Results for 'Alma Yulia Utami'

119 found
  1. The Role of Parental Involvement in Student Academic Outcomes.Alma Yulia Utami - 2022 - Journal of Education Review Provision 2 (1):17-21.
    It has been demonstrated that parental involvement in a student's academic life improves the student's performance. Assisting with schoolwork, joining in extracurriculars, and talking to teachers are all examples of ways to get involved in the classroom. Parents who are actively interested in their children's education have been linked to improved academic performance, improved school attendance, and increased participation in advanced courses. Increased parental participation has been linked to improved school attitudes and increased academic motivation in children. A student's academic (...)
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  2. Eksplorasi Pengaruh e-WOM Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Konsumen Richeese Factory).Puri Swastika Gusti Krisna Dewi, F. Nurcahyo, Andreas Bramantyo, Ronald Tehupuring, Yohana Deo Utami Silaban, Utari Srilestari, Yulia Krismael Lembu & Akhmad Fauzan - 2024 - Jurnal Penelitian Manajemen 2 (1):43-57.
    This research aims to explore the influence of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) on purchasing decisions using a case study of Richeese Factory consumers. The research uses a qualitative approach to uncover the factors that contribute to and strengthen consumer attitudes toward related products. Through in-depth interviews and analysis, this research aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of how e-WOM influences consumer perceptions and shapes the purchasing decision process. The results of this research suggest that Richeese Factory Kisamaun Tangerang has (...)
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    Analisis Etika Biomedis Terhadap Pasien Transgender dalam Mengakses Layanan Kesehatan di Yogyakarta.Rona Utami - 2020 - Jurnal Filsafat 30 (1):72-91.
    This research focuses on transgender patients discrimination in Yogyakarta in accessing healthcare services. There are two questions on this research: what is the obstacle faced by the transgender-patients in accessing healthcare services? How is the analysis of biomedical ethics seeing this issue? The results on this research are despite the fact they were not being discriminated in the hospital, they did not get the health insurance by the government because of the administrative issue which can not accommodate their gender choice. (...)
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  4. “The loss of experience” in digital age: Legal implications.Nataliia Satokhina & Yulia Razmetaeva - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 20:128-136.
    Exploring the history of our experience, Hannah Arendt reveals not only a radical transformation of its structure, but also the loss of experience as such and its replacement with technology. In order to identify the place of law in this process, we are trying to clarify the legal aspect of experience in terms of phenomenological hermeneutics and to trace its transformation in the digital age. The experience of law is thought of as one of the aspects of our mode of (...)
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  5. Bhaktivinoda Thakur in modern rational criticism of traditional beliefs.Yulia Fil & Nikolai Karpitsky - 2021 - Ad Verbum (Literally) (2):65–84.
    The article deals with the relationship between faith and rational knowledge in modern Gaudiya Vaishnavism. It is shown that the position of modern Vaishnavas regarding revelation and critical knowledge is defined in the books of the reformer of Gaudiya Vaishnavism Bhaktivinoda Thakur. The positions of modern teachers of Gaudiya Vaishnavism – Bhaktivendanta Sadhu Swami and Dandi Maharaja are explained, the importance of their position for the development of interreligious dialogue in modern conditions is shown. The points of contact between Gaudiya (...)
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    The new phase of science evolution is characterized by totality of subject and object of cognition and technology (high-hume). As a result, forming of network structure in a disciplinary matrix modern are «human dimensional» natural sciences and two paradigmal «nuclei» (attraktors). As a result, the complication of structure of disciplinary matrix and forming a few paradigm nuclei in modern «human dimensional» natural sciences are observed. In the process of social verification integration of scientific theories into the existent system of mental (...)
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  7. SOCIAL VERIFICATION – HUMAN DIMENSONS OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE AND HIGH-TECH (CASUS BIOETHICS). Part Two.Valentin Cheshko & Yulia Kosova - 2011 - Practical Philosophy 2:46-55.
