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  1. Narrating Sāṃkhya Philosophy: Bhīṣma, Janaka and Pañcaśikha at Mahābhārata 12.211–12.Angelika Malinar - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (4):609-649.
    The account of the conversation between King Janaka and the Ṛṣi Pañcaśikha on the fate of the individual after death is one of the philosophical texts that are included in the Mokṣadharmaparvan of the Mahābhārata. There are different scholarly views on the history and composition of the text as well as the philosophical teachings propagated by Pañcaśikha. In contrast to earlier studies this paper not only analyzes the whole text, but also pays attention to the narrative framework in which the (...)
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  • The Base Text and Its Commentaries: Problems of Representing and Understanding the Cārvāka/Lokāyata.Ramkrishna Bhattacharya - 2013 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (1):133-150.
    The base texts of most of the philosophical systems of ancient India are in the form of a collection of aphorisms (sūtra-s). The aphorisms are so brief and tersely worded that their significance can seldom be understood without the help of a commentary or commentaries. Sometimes, the literal meaning of an aphorism needs to be qualified or modified by an explanation found in the commentary. If a reader relies exclusively on the literal meaning of the aphorisms in the base text (...)
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  • How Do Theories of Cognition and Consciousness in Ancient Indian Thought Systems Relate to Current Western Theorizing and Research?Peter Sedlmeier & Kunchapudi Srinivas - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
    Unknown to most Western psychologists, ancient Indian scriptures contain very rich, empirically derived psychological theories that are, however, intertwined with religious and philosophical content. This article represents our attempt to extract the psychological theory of cognition and consciousness from a prominent ancient Indian thought system: Samkhya-Yoga. We derive rather broad hypotheses from this approach that may complement and extend Western mainstream theorizing. These hypotheses address an ancient personality theory, the effects of practicing the applied part of Samkhya-Yoga on normal and (...)
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  • Do Karma-Yogis Make Better Leaders?Zubin R. Mulla & Venkat R. Krishnan - 2009 - Journal of Human Values 15 (2):167-183.
    This article validates James MacGregor Burns’ hypothesis that moral development is a critical qualification of transformational leaders. In India, morality is conceptualized as Karma-Yoga, a technique for performing actions such that the soul is not bound by the results of the actions. Karma-Yoga has three dimensions—duty-orientation, indifference to rewards, and equanimity—and constitutes a comprehensive model for moral development in the Indian context. We studied 205 leader–follower pairs to investigate the impact of a leader’s Karma-Yoga and a follower’s belief in Indian (...)
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  • Verses Attributed to Bṛhaspati in the Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha: A Critical Appraisal.Ramkrishna Bhattacharya - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (6):615-630.
    Sāyaṇa-Mādhava closed his exposition of the Cārvāka philosophy in his Sarva-darśana-saṃgraha, Chap. 1 by quoting 11 and a half verses, the authorship of all of which was attributed to Bṛhaspati, the eponymous founder of materialism in India. One of these verses is presumably taken from the Viṣṇupurāṇa. However, it is not Bṛhaspati but some demons, deluded by a Jain and a Buddhist monk, who say this. Bṛhaspati does not appear at all in this Purāṇa. Variant versions of the same story (...)
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  • (1 other version)Going or knowing? The development of the idea of living liberation in the upani $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{s}$$ ads. [REVIEW]Andrew O. Fort - 1994 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 22 (4):379-390.
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  • Śaṇkara on Action and Liberation.Roopen Majithia - 2007 - Asian Philosophy 17 (3):231-249.
    In this paper I attempt to understand the implications of a kara's claim that liberation is not an action. If liberation is not an action, how is it up to us and therefore our responsibility? What role do actions have in a life concerned with liberation? The key to understanding a kara's view, I suggest, requires broad reflection on his claim in his commentary on Brahma S tra I.1.4 that cessation of action in accordance with Vedic prohibition is not an (...)
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  • concept of ultimate reality in philosophy of mulla sadra and upanishads.Hossein Kohandel Hossein Kohandel - 2019 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 36 (comparative study on philosophy):53-69.
    The purpose of the present project is to study the Upaniṣads and Mullā Sadrā as expounders of mystical philosophy dealing with the question of the nature of Ultimate Reality and its concomitant issues. To be more specific, this study is an examination focused on the metaphysical theories propounded by them. The mystical and philosophical systems constructed by Upaniṣads and Mullā Sadrā are often viewed as being representative of absolutism found within their respective traditions. The striking differences generally perceived between aspects (...)
