- (2 other versions)A Theory of Justice.John Rawls - unknowndetails
Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.Noam Chomsky - 1965 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.details
Word and Object.Willard Van Orman Quine, Patricia Smith Churchland & Dagfinn Føllesdal - 1960 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.details
Counterfactuals.David K. Lewis - 1973 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.details
Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases.Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic & Amos Tversky (eds.) - 1982 - Cambridge University Press.details
(4 other versions)The logic of scientific discovery.Karl Raimund Popper - 1934 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Hutchinson Publishing Group.details
(2 other versions)Fact, Fiction, and Forecast.Nelson Goodman - 1983 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.details
(1 other version)Brainstorms.Daniel C. Dennett - 1978 - MIT Press.details
Human Inference: Strategies and Shortcomings of Social Judgment.Richard E. Nisbett & Lee Ross - 1980 - Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall.details
(1 other version)Logical foundations of probability.Rudolf Carnap - 1950 - Chicago]: Chicago University of Chicago Press.details
A treatise of human nature.David Hume & D. G. C. Macnabb (eds.) - 1739 - Oxford,: Clarendon press.details
(5 other versions)Criticism and the growth of knowledge.Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave (eds.) - 1970 - Cambridge [Eng.]: Cambridge University Press.details
Meaning and Necessity: A Study in Semantics and Modal Logic.Rudolf Carnap - 1947 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Chicago Press.details
(2 other versions)Language, truth and logic.Alfred Jules Ayer - 1936 - London,: V. Gollancz.details
Language and Mind.Noam Chomsky - 1968 - Cambridge University Press.details
A System of Logic.John Stuart Mill - 1829/2002 - Longman.details
(1 other version)Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases.Amos Tversky & Daniel Kahneman - 1974 - Science 185 (4157):1124-1131.details
(1 other version)Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man.Thomas Reid - 1785 - University Park, Pa.: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Derek R. Brookes & Knud Haakonssen.details
(2 other versions)A theory of justice.John Rawls - 2009 - In Steven M. Cahn (ed.), Exploring ethics: an introductory anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 133-135.details
(1 other version)The Foundations of Mathematics and Other Logical Essays.Frank Plumpton Ramsey - 1925 - London, England: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Edited by R. B. Braithwaite.details
Truth and other enigmas.Michael Dummett - 1978 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.details
(2 other versions)A Treatise of Human Nature.David Hume & A. D. Lindsay - 1958 - Philosophical Quarterly 8 (33):379-380.details
The Enterprise of Knowledge: An Essay on Knowledge, Credal Probability, and Chance.Isaac Levi - 1980 - MIT Press.details
Introduction to mathematical philosophy.Bertrand Russell - 1919 - New York: Dover Publications.details
Word and Object.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (2):278-279.details
(6 other versions)Logic and Conversation.H. Paul Grice - 1975 - In Donald Davidson (ed.), The logic of grammar. Encino, Calif.: Dickenson Pub. Co.. pp. 64-75.details
(4 other versions)The Logic of Scientific Discovery.Karl Popper - 1959 - Studia Logica 9:262-265.details
The Development of Logic.William Calvert Kneale & Martha Kneale - 1962 - Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. Edited by Martha Kneale.details
(1 other version)Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of morals.David Hume (ed.) - 1777 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.details
Fallacies.Charles Leonard Hamblin - 1970 - Newport News, Va.: Vale Press.details
(2 other versions)Discrimination and perceptual knowledge.Alvin I. Goldman - 1976 - Journal of Philosophy 73 (November):771-791.details
A Treatise on Probability.John Maynard Keynes - 1921 - London,: Macmillan & co..details
Causal necessity: a pragmatic investigation of the necessity of laws.Brian Skyrms - 1980 - New Haven: Yale University Press.details
The probable and the provable.Laurence Jonathan Cohen - 1977 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.details
Belief, Truth and Knowledge.David M. Armstrong - 1973 - London,: Cambridge University Press.details
Brainstorms.Daniel Dennett - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 47 (2):326-327.details
Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.Ann S. Ferebee - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):167.details
A Mathematical Theory of Evidence.Glenn Shafer - 1976 - Princeton University Press.details
(2 other versions)Methods of logic.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1962 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.details
Human Inference: Strategies and Shortcomings of Social Judgment.Christopher Cherniak, Richard Nisbett & Lee Ross - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (3):462.details
The Psychology of Deductive Reasoning (Psychology Revivals).Jonathan Evans - 2015 - Psychology Press.details
On the psychology of prediction.Daniel Kahneman & Amos Tversky - 1973 - Psychological Review 80 (4):237-251.details
New Horizons in Psychology.Peter C. Wason - 1966 - Penguin Books.details
(2 other versions)A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning Into Moral Subjects.David Hume (ed.) - 1738/1985 - Cleveland,: Oxford University Press.details
(1 other version)Judgement under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases.Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic & Amos Tversky - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):331-340.details
(1 other version)Entailment: The Logic of Relevance and Neccessity, Vol. I.Alan Ross Anderson & Nuel D. Belnap - 1975 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Edited by Nuel D. Belnap & J. Michael Dunn.details
Gambling with Truth: An Essay on Induction and the Aims of Science.Isaac Levi - 1967 - London, England: MIT Press.details
Wide reflective equilibrium and theory acceptance in ethics.Norman Daniels - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (5):256-282.details
(5 other versions)Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge (Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965, volume 4).Imre Lakatos - 1970details
(1 other version)Fallacies.C. L. Hamblin - 1970 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:492-492.details