Results for 'Advanced Persistent Threats'

981 found
  1. Advanced Persistent Threats in Cybersecurity – Cyber Warfare.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    This book aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), including their characteristics, origins, methods, consequences, and defense strategies, with a focus on detecting these threats. It explores the concept of advanced persistent threats in the context of cyber security and cyber warfare. APTs represent one of the most insidious and challenging forms of cyber threats, characterized by their sophistication, persistence, and targeted nature. The paper examines the origins, characteristics (...)
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  2. HARNESSING AI FOR EVOLVING THREATS: FROM DETECTION TO AUTOMATED RESPONSE.Sanagana Durga Prasada Rao - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):91-97.
    The landscape of cybersecurity is constantly evolving, with adversaries becoming increasingly sophisticated and persistent. This manuscript explores the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) to address these evolving threats, focusing on the journey from threat detection to autonomous response. By examining AI-driven detection methodologies, advanced threat analytics, and the implementation of autonomous response systems, this paper provides insights into how organizations can leverage AI to strengthen their cybersecurity posture against modern threats. Key words: Ransomware, Anomaly Detection, (...) Persistent Threats (APTs), Automated Threat Response and Artificial Intelligence. (shrink)
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    Amenințările persistente avansate în securitatea cibernetică – Războiul cibernetic.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    O analiză cuprinzătoare a Amenințărilor Persistente Avansate (Advanced Persistent Threats, APT), inclusiv caracteristicile, originile, metodele, consecințele și strategiile de apărare ale acestora, cu accent pe detectarea acestor amenințări. Se explorează conceptul de amenințări persistente avansate în contextul securității cibernetice și al războiului cibernetic. APT reprezintă una dintre cele mai insidioase și provocatoare forme de amenințări cibernetice, caracterizate prin sofisticarea, persistența și natura lor țintită. Această carte analizează originile, caracteristicile și metodele folosite de actorii APT. De asemenea, explorează (...)
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    IT & C, Volumul 3, Numărul 2, Iunie 2024.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - It and C 3 (2).
    Revista IT & C este o publicație trimestrială din domeniile tehnologiei informației și comunicații, și domenii conexe de studiu și practică. -/- Cuprins: -/- EDITORIAL / EDITORIAL -/- Levering Data Science in the Detection of Advanced Persistent Threats Utilizarea științei datelor în detectarea amenințărilor persistente avansate -/- TEHNOLOGIA INFORMAȚIEI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY -/- Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats in Cyber Warfare – Academic Studies Detectarea amenințărilor persistente avansate în războiul cibernetic – Studii academice -/- TELECOMUNICAȚII (...)
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    IT & C, Volumul 3, Numărul 1, Martie 2024.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - It and C 3 (1).
    Revista IT & C este o publicație trimestrială din domeniile tehnologiei informației și comunicații, și domenii conexe de studiu și practică. -/- Cuprins: -/- EDITORIAL / EDITORIAL -/- Challenges and Limitations in the Use of Artificial Intelligence Provocări și limitări în utilizarea inteligenței artificiale -/- TEHNOLOGIA INFORMAȚIEI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY -/- Impact of Big Data Technology on Contemporary Society Impactul tehnologiei Big Data asupra societății contemporane -/- Methods, Techniques and Patterns of Advanced Persistent Threats – APT Lifecycle (...)
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  6. Intelligence Info, Volumul 2, 2023.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2023 - Intelligence Info 2.
    Revista Intelligence Info este o publicație trimestrială din domeniile intelligence, geopolitică și securitate, și domenii conexe de studiu și practică. -/- Cuprins: -/- EDITORIALE / EDITORIALS -/- Tiberiu TĂNASE Considerații privind necesitatea educării și formării resursei umane pentru intelligence–ul național Considerations regarding the need to educate and train human resources for national intelligence Nicolae SFETCU Epistemologia activității de intelligence Epistemology of intelligence Nicolae SFETCU Rolul serviciilor de informații în război The role of the intelligence agencies in a war Nicolae SFETCU (...)
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    Emerging Trends in Cybersecurity: Navigating the Future of Digital Protection.Anumiti Jat - 2024 - Idea of Spectrum 1 (12):1-7.
