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  1. (1 other version)Social space and symbolic power.Pierre Bourdieu - 1989 - Sociological Theory 7 (1):14-25.
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  • AI as Legal Persons: Past, Patterns, and Prospects.Claudio Novelli, Luciano Floridi, Giovanni Sartor & Gunther Teubner - manuscript
    This paper examines the debate on AI legal personhood, emphasizing the role of path dependencies in shaping current trajectories and prospects. Three primary path dependencies emerge: prevailing legal theories on personhood (singularist vs. clustered), the actual participation of AI in socio-digital institutions (instrumental vs. non-instrumental), and the impact of technological advancements. We argue that these factors dynamically interact, with technological optimism fostering broader attribution of the legal entitlements to AI entities and periods of scepticism narrowing such entitlements. Additional influences include (...)
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  • Group Agents are Not Expressive, Pragmatic or Theoretical Fictions.Philip Pettit - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (9):1641-1662.
    Group agents have been represented as expressive fictions by those who treat ascriptions of agency to groups as metaphorical; as pragmatic fictions by those who think that the agency ascribed to groups belongs in the first place to a distinct individual or set of individuals; and as theoretical fictions by those who think that postulating group agents serves no indispensable role in our theory of the social world. This paper identifies, criticizes and rejects each of these views, defending a strong (...)
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  • The Conversable, Responsible Corporation.Philip Pettit - 2017 - In Eric Orts & Craig Smith, The Moral Responsibility of Firms. Oxford University Press. pp. 15-35.
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  • Selfhood in Question: The Ontogenealogies of Bear Encounters.Anne Sauka - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):532-550.
    Recent years have witnessed an increase in bear sightings in Latvia, causing a change of tone in the country’s media outlets, regarding the return of “wild” animals. The unease around bear reappearance leads me to investigate the affective side of relations with beings that show strength and resilience in more-than-human encounters in human-inhabited spaces. These relations are characterized by the contrasting human feelings of alienation vis-à-vis their environments today and a false sense of security, resulting in disbelief to encounter beings (...)
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  • Five elements of group agency.Philip Pettit - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Group agency requires a number of people to combine in pursuit of shared goals across varied scenarios. Thus, a group or corporate agent must be organized (1) to act flexibly as its goals require, (2) with the intentional, if not always voluntary, acquiescence of members in the guidance of (3) an authorized spokesperson or (4) a constructed voice, thereby (5) becoming capable of making and honoring commitments.
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  • A living critique of domination: Exemplars of radical democracy from Black Lives Matter to #MeToo.Martin Breaugh & Dean Caivano - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (3):447-472.
    Building on recent developments in radical democratic theory, in this article we articulate and explore a fresh perspective for theorists and activists of radical democracy: a ‘living critique of domination’. Characterized by a two-fold analytical effort, a ‘living critique of domination’ calls for a radical critique of contemporary forms of power and control coupled with a reappraisal of emancipatory political experiences created by the political action of the Many. We demonstrate that this project responds to the theoretical and practical challenges (...)
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  • “To be human, nonetheless, remains a decision”: Humanism as decisionism in contemporary critical political theory.Diego H. Rossello - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (4):439-458.
    This article suggests that humanism is a decisionism in contemporary critical political theory. Despite obvious and multiple differences, leading critical theorists like Giorgio Agamben, Slavoj Žižek, Eric Santner, and Jürgen Habermas, among others, share an investment in stabilizing the human being as a ground of the political. This stabilization of the human should concern political theorists, as this article argues, because it uncritically reproduces conceptual affinities between the notion of the human being and sovereign authority. By investing in the stability (...)
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  • Modernity and mimetic desire: A critique of René Girard.Amnon Lev - 2024 - Constellations 31 (1):18-31.
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  • The dark side of institutionalism: Carl Schmitt reading Santi Romano.Marc De Wilde - 2018 - Ethics and Global Politics 11 (2):12-24.
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  • No Limit: On What Thought Can Actually Do.Jocelyn Benoist - 2023 - In Jens Pier, Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein. London: Routledge.
    This paper critically examines the notion of a limit. It questions whether a putative opposition of philosophical “camps” emphasized in recent years is actually tenable. This opposition is taken to hold between classical approaches in a Kantian spirit, operating with the notion of necessary limits to human cognition and sense-making, and a recent “speculative” turn in philosophy championed by Quentin Meillassoux, looking to overcome such limits. The paper’s contention against this dichotomy is that the rhetoric of unlimitedness depends on ideas (...)
