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Citizen science beyond invited participation: nineteenth century amateur naturalists, epistemic autonomy, and big data approaches avant la lettre.Dana Mahr & Sascha Dickel - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (4):1-19.details
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How Smart Grid Meets In Vitro Meat: on Visions as Socio-Epistemic Practices.Arianna Ferrari & Andreas Lösch - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (1):75-91.details
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Towards a theoretical mashup for studying posthuman/postsocial ethics.Marcelo El Khouri Buzato - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (1):74-89.details
At Modernity’s Limit.Neil Turnbull - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (5):135-150.details
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Communicating Moral Legitimacy in Controversial Industries: The Trade in Human Tissue.A. Rebecca Reuber & Anna Morgan-Thomas - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):49-63.details
Computer Algorithms, Market Manipulation and the Institutionalization of High Frequency Trading.Jakob Arnoldi - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (1):29-52.details
Triple contingency: The theoretical problem of the public in communication societies.Piet Strydom - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (2):1-25.details
The Territorial State as a Figured World of Power: Strategics, Logistics, and Impersonal Rule.Chandra Mukerji - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (4):402 - 424.details
How to Speak Silently - Rethinking Materiality, Agency, and Communicative Competence in Virtual Reality.Maria Erofeeva, Nils Klowait & Denis Zababurin - 2023 - Sociology of Power 34 (3-4):156-181.details
Testing Powers of Engagement: Green Living Experiments, the Ontological Turn and the Undoability of Involvement.Noortje Marres - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (1):117-133.details
Moral Language in Child Protection Research.Tytti Poikolainen - unknowndetails
Animated Bodies in Immunological Practices: Craftsmanship, Embodied Knowledge, Emotions and Attitudes Toward Animals.Daniel Bischur - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (4):407-429.details
From Pragmatism to Today’s Work Dramas.Alexandra Bidet & Frédérique Chave - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (1).details
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Traders’ Engagement with Markets.Karin Knorr Cetina & Urs Bruegger - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (5-6):161-185.details
Unpacking a Liturgical Framing of Desire for the Purposes of Educational Research.Ian Parker Renga - 2017 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 53 (3):263-284.details
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Practices of Calculation.Herbert Kalthoff - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (2):69-97.details
De-staging the people: On the role of the social and populism beyond politics.Joseph Grim Feinberg - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 164 (1):104-119.details