed by integrating distributed power sources with energy storage subsystems, which is the current trend in the development of RES (renewable energy sources). Although energies produced by RES do not cause pollution, they are stochastic and hence challenging to manage. This disadvantage makes high penetration of RES risky for the stability, dependability, and power quality of main electrical grids. The energies obtained from (...)
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  16. Creation and Divine Providence in Plotinus.Christopher Noble & Nathan Powers - 2015 - In Anna Marmodoro & Brian D. Prince, Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp. 51-70.
    In this paper, we argue that Plotinus denies deliberative forethought about the physical cosmos to the demiurge on the basis of certain basic and widely shared Platonic and Aristotelian assumptions about the character of divine thought. We then discuss how Plotinus can nonetheless maintain that the cosmos is «providentially» ordered.
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    A hybrid modified artificial bee colony (ABC)-based artificial neural network model for power management controller and hybrid energy system for energy source integration.Rajendran Sugumar - 2023 - Engineering Proceedings 59 (35):1-12.
    Small MGS (microgrid systems) are capable of decreasing energy losses. Long-distance power transmission lines are constructed by integrating distributed power sources with energy storage subsystems, which is the current trend in the development of RES (renewable energy sources). Although energies produced by RES do not cause pollution, they are stochastic and hence challenging to manage. This disadvantage makes high penetration of RES risky for the stability, dependability, and power quality of main electrical grids. The energies obtained from (...)
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    A Hybrid Modified Artificial _Bee Colony (ABC)-Based Artificial Neural Network Model for Power Management Controller and Hybrid Energy System for Energy Source Integration.R. Sugumar - 2023 - International Conference on Recent Advances on Science and Engineering 59 (35):2-12. Translated by Rajendran Sugumar.
    Small MGS (microgrid systems) are capable of decreasing energy losses. Long-distance power transmission lines are constructed by integrating distributed power sources with energy storage subsystems, which is the current trend in the development of RES (renewable energy sources). Although energies produced by RES do not cause pollution, they are stochastic and hence challenging to manage. This disadvantage makes high penetration of RES risky for the stability, dependability, and power quality of main electrical grids. The energies obtained from (...)
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  19. Fiscal Administration and Public Sector.Kiyoung Kim - 2015 -
    A fiscal administration shows the reality of government and public organization in their provision of public good or service for the citizen. It is an independent subject from the accounting, economic, political, and legal science, which is interdisciplinary and strives for any distinct goal of studies. A fiscal sustainability perhaps would be one ideal that this science would flounder to crystallize and hold out. The studies would be similar to the adjacent sciences, but could be defined ultimately for its unique (...)
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  20. A Proposed Hybrid Effect Size Plus p -Value Criterion: Empirical Evidence Supporting its Use.William M. Goodman - 2019 - The American Statistician 73 (Sup(1)):168-185.
    DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2018.1564697 When the editors of Basic and Applied Social Psychology effectively banned the use of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) from articles published in their journal, it set off a fire-storm of discussions both supporting the decision and defending the utility of NHST in scientific research. At the heart of NHST is the p-value which is the probability of obtaining an effect equal to or more extreme than the one observed in the sample data, given the null hypothesis and (...)
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    Weighted Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms and Power Management Strategies for Grid Hybrid Energy Systems (4th edition).Rajendran Sugumar - 2023 - International Conference on Recent Advances on Science and Engineering 4 (5):1-11.
    In independent renewable energy systems (RESs), one of the primary concerns needing to be addressed is the maintaining of power balances between supplies and requirements that are cost-optimized in residences linked to these systems. The amount of power generated through RESs has substantially risen, with solar and wind being the two primary sources in RESs. In modern power systems, small-scale distributed networks are growing at a rapid pace and distributed generation (DG) plays an important role. Micro grids (...)
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  22. Critique of telic power.Sandro Guli' & Luca Moretti - manuscript
    Åsa Burman has recently introduced the important notion of telic power and differentiated it from deontic power in an attempt to build a bridge between ideal and non-ideal social ontology. We find Burman’s project promising but we argue that more is to be done to make it entirely successful. First, there is a palpable tension between Burman’s claim that telic power can be ontologically independent of deontic power and her examples, which suggests that these forms of (...)