    The increasing sophistication of cyber threats necessitates innovative and proactive cybersecurity measures. This paper explores the latest trends in cybersecurity, focusing on the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Zero Trust security, and blockchain technology. A review of the literature highlights significant advancements and persistent challenges, including the security of Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems and human-centric vulnerabilities. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of machine learning-based intrusion detection systems and Zero Trust implementation in a simulated environment. Results (...)
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  8. Animals, advance directives, and prudence: Should we let the cheerfully demented die?David Limbaugh - 2016 - Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 2 (4):481-489.
    A high level of confidence in the identity of individuals is required to let them die as ordered by an advance directive. Thus, if we are animalists, then we should lack the confidence required to apply lethal advance directives to the cheerfully demented, or so I argue. In short, there is consensus among animalists that the best way to avoid serious objections to their account is to adopt an ontology that denies the existence of brains, hands, tables, chairs, iced-tea, and (...)
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  9. Advanced Modalizing Problems.Mark Jago - 2016 - Mind 125 (499):627-642.
    I present an internal problem for David Lewis’s genuine modal realism. My aim is to show that his analysis of modality is inconsistent with his metaphysics. I consider several ways of modifying the Lewisian analysis of modality, but argue that none are successful. I argue that the problem also affects theories related to genuine modal realism, including the stage theory of persistence and modal fictionalism.
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  10. Epistemic selectivity, historical threats, and the non-epistemic tenets of scientific realism.Timothy D. Lyons - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3203-3219.
    The scientific realism debate has now reached an entirely new level of sophistication. Faced with increasingly focused challenges, epistemic scientific realists have appropriately revised their basic meta-hypothesis that successful scientific theories are approximately true: they have emphasized criteria that render realism far more selective and, so, plausible. As a framework for discussion, I use what I take to be the most influential current variant of selective epistemic realism, deployment realism. Toward the identification of new case studies that challenge this form (...)
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    Advancements in microbial-mediated radioactive waste bioremediation: A review.Chuck Chuan Ng - 2024 - Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 280 (December 2024):107530.
    The global production of radioactive wastes is expected to increase in the coming years as more countries have resorted to adopting nuclear power to decrease their reliance on fossil-fuel-generated energy. Discoveries of remediation methods that can remove radionuclides from radioactive wastes, including those discharged to the environment, are therefore vital to reduce risks-upon-exposure radionuclides posed to humans and wildlife. Among various remediation approaches available, microbe-mediated radionuclide remediation have limited reviews regarding their advances. This review provides an overview of the sources (...)
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  12. Pascal's Wager and the persistent vegetative state.Jim Stone - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (2):84–92.
    I argue that a version of Pascal's Wager applies to the persistent vegetative state with sufficient force that it ought to part of advance directives.
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  13. Advanced Attribute-Based Keyword Search for Secure Cloud Data Storage Solutions.S. Yoheswari - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):350-360.
    This paper delves into the integration of optimization techniques within ABKS to enhance search efficiency and data security in cloud storage environments. We explore various optimization strategies, such as index compression, query processing enhancement, and encryption optimization, which aim to reduce computational overhead while maintaining robust security measures. Through a comprehensive analysis, the paper illustrates how these techniques can significantly improve the performance of cloud storage systems, ensuring both security and usability. Experimental results demonstrate that optimized ABKS not only accelerates (...)
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  14.  26
    Advanced Deep Learning Models for Proactive Malware Detection in Cybersecurity Systems.A. Manoj Prabharan - 2023 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):666-676.
    By leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and transformers, this research presents an intelligent malware detection framework capable of identifying both known and zero-day threats. The methodology involves feature extraction from static, dynamic, and hybrid malware datasets, followed by training DL models to classify malicious and benign software with high precision. A robust experimental setup evaluates the framework using benchmark malware datasets, yielding a 96% detection accuracy and demonstrating resilience against adversarial attacks. Real-time analysis capabilities further (...)
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  15. EFFICIENT STRATEGIES FOR SEAMLESS CLOUD MIGRATIONS USING ADVANCED DEPLOYMENT AUTOMATIONS.Tummalachervu Chaitanya Kanth - 2023 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 4 (1):61-70.