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  • On the person and office of the sovereign in Hobbes’ Leviathan.Laurens van Apeldoorn - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (1):49-68.
    ABSTRACTI contextualize and interpret the distinction in Hobbes’ Leviathan between the capacities of the sovereign and show its importance for contemporary debates on the nature of Hobbesian sovereignty. Hobbes distinguishes between actions the sovereign does on personal title, and actions he undertakes in a political capacity. I argue that, like royalists defending King Charles I before and during the English civil war, he maintains that the highest magistrate is sovereign in both his natural and political capacities because the capacities are (...)
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  • Philosophy as political technē: The tradition of invention in Simondon’s political thought.Andrea Bardin - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):417-436.
    Gilbert Simondon has recently attracted the interest of political philosophers and theorists, despite the fact that he is renowned as a philosopher of technics – author of Of the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects – who also elaborated a general theory of complex systems in Individuation in the Light of the Notions of Form and Information. A group of scholars has developed Gilles Deleuze’s early suggestion that Simondon’s social ontology might offer the basis for a re-theorisation of radical democracy. (...)
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  • Conflicts in common(s)? Radical democracy and the governance of the commons.Martin Deleixhe - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 144 (1):59-79.
    Prominent radical democrats have in recent times shown a vivid interest in the commons. Ever since the publication of Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrom, the commons have been associated with a self-governing and self-sustaining scheme of production and burdened with the responsibility of carving out an autonomous social space independent from both the markets and the state. Since the commons prove on a small empirical scale that self-governance, far from being a utopian ideal, is and long has been a (...)
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  • Agency, time, and causality.Thomas Widlok - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Shaken Not Stirred: The Name of the Game in the Post-Truth Condition.Steve Fuller - 2023 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 35 (1):22-39.
    The post-truth condition is just as much about naming a meta-game as winning it. This condition can be tracked across Western intellectual history from the Homeric epics to popular culture. The common thread is that players are more likely to succeed in this meta-game if they have a certain consistency of character, which Thomas More called “integrity.” The presence of integrity means that the historical losers have often had an advantage in defining for subsequent generations the name of the game (...)
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  • Extending Introspection.Lukas Schwengerer - 2021 - In Inês Hipólito, Robert William Clowes & Klaus Gärtner, The Mind-Technology Problem : Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artefacts. Springer Verlag. pp. 231-251.
    Clark and Chalmers propose that the mind extends further than skin and skull. If they are right, then we should expect this to have some effect on our way of knowing our own mental states. If the content of my notebook can be part of my belief system, then looking at the notebook seems to be a way to get to know my own beliefs. However, it is at least not obvious whether self-ascribing a belief by looking at my notebook (...)
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  • Paul against Biopolitics.John Milbank - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (7-8):125-172.
    As others have argued, modern liberalism can be seen as dominated by the biopolitical. In both the economic and the political realms, this involves a contradictory notion of how the natural gives rise to the cultural and the cultural both suppresses and advances the natural. On either side of this divide, uncontrollable excesses arise, which ensure that this immanentist model is never immune from the return of the theopolitical in a bastardized form. Antique notions of natural justice to some degree (...)
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  • Secret law and the value of publicity.Christopher Kutz - 2009 - Ratio Juris 22 (2):197-217.
    Abstract. Revelations in the United States of secret legal opinions by the Department of Justice, dramatically altering the conventional interpretations of laws governing torture, interrogation, and surveillance, have made the issue of "secret law" newly prominent. The dangers of secret law from the perspective of democratic accountability are clear, and need no elaboration. But distaste for secret law goes beyond questions of democracy. Since Plato, and continuing through such non-democratic thinkers as Bodin and Hobbes, secret law has been seen as (...)
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  • Democracy as Socio-Cultural Project of Individual and Collective Sovereignty.Natalie Doyle - 2003 - Thesis Eleven 75 (1):69-95.
    French political philosophy has experienced a renewal over the last twenty years. One of its leading projects is Marcel Gauchet’s reflection on democracy and religion. This project situates itself within the context of the French debate on modernity and autonomy launched by the work of Cornelius Castoriadis. Gauchet’s work makes a significant contribution to this debate by building on the pioneering work of Lefort on the political self-instituting capacity of modern societies and the associated shift from religion to ideology. It (...)
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  • Vico’s “Scienza Nuova”: Sematology and Thirdness in the Law.Paolo Heritier - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (4):1125-1142.