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  • Introduction.John Stratton Hawley - 2007 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 11 (3):209-225.
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  • Classical Indian philosophy in the Oxford series “History of Philosophy without any gaps”. Adamson, P., & Ganeri, J. (2020). Classical Indian Philosophy: a History of Philosophy Without any Gaps. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Volume 5. [REVIEW]Yurii Zavhorodnii - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (2):66-84.
    Review of Adamson, P., & Ganeri, J.. Classical Indian Philosophy: a History of Philosophy Without any Gaps. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Volume 5.
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  • Yoga: historia, filosofía y prácticas.Raquel Ferrández - 2022 - Aposta. Revista de Ciencias Sociales 3 (94):1-145.
    Monográfico: Yoga: Historia, Filosofía y Prácticas. Aposta. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 94 (2022) .
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  • Human Excellence: Past and Present.Irina Deretić - 2010 - In 21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.. pp. 526-535.
    The word excellence is derived from the Latin word excellentia, and it means the quality of being extremely good. Human excellences could be defined as those human qualities that make a person outstanding, exceptional, superior, or, in one word, the best of one's kind in any field of human activities. Frequently, it is synonymously used with the word virtue, narrowly meaning moral excellence.
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  • Handbook of Logical Thought in India.Sundar Sarukkai & Mihir Chakraborty (eds.) - 2018 - New Delhi, India: Springer.
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  • A Logico-Linguistic Inquiry into the Foundations of Physics: Part 1.Abhishek Majhi - 2022 - Axiomathes (NA):153-198.
    Physical dimensions like “mass”, “length”, “charge”, represented by the symbols [M], [L], [Q], are not numbers, but used as numbers to perform dimensional analysis in particular, and to write the equations of physics in general, by the physicist. The law of excluded middle falls short of explaining the contradictory meanings of the same symbols. The statements like “m tends to 0”, “r tends to 0”, “q tends to 0”, used by the physicist, are inconsistent on dimensional grounds because “m”, “r”, (...)
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  • Redefining ‘isolation’ in the wake of Covid-19: a discussion from Indian context.Piyali Mitra - 2020 - Philosophy Today-Concept of Isolation in Indian Thought.
    Community forms a crux of human living. In the wake of pandemic like Covid-19 to avoid community transmission what is most required of a responsible community member is to follow physical distancing to curb the spread of the infectious disease and this may lead to a feeling of isolation and loneliness. But this essay speaks of isolation with a positive connotation. It talks of isolation as solitude as the Indian philosophy also speaks extensively about this sense of self-contemplation and reflection (...)
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  • Emotional Intelligence in Eastern Philosophy.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Wisdom in Hinduism regards self-knowledge as the truth, the basis of all Creation, of Shristi. It would turn out that the wise is a person with the self-consciousness of the whole creation in all its facets and forms. There are not many studies regarding emotional intelligence from the Indian perspective, although emotional intelligence is found in every text in ancient Indian literature (Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Ayurveda, etc.). The Indian philosophical tradition emphasizes the strong nature of emotions, which must be (...)
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  • ‘I Have Regained Memory’ (smṛtir labdhā): The Bhagavad Gītā as a Parrhesiastic Journey Against Forgetfulness.Raquel Ferrández-Formoso - 2020 - Comparative Philosophy 11 (2).
    This paper proposes an interdisciplinary reading of the Bhagavad Gītā, presenting it as a parrhesiastic dialogue between Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna, and focusing on the importance attached to memory. Foucault’s studies on the exercise of parrhesia in the Greco-Roman context, but also Heidegger's views on the original memory, and Abhinavagupta’s commentary to the Bhagavad Gītā have been used as important tools of interpretation. Devotion is described as the constant memory of Kṛṣṇa, through which the practitioner succeeds in substituting some subconscious dispositions (...)
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  • Émotions et intelligence émotionnelle dans les organisations.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2020 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Une argumentation pour l'importance dualiste des émotions dans la société, individuellement et au niveau communautaire. La tendance actuelle à la prise de conscience et au contrôle des émotions grâce à l'intelligence émotionnelle a un effet bénéfique dans les affaires et pour le succès des activités sociales mais, si nous n'y prenons pas garde, elle peut conduire à une aliénation irréversible au niveau individuel et social. L'essai est composé de trois parties principales: Émotions (Modèles d'émotions, Le processus des émotions, La bonheur, (...)