    The increasing complexity and scale of modern computing needs have led to the development and adoption of cloud computing as a ubiquitous paradigm for data storage and processing. The hybrid cloud model, which combines both public and private cloud infrastructures, has been particularly appealing to organizations that require both the scalability offered by public clouds and the security features of private clouds. Various strategies for configuring and managing resources have been developed to optimize the hybrid cloud environment. These strategies aim (...)
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  16. A MACRO-SHIFTED FUTURE: PREFERRED OR ACCIDENTALLY POSSIBLE IN THE CONTEXT OF ADVANCES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.Albert Efimov - 2023 - In Наука и феномен человека в эпоху цивилизационного Макросдвига. Moscow: pp. 748.
    This article is devoted to the topical aspects of the transformation of society, science, and man in the context of E. László’s work «Macroshift». The author offers his own attempt to consider the attributes of macroshift and then use these attributes to operationalize further analysis, highlighting three essential elements: the world has come to a situation of technological indistinguishability between the natural and the artificial, to machines that know everything about humans. Antiquity aspired to beauty and saw beauty in realistic (...)
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  17. Forgiving Grave Wrongs.Alisa L. Carse & Lynne Tirrell - 2010 - In Christopher R. Allers & Marieke Smit (eds.), Forgiveness In Perspective. Rodopi Press. pp. 66--43.
    We introduce what we call the Emergent Model of forgiving, which is a process-based relational model conceptualizing forgiving as moral and normative repair in the wake of grave wrongs. In cases of grave wrongs, which shatter the victim’s life, the Classical Model of transactional forgiveness falls short of illuminating how genuine forgiveness can be achieved. In a climate of persistent threat and distrust, expressions of remorse, rituals and gestures of apology, and acts of reparation are unable to secure the (...)
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  18. ¿Yo soy una persona?David Villena Saldaña - 2010 - Analítica 4 (4):55-67.
    The persistence problem in relation to us is usually approached from a point of view that gives priority to psychological continuity. My goal in this paper is to advance an argument against it. In order to do so, I start defining the notion of identity and showing the problems that arise from the concept of diachronic identity. Psychological continuity as a criterion of identity for things like us emerges in this context. And, since the mental supervenes on the physical, those (...)
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  19. Privacy, Autonomy, and Personalised targeting: Rethinking How Personal Data is Used.Karina Vold & Jessica Whittlestone - 2020 - In Carissa Veliz (ed.), Report on Data, Privacy, and the Individual in the Digital Age.
    Technological advances are bringing new light to privacy issues and changing the reasons for why privacy is important. These advances have changed not only the kind of personal data that is available to be collected, but also how that personal data can be used by those who have access to it. We are particularly concerned with how information about personal attributes inferred from collected data (such as online behaviour), can be used to tailor messages and services to specific individuals or (...)
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  20. Automated Influence and the Challenge of Cognitive Security.Sarah Rajtmajer & Daniel Susser - forthcoming - HoTSoS: ACM Symposium on Hot Topics in the Science of Security.
    Advances in AI are powering increasingly precise and widespread computational propaganda, posing serious threats to national security. The military and intelligence communities are starting to discuss ways to engage in this space, but the path forward is still unclear. These developments raise pressing ethical questions, about which existing ethics frameworks are silent. Understanding these challenges through the lens of “cognitive security,” we argue, offers a promising approach.
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  21. Material Contribution, Responsibility, and Liability.Christian Barry - 2018 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 15 (6):637-650.
    In her inventive and tightly argued book Defensive Killing, Helen Frowe defends the view that bystanders—those who do not pose threats to others—cannot be liable to being harmed in self-defence or in defence of others. On her account, harming bystanders always infringes their rights against being harmed, since they have not acted in any way to forfeit them. According to Frowe, harming bystanders can be justified only when it constitutes a lesser evil. In this brief essay, I make the (...)
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    Human mediation should be a non-factor in hybridization and conservation.Derek Halm - 2024 - Conservation Science and Practice 6 (6):e13148.
    Hybridization by introgression (“hybridization”) is a complex topic in conservation. Many conservation decision-makers are concerned about hybridization by introgression because it may threaten species persistence or local phenotypes, among other potential long-term problems. While attitudes have changed towards hybridization as a conservation threat, there are still concerns about hybridization as a problem, particularly if the hybridization was anthropogenically mediated. I propose that these concerns are overblown and that it is misguided to focus on whether hybridization is unintentionally human-mediated. I argue (...)