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  23. Shared Aesthetic Experience, Community, and Meaningfulness.Anthony Cross - forthcoming - Philosophical Topics.
    Aesthetic communities offer us opportunities for collective, communal, and value-disclosing shared aesthetic experiences. This paper develops an account of shared aesthetic experiences and provides an answer to the question of their significance: when they occur within aesthetic communities, their distinctive phenomenology is a powerful resource for creating a sense that our lives are aesthetically meaningful.
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  24. Hybrid Dispositionalism and the Law.Teresa Marques - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott, Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Dworkin’s famous argument from legal disagreements poses a problem for legal positivism by undermining the idea that the law can be (just) the result of the practice and attitudes of norm-applying officials. In recent work, the chapter author argued that a hybrid contextualist theory paired with a dispositional theory of value—a hybrid dispositionalism, for short—offers the resources to respond to similar disagreement- based arguments in other evaluative and normative domains. This chapter claims that the theory the author advocates (...)
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  25. Shared intentions, public reason, and political autonomy.Blain Neufeld - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (6):776-804.
    John Rawls claims that public reasoning is the reasoning of ‘equal citizens who as a corporate body impose rules on one another backed by sanctions of state power’. Drawing on an amended version of Michael Bratman’s theory of shared intentions, I flesh out this claim by developing the ‘civic people’ account of public reason. Citizens realize ‘full’ political autonomy as members of a civic people. Full political autonomy, though, cannot be realised by citizens in societies governed by a ‘constrained (...)
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  26. Shared decision-making and maternity care in the deep learning age: Acknowledging and overcoming inherited defeaters.Keith Begley, Cecily Begley & Valerie Smith - 2021 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 27 (3):497–503.
    In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) both in health care and academic philosophy. This has been due mainly to the rise of effective machine learning and deep learning algorithms, together with increases in data collection and processing power, which have made rapid progress in many areas. However, use of this technology has brought with it philosophical issues and practical problems, in particular, epistemic and ethical. In this paper the authors, with backgrounds (...)
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  27. Sharing the benefits of research fairly: two approaches.Joseph Millum - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):219-223.
    Research projects sponsored by rich countries or companies and carried out in developing countries are often described as exploitative. One important debate about the prevention of exploitation in research centres on whether and how clinical research in developing countries should be responsive to local health problems. This paper analyses the responsiveness debate and draws out more general lessons for how policy makers can prevent exploitation in various research contexts. There are two independent ways to do this in the face of (...)
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    AI-Based Thermal Management System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles.S. Yoheswari - 2024 - International Journal of Science, Management and Innovative Research (Ijsmir) 8 (1):1-6.
    Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) are known for their ability to reduce carbon emissions and fuel consumption. However, managing the thermal aspects of HEVs, especially concerning their powertrains and battery systems, remains a significant challenge. Traditional cooling mechanisms often result in inefficiencies due to their static nature. This paper proposes an AI-based thermal management system designed to address these limitations by offering dynamic, adaptive thermal regulation for HEVs. The system integrates real-time data monitoring with AI algorithms to optimize the cooling (...)
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  29. SAR-BSO meta-heuristic hybridization for feature selection and classification using DBNover stream data.Dharani Talapula, Kiran Ravulakollu, Manoj Kumar & Adarsh Kumar - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence Review.
    Advancements in cloud technologies have increased the infrastructural needs of data centers due to storage needs and processing of extensive dimensional data. Many service providers envisage anomaly detection criteria to guarantee availability to avoid breakdowns and complexities caused due to large-scale operations. The streaming log data generated is associated with multi-dimensional complexity and thus poses a considerable challenge to detect the anomalies or unusual occurrences in the data. In this research, a hybrid model is proposed that is motivated by (...)
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    Edge-Cloud Convergence: Architecting Hybrid Systems for Real-Time Data Processing and Latency Optimization.Dutta Shaunot - 2023 - International Journal of Advanced Research in Arts, Science, Engineering and Management (Ijarasem) 10 (1):1147-1151.