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  • Emotions and Emotional Intelligence in Organizations.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2020 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    An argumentation for the dualistic importance of emotions in society, individually and at community level. The current tendency of awareness and control of emotions through emotional intelligence has a beneficial effect in business and for the success of social activities but, if we are not careful, it can lead to irreversible alienation at individual and social level. The paper consists of three main parts: Emotions (Emotional models, Emotional processing, Happiness, Philosophy of emotions, Ethics of emotions), Emotional intelligence (Models of emotional (...)
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  • Emoțiile și inteligența emoțională în organizații.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2020 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    O argumentare a importanței dualiste a emoțiilor în societate, individual și la nivel de comunitate. Tendința actuală de conștientizare și control al emoțiilor prin inteligența emoțională are un efect benefic în afaceri și pentru succesul activităților sociale dar, dacă nu suntem atenți, poate duce la o alienare ireversibilă la nivel individual și social. Lucrarea se compune din trei părți principale: Emoții (Modele ale emoțiilor, Procesarea emoțiilor, Fericirea, Filosofia emoțiilor, Etica emotiilor), Inteligența emoțională (Modele ale inteligenței emoționale, Inteligența emoțională în cercetare (...)
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  • Визначення і властивості дг’яни в йоґа-сутрах патанджалі.Dmitry A. Danilov - 2018 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 58:79-89.
    У статті визначено характеристики терміна «дг’яна» в «Йоґа-сутрах» Патанджалі. Досліджено згадки про дг’яну у тексті Патанджалі, показано, що поняття «дг’яна» в «Йоґа-сутрах» вперше отримує виражене філософське обґрунтування, в якому ключову роль відіграє когнітивна складова терміна. Незважаючи на давню історію дослідження «Йоґа-сутр», поняттю дг’яна та його властивостям було приділено мало уваги, що визначає актуальність дослідження. У статті розкрито зміст сутр Патанджалі, що пояснюють властивості дг’яни: ретельно проаналізовано місце дг’яни в досліджуваному тексті, її зв’язок з іншими поняттями, а також її ієрархічне положення. (...)
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  • Sāṃkhya-Yoga Philosophy and the Mind-Body Problem.Paul Schweizer - 2019 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 124 (1):232-242.
    The relationship between the physical body and the conscious human mind has been a deeply problematic topic for centuries. Physicalism is the 'orthodox' metaphysical stance in contemporary Western thought, according to which reality is exclusively physical/material in nature. However, in the West, theoretical dissatisfaction with this type of approach has historically lead to Cartesian-style dualism, wherein mind and body are thought to belong to distinct metaphysical realms. In the current discussion I compare and contrast this standard Western approach with an (...)
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  • An Early Modern Account of the Views of the Miśras.Christopher Minkowski - 2018 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (5):889-933.
    In a doxography of views called the Ṣaṭtantrīsāra, a seventeenth century commentator and Advaitin, Nīlakaṇṭha Caturdhara, describes the doctrines of a group he calls the Miśras. Nīlakaṇṭha represents the doctrines of the Miśras as in most ways distinct from those of the canonical positions that usually appear in such doxographies, both āstika and nāstika. And indeed, some of the doctrines he describes resemble those of the Abrahamic faiths, concerning the creator, a permanent afterlife in heaven or hell, and the unique (...)
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  • Bhagvadgītā: A Bird’s Eye View of Its Historical Background, Formation, and Teaching.Niranjan Saha - 2018 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 35 (1):139-157.
    Though the Bhagavadgītā or Gītā is one of the important sourcebooks of Indian philosophy and religion, or rather of Hindu philosophy and religion, its date, authorship, textual formation, teaching, etc. are still debatable among the scholars—oriental and occidental. While supports in this regard can be garnered from both ancient and modern sources, they too seem to be inconclusive and contradictory. Thus, this paper, while analysing these debatable points regarding this text, taking into consideration both textual sources and modern scholars’ views, (...)
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  • Nay or Jain Nyay 2: Logic of Atheism of Jain Dharm.Mahendra Kumar Jain & Agam Jain - 2016 - Philosophy Study 6 (2).