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  23. Internal Instability as a Security Challenge for Vietnam.Nguyen Hoang Tien, Nguyen Van Tien, Rewel Jimenez Santural Jose, Nguyen Minh Duc & Nguyen Minh Ngoc - 2020 - Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 55 (4):1-13.
    National security is one of the most critical elements for Vietnam society, economy and political system, their stability, sustainability and prosperity. It is unconditionally the top priority for Vietnamese government, State, Communist Party and military forces. In the contemporary world with advanced technology and rapid globalization process taking place, beside many extant economic, social and political benefits there are many appearing challenges and threats that could endanger and destabilize the current socio-economic and political system of any country, including (...)
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  24. Heidegger's 'Black Notebooks' - The Occlusion of the Political.Sacha Golob - 2018 - In David Espinet, Günter Figal, Tobias Keiling & Nikola Mirković (eds.), Heideggers „Schwarze Hefte“ im Kontext. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. pp. 137-155.
    This paper aims to advance our understanding of Heidegger's politics as it is laid bare within the 'Schwarze Hefte'. Yet my interest is not in Heidegger's first order political views, but rather in his conception of the political sphere per se. Beginning from a close analysis of the earliest volume of the notebooks, Gesamtausgabe Bd.94, I suggest that the dominant characterisation of the political space within Heidegger's text is as a threat-to philosophy and to ontology. Underlying that characterisation, however, it (...)
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  25. Towards a Hybrid Theory of Legal Statements.Michał Wieczorkowski - manuscript
    This paper advances a novel hybrid theory addressing a fundamental puzzle in legal philosophy: how legal statements can simultaneously have both cognitive and practical features. Drawing on contemporary developments in metaethics and philosophy of language, we argue that legal statements express both beliefs and desire-like attitudes. My analysis yields three key findings. First, I demonstrate that within any given legal system, the descriptive content of legal statements remains invariant across different contexts of use and assessment – a feature that explains (...)
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    Assessing Cybercrime Syndicates: Understanding ‘Black Axe’ Confraternity and Cybercriminal Networks in Business Email Compromise (BEC) Scams.Suleman Lazarus - 2024 - Public Sector Counter Fraud Journal 1 (14):24-26.
    Cybercrime is a global threat affecting both public and private sectors. Business email compromise (BEC) is one of the most advanced and lucrative forms of cybercrime, exploiting vulnerabilities in corporate email systems to facilitate unauthorised financial transactions. Organisations worldwide suffer substantial losses from these attacks. This article explores the connection between Black Axe and BEC scams, providing insights into how public sector organisations can better combat these sophisticated criminal networks.
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    Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Framework for Detecting Security Attacks in Internet of Things.Jones Serena - manuscript
    The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed various industries by enabling smart environments and improving operational efficiencies. However, this expansion has introduced numerous security vulnerabilities, making IoT systems prime targets for cyberattacks. This paper proposes a machine learning-based intrusion detection framework tailored to the unique characteristics of IoT environments. The framework leverages feature engineering, advanced machine learning algorithms, and real-time anomaly detection to identify and mitigate security threats effectively. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the (...)
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  28. The Structures of Temporally Extended Agents.Luca Ferrero - 2022 - In Carla Bagnoli (ed.), Time in Action: The Temporal Structure of Rational Agency and Practical Thought. New York: Routledge. pp. 108-132.
    This paper offers an overview of the ways agents might extend over time and the characteristic structure of extended human agency. Agency can extend in two distinct but combinable modes: the ontological, which gives rise to simple continuous agents; and the conceptual, which gives rise to agents who conceive of and care about distal times, and have minimal planning abilities. Our extended form of agency combines both. But we are still limited by the temporal locality in the operation of our (...)
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  29. Quantum Entanglement, Bohmian Mechanics, and Humean Supervenience.Elizabeth Miller - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (3):567-583.
    David Lewis is a natural target for those who believe that findings in quantum physics threaten the tenability of traditional metaphysical reductionism. Such philosophers point to allegedly holistic entities they take both to be the subjects of some claims of quantum mechanics and to be incompatible with Lewisian metaphysics. According to one popular argument, the non-separability argument from quantum entanglement, any realist interpretation of quantum theory is straightforwardly inconsistent with the reductive conviction that the complete physical state of the world (...)