    Is it the task of legal semiotics or the legal philosophers to define legal semiotics? For the philosopher of law, the question recalls the distinction between philosophers’ philosophy of law and legal scholars’ philosophy of law. The thesis that the paper argues is that a semiotic legal perspective can also be sought from the analysis of anthropological knowledge on the origin of the social bond and society, implying a social and institutional theory of the mind. In the first paragraph, the (...)
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  • What is critical hermeneutics?Jonathan Roberge - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 106 (1):5-22.
    This article explores the promises of critical hermeneutics as an innovative method and philosophy within the human sciences. It is argued that its success depends on its ability to articulate a theory of meaning with one of action and experience as well as its capacity to renew our understanding of the problem of ideology. First, critical hermeneutics must explain how cultural messages ‘show and hide’; that is, how the ambiguity of meaning always allows for a group to represent itself while (...)
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  • The Political Theology of Consumer Sovereignty.Stefan Schwarzkopf - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (3):106-129.
    The article analyses the common notion that the consumer society is a reflection of those principles in the market that also provide the ideas of democracy and liberal constitutionalism with legitimacy in the political realm. The inalienable right to self-development and self-determination makes the individual the starting and ending point of life, rendering all spheres of market and society a ‘republic of choice’. But if consumer society shares the essentials of liberal constitutionalism and the rational, processual nature of democratic representation, (...)
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  • (1 other version)A Body Worth Having?Ed Cohen - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (3):103-129.
    Within the ambit of modernity, "to be" a "person" means "to have" "a body." But what exactly do we mean when we say: ‘I have a body’? Who or what is this ‘I’ that ‘has’ ‘a body’ anyway? And how and why does this ‘having’, this possessing, of ‘a body’ confer legal and psychological personhood on us? Does such bodily possession necessarily define a mode of ‘self ownership’? Is distinguishing between the notions of ‘being an organism’, or even ‘being alive’, (...)
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  • Hobbes’ Frontispiece: Authorship, Subordination and Contract.Janice Richardson - 2016 - Law and Critique 27 (1):63-81.
    In this article I argue that the famous image on Hobbes’ frontispiece of Leviathan provides a more honest picture of authority and of contract than is provided by today’s liberal images of free and equal persons, who are pictured as sitting round a negotiating table making a decision as to the principles on which to base laws. Importantly, in the seventeenth century, at the start of modern political thought, Hobbes saw no contradiction between contractual agreement and subordination. I will draw (...)
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  • The ontology of social roles.Evan Fales - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (2):139-161.
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  • Uniqueness and historical laws.Evan Fales - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (2):260-276.
    This paper presents an argument for the claim that historical events are unique in a nontrivial sense which entails the inapplicability of the Hempelian D-N model to historical explanations. Some previous criticisms of Hempel are shown to be general criticisms of the D-N model which can be outflanked in cases where a reduction to fundamental laws is available. I then survey grounds for denying that explanations by reasons can be effectively reduced to causal explanations, and for rejecting methodological individualism. I (...)
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  • Fidelity to the Event? Lukács’ History and Class Consciousness and the Russian Revolution.Martin Jay - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (2):195-213.
    The underlying assumption of Lukács’ History and Class Consciousness is that “history” can be understood as a unified and meaningful meta-narrative, which can be read along the lines of a realist novel. Although the future is not guaranteed, the present contains “objective possibilities” which can be identified and realized through activist intervention in the world by those who are destined to “make” history, the proletariat. In the intervening century since the Russian Revolution, it has become impossible to read “history” as (...)
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  • Substitution by Image: The Very Idea.Jakub Stejskal - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (1):55-66.
    The aim of this article is to provide a plausible conceptual model of a specific use of images described as substitution in recent art-historical literature. I bring to light the largely implicit shared commitments of the art historians’ discussion of substitution, each working as they do in a different idiom, and I draw consequences from these commitments for the concept of substitution by image—the major being the distinction between nonportraying substitution and substitution by portrayal. I then develop an argument that (...)
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  • Masculine Power? A Gendered Look at the Frontispiece of Hobbes's Leviathan.Joanne Boucher - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (4):636-656.
    The frontispiece of Hobbes's Leviathan is justly renowned as a powerful visual advertisement for his political philosophy. Consequently, its rich imagery has been the subject of extensive scholarly commentary. Surprisingly, then, its gendered dimensions have received relatively limited attention. This essay explores this neglected facet of the frontispiece. I argue that the image initially appears to present a hypermasculine sovereign. However, upon closer inspection, and considered alongside Hobbes's economic theory, it yields to a reading of the sovereign as an ambiguously (...)