    The new phase of science evolution is characterized by totality of subject and object of cognition and technology (high-hume). As a result, forming of network structure in a disciplinary matrix modern are «human dimensional» natural sciences and two paradigmal «nuclei» (attraktors). As a result, the complication of structure of disciplinary matrix and forming a few paradigm nuclei in modern «human dimensional» natural sciences are observed.
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  8. Evolutionary Semantics of Anthropogenesis and Bioethics of Nbic-Technologies.Valentin Cheshko, Yulia Kosova & Valery Glazko - 2015 - Biogeosystem Technique 5 (3):256-266.
    The co-evolutionary concept of tri-modal stable evolutionary strategy (SESH) of Homo sapiens is developed. The concept based on the principle of evolutionary complementarity of anthropogenesis: value of evolutionary risk and evolutionary path of human evolution are defined by descriptive (evolutionary efficiency) and creative-teleological (evolutionary correctness) parameters simultaneously, that cannot be instrumental reduced to others ones. Resulting volume of both parameters define the vectors of human evolution by two gear mechanism ˗ genetic and cultural co-evolution and techno-humanitarian balance. Explanatory model and (...)
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  9. SOCIAL VERIFICATION – HUMAN DIMENSONS OF THEORETICAL SCIENCE AND HIGH-TECH (CASUS BIOETHICS). Part One.Valentin Cheshko & Yulia Kosova - 2011 - Practical Philosophy 1:94-100.
    The new phase of science evolution is characterized by totality of subject and object of cognition and technology (high-hume). As a result, forming of network structure in a disciplinary matrix modern are «human dimensional» natural sciences and two paradigmal «nuclei» (attraktors). As a result, the complication of structure of disciplinary matrix and forming a few paradigm nuclei in modern «human dimensional» natural sciences are observed. In the process of social verification integration of scientific theories into the existent system of mental (...)
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  10. The semantics of transdisciplinary concepts of socio-natural co-evolution: a constructive utopia, social verification and evolutionary risk.Cheshko Valentin & Yulia Kosova - 2015 - In Teodor N. Țîrdea (ed.), Strategia supravie uirii din perspectiva bioeticii, filosofiei și medicinei. Culegere de articole științifice. Vol. 21 / Sub redacția prof. univrsitar, dr. hab. în filosofie . – Chișinău: Print-Caro. Print-Caro. pp. 112-116.
    The utopian character of modern scientific theories, with the human nature as a subject, is an inevitable consequence of the presence of an imperative component of transdisciplinary human dimensional scientific knowledge. Its social function is the adaptation of the descriptive component of the theory to the given socio-cultural type that simplifies the passage of the process of social verification of the theory. The genesis of bioethics can be seen as one of the basic premises for the actualization of the anthropic (...)
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  11. Karol Wojtyła on Participation and Alienation.Alma S. Espartinez - 2023 - Studia Gilsoniana 12 (1):33-59.
    This article examines Karol Wojtyła’s concept of participation and alienation by starting the discussion on his personalist anthropology, leading to his structure of the human community. Wojtyła’s personalist anthropology reveals to us the nature of the human person as a unique, unrepeatable personal subjectivity. According to Wojtyła, the human act takes us to the knowledge and understanding of the person’s interiority and simultaneously allows us to have a glimpse of the human person’s specific complexity. Then, I analyze the correlation between (...)
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  12. Bioethics: Reincarnation of Natural Philosophy in Modern Science.Valentin Teodorovich Cheshko, Valery I. Glazko & Yulia V. Kosova - 2017 - Biogeosystem Technique 4 (2):111-121.
    The theory of evolution of complex and comprising of human systems and algorithm for its constructing are the synthesis of evolutionary epistemology, philosophical anthropology and concrete scientific empirical basis in modern (transdisciplinary) science. «Trans-disciplinary» in the context is interpreted as a completely new epistemological situation, which is fraught with the initiation of a civilizational crisis. Philosophy and ideology of technogenic civilization is based on the possibility of unambiguous demarcation of public value and descriptive scientific discourses (1), and the object and (...)