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  30. Not what I expected: Feeling of surprise differentially mediates effect of personal control on attributions of free will and responsibility.Samuel Murray & Thomas Nadelhoffer - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-25.
    Some have argued that advances in the science of human decision-making, particularly research on automaticity and unconscious priming, would ultimately thwart our commonsense understanding of free will and moral responsibility. Do people interpret this research as a threat to their self-understanding as free and responsible agents? We approached this question by seeing how feelings of surprise mediate the relationship between personal sense of control and third-personal attributions of free will and responsibility. Across three studies (N = 1,516) we found that (...)
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  31. Would Disagreement Undermine Progress?Finnur Dellsén, Insa Lawler & James Norton - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy 120 (3):139-172.
    In recent years, several philosophers have argued that their discipline makes no progress (or not enough in comparison to the “hard sciences”). A key argument for this pessimistic position appeals to the purported fact that philosophers widely and systematically disagree on most major philosophical issues. In this paper, we take a step back from the debate about progress in philosophy specifically and consider the general question: How (if at all) would disagreement within a discipline undermine that discipline’s progress? We reject (...)
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  32. Rethinking the Redlines Against AI Existential Risks.Yi Zeng, Xin Guan, Enmeng Lu & Jinyu Fan - manuscript
    The ongoing evolution of advanced AI systems will have profound, enduring, and significant impacts on human existence that must not be overlooked. These impacts range from empowering humanity to achieve unprecedented transcendence to potentially causing catastrophic threats to our existence. To proactively and preventively mitigate these potential threats, it is crucial to establish clear redlines to prevent AI-induced existential risks by constraining and regulating advanced AI and their related AI actors. This paper explores different concepts of (...)
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  33. Personal Identity, Direction of Change, and Neuroethics.Kevin Patrick Tobia - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (1):37-43.
    The personal identity relation is of great interest to philosophers, who often consider fictional scenarios to test what features seem to make persons persist through time. But often real examples of neuroscientific interest also provide important tests of personal identity. One such example is the case of Phineas Gage – or at least the story often told about Phineas Gage. Many cite Gage’s story as example of severed personal identity; Phineas underwent such a tremendous change that Gage “survived as a (...)
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  34. Hunting For Humans: On Slavery as the Basis of the Emergence of the US as the World’s First Super Industrial State or Technocracy and its Deployment of Cutting-Edge Computing/Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Predictive Analytics, and Drones towards the Repression of Dissent.Miron Clay-Gilmore - manuscript
    This essay argues that Huey Newton’s philosophical explanation of US empire fills an epistemological gap in our thinking that provides us with a basis for understanding the emergence and operational application of predictive policing, Big Data, cutting-edge surveillance programs, and semi-autonomous weapons by US military and policing apparati to maintain control over racialized populations historically and in the (still ongoing) Global War on Terror today – a phenomenon that Black Studies scholars and Black philosophers alike have yet to demonstrate the (...)
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  35. Will Life Be Worth Living in a World Without Work? Technological Unemployment and the Meaning of Life.John Danaher - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):41-64.
    Suppose we are about to enter an era of increasing technological unemployment. What implications does this have for society? Two distinct ethical/social issues would seem to arise. The first is one of distributive justice: how will the efficiency gains from automated labour be distributed through society? The second is one of personal fulfillment and meaning: if people no longer have to work, what will they do with their lives? In this article, I set aside the first issue and focus on (...)
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  36. Epigenetic Information-Body Interaction and Information-Assisted Evolution from the Perspective of the Informational Model of Consciousness.Florin Gaiseanu - 2019 - Archives in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology 2 (2):1-6.
    Introduction: the objective of this investigation is to analyses the advances of understanding in the epigenetic processes and to extract conclusions concerning the information-based evolution from the perspective of the Informational Model of Consciousness (IMC). Analysis of epigenetic mechanisms: it is shown that the study of the epigenetic mechanisms are of increasing interest not only to discover the responsible mechanisms of some diseases, but also to observe the acquisition and transmission mechanisms of some traits to the next generation/ transgenerations, without (...)
