Results for ' Cusanus'

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  1. Cusanus.Erwin Sonderegger - 1999 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 4 (1):153-177.
    More often than not Cusanus is interpreted in a theological manner, under strong theological presuppositions and within a religious range. This is understandable since he was a cardinal and had important functions in the Papal States. The inadequacy of this approach, however, is evident when one considers that not all of his texts are meant to assert traditional beliefs but instead to reflect upon their presuppositions. A word-for-word interpretation of the first proposition of the appendix of the dialogue De (...)
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    Cusanus’ta İkinci Tanrı Olarak İnsan ve Ölçme Edimi / Man as the Second God and the Act of Measurement in Cusanus.Berk Özcangiller - 2023 - Eskiyeni 48:53-78.
    Nicolaus Cusanus, considered one of the most important German thinkers by many historians of philosophy, has yet to receive the recognition he deserves in the phil-osophical circles in Turkey. However, the philosophical writings of Cusanus contain the seeds of the thoughts of many modern philosophers such as Descartes, Berkeley, Leibniz, Kant, and Hegel. For this reason, studies on Cusanus are an essen-tial stopping point in the history of philosophy, especially for the Renaissance period and the transition to (...)
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  3. Cusanus on the Doctrine of the Image of God: Human Mind as the Living Image, Equality, and Identity in Difference.Berk Özcangiller - 2024 - Ankara Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi 65 (2):553-582.
    The relationship between God and humans has been a matter of controversy that interests both philosophers and theologians alike. Establishing a relationship between the infinite God and finite human is particularly challenging if one admits that God and humans are substantially different from each other. The biblical doctrine of the image of God responds to this challenge by stating that the relationship between God and humans is a kind of likeness or assimilation. This doctrine does not only establish the nature (...)
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  4. Nicholas Cusanus and His ‘non-aliud’ as Concept of God.S. J. Johannes Stoffers - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (1):39-60.
    This paper presents Cusanus’ dialogue of 1462, named after and centred on the concept of non-aliud, and exploits its speculative resources for conceiving the relationship between God and the realm of finite entities. Furthermore, it points to the elements of self-constitution of the absolute and of the latter’s grounding relation towards the contingent. Finally, it is argued that Cusanus’ concept of non-aliud offers a valuable contribution to the present debate about an adequate concept of God.
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  5. The coincidentia oppositorum in Cusanus (1401–1464), Lanza del Vasto (1901–1981) and beyond.Antonino Drago - 2010 - Epistemologia 33:305-328.
    Nella storia della metafisica è stato un grande problema come chiarire l’idea della coincidentia oppositorum (la coincidenza degli opposti) di Cusano, il quale è riconosciuto comunque da Cassirer come il primo epistemologo del pensiero moderno, in particolare come colui che ha saputo conquistare l’infinito alla mente umana. Dopo alcuni secoli, ha avuto una grande importanza una idea simile a quella di Cusano, la dialettica di Hegel, la quale aggiunge una negazione ad una prima frase negata per ottenere una sintesi in (...)
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  6. The Future of Cusanus Research and the Modern Legacy of Renaissance Philosophy and Theology.Jason Aleksander - 2008 - American Cusanus Society Newsletter 25 (1):45-48.
    With respect to the issue of the future of Cusanus research, the paper seeks to motivate questions about the degree to which dominant concerns of modern philosophy exhibit an often unacknowledged relationship to those of Renaissance philosophy and theology. Although the author has no wish to “modernize” Nicholas of Cusa, he contends that Cusanus research may be uniquely capable of providing insights into the question of the extent to which dominant habits of modern philosophy are significantly constituted by (...)
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  7. Possibilitas – Materia (Cusanus).Manzo Silvia - 2014 - In Manuductiones. Festschrift zu Ehren von Jorge M. Machetta und Claudia DʼAmico. Aschendorff. pp. 191-209.