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  13. Electronic governance technologies in the system of providing administrative services.Igor Britchenko & Yulia Danshina - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk (eds.), Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 281 - 295.
    The practice of using the term “electronic governance” does not differentiate the concepts of the subject of management, that is, the three branches of government, with forms, processes and technologies of governance, which is not correct, since the use of information technology in state activities is not a top priority. On the other hand, electronic governance technologies cannot be considered separately from the automated governance processes as well as electronic governance technologies are not a supplement or an analogue of the (...)
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  14. Thomas Hobbes and Thomas White on Identity and Discontinuous Existence.Han Thomas Adriaenssen & Sam Alma - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (3):429-454.
    Is it possible for an individual that has gone out of being to come back into being again? The English Aristotelian, Thomas White, argued that it is not. Thomas Hobbes disagreed, and used the case of the Ship of Theseus to argue that individuals that have gone out of being may come back into being again. This paper provides the first systematic account of their arguments. It is doubtful that Hobbes has a consistent case against White. Still his criticism may (...)
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  15. Academic Enablers to Success of Students with Hearing Impairment at the Undergraduate Level.Faisal Amjad & Almas Shoaib - 2024 - Pakistan Social Sciences Review 8 (2):298-310.
    This research examined the academic enablers that help undergraduate students wi hearing impairment (SWHI) succeed in higher education, addressing their uniq obstacles. SWHI students have unique academic challenges that need tailored interventio and support services to improve their education. Promoting diversity and academic succe in higher education requires understanding these obstacles and supports. A census samp of 30 SWHI undergraduates from a private institution was used for a quantitative stud Surveys in sign language were analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive and inferential (...)
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  16. The problem of estimation of evolutionary risk of High Tech in the concept of stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens.Valery Glazko, Valentin Cheshko & Yulia Kosova - 2013 - In Teodor N. Țîrdea (ed.), Strategia supravie uirii din perspectiva bioeticii, filosofiei și medicinei. Culegere de articole științifice. Vol. 3. Print-Caro. pp. 157-161.
    the problem of estimation of High Hume (NBIC) technogenic evolutionary risks is analysed as part of concept of 3-components evolutionary strategy of Homo sapiens.
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  17. (1 other version)Configuration of Stable Evolutionary Strategy of Homo Sapiens and Evolutionary Risks of Technological Civilization (the Conceptual Model Essay).Valentin T. Cheshko, Lida V. Ivanitskaya & Yulia V. Kosova - 2014 - Biogeosystem Technique, 1 (1):58-68.
    Stable evolutionary strategy of Homo sapiens (SESH) is built in accordance with the modular and hierarchical principle and consists of the same type of self-replicating elements, i.e. is a system of systems. On the top level of the organization of SESH is the superposition of genetic, social, cultural and techno-rationalistic complexes. The components of this triad differ in the mechanism of cycles of generation - replication - transmission - fixing/elimination of adoptively relevant information. This mechanism is implemented either in accordance (...)
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  18. Cognitive robot architectures: Proceedings of EUCognition 2016.Ron Chrisley, Vincent C. Müller, Yulia Sandamirskaya & Markus Vincze (eds.) - 2017 - Hamburg: CEUR-WS.
    The European Association for Cognitive Systems is the association resulting from the EUCog network, which has been active since 2006. It has ca. 1000 members and is currently chaired by Vincent C. Müller. We ran our annual conference on December 08-09 2016, kindly hosted by the Technical University of Vienna with Markus Vincze as local chair. The invited speakers were David Vernon and Paul F.M.J. Verschure. Out of the 49 submissions for the meeting, we accepted 18 a papers and 25 (...)