    With the rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the increasing demand for real-time processing of large data volumes, traditional cloud-based systems struggle to meet latency and bandwidth requirements. Edge-Cloud convergence has emerged as a solution, combining the computational power of cloud data centers with the low-latency and high-throughput capabilities of edge devices. This paper explores the architecture, design principles, and best practices for building hybrid systems that integrate edge computing and cloud infrastructure. We investigate various (...)
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  31. AI-Powered Cloud Security: Using User Behavior Analysis to Achieve Efficient Threat Detection.V. Talati Dhruvitkumar - 2024 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 13 (5):10124-10131.
    The present research compares the efficiency of AI-based user behavior analysis to conventional security mechanisms in cloud environments. It specifically tests their precision, velocity, and predictive capacity for identifying and acting upon cyber attacks. As the adoption of the cloud continues to increase, incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning into security infrastructures has become increasingly important. The study investigates the performance of AI-based security systems, using sophisticated pattern recognition and anomaly detection, compared to conventional methods in detecting deviations from (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Communicative Power(lessness). Democratic Ethics and the Role of Social Psychoanalysis for Melioristic Social Science.Cedric Braun - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2):80-97.
    This article aims to combine the strengths of Erich Fromm’s and John Dewey’s social philosophies. I argue that the merits of this comparison become particularly clear when the theories are outlined and compared in the following three steps. First, a social theoretical common ground of Dewey and Fromm will be illustrated. Their “World War genealogies” share the same defense mechanism as the major explanation of the Germans’ tendency to voluntary submission, which involves a strong feeling of powerlessness. Against this background, (...)
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  33. Social mirrors and shared experiential worlds.Charles Whitehead - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (4):3-36.
    We humans have a formidable armamentarium of social display behaviours, including song-and-dance, the visual arts, and role-play. Of these, role-play is probably the crucial adaptation which makes us most different from other apes. Human childhood, a sheltered period of ‘extended irresponsibility’, allows us to develop our powers of make-believe and role-play, prerequisites for human cooperation, culture, and reflective consciousness. Social mirror theory, originating with Dilthey, Baldwin, Cooley and Mead, holds that there cannot be mirrors in the mind without mirrors in (...)
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    A Lindström Theorem for the Hybrid Logic H(E).D. Fernandes - manuscript
    In this note I present a Lindström theorem characterizing the hybrid logic H(∃) as the most expressive logic having compactness, the Tarski union property, and invariance under quasi-generated substructures. The logic H(∃) is rather interesting, as it mixes the expressive power brought by the availability of world variables with an “almost local” quantification, which gives it a counting ability. However, H(∃) did not receive the same attention as the other logics in the hybrid family, and only quite (...)
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  35. Moral Realism by Other Means: The Hybrid Nature of Kant’s Practical Rationalism.Stefano Bacin - 2017 - In Elke Elisabeth Schmidt & Robinson dos Santos, Realism and Anti-Realism in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 155-178.
    After qualifying in which sense ‘realism’ can be applied to eighteenth-century views about morality, I argue that while Kant shares with traditional moral realists several fundamental claims about morality, he holds that those claims must be argued for in a radically different way. Drawing on his diagnosis of the serious weaknesses of traditional moral realism, Kant proposes a novel approach that revolves around a hybrid view about moral obligation. Since his solution to that central issue combines elements of realism (...)
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    Optimized Modular Liquid Cooling System for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Motors and Batteries Using Particle Swarm Optimization.S. Yoheswari - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):709-718.
    Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) are rapidly gaining popularity due to their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption. However, the high-power density of HEV motors and batteries generates substantial heat during operation, which, if not effectively managed, can reduce system efficiency and shorten component lifespans. Efficient thermal management is critical for ensuring the optimal performance of HEV powertrains, specifically motors and batteries. Liquid cooling systems, with their superior heat transfer capabilities, have emerged as an effective solution (...)
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  37. AI-Powered Legal Documentation Assistant.P. Aishwarya - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (6):1-15.