    La concepción cusana de la possibilitas / materia (posibilidad / materia) está directamente ligada con la doctrina de los modos de ser (modi essendi) sobre los que el Cusano se explaya, con diversos grados de profundidad, en varias de sus obras, entre las que se cuenta De docta ignorantia (1440), De conjecturis (1440), De Mente (1450), De venatione sapientiae (1462) y De ludo globi (1463). A lo largo de esas obras Nicolás de Cusa aborda dos aspectos centrales de la posibilidad (...)
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  8. Absolute Infinity, Knowledge, and Divinity in the Thought of Cusanus and Cantor (ABSTRACT ONLY).Anne Newstead - 2024 - In Mirosław Szatkowski, Ontology of Divinity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 561-580.
    Renaissance philosopher, mathematician, and theologian Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) said that there is no proportion between the finite mind and the infinite. He is fond of saying reason cannot fully comprehend the infinite. That our best hope for attaining a vision and understanding of infinite things is by mathematics and by the use of contemplating symbols, which help us grasp "the absolute infinite". By the late 19th century, there is a decisive intervention in mathematics and its philosophy: the philosophical mathematician (...)
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  9. Mystical Theology and Platonism in the Time of Cusanus.Jason Aleksander, Michael E. Moore, Sean Hannan & Joshua Hollmann (eds.) - 2023 - Leiden: Brill.
    Mystical Theology and Platonism in the Time of Cusanus engages with the history of mystical theology and Neoplatonic philosophy through the lens of the 15th century philosopher and theologian, Nicholas of Cusa. The volume comprises nineteen essays that break down the barriers between medieval and Renaissance studies, reinterpreting Cusanus’ place in the history of thought by exploring the archive that informed his thinking, while also interrogating his works by exploring them from the standpoint of their later reception by (...)
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  10. Varieties of Spiritual Sense: Cusanus and John Smith.Derek Michaud - 2019 - In Torrance Kirby, Joshua Hollmann & Eric Parker, Nicholas of Cusa in Early Modern Thought. pp. 285-306.
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    I take advantage of two recent results: 1) the recognition of an alternative theoretical organization to the deductive-axiomatic one; it is characterized by a sequence of four logical steps belonging to intuitionist logic; 2) the recognition of the logical content of Cusanus’ philosophical works; also this content pertains to intuitionist logic, which Cusanus anticipated by even identifying some its logical laws. Many Cusanus’ books present the alternative theoretical organization; whose yet he did not apply in a clear (...)
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  12. "Infinity, Knowledge, and Divinity in the Thought of Cusanus and Cantor" (Manuscript draft of first page of forthcoming book chapter ).Anne Newstead (ed.) - forthcoming - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Renaissance philosopher, mathematician, and theologian Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) said that there is no proportion between the finite mind and the infinite. He is fond of saying reason cannot fully comprehend the infinite. That our best hope for attaining a vision and understanding of infinite things is by mathematics and by the use of contemplating symbols, which help us grasp "the absolute infinite". By the late 19th century, there is a decisive intervention in mathematics and its philosophy: the philosophical mathematician (...)
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  13. The Problem of Temporality in the Literary Framework of Nicholas of Cusa’s De pace fidei.Jason Aleksander - 2014 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 1 (2):135-145.
    This paper explores Nicholas of Cusa’s framing of the De pace fidei as a dialogue taking place incaelo rationis. On the one hand, this framing allows Nicholas of Cusa to argue that all religious rites presuppose the truth of a single, unified faith and so temporally manifest divine logos in a way accommodated to the historically unique conventions of different political communities. On the other hand, at the end of the De pace fidei, the interlocutors in the heavenly dialogue are (...)
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  14. Pursuit of Wisdom and Quantum Ontology.P. Kleinert - 2011 - arXiv 3:1111.0749.
    In his late work (De venatione sapientiae), Cusanus unfolded basic ideas of his brilliant theology. After a long period, this ingenious teaching became clearly recognizable especially in our time. Forward with his face to the back, modern scientific theory adopts nowadays a course to which Cusanus had already pointed centuries ago. Modern thought revolves with unexpected precision and unexpected mysteriousness around two issues of his doctrine of wisdom: (i) The possibility-of-being-made is not a figment of the human brain (...)