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  19. La adquisición del inglés por medio de las clases en línea en estudiantes de nivel superior del Complejo Regional Nororiental durante la pandemia de Covid-19.Alma Selma Esparragoza-Barragán, Abelardo Romero-Fernández, Laura Villanueva-Méndez, Morandin-Ahuerma Fabio & Guadalupe Guerrero-Vergara - 2022 - In Fabio Morandín-Ahuerma, Laura Villanueva-Méndez & Abelardo Romero-Fernández (eds.), Investigaciones regionales desde Puebla Nororiental. BUAP. pp. 155-172.
    Los autores presentan los resultados de un estudio con la participación de 445 estudiantes, titulado: «La adquisición del inglés por medio de las clases en línea en estudiantes de nivel superior del Complejo Regional Nororiental durante la pandemia de COVID-19»; en él, entre otras conclusiones, proponen dinamizar la práctica digital y flexibilizar los métodos de evaluación, puesto que la 25 Introducción interacción social en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera es imperativa para motivar a los estudiantes.
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  20. Neural bases of suicidal ideation and depression in young college students.Enrique López-Ramírez, Alma Dolores Pérez-Santiago, Marco Antonio Sánchez-Medina, Diana Matías-Pérez & Iván Antonio García-Montalvo - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychology 14:1141591.
    From our perspective, we believe that it is necessary to abandon the idea that all those who suffer from SI or SA are mentally ill, which causes them to be stigmatized and subjected to psychiatric treatment, when what they need is a different vision of life as well as adaptive strategies to employ a new philosophy. Public policies should consider implementing programs that reinforce cognitive flexibility in addition to character strengths.
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  21. Review Symposium. [REVIEW]Robert Archer, Helen Gunter, Alma Harris, Dean Fink & Michael Strain - 2002 - Educational Management and Administration 30 (3):327-350.
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    Alma, un concepto elemental para la esclavitud como institución social en la Colonia.Ábner Sándigo - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 56 (157):246-290.
    ESP: El concepto de alma en las filosofías de Platón y Aristóteles, por la posición que ocupa en sus argumentos relativos a la esclavitud, fue central para la estructura ideológica sobre la que se sostuvo la institución esclavista durante la Colonia. Será importante remitirnos, en un primer momento, al estudio de Erwin Rohde sobre este concepto, para examinar la materialidad del hálito y plantear una relación entre la mirada y la configuración de imaginarios. Posteriormente, examinaremos el lugar que tiene (...)
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  23. Alma, Mundo, Deus: A Metafísica Fenomenologicamente Reduzida.Marcelo Fabri - 2019 - Basilíade - Revista de Filosofia 1 (1):25-39.
    Sendo a fenomenologia um modo não-especulativo de pensar, o artigo põe a questão sobre a possibilidade de descrever a metafísica em regime de redução fenomenológica, ou seja, a partir de uma atitude que não pretende discursar sobre o ser enquanto ser, mas sim a partir dos diferentes “modos de aparecer” dos principais “objetos” da metafísica: alma, mundo e Deus. Neste caso, que sentido deverá possuir, para o modo fenomenológico de pensar, o metá, presente na palavra metafísica?
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  24. A Alma da (e na) Geografia Física de Kant.Leonardo Rennó Ribeiro Santos - 2020 - Doispontos 17 (1).
    O presente artigo examina a natureza da investigação antropológica que Kant executou nos seus cursos sobre geografia física. Se, por um lado, a sua relação com a física empírica é assegurada, por outro, a incorporação de ambos os objetos do sentido interno, alma e ser humano, na abordagem cosmológica da investigação empírica da natureza humana gera questionamentos sobre a articulação disciplinar e metodológica pressupostas no Conhecimento do Mundo. Será mostrado que a investigação antropológica de Kant desde o início procurou (...)
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  25. Da imortalidade da alma e outros textos póstumos, de David Hume - Apresentação.Jaimir Conte - 2006 - Ijuí, RS, 98700-000, Brasil: Editora da Unijuí.