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  37. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Poverty Measurement, Epistemic Injustices and Social Activism.Valentin Beck, Henning Hahn & Robert Lepenies - 2020 - In Valentin Beck, Henning Hahn & Robert Lepenies (eds.), Dimensions of Poverty: Measurement, Epistemic Injustices, Activism. Springer Nature. pp. 1-20.
    As we enter the 2020s, global poverty is still a grave and persistent problem. Alleviating and eradicating poverty within and across the world’s societies requires a thorough understanding of its nature and extent. Although economists still standardly measure absolute and relative poverty in monetary terms, a consensus is emerging that poverty is a socially relational problem involving deprivations in multiple dimensions, including health, standard of living, education and political participation. The anthology Dimensions of Poverty advances the interdisciplinary debate on (...)
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  38. Synthetic Health Data: Real Ethical Promise and Peril.Daniel Susser, Daniel S. Schiff, Sara Gerke, Laura Y. Cabrera, I. Glenn Cohen, Megan Doerr, Jordan Harrod, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Jasmine McNealy, Michelle N. Meyer, W. Nicholson Price & Jennifer K. Wagner - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (5):8-13.
    Researchers and practitioners are increasingly using machine‐generated synthetic data as a tool for advancing health science and practice, by expanding access to health data while—potentially—mitigating privacy and related ethical concerns around data sharing. While using synthetic data in this way holds promise, we argue that it also raises significant ethical, legal, and policy concerns, including persistent privacy and security problems, accuracy and reliability issues, worries about fairness and bias, and new regulatory challenges. The virtue of synthetic data is often (...)
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    Cloud-Based Secure Storage: A Framework for Efficient Encryption, Decryption, and Data Dispersion.M. Arul Selvan - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):427-434.
    The exponential growth of cloud storage has necessitated advanced security measures to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access. Traditional encryption methods provide a layer of security, but they often lack the robustness needed to address emerging threats. This paper introduces an optimized framework for secure cloud storage that integrates data encryption, decryption, and dispersion using cutting-edge optimization techniques. The proposed model enhances data security by first encrypting the data, then dispersing it across multiple cloud servers, ensuring that no (...)
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  40. Destiny or Free Will Decision? A Life Overview from the Perspective of an Informational Modeling of ConsciousnessPart II: Attitude and Decision Criteria, Free Will and Destiny.Florin Gaiseanu - 2018 - Gerontology and Geriatrics Studies 4 (1):1-7.
    As it was shown in the Part I of this work, the driving of our life is determined by series of YES/NO - type elemental decision, which is actually the information unit (Bit), so we operate actually in an informational mode. The informational analysis and modeling of consciousness reveals seven informational systems, reflected at the conscious level by the cognitive informational centers suggestively called Iknow (Ik - memory), Iwant (Iw - decision center), Iove (Il-emotions), Iam (Ia-body status), Icreate (Ic-informational genetic (...)
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  41. The Unity of Science and Transdisciplinarity: A new Agenda to Face Civilizational Problems (2nd edition).Heitor Matallo Junior - manuscript
    The text's objective is to show that the Western scientific tradition, since the pre-Socratics, has as one of its traits the search for a unitary and uni-versal system of knowledge. Since the modern age, many attempts have been directed toward the search for the unification of science, culminating in Neurath's analytical philosophy and efforts in cybernetics. These efforts reflected an epistemological expectation for the unity of science, seeking methods and languages that would allow such an achievement. But such an expectation (...)
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  42. Academic Freedom and the Duty of Care.Shannon Dea - 2024 - In Carl Fox & Joe Saunders (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Media Ethics. Routledge. pp. 56-68.
    This chapter offers a plea for the media to reframe its coverage of campus controversies from free expression to academic freedom. These freedoms are entwined, but distinct. Freedom of expression is extended to all persons with no expectation of quality control, apart from legal prohibitions against defamation, threats, etc. By contrast, academic freedom is a cluster of freedoms afforded to scholarly personnel for a particular purpose – namely, the pursuit of universities’ academic mission to seek truth and advance understanding (...)
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  43. The Severity of the Information Gap Problem for Epistocracy: On Gibbons’s Reply.María Pía Méndez - 2023 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 12 (10):47–52.