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  • (1 other version)Symmetry as a Guide to Post-truth Times: A Response to Lynch.Steve Fuller - 2021 - Analyse & Kritik 43 (2):395-411.
    William Lynch has provided an informed and probing critique of my embrace of the post-truth condition, which he understands correctly as an extension of the normative project of social epistemology. This article roughly tracks the order of Lynch’s paper, beginning with the vexed role of the ‘normative’ in Science and Technology Studies, which originally triggered my version of social epistemology 35 years ago and has been guided by the field’s ‘symmetry principle’. Here the pejorative use of ‘populism’ to mean democracy (...)
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  • (1 other version)Homo homini tigris: Thomas Hobbes and the global images of sovereignty.Sandro Chignola - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (5):726-754.
    This article addresses the modern concept of sovereignty as a multivocal and conflictual semantic field, arguing for the necessity to trace its genealogy based on the structural tensions that haunt its logical framework – as well as its representations – rather than on a linear historiographic reconstruction. In particular, the scrutiny I propose aims to examine a series of exchanges that have been characterizing this concept since the beginning: the global and the European, the maritime and the territorial, the colony (...)
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  • Régis Debray and Mediation Studies, or How Does an Idea Become a Material Force?Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 89 (1):23-42.
    This article presents an outline of Régis Debray's mediology. Situated at the crossroads of philosophy, theology, anthropology, archaeology, history, sociology, political sciences, semiotics, media and cultural studies, mediology is a relatively autonomous discipline that analyses the totality of the processes of mediation that intervene between culture and agency, and transform ideas into a material force. Mediology or mediation studies broadens the notion of media so as to include all material and institutional vectors of communication and defines mediation as the totality (...)
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  • Discipline, health and madness: Foucault’s Le pouvoir psychiatrique.Stuart Elden - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (1):39-66.
    This article provides a reading and analysis of Foucault’s 1973-4 lecture course Le pouvoir psychiatrique. It begins by situating the course within the wider context of Foucault’s work, notably in relation to Histoire de la folie and the move of the early 1970s to the conceptual tools of power and genealogy. It is argued that Le pouvoir psychiatrique is a rewriting of the last part of Histoire de la folie from the perspective of these new conceptual tools. Analysis then moves (...)
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  • From circle to square: Integrity, vulnerability and digitalization.Hub Zwart - 2000 - Bioethics and Biolaw 2:141-156.
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  • (2 other versions)Francis Bacon: Freedom, authority and science.Silvia Manzo - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2):245 – 273.
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  • The story of the body and the story of the person: Towards an ethics of representing human bodies and body-parts.Y. Michael Barilan - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (2):193-205.
    Western culture has a few traditions of representing the human body – among them mortuary art (gisants), the freak show, the culture of the relics, renaissance art and pre-modern and modern anatomy. A historical analysis in the spirit of Norbert Elias is offered with regard to body – person relationship in anatomy. Modern anatomy is characterized by separating the story of the person from the story of the body, a strategy that is incompatible with the bio-psycho-social paradigm of clinical medicine. (...)
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  • On political theology and the possibility of superseding it.Paulina Ochoa Espejo - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (4):475-494.
    The analogies between religious and secular juridical arguments interest political theorists because they suggest a hidden link between religion and politics. However, merely describing analogies does not show that the link is significant. Why are there such analogies? The question matters because answering is a prerequisite for determining whether there can be a neutral political background to religion. This paper argues that there are such analogies because arguments in theology and arguments in the juridical theory of the state share a (...)
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  • An institutional metaphysics for the Trinity: family, unity and Mary.Michaël Bauwens - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 6 (2):219-244.
    This paper explores and defends an institutional metaphysics for the Trinity as providing us with an inherently interpersonal reality, and provides general and specific methodological arguments in that direction in the first section. The actual argumentation is then first of all directed against Augustine’s rejection of the family as a suitable analogy for the Trinity. It is instead argued that the family does in fact offer an interesting and suitable analogy. Next, several more general and historic precursors to such an (...)
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  • The institution of critique and the critique of institutions.Craig Browne - 2014 - Thesis Eleven 124 (1):20-52.