    Apresentação da tradução para o português de três textos póstumos do filósofo e historiador escocês David Hume (1711-1776): os ensaios “Da imortalidade da alma” e “Do suicídio”, e a autobiografia “Minha vida”. O livro Inclui também a tradução dois relatos sobre os últimos dias de Hume: a “Carta a William Strahan”, de Adam Smith, e a “Última entrevista com David Hume”, de James Boswell. - Hume, David. Da imortalidade da alma e outros textos póstumos. Tradução: Jaimir Conte, Davi (...)
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  26. La divisibilidad del alma en la psicología de Aristóteles. ¿Es posible conciliar el hilemorfismo y el cardiocentrismo?César Augusto Mora Alonso - 2018 - Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Griegos E Indoeuropeos 28:129-139.
    El propósito de este trabajo consiste en destacar el papel central que tiene el problema de la divisibilidad del alma en los dos enfoques bajo los que se presenta la investigación psicológica aristotélica: el hilemórfico y el cardiocéntrico. Mientras que el primero sostiene que el alma es la forma o esencia del cuerpo entero, el segundo aboga por la localización del alma en el corazón, pues asegura que allí se manifiestan los principios de las partes o facultades (...)
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  27. Del Alma y el individuo particularmente cualificado en el pensamiento estoico.Nicolás Antonio Rojas Cortés - 2019 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14.
    Dado el particular modo de explicar la realidad que tienen los estoicos, existe una categorı́a especı́fica para referir a la descripción de una realidad que podrı́amos considerar individualy diferentea otras; me refiero a lo que ellos mentaban con las palabras ἰδίως ποιός, que traducimos como individuo particularmente cualificado. Esta categorı́a cualifica a una entidad en cuanto especı́fica y particular. Sin embargo, en un contexto donde lo corpóreo refiere a todo lo que es, es fácil identificar apresuradamente lo corpóreo con lo (...)
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  28. LA ESTRATEGIA DEL ALMA TRIPARTITA-THE STRATEGY OF THE TRIPARTITE SOUL.Jesús Antonio Marcos - 2020 - Estudios Filosóficos 69 (202):481-505.
    Abstract: Our soul, as Plato proposed, responds to the nature, functions and interaction of the three parts of which it is composed, without this preventing it from possessing a unitary character. His model of psychism respected the universal perception of the diversity of soul entities, but, by using the tools provided by Greek thought, he turned them into components of a process of opposition and dialectical ascent that reproduced within man the structure of the cosmos. The triangular systems of Aristotle, (...)
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    “Una sola alma”: la amistad en la filosofía antigua.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2024 - In Eva Ordóñez Olmedo & David Torrijos-Castrillejo (eds.), Amistad: filosofía y teología de una vivencia. Berlin: Peter Lang. pp. 29-51.
    Friendship is a notion that runs through the thought of different ancient philosophers and has the peculiar characteristic of being held in high esteem almost unanimously by all. Although there are earlier precedents, for Socrates friendship takes on great importance and his disciple Plato provides deep reflections on the subject, linking friendship with transcendence. However, the pages of Aristotle's 'Nicomachean Ethics' on this subject are undoubtedly the most influential for posterity. For him, friendship has many variants, although he privileges over (...)
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  30. Alma e movimento em Aristóteles.Francisco Moraes - 2019 - Anais de Filosofia Clássica 13 (25):21-42.
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  31. ¿Qué es el alma?Salvador Sánchez Melgar - manuscript
    In this article I briefly explain what souls are. Which are in everything that exists; They are possessed by people, animals, plants, non-living matter and any type of energetic existence. But only those that have evolved into living matter can be living souls; Furthermore, these must belong to an order such as the living evolutionary order. At the same time that everything evolves, the souls of everything also evolve, because everything is mathematically hierarchical through the evolutions of all the souls. (...)
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  32. Da imaterialidade da alma: a desconstrução mais incisiva de Hume de um pressuposto metafísico.Marcos Seneda - 2016 - Ensaios Sobre a Filosofia de Hume.
    Da imaterialidade da alma: a desconstrução mais incisiva de Hume de um pressuposto metafísico .
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  33. Gustav Fechner e a Alma do Mundo.Marcio Miotto - 2020 - Revista Helius 3 (2):852-906.