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  15. Ex oppositis quid. Cusano, Erasmo, Leibniz.Enrico Pasini - 2013 - In Gianluca Cuozzo, Cusano E Leibniz. Prospettive Filosofiche. Mimesis Edizioni. pp. 249-269.
    To avoid the mystical rapture that seizes interpreters put before the theme of unitas oppositorum in Cusanus and Leibniz, this contribution shall move from the prosaic question: what does ensue from such opposites or from their conjunction? 2) interweave the analysis with some external point of view, notably that of Erasmus. This question will be investigated on the background of two antitethical traditions in dealing philosophically with opposition and contradiction, although in the end we shall try and find out (...)
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  16. Nicholas of Cusa.Jason Aleksander - 2016 - Oxford Bibliographies in Medieval Studies.
    Given the significance of Nicholas of Cusa’s ecclesiastical career, it is no surprise that a good deal of academic attention on Nicholas has focused on his role in the history of the church. Nevertheless, it would also be fair to say that a good deal of the attention that is focused on the life and thought of Nicholas of Cusa is the legacy of prior generations of scholars who saw in his theoretical work an opportunity to define the most salient (...)
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  17. 'But Following the Literal Sense, the Jews Refuse to Understand': Hermeneutic Conflicts in the Nicholas of Cusa's De Pace Fidei.Jason Aleksander - 2014 - American Cusanus Society Newsletter 31:13-19.
    In the midst of the De pace fidei’s imagined heavenly conference on the theme of the possibility of religious harmony, Nicholas of Cusa has Saint Peter acknowledge to the Persian interlocutor that it will be difficult to bring Jews to the acceptance of Christ’s divine nature because they refuse to accept the implicit meaning of their own history of revelation. What is peculiar about this line in the dialogue is not merely that it flies in the face of what (...) scholars tend to regard as an ecumenical spirit in Nicholas’ call to interreligious dialogue and mutual toleration. Rather, the statement reveals a peculiar hermeneutic principle at work in Nicholas’ understanding of the tension between truth and doctrine and the way that this tension informs human practice. Accordingly, by grappling with Nicholas’ portrayal of an imagined failure of Jews to practice interpretation correctly, I hope to shed light on Nicholas’ philosophy of religion in a way that neither ignores his anti-Judaism nor reduces the significance of his views to one of its most unpleasant manifestations. (shrink)
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  18. Time, History, and Providence in the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa.Jason Aleksander - 2014 - Mirabilia 19 (2).
    Although Nicholas of Cusa occasionally discussed how the universe must be understood as the unfolding of the absolutely infinite in time, he left open questions about any distinction between natural time and historical time, how either notion of time might depend upon the nature of divine providence, and how his understanding of divine providence relates to other traditional philosophical views. From texts in which Cusanus discussed these questions, this paper will attempt to make explicit how Cusanus understood divine (...)
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  19. Heymeric de Campo, auteur d'un traité de métaphysique Étude et édition partielle du Colliget principiorum.Dragos Calma & Ruedi Imbach - 2014 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 80 (1):277-423.
    L’article décrit et publie la première et la deuxième partie du Colliget principiorum iuris naturalis, divini et humani philosophice doctrinalium, écrit par Heymeric de Campo en 1434 à la demande de Nicolas de Cues. Le texte est conservé dans le codex Cusanus 106 à Bernkastel-Kues et représente un des très rares traités de métaphysique écrit durant le Moyen Âge latin indépendamment de la tradition des commentaires à Aristote. Le Colliget cherche, de manière originale, à combiner l’idée d’une science de (...)
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  20. Nicholas of Cusa in Ages of Transition: Essays in Honor of Gerald Christianson.Thomas Izbicki, Jason Aleksander & Donald Duclow (eds.) - 2018 - Leiden: E. J. Brill.
    Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) was active during the Renaissance, developing adventurous ideas even while serving as a churchman. The religious issues with which he engaged – spiritual, apocalyptic and institutional – were to play out in the Reformation. These essays reflect the interests of Cusanus but also those of Gerald Christianson, who has studied church history, the Renaissance and the Reformation. The book places Nicholas into his times but also looks at his later reception. The first part addresses institutional (...)
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  21. Intuitionist Reasoning in the Tri-Unitarian Theology of Nicholas of Cues (1401-1464).Antonino Drago - 2019 - Journal of Applied Logic 6 (6):1143-1186.
    The main subject of Cusanus’ investigations was the name of God. He claimed to have achieved the best possible one, Not-Other. Since Cusanus stressed that these two words do not mean the corresponding affirmative word, i.e. the same, they represent the failure of the double negation law and there￾fore belong to non-classical, and above all, intuitionist logic. Some of his books implicitly applied intuitionist reasoning and the corresponding organization of a theory which is governed by intuitionist logic. A (...)
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  22. Commento al De visione Dei di Nicola Cusano.Andrea Fiamma - 2010 - Rivista di Ascetica E Mistica 1:35–82.
    Il lavoro consiste in una particolare rilettura del testo cusaniano, nella quale si cerca di evidenziare, tra le altre fonti, soprattutto la presenza di Meister Eckhart. La “discesa” nel fondo dell'anima è presentata come il culmine teoretico di quel cammino di visione a cui e-duca l'aegnima dell'icona. Per queste ragioni l'articolo punta sull'influsso della mistica speculativa in campo teoretico e di quella dottrina che M. Eckhart chiama “Generazione del Logos nell'anima”. Tale trattazione apre poi il senso dell'ampia sezione dedicata alla (...)
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  23. La precisione della matematica e l’infinito nel De docta ignorantia di Nicola Cusano.Andrea Fiamma - 2012 - In D. Bosco et al. (a cura di), <Testis fidelis. Studi di filosofia e scienze umane in onore di Umberto Galeazzi>, Orthotes editrice, Napoli 2012, p. 325-342. pp. 325--342.
    Il contributo consiste in una analisi e commento della prima sezione del De docta ignorantia di Nicola Cusano (capp. I-XVI), dedicata ai concetti di precisione matematica e di uguaglianza. Il saggio offre la possibilità di ripercorrere la teoria della conoscenza di Cusano, laddove l'impossibilità per la ragione di giungere ad una mens-ura precisa dell'oggetto da conoscere non si trasforma in una mera cultura del limite, bensì la filosofia negativa diviene base per la mistica. In altri termini l'obiettivo specifico del saggio (...)
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  24. Gravity as Entanglement. Entanglement as Gravity.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 12 (30):1-23.
    A generalized and unifying viewpoint to both general relativity and quantum mechanics and information is investigated. It may be described as a generaliztion of the concept of reference frame from mechanics to thermodynamics, or from a reference frame linked to an element of a system, and thus, within it, to another reference frame linked to the whole of the system or to any of other similar systems, and thus, out of it. Furthermore, the former is the viewpoint of general relativity, (...)
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  25. La ricerca cusaniana dell'infinito nel De visione Dei.Andrea Fiamma - 2010 - In C. Catà, A caccia dell'Infinito. L'Umano e la ricerca del divino nell'opera di Nicola Cusano, Aracne, Roma 2010, p. 129–166.
    Nel saggio proposto lo sforzo principale è quello di estrapolare dal De visione Dei un possibile portato teoretico nel quale possa emergere la modernità del Cusano in merito alla teoria della conoscenza. In particolare, benché l'analisi resti prevalentemente nel solco scavato dalla tradizione della filosofia negativa, la ricerca riconosce la venatione Sapientiae (o, appunto, ricerca dell'Infinito) quale cammino di visione-ascesi-distacco. Tale particolare formulazione nasce dal tentativo di descrivere appieno la visione Dei senza evadere la ricchezza di significati che essa assume (...)