    Ethos and logos of the Jain thought and practice is based on reality perceived by senses. Atheistic roots of Jain Dharm have nourished growth, maintained viability and vitality, and kept it relevant for over the last five millennia. Unlike Judeo-Christian-Islam or Brahminical faith, it does not rely on omniscient supreme or god. Its atheistic and anti-theistic thrust is generally known, yet its followers do not call themselves Nastik. They emphasize action-consequence relations as guide for successful behaviors with ethical conduct. The (...)
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  • Vedāntic Commentaries on the Bhagavadgītā as a Component of Three Canonical Texts.Niranjan Saha - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (2):257-280.
    The Vedānta philosophy has its roots in scriptural sources, specifically, in three canonical texts, viz. the Brahmasūtra-s by Bādarāyaṇa, which is called nyāya-prasthāna or tarka-prasthāna; the Upaniṣad-s, which are called the śruti-prasthāna; and the Bhagavadgītā, which is regarded as the smṛti-prasthāna. Thus, like the first two constituents of this trio, the third one has a tangible legacy of commentarial tradition; as almost all well-known advocates of the Vedānta schools have commented on these three sourcebooks. In this paper, an attempt has (...)
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  • What the Cārvākas Originally Meant: More on the Commentators on the Cārvākasūtra.Ramkrishna Bhattacharya - 2010 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 38 (6):529-542.
    This essay proposes to review the problems of reconstructing and interpreting ancient texts, particularly philosophical commentaries, in the context of the Cārvāka/Lokāyata system of India. Following an overview of the Indian philosophical text tradition and the ontological and epistemological positions of the Cārvākas, three cases are discussed: (1) when there is no invariance in the text and the commentary, (2) when commentators differ among themselves in their interpretations, and (3) when contradictory interpretations are offered. The paper further discusses why certain (...)
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  • Roots of Indian Materialism in Tantra and Pre-Classical Sāṃkhya.Sonali Bhatt Marwaha - 2013 - Asian Philosophy 23 (2):180-198.
    Materialism is considered to be an anathema to Indian philosophy. Despite this, Indian tradition boasts of a strong materialist trend predating the Vedas. This paper traces the proto-materialist ideas as found in the ancient Tantra and pre-classical or original Sāṃkhya. Representing the naturalistic trend in Indian philosophy, ancient Tantra identified the brain as the seat of human consciousness. The pre-classical Sāṃkhya considered matter as the primal non-intelligent or non-sentient first cause from which the universe was to evolve. It considers the (...)
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  • On the new ways of the late Vedic hermeneutics: Mīmāṃsā and Navya-Nyāya.Bogdan Diaconescu - 2012 - Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques 66 (2):261-306.
    This article aims to follow the process of adoption of Navya-Nyāya techniques of cognitive analysis in the school of Vedic hermeneutics, Mīmāṃsā, in the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries, in the larger context of the spread of these techniques in India. I shall argue that this process arises in Mīmāṃsā on the sidelines of the Advaita-Dvaita Vedānta controversy in South India, then subsequently flourishes in Varanasi. These techniques are adopted gradually and selectively, for not all the Mīmāṃsā thinkers choose to (...)
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  • Momentary consciousness and buddhist epistemology.Paul Schweizer - 1994 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 22 (1):81-91.
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  • Йоґа і йоґини у Бгаґавата пурані (частина перша).Yuriy Zavhorodnii - 2022 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (1):58-86.
    The article considers each case of using words with the stem ‘yoga’, as well as other yogic vocabulary found in the first part of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa. In total, there are the following ten words: yoga, bhaktiyoga, yogin, yogeśvara, mahāyogin, kuyogin, yoganidrā, kriyāyogа, viyoga and yama. They are used 30 times altogether. This vocabulary forms not only the yoga glossary of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, but also the Vaiṣṇava understanding of yogic teaching. The analysis of these terms takes into account several (...)
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  • Historiography of Indian Philosophy: Reflections on Periodization and Conceptualization.Balaganapathi Devarakonda - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (2):57-68.
    This paper provides one of the many ways of doing historiography, specifically concerning Indian philosophy. After making some general observations on the limitations of a historian and a historiographer in general—it would provide a brief analysis of the historiography of Indian philosophy by looking at the recent attempts at periodization. The development of 'Indian philosophy' as a label to a concept, issues concerning the use of darśana for its representation, and reeking it as a space of strange intellectual landscape by (...)