    The Legal Documentation Assistant offers a unique method to obtain legal rights, specializing in copyright, trademark, and banking using a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Through the synergy of legal expertise and technological innovation, our dynamic website is designed to offer clients real-time assistance and guidance to help them efficiently navigate complex legal requirements. Our personalized bots provide tailored support and answer queries, ensuring clients receive the help they need. At the core of our platform is a combination of (...)
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  38. Individuals, Power and Participation: metaphysics and politics in Spinoza.Ericka Tucker - 2009 - Dissertation, Emory University
    In my dissertation, I derive a set of systematic principles and a conception of the political subject from Spinoza’s metaphysics and political writings and then bring these tools to bear on contemporary questions in democratic theory. I argue that Spinoza’s conception of the political subject answers feminist critiques of the liberal subject, while retaining an understanding of the need for empowered citizens in strong democracies. Spinoza’s normative political theory shows how political communities become stronger through the empowerment and participation of (...)
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  39. Philosophy of GodForm: Power Authorities, Functional Position Levels, Religion and Science.Refet Ramiz - 2021 - Philosophy Study 11 (3):166-215.
    In this work, author expressed new R-Synthesis specifically. Good and/or correct perspective that must be behind the definitions and administration generally expressed. New perspective of the philosophy explained generally. Philosophy of GodForm is defined and expressed as connected/related with the following concepts: (a) basic principles, (b) 17 upper constructional philosophies, (c) 14 lower constructional philosophies, (d) eight basic philosophies. As special cases, Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, Philosophy of Wireless Administration and others defined as hybrid philosophies. 17 specific components/units (...)
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  40. Potentia: Hobbes and Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics.Sandra Leonie Field - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a detailed study of the political philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and Benedict de Spinoza, focussing on their concept of power as potentia, concrete power, rather than power as potestas, authorised power. The focus on power as potentia generates a new conception of popular power. Radical democrats–whether drawing on Hobbes's 'sleeping sovereign' or on Spinoza's 'multitude'–understand popular power as something that transcends ordinary institutional politics, as for instance popular plebsites or mass (...)
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  41. The Common Vernacular of Power Relations in Heavy Metal and Christian Fundamentalist Performances.Christine James - 2010 - In Rosemary Hill Karl Spracklen, Heavy Fundametalisms: Music, Metal and Politics. Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    Wittgenstein’s comment that what can be shown cannot be said has a special resonance with visual representations of power in both Heavy Metal and Fundamentalist Christian communities. Performances at metal shows, and performances of ‘religious theatre’, share an emphasis on violence and destruction. For example, groups like GWAR and Cannibal Corpse feature violent scenes in stage shows and album covers, scenes that depict gory results of unrestrained sexuality that are strikingly like Halloween ‘Hell House’ show presented by neo-Conservative, Fundamentalist (...)
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  42. Centrypetalizm - integrujący system polityczny dla państw wieloetnicznych. Zarys teorii empirycznej.Krzysztof Trzcinski - 2015 - Studia Polityczne 39 (3):183-213.
    Artykuł traktuje o systemie politycznym typu power-sharing, który określany jest mianem centrypetalizmu (ang. centripetalism). System centrypetalny ukształtowany został w dwóch ważnych – zwłaszcza ze względu na dużą liczbę ludności, wielkość gospodarek oraz posiadane zasoby surowców energetycznych – państwach wieloetnicznych: Nigerii i Indonezji. Państwa te mają prezydencki system rządów. Centrypetalizm dopuszcza do udziału we władzy reprezentantów elit politycznych różnych grup etnicznych, stymulując ich do pojednania, współpracy i integracji politycznej w poprzek podziałów etnicznych. W ten sposób ma osłabiać znaczenie tych (...)
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  43. Two-Way Powers as Derivative Powers.Andrei A. Buckareff - 2019 - In Michael Brent & Lisa Miracchi Titus, Mental Action and the Conscious Mind. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 228-254.