    O presente trabalho pretende delinear a noção de Panpsiquismo no projeto filosófico de Gustav Theodor Fechner, especialmente a partir da análise do livro Über die Seelenfrage, de 1861. Para isso, o artigo repõe em linhas gerais a questão das relações entre seu projeto filosófico e a Psicofísica, uma vez que as interpretações clássicas sobre Fechner geralmente enxergam essas duas competências como separadas. Em segundo lugar, o artigo situa questões históricas sobre Fechner e a Psicologia (e sobre filosofia e ciência), bem (...)
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  34. Sobre o Hílemorfismo: corpo e alma como condição de possibilidade do viver.Suelen Pereira da Cunha - 2016 - Clareira: Revista de Filosofia da Região Amazônica 3 (2):22-34.
    O presente trabalho visa demonstrar como a relação entre corpo e alma são indispensáveis para o viver. Para tanto, considera a tese de que o ser animado é uma substância composta de matéria e forma, que também pode ser analisada sob a perspectiva de potência e ato. Neste sentido, o trabalho inicia com a compreensão sobre o que é uma substância, qual tipo de substância é o ser vivo para, em seguida, mediante as definições de alma presentes no (...)
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  35. Os Sofrimentos da Alma: As Paixões sob a Perspectiva do Estoicismo ( The sufferings of the Soul: The passions under the Stoicism perspective ).Diogo Luz - 2019 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 26 (49):109-132.
    Resumo: Neste artigo exploramos a concepção estoica de πάθος, suas causas e consequências. Inicialmente abordamos o modo como as paixões se encaixam na ética estoica, uma vez que elas se mostram como impedimentos para aquele que quer viver melhor. Logo depois, analisamos os debates realizados no seio da escola, os acréscimos e os aperfeiçoamentos teóricos. Por fim, mostramos a distinção entre πάθη, προπάθειαι e εὐπαθεῖαι, pois isso propicia uma melhor compreensão da dimensão emocional da psicologia da Stoa, servindo principalmente para (...)
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  36. Relações entre a noção de “cuidado-da-alma” e o “conhecimento de si” no Primeiro Alcibíades.Marcos Sidnei Pagotto-Euzebio - 2017 - Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 38 (1):93-108.
    O artigo busca apresentar as relações entre as exigências de cuidado-da-alma e a necessidade do conhecimento-de-si presentes no diálogo platônico Primeiro Alcibíades, indicando a forte ligação de tal aperfeiçoamento de si com o da pólis. Também as dimensões erótica, teológica, ética e política se encontram firmemente unidas no diálogo, visto que a formação do homem político exige o vínculo entre discípulo e mestre, sendo este o guia em direção ao reconhecimento da divindade, pois conhecer-se significa, ao final, conhecer a (...)
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  37. Necesidad y posibilidad del alma humana como sustancia según Tomas de Aquino.Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov - 2013 - Brasiliensis 2 (4):119-146.
    Through an analysis of a part of Thomas’ arguments on the rational soul’s subsistence, the article exposes the reasons why it is necessary and possible to affirm that the human soul is a substance in its proper sense, even if it does not have the entire human essence when it subsists apart from the body. Thus the article intends to answer a question raised by B.C. Bazán. The analysis is articulated applying the principle nihil agit nisi secundum quod est actu (...)
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  38. O autoconhecimento da alma em Tomás de Aquino.Marcelo Pereira de Andrade - 2013 - Dissertation, Puc-Sp, Brazil
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  39. Ecologia da Alma.Juracy Marques (ed.) - 2012 - FACAPE.
