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Was Wittgenstein an epistemic relativist?Annalisa Coliva - 2009 - Philosophical Investigations 33 (1):1-23.details
Davidsonian Causalism and Wittgensteinian Anti-Causalism: A Rapprochement.Matthieu Queloz - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5 (6):153-172.details
Enactivism, from a Wittgensteinian Point of View.Daniel D. Hutto - 2013 - American Philosophical Quarterly 50 (3):281-302.details
Annalisa Coliva on Wittgenstein and Epistemic Relativism.Martin Kusch - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (1):37-49.details
Religious language.Michael Scott - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (6):505-515.details
The Good, the Bad, and the Vacuous: Wittgenstein on Modern and Future Musics.Eran Guter - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73 (4):425-439.details
Divine Ineffability.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (7):489-500.details
Can Certainties Be Acquired at Will? Implications for Children's Assimilation of a World‐picture.José María Ariso - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4):573-586.details
Rule Following, Anxiety, and Authenticity.David Egan - 2021 - Mind 130 (518):567-593.details
The Subjective Brain, Identity, and Neuroethics.Grant R. Gillett - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (9):5-13.details
Pictures in Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy.David Egan - 2010 - Philosophical Investigations 34 (1):55-76.details
Learning to Believe: Challenges in Children’s Acquisition of a World-Picture in Wittgenstein’s On Certainty.José María Ariso - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (3):311-325.details
A Meta-Level Approach to the Problem of Defining ‘Critical Thinking’.Ralph H. Johnson & Benjamin Hamby - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (4):417-430.details
Wittgenstein and the Possibility of Inexplicably Losing Certainties.José María Ariso - 2013 - Philosophical Papers 42 (2):133-150.details
Truth in the Tractatus.Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock - 2006 - Synthese 148 (2):345-368.details
Mistakes and Mental Disturbances: Pleasants, Wittgenstein, and Basic Moral Certainty.Robert Greenleaf Brice - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (2):477-487.details
What is a Wittgensteinian Neo-Platonist?–Iris Murdoch, Metaphysics and Metaphor.Nora Hämäläinen - 2014 - Philosophical Papers 43 (2):191-225.details
The end(s) of philosophy: Rhetoric, therapy and Wittgenstein's pyrrhonism.Bob Plant - 2004 - Philosophical Investigations 27 (3):222–257.details
Moral modesty, moral judgment and moral advice. A Wittgensteinian approach.Benjamin De Mesel - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (1):20-37.details
Wittgenstein on the Experience of Meaning and the Meaning of Music.Gilead Bar-Elli - 2006 - Philosophical Investigations 29 (3):217-249.details
The necessity for particularity in education and child-rearing: The moral issue.Paul Smeyers - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (1):63–73.details
This is Simply What I Do.Catherine Legg - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (1):58–80.details
Wittgenstein and finitism.Mathieu Marion - 1995 - Synthese 105 (2):141 - 176.details
Philosophical Diversity and Disagreement.Bob Plant - 2012 - Metaphilosophy 43 (5):567-591.details
(1 other version)Religious Pluralisms: From Homogenization to Radicality.Mikel Burley - 2020 - Sophia 59 (2):311-331.details
On approaching schizophrenia through Wittgenstein.Rupert Read - 2001 - Philosophical Psychology 14 (4):449-475.details
Historical Contingency and the Impact of Scientific Imperialism.Ian James Kidd - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (3):317–326.details
(1 other version)Religious Pluralisms: From Homogenization to Radicality.Mikel Burley - 2018 - Sophia:1-21.details
Training and Mastery of Techniques in Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy: A response to Michael Luntley.Jeff Stickney - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (5):678-694.details
Religious Diversity and Conceptual Schemes: Critically Appraising Internalist Pluralism.Mikel Burley - 2019 - Sophia 58 (2):283-299.details
Judging Teachers: Foucault, governance and agency during education reforms.Jeff A. Stickney - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (6):649-662.details
(1 other version)Happiness Rich and Poor: Lessons From Philosophy and Literature.Ruth Cigman - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (2):308-322.details
To and from philosophy — discussions with gödel and Wittgenstein.Hao Wang - 1991 - Synthese 88 (2):229 - 277.details
Religion and pseudo-religion: an elusive boundary.Sami Pihlström - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 62 (1):3-32.details
A Meeting of the Conceptual and the Natural: Wittgenstein on Learning a Sensation‐Language.Hao Tang - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (1):105-135.details
Hypocrisy, Change of Mind, and Weakness of Will: How to Do Moral Philosophy with Examples.Béla Szabados & Eldon Soifer - 1999 - Metaphilosophy 30 (1&2):60-78.details
Feeling at home in language.Edward H. Minar - 1995 - Synthese 102 (3):413 - 452.details
Turing, Wittgenstein and the science of the mind.Diane Proudfoot & Jack Copeland - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72:497-519.details
Wittgenstein on culture and civilization.Yuval Lurie - 1989 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):375 – 397.details
Wittgenstein and post‐analytic philosophy of education: Rorty or Lyotard?Michael Peters - 1997 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 29 (2):1–32.details
Machines and the face of ethics.Niklas Toivakainen - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (4):269-282.details
On Wittgenstein’s Comparison of Philosophical Methods to Therapies.Benjamin De Mesel - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (4):566-583.details
Delusional Atmosphere, the Everyday Uncanny, and the Limits of Secondary Sense.Tim Thornton - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (2):192-196.details
Musical Profundity: Wittgenstein's Paradigm Shift.Eran Guter - 2019 - Apeiron. Estudios de Filosofia 10:41-58.details
Disagreements: Anscombe, Geach, Wittgenstein.Cora Diamond - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 38 (1-2):1-24.details
A Not-So-Beautiful Game.Graham McFee - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (2):166-181.details
Diseases of the Understanding and the Need for Philosophical Therapy.Eugen Fischer - 2010 - Philosophical Investigations 34 (1):22-54.details
Fusing Philosophy and Fieldwork in a Study of Being a Person in the World: An Interim Commentary.David T. Hansen, Jason Thomas Wozniak & Ana Cecilia Galindo Diego - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (2):159-170.details
Revisiting the Task/achievement Analysis of Teaching in Neo‐Liberal Times.James D. Marshall - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (1):79-90.details