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  • the criterion of truth in Epicureanism and Carvaka philosophy.Sajjad Dehghanzadeh, Fatemeh Ahmadian & Zeinab Mirhosseini - 2020 - Philosophical Investigations 14 (32):55-71.
    The main challenge of present paper is analytical comparing the “Criterion of Valid Cognition” from viewpoints of Epicureanism and Charvaka (Lokayata) philosophy, the largest exponent of Indian materialism,. The new findings of the research show that the whole construction of ontology, ethics, and infidelity of Charvaka is logically based on its epistemology. In this philosophy, any intangible existence is denied, and the only knowledgeable subject-matter is assumed to be the material world. So here firstly, the acquisition of the truth is (...)
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  • Inteligența emoțională în filosofia orientală.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Înțelepciunea în hinduism consideră cunoașterea de sine ca fiind adevărul, baza întregii Creații, a lui Shristi. Ar rezulta că înțeleaptă este o persoană cu conștiința de sine martoră a întregii creații în toate fațetele și formele sale. Nu există multe studii referitor la inteligența emoțională din perspectiva indiană, deși inteligența emoțională se regăsește în fiecare text din literatura antică indiană. Tradiția filosofică indiană pune accent pe natura puternică a emoțiilor, care trebuie valorificate pentru o viață armonioasă. Patanjali, „părintele psihologiei indiene”, (...)
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  • Investigación y transmisión de la filosofía sāmkhya.Juan Arnau Navarro - 2014 - Endoxa 34:17.
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  • Yogasūtra 1.10, 1.21–23, and 2.9 in the Light of the Indo-Javanese Dharma Pātañjala. [REVIEW]Andrea Acri - 2012 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (3):259-276.
    . Besides a philosophical exposition of the tenets of a form of Śaiva Siddhānta, the Dharma Pātañjala contains a long presentation of the yoga system that apparently follows the first three chapters of Patañjal’s Yogasūtra , either interweaving Sanskrit excerpts from an untraced versified version of the latter text with an Old Javanese commentary, or directly rendering into Old Javanese what appears to be an original Sanskrit commentary. Although the Old Javanese prose often bears a strong resemblance with the arrangement (...)
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  • A Comparative Study of Ramanuja’s and Sirhindi’s Epistemological Views.Jan Mohammad Lone - 2020 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 37 (3):433-450.
    The problem of synthesis and reconciliation of the Ramanuja and Sirhindi is of vital significance and importance, and no serious student of comparative philosophy can deliberately neglect it. Epistemologically speaking, these two philosophers have been forced to tackle the same problem(s), and in solving them, their methods and hypotheses have been noticeably similar. The emphasis of this paper is to recognize, highlight, and compare the aspects valued in Ramanuja’s epistemological views with those of the Sirhindi. I will also discuss the (...)
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  • On Arthāpatti.Nirmalya Guha - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (4):757-776.
    Arthāpatti does not depend on observation of pervasion or background belief. It is certain in the sense that when S cognizes P through postulation, no other epistemic instrument would invalidate P. The Naiyāyika tries to reduce postulation to anumāna and/or tarka. I shall argue that it is neither. Due to its explanatory role, one may think that postulation plays an essential role in lakṣaṇā or indication. But this too is a misconception. Both tarka and lakṣaṇā depend on observation and background (...)
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  • Nirodha, yoga praxis and the transformation of the mind.Ian Whicher - 1997 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 25 (1):1-67.
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  • The human body composition in statics and dynamics: Āyurveda and the philosophical schools of vaiśesika and sāmkhya. [REVIEW]Viktoria Lyssenko - 2004 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 32 (1):31-56.
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  • Nagarjuna’s no-thesis view revisited: the significance of classical Indian debate culture on verse 29 of the Vigrahavyāvartanī.Matthew D. Williams-Wyant - 2017 - Asian Philosophy 27 (3):263-277.
    The aim of this essay is to clarify Nāgārjuna’s use of the term pratijñā in verse 29 of the Vigrahavyāvartanī as situated in its contemporaneous thriving debate culture. In contrast to the standard formulation, which interprets the term pratijñā as a reference to the thesis of śūnyatā proffered by Nāgārjuna in the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, an examination of the debate culture in, and leading up to, second-century CE India shows that the term pratijñā refers to the first of five steps within the (...)