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  26. Coincidentia oppositorum de la Sfântul Dionisie Areopagitul la Mircea Eliade.Adrian BOLDIŞOR - 2012 - In Teologie și filosofie în opera Sf. Dionisie Areopagitul. Craiova: Ed. Mitropolia Olteniei. pp. 287-398.
    Coincidenţa contrariilor reprezintă un punct esenţial în gândirea umanităţii, echivalând, în cele din urmă, cu dorinţa omului de a aduna într-un tot unitar pe cele ce se opun în univers. Această preocupare a stat la baza scrierilor unor gânditori importanţi, între care se numără Sfântul Dionisie Areopagitul, Meister Eckhart, Nicolaus Cusanus sau Mircea Eliade. Deşi au scris în perioade de timp diferite şi au aparţinut unor tradiţii diferite, operele lor stau mărturie faptului că motivul coincidentia oppositorum a fost şi (...)
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  27. Nicholas of Kues and the Eicona Dei.Dino Buzzetti - 2010 - In Alberto Melloni & Riccardo Saccenti, In the Image of God: Foundations and Objections Within the Discourse on Human Dignity : Proceedings of the Colloquium Bologna and Rossena (July 2009) in Honour of Pier Cesare Bori on His 70th Birthday. LIT Verlag.
    The notion of 'imago Dei' is central in Cusanus' thought and an examination of his treatise 'De visione Dei' is crucial to the understanding that, in his view, what it means for us to be an image of God, is to engage in a process of mystical ascent, very much inspired by its Neoplatonic model, that amounts to getting to know ourselves as 'imago Dei'. It is the living experience of the unknowability of God, the 'docta ignorantia', so achieved, (...)
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  28. La antropología del De opificio hominis de Gregorio de Nisa en la obra de Nicolás de Cusa.Francisco Bastitta-Harriet - 2015 - In Claudia D'Amico & Jorge Machetta, La cuestión del hombre en Nicolás de Cusa: fuentes, originalidad y diálogo con la modernidad. Biblos. pp. 43-55.
    Gregory of Nyssa’s treatise 'De opificio hominis' was one of the only Greek anthropological texts translated into latin during the early Middle Ages, by Dionysius Exiguus between the late 5th and early 6th centuries and by John Scotus Eriugena in the 9th century. Nicholas of Cusa certainly became acquainted with this work indirectly through the extensive citations in Eriugena’s 'Periphyseon' and through their partial reproduction in the 'Clavis physicae' of Honorius Augustodunensis. Our paper will analyse these and other possible ways (...)
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  29. Nachhaltigkeit, Menschlichkeit, Scheinheiligkeit: philosophische Reflexionen über nachhaltige Entwicklung.Jürgen H. Franz - 2014 - München: Oekom, Gesellschaft für Ökologische Kommunikation.
    Was ist Nachhaltigkeit, was ist ihr Wesen und was bedeutet Nachhaltigkeit für Mensch und Gesellschaft, für Natur und Kultur? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, lädt Jürgen H. Franz seine Leser zu einer philosophischen Reise ein. Die Reise führt zu den begriflichen Wurzeln und den Grundbedingungen der Nachhaltigkeit und eröffnet dabei sowohl einen Blick auf ihre globale Relevanz als auch auf die vielfältigen Hindernisse, die sich ihrer Realisierung entgegenstellen. Sie führt etappenweise zu immer neuen Standpunkten und damit zu neuen Ansichten und (...)
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  30. Die gedachte Natur: Ursprünge der modernen Wissenschaft.Alfred Gierer - 1998 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
    The explanation of nature in theoretical terms was first postulated and initiated by Ancient Greek philosophers. With the rise of monotheistic religions, however, curiosity about our transient world was widely regarded as contributing nothing to salvation. There was a decline in natural philosophy, which lasted for several centuries and was then reversed both in Islamic philosophy and in Christian theology in the Middle Ages. At this point, the "Book of Nature" was recognized as a complement to the Book of Revelation. (...)