    My paper argues that Luc Boltanski’s pragmatic sociology makes an important contribution to two central concerns of critical theory: the empirical analysis of the contradictions and conflicts of capitalist societies and the reflexive clarification of the epistemological and normative grounds of critique. I show how Boltanski’s assessment of the limitations of Bourdieu’s critical sociology significantly influenced his pragmatic sociology of critique and explication of the political philosophies present in actors’ practices of dispute and justification. Although pragmatism has revealed how social (...)
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  • Lefort and Rancière on democracy and sovereignty.Annabel Herzog - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (2):323-342.
    This paper focuses on Lefort’s and Rancière’s conceptions of democracy as a set of conflictual processes through which the composition of the public sphere is reassessed. Reading their works together and sometimes in opposition to each other, the paper extracts elements of a theory of inessential sovereignty that avoids the pitfalls of populist antagonism and of neoliberal diffuse domination. It analyses Lefort’s and Rancière’s understandings of democracy as rule of the people, which are based on ontological and aesthetical distinctions between (...)
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  • The Continuance of the Antirrhetic.Peter Goodrich - 1992 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 4 (2):207-222.
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  • Social Sovereignty.Robert Latham - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (4):1-18.
    Questions of sovereignty are unavoidable when considering the production of social power within the context of modernity and globalization. If sovereignty refers to the existence of a highest or supreme power over a set of people, things, or places, then we ought to question whether sovereignty can be legitimately `located' in an agent like a state. Is not supremacy more accurately associated with the structures of relations that set the terms for - or are constitutive of - a domain of (...)
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  • Negative Anthropology in Shakespeare, Sophocles, and Freud.Eric L. Santner - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (3):119-131.
    In his Mann ohne Eigenschaften, Robert Musil has the character Clarisse comment on a debate between her husband, Walter, and Ulrich, the “man without qualities,” about the “impossible” relation between art and life. “‘Ich find das doch sehr wichtig,’ sagte sie, ‘daß in uns allen etwas Unmögliches ist. Es erklärt so vieles. Ich habe, wie ich zuhörte, den Eindruck gehabt, wenn man uns aufschneiden könnte, so würde unser ganzes Leben vielleicht wie ein Ring aussehen, bloß so rund um etwas.’ Sie (...)
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  • Tagore and the academic study of religion.Abrahim H. Khan - 2016 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (1):39-54.
    Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941), at about the start of the nineteenth century, was advocat‐ ing that the study about religion has to be included in university‐level education in the East. The university he envisioned and founded (Visva‐Bharati) included in its curriculum such a study. Shortly a er India’s regaining independence in 1947 and becoming a secular state, that institution was inaugurated as a central university with an advanced institute for philosophy and the study of religion. This essay answers whether his understanding (...)
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  • The hermeneutics of society: On the state in Lefort's political theory.Antoon Braeckman - 2018 - Constellations 25 (2):242-255.
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  • On the genealogy and legitimacy of the secular state: Böckenförde and the Asadians.Jean L. Cohen - 2018 - Constellations 25 (2):207-224.
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  • Louis XIV and the metaphysics of a juridical christology.Michaël Bauwens - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 84 (3):289-305.
    This paper provides a metaphysical framework which enables the possibility of the hypostatic union. More specifically, social ontology will be used to philosophically ground the distinction between nature or substance on the one hand, and person on the other hand, which is crucial to that debate. There are some historical precedents for a juridical approach in christological debates, but the main sections develop a systematic metaphysical account. Relying on a generic version of dispositional realism, and the distinction between the ability (...)
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  • Suárez and the Metaphysics of Democracy.Erik Åkerlund - 2018 - Quaestio 18:365-379.
    The nature and essence of democracy is a bigger issue today than it has been for a long time. With (clearly and allegedly) populist movements in Western Europe and the US, the question of what constitutes democracy has become a contentious issue, though often treated only implicitly. In this article, the nature and essence of democracy is treated with Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) as a guide. This is done on the background of his general metaphysics. It is concluded that Suárez's political (...)
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  • Corporations, Sovereignty and the Religion of Neoliberalism.Timothy D. Peters - 2018 - Law and Critique 29 (3):271-292.
    This article seeks to contribute to the thinking of forms of corporateness, sociality and authority in the context of, but also beyond, neoliberalism, the neoliberal state and neoliberal accounts of the corporation. It considers neoliberalism in relation to the theological genealogies of modernity, politics and economy, and the way in which neoliberalism itself functions as a secular religion—one which intensifies liberal individualism and involves a blind faith in the market redefining all social interactions in terms of contract. I turn to (...)
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