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  • Antropología filosófica en los tratados de medicina sánscrita = Philosophical anthropology in the enciclopaedias of sanskrit medicine.Juan Arnau Navarro - 2013 - Endoxa (32):11.
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  • Svabhāvavāda and the Cārvāka/Lokāyata: A Historical Overview. [REVIEW]Ramkrishna Bhattacharya - 2012 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (6):593-614.
    svabhāva (own being) and yadṛchhā (chance, accident) are named as two different claimants among others as the first cause (jagatkāraṇa) in the ŚvUp. But in later works, such as Aśvaghoṣa’s poems, svabhāva is synonymous with yadṛchhā and entails a passive attitude to life. Later still, svabhāva is said to be inhering in the Lokāyata materialist system, although in which sense—cosmic order or accident—is not always clearly mentioned. Svabhāva is also a part of the Sāṃkhya doctrine and is mentioned in the (...)
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  • The horizon model continued: Incorporating the somatic mysticism of pre-history, and some further theoretical issues.Edward James Dale - 2010 - Sophia 49 (3):393-406.
    The paper continues the model I began in a previous issue of Sophia . It is argued that the predominance of purely ascending or ‘top down’ forms of spirituality which stemmed largely from the axial period and have been carried forward into modern, transpersonal theories of evolutionary spirituality is a mistake and that there exists a lost or largely ignored form of spirituality—which I name somatic—which was the predominant domain of early Neolithic and Palaeolithic experience. Aspects of what I call (...)
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  • Navya-nyāya in the Late Vijayanagara Period: Appaya Dīkṣita’s Revision of Gaṅgeśa’s īśvarānumāna.Jonathan Duquette - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (2):233-255.
    In his celebrated treatise of Navya-nyāya, the Tattvacintāmaṇi, Gaṅgeśa offers a detailed formulation of the inference of God’s existence. Gaṅgeśa’s inference generated significant commentarial literature among Naiyāyikas in Mithilā, Navadvīpa and Vārāṇasī, but also attracted the attention of South Indian scholars, notably Vyāsatīrtha, who comments on it extensively in the Tarkatāṇḍava. In the wake of Vyāsatīrtha’s pioneering critique, the 16th-century Sanskrit polymath Appaya Dīkṣita developed a revised version of Gaṅgeśa’s inference in his magnum opus of Śivādvaita Vedānta, the Śivārkamaṇidīpikā. This (...)
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  • An Analysis of Consequentialism and Deontology in the Normative Ethics of the Bhagavadgītā.Sandeep Sreekumar - 2012 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (3):277-315.
    This paper identifies the different normative ethical arguments stated and suggested by Arjuna and Krishna in the Gītā , analyzes those arguments, examines the interrelations between those arguments, and demonstrates that, contrary to a common view, both Arjuna and Krishna advance ethical theories of a broad consequentialist nature. It is shown that Krishna’s ethical theory, in particular, is a distinctive kind of rule-consequentialism that takes as intrinsically valuable the twin consequences of mokṣa and lokasaṃgraha . It is also argued that (...)
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  • Conciencia y materia, una relación compleja: El caso del Sāmkhya.Juan Arnau - 2013 - Pensamiento 69 (261):753-768.
    El artículo se centra en las relaciones entre la conciencia y la materia en la filosofía sa-mkhya, uno de los sistemas más antiguos de la tradición brahmánica. Tras una breve introducción a la cosmología sa-mkhya, se analizan la cosmogonía y el pluralismo metafísico de esta corriente de pensamiento, sirviéndose, como fuentes primarias, de los comentarios medievales sánscritos a la Sa-mkhyaka-rika- realizados por el escolástico medieval Va-caspati Mis´ra.
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  • Orgasmic Rapture and Divine Ecstasy: The Semantic History of Ānanda.Olivelle Patrick - 1997 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 25 (2):153-180.
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  • Intrinsic Validity Reconsidered: A Sympathetic Study of the MÄ«māmsaka Inversion of Buddhist Epistemology. [REVIEW]Dan Arnold - 2001 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 29 (5/6):589-675.
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  • The concept of sāksin in advaita vedānta.AndrewO Fort - 1984 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 12 (3):277-290.
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