    Some philosophers working on the metaphysics of agency argue that if agency is understood in terms of settling the truth of some matters, then the power required for the exercise of intentional agency is an irreducible two-way power to either make it true that p or not-p. In this paper, the focus is on two-way powers in decision-making. Two problems are raised for theories of decision-making that are ontologically committed to irreducible two-way powers. First, recent accounts lack an (...)
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  44. Love’s Shared World: Reorienting Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Love.Marilyn Stendera - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (1):1-14.
    Heidegger’s brief remarks on the theme of love enable us to reconstruct a view of it as a powerful feeling that both requires and amplifies a truthful recognition of oneself. The emphasis this places on the significance of love for the self and of the self for love, along with the kairological temporality Heidegger associates with love, means the account ends up “both sacralising and marginalising the other” (Tömmel, 2019, 242). I will suggest that this problem arises because Heidegger’s account (...)
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  45. Hannah Arendt on Power.Garrath Williams - 2011 - In Keith Dowding, The Encyclopedia of Power. Thousand Oaks. pp. 26-28.
    Hannah Arendt’s (1906-1975) conception of power is entirely distinctive. It is rooted in a political philosophy that celebrates the public realm of freedom that emerges when people act with others as citizens or political equals. For Arendt, power is actualized where people act together to sustain or to change the world they share with one another. Her fundamental claim is this: ‘Power corresponds to the human ability not just to act but to act in concert. Power (...)
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  46. Justifications, Powers, and Authority.Malcolm Thorburn - 2008 - Yale Law Journal 117:1070.
    Criminal law theory made a significant advance roughly thirty years ago when George Fletcher popularized the important conceptual distinction between justifications and excuses. In the intervening years, however, very little progress has been made in exploring the structure and function of justification defenses. The reason for this failure, I suggest, is a widely shared misconception about their place within the criminal law’s institutional structure. Contrary to what is generally believed, it is not up to trial courts to decide ex post (...)
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  47. Analyzing the Explanatory Power of Bionic Systems With the Minimal Cognitive Grid.Antonio Lieto - 2022 - Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9.
    In this article, I argue that the artificial components of hybrid bionic systems do not play a direct explanatory role, i.e., in simulative terms, in the overall context of the systems in which they are embedded in. More precisely, I claim that the internal procedures determining the output of such artificial devices, replacing biological tissues and connected to other biological tissues, cannot be used to directly explain the corresponding mechanisms of the biological component(s) they substitute (and therefore cannot be (...)
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  48. Relational properties, causal powers and psychological laws.Sean Crawford - 2003 - Acta Analytica 18 (30-31):193-216.
    This paper argues that Twin Earth twins belong to the same psychological natural kind, but that the reason for this is not that the causal powers of mental states supervene on local neural structure. Fodor’s argument for this latter thesis is criticized and found to rest on a confusion between it and the claim that Putnamian and Burgean type relational psychological properties do not affect the causal powers of the mental states that have them. While it is true that Putnamian (...)
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  49. Lilliputians and the Amorphous Giant: Small States' Opportunities Facing the Hybrid Threat.Matthias Fiala - 2019 - Dissertation,
    In the 21st century strategic environment, small states face new security challenges caused by emerging great powers. These new powers seek to achieve their political goals in small states by avoiding major military escalation and focusing on combinations of statecraft and non-military means. This “hybrid threat” has strong implications for small states’ national security. This thesis explores small states’ vulnerabilities and opportunities across the political, military, economic, social, and informational (PMESI) spectrum to outline a favorable posture toward a great (...)
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    Asymmetric Power, Asymmetric Knowledge, and Solidarity: Lessons from Hermeneutic and Creolizing Epistemologies.Patricia Cipollitti Rodríguez - 2024 - Critical Times 7 (3):448–477.
    Emancipatory social movement solidarities are prefigurative associations. While pursuing broad-based social transformations, solidaristic agents attempt to model—in an incomplete and provisional way—the social relations they wish to bring into existence. Existing structures of domination, deep-set and overlapping as they are, pose an abiding challenge to the prefiguration of just relations, however. This article considers the challenge of prefiguration by developing a diachronic, goal-oriented, and epistemic account of solidarity. The author argues that solidarity is a collaborative process whereby agents prefigure relationships (...)
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