    Adam Gibbons (2022) holds, in response to my recent paper on epistocracy (Méndez 2022), that the severity of what I identify as a very relevant epistemic problem for epistocracy is overstated. What I call the Information Gap Problem refers to the gap of information that an elite electorate of well-informed citizens would experience, with regards to what epistocrats call ‘ill-informed’ lay citizens’ preferences. In that paper, I claimed that a group of highly qualified people could be better at determining the (...)
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  44. Bayesian Learning Models of Pain: A Call to Action.Abby Tabor & Christopher Burr - 2019 - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 26:54-61.
    Learning is fundamentally about action, enabling the successful navigation of a changing and uncertain environment. The experience of pain is central to this process, indicating the need for a change in action so as to mitigate potential threat to bodily integrity. This review considers the application of Bayesian models of learning in pain that inherently accommodate uncertainty and action, which, we shall propose are essential in understanding learning in both acute and persistent cases of pain.
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  45. Building enduring objects out of spacetime.Cody Gilmore - 2014 - In Claudio Calosi & Pierluigi Graziani (eds.), Mereology and the Sciences: Parts and Wholes in the Contemporary Scientific Context. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 5-34.
    Endurantism, the view that material objects are wholly present at each moment of their careers, is under threat from supersubstantivalism, the view that material objects are identical to spacetime regions. I discuss three compromise positions. They are alike in that they all take material objects to be composed of spacetime points or regions without being identical to any such point or region. They differ in whether they permit multilocation and in whether they generate cases of mereologically coincident entities.
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  46. Guilt, Blame, and Oppression: A Feminist Philosophy of Scapegoating.Celia Edell - 2022 - Dissertation, Mcgill University
    In this dissertation I develop a philosophical theory of scapegoating that explains the role of blame-shifting and guilt avoidance in the endurance of oppression. I argue that scapegoating masks and justifies oppression by shifting unwarranted blame onto marginalized groups and away from systems of oppression and those who benefit from them, such that people in dominant positions are less inclined to notice or challenge its workings. I first identify a gap in our understanding of oppression, namely how oppression endures despite (...)
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  47. Emotions and the body. Testing the subtraction argument.Rodrigo Díaz - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (1):47-65.
    Can we experience emotion without the feeling of accelerated heartbeats, perspiration, or other changes in the body? In his paper “What is an emotion”, William James famously claimed that “if we fancy some strong emotion and then try to abstract from our consciousness of it all the feelings of its bodily symptoms, we find we have nothing left behind” (1884, p. 193). Thus, bodily changes are essential to emotion. This is known as the Subtraction Argument. The Subtraction Argument is still (...)
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    An Integrated Framework for IoT Security: Combining Machine Learning and Signature-Based Approaches for Intrusion Detection.Yan Janet - manuscript
    Internet of Things (IoT) devices have transformed various industries, enabling advanced functionalities across domains such as healthcare, smart cities, and industrial automation. However, the increasing number of connected devices has raised significant concerns regarding their security. IoT networks are highly vulnerable to a wide range of cyber threats, making Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) critical for identifying and mitigating malicious activities. This paper proposes a hybrid approach for intrusion detection in IoT networks by combining Machine Learning (ML) techniques with (...)
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  49. Why AI will never rule the world (interview).Luke Dormehl, Jobst Landgrebe & Barry Smith - 2022 - Digital Trends.
    Call it the Skynet hypothesis, Artificial General Intelligence, or the advent of the Singularity — for years, AI experts and non-experts alike have fretted (and, for a small group, celebrated) the idea that artificial intelligence may one day become smarter than humans. -/- According to the theory, advances in AI — specifically of the machine learning type that’s able to take on new information and rewrite its code accordingly — will eventually catch up with the wetware of the biological brain. (...)
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  50. Imperium Romanum Nation-State.Pater Ciprian - manuscript
    This document articulates the foundational principles, legal frameworks, and strategic imperatives underpinning the establishment of Imperium Romanum a sovereign Digital Nation-State. It aims to provide a comprehensive analysis grounded in international relations, legal theory, economics, and historical prece- dents. The focus is on addressing the existential threats posed by blockchain technology, AI, social impact bonds, digital identification systems, and social engineering practices that collectively risk transforming individuals into un- witting digital subjects—a violation of international laws prohibiting unlawful imprisonment and (...)
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