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  31. MIRCEA ELIADE. Afinități elective.Adrian Boldisor - 2024 - Craiova: Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Despre afinitățile elective dintre Mircea Eliade și diferiți oameni de cultură români și străini s-au scris multe pagini de-a lungul timpului. Cei interesați de opera savantului nu pot trece cu vederea legăturile spirituale și culturale cu Nae Ionescu, Mihail Sebastian, Emil Cioran, Constantin Noica, Goethe, C.G. Jung, Marcel Proust, Raffaele Pettazzoni etc. Și numărul acestora poate crește cu multe alte nume din țară și din străinătate, dovedind faptul că Mircea Eliade a fost și rămâne o personalitate care a marcat istoria (...)
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  32. A proposito dell’attribuzione a Eckhart delle Collationes tramandate dal codice Cusano 21.Loris Sturlese - 2019 - In Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina & Andrea Strazzoni, _Tra antichità e modernità. Studi di storia della filosofia medievale e rinascimentale_. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina e Andrea Strazzoni. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 180-198.
    This paper examines the attribution to Eckhart of the unpublished collationes contained in the MS Bernkastel-Kues, Bibliothek des St. Nikolaus-Hospitals 21. Eckhart’s authorship was excluded by Koch, but is plausible from the point of view of the history of the manuscript tradition. The paper announces the discovery of a series of similar collationes in a Lüneburg manuscript of Franciscan origin and highlights, through the edition of the texts relating to Advent, some parallels between both works, probably depending on the use (...)
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  33. Kosmotheoros. Wereldbeschouwing, Weltanschauung en het onbegrensd begrensde.Jan Börger-Bibliotheek & I. Lamers-Versteeg - 1989 - Dissertation, Erasmus
    The relation (ratio) between humankind and infinity. The Logos.
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    Freiheit der Abstraktion.Jürgen H. Franz - 2024 - Aphin-Rundbrief 32:2-4.
    Dieser Text beinhaltet nichts Neues. Nur hinlänglich Bekanntes, Erinnerungen an Gelesenes und Reflektiertes, vor allem zur Philosophie der Kunst mit ihrer zentrale Frage, was Kunst ist. Und eng damit verknüpft die Frage, was ein Kunstwerk ist und was einen Künstler und eine Künstlerin auszeichnet. In diesem Essay wird es aber nicht um die Kunst im Allgemeinen gehen, sondern um die abstrakte Kunst und die abstrakte Malerei im Besonderen. Was zeichnet sie aus und was ist ihr Wesen? Ist es die Freiheit?
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  35. Eriugena and alKindi, 9th Century Protagonists of pro-Scientific Cultural Change.Alfred Gierer - 1999 - Abridged English translation of: Acta Historica Leopoldina 29.
    Ancient Greek philosophers were the first to postulate the possibility of explaining nature in theoretical terms and to initiate attempts at this. With the rise of monotheistic religions of revelation claiming supremacy over human reason and envisaging a new world to come, studies of the natural order of the transient world were widely considered undesirable. Later, in the Middle Ages, the desire for human understanding of nature in terms of reason was revived. This article is concerned with the fundamental reversal (...)
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  36. Eriugena, al-Kindi, Nikolaus von Kues - Protagonisten einer wissenschaftsfreundlichen Wende im philosophischen und theologischen Denken.Alfred Gierer - 1999 - Halle (Saale): Acta Historica Leopoldina 29.
    Ancient Greek philosophers were the first to postulate the possibility of explaining nature in theoretical terms and to initiate attempts at this. With the rise of monotheistic religions of revelation claiming supremacy over human reason and envisaging a new world to come, studies of the natural order of the transient world were widely considered undesirable. Later, in the Middle Ages, the desire for human understanding of nature in terms of reason was revived. This article is concerned with the fundamental reversal (...)
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  37. Platon: In Bildern Denken.David Ambuel - 2010 - In Johannes Grave & Arno Schubbach, Denken mit dem Bild: Platon, Plotin, Augustinus, Cusanus. Fink.
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