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  40. A Noção de Alma no De Anima de Aristóteles.Douglas Vieira Ramalho - 2017 - Dissertation, Ufrj, Brazil
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  41. A Simplicidade da Alma Entre o Fédon, a República e o Timeu de Platão.Leonardo Iorio Cattaneo - 2023 - Dissertation, Federal University of Paraná
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  42. A Imortalidade da Alma na obra do Rabino Mosseh Rephael d'Aguilar.Ivy Judensnaider Knijnik - 2005 - Dissertation, Puc-Sp, Brazil
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  43. Desafíos del transhumanismo en la educación del siglo XXI: el alma de la democracia contra las cuerdas / Challenges of transhumanism in 21st century education: the soul of democracy on the ropes.Paloma Castillo - 2023 - Revista Complutense de Educación 34 (2):347-356.
    INTRODUCTION. Today's fervent scientific and technological development needs to be governed by human values. Pedagogical and transhumanist discourses respond jointly to this purpose, in the face of a society that is in danger of both the abuse of progress and the renunciation of it. However, among the challenges of transhumanism are the possibilities of changing the most genuine condition of humanity. The deepest longings and the most important achievements require a controversial act of discernment present in every corner of current (...)
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  44. La alegoría del carro del alma en Platón y en la Kaṭha Upaniṣad.Paolo Magnone - 2012 - In G. Rodriguez (ed.), Textos y contextos (II). Exégesis y hermenéutica de obras tardoantiguas y medievales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. pp. 87-126.
    [The Soul Chariot Allegory in Plato and the Kaṭha Upaniṣad].
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  45. Un problema metafísico en la filosofía de Catharine Trotter Cockburn: el espacio, el alma y la jerarquía de seres / A metaphysical problem in the philosophy of Catharine Trotter Cockburn: space, the soul and the hierarchy of beings.Sofía Beatriz Calvente - 2023 - Thémata Revista de Filosofía 67 (67):139-161.
    Catharine Trotter Cockburn’s metaphysics dissolves the necessary relationship between immateriality, immortality and thought. While in her youth this leads her to admit the possibility of thinking matter, in her mature work, it allows her to conceive space as non-thinking immaterial substance that links non-thinking material substance and thinking immaterial substance. To ground this conception of space, she draws on the thesis of the great chain of being. However, the possibility of thinking matter is not consistent with the hierarchy of beings, (...)
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  46. A caminho de uma filosofia sem alma. Uma abordagem psicofísica sobre a crítica da subjectividade de Nietzsche.Pietro Gori - 2017 - Cadernos Nietzsche 38 (2):13-35.
    Friedrich Nietzsche’s criticism towards the substance-concept “I” plays an important role in his thought, and can be properly understood by making reference to the 19th century debate on the scientific psychology. Friedrich Lange and Ernst Mach gave an important contribution to that debate. Both of them thought about a “psychology without soul”, that is, an investigation that gives up with the old metaphysics of substance in dealing with the mind-body problem. In this paper I shall deal with Lange’s and Mach’s (...)
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  47. El problema del nominalismo en la definición spinozista del alma [The Problem of Nominalism in the Spinozistic Definition of the Soul].Rodrigo Braicovich - 2008 - Dianoia 53 (60):113-140.
    La respuesta que demos a la problemática del nominalismo en la obra de Baruch Spinoza determina en forma decisiva las posibilidades de responder satisfactoriamente a la pregunta por la naturaleza humana. Dictaminar (junto con numerosos intérpretes contemporáneos) que el spinozismo se construye sin concesiones sobre principios nominalistas, implica sustraer todo fundamento ontológico a las consideraciones acerca de la natura humana, piedra de toque de la deducción spinozista de los afectos y de las estrategias terapéuticas que señalan el camino hacia la (...)
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  48. Soma kai Psuche: a Relação entre Corpo e Alma em Aristóteles.Lucas Pereira De Araújo Pedrosa - 2020 - Pandora Brasil 105:1-50.
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  49. A relação entre a Alma e o Cuidado de Si no Alcibíades I de Platão.Luiz Felipe da Silva Carvalho - 2015 - Dissertation, Uff, Brazil
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  50. Kátharsis e Psyché: A Purificação como Salvação da Alma no Fédon de Platão.André Miranda Decotelli da Silva - 2014 - Dissertation, Uff, Brazil
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